March 2025, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 315-328 Spatial planning in the face of natural and technological disasters: a literature review
by Theoni Kostopoulou & Marilena Papageorgiou - 329-351 Services of general interest and critical infrastructures: interdependencies and implications for resilience and territorial cohesion
by Stefan Greiving & Thomas Terfrüchte & Mark Fleischhauer & Andrea Hartz & Matthias Furkert - 352-376 How exceptions to land use regulations enter planning legislation. The Flemish case of rebuilding non-conforming dwellings
by Tristan Claus & Maarten Gheysen & Hans Leinfelder - 377-397 Cittaslow: Degrowth approach or place promotion? An analysis exemplified by the case of Artà, Mallorca
by Sebastian Amrhein & Gert-Jan Hospers - 398-420 ‘Invited participation’, equity and planning: intentions, processes and institutionalization in Sweden and beyond
by Nils Hertting & Alexander Hellquist - 421-442 Operationalizing affordances for public space: artefacts and their various uses
by Hannah Widmer & Patrick Rérat - 443-460 Infrastructure levy in Poland – forgotten achievements of the interwar period
by Wojciech Korbel - 461-462 Participatory democratic innovations in southeast Europe how to engage in flawed democracies
by Komang Ade Komala Savitri - 462-464 The European digital economy drivers of digital transition and economic recovery
by Alfred Liubana & Amilusholihah & Gilang Ramadhan - 464-466 European regional development: contemporary regional and local perspectives of socio-economic and socio-political changes
by Reska Monika & Jani Khoerani & Nono Heri Yoenanto - 466-468 Smart cities in Europe and Asia urban planning and management for a sustainable future
by Indri Islamiati & Andre Lofika Pegi & Media Wahyudi Askar - 468-470 Urban agriculture in public space. Planning and designing for human flourishing in Northern European cities and beyond
by Maya Safitri & Avivi Nur Aina & Manap Trianto & Reski Putra Utama
February 2025, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 161-182 Key enabling technologies (KETs) in the technological space: embeddedness and regional knowledge creation
by Colin Wessendorf & Alexander Kopka & Dirk Fornahl - 183-203 Legacy and urban regeneration: long-term local impact of the London 2012 Olympic Games
by Gidon Jakar & Christina Philippou - 204-225 What drives global value chains of FDI at sub-national regions? Roles of agglomeration economies
by Satomi Kimino - 226-244 Identifying multiple configurations in global innovation system (GIS): lessons from the salmon farming industry
by Joaquin Zenteno Hopp & Sebastián Baeza-González & Svein Gunnar Sjøtun - 245-263 STI and DUI modes of innovation in poorly developed RIS. Systemic failures and challenges
by Christoph Friedrich & Anne-Sophie Kagel - 264-280 What type of emerging green path is the Nordic battery industry on: importation or new creation?
