March 2009, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 455-478 A fair solution to the compensation problem
by Giacomo Valletta - 479-492 A fair division solution to the problem of redistricting
by Z. Landau & O. Reid & I. Yershov - 493-511 On the probability of breakdown in participation games
by Pim Heijnen - 513-531 Consequences, opportunities, and Arrovian impossibility theorems with consequentialist domains
by Yukinori Iwata
February 2009, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 171-179 Reconsidering two-agent Nash implementation
by Francesca Busetto & Giulio Codognato - 181-196 A new and easy-to-use measure of literacy, its axiomatic properties and an application
by Kaushik Basu & Travis Lee - 197-219 Moral hazard and free riding in collective action
by Vincent Anesi - 221-241 Aggregation of binary evaluations for truth-functional agendas
by Elad Dokow & Ron Holzman - 243-252 Intergenerational equity: sup, inf, lim sup, and lim inf
by Christopher Chambers - 253-273 Deprivation, welfare and inequality
by Brice Magdalou & Patrick Moyes - 275-298 Strategic requirements with indifference: single-peaked versus single-plateaued preferences
by Dolors Berga & Bernardo Moreno - 299-316 To be or not to be involved: a questionnaire-experimental view on Harsanyi’s utilitarian ethics
by Yoram Amiel & Frank Cowell & Wulf Gaertner - 317-333 Condorcet choice and the Ostrogorski paradox
by Gilbert Laffond & Jean Lainé - 335-336 On strategy-proof social choice correspondences
by Shin Sato
January 2009, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-13 Networks and outside options
by André Casajus - 15-27 Marriage matching and gender satisfaction
by Vicki Knoblauch - 29-35 On strategy-proof social choice correspondences: a comment
by Carmelo Rodríguez-Álvarez - 37-58 What is “Pro-Poor”?
by Jean-Yves Duclos - 59-77 Nonpaternalistic altruism and functional interdependence of social preferences
by Hajime Hori - 79-92 Twofold optimality of the relative utilitarian bargaining solution
by Marcus Pivato - 93-99 Still more on the Tournament Equilibrium Set
by Nicolas Houy - 101-121 Uniform trade rules for uncleared markets
by Özgür Kıbrıs & Serkan Küçükşenel - 123-128 ‘Non-interference’ implies equality
by Marco Mariotti & Roberto Veneziani - 129-155 A prudent characterization of the Ranked Pairs Rule
by Claude Lamboray - 157-168 Three-candidate competition when candidates have valence: the base case
by Haldun Evrenk - 169-169 Three-candidate competition when candidates have valence: the base case
by Haldun Evrenk
December 2008, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 537-572 A mathematical model of Athenian democracy
by Andranik Tangian - 573-587 Fair Groves mechanisms
by Murat Atlamaz & Duygu Yengin - 589-619 Axiomatic foundations for fairness-motivated preferences
by Martin Sandbu - 621-640 The Nakamura numbers for computable simple games
by Masahiro Kumabe & H. Reiju Mihara - 641-666 Allocating multiple estates among agents with single-peaked preferences
by Anirban Kar & Özgür Kıbrıs - 667-692 Two families of rules for the adjudication of conflicting claims
by William Thomson - 693-707 Scale invariance and similar invariance conditions for bankruptcy problems
by Thierry Marchant - 709-710 Scale invariance and similar invariance conditions for bankruptcy problems
by Thierry Marchant
October 2008, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 357-365 Games of school choice under the Boston mechanism with general priority structures
by Fuhito Kojima - 367-392 Nash implementable domains for the Borda count
by Clemens Puppe & Attila Tasnádi - 393-413 Sen’s theorem: geometric proof, new interpretations
by Lingfang (Ivy) Li & Donald Saari - 415-434 Can preferences for catastrophe avoidance reconcile social discounting with intergenerational equity?
