June 2013, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 890-908 Structural Unemployment in the Western Balkans: Challenges for Skills Anticipation and Matching Policies
by Will Bartlett - 909-943 "Brain Drain" or "Brain Gain"? Students' Loyalty to their Student Town: Field Evidence from Norway
by Øyvind Helgesen & Erik Nesset & Øivind Strand - 944-966 A Method for the Evaluation of Metropolitan Planning: Application to the Context in Spain
by Julio Alberto Soria & Luis Miguel Valenzuela
May 2013, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 631-636 Beyond the Regional Cradle and Policy Trap: Proximity and Embedding as Development Potentialities
by Arnoud Lagendijk & Roos Pijpers - 637-665 Stocking Up: The Role of Temporal and Spatial R&D Stocks
by Martijn J. Smit & Henri L.F. de Groot - 666-682 Benefitting from Learning Networks in “Open Innovation”: Spin-off Firms in Contrasting City Regions
by Marina van Geenhuizen & Danny P. Soetanto - 683-699 The Role of Domestic and International External Cluster Linkages Explored on the Example of Buyer--Supplier Relations in Learning Regions: A Cross-Functional Assessment
by Holger Schiele & Alexander Ebner - 700-721 Knowledge and Proximity
by Geert Vissers & Ben Dankbaar - 722-734 Beyond the Learning Region: A New Direction for Conceptualizing the Relation between Space and Learning
by Roel Rutten & Frans Boekema - 735-753 What's Next in Researching Cluster Policy: Place-Based Governance for Effective Cluster Policy
by Miranda Ebbekink & Arnoud Lagendijk
April 2013, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 433-451 The Regional Embeddedness of Multinational Companies: A Critical Perspective
by Jannika Mattes - 452-472 The Territorial Approach to Cultural Economy: New Opportunities for the Development of Small Towns
by Michela Lazzeroni & Nicola Bellini & Gisella Cortesi & Anna Loffredo - 473-497 Dealing with Sustainability Trade-Offs of the Compact City in Peri-Urban Planning Across European City Regions
by Judith Westerink & Dagmar Haase & Annette Bauer & Joe Ravetz & Françoise Jarrige & Carmen B.E. M. Aalbers - 498-515 Determinants of Market Extension in Knowledge-Intensive Business Services: Evidence from a Regional Innovation System
by Marco Bettiol & Valentina De Marchi & Eleonora Di Maria & Roberto Grandinetti - 516-535 The Creative Economy: Vision or Illusion in the Structural Change?
by Rolf G. Heinze & Fabian Hoose - 536-555 Explaining Governance in Five Mega-City Regions: Rethinking the Role of Hierarchy and Government
by David Evers & Jochem de Vries - 556-574 Cluster Facilitation from a Cluster Life Cycle Perspective
by Mads Bruun Ingstrup & Torben Damgaard - 575-595 Conceptualizing the Role of Key Individuals in Urban Governance: Cases from the Economic Regeneration of Liverpool, UK
by Matthew Cocks - 596-614 The Unbearable Instability of Structural Funds' Distribution
by Nicola Francesco Dotti - 615-630 National Planning Systems Between Convergence and Incongruity: Implications for Cross-Border Cooperation from the German--Polish Perspective
by Alexander Tölle
March 2013, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 285-290 The New Urban World
by Karima Kourtit & Peter Nijkamp & Mark D. Partridge - 291-315 The “New Urban Europe”: Global Challenges and Local Responses in the Urban Century
by Peter Nijkamp & Karima Kourtit - 316-333 Recent Theoretical Paradigms in Urban Growth
by Roberta Capello - 334-354 The Economic Performance of European Cities and City Regions: Myths and Realities
by Lewis Dijkstra & Enrique Garcilazo & Philip McCann - 355-372 Buzz, Archipelago Economies and the Future of Intermediate and Peripheral Areas in a Spiky World
by Andrés Rodríguez-Pose & Rune Dahl Fitjar - 373-387 Spatial Inequality Between and Within Urban Areas: The Case of Israeli Cities
by Daniel Shefer & Malka Antonio - 388-410 Rising Inequality in an Era of Austerity: The Case of the US
by Mark D. Partridge & Amanda L. Weinstein - 411-431 Migration, Geographies of Marginality and Informality—Impacts on Upper and Lower Ends of Urban Systems in the North and South
