November 2010, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 281-304 The Present State of Research into Industrial Clusters and Districts. Content Analysis of Material Published in 1997--2006
by Mª Teresa Martínez-Fernández & Josep Capó-Vicedo & Teresa Vallet-Bellmunt - 305-319 Integrated Visions (Part I): Methodological Framework for Long-term Regional Design
by Sven Stremke & Ferry Van Kann & Jusuck Koh - 321-340 An Impact Analysis of the European Structural Funds on the Variation of the Rate of Employment and Productivity in Objective 1 Regions
by María Del Rocio Moreno-Enguix & Juan Gómez-García & Juan C. GóMez-Gallego
September 2010, Volume 19, Issue 12
- 2025-2046 How Emergence Conditions of Technological Clusters Affect Their Viability? Theoretical Perspectives on Cluster Life Cycles
by Joan Crespo - 2127-2146 Industrial Land and Property Markets: Market Processes, Market Institutions and Market Outcomes: The Dutch Case
by Erwin Van Der Krabben & Edwin Buitelaar
August 2010, Volume 19, Issue 12
- 2047-2072 Colocation Patterns of Foreign-Owned Firms in a Small Open Economy: Evidence from the Netherlands
by Cosmina Lelia Voinea & Hans Van Kranenburg - 2073-2093 Creative Occupations and Regional Development in Hungary: Mobility of Talent in a One-centred Transition Economy
by Balázs Lengyel & Bence Ságvári - 2095-2108 The Economic Performance of UK Cities, 1995--2005: Driven by Knowledge-based Sectors or Consumption-based Sectors?
by Andrew Johnston - 2109-2126 Between Input Legitimacy and Output Efficiency: Defensive Routines and Agonistic Reflectivity in Nordic Land-Use Planning
by Raine Mäntysalo & Inger-Lise Saglie & Göran Cars
June 2010, Volume 19, Issue 10
- 1713-1733 The Innovative Regional Environment and the Dynamics of its Clusters
by Blanca de Miguel Molina & María de Miguel Molina & José Albors Garrigós - 1817-1838 Spatial Reflection of Urban Planning in Metropolitan Areas and Urban Rent; a Case Study of Cayyolu, Ankara
by Munevver Ozge Balta & Feral Eke
September 2010, Volume 19, Issue 10
- 1797-1815 Planning Inequality: Social and Economic Spaces in National Spatial Planning
by Katharina Manderscheid & Tim Richardson
July 2010, Volume 19, Issue 10
- 1691-1712 A Public Choice Perspective on Regional Cluster and Network Promotion in Germany
by Matthias Kiese & Martin Wrobel - 1735-1753 Emerging Importance of Institutional Capacity for the Growth of Tourism Clusters: The Case of Antalya
by Hilal Erkuş-O¨ztürk - 1755-1773 The Influence of Economic Factors in Urban Sports Facility Planning: A Study on Spanish Regions
by Pablo Burillo & Ángel Barajas & Leonor Gallardo & Marta García-Tascón - 1775-1796 The Dutch Layers Approach to Spatial Planning and Design: A Fruitful Planning Tool or a Temporary Phenomenon?
by Jeroen van Schaick & Ina Klaasen
November 2010, Volume 19, Issue 9
- 1611-1631 Foreign Direct Investments in Business Services: Transforming the Visegrád Four Region into a Knowledge-based Economy?
by Paweł Capik & Jan Drahokoupil - 1651-1668 The Discourse and Realities of Offshore Business Services to Kraków
by Grzegorz Micek & JarosŁaw DziaŁek & Janusz Górecki
October 2010, Volume 19, Issue 9
- 1581-1591 Upgrading Local Economies in Central and Eastern Europe? The Role of Business Service Foreign Direct Investment in the Knowledge Economy
by Jane Hardy & Grzegorz Micek & PaweŁ Capik - 1593-1609 Offshoring and Outsourcing Business Services to Central and Eastern Europe: Some Empirical and Conceptual Considerations
by Magdolna Sass & Martina Fifekova - 1633-1650 The Embeddedness of Software Development in the Ukraine: An Offshoring Country Perspective
by Jane Hardy & Graham Hollinshead
June 2010, Volume 19, Issue 8
- 1375-1397 Why Do Cities Shrink?
