September 2007, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 47-55 The position value is the Myerson value, in a sense
by André Casajus - 57-83 Congestion games revisited
by Nikolai Kukushkin - 85-106 Triple implementation by sharing mechanisms in production economies with unequal labor skills
by Akira Yamada & Naoki Yoshihara - 107-117 A fixed point characterization of the dominance-solvability of lattice games with strategic substitutes
by Alexander Zimper - 119-135 Imitation, coordination and the emergence of Nash equilibrium
by Edward Cartwright - 137-146 Social norms and choice: a weak folk theorem for repeated matching games
by Kevin Hasker
April 2007, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 465-492 The power of paradox: some recent developments in interactive epistemology
by Adam Brandenburger - 493-503 Essential stability in games with infinitely many pure strategies
by Yong-Hui Zhou & Jian Yu & Shu-Wen Xiang - 505-519 Formation of segregated and integrated groups
by Alison Watts - 521-538 All in good time
by Aviad Heifetz & Clara Ponsati - 539-556 The gamma-core and coalition formation
by Parkash Chander - 557-568 The Shapley value of exact assignment games
by Maike Hoffmann & Peter Sudhölter - 569-590 A superadditive solution for cephoidal bargaining problems
by Diethard Pallaschke & Joachim Rosenmüller - 591-602 Minimum norm solutions for cooperative games
by Klaus Kultti & Hannu Salonen - 603-615 Convex decomposition of games and axiomatizations of the core and the D-core
by Francesc Llerena & Carles Rafels
February 2007, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 315-335 Rational ignorance and voting behavior
by César Martinelli - 337-352 On participation games with complete information
by Tasos Kalandrakis - 353-377 Protests and reputation
by Lucia Buenrostro & Amrita Dhillon & Myrna Wooders - 379-394 The welfare effects of public opinion polls
by Esteban Klor & Eyal Winter - 395-426 Dissection of solutions in cooperative game theory using representation techniques
by L. Hernández-Lamoneda & R. Juárez & F. Sánchez-Sánchez - 427-453 Monotonicity in asymmetric first-price auctions with affiliation
by David McAdams - 455-464 Nash equilibria for non-binary choice rules
by José Alcantud & Carlos Alós-Ferrer
January 2007, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 151-184 Government formation in a two dimensional policy space
by Enriqueta Aragonès - 185-204 Stability under unanimous consent, free mobility and core
by Anna Bogomolnaia & Michel Breton & Alexei Savvateev & Shlomo Weber - 205-221 Rationally constructing the dimensions of the political sphere
by Michael Chwe - 223-249 Endogenous platforms: the case of many parties
by Andrei Gomberg & Francisco Marhuenda & Ignacio Ortuño-Ortín - 251-266 Communication and bargaining in the spatial model
by Adam Meirowitz - 267-286 A spatial voting model where proportional rule leads to two-party equilibria
by Francesco Sinopoli & Giovanna Iannantuoni - 287-314 Strong and coalition-proof political equilibria under plurality and runoff rule
by Matthias Messner & Mattias Polborn
December 2006, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-25 The calculus of ethical voting
by Timothy Feddersen & Alvaro Sandroni - 27-38 Approval voting: three examples
by Francesco Sinopoli & Bhaskar Dutta & Jean-François Laslier - 39-69 Repeated Downsian electoral competition
by John Duggan & Mark Fey - 71-90 Memetics and voting: how nature may make us public spirited
by John Conley & Ali Toossi & Myrna Wooders - 91-110 Majority voting leads to unanimity
by Geir Asheim & Carl Claussen & Tore Nilssen - 111-128 A simple “market value” bargaining model for weighted voting games: characterization and limit theorems
by Guillermo Owen & Ines Lindner & Scott Feld & Bernard Grofman & Leonard Ray - 129-150 Naive audience and communication bias
by Marco Ottaviani & Francesco Squintani
November 2006, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 457-473 Stochastic dominance equilibria in two-person noncooperative games
by Andres Perea & Hans Peters & Tim Schulteis & Dries Vermeulen - 475-493 Less is more: an observability paradox in repeated games