by H. S. Geyer & H. S. Geyer & D. J. Du Plessis
February 2013, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 115-130 Who Can Govern? Comparing Network Governance Leadership in Two Norwegian City Regions
by Knut Hidle & Roger Henning Normann - 131-148 Assessment of the Programme of Measures for Coastal Lagoon Environmental Restoration Using Cost--Benefit Analysis
by Jose M. Martínez-Paz & Angel Perni & Federico Martínez-Carrasco - 149-166 Polycentrism as a Multi-Scalar Relationship Between Urban and Rural Areas: The Case of Portugal
by Renato Miguel Carmo - 167-186 Urban Planning in Italy: The Future of Urban General Plan and Governance
by Anna Maria Colavitti & Nicola Usai & Sandra Bonfiglioli - 187-203 Regional Planning in the Catalan Pyrenees: Strategies to Deal with Actors' Expectations, Perceived Uncertainties and Conflicts
by Ignasi Domingo & Raoul Beunen - 204-231 Market Actors' Views on Urban Family Living: Informing Urban Planning and Place Marketing in Preparation for Urban Transitions
by Ulrich Kriese & Robert Bügl & Roland W. Scholz - 232-250 Local Community Participation in the Planning Process: A Case of Bounded Communicative Rationality
by Maie Kiisel - 251-263 The Size Distribution of Cities and Determinants of City Growth in Turkey
by Ertugrul Deliktas & A. Özlem Önder & Metin Karadag - 264-280 Modelling European Regional Policy 2007--2013: Applied General Equilibrium Analysis of the Economic Impact on the Madrid Region
by Jose-Ramon Monrobel & Angeles Camara & Miguel-Angel Marcos - 281-283 Green Cities of Europe
by Ivan Turok
January 2013, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-4 Cross-Border Mobility, Unfamiliarity and Development Policy in Europe
by Bas Spierings & Martin van der Velde - 5-23 Cross-Border Differences and Unfamiliarity: Shopping Mobility in the Dutch-German Rhine-Waal Euroregion
by Bas Spierings & Martin van der Velde - 24-41 Recovering the Paradox of the Border: Identity and (Un)familiarity Across the Portuguese--Spanish Border
by Maria de Fátima Amante - 42-57 Exploring the Concept of (Un)familiarity: (Un)familiarity in Border Practices and Identity-Formation at the Slovenian--Croatian Border on Istria
by Dorte Jagetić Andersen - 58-74 Reviving Unfamiliarity—The Case of Public Resistance to the Establishment of the Danish--German Euroregion
by Carsten Yndigegn - 75-92 Constructing Familiarity in Finnish--Russian Karelia: Shifting Uses of History and the Re-Interpretation of Regions
by James Wesley Scott - 93-111 Constructing (Un)familiarity: Role of Tourism in Identity and Region Building at the Finnish--Russian Border
by Alexander Izotov & Jussi Laine - 112-114 Exploring Knowledge-Intensive Business Services: Knowledge Management Strategies
by Phil Cooke
August 2012, Volume 20, Issue 11
- 1909-1921 Catching Regional Development Dreams: A Study of Cluster Initiatives as Intermediaries
by Inessa Laur & Magnus Klofsten & Dzamila Bienkowska
November 2012, Volume 20, Issue 11
- 1759-1766 Knowledge Dynamics, Regions and Public Policy
by Henrik Halkier & Laura James & Margareta Dahlström & Jesper Manniche - 1923-1924 The Imaginative Institution: Planning and Governance in Madrid
by Brian Simpson
May 2012, Volume 20, Issue 10
- 1747-1754 Shrinkage, Metropolization and Peripheralization in East Germany
by Thilo Lang
October 2012, Volume 20, Issue 10
- 1755-1756 China's Specialized Markets
by Phil Cooke
May 2012, Volume 20, Issue 9
- 1429-1438 Great Expectations: An Innovation Solution to the Contemporary Economic Crisis
by Marina Ranga & Henry Etzkowitz - 1439-1453 An Innovation Strategy to End the Second Great Depression
by Henry Etzkowitz
September 2012, Volume 20, Issue 9
- 1549-1567 Conceptualizing the Logics of Territorial Cohesion
by Lisa Van Well - 1569-1582 Measuring Knowledge Bases in Swedish Regions
by Roman Martin
July 2012, Volume 20, Issue 9
- 1483-1496 The Triple Helix Model as an Instrument of Local Response to the Economic Crisis
by Carlos Rodrigues & Ana Melo - 1497-1523 Stimulating R&D and Innovation to Address Romania's Economic Crisis: A Bridge Too Far?