by Diana Reckien & Cristina Martinez-Fernandez - 1399-1422 Regional Innovation Systems: Which Role for Public Policies and Innovation Agencies? Some Insights from the Experience of an Italian Region
by Annamaria Fiore & Maria Jennifer Grisorio & Francesco Prota - 1423-1439 The Dynamic Evolution of the Proximity Effect in the Textile Industry
by Francisco Puig & Helena Marques
July 2010, Volume 19, Issue 8
- 1441-1457 The Extra-urban Cultural District: An Emerging Local Production System: Three Italian Case Studies
by Eleonora Lorenzini - 1459-1480 The Growth of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services: Innovation, Markets and Networks
by Robert Huggins - 1499-1516 Transformations of Modern Infrastructure Planning in Rural Regions: The Case of Water Infrastructures in Brandenburg, Germany
by Sandra Huning & Matthias Naumann & Oliver Bens & Reinhard F. Hüttl
November 2010, Volume 19, Issue 8
- 1481-1498 Optimizing the Location of R&D and Production Activities: Trends in the Automotive Industry
by Ana Colovic & Ulrike Mayrhofer
December 2010, Volume 19, Issue 7
- 1205-1227 Aviation, Space or Aerospace? Exploring the Knowledge Networks of Two Industries in The Netherlands
by Tom Broekel & Ron Boschma - 1277-1303 Where Does the Knowledge for Knowledge-intensive Industries Come From? The Case of Biotech in Prague and ICT in Ostrava
by Jiří Blažek & Pavla žížalová & Petr Rumpel & Karel Skokan
October 2010, Volume 19, Issue 7
- 1165-1181 Formal Project Organization and Informal Social Networks: Regional Advantages in the Emergent Animation Industry in Oslo, Norway
by Ingrid H. Garmann Johnsen
September 2010, Volume 19, Issue 7
- 1141-1163 On the Nature and Geography of Innovation and Interactive Learning: A Case Study of the Biotechnology Industry in the Aachen Technology Region, Germany
by Oliver Plum & Robert Hassink - 1183-1203 Innovation in Symbolic Industries: The Geography and Organization of Knowledge Sourcing
by Roman Martin & Jerker Moodysson - 1229-1243 Knowledge Generation and Innovativeness in Turkish Textile Industry: Comparison of Istanbul and Denizli
by Yaprak Gülcan & Sedef Akgüngör & Yeşim Kuştepeli - 1245-1276 Knowledge Sourcing and Innovation in “Thick” and “Thin” Regional Innovation Systems—Comparing ICT Firms in Two Austrian Regions
by Franz Tödtling & Lukas Lengauer & Christoph Höglinger - 1305-1330 Local or Digital Buzz, Global or National Pipelines: Patterns of Knowledge Sourcing in Intelligent Machinery and Digital Content Services in Finland
by Markku Sotarauta & Tiina Ramstedt-Sen & Sanna Kaisa Seppänen & Kati-Jasmin Kosonen
June 2010, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 967-990 Regional Employment Growth in the Cultural and Creative Industries in Germany 2003--2008
by Ivo Mossig - 991-1019 Moving Eastwards While Remaining Embedded: The Case of the Marche Footwear District, Italy
by Eleonora Cutrini
April 2010, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 921-948 Distances, Knowledge Brokerage and Absorptive Capacity in Enhancing Regional Innovativeness: A Qualitative Case Study of Lahti Region, Finland
by Satu Parjanen & Helinä Melkas & Tuomo Uotila - 949-965 Clustering in Dresden
by Udo Broll & Antonio Roldán-Ponce
May 2010, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 1021-1041 The Leader Firms and the Evolution of an Industrial District: A Case Study of Hosiery District in Taiwan
by Jinn-Yuh Hsu & Le-Xin Lin - 1043-1059 Escalating Consumption and Spatial Planning: Notes on the Evolution of Swedish Retail Spaces
by Mattias Kärrholm & Katarina Nylund - 1061-1089 Transformation of Public Spaces in Istanbul
by Kerem Arslanli & Tuba Unlukara & Vedia Dokmeci
January 2010, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 839-860 Does Urban Consciousness Help Understand The Citizens' Role in Planning?
