March 2023, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 58-72 Business interruption management in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic for small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovakia
by Erika Mošková & Michal Brutovský & Kristián Furiak & Katarína Buganová - 73-83 Security and defense are truly a priority for the member states of the European Union: fact of hoax?
by Radoslav Ivančík & Pavel Nečas - 84-101 Insight into the resilience of the Romanian economy
by Sorin Somitca & Alina Somitca & Elena Hlaciuc - 102-122 The implementation of sustainable development goals through communication tools
by Kristina Samašonok & Margarita Išoraitė - 123-132 Analytical study of correlation between retail store image and shopping behaviour of Saudi Arabian consumers
by Mohammad Naquibur Rahman - 133-150 The use of biometric technologies in ensuring critical infrastructure security: the context of protecting personal data
by Darius Štitilis & Marius Laurinaitis & Egidijus Verenius - 151-169 Factors determining dropouts from higher education institutions
by Kristina Samašonok & Eimantas Kamienas & Agnė Juškevičienė - 170-185 Sustainability of accommodation business in Baler, Northern Philippines
by Ricardo G. Jr. Gonzales - 186-198 Boundaries of the employee's privacy in employment relationship
by Vilius Mačiulaitis - 199-213 Digitalization of civic education: risks and challenge
by Dainius Genys - 214-230 Digital innovation government: organizational and energy analysis in Italian hospitals
by Alfonso Marino & Paolo Pariso - 231-253 How can distance learning offer opportunities for developing countries? Case of Turkey and Kazakhstan
by Mustafa Sami Mencet & Riza Gabdyssalyk - 254-273 Conflicts and natural disasters as drivers of forced migrations in a gravity-type approach
by Luca Buzzanca & Caterina Conigliani & Valeria Costantini - 274-287 Sustainability information – analysis of current trends in sustainability monitoring & reporting
by Bogdan Fleacă & Elena Fleacă & Mihai Corocăescu - 288-301 Towards financial literacy: a case of Slovakia
by Judita Táncošová & Marcel Lincényi & Michal Fabuš - 302-317 Impact of COVID-19 on labour force and recovery peculiarities in selected countries of Europe
by Szilárd Szigeti & Vivien Pásztóová & Csilla Mezősi - 318-328 Water, energy and human development in the Brazilian Amazon: a municipal Human Development Index adjusted for accesses
by Caterina Conigliani & Martina Iorio & Salvatore Monni - 329-339 Oil price and stock returns in Europe
by Gábor Bóta & Mihály Ormos & Imrich Antalík - 340-361 Analysis of factors influencing car purchases on the Internet by automotive customers in Germany
by Robert von Böhlen & Iveta Šimberová - 362-382 Enterprise risk analysis in an engineering company with a focus on custom manufacturing
by Jaroslav Kollmann & Jaroslav Kollmann & Jarmila Straková & Antonín Korauš & Mykola Palinchak & Filip Černák - 383-398 Riskiness of value-creating corporate activities and their influence on strategic management of engineering companies
by Jarmila Straková & Jaroslav Kollmann & Jaroslav Kollmann & Yaroslava Kostiuk & Yaroslava Kostiuk & Mykola Palinchak & Filip Černák - 399-419 Creativity in times of war and pandemics
by Margarita Išoraitė & Irena Alperytė
December 2022, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 10-22 Art management during the COVID-19 pandemic: visual arts creator perspective
by Michał Szostak - 23-42 Analysis of Financial Literacy among High school students, graduates, and young professionals in German
by Thomas Hammer & Alexander Zureck - 43-59 A systematic literature review on e-health implementation and policies
by Alfonso Marino & Paolo Pariso & Michele Picariello - 60-80 Development peculiarities of agrarian entrepreneurship in Ukraine
by Tetiana Balanovska & Olga Gogulya & Alona Zorgach & Oksana Havrysh & Kristina Dramaretska - 81-92 The trust dilemma - conclusions from a popular TV show
by Paulina Malaczewska & Maciej Malaczewski - 93-114 Impact of supply chain management strategies on firms’ sustainable performance: a case of an emerging economy
