November 2013, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 387-416 The Impact of Family Policies on Fertility Trends in Developed Countries
by Angela Luci-Greulich & Olivier Thévenon - 417-444 The Effect of Children on Men’s and Women’s Chances of Re-partnering in a European Context
[L’impact des enfants sur les chances d’une nouvelle union pour les hommes et pour les femmes dans un contexte européen]
by Katya Ivanova & Matthijs Kalmijn & Wilfred Uunk - 445-466 Household Headship and Academic Skills of Indian Children: A Special Focus on Gender Disparities
[Sexe du chef de ménage et compétences scolaires des enfants indiens : une analyse des disparités entre sexe]
by Ashish Singh & Sarthak Gaurav & Upasak Das - 467-491 Applying Relational Models to the Graduation of Disability Schedules
[Application de modèles relationnels pour le lissage de schémas d’incapacités]
by Alan Marshall & Paul Norman & Ian Plewis - 493-495 Gerda Neyer, Gunnar Andersson, Hill Kulu, Laura Bernardi, and Christoph Bühler (eds.): The Demography of Europe
by Frances K. Goldscheider
August 2013, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 245-272 Gender Equality and Fertility: Which Equality Matters?
by Gerda Neyer & Trude Lappegård & Daniele Vignoli - 273-302 Diverse Effects of Women’s Employment on Fertility: Insights From Italy and Poland
by Anna Matysiak & Daniele Vignoli - 303-343 Patterns in Female Age at First Marriage and Tajik Armed Conflict
[Les évolutions de l’âge des femmes au premier mariage et le conflit armé Tadjike]
by Olga Shemyakina - 345-354 Small Effects of Selective Migration and Selective Survival in Retrospective Studies of Fertility
by Gunnar Andersson & Boris Sobolev - 355-356 Jacob S. Siegel: The Demography and Epidemiology of Human Health and Aging
by Roland Rau
May 2013, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 137-165 Spatial Aspects of the Rise of Nonmarital Fertility Across Europe Since 1960: The Role of States and Regions in Shaping Patterns of Change
[Aspects spatiaux de l’augmentation de la fécondité hors mariage en Europe depuis 1960: Le rôle des États et des régions dans l’élaboration de modèles de transformation]
by Sebastian Klüsener & Brienna Perelli-Harris & Nora Sánchez Gassen - 167-193 Socioeconomic Resources and the Dissolution of Cohabitations and Marriages
[Ressources socio-économiques et dissolution des cohabitations et des mariages]
by Marika Jalovaara - 195-220 Fertility Decline During Albania’s Societal Crisis and its Subsequent Consolidation
by Mathias Lerch - 221-238 Pathways to Retirement and Mortality Risk in The Netherlands
by Adriaan Kalwij & Rob Alessie & Marike Knoef - 239-241 Mechtild Oechsle, Ursula Müller, and Sabine Hess (eds): Fatherhood in Late Modernity. Cultural Images, Social Practices, Structural Frames
by An-Magritt Jensen - 243-244 Ann Evans and Janeen Baxter: Negotiating the Life Course. Stability and Change in Life Pathways
by Christian Schmitt
February 2013, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-38 Fertility in Advanced Societies: A Review of Research
by Nicoletta Balbo & Francesco C. Billari & Melinda Mills - 39-67 Racing Against the Biological Clock? Childbearing and Sterility Among Men and Women in Second Unions in France
by Eva Beaujouan & Anne Solaz - 69-101 Family Formation Trajectories in Romania, the Russian Federation and France: Towards the Second Demographic Transition?
[Trajectoires de formation de la famille en Roumanie, en Fédération de Russie et en France: en direction de la Seconde Transition Démographique?]
by Gina Potârcă & Melinda Mills & Laurent Lesnard - 103-125 For Better and for Worse: The Relationship Between Union Dissolution and Self-Assessed Health in European Panel Data
by Christiaan W. S. Monden & Wilfred J. G. Uunk - 127-129 Daniel Courgeau: Probability and Social Science. Methodological Relationships between the Two Approaches
by Frans Willekens - 131-133 Framed by Gender. How Gender Inequality Persists in the Modern World
by Ester L. Rizzi
November 2012, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 385-416 European Regional Populations: Current Trends, Future Pathways, and Policy Options
[Population des Régions Européennes: Tendances Actuelles, Développements Futurs et Options Politiques]
by Philip Rees & Nicole Gaag & Joop Beer & Frank Heins - 417-439 Explaining the Flight of Cupid’s Arrow: A Spatial Random Utility Model of Partner Choice
by Karen Haandrikman & Leo J. G. Wissen - 441-466 Serial Cohabitation among Men in Britain: Does Work History Matter?