by Dilek Beyazli & Şinasi Aydemir
March 2010, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 753-773 “Cluster” Creation by Reconfiguring Communities of Practice
by Asbjørn Karlsen - 813-837 Changing Istanbul City Region Dynamics: Re-regulations to Challenge the Consequences of Uneven Development and Inequality
by Ayda Eraydin
April 2010, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 727-751 Polycentricity: An Issue in Local Development Strategies? Findings from the Baltic Sea Region
by Niels Boje Groth & Søren Smidt-Jensen & Thomas Alexander Sick Nielsen - 775-793 Improving SMEs' Guidance Within Public Innovation Supports
by Jean-Claude Boldrini & Nathalie Schieb-Bienfait & Emmanuel Chéné - 795-811 Alternative Initiatives, Cultural Intermediaries and Urban Regeneration: the Case of La Friche (Marseille)
by Lauren Andres - 861-885 Encountering Gilles Deleuze in Another Place
by Jean Hillier
March 2010, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 457-478 River Basin Management Planning with Participation in Europe: From Contested Hydro-politics to Governance-Beyond-the-State
by Marc Parés - 479-499 Determination of Optimum Environmental Conservation: Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques
by H. Murat Çelik & Ersin Türk
February 2010, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 361-378 What Accounts for the Resilience and Vulnerability of Clusters? The Case of Istanbul's Film Industry
by Özlem Öz & Kaya Özkaracalar - 379-401 An Evolutionary View of Policy Network Management
by Jose M. Barrutia & Carmen Echebarria - 403-428 Public--Private Collaboration for New Life Sciences Innovation and Regional Development: The Cases of Cambridge and Scotland
by Theo Papaioannou - 429-455 The Mornings after…Serbian Spatial Planning Legislation in Context
by Zorica Nedović-Budić & Dejan Djordjević & Tijana Dabović - 501-517 Facilitating Institutional Reform in England: Reconciling City-regions and Community Planning for Efficiency Gains?
by Simon Pemberton & Greg Lloyd
December 2010, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 195-215 Complementarities Between Universities and Technology Institutes: New Empirical Lessons and Perspectives
by Andrés Barge-Gil & Luis Santamaría & Aurelia Modrego
January 2010, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 179-194 Universities, the Second Academic Revolution and Regional Development: A Tale (Solely) Made of “ Techvalleys ”?
by Carlos Rodrigues - 279-309 An Analysis of Actual and Potential Clustering Structures, Stakeholder Governance Activities and Cross-locality Linkages in the Welsh Aerospace Industry
by Nick Clifton & Rhys David & Oliver Ehret & David Pickernell
July 2010, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 261-277 Exploit or Protect Airport Regions from Urbanization? Assessment of Land-use Restrictions in Amsterdam-Schiphol
by Michel Van Wijk & Kes Brattinga & Marco A. Bontje
June 2010, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-22 International Trade Fairs and Global Buzz. Part II: Practices of Global Buzz
by Nina Schuldt & Harald Bathelt
December 2010, Volume 18, Issue 12
- 2049-2072 Planning Small Regions in a Larger Europe: Spatial Planning as a Learning Process for Sustainable Local Development
by Bruno Zanon - 2073-2081 Lynch's The Image of the City after 50 Years: City Marketing Lessons from an Urban Planning Classic
by Gert-Jan Hospers - 2083-2085 Small Town Sustainability: Economic, Social and Environmental Innovation
by Phil Cooke
November 2010, Volume 18, Issue 11
- 1881-1896 Prospective Future Trends in Urban--Rural Relationships Within the Territorial Agenda of the EU: A Critical Analysis of Implementation with a Special Focus on the Example of the Czech Republic
by René Wokoun & Jana Kourilova & Martin Pelucha & Viktor Kveton - 1897-1908 Sustainable Food Systems Cluster, Vermont Style
by Stuart A. Rosenfeld - 1909-1910 Organizing Regional Innovation Support: Sweden's Industrial Development Centres as Regional Development Coalitions
by Phil Cooke
October 2010, Volume 18, Issue 10
- 1731-1748 Knowledge Production in European Regions: The Impact of Regional Strategies and Regionalization on Innovation
by Hugo Pinto & Paulo M. M. Rodrigues - 1749-1764 Cross-Border Trade Liberalization: The Case of Lokmaci/Ledra Gate in Divided Nicosia, Cyprus
by Vedat Yorucu & OZay Mehmet & Resmiye Alpar & Pinar Ulucay - 1765-1767 21st Century Cities in Canada: The Geography of Innovation
by Phil Cooke
April 2010, Volume 18, Issue 10
September 2010, Volume 18, Issue 9
- 1507-1517 Renewable Electricity in the EU: Are We Meeting the Targets?