by Marina Ranga
August 2012, Volume 20, Issue 8
- 1415-1424 From Clusters to Platform Policies in Regional Development
by Philip Cooke - 1425-1427 Metropolitan Governance—Different Paths in Contrasting Contexts: Germany and Israel
by Andrea I. Frank
July 2012, Volume 20, Issue 7
- 1221-1237 Spatial Determinants of Housing Price Values in Istanbul
by Turgay Kerem Koramaz & Vedia Dokmeci - 1239-1241 Book Review
by Katrin B. Anacker
February 2012, Volume 20, Issue 7
- 1197-1220 Engaging in European Spatial Planning: A Central and Eastern European Perspective on the Territorial Cohesion Debate
by Giancarlo Cotella & Neil Adams & Richard Joseph Nunes
June 2012, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 1059-1074 An Index of Social and Economic Development in the Community's Objective-1 Regions of Countries in Southern Europe
by José Antonio Rodríguez Martín & María Del Mar Holgado Molina & José Antonio Salinas Fernández - 1075-1092 Sprawl in Spain and Madrid: A Low Starting Point Growing Fast
by Fernando Moliní & Miguel Salgado
May 2012, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 729-731 Path Dependence and New Path Creation in Renewable Energy Technologies
by James Simmie - 893-894 Key Concepts in Economic Geography
by Høgni Kalsø Hansen
February 2012, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 733-752 Path Creation: Co-creation of Heterogeneous Resources in the Emergence of the Danish Wind Turbine Cluster
by Peter Karnøe & Raghu Garud
April 2012, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 685-705 An Impact Analysis of the European Structural Funds on the Variation of the Rate of Employment and Productivity in Objective 1 Regions
by María del Rocio Moreno Enguix & Juan Gómez García & Juan Cándido Gómez Gallego - 707-724 Nuclear Economies and Local Supply Chains in Peripheral Areas: The Case of West Cumbria
by Ignazio Cabras & Gail Cecile Mulvey - 725-727 Portugal in the Era of the Knowledge Society
by Phil Cooke
March 2012, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 367-374 Places and Spaces of Sustainability Transitions: Geographical Contributions to an Emerging Research and Policy Field
by Lars Coenen & Bernhard Truffer - 481-500 Territoriality in the Strategies and Practices of the Territorial Cohesion Policy of the European Union: Territorial Challenges in Implementing “Soft Planning”
by Juho Luukkonen & Helka Moilanen - 501-503 Translocal Geographies. Spaces, Places, Connections
by Carina Listerborn
February 2012, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 341-363 Transportation--Communication Capital and Economic Growth: A VECM Analysis for Turkey
by Aysegul Eruygur & Muhtesem Kaynak & Merter Mert - 365-366 The Purpose of Planning
by Huw Thomas
January 2012, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-6 Introduction to the Special Issue
by Hugo Priemus & Simin Davoudi
May 2011, Volume 20, Issue 12
- 1925-1943 Balancing Competitiveness and Cohesion in Regional Innovation Policy: The Case of Finland
by Mika Kautonen
July 2011, Volume 20, Issue 12
- 1975-1996 Renewable Energy Innovation and Governance in Wales: A Regional Innovation System Approach
by Carla De Laurentis - 2053-2071 An Institutional Analysis of Property Development, Good Governance and Urban Sustainability
by Tom Kauko
June 2011, Volume 20, Issue 12
- 1945-1960 Local Labour Market Diversity and Business Innovation: Evidence from Irish Manufacturing Businesses
by Helen McGuirk & Declan Jordan - 1961-1974 Dynamics of Industrial Districts and Business Groups: The Case of the Marche Region
by Filippo Randelli & Ron Boschma - 1997-2011 China: What About the Urban Revolution? Rapid Transformations in Chinese Planning and Its Links with a Slowly Emerging European Planning Theory
by Shuhai Zhang & Gert De Roo & Bin Lu - 2013-2031 Early European Experience in Marine Spatial Planning: Planning the German Exclusive Economic Zone
by Stephen Jay & Thomas Klenke & Frank Ahlhorn & Heather Ritchie - 2033-2052 Cruise Passenger Terminals, Spatial Planning and Regeneration: The Cases of Amsterdam and Rotterdam
by John Paul McCarthy & Arie Romein
November 2011, Volume 20, Issue 11
- 1767-1784 Knowledge Dynamics and Policies for Regional Development: Towards a New Governance Paradigm
by Henrik Halkier - 1785-1801 Territorial Knowledge Dynamics: Making a Difference to Territorial Innovation Models and Public Policy?