[Cohabitations successives des hommes en Angleterre : l’histoire professionnelle joue-t-elle un rôle ?]
by Erzsébet Bukodi - 467-498 Analysing Multiple Causes of Death: Which Methods For Which Data? An Application to the Cancer-Related Mortality in France and Italy
[Analyse des causes multiples de décès: quelles méthodes pour quelles données? L’exemple de la mortalité par cancer en France et en Italie]
by Aline F. Désesquelles & Michele Antonio Salvatore & Marilena Pappagallo & Luisa Frova & Monica Pace & France Meslé & Viviana Egidi - 499-518 Grandparenting and Childbearing in the Extended Family
by Arnstein Aassve & Elena Meroni & Chiara Pronzato - 519-520 Albert Kraler, Eleonore Kofman, Martin Kohli and Camille Schmoll (eds.): Gender, Generations and the Family in International Migration
by Claudio Bolzman
August 2012, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 239-240 Editorial
by Catherine Gourbin - 241-268 Partner Choice Patterns Among the Descendants of Turkish Immigrants in Europe
[Schémas de choix du partenaire chez les descendants des immigrants Turcs en Europe]
by Doreen Huschek & Helga A. G. Valk & Aart C. Liefbroer - 269-302 Does Citizenship Still Matter? Second Birth Risks of Migrants from Albania, Morocco, and Romania in Italy
[La citoyenneté compte-t-elle encore? Les probabilités d’une deuxième naissance pour les migrants en provenance d’Albanie, du Maroc, de Roumanie résidant en Italie]
by Eleonora Mussino & Salvatore Strozza - 303-335 A Cross-National Perspective on Unemployment and First Births
[Chômage et première naissance : une perspective transnationale]
by Christian Schmitt - 337-357 Leaving Mum Alone? The Effect of Parental Separation on Children’s Decisions to Leave Home
by Letizia Mencarini & Elena Meroni & Chiara Pronzato - 359-380 Marriage Patterns Among Palestinians in Israel
[Schémas de Nuptialité Chez Les Palestiniens d’Israël]
by Alisa C. Lewin - 381-382 Booth, A., Brown, S. L., Landale, N. S., Manning, W. D., McHale, S. M. (eds): Early Adulthood in a Family Context
by Monika Mynarska - 383-384 Warren C. Robinson (ed.): Land, Labour and Population Growth: Theory, Policy and Case-Studies. Collected Papers from 4 Decades
by Michel Oris
May 2012, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 119-138 Secularization, Union Formation Practices, and Marital Stability: Evidence from Italy
[Sécularisation, Pratiques de Mise en Union et Stabilité des Mariages: Le Cas de l’Italie]
by Roberto Impicciatore & Francesco C. Billari - 139-158 Intermarriage, Value Context and Union Dissolution: Sweden 1990–2005
[Mariage mixte, contexte des valeurs et rupture d’union: Suède 1990–2005]
by Martin Dribe & Christer Lundh - 159-176 Are Mixed-Ethnic Unions More Likely to Dissolve Than Co-Ethnic Unions? New Evidence from Britain
[Les unions mixtes sont-elles plus fragiles que les unions entre partenaires de même origine ethnique? Nouveaux résultats pour la Grande-Bretagne]
by Zhiqiang Feng & Paul Boyle & Maarten Ham & Gillian M. Raab - 177-203 Economic Determinants of Divorce Among Dual-Earner Couples: Jews in Israel
[Les déterminants économiques du divorce parmi les couples à double revenu : le cas des juifs en Israël]
by Liat Raz-Yurovich - 205-232 Subjective Well-Being by Partnership Status and Its Dependence on the Normative Climate
[Impact du contexte normatif sur le bien-être subjectif par statut d’union]
by Ellen Verbakel - 233-234 Mary Ann Davis: Children for Families or Families for Children. The Demography of Adoption Behavior in the U.S
by Fausta Ongaro - 235-237 Jennifer A. Johnson-Hanks, Christine A. Bachrach, S. Philip Morgan, Hans-Peter Kohler: Understanding Family Change and Variation. Toward a Theory of Conjunctural Action
by Johannes Huinink
February 2012, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-15 Long-term Mortality of War Cohorts: The Case of Finland
by Jan Saarela & Fjalar Finnäs - 17-38 Two Strong Families in Southern Europe? Re-Examining the Geography of Kinship Regimes Stemming from the Reciprocity Mechanisms Between Generations
[Deux types de familles fortes en europe méridionale? le réexamen de la géographie des systèmes de parenté issus des mecanismes de réciprocité entre générations]
