March 2014, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 15-38 The Effect of 21st Century Military Service on Civilian Labor and Educational Outcomes
by P. Routon - 39-62 The Effects of Being Out of the Labor Market on Subsequent Wages: Evidence for Uruguay
by Verónica Amarante & Rodrigo Arim & Andrés Dean - 63-87 Occupational Human Capital and Wages: The Role of Skills Transferability Across Occupations
by Kritkorn Nawakitphaitoon - 88-103 The Impact of Economic Freedom and Personal Freedom on Net In-Migration in the U.S.: A State-Level Empirical Analysis, 2000 to 2010
by Richard Cebula
December 2013, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 389-407 Theft and Deterrence
by William Harbaugh & Naci Mocan & Michael Visser - 408-432 Labor Market Penalties for Mothers in Italy
by Lia Pacelli & Silvia Pasqua & Claudia Villosio - 433-454 Discouraging Workers: Estimating the Impacts of Macroeconomic Shocks on the Search Intensity of the Unemployed
by Stephen DeLoach & Mark Kurt - 455-475 Immigrant Assimilation, Canada 1971–2006: Has the Tide Turned?
by Michele Campolieti & Morley Gunderson & Olga Timofeeva & Evguenia Tsiroulnitchenko - 476-514 Illustrating the Implications of How Inequality is Measured: Decomposing Earnings Inequality by Race and Gender
by Markus Schneider
September 2013, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 253-280 The Effect of the Minimum Wage on Covered Teenage Employment
by Nicole Coomer & Walter Wessels - 281-311 An Ex-Post View of Inequality of Opportunity in France and its Regions
by Jean-François Carpantier & Christelle Sapata - 312-338 Where Do New Ph.D. Economists Go? Recent Evidence from Initial Labor Market
by Jihui Chen & Qihong Liu & Sherrilyn Billger - 339-358 Sectoral Mobility and Unemployment with Heterogeneous Moving Costs
by Damba Lkhagvasuren & Roy Nitulescu - 359-388 Do Peers Affect Determination of Work Hours? Evidence Based on Unique Employee Data from Global Japanese Firms in Europe
by Sachiko Kuroda & Isamu Yamamoto
June 2013, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 147-169 Do ENDAs End Discrimination for Behaviorally Gay Men?
by Michael Martell - 170-179 The Labor Market Returns to AACSB Accreditation
by Hamid Bastin & David Kalist - 180-202 Interstate Variations in Private Sector Union Density in the U.S
by Behroz Baraghoshi & Cihan Bilginsoy - 203-223 Compensation of Foreign and Domestic Nurses in the US
by Richard McGregory & James Peoples - 224-240 Earnings Inequality Among Aboriginal Groups in Canada
by Danielle Lamb - 241-252 What are Relevant Work Incentive Models? Shirking Model, Gift Exchange Model, or Reciprocity Model
by Akinori Tomohara & Akihiko Ohno
March 2013, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-29 Employee Perceptions of Working Conditions and the Desire for Worker Representation in Britain and the US
by Alex Bryson & Richard Freeman - 30-51 Race and the Likelihood of Managing in Major League Baseball
by Brian Volz - 52-78 Immigrants and Employer-provided Training
by Alan Barrett & Séamus McGuinness & Martin O’Brien & Philip O’Connell - 79-98 Learning and the Form of Compensation
by Bok Hoon & Daniel Parent - 99-119 Managerial Hostility and Attitudes Towards Unions: A Canada-US Comparison
by Michele Campolieti & Rafael Gomez & Morley Gunderson - 120-145 Long-Term Employment and Complementary Human Resource Management Practices
by Cynthia Gramm & John Schnell
December 2012, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 417-442 Women Move Differently: Job Separations and Gender
by Boris Hirsch & Claus Schnabel - 443-460 Workers, Unions, and Takeovers
by Xiaoyang Li - 461-486 Union Organizing and Membership Growth: Why Don’t They Organize?