by Ejike Okonkwo - 281-300 The distribution of geographical indications across Europe. Reflecting spatial patterns and the role of policy
by Leonardo Cei - 301-302 Regulating coastal zones: international perspectives on land management instruments
by Mayana Bilsan Runesi & Bryan Samuel Mayor - 303-305 Frankenstein Urbanism: Eco, Smart and Autonomous Cities, Artificial Intelligence and the End of the City
by Boni Saputra & Andre Lofika Pegi & Gheri Febri Ananda & Sania Octa Priscilia - 305-306 Wine Tourism and Sustainability: The Economic, Social and Environmental Contribution of the Wine Industry
by Putra Irwandi & Bunga Wirda & Aulia Adetya & Muh. Kadri S - 307-308 “European regional policy and development forgotten regions and spaces”
by Alfina & Rahmat & Riki Ardianto - 309-310 “Salutogenic Urbanism Architecture and Public Health in Early Modern European Cities”
by Margareth Sylvia & Rhaishudin Jafar Rumandan & Reski Putra Utama - 311-312 New industrial urbanism designing places for production
by Muhammad Deriel Ari Pranata - 312-313 Cities and economy in Europe: markets and trade on the margins from the middle ages to the present
by Sarah Annisa
January 2025, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-19 The concept of ‘building back better’ and the reconstruction of Ukraine and its cities
by Joanna Modrzyńska & Agnieszka Szpak & Rafał Willa - 20-41 Different impacts of similar crises? The financial and COVID-19 crisis in border and non-border regions
by Stefan Hippe - 42-62 Urban sustainability commitment in Germany – attempts to nail a pudding to the wall
by Svenja Katharina Schwarz - 63-82 The financialisation of contemporary urban planning policy discourse: insights into Serbian and Irish planning legislation
by Ana Perić & Linda Fox-Rogers & Richard Waldron - 83-103 From policies to outcomes: multi-level analysis of the influence of regional planning on land take
by Sebastian Eichhorn & Denise Ehrhardt & Mathias Jehling - 104-123 Agency and structure in regional development: in search of a social science research programme
by Markus Grillitsch & Markku Sotarauta - 124-146 The citizens have participated – what now? An action research study of factors impacting the use of participatory citizen knowledge in planning processes
by Saana Rossi & Eveliina Harsia & Anna Kajosaari & Marketta Kyttä - 147-148 Buildings for people: responsible real estate development and planning
by John Lauermann - 148-150 Accounting for cultural heritage management: resilience, sustainability and accountability
by Wahid Wachyu Adi Winarto - 150-152 Territorial innovation in less developed regions governance, technologies, and sustainability
by Rhaishudin Jafar Rumandan & Margareth Sylvia & Reski Putra Utama - 152-154 Circular cities: a revolution in urban sustainability
by Annisa Wulandari & Ranip Fahmi & Iqbal Rahmat Gani - 154-156 Event management in sport, recreation, and tourism: theoretical and practical dimensions (4th Edition)
by Cep Abdul Baasith Wahpiyudin & Wawan & Megawati Simanjuntak - 156-158 Economic and environmental cost of traffic congestion in India
by Eka Wulan Safriani & Bayu Prasetio - 158-160 City and transportation planning: an integrated approach
by Muh. Ricki Saprollah & Ari Rahmawati & Risky Andayani Rosediana & Rizky Vallentino
December 2024, Volume 32, Issue 12
- 2449-2472 Access to information and public participation: evaluating the implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Europe
by I.B. Osae & P. Mardiste & D. Stober & S. Eiter & M. Buchecker & M. Suškevičs - 2473-2492 Is it enough to enable freight? Modes of governance for urban logistics in Norway
by Rafael Rosales - 2493-2515 Spatial imaginaries and the politics of inter-regional transport infrastructure development in Northern England
by Tom Arnold & Iain Deas & Cecilia Wong - 2516-2534 The effects of business innovation modes on eco-innovation: where do environmental benefits materialize?
by Henar Alcalde-Heras & Francisco Carrillo-Carrillo - 2535-2554 What changes over time? Planning history and institutional change from a policy design perspective
by Byeongsun Ahn - 2555-2573 Regional planning strategies: understanding the implementation of a new strategic tool in Norwegian planning law
by Aksel Hagen & Ulla Higdem - 2574-2596 The Olympics Legacy, debt crisis and exceptional strategic planning: the case of Athens
by Geneviève Zembri-Mary & Dimitra Sengouni - 2597-2618 Examining local action groups as territorial development polities: CLLD in Lisbon Metropolitan Area
by Miriam de Oliveira Gonçalves & João Morais Mourato & André Pereira & Cristina Cavaco - 2619-2640 Spatial concentration of the ICT sector in the digital age in Central and Eastern Europe
by Zsófia Vas & Izabella Szakálné Kanó & György Vida - 2641-2660 The role of strategic planning in ensuring sustainable housing markets in a neo-liberal planning context
by Gro Sandkjær Hanssen & Torill Nyseth & Toril M. Ringholm & Mina Benjegård - 2661-2662 Gentrification and diversity. Rebranding Milan’s Chinatown
by Paola Briata - 2662-2664 Spatial planning systems in Central and Eastern European countries: review and comparison of selected issues
by Mazraaten Thoyyibah - 2665-2665 Correction
by The Editors
November 2024, Volume 32, Issue 11
- 2283-2292 Agents of change in old-industrial and non-metropolitan regions of Europe
by Nadir Kinossian & Markus Grillitsch & Erika Nagy - 2293-2318 Towards regenerative regional development in responsible value chains: an agentic response to recent crises
by Markus Grillitsch & Björn T. Asheim - 2319-2337 Disentangling the ‘capacity to act': variegated resources of individuals exerting change agency
by Jan Píša & Vladan Hruška - 2338-2359 Weaving a foundational narrative – place-making and change in an old-industrial town in East Germany
by Franziska Görmar - 2360-2380 Coping with peripheralization in small cities. What is the role of human agency?