by Antoine Bommier & Stéphane Zuber - 435-456 Partial equality-of-opportunity orderings
by Juan Rodríguez - 457-473 Strategy-proofness versus efficiency on the Cobb-Douglas domain of exchange economies
by Kazuhiko Hashimoto - 475-502 Punishment, inequality, and welfare: a public good experiment
by David Masclet & Marie-Claire Villeval - 503-520 Existence of a multicameral core
by Macartan Humphreys - 521-535 Ranking profiles of capability sets
by Rebeca Echávarri & Iñaki Permanyer
August 2008, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 179-191 Continuity and egalitarianism in the evaluation of infinite utility streams
by Chiaki Hara & Tomoichi Shinotsuka & Kotaro Suzumura & Yongsheng Xu - 193-232 The ignorant observer
by Thibault Gajdos & Feriel Kandil - 233-255 Reelection threshold contracts in politics
by Hans Gersbach & Verena Liessem - 257-269 Iterative elimination of weakly dominated strategies in binary voting agendas with sequential voting
by Patrick Hummel - 271-279 Uncovered set choice rules
by Michele Lombardi - 281-300 The exact bias of the Banzhaf measure of power when votes are neither equiprobable nor independent
by Serguei Kaniovski - 301-309 Choosing from a large tournament
by Mark Fey - 311-330 Approximability of Dodgson’s rule
by John McCabe-Dansted & Geoffrey Pritchard & Arkadii Slinko - 331-343 On strategy-proof social choice correspondences
by Shin Sato - 345-350 Mutual dependency between capabilities and functionings in Amartya Sen’s capability approach
by Afschin Gandjour - 351-355 Michel Regenwetter, Bernard Grofman, A.A.J. Marley, and Ilia M. Tsetlin: Behavioral social choice. Probabilistic models, statistical inference and applications
by Dominique Lepelley
June 2008, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-13 Sharing a resource with concave benefits
by Stefan Ambec - 15-39 Judgment aggregation without full rationality
by Franz Dietrich & Christian List - 41-57 Consistent judgement aggregation: the truth-functional case
by Klaus Nehring & Clemens Puppe - 59-78 A liberal paradox for judgment aggregation
by Franz Dietrich & Christian List - 79-96 How to choose a non-controversial list with k names
by Salvador Barberà & Danilo Coelho - 97-107 Poverty measures incorporating variable rate of alleviation due to population growth
by Diganta Mukherjee - 109-128 The minimal overlap rule revisited
by José Alcalde & María Marco & José Silva - 129-149 Self-selective social choice functions
by Semih Koray & Arkadii Slinko - 151-162 Scoring rules on dichotomous preferences
by Marc Vorsatz - 163-174 Subgame perfect implementation of stable matchings in marriage problems
by Sang-Chul Suh & Quan Wen - 175-177 Simeone, Bruno and Pukelsheim, Friedrich (eds.): Mathematics and Democracy
by Ugur Ozdemir
May 2008, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 531-559 Informational lobbying under the shadow of political pressure
by Matthias Dahm & Nicolás Porteiro - 561-569 On the equivalence between progressive taxation and inequality reduction
by Biung-Ghi Ju & Juan Moreno-Ternero - 571-579 A note on the paradox of smaller coalitions
by Dinko Dimitrov & Claus-Jochen Haake - 581-601 The power of a collectivity to act in weighted voting games with many small voters
by Ines Lindner - 603-617 Balanced allocation methods for claims problems with indivisibilities
by Carmen Herrero & Ricardo Martínez - 619-653 A characterization of optimal feasible tax mechanism
by Byungchae Rhee - 655-683 Should the individual voting records of central bankers be published?