by Jack Fiorito & Paul Jarley - 487-527 Sexual Orientation and Wage Discrimination in France: The Hidden Side of the Rainbow
by Thierry Laurent & Ferhat Mihoubi - 528-544 Job Insecurity Perceptions and Media Coverage of Labor Market Policy
by Marcel Garz - 545-562 Contracts, Individual Revenue and Performance
by Peter Chinloy & Daniel Winkler
September 2012, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 287-302 The (Non) Impact of Minimum Wages on Poverty: Regression and Simulation Evidence for Canada
by Michele Campolieti & Morley Gunderson & Byron Lee - 303-327 The Labor Market Consequences of Gender Differences in Job Search
by Stefan Eriksson & Jonas Lagerström - 328-336 The Black-White Gap in Non Marital Fertility: Education and Mates in Segmented Marriage Markets
by Joe Stone - 337-352 Short Term Gain, Long Term Pain
by Colin Green - 353-369 Responsibility-Alleviation and Other-Regarding Preferences with Peer Workers in Labor Markets: An Experimental Investigation
by Mark Owens - 370-387 Information Use in Counter-Offer Decisions: An Examination of Factors that Influence Management Counter-Offer Decisions
by William MacKenzie & Brian Klaas & John McClendon - 388-413 Worker Behavior on the Job: A Multi-Methods Study of Labor Cooperation with Management
by Deborah Balser & Anne Winkler - 414-416 Gary S. Fields, Working Hard, Working Poor: a Global Journey
by Miłosz Miszczyński
June 2012, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 119-142 The Impact of Legal Status on Immigrants’ Earnings and Human Capital: Evidence from the IRCA 1986
by Ying Pan - 143-172 Have Labor Market Reforms at the Turn of the Millennium Changed the Job and Employment Durations of new Entrants?
by Gianna Giannelli & Ursula Jaenichen & Claudia Villosio - 173-195 Trends in the Gender Pay Gap in Spain: A Semiparametric Analysis
by Ignacio Moral-Arce & Stefan Sperlich & Ana Fernández-Saínz & Maria Roca - 196-224 Collective Labor Supply and Child Care Expenditures: Theory and Application
by Chris Klaveren & Joris Ghysels - 225-250 The Effect of Exercise on Earnings: Evidence from the NLSY
by Vasilios Kosteas - 251-282 Effects of Welfare Reform on Education Acquisition of Adult Women
by Dhaval Dave & Hope Corman & Nancy Reichman - 283-283 Erratum to: Evidence from the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident: The Effect on Health, Education, and Labor Market Outcomes in Belarus
by Maksim Yemelyanau & Aliaksandr Amialchuk & Mir Ali - 284-285 John A. Turner: Longevity Policy: Facing Up to Longevity Issues Affecting Social Security, Pensions, and Older Workers
by Michael Brendler
March 2012, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-20 Evidence from the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident: The Effect on Health, Education, and Labor Market Outcomes in Belarus
by Maksim Yemelyanau & Aliaksandr Amialchuk & Mir Ali - 21-48 Unemployment Duration and Disability: Evidence from Portugal
by Dario Sciulli & Antonio Menezes & José Vieira - 49-75 The Effects of First Occupation on Long Term Health Status: Evidence from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study
by Jason Fletcher - 76-90 Overeducation, Undereducation and Earnings: Further Evidence on the Importance of Ability and Measurement Error Bias
by Dieter Verhaest & Eddy Omey - 91-103 Changes in Firm Pension Policy: Trends Away from Traditional Defined Benefit Plans
by Kandice Kapinos - 104-117 Collective Bargaining and Community College Faculty: What Is the Wage Impact?
