December 2014, Volume 22, Issue 12
- 2620-2638 Adaptive Capacities of Spatial Planning in the Context of Climate Change in the European Alps
by Sylvia Kruse & Marco Pütz - 2639-2655 Flirting with Amsterdam: Reorganizing the Dutch Broadcasting Industry in Hilversum
by Rogier van der Groep - 2656-2658 Garden Suburbs of Tomorrow? A New Future for the Cottage Estates
by Katrin B. Anacker
November 2014, Volume 22, Issue 11
- 2213-2230 Spatial Reflections of Population Movements in Gokceada and Sustainable Tourism
by Sibel Ecemis Kilic & Muhammed Aydogan - 2231-2247 Facilitation in Community Development. Twenty-Five Years of Experience in Rural Territories in Cuenca, Spain
by José M. Díaz-Puente & Francisco J. Gallego & Pablo Vidueira & María J. Fernández - 2248-2267 Romanian Spatial Planning System: Post-Communist Dynamics of Change and Europeanization Processes
by Mircea Munteanu & Loris Servillo - 2268-2286 "Sometimes Climate Adaptation is Politically Correct": A Case Study of Planners and Politicians Negotiating Climate Adaptation in Waterfront Spatial Planning
by Sofie Storbjörk & Mattias Hjerpe - 2287-2304 Evolution of Innovation Policy in Emilia-Romagna and Valencia: Similar Reality, Similar Results?
by Manuel López-estornell & David Barberá-tomás & Andrés García-reche & Francisco Mas-verdú - 2305-2325 Combining Knowledge from Different Sources, Channels and Geographical Scales
by Markus Grillitsch & Michaela Trippl - 2326-2350 European Corridors as Carriers of Dynamic Agglomeration Externalities?
by Patrick Witte & Frank Van Oort & Bart Wiegmans & Tejo Spit - 2351-2368 Space of Creative Industries: A Case Study of Spatial Characteristics of Creative Clusters in Shanghai
by Jin-Liao He & Hans Gebhardt - 2369-2388 Physical Planning in Entrepreneurial Urban Governance-Experiences from the Bo01 and Brunnshög Projects, Sweden
by Ana Mafalda Madureira - 2389-2410 Challenges to Bridging Discrepant Knowledge Bases: A Case Study of the Norwegian Centre for Offshore Wind Energy
by Rune Njøs & Stig-Erik Jakobsen & Jens Kristian Fosse & Christine Engelsen - 2411-2427 Cooperation and Forming Networks of Creative Cities: Polish Experiences
by Beata Namyślak
October 2014, Volume 22, Issue 10
- 1993-2010 Coping with Economic Crises-The Role of Clusters
by Asgeir Skålholt & Taran Thune - 2011-2029 Knowledge That Matters: Identifying Regional Knowledge Assets of the Tampere Region
by Antti Lönnqvist & Jonna Käpylä & Henna Salonius & Tan Yigitcanlar - 2030-2049 Same Sea, Different Ponds: Cross-Sectorial Knowledge Spillovers in the North Sea
by Markus Steen & Gard Hopsdal Hansen - 2050-2066 Governing Social Cohesion in Shrinking Cities: The Cases of Ostrava, Genoa and Leipzig
by Caterina Cortese & Annegret Haase & Katrin Grossmann & Iva Ticha - 2067-2093 Dutch and Australian Planning Regimes: Are They Ready to Face Extreme Climate Impacts?