by Vojtěch Bosák & Ondřej Slach & Lenka Paszová & Lucia Hýllová & Vlad Mykhnenko & Luděk Krtička & Alexandr Nováček - 2381-2402 The role of assets and variegated constellations of organizational- and system-level agency in regional transformation
by Jiří Blažek & Vojtěch Kadlec & Viktor Květoň - 2403-2421 Towards a greener future? Environment and economic recovery in old industrial regions
by Erika Nagy & Melinda Mihály & Gergely Tagai - 2422-2439 At the intersection of economic history and contemporary regional development: insights from a Swedish ‘bruksort’
by Rhiannon Pugh & Bregje Van Veelen & Mats Lundmark & Pedro Marques - 2440-2442 Climate resilient urban areas: governance, design, and development in coastal delta cities
by Sevia Della - 2442-2444 Place branding and marketing from a policy perspective building effective strategies for places (1st edition)
by Cikal Rambasae N. & Muhammad Hanif Ibrahim & Ansari A. Syahafin & Robiyanto - 2444-2446 ‘European port cities and urban regeneration exploring cultural and sporting mega events at the water’s edge’
by Herman Herman & Fera Kambu & Reski Putra Utama - 2447-2447 Publishers' Note
by The Editors
October 2024, Volume 32, Issue 10
- 2075-2102 The development of polysubcentric network in the context of metropolitanization: evidence from Poland
by Martin Kebza - 2103-2123 Exploring ‘good practice’ densification projects: the impact of green space and density on local acceptance
by Amelie Bauer & Sophie Duschinger - 2124-2141 Place-leadership and power in the futures domain: the case of Euskadi 2040
by Ane Izulain & Mari Jose Aranguren & James R. Wilson - 2142-2159 Activity mix in urban Sweden 1997–2017
by Jan Amcoff - 2160-2181 Developing an efficiency evaluation model for the circular economy in Europe
by Teresa García-Valderrama & M. Carmen Pérez-González & Carmen Puentes-Graña & Jaime Sánchez-Ortiz - 2182-2202 Density as an indicator of sustainable urban development: insights from Helsinki?
