October 2006, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 365-375 Coalition Formation and Stability
by José Alcalde & Antonio Romero-Medina - 377-406 A Geometric Study of Shareholders’ Voting in Incomplete Markets: Multivariate Median and Mean Shareholder Theorems
by Hervé Crès - 407-422 Population Dynamics and Animal Welfare: Issues Raised by the Culling of Kangaroos in Puckapunyal
by Matthew Clarke & Yew-Kwang Ng - 423-433 The Politics of Randomness
by Gil Epstein & Shmuel Nitzan
August 2006, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 3-24 Games of Capacity Manipulation in Hospital-intern Markets
by Hideo Konishi & M. Ünver - 25-28 Mixed Strategies in Games of Capacity Manipulation in Hospital–Intern Markets
by Fuhito Kojima - 29-40 On Preference, Freedom and Diversity
by Vito Peragine & Antonio Romero-Medina - 41-54 Equitable Intergenerational Preferences on Restricted Domains
by Toyotaka Sakai - 55-81 Electoral Platforms, Implemented Policies, and Abstention
by Humberto Llavador - 83-87 Alternate Definitions of the Uncovered Set and Their Implications
by Elizabeth Penn - 89-102 Single-peaked Compatible Preference Profiles: Some Combinatorial Results
by Sven Berg & Thommy Perlinger - 103-127 Democratically Elected Aristocracies
by David Heyd & Uzi Segal - 129-154 The Inter-Institutional Distribution of Power in EU Codecision
by Stefan Napel & Mika Widgrén - 155-172 Parties with Policy Preferences and Uncertainty Over Voter Behavior
by Kimiko Terai - 173-173 Parties with Policy Preferences and Uncertainty over Voter Behavior
by Kimiko Terai - 175-187 Top-Pair and Top-Triple Monotonicity
by Dipjyoti Majumdar & Arunava Sen - 189-193 Seat Biases in Proportional Representation Systems with Thresholds
by Udo Schwingenschlögl & Friedrich Pukelsheim - 195-210 Maximal Domain for Strategy-proof Rules in Allotment Economies
by Hideyuki Mizobuchi & Shigehiro Serizawa - 211-219 Ensuring Pareto Optimality by Referendum Voting
by İpek Özkal-Sanver & M. Sanver
June 2006, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 435-445 Dichotomous preferences and the possibility of Arrovian social choice
by Toyotaka Sakai & Masaki Shimoji - 447-453 Reduced prizes and increased effort in contests
by Gil Epstein & Shmuel Nitzan - 455-470 Fully-Revealing Equilibria of Multiple-Sender Signaling and Screening Models
by David Baron & Adam Meirowitz - 471-483 Population growth and poverty measurement
by Satya Chakravarty & Ravi Kanbur & Diganta Mukherjee - 485-509 Some Further Results on the Manipulability of Social Choice Rules
by Pierre Favardin & Dominique Lepelley - 511-525 Income Share Elasticity and Stochastic Dominance
by Corrado Benassi & Alessandra Chirco - 527-545 Polarization, Information Collection and Electoral Control
by Silvia Dominguez-Martinez & Otto Swank - 547-569 Two-stage electoral competition in two-party contests: persistent divergence of party positions
by Guillermo Owen & Bernard Grofman - 571-596 Coalition Configurations and the Banzhaf Index
by M. Albizuri & Jesus Aurrekoetxea - 597-601 On the selection of the same winner by all scoring rules
by Eyal Baharad & Shmuel Nitzan - 603-606 The Balinski–Young Comparison of Divisor Methods is Transitive
by Luc Lauwers & Tom Puyenbroeck - 607-623 Nash implementation via hyperfunctions
by İpek Özkal-Sanver & M. Sanver - 625-643 Resolving an Insurance Allocation Problem: A Procedural Approach
by Daniela Ambrosino & Vito Fragnelli & Maria Marina - 645-649 Book Review: David Austen-Smith and John Duggan, Editors. Social Choice and Strategic Decisions: Essays in Honor of Jeffrey S. Banks
by Elizabeth Penn
April 2006, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 217-238 Cyclic Evaluation of Transitivity of Reciprocal Relations
by B. Baets & H. Meyer & B. Schuymer - 239-253 The Separability Principle in Economies with Single-Peaked Preferences
by Youngsub Chun - 255-261 A Note on the Separability Principle in Economies with Single-Peaked Preferences
by Bettina Klaus - 263-283 General Representation of Epistemically Optimal Procedures
by Franz Dietrich - 285-304 A Social Choice Lemma on Voting Over Lotteries with Applications to a Class of Dynamic Games
by Jeffrey Banks & John Duggan - 305-331 Pairwise Strategy-Proofness and Self-Enforcing Manipulation
by Shigehiro Serizawa - 333-361 A General Equilibrium Model of Multi-Party Competition
by Marek Kaminski - 363-383 Single-Crossing, Strategic Voting and the Median Choice Rule
