October 2001, Volume 9, Issue 7
- 907-923 The Evaluation of Regional Innovation and Cluster Policies: Towards a Participatory Approach
by Maria Angeles Diez - 925-934 Urban Design, Urban Space Morphology, Urban Tourism: An Emerging New Paradigm Concerning Their Relationship
by Aspa Gospodini
September 2001, Volume 9, Issue 6
- 693-706 Network Management and Information Systems in Promotion of Urban Economic Development: Some Reflections from CityWeb of Tampere
by Markku Sotarauta - 707-719 Citizen Participation in Planning: Climbing a Ladder?
by Karel Maier - 721-737 Globalization, State Restructuring and Innovation in European Water Management Systems: Reflections from England and Wales
by Aidan While & Graham Haughton - 739-753 Systemic Flexibility, Production Fragmentation and Cluster Governance
by Lisa De Propris - 755-771 'New Programming' and the Influence of Transnational Discourses in the Reform of Regional Policy in Italy
by Enrico Gualini - 773-779 Economics and Social Sciences: Complements, Competitors, Accomplices?
by Bodo Kubartz & Petra Lutke & Stefanie Roeder - 781-791 The Planning System in Northern Ireland Post-devolution
by Jim Berry & Louise Brown & Stanley McGreal
July 2001, Volume 9, Issue 5
- 575-592 Globalization and Economic Restructuring in Ontario: From Industrial Heartland to Learning Region?
by David A. Wolfe & Meric S. Gertler - 629-648 Innovation System Effects on Technological Adoption in a Regional Value Chain
by Edward M. Bergman & Edward J. Feser - 663-675 The Application of the European Spatial Development Perspective: Evidence from the North-West Metropolitan Area
by Andreas Faludi
June 2001, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 437-457 Changing Approaches to Urban Planning in an ‘Entrepreneurial City’: The Case of Dublin
by Pauline M. Mcguirk & Andrew Maclaran - 459-481 Designing a Place Called Bankside: On Defining an Unknown Space in London
by Paul Teedon - 503-524 Urban Planning and Sustainable Development
by Petter Næss - 525-537 The Principles of Parallel Development of Fiscal Capacity between State and Municipalities as Useful Benchmarks for the Determination of the Inter-governmental Grants in Germany
by Chang Woon Nam & Rüdiger Parsche & Matthias Steinherr - 539-552 From Core-periphery to Polycentric Development: Concepts of Spatial and Aspatial Peripherality
by Andrew K. Copus
April 2001, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 285-302 New Approaches to Innovation Policy: Some Norwegian Examples
by Arne Isaksen & Svend Otto Remøe - 339-358 The Difference Context Makes: Planning and Ethnic Minorities in Northern Ireland
by Geraint Ellis - 407-426 The Element of Sustainability in the Greek Statutory Spatial Planning System: A Real Operational Concept or a Political Declaration?
by K. Sapountzaki & H. Karka
March 2001, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 141-161 Tackling Social Exclusion: The Role of Social Capital in Urban Regeneration on Merseyside — From Mistrust to Trust?
by Karen Hibbitt & Peris Jones & Richard Meegan - 163-185 Localized Learning and Policy: Academic Advice on Enhancing Regional Competitiveness through Learning
by Mark Lorenzen - 187-199 From Mining Community to Seasonal Visitor Destination: The Transformation of Sotiras, Thasos, Greece
by Mary Caravelis & Russell Ivy - 201-221 Reality versus Policy: The Delineation and Testing of Local Labour Market and Spatial Policy Areas
by Lambert Van Der Laan & Richard Schalke - 223-242 Local Land Use Plans and the Implementation of New Urban Development
by Stuart M. Farthing - 243-254 Environmental Assessment in the European Union: Perspectives, Past, Present and Strategic
by Adam Barker & Christopher Wood - 255-274 The End of the Beginning?: Welsh Regional Policy and Objective One
by David J. Brooksbank & Nicholas C. Clifton & Dylan Jones-Evans & David G. Pickernell
2001, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 5-5 Best Article Prize, 1999
by The Editors - 7-28 Industry Clusters in Ireland: An Application of Porter's Model of National Competitive Advantage to Three Sectors
by Paula Clancy & Eoin O'Malley & Larry O'Connell & Chris Van Egeraat - 29-46 Global Strategies Compared: Firms, Markets and Regions
by Dieter Rehfeld - 47-68 How to Attract Managers and Professionals to Peripheral Regions? Recruitment Strategies in the Weser-Ems Region, Germany
by Ruth Rohr-Zänker - 69-83 On the Relationship Between Cultural and Economic Aspects of Regional Development: Some Evidence from Germany and Britain
by Rainer Danielzyk & Gerald Wood - 85-103 'Internal Frontiers' as a Hindrance to Development
by Lois Labrianidis - 105-116 Strengthening the Polycentric Urban System in Europe: Conclusions from the ESDP
by Stefan Krätke - 117-127 Commuting to the Istanbul Historical Core: The Case of Industrial Employees
by Mehmet Ocakci - 129-133 Book Reviews
by The Editors
December 2000, Volume 8, Issue 6
- 693-709 Cities in Old Industrial Regions Between Local Innovative Milieu and Urban Governance—Reflections on City Region Governance
by Peter Ache - 729-750 Surviving Between the Trenches: Planning Research, Methodology and Theory of Science
by Petter NÆss & Inger-Lise Saglie - 767-782 Modernizing Democracy: Constructing a Radical Reform of the Planning System?