by Mathew Page & Anssi Joutsiniemi & Mari Vaattovaara & Teemu Jama & Oskar Rönnberg - 2203-2228 Kurdish women’s interactions in European urban public space and the extent of their social integration
by Hooshmand Alizadeh & Josef Kohlbacher & Asma Mehan & Zahed Yousefi - 2229-2257 Comparing ICT-related future development trends in shrinking cities: resident and decision-maker perceptions
by Annamari Kiviaho & Johannes Einolander - 2258-2278 Circular economy adoption at the regional level: a neo-institutional perspective
by Marek Ćwiklicki & Mateusz Baryła & Anna Mirzyńska & Michał Żabiński - 2279-2280 Rural governance in the UK: towards a sustainable and equitable society
by Bayu Prasetio - 2280-2282 Reshore production now: how to rebuild manufacturing and restore high wages, high profits, and national prosperity in the USA
by Fajar Pitarsi Dharma & Nimas Alfiana R. Saputri & Gawik Setiawan
September 2024, Volume 32, Issue 9
- 1861-1867 Innovating for a better world: examining regional policies in response to societal challenges
by Fiorenza Belussi & Ivan De Noni & Elisa Sabbadin - 1868-1884 Cluster policy: the challenging and complex horizon in the 2020s
by Mario Davide Parrilli - 1885-1907 Responsible innovation for addressing grand societal challenges: the role of social innovation, exaptation, and retrovation
by Silvia Rita Sedita - 1908-1926 Redefining the entrepreneurial discovery process for smarter specialization in Europe
by Andrea Ganzaroli - 1927-1942 The role of clusters in addressing societal challenges in European regions
by Silje Haus-Reve & Bjørn T. Asheim - 1943-1964 Examining the dynamics of European renewable energy clusters: insights into technological collaboration
by Sabbadin Elisa - 1965-1981 Rogue auditors: dark motivations of the Big 4 accountants in regional sustainability and the creative economy
by Philip Cooke - 1982-2002 Greenfield FDIs as a catalyst for technological collaborations between European regions and emerging countries
by Ivan De Noni & Fiorenza Belussi & Yanting Gu - 2003-2022 Who are those new entrants? Dissecting types of foreign capital entrance in traditional industrial districts
by Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver & Carles Boronat-Moll & Marta Peris-Ortiz & Ronald Rojas Alvarado - 2023-2045 Unveiling the impact of foreign investment entry in industrial clusters: the case of Castelló and Sassuolo
by Fiorenza Belussi & Luis Martínez-Cháfer & F. Xavier Molina-Morales - 2046-2069 The evolution of regional triple helix food sector SME interventions: a longitudinal study, Wales, UK
by Sharon Mayho & Darren Mumford & Leanne Ellis & David C. Lloyd & Elizabeth C. Redmond & Nick Clifton - 2070-2073 Tourism Planning and Development in Western Europe
by Rizqi Aulia Fajarwati Hassan - 2073-2074 Urban change in Central Europe: the case of Kraków
by Maciej J. Nowak
August 2024, Volume 32, Issue 8
- 1653-1670 Regional innovation policies and directionality: exploring the role of conditionality
by Francesco Molica - 1671-1692 Mind the border! Agents and functions to shape regional challenge-oriented innovation policy
by Francesco Cappellano & Elvira Uyarra & Kieron Flanagan - 1693-1712 EU smart specialization policy between experimentation and accountability: dynamic policy cycle perspective
by Slavo Radosevic & Tomislav Zoretic - 1713-1730 A tale of urban experimentation in three Swedish municipalities
by Ida Grundel & Kristina Trygg - 1731-1751 Which urban and landscape qualities make Arctic villages attractive? The Torne River villages in Sweden
by Stefano Tornieri & Jing Ma & Agatino Rizzo - 1752-1772 Improved cross-border relevance through integrated interventions: the TAPE tool of the INTERREG V-A Slovakia-Hungary Programme
by Gyula Ocskay - 1773-1792 Trajectories of urban land consumption along the urban-rural gradient in France, 1975–2020
by Charline Mougin & Jasper van Vliet & Vita Bakker - 1793-1812 Disclosing the logics of non-statutory regional planning: the case of Sweden
by Hilda Bergkvist Andersson & Peter Schmitt - 1813-1836 Heterogeneity of urban manufacturing – a statistical analysis of manufacturing companies in three German cities
by Kerstin Meyer & Marcel Schonlau - 1837-1855 The rationalities of strategic planning: a structural analysis of the legitimacy basis of MAL policy
by Hanna Mattila & Matti Vatilo & Petri Jalasto - 1856-1857 Digital Participatory Planning. Citizen Engagement, Democracy, and Design
by Laura Saija - 1857-1860 Tourism planning and development in Western Europe
by Rizqi Aulia Fajarwati Hassan
July 2024, Volume 32, Issue 7
- 1445-1463 Rescaling public transport planning in Sweden: investigating the continued planning at the scale ‘left behind’
by Ida Andersson & Brita Hermelin - 1464-1477 Competition in the ‘body without organs’: an assemblage perspective on the UK’s fast train (HS2) cancellation
by Philip Cooke - 1478-1505 Unveiling intra-rural divides: investigating decline and prosperity in rural areas. The case study of southern Italy
by Alfonso Annunziata & Francesco Scorza & Simone Corrado & Beniamino Murgante - 1506-1528 Power and paths in transport planning and policy: the case of E39 Romsdalsfjord, Norway
by Jan-Erik Kvåle - 1529-1551 Subsidiary networks, connectivity, and urban-regional economic development
by Harald Bathelt & Maximilian Buchholz - 1552-1572 Spatial distribution of bioeconomy R&D funding: opportunities for rural and lagging regions?