by Adolfo Maza & María Hierro & José Villaverde - 1519-1541 Urban and Rural Definitions in Regional Context: A Case Study on Turkey
by Hürriyet G. Öğdül - 1543-1544 Book Review
by Rachael Unsworth
August 2010, Volume 18, Issue 8
- 1301-1315 European Spatial Planning Between Competitiveness and Territorial Cohesion: Shadows of Neo-liberalism
by Alberto Vanolo - 1317-1342 Consideration of Proximity in Selection of Residential Location by Science and Technology Workers: Case Study of Hsinchu, Taiwan
by Su-Li Chang & Yao-Hsien Lee & Chien-Yuan Lin & Tai-Shan Hu - 1343-1344 A World of Difference. Encountering and Contesting Development
by Sonia Roitman
July 2010, Volume 18, Issue 7
- 1133-1151 Use of E-procurement in Local Authorities' Purchasing and Its Effects on Local Economies: Evidence from Cumbria, UK
by Ignazio Cabras - 1153-1168 Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Development in China: A Review
by Fangzhu Zhang & Philip Cooke - 1169-1172 Growth and Innovation of Competitive Regions: The Role of Internal and External Connections
by Tassilo Herrschel
January 2010, Volume 18, Issue 6
- 965-970 Social Capital, Distance, Borders and Levels of Space: Conclusions and Further Issues
by Hans Westlund & Roel Rutten & Frans Boekema
June 2010, Volume 18, Issue 6
- 863-871 The Spatial Dimension of Social Capital
by Roel Rutten & Hans Westlund & Frans Boekema - 971-988 The Impact of European Public Contract Law on Networks of Governance: A Relational Approach
by Willem K. Korthals Altes & Tuna Taşan-Kok - 989-1018 Spatialization Patterns of Translocal Knowledge Networks: Conceptual Understandings and Empirical Evidences of Erlangen and Frankfurt/Oder
by Bastian Lange & Kerstin Büttner - 1019-1021 Eco-Urbanity: Towards Well-mannered Built Environments
by Dellé Odeleye
May 2010, Volume 18, Issue 5
- 815-832 Europeanization as Discontinuous Adjustment: A Düsseldorf Court's Impact on Land Development Practice
by Willem K. Korthals Altes - 833-859 Searching for a Balance Between Community Needs and Conservation Policies in Historic Neighbourhoods of Istanbul
by Müge Akkar Ercan - 861-862 Britain's New Towns: Garden Cities to Sustainable Communities
by Brian Simpson
April 2010, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 629-652 Efficiency on the Implementation of Structural Funds by European Regions: An Analysis of the Objective 1 Regions over the Period 2000--2006
by Juan Gómez García & María del Rocio Moreno Enguix & Juan Gómez Gallego - 653-664 Transformation in Retailing Behaviour, Patterns and Spatial Settings: The Case of the City of Trabzon
by Yelda Aydin Turk & Şınası Aydemır - 665-667 Urban and Regional Policy and Its Effects (Volume 2)
by Alasdair Rae
March 2010, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 467-484 A European Programme for Skills to Deliver Sustainable Communities: Recent Steps Towards Developing a Discourse
by Kevin Thomas & Steve Littlewood - 485-496 Community Pharmacies in the City Area: Evidence from an Italian Province
by Alfia Mangano - 497-499 Book Review
by Carlos Nunes Silva
February 2010, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 299-316 Spatial Units for EU Territorial Governance: Findings From a Study on North-Western Italy
by Umberto Janin Rivolin - 317-328 Understanding the Vancouver Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Cluster: A Case Study of Public Laboratories and Private Research‡
by J. Adam Holbrook & David Arthurs & Erin Cassidy - 329-331 Mobility in Daily Life: Between Freedom and Unfreedom