by Rob Roggema - 2094-2115 Localization of Business Services in European Regions: Large Urban Areas Stand Out
by José A. Camacho-Ballesta & Yulia Melikhova & Manuel Hernández-Peinado - 2116-2133 Rural Strategies for Coping with the Spatial Unevenness in the Knowledge Society
by Axel Stein - 2134-2155 What "Is" Territorial Cohesion? What Does It "Do"?: Essentialist Versus Pragmatic Approaches to Using Concepts
by Gareth Abrahams - 2156-2171 Coping with Peripheralization: Governance Response in Two German Small Cities
by Sabine Weck & Sabine Beißwenger - 2172-2209 Assessing the Magnitude of Creative Employment: A Comprehensive Mapping and Estimation of Existing Methodologies
by Sara Cruz & Aurora A.C. Teixeira - 2210-2211 Fair Shared Cities-The Impact of Gender Planning in Europe
by Ann-Katrin Bäcklund
September 2014, Volume 22, Issue 9
- 1769-1782 Innovation Governance Nexuses: Mapping Local Governments' University-Industry Relations and Specialization in High Technology in Sweden
by Stefan Szücs & Olof Zaring - 1783-1801 Firm Heterogeneity in Biotech: Absorptive Capacity, Strategies and Local-Regional Connections
by Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen & Helen Lawton Smith - 1802-1823 The Effect of Business Support on Employment in Manufacturing: Evidence from the European Union Structural Funds in Germany, Italy and Spain
by Massimo Florio & Luigi Moretti - 1824-1840 Discourse Yes, Implementation Maybe: An Immobility and Paralysis of Sustainable Development Policy
by Constance Carr - 1841-1861 Property-Led Urban, Town and Rural Regeneration in Ireland: Positive and Perverse Outcomes in Different Spatial and Socio-Economic Contexts
by Michelle Norris & Menelaos Gkartzios & Dermot Coates - 1862-1878 Mapping the Geography of R&D: What Can We Learn for Regional Innovation Policy in the Czech Republic and Beyond?
by Martin Srholec & Pavla Žížalová - 1879-1901 Urbanization and Socioeconomic Status in the European Regions: The Role of Population Ageing and Capital City Regions
by Vassilis Tselios - 1902-1918 When Firms Take the Lead in Facilitating Clusters
by Mads Bruun Ingstrup - 1919-1939 "De-Risking" East London: Olympic Regeneration Planning 2000-2012
by Andrew Smith - 1940-1959 Assessing Overall Network Structure in Regional Innovation Policies: A Case Study of Cluster Policy in the West Midlands in the UK
by Shaowei He & Stewart MacNeill & Jinmin Wang - 1960-1988 Assessing Territorial Impacts of the EU Cohesion Policy: The Portuguese Case
by Eduardo Medeiros - 1989-1991 Cities Without Suburbs: A Census 2010 Perspective, 4th Edition
by Harry Pettit
August 2014, Volume 22, Issue 8
- 1547-1550 Innovation and Tourism Destination Development
by Henrik Halkier & Marek Kozak & Bo Svensson - 1551-1568 Bridging the Knowledge-gap Between the Old and the New: Regional Marine Experience Production in Orust, Västra Götaland, Sweden
by Anders Larsson & Kristina N. Lindström - 1569-1586 Governance in Multi-Project Networks: Lessons from a Failed Destination Branding Effort
by Eva Gustafsson & Mia Larson & Bo Svensson - 1587-1603 Mussels, Tourism and Community Development: A Case Study of Place Branding Through Food Festivals in Rural North Jutland, Denmark
by Bodil Stilling Blichfeldt & Henrik Halkier - 1604-1624 Innovation, Tourism and Destination Development: Dolnośląskie Case Study
by Marek W. Kozak - 1625-1640 World Heritage and Tourism Innovation: Institutional Frameworks and Local Adaptation
by Susanna Heldt Cassel & Albina Pashkevich - 1641-1658 Beyond the Transfer of Capital? Second-Home Owners as Competence Brokers for Rural Entrepreneurship and Innovation
by Ingeborg Nordbø - 1659-1670 Innovation and Destination Governance in Denmark: Tourism, Policy Networks and Spatial Development
by Henrik Halkier - 1671-1692 Tourism Lobbying in Bavaria: Between Ignorance, Parochialism and Opportunism