by Lise Smed Olsen - 1803-1821 Education and Skills Policy for the Knowledge Economy: Insights from Territorial Innovation Models and Territorial Knowledge Dynamics
by Laura James - 1823-1841 Combinatorial Knowledge Dynamics: On the Usefulness of the Differentiated Knowledge Bases Model
by Jesper Manniche - 1843-1866 Cumulative and Combinatorial Micro-dynamics of Knowledge: The Role of Space and Place in Knowledge Integration
by Simone Strambach & Benjamin Klement - 1867-1887 Regional Policies for Knowledge Anchoring in European Regions
by Margareta Dahlström & Laura James - 1889-1907 Relatedness, Transversality and Public Policy in Innovative Regions
by Philip Cooke
June 2011, Volume 20, Issue 10
- 1603-1625 Globalization, Modes of Innovation and Regional Knowledge Diffusion Infrastructures
by Sverre Herstad & Thomas Brekke - 1689-1706 Strategic Planning in Transition: Contested Rationalities and Spatial Logics in Twenty-First Century Danish Planning Experiments
by Kristian Olesen & Tim Richardson - 1707-1727 Post-Socialist Transition in Serbia and Its Unsustainable Path
by Miodrag Vujošević & Slavka Zeković & Tamara Maričić - 1729-1746 Serbian Spatial Planning among Styles of Spatial Planning in Europe
by Siniša Trkulja & Branka TošiĆ & Zora Živanović
March 2011, Volume 20, Issue 10
- 1627-1646 Multinational Knowledge Strategies, Policy and the Upgrading Process of Regions: Revisiting the Automotive Industry in Ostrava and Shanghai
by Erwin van Tuijl & Luis Carvalho & Willem van Winden & Wouter Jacobs
July 2011, Volume 20, Issue 10
- 1583-1602 Finnish Mosaic of Regional Innovation System—Assessment of Thematic Regional Innovation Platforms Based on Related Variety
by Tuomo Uotila & Vesa Harmaakorpi & Raine Hermans - 1647-1666 Internationalizing the Spatial Identity of Cross-Border Cooperation
by Jaanus Veemaa - 1667-1687 Identifying Stakeholders' Views on Sustainable Urban Transition: Desirability, Utility and Probability Assessments of Scenarios
by Robert Bügl & Michael Stauffacher & Ulrich Kriese & Daniel Lehmann Pollheimer & Roland W. Scholz
February 2011, Volume 20, Issue 9
- 1525-1547 Doing R&D or Not (in a Crisis), That Is the Question …
by Michele Cincera & Claudio Cozza & Alexander Tübke & Peter Voigt
December 2011, Volume 20, Issue 9
- 1469-1482 The Entrepreneurial State: The German Entrepreneurial Regions’ Programme as an Attenuator for the Financial Crisis
by Christiane Gebhardt
June 2011, Volume 20, Issue 8
- 1301-1318 Measuring the Creativity of a City: A Proposal and an Application
by Dilek Çetindamar & Ayşe Günsel
January 2011, Volume 20, Issue 8
- 1281-1300 Creativity, Culture and Urban Strategies: A Fallacy in Cultural Urban Strategies
by Hans Kjetil Lysgård - 1359-1392 Understanding the Reorientations and Roles of Spatial Planning: The Case of National Planning Policy in Denmark
by Daniel Galland
March 2011, Volume 20, Issue 8
- 1263-1280 The Importance of Creative Industry Agglomerations in Explaining the Wealth of European Regions
by Blanca de-Miguel-Molina & Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver & Rafael Boix & Maria De-Miguel-Molina - 1335-1357 Comparing Outsourcing Patterns in Domestic and FDI Manufacturing Plants: Empirical Evidence from Spain
by Adelheid Holl & Rafael Pardo & Ruth Rama
October 2011, Volume 20, Issue 8
- 1393-1414 Infrastructure and Growth in a Spatial Framework: Evidence from the EU regions
by Chiara F. Del Bo & Massimo Florio
July 2011, Volume 20, Issue 8
- 1243-1262 Reasons for Clustering of Creative Industries in Italy and Spain
by Luciana Lazzeretti & Francesco Capone & Rafael Boix - 1319-1334 The Effects of Localization on Economic Performance: Analysis of Spanish Tourism Clusters
by Maria-del-Val Segarra-Oña & Lluís Gaspar Miret-Pastor & Angel Peiro-Signes & Rohit Verma
May 2011, Volume 20, Issue 7