by Ahmed I. Kato & NM Manchidi - 115-129 Cross-border mergers and acquisitions in manufacturing sector in the European area
by Miroslav Gombár & Elena Sira & Jaroslava Heckova & Oliver Pisar & Alexandra Chapcakova & Dagmara Ratnayake Kascakova - 130-146 Assessing the transport development of the European Union countries
by Janis Balodis & Vera Komarova & Edmunds Čižo & Oksana Ruža & Anita Kokarevica - 147-159 Design and verification of implementation factors of cross-border mergers and acquisitions projects
by Jaroslava Heckova & Zuzana Birknerova & Alexandra Chapcakova & Lucia Zbihlejova & Peter Stolarik - 160-175 Peculiarities of Bulgarian universities' digitalization during the Covid-19 pandemic
by Tsvetana Stoyanova & Miglena Angelova & Daniel Parushev - 176-188 An analysis of the impact of selected predictors for cross-border M&A activity within the European area
by Alexandra Chapcakova & Jaroslava Heckova & Miroslav Gombár & Štefan Gavura & Dagmara Ratnayake Kascakova - 189-206 The COVID-19 pandemic and current situation on the labor market in the NUTS 3 regions of the Slovak republic
by Jozef Habánik & Jaroslav Vyhnička & Katarína Štefčíková & Martina Jakubčinová - 207-216 The impact of GDP on M&A volume in the European area in the context of the consolidation of the banking market
by Ivana Kravcakova Vozarova & Martina Kosikova & Jaroslava Heckova & Alexandra Chapcakova & Maria Fulajtarova - 217-238 Impacts of modern technologies while identifying and unleashing intrapreneurs' potential
by Mindaugas Laužikas & Mindaugas Laužikas & Aistė Miliūtė & Aistė Miliūtė & Tadas Baltaduonis & Žilvinas Mačiulskis - 239-254 How Blue Ocean Strategy helps innovate social inclusion
by Margarita Išoraitė & Irena Alperytė - 255-273 Leading factors for blockchain technology implementation in the business organisations in the Bulgarian context
by Ivan Dimitrov & Rusen Gigov & Adile Dimitrova - 274-293 Entrepreneurial talent: The Baltics in the mirror of international studies
by Vladimir Menshikov & Oksana Ruža & Iluta Arbidane & Iveta Mietule - 294-319 Integrated water resources management in an urban concept: results from water smart cities and water management institutions in Slovakia
by Dominika Šulyová & Milan Kubina - 319-332 Efficiency of banking sectors of the European Union. A comparative benchmarking analysis before and during the COVID-19 pand
by Iwona Dorota Czechowska & Tomasz Florczak - 333-350 Evolution of scientific research on audit quality reporting in the global economic context
by Marioara Molociniuc (Hritcan) & Anatol Melega & Maria Grosu & Mihaela Tulvinschi & Anamaria Geanina Macovei - 351-361 Follow us, not? Gender differences in financial literacy within the global leader of gender equality
by Sigurdur Gudjonsson & Kari Kristinsson & Inga Minelgaite - 362-374 Codes of ethics in Czech companies: prevalence and differences in creation, evaluation and amendment
by Zdeněk Caha & Jan Urban & Tomáš Mrhálek - 375-393 Assessment of financial health of service sector companies in the Central European region
by Vojtěch Bartoš & Marek Vochozka & Kateřina Škopková - 394-407 Alternative costs of equity of coal mining companies taking into account a context of the Russian Invasion into Ukraine
by Tereza Matasová & Marek Vochozka & Zuzana Rowland - 408-417 Impact of selected financial indicators on a company's reputation
by Róbert Világi & Michal Konečný & Michal Ruschak - 418-428 Prevention of procrastination at work through motivation enhancement in small and medium enterprises in Slovakia
by Nikoleta Hutmanová & Zuzana Hajduová & Peter Dorčák & Vlastislav Laskovský - 429-447 Sustainable cooperation management - insights from a selected company
by Martin Holubčík & Jakub Soviar & Viliam Lendel - 448-463 Stock price trend of selected companies applying the principles of circular economy
by Jakub Horák & Pavel Rousek & Václav Opálka - 464-472 Literature review on digital entrepreneurship in South Africa: a human capital perspective