by Leonard Prochaska & Daniel Schiller - 1573-1593 Make digitalized places for experimentation work: unravelling and governing transformative dynamics of FabLabs and Makerspaces
by Tobias Held - 1594-1612 The transformative potential of inward investment on industrial cluster development: the case of the semiconductor industry in Wales
by Max Munday & Robert Huggins & Wanxiang Cai & Nikos Kapitsinis & Annette Roberts - 1613-1631 How is urban co-production conveyed in European cities?
by Francesca Bragaglia & Umberto Janin Rivolin & Erblin Berisha & Giancarlo Cotella - 1632-1652 Acquisitions, spatial heterogeneity and economic impacts in Central European non-metro-politan regions
by Aleš Bělohradský & Viktor Květoň
June 2024, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 1187-1209 Conceptualizing ‘green’ in urban and regional planning – the cases of Oslo and Helsinki
by Mina Di Marino & Maija Tiitu & Inger-Lise Saglie & Kimmo Lapintie - 1210-1230 Privatisations, FDI, and Greece’s regional economic recovery: an empirical study of perceptual view of investors
by Evangelos Rasvanis & Vassilis Tselios - 1231-1250 Environmental acceptability of suburban sprawl around two differently sized Czech cities
by Jan Kubeš & Robert Szmytkie - 1251-1272 New collaborations and novel innovations: the role of regional brokerage and collaboration intensity
by Keungoui Kim & Dieter F. Kogler & Massimiliano Coda Zabetta - 1273-1294 Conflicts in the inter-municipal management of commercial areas – a case study using cognitive-affective mapping
by Hannah Kosow & Sandra Wassermann - 1295-1317 The role of large corporations in entrepreneurial ecosystems – a case study of Munich
by Sarah Herzog & Colin Mason & Michaela Hruskova - 1318-1336 Branding soft spaces
by Kaj Zimmerbauer & Kees Terlouw - 1337-1354 Shifting prominence of places and times: multiple centralities of socialist Brno
by Marek Lichter & Ondřej Mulíček - 1355-1376 Bringing lay knowledge into place-making? A critical exploration of community review panels in London and Southeast England
by Lucy Earle - 1377-1400 COVID 19 and regional entrepreneurship: which regional features can mitigate the devastating effects of COVID-19?
