May 2012, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 219-254 Equilibrium and revenue in a family of common-value first-price auctions with differential information
by David Malueg & Ram Orzach - 255-270 Population solidarity, population fair-ranking, and the egalitarian value
by Youngsub Chun & Boram Park - 271-299 Characterizing the Shapley value in fixed-route traveling salesman problems with appointments
by Duygu Yengin - 301-323 Sequential share bargaining
by P. Herings & Arkadi Predtetchinski - 325-329 Note on unawareness: Negative Introspection versus AU Introspection (and KU Introspection)
by Yi-Chun Chen & Jeffrey Ely & Xiao Luo - 331-343 Pure strategy Nash equilibria in non-zero sum colonel Blotto games
by Rafael Hortala-Vallve & Aniol Llorente-Saguer - 345-367 Analyzing n-player impartial games
by Walter Krawec - 369-380 Optimization incentive and relative riskiness in experimental stag-hunt games
by D. Dubois & M. Willinger & P. Van Nguyen - 381-395 A characterization of convex TU games by means of the Mas-Colell bargaining set (à la Shimomura)
by Josep Izquierdo & Carles Rafels - 397-426 Auctions with synergy and resale
by Xiaoshu Xu & Dan Levin & Lixin Ye - 427-453 Information acquisition and transparency in committees
by Hans Gersbach & Volker Hahn
February 2012, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-21 The evolution of fairness under an assortative matching rule in the ultimatum game
by Yasuhiro Shirata - 23-47 Finitely repeated prisoners’ dilemma experiments without a commonly known end
by Lisa Bruttel & Werner Güth & Ulrich Kamecke - 49-73 Bidding and sequential coalition formation with externalities
by Licun Xue & Lingling Zhang - 75-90 Computing solutions for matching games
by Péter Biró & Walter Kern & Daniël Paulusma - 91-129 Choosing fair lotteries to defeat the competition
by Liad Wagman & Vincent Conitzer - 131-155 Generalized solution concepts in games with possibly unaware players
by Leandro Rêgo & Joseph Halpern - 157-178 Compensations in the Shapley value and the compensation solutions for graph games
by Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal - 179-193 A further note on the college admission game
by Marilda Sotomayor - 195-207 The value of two-person zero-sum repeated games with incomplete information and uncertain duration
by Abraham Neyman - 209-212 The Walrasian output beats the market
by Antonio Morales & Gonzalo Fernández-de-Córdoba - 213-217 Y. Narahari, D. Garg, R. Narayanam and H. Prakash: Game theoretic problems in network economics and mechanism design solutions
by Omkar Palsule-Desai
November 2011, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 655-675 A new family of regular semivalues and applications
by Roberto Lucchetti & Paola Radrizzani & Emanuele Munarini - 677-689 The multi-core, balancedness and axiomatizations for multi-choice games
by Yan-An Hwang & Yu-Hsien Liao - 691-696 A characterization of the Kalai–Smorodinsky bargaining solution by disagreement point monotonicity
by Shiran Rachmilevitch - 697-718 The covering values for acyclic digraph games
by Lei Li & Xueliang Li - 719-733 Why learning doesn’t add up: equilibrium selection with a composition of learning rules
by Russell Golman - 735-747 Adaptive learning and p-best response sets
by J. Durieu & P. Solal & O. Tercieux - 749-767 Structure of extreme correlated equilibria: a zero-sum example and its implications
by Noah Stein & Asuman Ozdaglar & Pablo Parrilo - 769-789 Loss of skills in coordination games
by J. Flesch & G. Schoenmakers & O. Vrieze - 791-807 Lorenz comparisons of nine rules for the adjudication of conflicting claims
by Kristof Bosmans & Luc Lauwers - 791-807 Lorenz comparisons of nine rules for the adjudication of conflicting claims
by Kristof Bosmans & Luc Lauwers
August 2011, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 427-448 Axiomatizations of the Euclidean compromise solution
by M. Voorneveld & A. Nouweland & R. McLean - 449-459 Weak equilibrium in a spatial model
by Manuel Abellanas & Ma López & Javier Rodrigo & Isabel Lillo - 461-466 A Ramsey bound on stable sets in Jordan pillage games
by Manfred Kerber & Colin Rowat - 467-479 Aubin cores and bargaining sets for convex cooperative fuzzy games
by Wenbo Yang & Jiuqiang Liu & Xiaodong Liu - 481-513 House allocation with fractional endowments
by Stergios Athanassoglou & Jay Sethuraman - 515-525 Strict Nash networks and partner heterogeneity
by Pascal Billand & Christophe Bravard & Sudipta Sarangi - 527-549 Repeated bargaining with reference-dependent preferences