- 1173-1196 Reurbanizing Leipzig (Germany): Context Conditions and Residential Actors (2000--2007)
by Annegret Haase & Günter Herfert & Sigrun Kabisch & Annett Steinführer
September 2011, Volume 20, Issue 7
- 1093-1109 Urban Change and Urban Development Strategies in Central East Europe: A Selective Assessment of Events Since 1989
by James Wesley Scott & Manfred Kühn - 1111-1134 Urban Regeneration in the Post-Socialist Context: Budapest and the Search for a Social Dimension
by Krisztina Keresztély & James W. Scott - 1135-1154 Urban Regeneration in Gdańsk, Poland: Local Regimes and Tensions Between Top-Down Strategies and Endogenous Renewal
by Iwona Sagan & Maja Grabkowska - 1155-1172 Pathways and Strategies of Urban Regeneration—Deindustrialized Cities in Eastern Germany
by Heike Liebmann & Thomas Kuder
July 2011, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 999-1015 Speed, Vitality and Innovation in the Reinvention of Georgian Planning Aspects of Integration and Role Formation
by Kristof Van Assche & Joseph Salukvadze & Martijn Duineveld
June 2011, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 961-980 On the Territoriality of Cross-Border Cooperation: “Institutional Mapping” in a Multi-Level Context
by Tobias Chilla & Estelle Evrard & Christian Schulz
March 2011, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 941-960 Municipalities as Governance Network Actors in Rural Communities
by Roger Henning Normann & Mikaela Vasström
February 2011, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 923-939 Regional Convergence in Central and Eastern European Countries: A Multidimensional Approach
by Maciej Sme¸tkowski & Piotr Wójcik - 1039-1057 Deconstructing Spatial Planning: Re-interpreting the Articulation of a New Ethos for English Local Planning
by Andy Inch
January 2011, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 895-922 Regional Inequality in the EU: How to Finance Greater Cohesion
by Michael Dunford & Diane Perrons - 1017-1037 Questioning Polycentric Development and its Effects. Issues of Definition and Measurement for the Italian NUTS-2 Regions
by Paolo Veneri & David Burgalassi
August 2011, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 773-790 Comparing Alternative Path Creation Frameworks in the Context of Emerging Biofuel Fields in the Netherlands, Sweden and Finland
by Raimo Lovio & Paula Kivimaa - 817-834 Transversality and Transition: Green Innovation and New Regional Path Creation
by Philip Cooke
September 2011, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 753-772 Path Dependence and New Technological Path Creation in the Danish Wind Power Industry
by James Simmie - 791-816 Renewable Energy Technology and Path Creation: A Multi-scalar Approach to Energy Transition in the UK
by Jürgen Essletzbichler - 835-855 From the Old Path of Shipbuilding onto the New Path of Offshore Wind Energy? The Case of Northern Germany
by Dirk Fornahl & Robert Hassink & Claudia Klaerding & Ivo Mossig & Heike Schröder - 857-870 Spatial Processes of Industry Emergence: US Wind Turbine Manufacturing Industry
by Gregory Theyel
October 2011, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 871-891 Clean Energy Technology and the Role of Non-Carbon Price-Based Policy: An Evolutionary Economics Perspective
by Nicholas Howarth
June 2011, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 627-639 Is the Future of Mobility Electric? Learning from Contested Storylines of Sustainable Mobility in Iceland
by Patrick Arthur Driscoll & Ásdís Hlökk Theodórsdóttir & Tim Richardson & Patience Mguni - 641-663 Green Infrastructure Planning: Cross-National Analysis between the North East of England (UK) and Catalonia (Spain)
by Albert Llausàs & Maggie Roe
January 2011, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 609-626 Integrated Visions (Part II): Envisioning Sustainable Energy Landscapes