by Ismail Demirdag - 1401-1422 Regional eco-innovation trajectories
by Hendrik Hansmeier & Sebastian Losacker - 1423-1441 A climate report gone missing – power mechanisms in Swedish national transport planning
by Linnea Eriksson & Jacob Witzell & Karolina Isaksson & Christina Lindkvist - 1442-1444 Technology Advances and Innovation in Wine Tourism: New Managerial Approaches and Cases
by Fajar Pitarsi Dharma & Nurul Anwar & Syaifullah Syaifullah
May 2024, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 927-951 ‘Made in Germany’ how companies approach Circular Economy on Linked-In
by David Knäble & Konstantinos P. Tsagarakis - 952-972 Reterritorialisation of agricultural activities in land-use and food planning: comparing the Netherlands and France
by Tianzhu Liu & Willem K. Korthals Altes & Romain Melot & Frédéric Wallet - 973-1009 Railway stations as public space: how to promote rail journeys via multi-functional railway stations
by Noriko Otsuka & Alan Reeve - 1010-1028 University as an opportunity space enabler in a regional entrepreneurial ecosystem
by Satu Rinkinen & Suvi Konsti-Laakso & Katja Lahikainen - 1029-1058 The role of landmarks in shaping Tirana’s urban identity: the shift from socialist to post-socialist city
by Edmond Manahasa & Odeta Manahasa - 1059-1077 Sustainable suburban mobilities – planning practices and paradoxes
by Vibeke Nenseth & Per Gunnar Røe - 1078-1096 A marriage of inconvenience: the coupling of spatial planning to European environmental policy
by Joost Tennekes & David Evers - 1097-1117 Exploring local spatial planning as practices of process design in the Stockholm region, Sweden
by Johan Högström & Peter Brokking & Berit Balfors & Monica Hammer & Mats Stjernberg & Johannes Lidmo - 1118-1145 Comparing city practitioners’ and residents’ perceptions of a liveable neighbourhood in Finland
by Maija Tiitu & Elina Nyberg & Jaana I. Halonen & Tytti P. Pasanen & Arto Viinikka & Jenni Lehtimäki & Timo Lanki & Kati Vierikko - 1146-1164 Pubs and pints, crims and crimes: exploring the relationship between public houses and crime
by Ignazio Cabras & Ekaterina Shakina & Arpita Bhattacharjee - 1165-1184 What are the driving factors for implementing participatory budgeting? A case study from Czechia
by Jiri Chovanecek & Jiri Panek & Barbora Frlickova - 1185-1186 Urban planning for climate change
by Maciej J. Nowak
April 2024, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 695-719 Housing dynamics around Romania’s developing cities: the high demand for specific planning instruments in functional urban areas
by Miruna Drăghia & Radu-Matei Cocheci & Bogdan Olariu - 720-738 Overcoming the limitations to co-production in shrinking cities: insights from Latvia, France, and the Netherlands
by Anastasiya Matyushkina & Solène Le Borgne & Agnes Matoga - 739-759 Discourse as a carrier of history: wine tourism in the Negev and its evolution
by Maximilian Benner & Shahar Shilo - 760-780 Capturing the achievements made by Interreg? Insights from cross border cooperation between Spain and Portugal
by Benito Giordano & Lidia Greco - 781-800 A multilevel approach to firm interrelationships across European regions
by Daragh O’Leary & Justin Doran & Bernadette Power - 801-819 Territorial assets and SMEs competitiveness: the case of prefecture of Thessaloniki, Greece
by Theodore Metaxas - 820-842 Towards a multi-scalar place-sensitive planning approach in small-sized cities
by Lea Holst Laursen & Ida Sofie Gøtzsche Lange - 843-862 The effect of value chain importance on regional economic recovery
by Zsófia Zádor & Zhen Zhu & Matthew Smith & Sara Gorgoni - 863-881 Enhancing firm resilience: how the Valencian textile cluster responded to COVID-19-induced GVC disruptions
by Andrea Pallás-Rocafull & José Pla-Barber & Cristina Villar & José-Luis Hervás-Oliver - 882-903 Start-ups formation in Italy: the role of regional innovation systems
by Ewa Szulc-Wódarska & Arkadiusz M. Kowalski - 904-923 Assessing social value derived from social innovation capacity: a review on the European urban context
by Estibaliz Rodríguez-Núñez & Amparo Cervera-Taulet & Iñaki Periáñez-Cañadillas - 924-925 How big things get done: the surprising factors behind every successful project, from home renovations to space exploration
by Sven Daniel Wolfe
March 2024, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 457-462 A tour of the European space economy: theorizing ‘What Happened?’