by Kyle Hyndman - 551-589 The implications of the ranking axiom for discrete cost sharing methods
by Eric Bahel - 591-616 A polynomial time algorithm for computing the nucleolus for a class of disjunctive games with a permission structure
by René Brink & Ilya Katsev & Gerard Laan - 617-630 A new class of convex games on σ-algebras and the optimal partitioning of measurable spaces
by Nobusumi Sagara & Milan Vlach - 631-644 The pareto-stability concept is a natural solution concept for discrete matching markets with indifferences
by Marilda Sotomayor - 645-653 A note on the dynamics of incentive contracts
by Ching-jen Sun
May 2011, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 207-213 Infinite sequential games with perfect but incomplete information
by Itai Arieli & Yehuda Levy - 215-230 Non-additive anonymous games
by Roman Kozhan - 231-262 Location game on disjoint line segments
by Marcin Dziubiński - 263-280 Noncooperative formation of coalitions in hedonic games
by Francis Bloch & Effrosyni Diamantoudi - 281-287 Corrigendum to “Resource-monotonicity for house allocation problems”
by Lars Ehlers & Bettina Klaus - 289-308 A theorem of the maximin and applications to Bayesian zero-sum games
by Timothy Van Zandt & Kaifu Zhang - 309-329 Merge-proofness in minimum cost spanning tree problems
by María Gómez-Rúa & Juan Vidal-Puga - 331-349 Average tree solutions and the distribution of Harsanyi dividends
by Richard Baron & Sylvain Béal & Eric Rémila & Philippe Solal - 351-365 Some interesting properties of maximin strategies
by Vitaly Pruzhansky - 367-385 Network formation under negative degree-based externalities
by Thayer Morrill - 387-392 Nash equilibrium in compact-continuous games with a potential
by Nikolai Kukushkin - 393-401 An existence result for farsighted stable sets of games in characteristic function form
by Anindya Bhattacharya & Victoria Brosi - 403-425 Signaling advertising by multiproduct firms
by Cesaltina Pacheco Pires & Margarida Catalão-Lopes
February 2011, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-28 Decentralized job matching
by Guillaume Haeringer & Myrna Wooders - 29-41 Consistency and monotonicity in sequencing problems
by Youngsub Chun - 43-62 Progressive and merging-proof taxation
by Biung-Ghi Ju & Juan Moreno-Ternero - 63-85 Disagreement point axioms and the egalitarian bargaining solution
by Shiran Rachmilevitch - 87-110 Harsanyi power solutions for graph-restricted games
by René Brink & Gerard Laan & Vitaly Pruzhansky - 111-117 Aggregate information, common knowledge and agreeing not to bet
by Elias Tsakas - 119-145 On sequential and simultaneous contributions under incomplete information
by Parimal Bag & Santanu Roy - 147-177 Acyclicity of improvements in finite game forms
by Nikolai Kukushkin - 179-198 Satisficing search versus aspiration adaptation in sales competition: experimental evidence
by Siegfried Berninghaus & Werner Güth & M. Levati & Jianying Qiu - 199-205 An improved algorithm for detecting potential games
by Yusuke Hino
October 2010, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 513-527 On ordinal equivalence of the Shapley and Banzhaf values for cooperative games
by Josep Freixas - 529-562 Endogenous formation of networks for local public goods
by Myeonghwan Cho - 563-571 Axiomatization of the Shapley value using the balanced cycle contributions property
by Yoshio Kamijo & Takumi Kongo - 573-583 Coalition formation with local public goods and group-size effect
by Fan-Chin Kung - 585-602 A generalization of the Shapley–Ichiishi result
by Jeroen Kuipers & Dries Vermeulen & Mark Voorneveld - 603-615 Coalition-proof equilibria in a voluntary participation game
by Ryusuke Shinohara - 617-643 Minimum winning coalitions and endogenous status quo
by Tasos Kalandrakis - 645-656 The truncated core for games with upper bounds
by Luisa Carpente & Balbina Casas-Méndez & Ignacio García-Jurado & Anne Nouweland - 657-667 Incentive compatibility for the stable matching model with an entrance criterion
by Nitsan Perach & Uriel Rothblum - 669-675 Difference between the position value and the Myerson value is due to the existence of coalition structures
by Takumi Kongo - 677-689 Multilateral non-cooperative bargaining in a general utility space
by Klaus Kultti & Hannu Vartiainen - 691-697 Extendability and von Neuman–Morgenstern stability of the core
by Kamal Jain & Rakesh Vohra - 699-722 Approximation and representation of the value for some differential games with asymmetric information
by A. Souquière