by Sven Stremke & Jusuck Koh & Kees Neven & Arjan Boekel - 665-683 Variety of Urban Tourism Development Trajectories: Antalya, Amsterdam and Liverpool Compared
by Hilal Erkuş Öztürk & Pieter Terhorst
February 2011, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 547-582 SMEs and Their Peripheral Innovation Environment: Reflections from a Finnish Case
by Miika Varis & Hannu Littunen
March 2011, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 583-608 Do EU Regional Policies Favour Regional Entrepreneurship? Empirical Evidence from Spain and Germany
by Rolf Sternberg
February 2011, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 375-396 Green Urban Transport Policies and Cleantech Innovations: Evidence from Curitiba, Göteborg and Hamburg
by Luís Carvalho & Giuliano Mingardo & Jeroen Van Haaren
March 2011, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 397-420 The Local Sources of Market Formation: Explaining Regional Growth Differentials in German Photovoltaic Markets
by Ulrich Dewald & Bernhard Truffer - 421-439 Mediating Low-Carbon Urban Transitions? Forms of Organization, Knowledge and Action
by Mike Hodson & Simon Marvin - 441-460 Heterogeneity of Lock-In and the Role of Strategic Technological Interventions in Urban Infrastructural Transformations
by A. Maassen - 461-479 Local Demonstrations for Global Transitions—Dynamics across Governance Levels Fostering Socio-Technical Regime Change Towards Sustainability
by Philipp Späth & Harald Rohracher
February 2011, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 27-48 National Climate Change Adaptation Strategies of European States from a Spatial Planning and Development Perspective
by Stefan Greiving & Mark Fleischhauer - 49-69 Climate Risk and Security: New Meanings of “the Environment” in the English Planning System
by Simin Davoudi - 71-94 Rotterdam: A City and a Mainport on the Edge of a Delta
by Han Meyer & Anne Loes Nillesen & Wil Zonneveld - 95-110 Improving Sustainability in Urban Areas: Discussing the Potential for Transforming Conventional Car-based Travel into Electric Mobility
by Bert van Wee & Kees Maat & Cees De Bont - 131-145 Improving Energy Efficiency of Social Housing Areas: A Case Study of a Retrofit Achieving an “A” Energy Performance Rating in the UK
by Minna Sunikka-Blank & Jun Chen & Judith Britnell & Dimitra Dantsiou
March 2011, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 7-26 Governing Carbon and Climate in the Cities: An Overview of Policy and Planning Challenges and Options
by Patricia Romero-Lankao - 111-130 Towards Energy-neutral New Housing Developments. Municipal Climate Governance in The Netherlands
by Milly Tambach & Henk Visscher
February 2011, Volume 19, Issue 12
- 2009-2024 Hub Firms and the Dynamics of Territorial Innovation: Case Studies of Thales and Liebherr in Toulouse
by Jean Pierre Gilly & Damien Talbot & Jean-Marc Zuliani
November 2011, Volume 19, Issue 11
- 1857-1864 Companies, Cultures, and the Region: Interactions and Outcomes
by Nick Clifton & Stefan Gärtner & Dieter Rehfeld - 1865-1883 A Virtuous Circle? Co-evolution of Regional and Corporate Cultures
by Peter Prud'homme van Reine & Ben Dankbaar - 1995-2008 Continuity and Discontinuity in the Interaction of Regional and Corporate Cultures: Potsdam (Germany) and Győr (Hungary)
by Miklós Losoncz
January 2011, Volume 19, Issue 11
- 1885-1907 Open Innovation and Regional Culture—Findings from Different Industrial and Regional Settings
by Franz Tödtling & Peter Prud'homme van Reine & Steffen Dörhöfer - 1931-1950 Corporations and Regions: Capturing Multiple Vicinity Spaces in European Regions
by Stefan Gärtner
August 2011, Volume 19, Issue 11
- 1909-1929 Path Dependence and New Paths in Regional Evolution: In Search of the Role of Culture
by Philip Cooke & Dieter Rehfeld
May 2011, Volume 19, Issue 11
- 1951-1972 Contrasting the Footloose Company: Social Capital, Organizational Fields and Culture