by Alejandro Saporiti & Fernando Tohmé - 385-402 Argumentation in Multi-issue Debates
by Ran Spiegler - 403-419 Feasible Mechanisms in Economies with Type-Dependent Endowments
by Françoise Forges - 421-433 Simple Priorities and Core Stability in Hedonic Games
by Dinko Dimitrov & Peter Borm & Ruud Hendrickx & Shao Sung
January 2006, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-21 Majority rip-off in referendum voting
by Klaus Abbink - 23-30 The modeling and analysis of rotten kids
by Van Kolpin - 31-45 Measuring autonomy freedom
by Sebastiano Bavetta & Vitorocco Peragine - 47-74 Efficient nonanthropocentric nature protection
by Thomas Eichner & Rüdiger Pethig - 75-92 Scoring of web pages and tournaments—axiomatizations
by Giora Slutzki & Oscar Volij - 93-105 A value for games with coalition structures
by Gérard Hamiache - 107-129 Which is better: the Condorcet or Borda winner?
by Donald Saari - 131-141 Robustness of optimal decision rules where one of the team members is exceptionally qualified
by Drora Karotkin & Jacob Paroush - 143-153 How the size of a coalition affects its chances to influence an election
by Arkadii Slinko - 155-182 The unique informational efficiency of the competitive mechanism in economies with production
by Guoqiang Tian - 183-189 The 2002 Winter Olympics scandal: rent-seeking and committees
by J. Amegashie - 191-208 The sensitivity of weight selection for scoring rules to profile proximity to single-peaked preferences
by William Gehrlein - 209-215 When winning is the only thing: pure strategy Nash equilibria in a three-candidate spatial voting model
by Richard Chisik & Robert Lemke
December 2005, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 229-230 Foreword
by Maurice Salles - 231-241 De jure naturae et gentium: Samuel von Pufendorf's contribution to social choice theory and economics
by Wulf Gaertner - 243-285 Condorcet's Social Mathematic, A Few Tables
by Pierre Crépel & Jean-Nicolas Rieucau - 287-302 “Axiom, theorem, corollary &c.”: Condorcet and mathematical economics
by Emma Rothschild - 303-318 The intellectual contribution of Condorcet to the founding of the US Republic 1785–1800
by Norman Schofield - 319-326 The pre-history of Kenneth Arrow's social choice and individual values
by Patrick Suppes - 327-356 An interview with Paul Samuelson: welfare economics, “old” and “new”, and social choice theory
by Kotaro Suzumura - 357-368 An interview with I. M.D. Little
by Prasanta Pattanaik & Maurice Salles - 369-379 Little and Bergson on Arrow's concept of social welfare
by Prasanta Pattanaik - 381-418 The news of the death of welfare economics is greatly exaggerated
by Marc Fleurbaey & Philippe Mongin - 419-431 The history of social choice in Russia and the Soviet Union
by Fuad Aleskerov - 433-456 Social choice theory and the “Centre de Mathématique Sociale”: some historical notes
by Bernard Monjardet - 457-474 Going from theory to practice: the mixed success of approval voting
by Steven Brams & Peter Fishburn - 475-483 The work and life of Robin Farquharson
by Michael Dummett - 485-506 Voting power measurement: a story of misreinvention
by Dan Felsenthal & Moshé Machover - 507-525 Distribution and politics: a brief history and prospect
by John Roemer - 527-555 Measurement theory and the foundations of utilitarianism
by John Weymark - 557-564 The launching of ‘social choice and welfare’ and the creation of the ‘society for social choice and welfare’
by Maurice Salles
October 2005, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-29 On the influence of extreme parties in electoral competition with policy-motivated candidates
by Georges Casamatta & Philippe Donder - 31-42 Minimal monotonic extensions of scoring rules
by Orhan Erdem & M. Sanver - 43-73 Does majoritarian approval matter in selecting a social choice rule? An exploratory panel study
by Ayça Giritligil Kara & Murat Sertel - 75-84 Poverty measurement: the critical comparison value
by Bertil Tungodden - 85-93 On continuity of Arrovian social welfare functions
by Hannu Salonen & Kari Saukkonen - 95-113 Why the count de Borda cannot beat the Marquis de Condorcet
by Mathias Risse - 115-125 The scoring rules in an endogenous election
by Bernardo Moreno & M. Socorro Puy - 127-139 Coalitional economies with public projects
by Achille Basile & Anna Simone & Maria Graziano - 141-154 The replacement principle in bargaining
by Youngsub Chun - 155-171 Can faster income growth reduce well-being?