by Steven Henson & John Krieg & Charles Wassell & David Hedrick
December 2011, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 305-325 Intangibles and the Gender Wage Gap: An Analysis of Gender Wage Gaps Across Occupations in the Finnish Private Sector
by Rita Asplund & Sami Napari - 326-335 The Voice Effect of Unions: Evidence from the US
by Benjamin Artz - 336-361 Education, Training and Economic Performance: Evidence from Establishment Survival Data
by William Collier & Francis Green & Young-Bae Kim & John Peirson - 362-389 Entry and Exit Strategies in Migration Dynamics
by Sergio Vergalli - 390-413 Firm Size and Work-Related Training: New Evidence on Incidence, Intensity, and Training Type from Australia
by C. Waddoups - 414-426 Impact of Sector Councils: A Canadian Institution
by Morley Gunderson
September 2011, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 199-209 How do Students Respond to Labor Market and Education Incentives? An Analysis of Homework Time
by Steven McMullen - 210-236 Firm Ownership and Rent Sharing
by Natália Monteiro & Miguel Portela & Odd Straume - 237-253 The Disability Screening Process and the Labor Market Behavior of Accepted and Rejected Applicants: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study
by Seth Giertz & Jeffrey Kubik - 254-281 Psychological Contracts and Organizational Identification: The Mediating Effect of Perceived Organizational Support
by Thomas Zagenczyk & Ray Gibney & W. Few & Kristin Scott - 282-304 Is Collective Bargaining Pareto Efficient? A Survey of the Literature
by Nicholas Lawson
June 2011, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 87-112 Customer Discrimination in Restaurants: Dining Frequency Matters
by Matthew Parrett - 113-135 Contracts, Labor Supply and Income Targeting
by Peter Chinloy & Daniel Winkler - 136-156 Works Councils and Organizational Performance
by Annette Berg & Yolanda Grift & Arjen Witteloostuijn - 157-180 The Effects of Labor Unions on Workplace Performance: New Evidence from France
by Patrice Laroche & Heidi Wechtler - 181-198 The Short and Long-Run Labor Market Effects of Age Eligibility Rules: Evidence from Women’s Professional Tennis
by Ryan Rodenberg & Daniel Stone
March 2011, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-20 Handicaps in Job Assignment: Insiders, Outsiders and Gender
by Christian Pfeifer - 21-38 Does International Outsourcing Really Lower Workers’ Income?
by Jan König & Erkki Koskela - 39-60 Token Presence or Substantive Participation? A Study of Labor Trustees on Pension boards
by Anil Verma & Johanna Weststar - 61-74 Solidarity Revisited: Group-level Effects on Individual-level Union Voting
by Arthur Martinez & Jack Fiorito & Gerald Ferris - 75-86 Efficiency Wages, Unemployment Benefits and Union—Firm Wage Bargaining: The Issue of the Choice of the Outside Option
by Wim Meeusen & Vesna Stavrevska & Glenn Rayp
December 2010, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 307-321 Strike Lengths: Correcting for Prestrike Announcements and the Ratio of Bargaining Size to Firm Size
by Gregory Finley - 322-331 Effect of Multiemployer Collective Bargaining on Employer-Provided Health Insurance in the Construction Industry
by Jaewhan Kim & Peter Philips - 332-347 Occupational Safety and English Language Proficiency
by Akbar Marvasti - 348-364 Union Reform and Labor Law: Miners For Democracy and the Use of the Landrum-Griffin Act
by George Hopkins - 365-386 Occupations, Human Capital and Skills
by Alec Levenson & Cindy Zoghi
September 2010, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 209-229 Works Councils and Firm Productivity in France
by David Fairris & Philippe Askenazy - 230-246 The Effect of Family Background on Individual Wages and an Examination of Inequality of Opportunity in India
by Ashish Singh - 247-262 Retiree Health Insurance and Disengagement from a Career Job
by Christina Robinson & Robert Clark - 263-284 Activism and Willingness to Help in Union Organizing: Who Are the Activists?
by Jack Fiorito & Gregor Gall & Arthur Martinez - 285-306 Is Any Job Better than No Job? Life Satisfaction and Re-employment
by Carola Grün & Wolfgang Hauser & Thomas Rhein
June 2010, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 99-123 Joblessness and Perceptions about the Effectiveness of Democracy
by Duha Altindag & Naci Mocan - 124-145 The Role of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills in Overeducation
by Kitae Sohn - 146-161 Wage Mobility in Israel: The Effect of Sectoral Concentration