by Markus Pillmayer & Nicolai Scherle - 1693-1710 Human Capital in Low-Tech Manufacturing: The Geography of the Knowledge Economy in Denmark
by Teis Hansen & Lars Winther & Ronnie Fibæk Hansen - 1711-1734 Effectiveness of Planning Instruments for Minimizing Spatial Conflicts of Biogas Production
by Nina Buhr & Michael Rode & Helga Kanning - 1735-1743 The Effects of Foreign Expansion on Local Growth: The Case of Macao
by Li Sheng - 1744-1764 Cooperative Housing and Social Cohesion: The Role of Linking Social Capital
by Richard Lang & Andreas Novy - 1765-1767 Handbook on the Experience Economy
by Martin Trandberg Jensen
July 2014, Volume 22, Issue 7
- 1325-1341 On the Informational Basis of Regional Innovation Policy: From Growth to Capabilities
by Zoltán Bajmócy & György Málovics & Judit Gébert - 1342-1367 Ex-Ante Analysis of the Regional Impacts of the Common Agricultural Policy: A Rural-Urban Recursive Dynamic CGE Model Approach
by Maria Espinosa & Demetrios Psaltopoulos & Fabien Santini & Euan Phimister & Deborah Roberts & Sebastien Mary & Tomas Ratinger & Dimitris Skuras & Eudokia Balamou & Manuel A. Cardenete & Sergio Gomez y Paloma - 1368-1383 The Rise of Territorial Governance in European Policy
by Dominic Stead - 1384-1406 Sustainable Communities? A Comparative Perspective on Urban Housing in the European Union
by Nessa Winston - 1407-1424 Cross-Border Networks in Informal and Formal Cooperation in the Border Regions Andalusia-Algarve-Alentejo and South Finland-Estonia
by Teresa González-Gómez & Estrella Gualda - 1425-1443 Knowledge Externalities and Knowledge Spillovers in Social Networks: The Case of Izmir Metalwork Industrial District
by Burcu Turkcan - 1444-1461 Handling the Two Conflicting Discourses of Partnerships and Participation in Regional Planning
by Ulla Higdem & Gro Sandkjær Hanssen - 1462-1483 The Role of Universities in Urban Regeneration: Reframing the Analytical Approach
by Manuel Fernández-Esquinas & Hugo Pinto - 1484-1506 The European Union and Major Infrastructure Policies: The Reforms of the Trans-European Networks Programmes and the Implications for Spatial Planning
by Tim Marshall - 1507-1523 Policy Responses to Urban Shrinkage: From Growth Thinking to Civic Engagement
by Gert-Jan Hospers - 1524-1543 Urban Form, Sustainability and Health: The Case of Greater Oslo
by Petter Næss - 1544-1546 Territoriality and Migration in the E.U. Neighbourhood-Spilling over the Wall
by Bastian A. Vollmer
June 2014, Volume 22, Issue 6
- 1109-1126 Social Networks and Actual Knowledge Flow in the Irish Biotech Industry
by Chris van Egeraat & Declan Curran - 1127-1142 Changes in Land-Use Preferences of Small-, Medium- and Large-Scale Industries Located in Metropolitan Areas (Case Study in Istanbul)
by Mehmet Ali Yüzer & Ayşe şebnem Yüzer - 1143-1164 The Impact of Innovations on Growth and Stagnation Regions in Poland
by Paweł Churski & Joanna Dominiak - 1165-1181 Visioning with the Public: Incorporating Public Values in Landscape Planning
by Mirjam de Groot & Madelinde H. Winnubst & Nienke van Schie & Jacko A. van Ast - 1182-1198 Impact of Characteristics of Origin and Destination Provinces on Migration: 1995-2000
by Burcin Yazgi & Vedia Dokmeci & Kerem Koramaz & Gulay Kiroglu - 1199-1211 The Role of Leading Firms in the Evolution of SME Clusters: Evidence from the Leather Products Cluster in Florence
by Filippo Randelli & Mauro Lombardi - 1212-1234 Creation and Alignment of the Eco-innovation Strategy Model to Regional Innovation Strategy: A Case from Lahti (Päijät-Häme Region), Finland
by Virgilio Panapanaan & Tuomo Uotila & Anne Jalkala - 1235-1258 Cost Efficiency, Urban Patterns and Population Density When Providing Public Infrastructure: A Stochastic Frontier Approach
by Inmaculada C. Álvarez & Ángel M. Prieto & José L. Zofío - 1259-1279 Staying on Top: Why is Munich so Resilient and Successful?