July 2010, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 311-318 Convex vNM-stable sets for linear production games
by Joachim Rosenmüller & Benyamin Shitovitz - 319-350 Rankings and values for team games
by L. Hernández-Lamoneda & F. Sánchez-Sánchez - 351-357 On the existence of Nash equilibria in large games
by Hannu Salonen - 359-390 Large auctions with risk-averse bidders
by Gadi Fibich & Arieh Gavious - 391-408 Endogenous effort in communication networks under strategic complementarity
by Mohamed Belhaj & Frédéric Deroian - 409-430 When queueing is better than push and shove
by Alex Gershkov & Paul Schweinzer - 431-443 The use of public randomization in discounted repeated games
by Yuichi Yamamoto - 445-466 Axiomatizations of Banzhaf permission values for games with a permission structure
by René Brink - 467-482 Associated consistency and values for TU games
by Theo Driessen - 483-502 Uncoupled automata and pure Nash equilibria
by Yakov Babichenko - 503-510 Core-selecting package auctions: a comment on revenue-monotonicity
by Laurent Lamy
March 2010, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-2 Memorial
by Salvador Barberà & Shmuel Zamir - 3-10 Some non-superadditive games, and their Shapley values, in the Talmud
by Robert Aumann - 11-28 Flow sharing and bankruptcy games
by Endre Bjørndal & Kurt Jörnsten - 29-52 Repeated games with public uncertain duration process
by Abraham Neyman & Sylvain Sorin - 53-69 Explicit formulas for repeated games with absorbing states
by Rida Laraki - 71-88 Bargaining among groups: an axiomatic viewpoint
by Suchan Chae & Hervé Moulin - 89-104 The nucleolus of a standard tree game revisited: a study of its monotonicity and computational properties
by Michael Maschler & Jos Potters & Hans Reijnierse - 105-111 A characterization of the average tree solution for tree games
by Debasis Mishra & A. Talman - 113-136 The positive core of a cooperative game
by Guni Orshan & Peter Sudhölter - 137-150 The rights egalitarian solution for NTU sharing problems
by Carmen Herrero & Antonio Villar - 151-162 Multi-stage sequencing situations
by Imma Curiel - 163-170 The reactive bargaining set for cooperative games
by Daniel Granot - 171-175 On (non-) monotonicity of cooperative solutions
by Yair Tauman & Andriy Zapechelnyuk - 177-184 Dividends and weighted values in games with externalities
by Inés Macho-Stadler & David Pérez-Castrillo & David Wettstein - 185-189 A note on the nucleolus for 2-convex TU games
by Theo Driessen & Dongshuang Hou - 191-207 Implementation by mediated equilibrium
by Bezalel Peleg & Ariel Procaccia - 209-222 Manipulation games in economies with indivisible goods
by Carmen Beviá - 223-236 Strategy-proofness and public good provision using referenda based on unequal cost sharing
by Rajat Deb & Tae Seo - 237-248 Stability property of matchings is a natural solution concept in coalitional market games
by Marilda Sotomayor - 249-258 Symmetrically multilateral-bargained allocations in multi-sided assignment markets
by Oriol Tejada & Carles Rafels - 259-272 Free mobility and taste-homogeneity of jurisdiction structures
by Matthias Dahm - 273-299 Coalition formation in the presence of continuing conflict
by Guofu Tan & Ruqu Wang - 301-308 Michael Maschler’s bibliography
by Guillermo Owen
November 2009, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 453-467 Nash implementation of competitive equilibria in the job-matching market
by Takashi Hayashi & Toyotaka Sakai - 469-479 Decreasing serial cost sharing: an axiomatic characterization
by Jens Hougaard & Lars Østerdal - 481-498 Information collection in bargaining
by Ming Li - 499-520 Emergence and nonemergence of alternating offers in bilateral bargaining
by Shinsuke Kambe - 521-538 Friendship selection
by Javier Rivas - 539-551 Trembling hand perfection for mixed quantal/best response equilibria
by David Wolpert - 553-574 One-way monotonicity as a form of strategy-proofness
by M. Sanver & William Zwicker - 575-600 Adjusting prices in the multiple-partners assignment game
by Marilda Sotomayor - 601-610 Uncovered bargaining solutions
by Michele Lombardi & Marco Mariotti
November 2009, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 305-324 An NTU value under complement reduced game
by Yan-An Hwang - 325-348 The positive consequence of strategic manipulation in indivisible good allocation
by Yuji Fujinaka & Toyotaka Sakai - 349-366 Coasian dynamics in repeated English auctions
by Flávio Menezes & Matthew Ryan - 367-376 Pursuit–Evasion Games with incomplete information in discrete time