by Hans Gersbach & Volker Hahn - 685-699 Incomplete property rights, redistribution, and welfare
by J. Amegashie - 701-702 Strategy-proof cardinal decision schemes
by Bhaskar Dutta & Hans Peters & Arunava Sen
April 2008, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 353-362 On the complexity of achieving proportional representation
by Ariel Procaccia & Jeffrey Rosenschein & Aviv Zohar - 363-383 On Ehrhart polynomials and probability calculations in voting theory
by Dominique Lepelley & Ahmed Louichi & Hatem Smaoui - 385-399 Analyzing the impact of indirect tax reforms on rank-dependent social welfare functions: a positional dominance approach
by Paul Makdissi & Stéphane Mussard - 401-417 Extreme voting under proportional representation: the multidimensional case
by Francesco Sinopoli & Giovanna Iannantuoni - 419-425 A distance measure for choice functions
by Christian Klamler - 427-446 Moral sentiments and social choice
by Edi Karni & Zvi Safra - 447-455 A note on the structure of stochastic social choice functions
by Shasikanta Nandeibam - 457-473 Heterogeneous expertise and collective decision-making
by Winston Koh - 475-493 Second degree Pareto dominance
by Ronny Aboudi & Dominique Thon - 495-506 Arrovian impossibilities in aggregating preferences over non-resolute outcomes
by Emre Doğan & M. Sanver - 507-526 Flexibility of choice versus reduction of ambiguity
by Ani Guerdjikova & Alexander Zimper - 527-530 Paul Gomberg (ed): How to make opportunity equal
by John Roemer
February 2008, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 181-196 Strategy-proof allocation of multiple public goods
by Lars-Gunnar Svensson & Pär Torstensson - 197-210 Forms of governance and the size of rent-seeking
by Luis Corchón - 211-223 Bargaining over multiple issues with maximin and leximin preferences
by Amparo Mármol & Clara Ponsatí - 225-243 Vertical wage differences in hierarchically structured firms
by René Brink - 245-264 Acyclic sets of linear orders via the Bruhat orders
by Ádám Galambos & Victor Reiner - 265-284 Social choice, optimal inference and figure skating
by Stephen Gordon & Michel Truchon - 285-303 Optimum taxation of life annuities
by Johann Brunner & Susanne Pech - 305-330 Preference reversals and the analysis of income distributions
by Yoram Amiel & Frank Cowell & Liema Davidovitz & Avraham Polovin - 331-352 Congruence indicators for fuzzy choice functions
by Irina Georgescu
January 2008, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 13-41 Electoral competition, incentive contracts for politicians and unknown preferences
by Verena Liessem - 43-56 Existence of approximate social welfare
by Jack Stecher - 57-67 Gamson’s law and hedonic games
by Michel Breton & Ignacio Ortuño-Ortin & Shlomo Weber - 69-87 Enlargement and the balance of power: an experimental study
by Maria Montero & Martin Sefton & Ping Zhang - 89-101 Strategy-proof resolute social choice correspondences
by Selçuk Özyurt & M. Sanver - 103-117 Contests with group-specific public-good prizes
by Kyung Baik - 119-173 Cross-country determinants of life satisfaction: exploring different determinants across groups in society
by Christian Bjørnskov & Axel Dreher & Justina Fischer - 175-180 Wulf Gaertner: A primer in social choice theory
by Antoinette Baujard
December 2007, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 557-557 Foreword
by Maurice Salles - 559-579 Coercion, contract and the limits of the market
by Kaushik Basu - 581-608 Welfarist evaluations of decision rules for boards of representatives
by Claus Beisbart & Luc Bovens - 609-632 Reaching a consensus
by Richard Bradley - 633-648 Social choice and the indexing dilemma
by Marc Fleurbaey - 649-663 Social decisions about risk and risk-taking
by Sven Hansson - 665-682 The value of opportunities over time when preferences are unstable
by Robert Sugden - 683-701 Collective, universal, and joint rationality
by Paul Weirich
October 2007, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 353-367 Subgame perfect implementation of voting rules via randomized mechanisms