by Ana Cardoso & Shoshana Neuman & Adrian Ziderman - 162-182 Mind the Gap, Please! The Effect of Temporary Help Agencies on the Consequences of Work Accidents
by Carlos García-Serrano & Virginia Hernanz & Luis Toharia - 183-201 College Quality, Earnings, and Job Satisfaction: Evidence from Recent College Graduates
by Xiangmin Liu & Scott Thomas & Liang Zhang - 202-204 Richard B. Freeman, Peter Boxhall and Peter Haynes (eds): What Workers Say: Employee Voice in the Anglo-American Workplace
by Michael Doherty - 205-207 Katherine S. Newman (ed): Laid Off, Laid Low: Political and Economic Consequences of Employment Insecurity
by Iryna Shevchuk
March 2010, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-19 Health Insurance and Health Care Demand Among the Self-employed
by David Zimmer - 20-38 Health Insurance and Worker Retention in the Construction Industry
by Jaewhan Kim & Peter Philips - 39-52 Labour Market Outcomes and Skill Acquisition of High-School Dropouts
by Michele Campolieti & Tony Fang & Morley Gunderson - 53-66 Export Performance, Labor Standards and Institutions: Evidence from a Dynamic Panel Data Model
by Michaël Bonnal - 67-90 The Influence of Temporary Employment on Unemployment Exits in a Competing Risks Framework
by José Arranz & Carlos García-Serrano & Luis Toharia - 91-93 Steven Greenhouse, The Big Squeeze: Tough Times for the American Worker
by Donald Beachler - 94-98 Kate Bronfenbrenner (eds), Global Unions: Challenging Transnational Capital Through Cross-Border Campaigns
by Mark Langevin
December 2009, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 293-295 Labor Markets and Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Coverage
by Stephen Barnes & Dek Terrell - 296-316 Trends in Employee Wage and Health Insurance Compensation for Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance (ESI) Coverage
by Lynn Blewett & Peter Graven & Jeanette Ziegenfuss & Michael Davern - 317-327 The Impact of Job Displacement on Employer Based Health Insurance Coverage
by Vasilios Kosteas & Francesco Renna - 328-339 The Impact of the Labor Market on Health Insurance
by Stephen Barnes & Dek Terrell - 340-349 What Fills the Gaps Left by Employer-Provided Insurance?
by Thomas Koch - 350-364 Older Workers’ Access to Employer-Sponsored Retiree Health Insurance, 2000–2006
by Alice Zawacki & Christine Eibner & Elaine Zimmerman - 365-394 The Impact of Minimum-Wage Increases: Evidence from Fast-food Establishments in Illinois and Indiana
by Elizabeth Powers - 395-397 Book Review: The Ethics of Human Resources and Industrial Relations. John W. Budd and James G. Scoville, Eds
by Ray Gibney
September 2009, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 201-218 Training, Technological Changes, and Displacement
by Younghwan Song - 219-244 In Vino Pecunia? The Association Between Beverage-Specific Drinking Behavior and Wages
by Nicolas Ziebarth & Markus Grabka - 245-261 Do Arbitrators Use Just Cause Standards in Deciding Discharge and Discipline Cases? A Test
by David Dilts & James Moore - 262-268 Efficiency Wages, Productivity and Simultaneity: A Meta-Regression Analysis
by Eric Krassoi Peach & T. Stanley - 269-288 Earnings, Effort, and Work Flexibility of Self-Employed Women and Men: The Case of St. Croix County, Wisconsin
by John Walker - 289-291 Breaking Out of the Pink-collar Ghetto: Policy Solutions for Non-college Women
by Emily Stiehl
June 2009, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 101-119 “Family-Friendly” Fringe Benefits and the Gender Wage Gap
by Aaron Lowen & Paul Sicilian - 120-134 General Feelings Toward Unions and Employers as Predictors of Union Voting Intent
by Arthur Martinez & Jack Fiorito - 135-148 The Evolution of Skill-Biased Effects on American Wages in the 1980s and 1990s
by Steven Englehardt - 149-167 On the Determinants of Defined Benefit Pension Plan Conversions
by Kandice Kapinos - 168-175 Affirmative Action Can Increase Effort
by James Fain - 176-195 Helpless in Finance: The Cost of Helping Effort Among Bank Employees
by Michelle Brown & John Heywood - 196-200 Immanuel Ness: Review of Immigrants, Unions, and the New U. S. Labor Market
by David Eplion
March 2009, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-8 Do Reservation Wages Really Decline? Some International Evidence on the Determinants of Reservation Wages
by John Addison & Mário Centeno & Pedro Portugal - 9-34 Does Public or Not-for-Profit Status Affect the Earnings of Hospital Workers?
by Edward Schumacher - 35-51 Union Worker Wage Effect in the Public Sector
by Bahman Bahrami & John Bitzan & Jay Leitch - 52-74 The Gender Pay Gap in the US: Does Sector Make a Difference?