by Michihiro Kandori & Ichiro Obara - 495-527 Zero-sum state constrained differential games: existence of value for Bolza problem
by Piernicola Bettiol & Pierre Cardaliaguet & Marc Quincampoix - 529-559 Proper belief revision and rationalizability in dynamic games
by Andrés Perea - 561-581 On some geometry and equivalence classes of normal form games
by Fabrizio Germano - 583-599 All-pay auctions with risk-averse players
by Gadi Fibich & Arieh Gavious & Aner Sela
October 2006, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 303-304 Introduction
by Antoni Calvó-Armengol & Bhaskar Dutta - 305-318 Definitions of equilibrium in network formation games
by Francis Bloch & Matthew Jackson - 319-349 Unequal connections
by Sanjeev Goyal & Sumit Joshi - 351-369 A characterization of stochastically stable networks
by Olivier Tercieux & Vincent Vannetelbosch - 371-381 Contagion and coordination in random networks
by Dunia López-Pintado - 383-397 Diffusion and growth in an evolving network
by George Ehrhardt & Matteo Marsili & Fernando Vega-Redondo - 399-424 Cores of non-atomic market games
by M. Amarante & F. Maccheroni & M. Marinacci & L. Montrucchio - 425-442 A model of interim information sharing under incomplete information
by Antonio Jiménez-Martínez - 443-456 Endogenous timing in duopoly: experimental evidence
by Miguel Fonseca & Wieland Müller & Hans-Theo Normann
August 2006, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 155-165 The Value of Information Structures in Zero-sum Games with Lack of Information on One Side
by Eran Shmaya - 167-184 Nash equilibria of Cauchy-random zero-sum and coordination matrix games
by David Roberts - 185-205 The Existence and Uniqueness of Nash Equilibrium Point in an m-player Game “Shoot Later, Shoot First!”
by E. Presman & I. Sonin - 207-228 Sequential Formation of Coalitions Through Bilateral Agreements in a Cournot Setting
by Inés Macho-Stadler & David Pérez-Castrillo & Nicolás Porteiro - 229-240 An Asymmetric Shapley–Shubik Power Index
by Xingwei Hu - 241-258 Semi-marginalistic Values for Set Games
by Hao Sun & Theo Driessen - 259-272 A Simple Algorithm for the Nucleolus of Airport Profit Games
by Rodica Brânzei & Elena Iñarra & Stef Tijs & José Zarzuelo - 273-284 Downsian Competition When No Policy is Unbeatable
by Jesper Roine - 285-302 Foregone with the Wind: Indirect Payoff Information and its Implications for Choice
by Brit Grosskopf & Ido Erev & Eldad Yechiam
April 2006, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-11 Median Stable Matching for College Admissions
by Bettina Klaus & Flip Klijn - 13-31 Monotonicity and Consistency in Matching Markets
by Manabu Toda - 33-54 On Exiting After Voting
by D. Berga & G. Bergantiños & J. Massó & A. Neme - 55-65 The Weak Sequential Core for Two-Period Economies
by P. Herings & A. Predtetchinski & A. Perea - 67-77 Stakeholder bargaining games
by P. Manzini & C. Ponsati - 79-90 A Note on Multi-Issue Bargaining with a Finite Set of Alternatives
by Younghwan In - 91-104 The Dvoretzky-Wald-Wolfowitz theorem and purification in atomless finite-action games
by M. Khan & Kali Rath & Yeneng Sun - 105-121 Probabilistic Choice in Games: Properties of Rosenthal’s t-Solutions
by Mark Voorneveld - 123-130 Equilibria for Pooling Situations
by G. Koshevoy & S. Tijs & S. Miquel - 131-151 A Strong Anti-Folk Theorem
by Guilherme Carmona - 153-153 An Axiomatization of Minimal Curb Sets
by Mark Voorneveld & Willemien Kets & Henk Norde
November 2005, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 461-465 Equilibrium with strategy-dependent trembles
by Jonathan Hamilton & Steven Slutsky - 467-478 The modiclus and core stability
by T. Raghavan & Peter Sudhölter - 479-490 An axiomatization of minimal curb sets
by Mark Voorneveld & Willemien Kets & Henk Norde - 491-503 The core cover in relation to the nucleolus and the Weber set
by Marieke Quant & Peter Borm & Hans Reijnierse & Bas van Velzen - 505-514 A characterization of the position value
by Marco Slikker - 515-521 Stability of pure strategy sampling equilibria
by Michał Ramsza - 523-534 Nonsymmetric values under Hart-Mass-Colell consistency
by N. Naumova - 535-549 College admissions with affirmative action