by Arvid Muzanenhamo & Edward Malatse Rankhumise - 473-494 Sustainability of electricity prices and the consequences for the Prague Stock Exchange
by Florin Aliu & Simona Hašková & Petr Šuleř - 495-509 Valuation of intangible assets via application of the WARA approach in the agricultural sector
by Tomáš Krulický & Petr Junga & Lenka Jägerová - 510-526 Valuation of goodwill using weighted average return on assets: assessment of average transport and storage enterprise in the Czech Republic
by Veronika Machová & Tomáš Krulický & Michaela Brožová - 527-543 Mapping Lithuanian transition towards sustainable energy: sociological account on a waste-to-energy case
by Dainius Genys & Aušra Pažėraitė - 544-556 Financial literacy of secondary school leavers: a case of Latgale region in Latvia
by Aina Čaplinska & Alina Danileviča - 557-571 The state of the cross-border economy in the Baltic Sea Region in modern conditions
by Michał Bilczak - 572-589 Financial planning in Slovakia: results of empirical research
by Ján Morvai & Mihály Ormos & Imrich Antalík & Ladislav Mura & Adam Páldi & Barnabás Szabó - 590-607 The degree of use of motivational factors depending on the sector and size of enterprises
by Michal Tlustý & Iveta Kmecová - 608-622 The impact of top management education on the socially responsible management of local government in the context of investment development
by Janka Beresecká & Martin Hronec & Štefan Hronec & Jana Hroncová-Vicianová - 623-634 Employee data retention periods in implementing the right to be forgotten: the situation in Lithuania
by Andrejus Novikovas & Rasa Grigonienė - 635-652 Green economy: content and methodological approaches
by Olga Lavrinenko & Oleg Rybalkin & Alina Danileviča & Marija Sprūde - 653-671 The big picture of climate change research in the Arab world: insights from bibliometric analysis
by Mohamed Ramadan A. Rezk & Nahed M. Salem & Amr Radwan & Leonardo Piccinetti & Leonardo Piccinetti & Yasser Elshayeb & Mahmoud M. Sakr & Abdelmajid BenAmara & Yasser R. Abdel-Fattah
September 2022, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 10-49 Peculiarities of values transfer among countries via arts digitalization
by Michał Szostak - 50-63 Researching digitalization of the education: a case study of Bulgarian universities
by Tsvetana Stoyanova & Maria Markova - 64-79 Factors affecting the working life lenght of older people in the European Union
by Eva Grmanová & Jozef Bartek - 80-90 The motivation of different employee generations: a case study of the spa industry
by Adriana Grenčíková & Valentinas Navickas & Jana Spankova & Karol Krajčo - 92-106 Impact of distant teaching during Covid-19 pandemic on civic and financial literacy
by Marcel Lincényi & Matej Mindár - 107-131 Investigation of startups’ sustainability: empirical evidence from Saudi Arabia
by Ammar Y. Alqahtani - 132-157 Determinants of the tennis players' success and their effect on the sports organizations' sustainability
by Michal Varmus & Martin Mičiak & Milan Kubina & Roman Adámik - 158-174 The impact of social media marketing activities on green consumption intention: evidence from emerging countries
by Osama Wagdi & Amal Seddik Afify & Atef Fathi Habib - 175-199 Sustainable transport within the context of smart cities in the Slovak republic
by Gabriel Koman & Oliver Bubelíny & Dominika Tumová & Radoslav Jankal - 200-213 Student entrepreneurship mindset and social entrepreneurship pedagogy in a global health pandemic in Lagos State University, Nigeria
by Samson A. Adewumi & Logan D. Naidoo - 214-225 Detection of tax evasion using tax audits in the Slovak Republic
by Agneša Víghová - 226-241 Digital platforms in health care: evaluating workers' expectations and profiles during pandemic time
by Alfonso Marino & Paolo Pariso & Michele Picariello - 242-260 Rescuing firms in a co-operative way: worker buyouts in Italy
by Andrea Bernardi & Andrea Cori & Mattia Granata & Keti Lelo & Salvatore Monni - 261-281 Does taxonomy in banking support sustainable development of Polish companies?