by Euan Hague
January 2010, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-5 Territorial Industrial Development Policies and Innovation
by Mari Jose Aranguren & Marco Bellandi & James Wilson - 145-146 War, Violence and Population: Making the Body Count
by Stephen Taylor
October 2009, Volume 19, Issue 8
- 1517-1536 SPARK: Strategic Planning Approach for Resilience Keeping
by Fernando Teigão dos Santos & Maria Rosário Partidário
December 2009, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 243-260 From Image to Identity: Building Regions by Place Promotion
by Kaj Zimmerbauer
December 2009, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 63-76 Does Spatial Clustering of Foreign Direct Investment Foster Global Production Networks? The Case of Qingdao, China
by Jun Yeup Kim - 77-95 Dynamics of Value Chain Governance: Increasing Supplier Competence and Changing Power Relations in the Periphery of Automotive Production—Evidence from Bursa, Turkey
by Güldem Özatağan - 113-139 Oslo's Farewell to Urban Sprawl
by Petter Næss & Teresa Næss & Arvid Strand
November 2009, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 43-61 Medical Technology's Source of Innovation
by Stefan Weigel
October 2009, Volume 19, Issue 1
August 2009, Volume 19, Issue 1
December 2009, Volume 18, Issue 12
- 1957-1974 International Trade Fairs and Global Buzz, Part I: Ecology of Global Buzz
by Harald Bathelt & Nina Schuldt
October 2009, Volume 18, Issue 12
- 1993-2008 Different Modes of Innovation and the Challenge of Connecting Universities and Industry: Case Studies of Two Regional Industries in Norway
by Arne Isaksen & James Karlsen
November 2009, Volume 18, Issue 12
- 1937-1956 Networks and Innovation: The Role of Social Assets in Explaining Firms' Innovative Capacity
by Uwe Cantner & Elisa Conti & Andreas Meder
September 2009, Volume 18, Issue 12
- 1911-1936 Persistence and Change of Regional Industrial Activities: The Impact of Diversification in the German Machine Tool Industry
by Dirk Fornahl & Christina Guenther - 1975-1992 How Relational Dimensions Affect Knowledge Redundancy in Industrial Clusters
by Manuel Expósito-Langa & F. Xavier Molina-Morales - 2009-2026 The Greek University Stranded in the Policy of Establishing Regional Universities
by Lois Labrianidis
June 2009, Volume 18, Issue 12
- 2027-2048 Planning Control on the Northern European Periphery
by Laila Kule & August E. Røsnes
September 2009, Volume 18, Issue 11
- 1769-1786 Making Space and Place for the Knowledge Economy: Knowledge-based Development of Australian Cities
by Tan Yigitcanlar
July 2009, Volume 18, Issue 11
- 1821-1836 Tourism Planning in Sub-regional Destinations: Heterogeneity of the Tourist Experience on the Andalusian Coastal Municipalities
by Jesús Manuel López-Bonilla & Luis Miguel López-Bonilla - 1837-1861 Urban Pattern Dichotomy in Tirana: Socio-spatial Impact of Liberalism
by Ilir Nase & Mehmet Ocakçi
June 2009, Volume 18, Issue 11
- 1787-1804 Increasing Societal Discomfort About a Dominant Restrictive Planning Discourse on Open Space in Flanders, Belgium
by Hans Leinfelder & Georges Allaert - 1863-1880 Designers' Attitudes Towards Disabled People and the Compliance of Public Open Places: The Case of Istanbul
by Nilay Evcil
November 2009, Volume 18, Issue 10
- 1545-1565 Small-Town Sustainability: Prospects in the Second Modernity
by Heike Mayer & Paul Knox
February 2009, Volume 18, Issue 10
- 1707-1729 Industrial Districts, Innovation and I-district Effect: Territory or Industrial Specialization?