by Philip Cooke - 463-482 Overcoming the barriers: cross-border convergence in Portugal and Spain between 2000 and 2018
by Miguel Viegas & Jan Wolf & Paulo Batista & João Lourenço Marques - 483-505 Bridging the urban-rural digital divide: taxonomy of the best practice and critical reflection of the EU countries’ approach
by Marek Feurich & Jana Kourilova & Martin Pelucha & Edward Kasabov - 506-533 Regional economic resilience: insights from five crises
by Simona Šťastná & Jan Ženka & Luděk Krtička - 534-552 Scaling beyond north and south: local agency of Finnish municipalities in European structural funds
by Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola & Fredriika Jakola - 553-568 Spatial governance and planning systems vis-à-vis land consumption in Europe
by Erblin Berisha & Giancarlo Cotella & Umberto Janin Rivolin & Alys Solly - 569-585 Coping with urban shrinkage: the role of informal social capital in French medium-sized shrinking cities
by Solène Le Borgne - 586-606 Local culture and change agency in old industrial places: spinning forward and digging deeper
by Linda Stihl - 607-628 Leveraging national opportunities for regional transformation: multi-scalar system-building and legitimation in a Swiss industrial town
by Arnault Morisson & Huiwen Gong - 629-647 Do new brooms sweep clean? Striving for ‘A Just Europe’ in the Territorial Agenda 2030
by Estelle Evrard & Peter Schmitt - 648-667 Related and unrelated variety and convergence to technological frontier: empirical evidence for Polish regions
by Andrzej Cieślik & Tomasz Misiak - 668-693 Spatial patterns of manufacturing sectors and digitalisation in Hungary in the age of Industry 4.0
by Eva Kiss & Balázs Páger
February 2024, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 211-233 A walkability assessment tool coupling multi-criteria analysis and space syntax: the case study of Iglesias, Italy
by Chiara Garau & Alfonso Annunziata & Claudia Yamu - 234-253 Territorial cohesion in insular contexts: assessing external attractiveness and internal strength of major Mediterranean islands
by Chiara Garau & Giulia Desogus & Anastasia Stratigea - 254-262 Digital tools for social resonance in urbanity
by Martin Koplin & Matthias Damke - 263-280 Renegotiating spatial planning practices: the role of collective initiatives and informal networks
by I. Chinis & G. Pozoukidou & T. Istoriou - 281-301 A systemic perspective for the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP)
by Francesco Scorza & Luigi Santopietro - 302-319 From sonic experiences to urban planning innovations
by Aura Kaarivuo & Kari Salo & Tommi Mikkonen - 320-344 Active mobility-oriented urban development: a morpho-syntactic scenario for a mid-sized town
by Francesco Scorza & Giovanni Fortunato - 345-367 Spatial effect of ethnicity on cross-border regions. Comparative analysis for a cultural aspect based on territorial and network perspectives: the cases of the EU Basque and Upper Rhine border regions
by Ahmed Bakry & Anna Growe - 368-389 Are good intentions enough? Evaluating social sustainability in urban development projects through the capability approach
by Céline Janssen & Claudia Basta - 390-409 Navigating swift and slow planning: planners’ balancing act in the design of participatory processes
by Camilo Calderon & Amelia Mutter & Martin Westin & Andrew Butler - 410-429 Assessing impacts of public policies towards environmental sustainability in an EU region: North of Portugal
by Eduardo Medeiros & Bernardo Valente - 430-453 Growth and decline in rural Spain: an exploratory analysis
by Víctor Gómez Valenzuela & Adelheid Holl - 454-455 A new beginning? Spatial planning and research in Europe between 1945 and 1975
by Patsy Healey
January 2024, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-23 Beyond a transport node? What residents want from transforming railway stations
by Michael Wicki & Sophie Hauller & Thomas Bernauer & David Kaufmann - 24-44 Integrating logistics into urban planning: best practices from Paris and Rotterdam