by Julita Mlaskawa - 282-292 Development planning peculiarities in the city of Tshwane, South Africa: A case study
by Kaizer Raseane Makole & Bhekabantu Alson Ntshangase & Steven Kayambazinthu Msosa - 293-327 Assessment of the innovation potential of the regions of Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus
by Jevgenij Gladevich - 328-343 Emotional intelligence training as an intervention to diminish consumer materialism
by Dalia Antinienė & Rosita Lekavičienė & Aušra Rūtelionė & Beata Šeinauskienė - 344-357 On disinformation as a hybrid threat spread through social networks
by Radoslav Ivančík & Pavel Nečas - 358-377 Impact of selected factors on digitalization of financial sector
by Svitlana Khalatur & Manuela Tvaronavičienė & Manuela Tvaronavičienė & Olena Dovgal & Olena Dovgal & Oksana Levkovich & Oksana Vodolazska - 378-394 Differences between webrooming and showrooming in terms of selected consumer perception factor
by Mária Oleárová & Beata Gavurova & Radovan Bačík & Katarina Pavlinska - 395-407 Unemployment in the Context of Minimum Wage Concept in Slovakia
by Andrea Tkacova & Beata Gavurova & Katarina Melasova & Peter Snopko - 408-419 Actual paid cost of equity in construction
by Tomáš Krulický & Veronika Machová & Ondřej Dvorák - 420-434 Profitability of current investments in stock indexes
by Jiří Kučera & Eva Kalinová & Lenka Divoká - 435-452 Retailer or the third-party remanufacturer: Which is the greener contractor for outsourcing remanufacturing?
by Hong Tan & Pengfei Sheng & Jakub Horák - 453-466 Production function in agriculture in the Czech Republic
by Monika Burghauserová & Zuzana Rowland & Lenka Novotná - 467-482 Building reputation and social media – how effectively do attractive European tourist destinations communicate on them?
by Petra Pártlová & Radim Dušek & Nikola Sagapova - 483-493 Advantages of fuzzy approach compared to probabilistic approach in project evaluation
by Simona Hašková & Petr Šuleř & Tomáš Krulický
June 2022, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 10-44 Peculiarities of art management in a digital context – case study of Poland
by Michał Szostak - 45-55 Conditions for application of criminal liability to the board of a company in the legal system of the Republic of Latvia
by Jānis Teivāns-Treinovskis & Nikolajs Jefimovs & Ruta Velika & Anatolijs Kriviņš - 56-76 Innovation management as basis of digitalization trends and security of financial sector
by Svitlana Khalatur & Halyna Pavlova & Lesja Vasilieva & Daria Karamushka & Alina Danileviča - 77-105 Bibliometric analysis of the transformative synergies between blockchain and accounting in the uprooting of economic criminality
by Veronica Grosu & Daniel Botez & Anatol Melega & Rozalia Kicsi & Svetlana Mihaila & Anamaria Geanina Macovei - 106-124 The essence of entrepreneurial management in the SME sector in Poland
by Michał Igielski - 125-138 The impact of social media marketing on youth buying behaviour in an emerging country
by Rizwan Ali & Vera Komarova & Tanveer Aslam & Kęstutis Peleckis - 139-155 Threats and their triggers in the globalized economy