by Richard Evans & Jay Karecha - 1280-1300 Spatial and Socio-environmental Dynamics of Catalan Regional Planning from a Multivariate Statistical Analysis Using 1980s and 2000s Data
by Pere Serra & Ana Vera & Antoni Francesc Tulla - 1301-1319 Actors, Decisions and Policy Changes in Local Urbanization
by Anna M. Hersperger & Maria-Pia Gennaio Franscini & Daniel Kübler - 1320-1323 Trends in European Tourism Planning and Organisation
by Szilvia Gyimóthy
May 2014, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 889-908 Regional Strategies for Renewable Energies: Development Processes in Greater Manchester
by Fabian Faller - 909-928 Fragmented Integration and Business Cycle Synchronization in the Greek Regions
by Ioannis Panteladis & Maria Tsiapa - 929-948 The Dynamics and Evolution of Local Industries-The Case of Linköping, Sweden
by Sabrina Fredin - 949-974 Regional Scientific Production and Specialization in Europe: The Role of HERD
by Manuel Acosta & Daniel Coronado & Esther Ferrándiz & M. Dolores León - 975-994 Partners Connection Process and Spatial Effects: New Insights from a Comparative Inter-Organizational Partnerships Analysis
by Marie Ferru - 995-1009 Imaginary Success?-The Contentious Ascendance of Creativity
by Peter Campbell - 1010-1026 The European Union as an Ethical Community and What This Means for Spatial Planning
by Barrie Needham & Gerard Hoekveld - 1027-1047 The Role of Government Policies and Strategies Behind the Shrinking Urban Core in an Expanding City Region: The Case of Izmir
by Güldem Özatağan & Ayda Eraydin - 1048-1061 The Role of Knowledge Intermediaries in Developing Firm Learning Capabilities
by Rachel Parker & Damian Hine - 1062-1080 Innovation in the Canadian Wine Industry: Evidence from Three Wine-Producing Regions
by David Doloreux & Evelyne Lord-Tarte - 1081-1105 Creative Talent Drive Transformation of Professionals' Constitution in the Modern City: A Case Study of Fashion Talent Flow in Taipei
by Tai Shan Hu & Kuang Chieh Chen - 1106-1108 Keys to the City: How Economics, Institutions, Social Interaction, and Politics Shape Development
by Christian Kjær Monsson
April 2014, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 671-679 Spatial Planning in the Baltic States: Impacts of European Policies
by Garri Raagmaa & Dominic Stead - 680-693 European Integration and Spatial Rescaling in the Baltic Region: Soft Spaces, Soft Planning and Soft Security
by Dominic Stead - 694-711 New Spatial Patterns and Territorial-Administrative Structures in the European Union: Reflections on Eastern Europe
by Jussi Sakari Jauhiainen - 712-734 The Engagement of Territorial Knowledge Communities with European Spatial Planning and the Territorial Cohesion Debate: A Baltic Perspective
by Neil Adams & Giancarlo Cotella & Richard Nunes - 735-757 From Conditionality to Europeanization in Central and Eastern Europe: Administrative Performance and Capacity in Cohesion Policy
by John Bachtler & Carlos Mendez & Hildegard Oraže - 758-774 Urban-Rural Interactions in Latvian Changing Policy and Practice Context
by Laila Kūle - 775-795 Europeanization and De-Europeanization of Estonian Regional Policy
by Garri Raagmaa & Tarmo Kalvet & Ragne Kasesalu - 796-815 Urban Policies for the Creative Industries: A European Comparison
by Külliki Tafel-Viia & Andres Viia & Erik Terk & Silja Lassur - 816-840 Polycentricity and the Multiplexity of Urban Networks
by Martijn J. Burger & Bert van der Knaap & Ronald S. Wall - 841-865 Assessing the Importance of Local Supporting Organizations in the Automotive Industry: A Hybrid Dynamic Framework of Innovation Networks
by Joana Almodovar & Aurora A.C. Teixeira - 866-884 Globalization, Recession and the Internationalization of Industrial Districts: Experiences from the Italian Gold Jewellery Industry
by Valentina De Marchi & Joonkoo Lee & Gary Gereffi - 885-888 Making Strategies in Spatial Planning-Knowledge and Values
by Eduardo Oliveira
March 2014, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 459-480 European Union Competition Policy and the European Territorial Cohesion Agenda: An Impossible Reconciliation? State Aid Rules and Public Service Liberalization through the European Spatial Planning Lens