by Steffen Dörhöfer & Christoph Minnig & Ulrich Pekruhl & Peter Prud'homme van Reine
June 2011, Volume 19, Issue 11
- 1973-1994 Regional Culture in the Market Place: Place Branding and Product Branding as Cultural Exchange
by Nick Clifton
October 2011, Volume 19, Issue 10
- 1839-1853 The Rise and Fall of the Concept of The Experience Economy in the Local Economic Development of Denmark
by Lucio Carlos Freire-Gibb - 1855-1856 Transport for Suburbia
by Maja Essebo
February 2011, Volume 19, Issue 9
- 1669-1690 The Role of Mid-Range Universities in Knowledge Transfer in Non-Metropolitan Regions in Central Eastern Europe
by Zoltán Gál & Pavel Ptaček
August 2011, Volume 19, Issue 8
- 1537-1555 From Mutual Learning to Joint Working: Europeanization Processes in the INTERREG B Programmes
by Verena Hachmann - 1557-1580 Evaluation of the Potential for Districts/Counties to Become Provinces with Respect to the Level of Urbanization in Turkey
by Gokcen Kilinc & Nuran Zeren Gulersoy
July 2011, Volume 19, Issue 7
- 1133-1139 Constructing Regional Advantage: Towards State-of-the-Art Regional Innovation System Policies in Europe?
by Bjørn T. Asheim & Jerker Moodysson & Franz TÖdtling - 1331-1356 From Concept to Policy: Building Regional Innovation Systems in Follower Regions
by Alexandre Almeida & António Figueiredo & Mário Rui Silva - 1357-1373 Are Knowledge Bases Enough? A Comparative Study of the Geography of Knowledge Sources in China (Great Beijing) and India (Pune)
by Cristina Chaminade
June 2011, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 1091-1116 The Role of the EU Internal Market in the Adoption of Innovation
by Fabio Manca & Rosina Moreno & Jordi Suriñach - 1117-1130 Privatization of Health-care Facilities in Istanbul
by Tuğba şentürk & Fatih Terzi & Vedia Dokmeci - 1131-1132 Critical Toponymies. The Contested Politics of Place Naming
by David Storey
May 2011, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 887-905 Planning at the National Level in Europe in Relation to Major Infrastructure
by Tim Marshall - 907-915 Green Planning According to Sustainable Growth and Development Potential in Küçükçekmece
by Yildiz Aksoy - 917-919 Planning Cultures in Europe. Decoding Cultural Phenomena in Urban and Regional Planning
by Ambra G. Bergamasco
April 2011, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 555-574 Innovating in the Periphery: Firms, Values and Innovation in Southwest Norway
by Rune Dahl Fitjar & Andrés Rodríguez-Pose - 575-594 Partnerships as Associations: Input and Output Legitimacy of LEADER Partnerships in Denmark, Finland and Sweden
by Annette Aagaard Thuesen - 595-611 The End of Urbanization? Towards a New Urban Concept or Rethinking Urbanization
by Hans Thor Andersen & Lasse Møller-Jensen & Sten Engelstoft - 613-627 Knowledge in a "Shared and Interdependent World": Implications for a Progressive Leadership of Cities and Regions
by John Gibney - 629-645 Cross-Border Spatial Planning: Understanding, Designing and Managing Cooperation Processes in the German-Polish-Czech Borderland
by Robert Knippschild - 647-667 Public-Private Partnership: A Delusion for Urban Regeneration? Evidence from Italy
by Guido Codecasa & Davide Ponzini - 669-681 Regional Competition and Sustainable Development: A Game Theory Model for Tourism Destinations
by Li Sheng - 683-703 Scientific and Technological Knowledge of Universities in the EU-15: Implications for Convergence
by M. Dolores León & Ana M. Fernández & Esther Flores - 705-723 Innovative Approach to Aesthetic Evaluation Based on Entropy
by Seda H. Bostanci & Mehmet Ocakçi - 725-726 The Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography
by Martin Henning
March 2011, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 519-537 The Lisbonization of EU Cohesion Policy: A Successful Case of Experimentalist Governance?
