March 2017, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 263-293 A nested family of $$\varvec{k}$$ k -total effective rewards for positional games
by Endre Boros & Khaled Elbassioni & Vladimir Gurvich & Kazuhisa Makino
November 2016, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 769-793 Existence of equilibria in constrained discontinuous games
by Adib Bagh - 795-816 Differential games with asymmetric information and without Isaacs’ condition
by Rainer Buckdahn & Marc Quincampoix & Catherine Rainer & Yuhong Xu - 817-838 Stable partitions for games with non-transferable utility and externalities
by Dominik Karos - 839-857 Approximate robustness of equilibrium to incomplete information
by Ori Haimanko & Atsushi Kajii - 859-873 Building Nim
by Eric Duchêne & Matthieu Dufour & Silvia Heubach & Urban Larsson - 875-892 Bases and linear transforms of TU-games and cooperation systems
by Ulrich Faigle & Michel Grabisch - 893-931 Posterior renegotiation-proofness in a two-person decision problem
by Kei Kawakami - 933-970 First-mover advantage in best-of series: an experimental comparison of role-assignment rules
by Bradley J. Ruffle & Oscar Volij - 971-984 Codes of conduct, private information and repeated games
by Juan I. Block & David K. Levine - 985-1011 Generalized reinforcement learning in perfect-information games
by Maxwell Pak & Bing Xu - 1013-1029 A monotonic core solution for convex TU games
by J. Arin & I. Katsev - 1031-1052 Incentivizing advertiser networks to submit multiple bids
by Patrick Hummel & R. Preston McAfee & Sergei Vassilvitskii - 1053-1069 Reduced games and egalitarian solutions
by Francesc Llerena & Llúcia Mauri - 1071-1094 AGM-consistency and perfect Bayesian equilibrium. Part II: from PBE to sequential equilibrium
by Giacomo Bonanno - 1095-1109 Coincidence of the Mas-Colell bargaining set and the set of competitive equilibria in a continuum coalition production economy
by Jiuqiang Liu & Huihui Zhang - 1111-1131 Sufficient conditions for the existence of Nash equilibria in bimatrix games in terms of forbidden $$2 \times 2$$ 2 × 2 subgames
by Endre Boros & Khaled Elbassioni & Vladimir Gurvich & Kazuhisa Makino & Vladimir Oudalov - 1133-1151 Equilibria and centrality in link formation games
by Hannu Salonen
March 2016, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 11-36 Feasibility and individual rationality in two-person Bayesian games
by Françoise Forges & Ulrich Horst & Antoine Salomon - 205-237 Subgame-perfection in recursive perfect information games, where each player controls one state
by J. Kuipers & J. Flesch & G. Schoenmakers & K. Vrieze - 353-374 General limit value in zero-sum stochastic games
by Bruno Ziliotto - 375-387 On the dispensable role of time in games of perfect information
by Dov Samet - 389-410 Operator approach to values of stochastic games with varying stage duration
by Sylvain Sorin & Guillaume Vigeral - 411-433 Values of vector measure market games and their representations
by Omer Edhan - 435-459 Projections and functions of Nash equilibria
by Yehuda John Levy - 461-496 The complexity of interacting automata
by Olivier Gossner & Penélope Hernández & Ron Peretz
November 2015, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 785-813 Coalition-proofness in a class of games with strategic substitutes
by Federico Quartieri & Ryusuke Shinohara - 815-833 Dynamic multilateral markets
by Arnold Polanski & Emiliya Lazarova - 835-868 Characterization of monotonic rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems
by Gustavo Bergantiños & Juan Vidal-Puga - 869-890 On equilibrium refinements in supermodular games
by Oriol Carbonell-Nicolau & Richard McLean - 891-902 Axioms of invariance for TU-games
by Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal - 903-932 Evolutionary dynamics and equitable core selection in assignment games
by Heinrich Nax & Bary Pradelski - 933-948 A folk theorem for the one-dimensional spatial bargaining model
by Seok-ju Cho & John Duggan - 949-991 Decentralised bilateral trading, competition for bargaining partners and the “law of one price”
by Kalyan Chatterjee & Kaustav Das - 993-1013 Pillage games with multiple stable sets