by Atila Abdulkadiroğlu - 551-562 A dynamic approach to the Shapley value based on associated games
by Yan-An Hwang & Jie-Hau Li & Yaw-Hwa Hsiao
September 2005, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 315-334 Multi-utilitarianism in two-agent quasilinear social choice
by Christopher Chambers - 335-354 A characterization of plurality-like rules based on non-manipulability, restricted efficiency, and anonymity
by Biung-Ghi Ju - 355-366 An axiomatization of the consistent non-transferable utility value
by Sergiu Hart - 367-377 The Nash rationing problem
by Marco Mariotti & Antonio Villar - 381-396 Constitutional implementation of social choice correspondences
by Bezalel Peleg & Hans Peters & Ton Storcken - 397-419 Values for strategic games in which players cooperate
by Luisa Carpente & Balbina Casas-Méndez & Ignacio García-Jurado & Anne van den Nouweland - 421-430 The Böhm–Bawerk horse market: a cooperative analysis
by Marina Núñez & Carles Rafels - 431-445 Farsighted Stability in an n-Person Prisoner’s Dilemma
by Akihiro Suzuki & Shigeo Muto - 447-460 Strongly essential coalitions and the nucleolus of peer group games
by Rodica Brânzei & Tamás Solymosi & Stef Tijs
June 2005, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 159-180 Compensatory transfers in two-player decision problems
by Jerry Green - 181-187 On the existence of equilibria in discontinuous games: three counterexamples
by Guilherme Carmona - 189-213 Stable cores of large games
by Massimo Marinacci & Luigi Montrucchio - 215-218 A short and constructive proof of Tarski’s fixed-point theorem
by Federico Echenique - 219-227 A reinforcement learning process in extensive form games
by Jean-François Laslier & Bernard Walliser - 229-238 Improvement dynamics in games with strategic complementarities
by Nikolai S. Kukushkin & Satoru Takahashi & Tetsuo Yamamori - 239-254 On the survival of some unstable two-sided matching mechanisms
by M. Utku Ünver - 255-270 Ranking participants in generalized tournaments
by Giora Slutzki & Oscar Volij - 271-285 Bargaining sets in exchange economies with indivisibilities and money
by M. Meertens & J. Potters & J. Reijnierse - 287-313 An experimental test of alternative models of bidding in ascending auctions
by R. Isaac & Timothy Salmon & Arthur Zillante
January 2004, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-19 Network formation and anti-coordination games
by Yann Bramoullé & Dunia López-Pintado & Sanjeev Goyal & Fernando Vega-Redondo - 21-40 General procedures leading to correlated equilibria
by Amotz Cahn - 41-54 Evolutionary and asymptotic stability in symmetric multi-player games
by Maciej Bukowski & Jacek Miekisz - 55-65 A note on the nucleolus and the kernel of the assignment game
by Marina Núñez - 67-87 The money-burning refinement: With an application to a political signalling game
by Hans Gersbach - 89-106 Declining valuations in sequential auctions
by Thomas Kittsteiner & Jörg Nikutta & Eyal Winter - 107-114 An intersection theorem in TU cooperative game theory
by F. Javier Martínez-de-Albéniz & Carles Rafels - 115-128 On group strategy-proof mechanisms for a many-to-one matching model
by Ruth Martínez & Jordi Massó & Alejdanro Neme & Jorge Oviedo - 129-144 Bargaining with commitments
by Juan J. Vidal-Puga - 145-158 Axiomatizing the Harsanyi solution, the symmetric egalitarian solution and the consistent solution for NTU-games
by Geoffroy de Clippel & Hans Peters & Horst Zank
August 2004, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 431-442 The effective minimax value of asynchronously repeated games
by Kiho Yoon - 443-453 On the geometry of Nash equilibria and correlated equilibria
by Robert Nau & Sabrina Gomez Canovas & Pierre Hansen - 455-470 Observation, Measurement, and Computation in Finite Games
by Kislaya Prasad - 471-477 Submodularity and the evolution of Walrasian behavior
by Burkhard C. Schipper - 479-483 Punishment strategies make the α-coalitional game ordinally convex and balanced
by Takuya Masuzawa - 485-500 Consistent and covariant solutions for TU games
by Elena Yanovskaya - 501-518 Paths and consistency in additive cost sharing
by Eric J. Friedman - 519-531 Fuzzy play, matching devices and coordination failures