by Ori Gurel-Gurevich - 377-394 Analysis and design of selection committees: a game theoretic secretary problem
by Steve Alpern & Shmuel Gal - 395-410 Existence of pure Nash equilibria in discontinuous and non quasiconcave games
by Bich Philippe - 411-430 Credible deviations from signaling equilibria
by Péter Eső & James Schummer - 431-452 Strategy-proof coalition formation
by Carmelo Rodríguez-Álvarez
June 2009, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 155-168 Learning of winning strategies for terminal games with linear-size memory
by Thomas Böhme & Frank Göring & Zsolt Tuza & Herwig Unger - 169-181 Periodic stopping games
by Ayala Mashiah-Yaakovi - 183-191 Demand commitments in majority bargaining or how formateurs get their way
by Yves Breitmoser - 193-207 Note on universal conditional consistency
by Yuichi Noguchi - 209-219 On pure conjectural equilibrium with non-manipulable information
by Yaron Azrieli - 221-247 Continuously stable strategies, neighborhood superiority and two-player games with continuous strategy space
by Ross Cressman - 249-261 Noncooperative farsighted stable set in an n-player prisoners’ dilemma
by Noritsugu Nakanishi - 263-289 Stochastic games on a product state space: the periodic case
by János Flesch & Gijs Schoenmakers & Koos Vrieze - 291-304 On the core of routing games with revenues
by Arantza Estévez-Fernández & Peter Borm & Marc Meertens & Hans Reijnierse
March 2009, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-2 Letter from the Editor
by Shmuel Zamir - 3-16 Core extensions for non-balanced TU-games
by Camelia Bejan & Juan Gómez - 17-21 Coalitional strategy-proofness and resource monotonicity for house allocation problems
by Onur Kesten - 23-36 Robust dynamic cooperative games
by D. Bauso & J. Timmer - 37-49 A nonstandard characterization of sequential equilibrium, perfect equilibrium, and proper equilibrium
by Joseph Halpern - 51-79 Pairwise-stability and Nash equilibria in network formation
by Antoni Calvó-Armengol & Rahmi İlkılıç - 81-106 The role of utility interdependence in public good experiments
by Dmitry Shapiro - 107-126 A characterization of Kruskal sharing rules for minimum cost spanning tree problems
by Leticia Lorenzo & Silvia Lorenzo-Freire - 127-136 On purification of equilibrium in Bayesian games and expost Nash equilibrium
by Edward Cartwright & Myrna Wooders - 137-153 On equilibrium in pure strategies in games with many players
by Edward Cartwright & Myrna Wooders
December 2008, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 457-474 Delay in the alternating-offers model of bargaining
by Juan Vidal-Puga - 475-504 Separable and low-rank continuous games
by Noah Stein & Asuman Ozdaglar & Pablo Parrilo - 505-523 Stable profit sharing in a patent licensing game: general bargaining outcomes
by Naoki Watanabe & Shigeo Muto - 525-532 A note on selection of proposers in coalitional bargaining
by Tomohiko Kawamori - 533-563 Random marginal and random removal values
by Emilio Calvo - 565-580 An axiomatic approach to egalitarianism in TU-games
by Javier Arin & Jeroen Kuipers & Dries Vermeulen - 581-596 Existence of optimal strategies in Markov games with incomplete information
by Abraham Neyman - 597-618 Inequality averse multi-utilitarian bargaining solutions
by M. Hinojosa & A. Mármol & J. Zarzuelo
June 2008, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 155-184 Nearly serial sharing methods
by Yves Sprumont - 185-201 Computing the cores of strategic games with punishment–dominance relations
by Takuya Masuzawa - 203-210 On the non-emptiness of the fuzzy core
by Nizar Allouch & Arkadi Predtetchinski - 211-218 On coordination games with quantum correlations
by Vladislav Kargin - 219-234 Stochastic limit-average games are in EXPTIME
by Krishnendu Chatterjee & Rupak Majumdar & Thomas Henzinger - 235-249 Negotiation, preferences over agreements, and the core
by Milan Horniaček - 251-264 On the relevance of alternatives in bargaining: generalized average pay-off solutions
by Younghwan In - 265-279 On the sensitivity matrix of the Nash bargaining solution
by Jacob Engwerda & Rudy Douven - 281-302 Network search games with immobile hider, without a designated searcher starting point
by Steve Alpern & Vic Baston & Shmuel Gal - 303-305 On eligibility by the de Borda voting rules
by V. Kiselev
March 2008, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 317-319 A collection of papers dedicated to David Gale on the occasion of his 85th birthday
by Marilda Sotomayor - 321-331 Matching and price competition: would personalized prices help?