by Simon MacKenzie & Manfred Kerber & Colin Rowat - 1015-1032 Information, interaction and memory
by V. Masson - 1033-1048 Multimarket contact under demand fluctuations
by Tadashi Sekiguchi - 1049-1049 Erratum to: Voting power and proportional representation of voters
by Artyom Jelnov & Yair Tauman
August 2015, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 515-541 Network topology and equilibrium existence in weighted network congestion games
by Igal Milchtaich - 543-569 Incentive compatible market design with applications
by M. Yenmez - 571-597 All-pay 2 $$\times $$ × 2 Hex: a multibattle contest with complementarities
by Dan Kovenock & Sudipta Sarangi & Matt Wiser - 599-629 Dynamic matching and bargaining with heterogeneous deadlines
by Sjaak Hurkens & Nir Vulkan - 631-645 On restricted bargaining sets
by Javier Hervés-Estévez & Emma Moreno-García - 647-666 Strong equilibrium in network congestion games: increasing versus decreasing costs
by Ron Holzman & Dov Monderer - 667-699 Nonconvergence to saddle boundary points under perturbed reinforcement learning
by Georgios Chasparis & Jeff Shamma & Anders Rantzer - 701-732 Information sharing networks in linear quadratic games
by Sergio Currarini & Francesco Feri - 733-760 Preserving coalitional rationality for non-balanced games
by Stéphane Gonzalez & Michel Grabisch - 761-767 On the number of positions in chess without promotion
by Stefan Steinerberger - 769-784 An efficient multi-item dynamic auction with budget constrained bidders
by A. Talman & Zaifu Yang
May 2015, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 253-274 Non-existence of equilibria in simultaneous auctions with a common budget-constraint
by Gagan Ghosh - 275-293 Weak addition invariance and axiomatization of the weighted Shapley value
by Koji Yokote - 295-319 Roughly weighted hierarchical simple games
by Ali Hameed & Arkadii Slinko - 321-346 Cooperation under incomplete information on the discount factors
by Cy Maor & Eilon Solan - 347-365 Search games on a network with travelling and search costs
by Vic Baston & Kensaku Kikuta - 367-376 Core deviation minimizing auctions
by Isa Hafalir & Hadi Yektaş - 377-386 The conic property for vector measure market games
by Omer Edhan - 387-424 Contests with endogenous entry
by Qiang Fu & Qian Jiao & Jingfeng Lu - 425-431 A preference change or a perception change? A comment on Dietrich and List
by Marek Hudík - 433-448 Equilibrium selection via replicator dynamics in $$2 \times 2$$ 2 × 2 coordination games
by Boyu Zhang & Josef Hofbauer - 449-471 On proper Shapley values for monotone TU-games
by René Brink & René Levínský & Miroslav Zelený - 473-486 Stable sets in majority pillage games
by J.S. Jordan & David Obadia - 487-498 A note on external angles of the core of convex TU games, marginal worth vectors and the Weber set
by Sergei Pechersky - 499-514 Waiting times in evolutionary dynamics with time-decreasing noise
by Katsuhiko Aiba
February 2015, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-15 An axiomatization of the nucleolus of assignment markets
by Francesc Llerena & Marina Núñez & Carles Rafels - 17-36 The emergence of cooperation through leadership
by Shota Fujishima - 37-59 On the outcome equivalence of backward induction and extensive form rationalizability
by Aviad Heifetz & Andrés Perea - 61-81 Prisoners’ other Dilemma
by Matthias Blonski & Giancarlo Spagnolo - 83-112 Time consistent Markov policies in dynamic economies with quasi-hyperbolic consumers
by Łukasz Balbus & Kevin Reffett & Łukasz Woźny - 113-133 On loss aversion, level-1 reasoning, and betting
by Ido Erev & Sharon Gilat-Yihyie & Davide Marchiori & Doron Sonsino - 135-151 The asymptotic core, nucleolus and Shapley value of smooth market games with symmetric large players
by Avishay Aiche & Anna Rubinchik & Benyamin Shitovitz - 153-163 Mostly calibrated
by Yossi Feinberg & Nicolas Lambert - 165-193 The refined best-response correspondence in normal form games
by Dieter Balkenborg & Josef Hofbauer & Christoph Kuzmics - 195-207 Strategy-proofness versus symmetry in economies with an indivisible good and money
by Miki Kato & Shinji Ohseto & Shohei Tamura - 209-223 Contracts vs. preferences over colleagues in matching