by Hannu Vartiainen - 369-382 Cost sharing in a job scheduling problem
by Debasis Mishra & Bharath Rangarajan - 383-404 Condorcet cycles? A model of intertemporal voting
by Kevin Roberts - 405-428 Comparing degrees of inequality aversion
by Kristof Bosmans - 429-452 The traveling group problem
by Christian Klamler & Ulrich Pferschy - 453-486 First and second best voting rules in committees
by Ruth Ben-Yashar & Igal Milchtaich - 487-513 Exact results on manipulability of positional voting rules
by Geoffrey Pritchard & Mark Wilson - 515-538 Inequality orderings and unit consistency
by Buhong Zheng - 539-555 Serial cost sharing of an excludable public good available in multiple units
by Yan Yu
September 2007, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 175-199 On the manipulation of social choice correspondences
by Carmelo Rodríguez-Álvarez - 201-210 An axiomatization of the Nash bargaining solution
by Geoffroy Clippel - 211-228 A general concept of scoring rules: general definitions, statistical inference, and empirical illustrations
by Michel Regenwetter & Elena Rykhlevskaia - 229-245 Policy convergence under approval and plurality voting: the role of policy commitment
by Arnaud Dellis & Mandar Oak - 247-269 Minimal manipulability: anonymity and unanimity
by Stefan Maus & Hans Peters & Ton Storcken - 271-293 The Moulin–Shenker rule
by Maurice Koster - 295-315 Freedom of choice in a social context: comparing game forms
by Sebastian Bervoets - 317-331 Citizen candidates under uncertainty
by Jon Eguia - 333-351 Nash implementation and the bargaining problem
by Hannu Vartiainen
July 2007, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-17 Political election on legal retirement age
by Juan Lacomba & Francisco Lagos - 19-33 Arrow’s theorem in judgment aggregation
by Franz Dietrich & Christian List - 35-53 Cooperative production under diminishing marginal returns: interpreting fixed-path methods
by Justin Leroux - 55-67 Robustness against inefficient manipulation
by Eyal Baharad & Zvika Neeman - 69-82 Social welfare functions that satisfy Pareto, anonymity, and neutrality, but not independence of irrelevant alternatives
by Donald Campbell & Jerry Kelly - 83-104 Pareto, anonymity, and independence: four alternatives
by Donald Campbell & Jerry Kelly - 105-106 A note on natural correspondences that satisfy exclusion
by Jack Graver - 107-124 Distribution-neutral provision of public goods
by Udo Ebert & Georg Tillmann - 125-147 Solidarity in choosing a location on a cycle
by Sidartha Gordon - 149-173 Generic difference of expected vote share and probability of victory maximization in simple plurality elections with probabilistic voters
by John Patty
June 2007, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 529-565 A generalised model of judgment aggregation
by Franz Dietrich - 567-589 Variable-population extensions of social aggregation theorems
by Charles Blackorby & Walter Bossert & David Donaldson - 591-605 Fairness and voting
by Volker Hahn - 607-607 Fairness and voting
by Volker Hahn - 609-636 Social welfare functions with a reference income
by Horst Zank - 637-647 Continuity of social choice functions with restricted coalition algebras
by Kari Saukkonen - 649-666 The limits of epistemic democracy
by Martin Hees - 667-683 Utility function of fuzzy preferences on a countable set under max-*-transitivity
by Louis Fono & Nicolas Andjiga - 685-703 The consensus value: a new solution concept for cooperative games
by Yuan Ju & Peter Borm & Pieter Ruys
April 2007, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 361-361 The mere addition paradox, parity and critical-level utilitarianism
by Mozaffar Qizilbash - 363-373 The Number of Times an Anonymous Rule Violates Independence in the 3 × 3 Case
by Robert Powers - 375-399 Intersecting Lorenz Curves, the Degree of Downside Inequality Aversion, and Tax Reforms
by W. Chiu - 401-420 Equal representation in two-tier voting systems
by Nicola Maaser & Stefan Napel - 421-437 Bargaining over a finite set of alternatives
by Özgür Kıbrıs & Murat Sertel - 439-442 Is abstention an escape from Arrow’s theorem?