by Dagmar Kopencova & Vladimir Sulc & Roman Rak & Magdalena Naplavova & Frantisek Vlach - 156-177 Entrepreneurial university: topicality of creation, international experience, situation in Latvia
by Vladimir Menshikov & Oksana Ruža & Irena Kokina & Iluta Arbidane - 178-192 What is the cost of maximizing ESG performance in the portfolio selection strategy? The case of The Dow Jones Index average stocks
by Fernando García & Tsvetelina Gankova-Ivanova & Jairo González-Bueno & Javier Oliver & Rima Tamošiūnienė - 193-211 The role of private venture capital investors in enhancing value-adding activities and innovation of high growth firms in Uganda
by Ahmed I. Kato & Germinah Evelyn Chiloane-Tsoka - 212-224 Changes in the skills of the workforce for future development of the labor market in the Slovak Republic
by Andrea Horváthová & Michal Hrnčiar & Eva Rievajová - 225-242 Female social entrepreneurs in Africa creating social value through innovation
by Cecile Nieuwenhuizen - 243-261 Gender parity among researchers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
by Steven Kayambazinthu Msosa & Bhekabantu Alson Ntshangase & Courage Mlambo - 262-281 Changes in business models implied by the use of digital technology platforms
by Krzysztof Bartczak - 282-303 Digital platforms and entrepreneurship in tourism sector
by Alfonso Marino & Paolo Pariso & Michele Picariello - 304-319 Development trends and challenges of students' academic mobility in higher education
by Agnė Juškevičienė & Kristina Samašonok & Adomas Vincas Rakšnys & Lina Žirnelė & Vilma Gegužienė - 320-335 Task-technology fit perspective of the use of m-commerce by retail businesses
by Mateus Vicente Justino & Robertson K. Tengeh & Michael Twum-Darko - 336-358 Business-making supported via the application of big data to achieve economic sustainability
by Gabriel Koman & Dominika Tumová & Radoslav Jankal & Martin Mičiak - 359-379 Quality assessment of public services in Latvia
by Iveta Katelo & Irena Kokina & Vitālijs Raščevskis - 380-395 The impact of monetary and fiscal policy variables on the EU economic growth. Panel data analysis
by Joanna Stawska & Katarzyna Miszczyńska - 396-415 Key success factors for scaling social enterprises in South Africa
by Henry Oswald Esau & Robertson K. Tengeh - 416-426 Impact of employee attitude on their pro-social behavior: a case study
by Edmunds Čižo & Raheel Amir Awan & Rizwan Ali & Nisar Abid - 427-438 Analysis of perceived customer satisfaction in the context of rail transport: a case stude of the Slovak market
by Ludovit Nastisin & Beata Gavurova & Radovan Bačík & Ivan Kopor & Stefan Kral - 439-462 The influence of world oil prices on the Chinese Yuan exchange rate
by Jaromír Vrbka & Jakub Horák & Tomáš Krulický
March 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 10-23 Peculiarities of municipalities' investment activity: a case study of Eastern Poland
by Anna Wichowska & Wiesława Lizińska - 24-49 Perception of creative identities by managers and non-managers. Does a manager see more?