by Claire Colomb & Gonçalo Santinha - 481-497 European Capital of Culture Designation as an Initiator of Urban Transformation in the Post-socialist Countries
by Tuuli Lähdesmäki - 498-514 Cultural Events and Cultural Tourism Development: Lessons from the European Capitals of Culture
by Yi-De Liu - 515-536 Contribution of Local Agenda 21 to Practical Implementation of Sustainable Development: The Case of the Czech Republic
by Viktor Kveton & Jiri Louda & Jan Slavik & Martin Pelucha - 537-562 The Role of Territorial Capital in Local Economic Growth: Evidence from Italy
by Giovanni Perucca - 563-586 The Structural Funds in Andalusia for the Programming Period 2014--2020: Time for Tightening Belts
by M. Alejandro Cardenete & M. Carmen Delgado & M. Carmen Lima - 587-609 Analysing How Environmental Concerns are Integrated in the Design of the EU Structural Funds Programmes
by Margarita Argüelles & Carmen Benavides - 610-626 Is Europe 2020 Set to Fail? The Cultural Political Economy of the EU Grand Strategies
by Matej Makarovič & Janez Šušteršič & Borut Rončević - 627-647 Harmony and Melody in Discourse on European Cohesion
by Bernard Elissalde & Frédéric Santamaria & Philippe Jeanne - 648-666 Decision-Making on Transport Infrastructure and Contested Information: A Critical Analysis of Three Approaches
by Karel Martens & Peter van Weelden - 667-669 The Collaborating Planner? Practitioners in the Neoliberal Age
by Lina Olsson
February 2014, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 229-245 An Evaluation of Endogenous Sustainable Development Planning for the Rural--Urban Environment in Gran Canaria
by Carmelo J. León & Matías González & Jorge E. Araña & Javier de León - 246-267 Territorial Keys for Bringing Closer the Territorial Agenda of the EU and Europe 2020
by Jacek Zaucha & Tomasz Komornicki & Kai Böhme & Dariusz Świątek & Piotr Żuber - 268-292 Factors Influencing Location Selection of Warehouses at the Intra-Urban Level: Istanbul Case
by Ali Durmuş & Sevkiye Sence Turk - 293-305 The Authenticity of Spatial Planning Knowledge
by Willem Salet - 306-322 Rethinking the Spatiality of Spatial Planning: Methodological Territorialism and Metageographies
by Cormac Walsh - 323-344 Public--Private Plan Development: Can Early Private Involvement Strengthen Infrastructure Planning?
by Sander Lenferink & Wim Leendertse & Jos Arts & Taede Tillema - 345-361 Is Planning "Under Attack"? Chronicling the Deregulation of Urban and Environmental Planning in England
by Alex Lord & Mark Tewdwr-Jones - 362-382 Understanding Spatial Differentiation in Urban Decline Levels
by Josje J. Hoekveld - 383-399 Towards the New Regionalism Approach in the Metropolitan Governance of Turkey
by Candan Oguz & Ipek Ozbek Sonmez - 400-417 The Innovation of the Italian Planning System: Actors, Path Dependencies, Cultural Contradictions and a Missing Epilogue
by Loris Servillo & Valeria Lingua - 418-436 The Europeanization of Development Planning in Valencia
by Willem K. Korthals Altes - 437-455 Confronting Out-Migration and the Skills Gap in Declining German Cities
by Jörg Plöger & Sabine Weck - 456-458 Multinationals and Economic Geography: Location, Technology and Innovation
by Jan Vang
January 2014, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-19 Examining the Role of Geographical Proximity in a Cluster's Transformation Process: The Case of Taiwan's Machine Tool Industry
by Liang-Chih Chen & Zi-Xin Lin - 20-45 Clusters versus Cluster Initiatives, with Focus on the ICT Sector in Poland
by Arkadiusz Michal Kowalski & Andrzej Marcinkowski - 46-63 Growth Management in Cork Through Boom, Bubble and Bust
by David Counsell & Graham Haughton & Philip Allmendinger - 64-83 Regional Innovation Policy and Innovative Behaviour: Looking for Additional Effects
by Davide Antonioli & Alberto Marzucchi & Sandro Montresor - 84-100 Open Concepts as Crystallization Points and Enablers of Discursive Configurations: The Case of the Innovation Campus in the Netherlands
by Henk-Jan Kooij & Kristof Van Assche & Arnoud Lagendijk - 101-125 Arriving at the Dawn of the New Economy: Is Knowledge-Based Industrial Renewal Possible in a Peripheral Region?