by Basant Kapur - 173-178 The inverse plurality rule—an axiomatization
by Eyal Baharad & Shmuel Nitzan - 179-186 Characterizing Paretian preferences
by Vicki Knoblauch - 187-205 Anonymity in large societies
by Andrei Gomberg & César Martinelli & Ricard Torres - 207-220 The optimal design of fallible organizations: invariance of optimal decision criterion and uniqueness of hierarchy and polyarchy structures
by Winston Koh - 221-226 Abstention as an escape from Arrow's theorem
by Antonio Quesada - 227-228 Multi_profile welfarism: a generalization
by Charles Blackorby & Walter Bossert & David Donaldson
June 2005, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 395-396 Correction to: ‘Information and preference aggregation’
by Donald E. Campbell & Jerry S. Kelly - 397-411 Optimal sequential decision architectures and the robustness of hierarchies and polyarchies
by Winston Koh - 413-431 The mere addition paradox, parity and critical-level utilitarianism
by Mozaffar Qizilbash - 433-437 Absorbing and generalized stable sets
by Elena Inarra & Jeroen Kuipers & N. Olaizola - 439-454 The positional power of nodes in digraphs
by P. Herings & Gerard Laan & Dolf Talman - 455-473 Egalitarian-equivalence and the Pareto principle for social preferences
by Koichi Tadenuma - 475-496 Factorization of fuzzy preferences
by Bonifacio Llamazares - 497-508 Condorcet choice functions and maximal elements
by Begoña Subiza & Josep Peris - 509-525 Welfare, freedom of choice and composite utility in the logit model
by Sven Erlander - 527-541 Reference functions and solutions to bargaining problems with and without claims
by Anke Gerber - 543-556 Monk business: An example of the dynamics of organizations
by Luis Corchón - 557-574 Social welfare rankings of income distributions A new parametric concept of intermediate inequality
by Tateo Yoshida - 575-583 Positional information and preference aggregation
by Robert Powers
April 2005, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 199-210 Subcyclic sets of linear orders
by Peter C. Fishburn - 211-220 Taxation and pricing when consumers value freedom
by Tyler Cowen & Amihai Glazer - 221-251 Bayesian utilitarianism and probability homogeneity
by Richard Bradley - 253-267 Multi-profile welfarism: A generalization
by Charles Blackorby & Walter Bossert & David Donaldson - 269-282 On power distribution in weighted voting
by Francesc Carreras & Josep Freixas - 283-309 Friedman, Harsanyi, Rawls, Boulding – or somebody else? An experimental investigation of distributive justice
by Stefan Traub & Christian Seidl & Ulrich Schmidt & Maria Levati - 311-341 The informational basis of the theory of fair allocation
by Marc Fleurbaey & Kotaro Suzumura & Koichi Tadenuma - 343-361 When is a goal rational?