by Murat Çengelci & M. Sanver - 443-460 Local autonomy and interregional equality
by Alexander Cappelen & Bertil Tungodden - 461-490 Political equilibria with electoral uncertainty
by Norman Schofield - 491-506 A systematic approach to the construction of non-empty choice sets
by John Duggan - 507-528 Monotonicity in Condorcet’s Jury Theorem with dependent voters
by Daniel Berend & Luba Sapir
February 2007, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 181-207 On the voting power of an alliance and the subsequent power of its members
by Marc Feix & Dominique Lepelley & Vincent Merlin & Jean-Louis Rouet - 209-230 Equality of Opportunity versus Equality of Opportunity Sets
by Erwin Ooghe & Erik Schokkaert & Dirk gaer - 231-253 The Chairman’s Paradox Revisited
by M. Braham & F. Steffen - 255-280 Utility-gap Dominances and Inequality Orderings
by Buhong Zheng - 281-302 Lorenz Dominance and Non-welfaristic Redistribution
by Roland Luttens & Dirk gaer - 303-319 Arrow’s Axiom and Full Rationality for Fuzzy Choice Functions
by Irina Georgescu - 321-335 ‘One and a Half Dimensional’ Preferences and Majority Rule
by T. Groseclose - 337-359 Psychology Implies Paternalism? Bounded Rationality may Reduce the Rationale to Regulate Risk-Taking
by Nathan Berg & Gerd Gigerenzer
January 2007, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-18 Manipulation via Endowments in Exchange Markets with Indivisible Goods
by Murat Atlamaz & Bettina Klaus - 19-40 An Efficient and Egalitarian Negotiation Procedure for Economies with Externalities
by Nicolás Porteiro - 41-60 Preferences, the Agenda Setter, and the Distribution of Power in the EU
by Francesco Passarelli & Jason Barr - 61-76 Dictatorial domains in preference aggregation
by Ugur Ozdemir & M. Sanver - 77-88 Dynamic Measures of Individual Deprivation
by Walter Bossert & Conchita D’Ambrosio - 89-110 Stochastic Dominance and Absolute Risk Aversion
by Jordi Caballe & Joan Esteban - 111-125 Nash Implementation with Lottery Mechanisms
by Olivier Bochet - 127-141 Approval Voting on Dichotomous Preferences
by Marc Vorsatz - 143-162 Sabotaging Potential Rivals
by J. Amegashie & Marco Runkel - 163-179 Strategy-proof Cardinal Decision Schemes
by Bhaskar Dutta & Hans Peters & Arunava Sen
December 2006, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 435-458 Rationalizability of choice functions on general domains without full transitivity
by Walter Bossert & Yves Sprumont & Kotaro Suzumura - 459-475 Characteristic properties of list proportional representation systems
by Eliora Hout & Harrie Swart & Annemarie Veer - 477-492 Consistent Voting Systems with a Continuum of Voters
by B Pezaleleleg & Hans Peters - 493-493 Consistent voting systems with a continuum of voters
by Bezalel Peleg & Hans Peters - 495-530 Endogenous Voting Agendas
by John Duggan - 531-543 The Banks Set in Infinite Spaces
by Elizabeth Penn - 545-570 Candidate Stability and Voting Correspondences
by Carmelo Rodríguez-Álvarez - 571-594 Dividing Justly in Bargaining Problems with Claims
by Simon Gächter & Arno Riedl - 595-610 Committees with Farsighted Voters: A New Interpretation of Stable Sets
by Vincent Anesi - 611-619 Rational Choice and von Neumann– Morgenstern’s Stable Set: The Case of Path-dependent Procedures
by Taradas Bandyopadhyay & Kunal Sengupta - 621-625 A Simple Characterization of Approval Voting
by Carlos Alós-Ferrer - 627-641 A Tax and Redistribution Experiment with Subjects that Switch from Risk Aversion to Risk Preference
by Steven Beckman
October 2006, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 221-230 Protective Properties and the Constrained Equal Awards Rule for Claims Problems: A Note
by Chun-Hsien Yeh - 231-249 The TAL-Family of Rules for Bankruptcy Problems
by Juan Moreno-Ternero & Antonio Villar - 251-261 A Signaling Model of Repeated Elections
by Kenneth Shotts - 263-277 On the Average Minimum Size of a Manipulating Coalition
by Geoffrey Pritchard & Arkadii Slinko - 279-287 Anonymous Single-profile Welfarism
by Charles Blackorby & Walter Bossert & David Donaldson - 289-310 Lottery Rather than Waiting-line Auction
by Winston Koh & Zhenlin Yang & Lijing Zhu - 311-325 The Global Welfare Economics of Immigration
by John Roemer - 327-339 On the Extension of the Utilitarian and Suppes–Sen Social Welfare Relations to Infinite Utility Streams
by Kuntal Banerjee - 341-345 Positional Independence in Preference Aggregation: A Remark
by Houy Nicolas - 347-364 An Interview with Michael Dummett: from Analytical Philosophy to Voting Analysis and Beyond
by Rudolf Fara & Maurice Salles