by Miika Varis & Timo Tohmo & Hannu Littunen - 126-142 Policy Strategies for New Regionalism: Different Spatial Logics for Cultural and Business Policies in Norwegian City Regions
by Knut Hidle & Einar Leknes - 143-163 How Do Local Knowledge Spillovers and Experience Affect Export Performance?
by Isabel Díez-Vial & Marta Fernández-Olmos - 164-183 Regional Competitiveness in Central European Countries: In Search of a Useful Conceptual Framework
by Jan Ženka & Josef Novotný & Pavel Csank - 184-203 The Institutionalization of the European Internal Cross-Border Co-operation Policy: A First Appraisal
by Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy & Katy Hayward - 204-226 Identification of Employment Concentration Areas
by Frank P. van den Heuvel & Peter W. de Langen & Karel H. van Donselaar & Jan C. Fransoo - 227-228 City Cycling
by Till Koglin
December 2013, Volume 21, Issue 12
- 1853-1872 Spatial Agglomeration of Manufacturing in Greece: Sectoral Patterns and Determinants
by Klimis Vogiatzoglou & Theodore Tsekeris - 1873-1894 Planning the Neighbourhood Economy: Land-Use Plans and the Economic Potential of Urban Residential Neighbourhoods in the Netherlands
by Emma Folmer & Anne Risselada - 1895-1918 In Search for a Common Ground: An Empirical Derived Model of the Formation of Common Ground among Voluntary Exchange Relation
by Anli Ataov & Svein-Tore Kristiansen - 1919-1936 Combined Innovation Policy: Linking Scientific and Practical Knowledge in Innovation Systems
by Arne Isaksen & Magnus Nilsson - 1937-1957 Impacts of Planners' Different Viewpoints on Optimum Land-Use Allocation
by Ersin Türk & Hüseyin Murat Çelik - 1958-1976 Innovative Capacity, Educational Attainment and Economic Development in the European Union: Causal Relations and Geographical Variations
by Teemu Makkonen & Tommi Inkinen - 1977-1997 The Creative Industries, Creative Occupations and Innovation in London
by Neil Lee & Emma Drever - 1998-2019 Measuring the Economic, Social and Environmental Performance of European Island Regions: Emerging Issues for European and Regional Policy
by Ioannis Spilanis & Thanasis Kizos & Michail Vaitis & Nikoletta Koukourouvli - 2020-2036 Libertarian Paternalism as a Tool to Explore Strategic Sub-Regional Planning in England?
by Simon Pemberton & Janice Morphet - 2037-2077 Italian Industry, Decline or Transformation? A Framework
by Fulvio Coltorti - 2078-2086 When Innovation Does Not Pay Off: Introducing the "European Regional Paradox"
by Thanos Fragkandreas
November 2013, Volume 21, Issue 11
- 1703-1707 Which Regions Benefit from Emerging Industries?