by Michał Szostak - 50-63 Peculiarities of e-commerce development: a case of Poland
by Jarosław Kinal - 64-75 Impact of Industry 4.0 on business studies
by Margarita Išoraitė & Gintarė Gulevičiūtė & Nikolaj Ambrusevič - 76-87 Barriers to the development of the circular economy in small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovakia
by Michal Levický & Milan Fiľa & Milan Maroš & Marcela Korenková - 88-102 Economic development facets and their interrelation
by Jaroslav Gonos & Daniela Hrehová & Katarína Čulková - 103-117 The role of management commitment in adoption of occupational health and safety at higher education institutions
by Shabir Ahmad & Tahir Iqbal - 118-133 Entrepreneurial attitude of students - comparative study between China and Poland
by Sandra Misiak-Kwit & Yunhua Zhang - 134-151 Environmental management for sustainable business development
by Natalia M. Mamedova & Zoya V. Bezveselnaya & Marina I. Ivleva & Vera Komarova - 152-172 Analysis of risk factors for applied projects in a digital economy
by Alexey Petrovich Taburchak & Svetlana Mikhailovna Bychkova & Alina Alexandrovna Butina - 173-197 Financialization: curse or salvation? The case of Latvia, a small and post-transition economy
by Joanna Stawska & Ramona Rupeika-Apoga & Maciej Malaczewski & Iwona Dorota Czechowska & Fatima Sol Murta - 198-211 Developing a new model of ethical leadership
by Aida Ahmed Zahrani - 212-226 The impact of IFRS adoption on companies' financial ratios: evidence from Lithuania
by Kristina Rudžionienė & Miglė Černiauskaitė & Rūta Klimaitienė - 227-241 R&D expenditure, innovation performance and economic development of the EU countries
by Jozef Kučera & Milan Fiľa - 242-264 Strategic decision making and innovative performance of micro and small enterprises
by Nadežda Jankelová & Zuzana Joniaková - 265-283 Perceived creatvity and the big five personality traits of specialists trained for profession: trends in their interaction
by Kristina Samašonok & Agnė Juškevičienė - 284-297 Foreign employment in enterprises – examples from countries with different cultures
by Mariusz Urbański & Khawlah M. AL-Tkhayneh & Zurabi Shamugia - 298-316 On the relation between sustainability report and assurance standards in Brazilian financial institutions
by Giovanna Facury Aigner & Joshua Onome Imoniana & Washington Lopes Silva - 317-329 Managing new product launch & development in the dynamic emerging market: A case study of Saudi Arabia
by Mohammad Naquibur Rahman - 330-349 The COVID-19 pandemic consequences to the activity of NGOs
by Paweł Mikołajczak & Joanna Schmidt & Robert Skikiewicz - 350-368 Transition towards the artificial intelligence via re-engineering of digital platforms: comparing European Member States
by Alfonso Marino & Paolo Pariso & Michele Picariello - 369-383 Mobile internet in the EU: problems and perspectives
by Olga Lavrinenko & Svetlana Ignatjeva & Alina Betlej & Alina Danileviča & Vladimir Menshikov & Oleg Rybalkin - 384-398 Understanding the predictors of entrepreneurial intentions of young people from Argentina, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, and Romania
by Daniel Vankov & Daniel Vankov & David Kozma & Martin Galanternik & Johan Chiers & Borislav Vankov & Lin Wang - 399-413 Big data analytics adoption via lenses of Technology Acceptance Model: empirical study of higher education
by Ibrahim Youssef Alyoussef & Waleed Mugahed Al-Rahmi - 414-428 Crisis development and its management
by Roman Rak & Vladimir Sulc & Dagmar Kopencova & Frantisek Vlach & Vladimira Hudecova
December 2021, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 10-36 Impact of gender differences in perception of creative identities of artist, creator, manager, entrepreneur and leader on sustainability
by Michał Szostak - 37-49 Consumers' perceptions of intention to use a credit card: perceived risk and security
by Aida Ahmed Zahrani - 50-64 Determinants of the human capital redistribution. What pushes out and what pulls to the regions of Masovian Voivodship
by Marek Piotrowski & Paweł Huras & Katarzyna Modrzejewska - 65-80 Factors that influence the formation of Indonesian SMEs' social entrepreneurship: a case study of West Java
by Herlina Herlina & Disman Disman & Sapriya Sapriya & Nana Supriatna - 81-93 Accounting aspects of revenues in double entry accounting of Slovakia and comparison with international accounting standards
by Agneša Víghová - 94-107 Factors affecting housing conditions: a case study of Cittaslow towns in Poland
by Agnieszka Napiórkowska-Baryła & Natalia Świdyńska - 108-122 An empirical investigation of adoption Big Data in higher education sustainability
by Waleed Mugahed Al-Rahmi & Salem Alkhalaf - 123-133 Identification of corruption risks in the banking sector of the economy