by Angela Hull
October 2000, Volume 8, Issue 5
- 547-564 The Liberalization of the Land Market in Spain: The 1998 Reform of Urban Planning Legislation
by Josep Roca Cladera & Malcolm C. Burns - 565-579 Supra-national Spatial Planning of the Baltic Sea Region and Competing Narratives for Tourism
by Reiner Jaakson - 581-600 Confidence Building in Local Planning and Development. Some Experience from Norway
by Jørgen Amdam - 601-617 The German-Owned Manufacturing Sector in the North-East of England
by Peter Kirchner - 619-630 Adapting Western Style Regional Planning to Russia: The University of Massachusetts‐Pskov Region Partnership
by Meir Gross - 631-650 Medium-Sized Firms and the Limits to Growth: A Case Study in the Evolution of a Spin-Off Firm
by Jonathan Michael Feldman & Magnus Klofsten - 651-668 'Euroscepticism', Political Agendas and Spatial Planning: British National and Regional Planning Policy in Uncertain Times
by Mark Tewdwr-Jones & Kevin Bishop & David Wilkinson - 669-684 The Rhetorical Side of Transport Planning
by Tore Langmyhr
August 2000, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 409-427 Interregional Differences in R&D Activities—An Empirical Investigation
by Michael Fritsch - 451-463 The Importance of Public Research Institutes in Innovative Networks-Empirical Results from the Metropolitan Innovation Systems Barcelona, Stockholm and Vienna
by Javier Revilla Diez - 487-501 R&D Cooperation in Innovation Systems—Some Lessons from the European Regional Innovation Survey (ERIS)
by Knut Koschatzky & Rolf Sternberg - 521-535 Panorama of the Basque Country and its Competence for Self-Government
by Mikel Gómez Uranga & Goio Etxebarria
June 2000, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 267-284 Networking Among Regions: Ontario and the Four Motors for Europe¹
by David A. Wolfe - 285-299 Globalization and Entrepreneurial Response in Post-Socialist Transformation: A Case Study from Transcarpathia, Ukraine
by Christos Kalantaridis - 301-318 Regional Technology Initiatives: Some Insights from the English Regions
by Ian Vickers & David North - 319-336 The Role of Networking in the New Political Economy of Regional Development
by Bob Morgan & David Brooksbank & Michael Connolly - 337-355 Spatial Planning in the Network Society-Rethinking the Principles of Planning in the Netherlands
by Maarten Hajer & Wil Zonneveld - 357-365 Constructing the European Spatial Development Perspective—For Whom?
by Richard H. Williams - 367-375 Planning Time: An Emergent European Practice
by Francesco Domenico Moccia
April 2000, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 149-156 GUEST EDITORIAL: Decentralized Industrial Policy
by Iain Begg & David Mayes - 157-167 Economic Development Policy in the Canton of Neuchatel
by Denis Maillat & Antony Schneiter - 169-182 Decentralized Industrial Policies in Practice: The Case of Austria and Styria
by Dorothea Sturn - 183-200 Industrial Policy in Wallonia: A Rupture with the Past?
by Alasdair Reid & Bernard Musyck - 201-209 Decentralized Industrial Policy in Germany. Case Study: Bavaria
by Chang Woon Nam - 211-223 Regional Industrial Modernization Programmes: Two Cases from Massachusetts
by Michael H. Best & Robert Forrant - 225-236 The Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC): A Private Initiative for Industrial Development
by Jurgen Schmandt & David Hitchcock - 237-250 The European Spatial Development Perspective - What Next?
by Andreas Faludi - 251-256 The Scottish Parliament, Regulation and Land Use Planning
by M. G. Lloyd & J. McCarthy
February 2000, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-5 Best Article Prize, 1998
by The Editors - 7-27 Berlin: The Metropolis as a Production Space
by Stefan Kratke - 29-42 Determinants of the Uneven Regional Participation of Firms in European Technology Programmes. The 'Low R&D Trap'
by Xavier Vence & Xulia Guntin & Oscar Rodil - 43-67 Constructing a Manufacturing Fixed Capital Stock Series for the Regions of Greece
by Konstantinos Melachroinos & Nigel Spence - 69-86 The Tragedy of the Highway: Empowerment, Disempowerment and the Politics of Sustainability Discourses and Practices
by Guy Baeten - 87-106 Innovative Activity in SMEs and Rural Economic Development: Some Evidence from England
by David North & David Smallbone - 107-121 EUROPEAN BRIEFING: The Transition to Environmental Agriculture in Europe: Learning Processes and Knowledge Networks
by Nigel Curry & Michael Winter - 123-134 RESEARCH BRIEFING: A Regionalization Strategy to Promote Integrated Local Development: The Comarcal Development Plan of Galicia
by Andres Precedo Ledo - 135-140 Book Reviews
by The Editors