by Francis Flanagan - 225-251 The single crossing conditions for incomplete preferences
by Nikolai Kukushkin
November 2014, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 721-745 Coordination under global random interaction and local imitation
by Abhimanyu Khan - 747-766 Voting power and proportional representation of voters
by Artyom Jelnov & Yair Tauman - 767-789 Repeated games of incomplete information with large sets of states
by Fedor Sandomirskiy - 791-819 Efficiency levels in sequential auctions with dynamic arrivals
by Ron Lavi & Ella Segev - 821-843 Understanding the coincidence of allocation rules: symmetry and orthogonality in TU-games
by Julio González-Díaz & Estela Sánchez-Rodríguez - 845-870 Linking the Kar and folk solutions through a problem separation property
by Christian Trudeau - 871-879 A note: characterizations of convex games by means of population monotonic allocation schemes
by Jesús Getán & Jesús Montes & Carles Rafels - 881-902 Utility proportional beliefs
by Christian Bach & Andrés Perea - 903-924 Cognitive hierarchies in adaptive play
by Abhimanyu Khan & Ronald Peeters - 925-943 Dominance invariant one-to-one matching problems
by Ana Mauleon & Elena Molis & Vincent Vannetelbosch & Wouter Vergote - 945-951 Non-existence of subgame-perfect $$\varepsilon $$ ε -equilibrium in perfect information games with infinite horizon
by János Flesch & Jeroen Kuipers & Ayala Mashiah-Yaakovi & Gijs Schoenmakers & Eran Shmaya & Eilon Solan & Koos Vrieze - 953-973 The stationary equilibrium of three-person coalitional bargaining games with random proposers: a classification
by Akira Okada - 975-990 Existence of Edgeworth and competitive equilibria and fuzzy cores in coalition production economies
by Jiuqiang Liu & Xiaodong Liu - 991-1008 Selective revelation of public information and self-confirming equilibrium
by Zacharias Maniadis
August 2014, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 487-514 Comparing first and second price auctions with asymmetric bidders
by Vlad Mares & Jeroen Swinkels - 515-523 Contests with productive effort
by Ron Siegel - 525-550 A framework for robustness to ambiguity of higher-order beliefs
by Ronald Stauber - 551-577 A cognitive hierarchy model of behavior in the action commitment game
by Daniel Carvalho & Luís Santos-Pinto - 579-597 Efficient and strategy-proof social choice when preferences are single-dipped
by Vikram Manjunath - 599-618 False-name-proof voting with costs over two alternatives
by Liad Wagman & Vincent Conitzer - 619-627 The Shapley value as the maximizer of expected Nash welfare
by Anirban Kar & Arunava Sen - 629-658 Endogenous timing in a mixed duopoly
by Rabah Amir & Giuseppe Feo - 659-692 On $${\alpha }$$ α -roughly weighted games
by Josep Freixas & Sascha Kurz - 693-719 Mechanism design to the budget constrained buyer: a canonical mechanism approach
by Naoki Kojima
May 2014, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 245-267 Sending information to interactive receivers playing a generalized prisoners’ dilemma
by Kfir Eliaz & Roberto Serrano - 269-281 LIM is not slim
by Alex Fink & Aviezri Fraenkel & Carlos Santos - 283-350 Implementability of correlated and communication equilibrium outcomes in incomplete information games
by Igal Milchtaich - 351-368 Constrained core solutions for totally positive games with ordered players
by René Brink & Gerard Laan & Valeri Vasil’ev - 369-393 Ranking asymmetric auctions
by Arieh Gavious & Yizhaq Minchuk - 395-402 On the equivalence between (quasi-)perfect and sequential equilibria
by Carlos Pimienta & Jianfei Shen - 403-413 Monotonic models and cycles
by José Rodrigues-Neto - 415-438 The combinatorial game theory of well-tempered scoring games
by Will Johnson - 439-454 The extended serial correspondence on a rich preference domain
by Eun Heo - 455-485 Information acquisition interactions in two-player quadratic games
by Antonio Jiménez-Martínez
February 2014, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-11 Collusion, quarrel, and the Banzhaf value
by André Casajus - 13-24 How long to Pareto efficiency?
by Yakov Babichenko - 25-36 When is tit-for-tat unbeatable?