by Kirill Antropov & Ravil Akhmadeev & Olga Yurievna Voronkova & Xenia Kotova & Svetlana Khoruzhaya & Vladimir Mikhailovich Kurikov - 134-151 A comparative study of institutional factors influencing entrepreneurial activities: a case study of Egypt and Saudi Arabia
by Lobna S. Sorour & Mohamed A. Ragheb & Nevien Khourshed - 152-168 Longitudinal research - Entrepreneurial orientation impact, innovativeness, and business performance in Croatian companies
by Helena Šlogar - 169-185 Revitalisation as a tool for the development of slow city (Cittaslow)
by Eliza Farelnik - 186-197 Entrepreneurs' opinion towards credit rating in Saudi Arabia
by Kamran Ahmed Siddiqui & Ishtiaq Ahmed Bajwa & Faisal Al-Hudithi & Tarig Eltayeb & Asma Khatoon & Suliman Bawardi - 198-208 The degree of fiscal decentralization in European Union countries in different stages of the economic cycle
by Anna Wichowska - 209-222 Differentiation in levels of human capital among small cities in Warminsko-Mazurskie Voivodship
by Wioletta Wierzbicka - 223-237 Crisis diagnosis in cross-border region: lessons from the pandemic
by Michał Bilczak - 238-254 Company liquidity as a reflection of receivables and payables management
by Nora Štangová & Agneša Víghová - 255-267 International Financial Reporting Standards' (IFRS) application peculiarities: a case study
by Hafis Ahmed oglu Hajiyev & Marina Stolyarova & Olga Kalacheva & Victoria Malitskaya & Yana Ivanova & Lyudmila Malysheva - 268-288 How to make corporate social disclosures comparable?
by Hanna Czaja-Cieszyńska & Dominika Kordela & Beata Zyznarska-Dworczak - 289-302 Building financial literacy during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Guna Ciemleja & Konstantins Kozlovskis - 303-315 Added value in the transport sector at the time before COVID-19 pandemic: a comparison of the EU countries
by Yaroslava Kostiuk & Yaroslava Kostiuk & Veronika Kohútová & Jarmila Straková & Nadežda Koleda - 316-331 Digital transformation of MSMEs in Indonesia during the pandemic
by Elya Kurniawati & Idris Idris & Puji Handayati & Sharina Osman - 332-345 Analysis of disparities in the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the EU countries
by Viktorija Aleksejeva & Olga Lavrinenko & Alina Betlej & Alina Danileviča - 346-362 Evaluation of industrial enterprises' performance by different generations of employees
by Zdenka Gyurák Babeľová & Augustín Stareček - 363-383 Digital economy: technological, organizational and cultural contexts for the development of cooperation in Europe
by Alfonso Marino & Paolo Pariso - 384-401 Foreign direct investment as a factor of trade development: cases of selected countries
by Halina Shmarlouskaya & Natallia Shalupayeva & Alina Danileviča & Alina Betlej & Ludmila Aleksejeva - 402-415 Digitalization and human capital development
by Eva Ivanová & Veronika Žárská & Jana Masárová - 416-432 Fixing a payout ratio by dividend policies: a case of the utility sector
by Marek Vochozka & Veronika Machová & Eliška Sedmíková - 433-445 Laffer curve - a comparative study across the V4 (Visegrad) countries
by Lu Wang & Pavel Rousek & Simona Hašková - 446-456 Advantages of fuzzy approach compared to probabilistic approach in project evaluation
by Simona Hašková & Petr Šuleř & Tomáš Krulický - 457-472 The effect of institutional innovations on tourism spending in developed countries
by Martin Rigelský & Beata Gavurova & Ladislav Suhanyi & Radovan Bačík & Viera Ivankova - 473-487 On societal security of the state: applying a perspective of sustainability to immigration
by Tomáš Beňuška & Pavel Nečas - 488-507 The role of talent in the economic development of countries in the modern world
by Liene Leikuma-Rimicane & Vera Komarova & Jelena Lonska & Natalya Selivanova-Fyodorova & Inta Ostrovska - 508-520 Analysis of employee motivation in small and medium-sized companies in western Slovakia region
by Dávid Szabó & Peter Karácsony - 521-534 Success from the perspective of female entrepreneurs
by Zsuzsanna Gódány & Ladislav Mura - 535-551 Relationships between road transport infrastructure and tourism spending: A development approach in European OECD countries
by Viera Ivankova & Beata Gavurova & Radovan Bačík & Martin Rigelský - 552-569 Bitcoin price as one of basic cryptocurrencies in relation to the basic stock market's indicators
by Antonín Korauš & Miroslav Gombár & Alena Vagaská & Radovan Bačík & Peter Korba & Filip Černák
September 2021, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 10-22 Social barriers and transportation social exclusion issues in creating sustainable car-sharing systems
by Katarzyna Turoń - 23-36 Motivational factors at work of e-commerce and e-business employees. What is the difference between genders?