by Paul Miller - 75-97 The Effects of Minimum Wage Increases on Retail Employment and Hours: New Evidence from Monthly CPS Data
by Joseph Sabia - 98-100 From Rights to Economics: New Perspectives on the History of the South by Timothy Minchin
by Daria Crawley
December 2008, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 303-317 Effects of Minimum Wages on Youth Employment: the Importance of Accounting for Spatial Correlation
by Charlene Kalenkoski & Donald Lacombe - 318-332 Testing Fair Wage Theory
by John Burger & Stephen Walters - 333-346 The Effects of Licensing on the Wages of Radiologic Technologists
by Edward Timmons & Robert Thornton - 347-364 State and Regional Variation in the Effects of Trade on Job Displacement in the US Manufacturing Sector, 1982–1999
by Roger White - 365-379 Educational Attainment and the Lesbian Wage Premium
by Nasser Daneshvary & C. Waddoups & Bradley Wimmer - 380-401 An Examination of Factors Affecting Perception of Workplace Discrimination
by Rupa Banerjee - 402-404 Kathrin S. Zippel The Politics of Sexual Harassment: A Comparative Study of the United States, the European Union, and Germany
by Heather McLaughlin
September 2008, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 205-218 How Living Wage Legislation Affects U.S. Poverty Rates
by Suzanne Clain - 219-235 Does Motherhood Affect Productivity, Relative Performance, and Earnings?
by David Kalist - 236-250 Uncertainty and International Migration: An Option Cum Portfolio Model
by Mahmudul Anam & Shin-Hwan Chiang & Lieng Hua - 251-271 Comparative Dispute Resolution in the Workplace
by Douglas Mahony & Brian Klaas - 272-284 Recent Evidence on Factors Influencing the Female Labor Force Participation Rate
by Richard Cebula & Christopher Coombs - 285-299 The Non-Existence of the Labor Demand/Supply Diagram, and other Theorems of Institutional Economics
by Bruce Kaufman - 300-302 From Hire to Liar By David Schulman
by Steven Grover
June 2008, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 99-113 The Decline in American Trade Union Membership and the “Government Substitution” Hypothesis:A Review of the Econometric Literature
by Christopher Coombs - 114-137 The Demand for Labor: An Analysis Using Matched Employer–Employee Data from the German LIAB. Will the High Unskilled Worker Own-Wage Elasticity Please Stand Up?
by John Addison & Lutz Bellmann & Thorsten Schank & Paulino Teixeira - 138-161 The Role of Temporary Help Agency Employment on Temp-to-Perm Transitions
by Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes & Miguel Malo & Fernando Muñoz-Bullón - 162-176 The Impact of Privatization on the Earnings of Restructured Workers: Evidence From the Oil Industry
by Sebastian Galiani & Federico Sturzenegger - 177-201 Quit Your Job and Get Healthier? The Effect of Retirement on Health
by Kevin Neuman - 202-204 Peter L. Francia, The Future of Organized Labor in American Politics. New York: Columbia University Press, 2006
by Marick Masters
March 2008, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-10 On the Retirement of James T. Bennett as Editor of the Journal of Labor Research
by Bruce Kaufman - 11-26 How Wage Compression Affects Job Turnover
by Fredrik Heyman - 27-41 Transformational Leadership in Labor Organizations: The Effects on Union Citizenship Behaviors
by Nicholas Twigg & J. Fuller & Kim Hester - 42-55 Administrative Practices in American Unions: A Longitudinal Study
by Paul Clark & Lois Gray - 56-67 Do Professional Sports Unions Fit the Standard Model of Traditional Unionism?
by James Hill & Jason Taylor - 68-87 Si, Se Puede: Organizing Latino Immigrant Workers in South Omaha’s Meatpacking Industry
by Jackie Gabriel - 88-97 Partisanship, Globalization, and Canadian Labour Market Policy: Four Provinces in Comparative Perspectives—A Review Article
by Yonatan Reshef
September 2007, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 567-572 Public Policy: Choice, Influence, Evaluation
by Daphne Taras - 573-590 How Academic Research Shapes Labor and Social Policy
by Morley Gunderson - 591-608 The Ossification of American Labor Law and the Decline of Self-governance in the Workplace
by Cynthia Estlund - 609-628 The Clinton Administration and Labor Law: Was Comprehensive Reform Ever a Realistic Possibility?