by Rafael Boix & Joan Trullén
May 2009, Volume 18, Issue 10
- 1631-1651 High-skilled Return Migration and Knowledge-based Development in Poland
by Britta Klagge & Katrin Klein-Hitpaß - 1653-1674 Urban Regeneration and Socio-economic Sustainability: A Role for Established Small Food Outlets
by Carina Weingaertner & Austin R. G. Barber - 1675-1705 The Location Choice of Foreign Direct Investment Within Turkey: An Empirical Analysis
by Nuri Yavan
July 2009, Volume 18, Issue 10
- 1591-1609 One Size Fits All? Applying the Creative Class Thesis onto a Nordic Context
by Kristina Vaarst Andersen & Markus M. Bugge & Høgni Kalsø Hansen & Arne Isaksen & Mika Raunio - 1611-1629 Building Localized Interactions Between Universities and Cities Through University Spatial Development
by Paul Benneworth & David Charles & Ali Madanipour
May 2009, Volume 18, Issue 9
- 1365-1389 How Necessary are Intermediary Organizations in the Commercialization of Research?
by Nina Suvinen & Jari Konttinen & Mika Nieminen - 1391-1410 Shared Resources and Competitive Advantage in Clustered Firms: The Missing Link
by Xiaobo Wu & Shuai Geng & Jun Li & Wei Zhang - 1411-1443 The Role of an Area-oriented Approach in Achieving Environmental Policy Integration in the Netherlands, and its Applicability in Bulgaria
by Vanya Simeonova & Arnold van der Valk
February 2009, Volume 18, Issue 9
- 1345-1363 The Functional Resilience of an Innovative Cluster in the Montpellier Urban Area (South of France)
by Nicolas Bonnet
April 2009, Volume 18, Issue 9
- 1445-1468 Why Every Cluster Cannot be a Successful Community?
by Edward Kasabov - 1469-1484 Retail Development and Impact Assessment in Czech Republic: Which Tools to Use?
by Jana Spilková - 1485-1505 Assessing the Impact of Tourism on the Physical Environment of a Small Coastal Town: Girne, Northern Cyprus
by Beser Oktay Vehbi & Naciye Doratli
April 2009, Volume 18, Issue 8
- 1267-1283 Absorptive Capacity for R&D: The Identification of Different Firm Profiles
by Arturo Rodríguez-Castellanos & Markus Hagemeister & Stanislav Ranguelov - 1285-1299 Balancing London? A Preliminary Investigation of the “Core Cities” and “Northern Way” Spatial Policy Initiatives Using Multi-City Corporate and Commercial Law Firms
by Peter J. Taylor & Michael Hoyler & David M. Evans & John Harrison
March 2009, Volume 18, Issue 8
- 1173-1186 Conservation versus Regeneration?: Case of European Capital of Culture 2010 Istanbul
by Zeynep Gunay - 1187-1206 Success Conditions for Urban Networks: Eurocities and Sister Cities
by Tüzin Baycan-Levent & Aliye Ahu Gülümser Akgün & Seda Kundak - 1207-1226 Institutional Arrangements and Political Mobilization in the New Italian Regionalism: The Role of Spatial Policies in the Piedmont Region
by Carlo Salone - 1227-1246 Conceptualizing the Regional Roles of Universities, Implications and Contradictions
by Elvira Uyarra - 1247-1266 The Significance of Networking and Company Size in the Level of Creativeness of Tourism Companies: Antalya Case
by Hilal Erkuş-Öztürk
February 2009, Volume 18, Issue 7
- 1041-1055 The Impact of Public Capital Stock on Regional Convergence in Turkey
by A. Özlem Önder & Ertuğrul Deliktaş & Metin Karadağ - 1057-1076 The Role of Regional Policies in Promoting Networking and Innovative Activity: Evidence from Small Finnish High-tech Firms
by Kirsi Mukkala - 1077-1095 Employment Dynamics on Business Estates
by Joris Knoben & Anet Weterings - 1097-1131 Flexibility in Planning and the Consequences for Public-value Capturing in UK, Spain and the Netherlands
by Demetrio Muñoz Gielen & Tuna Tasan-Kok
March 2009, Volume 18, Issue 7
- 1023-1039 Mega-projects: Dealing with Pitfalls
by Hugo Priemus
December 2009, Volume 18, Issue 6
- 921-939 Social Values and the Economic Development of Regions
by Roel Rutten & John Gelissen - 941-963 Space and Social Capital: The Degree of Locality in Entrepreneurs' Contacts and its Consequences for Firm Success
by Veronique Schutjens & Beate Völker
November 2009, Volume 18, Issue 6
- 893-919 Social Capital and Economic Performance: A Meta-analysis of 65 Studies
by Hans Westlund & Frane Adam
June 2009, Volume 18, Issue 6
- 873-891 Knowledge Transfers, Spillovers and Actors: The Role of Context and Social Capital
by Jan G. Lambooy
February 2009, Volume 18, Issue 5
- 691-707 Asian Transnational Enterprises and Technology Transfer in Thailand
by Jessie P. H. Poon & Suksawat Sajarattanochote - 709-735 Willingness to Pay for Multifunctional Megaprojects: A Stated Preference Analysis Among Firms in the Amsterdam Zuidas Area
by Caroline A. Rodenburg & Peter Nijkamp & Henri L. F. De Groot & Erik T. Verhoef - 755-773 Planning Innovations in Land Management and Governance in Fragmented Rural Areas: Two Examples from Galicia (Spain)
by Francisco-J Ónega-López & Jose Antonio Puppim de Oliveira & Rafael Crecente-Maseda - 791-814 Geography of Knowledge-based Collaboration in a Post-communist Country: Specific Experience or Generalized Pattern?