by P. Jean-Jacques Herings & Ana Mauleon & Vincent J. Vannetelbosch - 533-544 A mean value for games with communication structures
by Gérard Hamiache - 545-560 Resource-monotonicity for house allocation problems
by Lars Ehlers & Bettina Klaus - 561-593 Semi-cooperative strategies for differential games
by Alberto Bressan & Wen Shen - 595-613 On three Shapley-like solutions for cooperative games with random payoffs
by Judith Timmer & Peter Borm & Stef Tijs
June 2004, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 315-338 The simple geometry of perfect information games
by Stefano Demichelis & Klaus Ritzberger & Jeroen M. Swinkels - 339-357 An equivalent definition of stable Equilibria
by Srihari Govindan & Jean-François Mertens - 359-369 Symmetry and p-Stability
by Srihari Govindan & Arndt von Schemde & Bernhard von Stengel - 371-377 Independence of inadmissible strategies and best reply stability: a direct proof
by John Hillas & Mathijs Jansen & Jos Potters & Dries Vermeulen - 379-386 Localization of the degree on lower-dimensional sets
by Jean-François Mertens - 387-430 Ordinality in non cooperative games
by Jean-François Mertens
December 2003, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 181-188 On cooperative games, inseparable by semivalues
by Rafael Amer & Jean Derks & José Miguel Giménez - 189-204 The core and the bargaining set in glove-market games
by Yevgenia Apartsin & Ron Holzman - 205-210 On finding curb sets in extensive games
by Vitaly Pruzhansky - 211-221 Fundamental cycles of pre-imputations in non-balanced TU-games
by Juan Carlos Cesco - 223-227 Shapley value for constant-sum games
by Anna B. Khmelnitskaya - 229-240 Pure Nash equilibria in finite two-person non-zero-sum games
by Wojciech Połowczuk - 241-251 Reaching the core of the marriage market through a non-revelation matching mechanism
by Marilda Sotomayor - 253-271 The Harsanyi-Shapley solution and independence of irrelevant expansions
by Chih Chang & Yan-An Hwang - 273-293 Hide and seek in Arizona
by Robert W. Rosenthal & Jason Shachat & Mark Walker - 295-314 Simple random order methods to share costs
by YunTong Wang
December 2003, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-1 Preface
by Sylvain Sorin - 3-16 A two armed bandit type problem
by Michel Benaïm & Gerard Ben Arous - 17-31 Positive value of information in games
by Bruno Bassan & Olivier Gossner & Marco Scarsini & Shmuel Zamir - 33-71 Existence and uniqueness of a Nash equilibrium feedback for a simple nonzero-sum differential game
by Pierre Cardaliaguet & Slawomir Plaskacz - 73-96 Stochastic games without perfect monitoring
by J-M Coulomb - 97-108 Borel stay-in-a-set games
by A. Maitra & W. Sudderth - 109-120 A value on ′AN
by Jean-François Mertens & Abraham Neyman - 121-132 On a new class of nonzero-sum discounted stochastic games having stationary Nash equilibrium points
by Andrzej Nowak - 133-150 The MaxMin value of stochastic games with imperfect monitoring
by Dinah Rosenberg & Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vieille - 151-159 The reproducible properties of correct forecasts
by Alvaro Sandroni - 161-180 Making solutions invariant
by A. J. Vermeulen & M. J. M. Jansen & J. A. M. Potters
September 2003, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 475-492 Absolutely expedient imitative behavior
by Antonio Morales - 493-498 On existence of undominated pure strategy Nash equilibria in anonymous nonatomic games: a generalization
by Giulio Codognato & Sayantan Ghosal - 499-509 Lower semicontinuity for approximate social Nash equilibria
by Jacqueline Morgan & Roberto Raucci - 511-526 Evolutionary insights on the willingness to communicate
by Sjaak Hurkens & Karl Schlag - 527-540 Noncooperative selection of the core
by Huibin Yan - 541-561 Control costs and potential functions for spatial games
by Richard Baron & Jacques Durieu & Hans Haller & Philippe Solal - 563-569 An axiomatization of the inner core
by Geoffroy Clippel - 571-591 Bargaining with stochastic disagreement payoffs
by Taiji Furusawa & Quan Wen - 593-607 Population monotonicity and consistency in convex games: Some logical relations
by Toru Hokari & Anita Gellekom - 609-620 Games with frequency-dependent stage payoffs
by Reinoud Joosten & Thomas Brenner & Ulrich Witt