by Matthias Brachert & Uwe Cantner & Holger Graf & Jutta Günther & Michael Schwartz - 1708-1734 Regional Entrepreneurial Opportunities in the Biotech Industry: Exploring the Transition from Award-Winning Nascent Entrepreneurs to Real Start-Ups
by Claus Michelsen & Harald Wolf & Michael Schwartz - 1735-1759 Does Cluster Policy Trigger R&D Activity? Evidence from German Biotech Contests
by Dirk Engel & Timo Mitze & Roberto Patuelli & Janina Reinkowski - 1760-1778 The Role of Regional Conditions for Newly Emerging KIBS Industries in the Face of Radical Institutional Change
by Michael Wyrwich - 1779-1795 Transnational Entrepreneurs and the Emergence of Clusters in Peripheral Regions. The Case of the Diamond Cutting Cluster in Gujarat (India)
by Sebastian Henn - 1796-1819 The Emergence of the Norwegian Solar Photovoltaic Industry in a Regional Perspective
by Antje Klitkou & Lars Coenen - 1820-1837 Regions as Selection Environments? The Emergence of the Solar Industry in Germany from 1992 to 2008
by Matthias Brachert & Christoph Hornych & Peter Franz - 1838-1852 Multi-Source Energy Networks and the ICT Revolution
by Mark Knell
October 2013, Volume 21, Issue 10
- 1475-1490 A Property Rights Analysis of Urban Planning in Spain and UK
by Shin S. Lee & Christopher J. Webster & Gonzalo Melián & Gabriel Calzada & Richard Carr - 1491-1508 The Territorial Impact of the Knowledge Economy: Intangibles and Regional Inequality in Great Britain
by Konstantinos A. Melachroinos & Nigel Spence - 1509-1527 Colouring Inside What Lines? Interference of the Urban Growth Boundary and the Political--Administrative Border of Brussels
by Kobe Boussauw & Georges Allaert & Frank Witlox - 1528-1541 The Limits of Public Policy Intervention in Urban Logistics: Lessons from Vicenza (Italy)
by Sandrine Ville & Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu & Laetitia Dablanc - 1542-1561 Opening up the Compendium: An Evaluation of International Comparative Planning Research Methodologies
by Vincent Nadin & Dominic Stead - 1562-1577 Reconciling "Bottom-Up" Perspectives with "Top-Down" Change Data in Evaluating Area Regeneration Schemes
by Paul Lawless - 1578-1597 Start-up Competitions as an Instrument of Entrepreneurship Policy: The German Experience
by Michael Schwartz & Maximilian Goethner & Claus Michelsen & Nathalie Waldmann - 1598-1610 Resilience in the Light of Climate Change: Useful Approach or Empty Phrase for Spatial Planning?
by Meike Albers & Sonja Deppisch - 1611-1629 Branding Knowledge-intensive Regions: A Comparative Study of Pisa and Oulu High-Tech Brands
by Cecilia Pasquinelli & Jukka Teräs - 1630-1652 Self-Organization in Urban Regeneration: A Two-Case Comparative Research
by Ingmar van Meerkerk & Beitske Boonstra & Jurian Edelenbos - 1653-1675 How Do Pre-existing R&D Activities in a Region Influence the Performance of Cluster Initiatives? The Case of French Competitiveness Clusters
by Emilie-Pauline Gallié & Anna Glaser & Valérie Mérindol & Thierry Weil - 1676-1701 Delocalization Patterns in University--Industry Interaction: Evidence from the Sixth R&D Framework Programme
by Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro & Dimitrios Pontikakis & Attila Varga
September 2013, Volume 21, Issue 9
- 1317-1322 Global and Regional Dynamics in Knowledge Flows and Innovation Networks
by Chris van Egeraat & Dieter F. Kogler - 1323-1340 Qualitative Analysis and Comparison of Firm and System Incumbents in the New ICT Global Innovation Network
by Philip Cooke - 1341-1356 The Evolution of the Wind Industry and the Rise of Chinese Firms: From Industrial Policies to Global Innovation Networks
by Pedro Campos Silva & Britta Klagge - 1357-1373 Foreign and Indigenous Innovation in China: Some Evidence from Shanghai
by Seamus Grimes & Debin Du - 1374-1391 Mapping Knowledge Space and Technological Relatedness in US Cities
by Dieter F. Kogler & David L. Rigby & Isaac Tucker - 1392-1417 Firm Building and Entrepreneurship in Second-Tier High-Tech Regions
by Heike Mayer - 1418-1436 Differentiated Knowledge Bases and the Nature of Innovation Networks
by Roman Martin - 1437-1455 Social and Spatial Structures of Innovation in the Irish Animation Industry