by Bram Kin & Heleen Buldeo Rai & Laetitia Dablanc & Hans Quak - 45-58 Leveraging land-value capture in contexts of urban austerity: evidence from the Grand Paris Express (France)
by Morgan Mouton & Sonia Guelton & Philippe Poinsot - 59-77 Smart(en)ing the Arctic city? The cases of Kiruna and Malmberget in Sweden
by Agatino Rizzo & Jennie Sjöholm & Andrea Luciani - 78-96 Innovation districts as strategic urban projects: the emergence of strategic spatial planning for urban innovation
by Helka Kalliomäki & Päivi Oinas & Teemu Salo - 97-120 Urban planning and urban health: attempts at innovation in line with local planning tools
by Rosalba D’Onofrio - 121-147 Evaluation of the variables affecting usage preferences in reclaimed areas through design focus and intensity
by Demet Ulku Gulpinar Sekban & Cengiz Acar - 148-168 City-regions in Central Eastern Europe: emerging metropolitan territorialities in post-socialist planning systems
by Łukasz Mikuła - 169-185 Dismantling Londongrad: the dark geography of dirty money
by Kevin Morgan & Nadir Kinossian - 186-207 Convergence and resilience in border regions
by Stefan Hippe & Dominik Bertram & Tobias Chilla - 208-209 Post-growth planning. cities beyond the market economy
by Karl Krähmer
December 2023, Volume 31, Issue 12
- 2401-2424 Transformative or piecemeal? Changes in green space planning and governance in eleven European cities
by Rieke Hansen & Marleen Buizer & Arjen Buijs & Stephan Pauleit & Thomas Mattijssen & Hanna Fors & Alexander van der Jagt & Nadja Kabisch & Mandy Cook & Tim Delshammar & Thomas B. Randrup & Sabrina Erlwein & Kati Vierikko & Hanna Nieminen & Johannes Langemeyer & Camille Soson Texereau & Ana Catarina Luz & Mojca Nastran & Anton Stahl Olafsson & Maja Steen Møller & Dagmar Haase & Werner Rolf & Bianca Ambrose-Oji & Cristina Branquinho & Gilles Havik & Jakub Kronenberg & Cecil Konijnendijk - 2425-2445 Polycentricity and accessibility in mountain areas: the Alpine case
by Dominik Bertram & Tobias Chilla - 2446-2469 Pathways towards integrated cross-border marine spatial planning (MSP): insights from Germany, Poland and the island of Ireland
by Joseph Onwona Ansong & Heather Ritchie & Kira Gee & Linda McElduff & Jacek Zaucha - 2470-2490 The role of institutional entrepreneurship in transformation of the national innovation system: the case study of Lithuania
by Jurgita Staniulyte - 2491-2509 Knowledge sourcing by multi-plant firms in Europe
by Anthony Frigon & David L. Rigby - 2510-2530 Strengthening place attachment through place-sensitive participatory regional policy in a less developed region
by Anna Butzin & Judith Terstriep - 2531-2551 Mapping the state of the art of creative cluster research: a bibliometric and thematic analysis
by Patrizia Casadei & Martha Bloom & Roberto Camerani & Monica Masucci & Josh Siepel & Jorge Velez Ospina - 2552-2567 Exploring regional industrial culture. Changing industrial culture and human agency in a Norwegian region
by Emelie Langemyr Eriksen & Arne Isaksen & Jan Ole Rypestøl - 2568-2589 Social capital and characteristics of economic dualism as determinants of regional resilience
by Maria Tsiapa - 2590-2613 The embeddedness of companies in regional energy transitions
by Sebastian Rohe & Ricarda Schmidt-Scheele & Jannika Mattes - 2614-2636 Everything must change for us to remain the same. Resilience in the face of disruptive innovations in industrial districts
by Francesc Xavier Molina-Morales & Valentina De Marchi & Luis Martínez-Cháfer & David Valiente-Bordanova - 2637-2658 Governance robustness put to the test by Covid-19. The case of Local Area Plans in the Lombardy Region
by Pietro Previtali & Eugenio Salvati - 2659-2660 Tourism, Urbanization, and the Evolving Periphery of the European Union
by Jialin Shi
November 2023, Volume 31, Issue 11
- 2257-2266 European planning studies at 30 – past, present and future
by Dominic Stead & Louis Albrechts - 2267-2276 Plural planning theories: cherishing the diversity of planning
by Benjamin Davy & Meike Levin-Keitel & Franziska Sielker