by Peter Duersch & Jörg Oechssler & Burkhard Schipper - 37-63 On extensions of the core and the anticore of transferable utility games
by Jean Derks & Hans Peters & Peter Sudhölter - 65-88 Imperfect recall and time inconsistencies: an experimental test of the absentminded driver “paradox”
by M. Levati & Matthias Uhl & Ro’i Zultan - 89-135 Subgame perfect equilibria in stopping games
by Ayala Mashiah-Yaakovi - 137-143 Incentive constraints in games with bounded memory
by Daniel Monte - 145-151 A savings paradox for integer-valued gambling strategies
by Jason Teutsch - 153-168 A maximal domain for strategy-proof and no-vetoer rules in the multi-object choice model
by Kentaro Hatsumi & Dolors Berga & Shigehiro Serizawa - 169-192 Poor convexity and Nash equilibria in games
by Tadeusz Radzik - 193-213 Countable spaces and common priors
by Ziv Hellman - 215-244 Licensing a common value innovation when signaling strength may backfire
by Cuihong Fan & Byoung Jun & Elmar Wolfstetter
November 2013, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 777-788 Algorithms for lattice games
by Alan Guo & Ezra Miller - 789-800 Timing of messages and the Aumann conjecture: a multiple-selves approach
by Ro’i Zultan - 801-833 Non-symmetric discrete General Lotto games
by Marcin Dziubiński - 835-844 Matching and price competition: beyond symmetric linear costs
by Julio González-Díaz & Ron Siegel - 845-865 Picking the winners
by Pablo Amorós - 867-890 Correlation through bounded recall strategies
by Ron Peretz - 891-915 A polynomial algorithm for a two parameter extension of Wythoff NIM based on the Perron–Frobenius theory
by Endre Boros & Vladimir Gurvich & Vladimir Oudalov - 917-929 Optimal strategies for a game on amenable semigroups
by Valerio Capraro & Kent Morrison - 931-946 Information elicitation and sequential mechanisms
by Inbar Aricha & Rann Smorodinsky - 947-972 Values of nondifferentiable vector measure games
by Omer Edhan - 973-988 Stochastic bankruptcy games
by Helga Habis & P. Herings - 989-1020 Value function of differential games without Isaacs conditions. An approach with nonanticipative mixed strategies
by Rainer Buckdahn & Juan Li & Marc Quincampoix - 1021-1040 Analysis of stochastic matching markets
by Péter Biró & Gethin Norman - 1041-1057 Imitation, local interaction, and coordination
by Hsiao-Chi Chen & Yunshyong Chow & Li-Chau Wu - 1059-1083 On the approximation performance of fictitious play in finite games
by Paul Goldberg & Rahul Savani & Troels Sørensen & Carmine Ventre - 1085-1096 Representation of finite games as network congestion games
by Igal Milchtaich
August 2013, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 563-566 Introduction to the special issue
by Giacomo Bonanno & Andreas Herzig & Wiebe Hoek & Jérôme Lang - 567-592 AGM-consistency and perfect Bayesian equilibrium. Part I: definition and properties
by Giacomo Bonanno - 593-611 Bounded rationality, strategy simplification, and equilibrium
by Hubie Chen - 613-637 Where do preferences come from?
by Franz Dietrich & Christian List - 639-671 Program equilibrium—a program reasoning approach
by Wiebe Hoek & Cees Witteveen & Michael Wooldridge - 673-694 Stability and fairness in models with a multiple membership
by Michel Le Breton & Juan Moreno-Ternero & Alexei Savvateev & Shlomo Weber - 695-723 Wisdom of crowds versus groupthink: learning in groups and in isolation
by Conor Mayo-Wilson & Kevin Zollman & David Danks - 725-753 Awareness-dependent subjective expected utility
by Burkhard Schipper - 755-776 Epistemic characterizations of iterated deletion of inferior strategy profiles in preference-based type spaces
by Michael Trost
May 2013, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 325-337 Monotonic core solutions: beyond Young’s theorem
by J. Arin - 339-355 On the core: complement-reduced game and max-reduced game
by Yan-An Hwang - 357-373 On membership and marginal values
by Norman Kleinberg & Jeffrey Weiss - 375-398 Farsighted free trade networks
by Jin Zhang & Licun Xue & Lei Zu - 399-410 Almost common priors
by Ziv Hellman - 411-437 On Dedekind’s problem for complete simple games
by Sascha Kurz & Nikolas Tautenhahn - 439-460 A discrete cost sharing model with technological cooperation
by Eric Bahel & Christian Trudeau - 461-482 Strong equilibria in games with the lexicographical improvement property
by Tobias Harks & Max Klimm & Rolf Möhring - 483-499 Contractually stable networks
by Jean-François Caulier & Ana Mauleon & Vincent Vannetelbosch - 501-520 Efficiency and compromise: a bid-offer–counteroffer mechanism with two players