2003, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 155-202 Voting for voters: the unanimity case
by Jonathan Shalev & Daniel Granot & Michael Maschler - 203-222 The game for the speed of convergence in repeated games of incomplete information
by Irit Nowik & Shmuel Zamir - 229-243 Perfect equilibrium and lexicographic beliefs
by Srihari Govindan & Tilman Klumpp - 245-251 The prediction of sequences
by David Blackwell - 253-268 Approachability in infinite dimensional spaces
by Ehud Lehrer - 269-283 A labor market with heterogeneous firms and workers
by Marilda Sotomayor - 285-319 On the strategic origin of Brownian motion in finance
by Hadiza Moussa Saley & Bernard De Meyer
2002, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-11 The bargaining set of four-person balanced games
by Tamás Solymosi - 13-18 A conflict between sequential rationality and consistency principles
by Antonio Quesada - 19-28 Marginal cost price rule for homogeneous cost functions
by Ori Haimanko - 29-37 A note on NTU convexity
by Ruud Hendrickx & Judith Timmer & Peter Borm - 39-45 On computational complexity of membership test in flow games and linear production games
by Shanfeng Zhu & Xiaotie Deng & Maocheng Cai & Qizhi Fang - 47-67 Equal treatment, symmetry and Banzhaf value axiomatizations
by Marcin Malawski - 69-89 On the impact of low-balling: Experimental results in asymmetric auctions
by Paul Pezanis-Christou - 91-121 Correlated equilibrium payoffs and public signalling in absorbing games
by Eilon Solan & Rakesh V. Vohra - 123-136 Stability of the Cournot process - experimental evidence
by Steffen Huck & Hans-Theo Normann & Jörg Oechssler - 137-150 Playing with mixed strategies on infinite sets
by Benedikt Löwe
2002, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 453-478 Proper rationalizability in lexicographic beliefs
by Geir B. Asheim - 479-490 Stay-in-a-set games
by Piercesare Secchi & William D. Sudderth - 491-502 N-Person stochastic games with upper semi-continuous payoffs
by Piercesare Secchi & William D. Sudderth - 503-515 On bargaining partner selection when communication is restricted
by Antoni Calvó-Armengol - 517-525 An epistemic analysis of the Harsanyi transformation
by Harborne W. Stuart Jr. & Hong Hu - 527-538 Best response dynamics for role games
by Ulrich Berger - 539-556 Generalized genus sequences for misère octal games
by D. T. Allemang - 557-566 Maximal stable sets of two-player games
by Srihari Govindan & Robert Wilson - 567-599 Sharing the cost of a network: core and core allocations
by S. H. Tijs & M. Koster & E. Molina & Y. Sprumont - 601-609 Note On linear consistency of anonymous values for TU-games
by Theo Driessen & Elena Yanovskaya
2002, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 309-319 An axiomatization of the Shapley value using a fairness property
by René van den Brink - 321-350 Entry coordination in auctions and social welfare: An experimental investigation
by Dan Levin & James L. Smith - 351-357 Closedness under Hart-Mas Colell reduction
by Chih Chang & Yan-An Hwang - 359-376 The splitting game and applications
by Rida Laraki - 377-404 Linear and symmetric allocation methods for partially defined cooperative games
by David Housman - 405-419 Dominant strategies, superior information, and winner's curse in second-price auctions
by Ori Haimanko & Aner Sela & Ram Orzach & Ezra Einy - 421-435 Strategy-proofness, solidarity, and consistency for multiple assignment problems
by Bettina Klaus & Eiichi Miyagawa - 437-448 Decentralized versus collective bargaining - An experimental study
by S. Berninghaus & H.-J. Ramser & W. Güth & R. Lechler - 449-452 Note Equilibrium payoffs in stochastic games of incomplete information: the general symmetric case
by Julien Geitner
2001, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 147-165 On the set of Lorenz-maximal imputations in the core of a balanced game
by Jens Leth Hougaard & Lars Thorlund-Petersen & Bezalel Peleg - 167-176 An axiomatization of the modified Banzhaf Coleman index
by M. J. Albizuri - 177-185 Assignment games with stable core
by T. E. S. Raghavan & Tamás Solymosi - 187-193 Egalitarian solutions in the core
by Javier Arin & Elena Inarra