by Georgy Artemov - 333-352 The dynamics of stable matchings and half-matchings for the stable marriage and roommates problems
by Péter Biró & Katarína Cechlárová & Tamás Fleiner - 353-367 Proportional pie-cutting
by Steven Brams & Michael Jones & Christian Klamler - 369-392 Welfare and stability in senior matching markets
by David Cantala & Francisco Sánchez - 393-407 Core-selecting package auctions
by Robert Day & Paul Milgrom - 409-420 Instability of matchings in decentralized markets with various preference structures
by Kimmo Eriksson & Olle Häggström - 421-440 Asymmetric equilibria in dynamic two-sided matching markets with independent preferences
by Kimmo Eriksson & Jonas Sjöstrand & Pontus Strimling - 441-460 Discrete Colonel Blotto and General Lotto games
by Sergiu Hart - 461-471 Random paths to P-stability in the roommate problem
by E. Inarra & C. Larrea & E. Molis - 473-488 Random paths to pairwise stability in many-to-many matching problems: a study on market equilibration
by Fuhito Kojima & M. Ünver - 489-496 Random serial dictatorship and ordinally efficient contracts
by Mihai Manea - 497-518 On the invariance of the set of stable matchings with respect to substitutable preference profiles
by Ruth Martínez & Jordi Massó & Alejandro Neme & Jorge Oviedo - 519-535 A stable matching model with an entrance criterion applied to the assignment of students to dormitories at the technion
by Nitsan Perach & Julia Polak & Uriel Rothblum - 537-569 Deferred acceptance algorithms: history, theory, practice, and open questions
by Alvin Roth - 571-585 A characterization of intrinsic reciprocity
by Uzi Segal & Joel Sobel - 587-619 Endogenous matching in a market with heterogeneous principals and agents
by Konstantinos Serfes - 621-640 The stability of the equilibrium outcomes in the admission games induced by stable matching rules
by Marilda Sotomayor
October 2007, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 147-147 Preface to the special issue on the occasion of the first Spain Italy Netherlands meeting on Game theory (SING 1)
by Hans Peters & Dries Vermeulen - 149-176 Project games
by Arantza Estévez-Fernández & Peter Borm & Herbert Hamers - 177-207 Fair and efficient student placement with couples
by Bettina Klaus & Flip Klijn - 209-222 The core and the Weber set for bicooperative games
by J. Bilbao & J. Fernández & N. Jiménez & J. López - 223-239 The optimistic TU game in minimum cost spanning tree problems
by Gustavo Bergantiños & Juan Vidal-Puga - 241-257 Repeated games with asymmetric information and random price fluctuations at finance markets
by Victor Domansky - 259-273 On the convergence of the random arrival rule in large claims problems
by Youngsub Chun & Junghoon Lee - 275-299 Time inconsistency and learning in bargaining games
by Zafer Akin - 301-316 Implementation of the Walrasian correspondence: the boundary problem
by Olivier Bochet
September 2007, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-15 On some families of cooperative fuzzy games
by Yaron Azrieli & Ehud Lehrer - 17-26 A simple procedure to obtain the extreme core allocations of an assignment market
by Josep Izquierdo & Marina Núñez & Carles Rafels - 27-46 A natural selection from the core of a TU game: the core-center
by Julio González-Díaz & Estela Sánchez-Rodríguez