by Carlos Mendez - 539-549 Is there Really Divergence Across Turkish Provinces? Evidence From the Lagrange Multiplier Unit Root Tests
by Alper Aslan & Ferit Kula - 551-553 Economy of Fascination: Dubai and Las Vegas as Themed Urban Landscapes
by Erik Jönsson
February 2011, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 311-330 Spatial Effects of Labour Policies Promoted in Italy from 1996 to 2006: An Analysis in the EU Context
by Massimo Battaglia & Fabio Iraldo - 331-356 Urban Restructuring of Istanbul
by Evren Ozus & Sevkiye Sence Turk & Vedia Dokmeci - 357-359 Innovation in Multinational Companies
by Phil Cooke
January 2011, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 141-158 (Re)defining the Euroregion Concept
by Eduardo Medeiros - 159-173 Notes from the Iberian Algae Belt
by Philip Cooke & Julie Porter & Hugo Pinto & Ana Rita Cruz & Fangzhu Zhang - 175-177 Making Better Places—The Planning Project in the Twenty-First Century
by Ståle Holgersen
August 2010, Volume 20, Issue 9
- 1455-1468 Innovation Policy in Hard Times: Lessons from the Nordic Countries
by Mats Benner
December 2010, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 981-997 When Strategic Plans Fail to Lead. A Complexity Acknowledging Perspective on Decision-Making in Urban Development Projects—The Case of Kortrijk (Belgium)
by Thomas Block & Kristof Steyvers & Stijn Oosterlynck & Herwig Reynaert & Filip De Rynck
December 2010, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 527-546 Government Support Programmes to Promote Academic Entrepreneurship: A Principal--Agent Perspective
by Einar Rasmussen & Magnus Gulbrandsen
May 2010, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 505-525 An Entrepreneurial University Strategy for Renewing a Declining Industrial City: The Norrköping Way
by Peter Svensson & Magnus Klofsten & Henry Etzkowitz
September 2010, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 193-211 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Consultation: Evidence from the Project INTER.ECO.TUR
by Massimo Battaglia & Tiberio Daddi & Francesco Rizzi
October 2010, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 147-170 Active Citizenship and Local Representational Politics in Twenty-First Century Ireland: The Role of Residents Groups within Dublin's Planning Arena
by Mark Scott & Declan Redmond & Paula Russell
December 2010, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 213-229 Economic Structure and Regional Performance in Germany, 2002--2007
by Alexander Kubis & Matthias Brachert & Mirko Titze - 231-255 High-Tech Firms’ Location Considerations within the Metropolitan Regions and the Impact of Their Development Stages
by Amnon Frenkel
November 2010, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 171-191 The Role of Decision Support in the Implementation of “Sustainable Transport” Plans
by Henrik Gudmundsson & Eva Ericsson & Miles Tight & Mary Lawler & Pelle Envall & Maria J. Figueroa & Katarina Evanth - 257-279 Cluster Life Cycles, Path Dependency and Regional Economic Development: Insights from a Meta-Study on Basque Clusters
by Aitziber Elola & Jesus M. Valdaliso & Santiago M. López & Mari Jose Aranguren