by Pavla Žížalová
January 2009, Volume 18, Issue 5
- 737-753 Challenges to Democracy in Market-Oriented Urban Planning in Norway
by Eva Irene Falleth & Gro Sandkjaer Hanssen & Inger Lise Saglie - 775-789 Relationship Between Green Areas and Urban Conservation in Historical Areas and Its Reflections: Case of Diyarbakir City, Turkey
by M. Oguz Sinemillioglu & Can Tuncay Akin & Nese Karacay
March 2009, Volume 18, Issue 5
- 669-690 Demographics, Innovative Outputs and Alliance Strategies of Canadian Biotech Firms
by Yael M. Levitte & Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen
October 2009, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 545-563 Measuring Regional Creative Capacity: A Literature Review for Rural-Specific Approaches
by Aliye Ahu Gülümser & Tüzın Baycan-Levent & Peter Nijkamp
December 2009, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 613-627 Leadership and Creativity in Regional Economic Development
by Roger R. Stough
September 2009, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 501-504 Diversity and Creativity as a Research and Policy Challenge
by Tüzın Baycan-Levent & Peter Nijkamp - 521-543 Diversity Matters: Immigrant Entrepreneurship and Contribution of Different Forms of Social Integration in Economic Performance of Cities
by Ayda Eraydin & Tuna Tasan-Kok & Jan Vranken - 565-594 Diversity and Creativity as Seedbeds for Urban and Regional Dynamics
by Tüzın Baycan-Levent - 595-611 Innovation and Growth Potentials of European Regions: A Meta-Multicriteria Analysis
by Peter Nijkamp & Frank Zwetsloot & Sander van der Wal
August 2009, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 505-520 The Impact of the Creative Sector on Growth in German Regions
by Jan Wedemeier
January 2009, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 351-370 The Role of Interactive Learning to Close the “Innovation Gap” in SME-Based Local Economies: A Furniture Cluster in the Basque Country and its Key Policy Implications
by M. D. Parrilli & M. J. Aranguren & M. Larrea
January 2009, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 147-168 Market Potential, Productivity and Foreign Direct Investment: Some Evidence from Three Case Studies
by Lionel Artige & Rosella Nicolini - 259-280 Measuring the Effects of Consensus-building Processes with Methods of Intervention Research
by Matthias Buchecker & Christine Meier & Marcel Hunziker - 281-297 Examination of the Interpretation of Strategic Spatial Planning in Three Cases from Turkey1
by Bahar Gedikli
September 2009, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 7-25 A new Challenge for Regional Policy-Making in Europe? Chances and Risks of the Merger Between Cohesion and Innovation Policy
by Knut Koschatzky & Thomas Stahlecker - 83-105 Industrial Development Policy and Innovation in Southern China: Government Targets and Firms' Behaviour
by Elisa Barbieri & Marco R. Di Tommaso & Manli Huang - 107-122 Output Additionality of Public Support for Innovation: Evidence for Irish Manufacturing Plants
by Nola Hewitt-Dundas & Stephen Roper
June 2009, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 123-143 Understanding the Innovation Impacts of Public Procurement
by Elvira Uyarra & Kieron Flanagan
July 2009, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 27-45 The Regional Development Platform and “Related Variety”: Some Evidence from Art and Food in Tuscany
by Luciana Lazzeretti & Francesco Capone & Tommaso Cinti - 47-65 Learning from the Local: Governance of Networks for Innovation in the Basque Country