by Karin Edvardsson & Sven Hansson - 363-393 How to reach legitimate decisions when the procedure is controversial
by Franz Dietrich
July 2005, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 45-61 Existence of homogeneous representations of interval orders on a cone in a topological vector space
by Gianni Bosi & Juan Carlos Candeal & Esteban Induráin & Margarita Zudaire
September 2005, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 93-127 Fair social orderings when agents have unequal production skills
by Marc Fleurbaey & François Maniquet - 129-154 A new model of coalition formation
by Agnieszka Rusinowska & Harrie de Swart & Jan-Willem van der Rijt - 155-169 Yardstick competition and political agency problems
by Paul Belleflamme & Jean Hindriks
June 2005, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 33-44 Responsibility and redistribution: The case of first best taxation
by Bertil Tungodden
January 2005, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 171-197 Assessing success and decisiveness in voting situations
by Annick Laruelle & Federico Valenciano
May 2005, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 3-32 The probability of inconsistencies in complex collective decisions
by Christian List
August 2005, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 63-81 The equity-efficiency trade-off reconsidered
by Georg Tillmann - 83-92 Monotonicity in Condorcet Jury Theorem
by Daniel Berend & Luba Sapir
December 2004, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 315-332 Is proximity preservation rational in social choice theory?
by Wu-Hsiung Huang - 333-348 Fiscal equalisation: Principles and an application to the European Union
by Bernd Hayo & Matthias Wrede - 349-382 Lattices of choice functions and consensus problems
by Bernard Monjardet & Vololonirina Raderanirina - 383-413 The McDonald’s Equilibrium. Advertising, empty calories, and the endogenous determination of dietary preferences
by Trenton G. Smith - 415-448 Social welfare, inequality, and poverty when needs differ
by Udo Ebert - 449-464 Why one person one vote?
by Hans Gersbach
October 2004, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 161-185 Maximum likelihood approach to vote aggregation with variable probabilities
by Mohamed Drissi-Bakhkhat & Michel Truchon - 187-206 A maximal domain of preferences for strategy-proof, efficient, and simple rules in the division problem
by Jordi Massó & Alejandro Neme - 207-227 The instability of robust aggregation
by Matthias Hild - 229-247 Stability and voting by committees with exit
by Dolors Berga & Gustavo Bergantiños & Jordi Massó & Alejandro Neme - 249-273 Monotonicity of ‘ranking by choosing’: A progress report
by Denis Bouyssou - 275-293 May’s Theorem with an infinite population
by Mark Fey - 295-308 Dividing resources by flexible majority rules
by Hans Gersbach - 309-314 Book review
by Vincent Merlin
August 2004, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-20 Analysis of QM rules in the draft constitution for Europe proposed by the European Convention, 2003
by Dan S Felsenthal & Moshé Machover - 21-57 Equilibrium agenda formation
by Bhaskar Dutta & Matthew O. Jackson & Michel Le Breton - 59-70 Population monotonic rules for fair allocation problems
by Hyungjun Kim - 71-89 Complaints and inequality
by Frank Cowell & Udo Ebert - 91-102 The Dodgson ranking and its relation to Kemeny’s method and Slater’s rule
by Christian Klamler - 103-111 Competitive envy-free division
by Shao Chin Sung & Milan Vlach - 113-114 A note on “Banks winners in tournaments are difficult to recognize” by G. J. Woeginger
by Olivier Hudry - 115-125 Majority vote following a debate
by Itzhak Gilboa & Nicolas Vieille - 127-147 On the equivalence between welfarism and equality of opportunity
by François Maniquet - 149-156 The Paretian liberal with intuitionistic fuzzy preferences: A result
by Dinko Dimitrov - 157-160 Book Review
by Anindya Bhattacharya
June 2004, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 437-445 Topological manipulators form an ultrafilter
by Luc Lauwers - 447-465 Dalton transfers, inequality and altruism
by Dominique Thon & Stein W. Wallace - 467-478 The core of social choice problems with monotone preferences and a feasibility constraint
by Adam Meirowitz - 479-490 Altruism and envy in contests: An evolutionarily stable symbiosis
by Kai A. Konrad - 491-514 Choosing the level of a public good when agents have an outside option
by David Cantala - 515-538 Room assignment-rent division: A market approach
by Atila Abdulkadiroğlu & Tayfun Sönmez & M. Utku Ünver - 539-566 Approval voting and positional voting methods: Inference, relationship, examples
by Michel Regenwetter & Ilia Tsetlin - 567-578 Two egalitarian consensus rules
by Erwin Ooghe - 579-583 Book review
by Alain Trannoy
April 2004, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 291-304 Inequality aversion, impartiality and utilitarianism
by Marco Mariotti - 305-316 What are opportunities and why should they be equal?