by John Logan - 629-641 Different Paths to Similar Outcomes? Industrial Relations Reform and Public Policy in Australia and New Zealand
by Russell Lansbury & Nick Wailes & Clare Yazbeck - 642-657 Airline Negotiations and the New Concessionary Bargaining
by Gary Chaison - 658-676 Good for the Goose, Bad for the Gander: International Labor Standards and Comparative Development
by Joshua Hall & Peter Leeson - 677-696 Government Intervention in Public Sector Industrial Relations: Lessons from the Alberta Teachers’ Association
by Yonatan Reshef - 697-713 Collective Bargaining Context and Worker Attitudes: Comparing Team and Traditional Work Systems
by Patrick McHugh - 714-734 Working Unusual Hours and Its Relationship to Job Satisfaction: A Study of European Maritime Pilots
by Maike Andresen & Michel Domsch & Annett Cascorbi - 735-754 The Influence of Perceptions of Fairness on Performance Appraisal Reactions
by I. Jawahar
July 2007, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 417-435 The Experience-Earnings Profile: Productivity-Augmenting or Purely Contractual? Evidence from the UK
by William Moore & Robert Newman & Geoffrey Turnbull - 436-453 Sexual Orientation and Labor Market Discrimination
by Bruce Elmslie & Edinaldo Tebaldi - 454-476 Britain’s Labor Market Under the Blair Governments
by J. Shackleton - 477-486 The Decomposition of Firm-size Wage Differentials
by Paul Hettler - 487-501 The Relative Earnings of Contingent Faculty in Higher Education
by James Monks - 502-514 Labor Supply Decisions of Disabled Male Workers
by Michele Campolieti & Morley Gunderson & Harry Krashinsky - 515-524 Earnings Differentials of Seafarers
by Wayne Talley - 525-535 Unions and Employment Growth: Evidence from State Economic Recoveries
by Robert Krol & Shirley Svorny - 536-551 The Heterogeneous Effect of the Passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act on Stock Returns
by Sherrilyn Billger - 552-566 Boeing’s Diffusion of Commercial Aircraft Technology to Japan: Surrendering the U.S. Industry for Foreign Financial Support
by Alan MacPherson & David Pritchard
December 1999, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 443-445 Minimum wages, entry-level employment and employees, and the transition from welfare to work
by James Bennett - 447-462 By our bootstraps: Origins and effects of the high-wage doctrine and the minimum wage
by Jason Taylor & George Selgin - 463-477 Fast food and unnatural experiments: Another perspective on the New Jersey minimum wage
by Don Bellante & Gabriel Picone - 479-492 Recent minimum wage increases and the minimum wage labor force
by Jeffrey Mills & Kakoli Roy & Nicolas Williams - 493-503 Updated estimates of the wage mobility of minimum wage workers
by James Long - 505-515 Mandated health insurance and the low-wage labor market
by Dwight Lee & Ronald Warren - 517-537 From a welfare check to a paycheck: Creating a new social contract
by Ladonna Pavetti & Nancy Wemmerus - 539-554 Diversification and win rate in NLRB certification elections
by Donald Hatfield & Kent Murrmann - 557-569 Employee involvement programs: Should unions get involved?
by Yonatan Reshef & Mark Kizilos & Gerald Ledford & Susan Cohen - 571-587 Affirmative action, political representation, unions, and female police employment
by Tim Sass & Jennifer Troyer - 589-603 Unions, incentive systems, and job design
by John Garen - 605-619 Revisiting multi-tier wage structures: Equity, employment mobility, and tier effects
by Anthony Townsend & Dane Partridge - 620-621 Gainsharing and power? Lessons from six scanlon plans
by Satish Deshpande - 622-624 Employment and economic performance: Jobs, inflation, and growth
by Bradley Ewing
September 1986, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 323-336 Variables related to patterns of union Stewards’ commitment
by James Martin & John Magenau & Mark Peterson - 337-348 Unions, seniority, and public choice
by Dan Black & Darrell Parker - 349-361 The impact of legislator attributes on interest-group campaign contributions
by Kevin Grier & Michael Munger - 363-385 Tax-funded unionism: The unemployment connection
by James Bennett & Thomas DiLorenzo - 387-401 Wildcat strikes in U.S. manufacturing, 1960–1977
by Dennis Byrne & Randall King - 403-417 General union attitude: A construct validation
by Steven McShane - 419-426 Book reviews
by Morgan Reynolds & Thomas Pearce & Charles Baird & Al Wilhite