by Mari Jose Aranguren & Miren Larrea & James Wilson - 67-82 An Analysis of Regional Policies Promoting Networks for Innovation
by Marco Bellandi & Annalisa Caloffi
December 2009, Volume 17, Issue 12
- 1881-1905 How Regional Innovation Systems Play a Relative Competitive Role Within Knowledge Networks
by Mei Hsiu-Ching Ho - 1907-1921 Land Use Planning Tools and Institutional Change in Germany: Recent Developments in Local and Regional Planning
by Stephan Schmidt - 1923-1925 The Moving Frontier: The Changing Geography of Production in Labour-Intensive Industries
by Ivan Turok
November 2009, Volume 17, Issue 11
- 1685-1710 Closed Condominiums as Urban Fragments of the Contemporary City
by Sara Santos Cruz & Paulo Pinho - 1711-1729 Bilbao's Art Scene and the “Guggenheim effect” Revisited
by Beatriz Plaza & Manuel Tironi & Silke N. Haarich - 1731-1732 Book Review
by Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia
June 2009, Volume 17, Issue 10
- 1559-1570 Urban Sprawl Measurement of Istanbul
by Fatih Terzi & Fulin Bolen
July 2009, Volume 17, Issue 10
- 1535-1558 Measuring the Permanent Impact of European Structural Funds on Peripheral Objective 1 Regions: The Case of Galicia
by José Ramón Cancelo & J. Andrés Faíña & Jesús López-Rodríguez
January 2009, Volume 17, Issue 10
- 1463-1483 Culinary Tourism as a Tool for Regional Re-equilibrium
by Armando Montanari & Barbara Staniscia - 1485-1508 Working on the Other Side. Cooperative Tour Organizers and Uncooperative Hoteliers: Evidence from Greek Cypriot Tourism Professionals
by Craig Webster & Bernard Musyck & Stelios Orphanides & David Jacobson
April 2009, Volume 17, Issue 10
- 1445-1462 From Local Promotion Towards Regional Tourism Policies: Knowledge Processes and Actor Networks in North Jutland, Denmark
by Pennie F. Henriksen & Henrik Halkier - 1525-1533 An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of International Tourism Demand: The Case of Izmir
by A. Özlem Önder & Aykan Candemir & Neşe Kumral
October 2009, Volume 17, Issue 10
- 1441-1443 Tourism, Regional Development and Public Policy: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Neşe Kumral & A. Özlem Önder - 1571-1573 Governing the Metropolis: Principles and Cases
by Phil Cooke
February 2009, Volume 17, Issue 10
- 1509-1523 Public Policies and Development of the Tourism Industry in the Aegean Region
by Yaprak Gülcan & Yeşim Kuştepeli & Sedef Akgüngör
September 2009, Volume 17, Issue 9
- 1405-1419 Towards Liveable Cities: Progress in the European Union Urban Environmental Agenda
by Christian Zuidema & Gert De Roo - 1421-1436 Impacts of an Iron and Steel Plant on Residential Property Values
by Celia Bilbao-Terol - 1437-1440 Book Review
by Wendy Steele
April 2009, Volume 17, Issue 9
- 1323-1333 Localization in Sardinia and Its Obstacles: A Reply to Hospers' “Localization in Europe's Periphery: Tourism Development in Sardinia”
by Omar Onnis & Oliver Perra & Franciscu Sedda & Frantziscu Sanna & Martino Dibeltulo
August 2009, Volume 17, Issue 8
- 1105-1115 Bridging the Functional and Territorial Views on Regional Entrepreneurship and Development: The Challenge, the Journey, the Lessons
by Bengt Johannisson & Åsa Lindholm Dahlstrand - 1223-1241 Territorial Knowledge Dynamics: From the Proximity Paradigm to Multi-location Milieus
by Olivier Crevoisier & Hugues Jeannerat - 1243-1256 Locational Preferences of FDI Firms in Turkey: A Detailed Examination of Regional Determinants
by Lale Berkoz & Sevkiye Sence Turk - 1257-1259 Whose Urban Renaissance? An International Comparison of Urban Regeneration Strategies
by Alasdair Rae