by Pavel Ziaran & Richard Fedorko & Beata Gavurova & Radovan Bačík - 37-51 Location factors of e-commerce distribution centers in Zachodniopomorskie Vivodeship based on the example of a selected company
by Jolanta Zieziula & Marta Niewiadomska - 52-65 Obstacles faced by owners of township micro, small and medium enterprises to acquire funds for survival and growth (2010-2020)
by Johannes A. Wiid & Michael C. Cant - 66-86 Accessible tourism - current state in Slovakia
by Radka Marčeková & Ľubica Šebová & Kristína Pompurová & Ivana Šimočková - 87-102 The impact of employees’ job stress and career satisfaction over corporate entrepreneurship management linked to social responsibility
by Manuela Escobar-Sierra & Felipe Calderón-Valencia - 103-122 Auditing as an effective mean of communication on environmental, social and governance issues in Brazil
by Washington Lopes Silva & Joshua Onome Imoniana - 123-149 ICT security in businesses - efficiency analysis
by Ágnes Kemendi & Pál Michelberger & Agata Mesjasz-Lech - 150-175 Does entrepreneurial factor influence creative identities' perception?
by Michał Szostak - 176-189 The sociodemographic determinants of Polish consumer perception of food quality
by Karolina Choroszy - 190-203 Customer service quality management on the courier services market
by Adam Marcysiak - 204-220 Transition of business companies to circular economy in Slovakia
by Eva Hanuláková & Ferdinand Daňo & Marek Kukura - 221-238 The legal regulation of food waste in Poland and Lithuania in compliance with EU directive 2018/851
by Elżbieta Zębek & Leda Žilinskienė - 239-250 Market differentiation potential of traditional food quality labels: consumer and producer expectation
by Dominika Jakubowska - 255-267 Propulsive forces of economic growth in Slovakia: the inference from the input-output table data
by Martin Maris - 268-286 Innovative approaches in management: a key factor for the quality of health services
by Nadežda Jankelová & Zuzana Joniaková & Diana Puhovichová - 287-299 Constructing a model of national production system for building a circular economy for international trade involvement
by Maxim Polyakov & Igor Khanin & Gennadij Shevchenko & Volodimir Bilozubenko - 300-318 Determinants of digitization in SMEs
by Agata Marcysiak & Żanna Pleskacz - 319-329 Accounting and tax aspects of expenses in double accounting in Slovakia
by Nora Štangová & Agneša Víghová - 330-347 Determinants of entrepreneurship development in Poland over the last 5 years
by Michał Igielski - 348-362 DEA model and efficiency of universities - case study in Slovak Republic
by Valentinas Navickas & Adriana Grenčíková & Karol Krajčo - 363-373 Integration of Slovakia’s double-entry bookkeeping into the EU system
by Agneša Víghová & Nora Štangová - 374-384 Determinants of agricultural farm participation in regional economic systems
by Zbigniew Nasalski