by Yuan Ju - 521-539 One-to-many non-cooperative matching games
by Yujiro Kawasaki - 541-562 Coarse correlated equilibria in linear duopoly games
by Indrajit Ray & Sonali Gupta
February 2013, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-17 Three hierarchies of simple games parameterized by “resource” parameters
by Tatiana Gvozdeva & Lane Hemaspaandra & Arkadii Slinko - 19-28 An alternative characterization of the deferred acceptance algorithm
by Thayer Morrill - 29-53 Strategic cooperation in cost sharing games
by Martin Hoefer - 55-98 Common learning with intertemporal dependence
by Martin Cripps & Jeffrey Ely & George Mailath & Larry Samuelson - 99-114 Trimmed equilibrium
by Valeska Groenert - 115-130 Coalitional unanimity versus strategy-proofness in coalition formation problems
by Koji Takamiya - 131-163 Weak group strategy-proof and queue-efficient mechanisms for the queueing problem with multiple machines
by Conan Mukherjee - 165-177 The equivalence of linear programs and zero-sum games
by Ilan Adler - 179-210 Co-evolutionary dynamics and Bayesian interaction games
by Mathias Staudigl - 211-237 On the existence and uniqueness of pairwise stable networks
by Tim Hellmann - 239-262 Cooperative Markov decision processes: time consistency, greedy players satisfaction, and cooperation maintenance
by Konstantin Avrachenkov & Laura Cottatellucci & Lorenzo Maggi - 263-282 Disagreement and evidence production in strategic information transmission
by Péter Eső & Ádám Galambos - 283-294 Delayed perfect monitoring in repeated games
by Markus Kinateder - 295-303 On the feasible payoff set of two-player repeated games with unequal discounting
by Bo Chen & Satoru Fujishige - 305-324 “Procedural” values for cooperative games
by Marcin Malawski
November 2012, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 735-736 My scientific first-born
by Robert Aumann - 737-762 Strategic analysis of influence peddling
by Mukul Majumdar & Seung Yoo - 763-774 Merging and splitting in cooperative games: some (im)possibility results
by Peter Knudsen & Lars Østerdal - 775-789 Stability and index of the meet game on a lattice
by Joseph Abdou - 791-808 Group strategy-proof social choice functions with binary ranges and arbitrary domains: characterization results
by Salvador Barberà & Dolors Berga & Bernardo Moreno - 809-828 Nonsymmetric variants of the prekernel and the prenucleolus
by Guni Orshan & Peter Sudhölter - 829-849 Continuity of the value and optimal strategies when common priors change
by Ezra Einy & Ori Haimanko & Biligbaatar Tumendemberel - 851-884 WPO, COV and IIA bargaining solutions for non-convex bargaining problems
by Hans Peters & Dries Vermeulen - 885-898 Axiomatizing core extensions
by Camelia Bejan & Juan Gómez - 899-913 Aggregate monotonic stable single-valued solutions for cooperative games
by Pedro Calleja & Carles Rafels & Stef Tijs - 915-930 Bezalel Peleg: a bibliography
by Hans Peters & Peter Sudhölter
August 2012, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 455-472 Spatial competition and collaboration networks
by Yasunori Okumura - 473-488 Gerrymander-proof representative democracies
by Sebastian Bervoets & Vincent Merlin - 489-496 Mutation rates and equilibrium selection under stochastic evolutionary dynamics
by Ryoji Sawa - 497-515 Amalgamating players, symmetry, and the Banzhaf value
by André Casajus - 517-552 Essential collections for equilibrium concepts
by Julio González-Díaz & Federica Briata & Ignacio García-Jurado & Fioravante Patrone - 553-564 Pure strategy equilibria in symmetric two-player zero-sum games
by Peter Duersch & Jörg Oechssler & Burkhard Schipper - 565-602 Social comparison, group composition, and incentive provision
by Markus Brunner & Kai Sandner - 603-622 A characterization of a limit solution for finite horizon bargaining problems
by Haruo Imai & Hannu Salonen - 623-649 How do coalitions get built? Evidence from an extensive form coalition game with and without communication
by Gary Bolton & Jeannette Brosig-Koch - 651-669 Repeated congestion games with bounded rationality
by Marco Scarsini & Tristan Tomala - 671-698 Limit pricing under third-degree price discrimination
by Cesaltina Pires & Sílvia Jorge - 699-705 Strong convexity of NTU games
by Takuya Masuzawa - 707-718 The impact of the termination rule on cooperation in a prisoner’s dilemma experiment
by Hans-Theo Normann & Brian Wallace - 719-731 Comparing influence theories in voting games under locally generated measures of dissatisfaction
by L. Diffo Lambo & B. Tchantcho & J. Moulen