by Sven Ove Hansson - 317-330 Social aggregators
by Kfir Eliaz - 331-347 Strong equilibrium outcomes of voting games ¶are the generalized Condorcet winners
by Murat R. Sertel & M. Remzi Sanver - 349-369 The voter who wasn’t there: Referenda, representation and abstention
by Paulo P. Côrte-Real & Paulo T. Pereira - 371-389 Redistribution under proportional representation
by Kimiko Terai - 391-399 On the equal division core
by Anindya Bhattacharya - 401-412 A purely non-cooperative model of divided government
by Giovanna Iannantuoni - 413-431 Inequality in voting power
by Annick Laruelle & Federico Valenciano - 433-436 Book review
by Sebastiano Bavetta
February 2004, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-6 Introduction
by Prasanta K. Pattanaik & Maurice Salles & Kotaro Suzumura - 7-16 Freedom to veto
by Marlies Ahlert & Arwed Crüger - 17-28 A new approach to rights in social choice theory which incorporates utilitarianism
by Richard Barrett & Anne Petron-Brunel & Maurice Salles - 29-48 Measuring freedom of choice: An alternative view of a recent literature
by Sebastiano Bavetta - 49-60 Non-welfaristic theories of justice: Is “the intersection approach” a solution to the indexing impasse?
by Bernt Christian Brun & Bertil Tungodden - 61-81 Choice, freedom, and freedom of choice
by Ian Carter - 83-111 Rights as alternative game forms
by Rajat Deb - 113-145 Liberty and distribution: Macrojustice from social freedom
by Serge-Christophe Kolm - 147-174 A limit theorem on the dual core of a distributive social system
by Jean Mercier Ythier - 175-185 Social freedom: Definition, measurability, valuation
by Felix E. Oppenheim - 187-210 Measuring and implementing equality of opportunity for income
by Vito Peragine - 211-236 Living with unfairness: The limits of equal opportunity in a market economy
by Robert Sugden - 237-251 Welfarist-consequentialism, similarity of attitudes, and Arrow’s general impossibility theorem
by Kotaro Suzumura & Yongsheng Xu - 253-266 Freedom of choice and diversity of options: Some difficulties
by Martin van Hees - 267-280 On the economics of basic liberties
by Hans-Peter Weikard - 281-289 On ranking linear budget sets in terms of freedom of choice
by Yongsheng Xu
December 2003, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 385-385 Obituary
by John Broome - 387-398 The impartial culture maximizes the probability of majority cycles
by Ilia Tsetlin & Michel Regenwetter & Bernard Grofman - 399-431 Weighted voting, abstention, and multiple levels of approval
by Josep Freixas & William S. Zwicker - 433-454 Some startling inconsistencies when electing committees
by Thomas C. Ratliff - 455-468 Probabilistic Borda rule voting
by Jac C. Heckelman - 469-499 A characterization of strategy-proof voting rules for separable weak orderings
by Biung-Ghi Ju - 501-527 Optimal commodity taxation for reduction of envy
by Yukihiro Nishimura - 529-530 Book review
by Donald E. Campbell
October 2003, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 179-180 Foreword
by Clauded' Aspremont & François Maniquet - 181-193 Equal rights to trade and mediate
by Peter J. Hammond - 195-205 On monotonicity in economies with indivisible goods
by William Thomson - 207-242 Responsibility-sensitive fair compensation in different cultures
by Erik Schokkaert & Kurt Devooght - 243-263 The impossibility of a Paretian egalitarian
by Marc Fleurbaey & Alain Trannoy - 265-280 Coalitional strategy-proof and resource-monotonic solutions for multiple assignment problems
by Lars Ehlers & Bettina Klaus - 281-310 Correlation, independence, and Bayesian incentives
by Claude d'Aspremont & Jacques Crémer & Louis-André Gérard-Varet - 311-322 A general concept of procedural fairness for one-stage implementation
by Frédéric Gaspart