by Chris van Egeraat & Sean O'Riain & Aphra Kerr - 1456-1473 The Geography and Structure of Global Innovation Networks: A Knowledge Base Perspective
by Ju Liu & Cristina Chaminade & Bjorn Asheim
August 2013, Volume 21, Issue 8
- 1095-1127 What Kind of Entrepreneurship Drives Regional Development in European Non-core Regions? A Literature Review on Empirical Entrepreneurship Research
by Daniel Baumgartner & Marco Pütz & Irmi Seidl - 1128-1152 Landscape as a Medium for Integration in Design Practice: The Case of Flanders, Belgium
by Sylvie Van Damme & Hans Leinfelder & Pieter Uyttenhove - 1153-1175 Inter-actor Trust in the Planning Process: The Case of Transit-oriented Development
by Andrew Switzer & Leonie Janssen-Jansen & Luca Bertolini - 1176-1188 "A Chronicle of a Death Foretold": Urban Expansion and Land Consumption in Rome, Italy
by Luca Salvati - 1189-1209 Relations among Clusters in Six Chinese City Regions
by Ren Lu & Ruikan Zhang & Torger Reve - 1210-1234 Connecting Municipal and Regional Level Planning: Analysis and Visualization of Sustainability Indicators in Bergslagen, Sweden
by Kjell Andersson & Per Angelstam & Robert Axelsson & Marine Elbakidze & Johan Törnblom - 1235-1255 Coordinating Transport and Urban Planning: From Ideologies to Local Realities
by Caroline Gallez & Vincent Kaufmann & Hanja Maksim & Mariane Thebért & Christophe Guerrinha - 1256-1275 Anchoring of Firms in the Neighbourhood: Does Local Social and Physical Order Affect Local Firms' Investment Strategies?
by Bart Sleutjes & Veronique Schutjens - 1276-1296 Institutional Change in Land Planning: Two Cases from Galicia
by José María Tubío-Sánchez & Francisco Ónega-López & Wim Timmermans & Rafael Crecente-Maseda - 1297-1316 External Knowledge, Territorial Inertia and Local Development: An Exploratory Case Study
by Francesca Cabiddu & Daniela Pettinao
July 2013, Volume 21, Issue 7
- 967-988 Local and Regional Development in Global Value Chains, Production Networks and Innovation Networks: A Comparative Review and the Challenges for Future Research
by Mario Davide Parrilli & Khalid Nadvi & Henry Wai-Chung Yeung - 989-1006 The Resilience of Clusters in the Context of Increasing Globalization: The Basque Wind Energy Value Chain
by Aitziber Elola & Mario Davide Parrilli & Roberta Rabellotti - 1007-1028 Competitiveness and Technological Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Evidence from the Indonesian Electronics and Garment Sectors
by Yohanes Kadarusman & Khalid Nadvi - 1029-1045 The Competitive Position of the Basque Aeroespatial Cluster in Global Value Chains: A Historical Analysis
by Aitziber Elola & Jesús Mª Valdaliso & Santiago López - 1046-1063 From Strategic Coupling to Recoupling and Decoupling: Restructuring Global Production Networks and Regional Evolution in China
by Chun Yang - 1064-1080 The Economic Geography of the Meso-global Spaces: Integrating Multinationals and Clusters at the Local--Global Level
by Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver & Rafael Boix-Domenech - 1081-1094 Global Production Networks and Global Innovation Networks: Stability Versus Growth
by Philip Cooke
June 2013, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 755-779 Efficiency of Innovation Systems in Europe: An Institutional Approach to the Diversity of National Profiles
by Hugo Pinto & Tiago Santos Pereira - 780-800 Contested Spaces? The Use of Place Concepts to Communicate Visions for Peri-Urban Areas
by Judith Westerink & Arnoud Lagendijk & Stefanie Dühr & Pat Van der Jagt & Annet Kempenaar - 801-837 A Comparative Study of Strategies for Sustainable Development of Multifunctional Fen Landscapes: Signposts to Explore New Avenues
by Roos M. Den Uyl & Martin J. Wassen - 838-853 The Role of Additionality in the EU Cohesion Policies: An Example of Firm-Level Investment Support
by Andries Brandsma & d'Artis Kancs & Pavel Ciaian - 854-866 Manufacturing and Regional Economic Growth in Turkey: A Spatial Econometric View of Kaldor's Laws
by Mehmet Güçlü - 867-889 The Emergence of Inter-Municipal Collaboration: Evidence from Metropolitan Planning in Portugal
by Lisa Rayle & Christopher Zegras