by Giuseppe A. Micheli - 39-63 Navigating New Socio-Demographic Landscapes: Using Anthropological Demography to Understand the ‘Persistence’ of High and Early Fertility Among British Pakistanis
[Explorer les nouveaux paysages sociodémographiques : une approche par la démographie anthropologique pour comprendre la « persistance » d’une fécondité élevée et précoce chez les Pakistanais britanniques]
by Kate Hampshire & Mwenza Blell & Bob Simpson - 65-89 Home and Where the Heart Is: Marriage Timing and Joint Home Purchase
[Où se trouve le cœur, là est la maison: Calendrier du mariage et achat conjoint d’un logement]
by Jennifer A. Holland - 91-111 The Impact of Ireland’s Recession on the Labour Market Outcomes of its Immigrants
[L’impact de la récession en Irlande sur le devenir de ses immigrés sur le marché du travail]
by Alan Barrett & Elish Kelly - 113-114 A Life-Course Perspective on Migration and Integration
by Claudia Diehl - 115-116 Zhang Li: Male Fertility Patterns and Determinants
by Jean-Marie Goff
November 2011, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 389-402 An Extension of the Conventional TFR
[Une extension de l'indicateur conjoncturel de fécondité]
by Jan M. Hoem & Cornelia Mureşan - 403-431 Recent Life Expectancy Divergence in Baltic Countries
by Domantas Jasilionis & France Meslé & Vladimir M. Shkolnikov & Jacques Vallin - 433-456 The Impact of Subjective Work Control, Job Strain and Work–Family Conflict on Fertility Intentions: a European Comparison
[L’impact sur les intentions de fécondité de la perception subjective de contrôle sur le travail, du stress lié au travail et du conflit travail-famille: une comparaison européenne]
by Katia Begall & Melinda Mills - 457-485 Agency of Change: Fertility and Seasonal Migration in a Nineteenth Century Alpine Community
[Les agents du changement: fécondité et migration saisonnière dans une communauté des Alpes au 19e siècle]
by Luciana Quaranta - 487-515 A Century of Nuptiality in Spain, 1900–2007
by Francisco Muñoz-Pérez & Joaquín Recaño-Valverde - 517-518 H. Maier, J. Gampe, J. W. Vaupel and J.-M. Robine (eds.): Supercentenarians. Demographic Research Monographs
by Guillaume Wunsch
August 2011, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 269-293 The Influence of Men’s Income and Employment on Marriage and Cohabitation: Testing Oppenheimer’s Theory in Europe
[L’impact du niveau de revenu et du travail des hommes sur le mariage et la cohabitation: la théorie d’Oppenheimer testée en Europe]
by Matthijs Kalmijn - 295-312 The Total Marital Fertility Rate and Its Extensions
[Le taux de fécondité totale dans le mariage et ses extensions]
by Jan M. Hoem & Cornelia Mureşan - 313-335 Ethnic Minority–Majority Unions in Estonia
[Unions entre membres d'ethnies minoritaires et majoritaires en Estonie]
by Maarten Ham & Tiit Tammaru - 337-359 Deliberate Birth Spacing in Nineteenth Century Northern Sweden
[L’espacement volontaire des naissances au 19e siècle dans le Nord de la Suède]
by Martin Kolk - 361-385 Mortality of British Jews at the Turn of the 20th Century in a Comparative Perspective
by L. Staetsky - 387-388 Yves Charbit: Les fondements classiques de la pensée démographique. De Platon à Quesnay
[Yves Charbit: The Classical Foundations of Population Thought. From Plato to Quesnay]
by Éric Vilquin
May 2011, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 125-155 Second and Third Births in Armenia and Moldova: An Economic Perspective of Recent Behaviour and Current Preferences
[Deuxième et troisième naissance en Arménie et en Moldavie: Une approche économique des comportements récents et des préférences actuelles]
by Sunnee Billingsley - 157-184 Mortality and Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Contemporary Sweden
[Mortalité et fluctuations macroéconomiques dans la Suède contemporaine]
by José A. Tapia Granados & Edward L. Ionides - 185-215 Putting the Pieces of the Puzzle Together: Age and Sex-Specific Estimates of Migration amongst Countries in the EU/EFTA, 2002–2007
by James Raymer & Joop Beer & Rob Erf - 217-241 Children and Dual Worklessness in Europe: A Comparison of Nine Countries
by Juho Härkönen - 243-262 Fertile Debates: A Comparative Account of Low Fertility in the British and Greek National Press
[Des débats féconds: analyse comparative de la prise en compte des faibles fécondités dans les presses nationales britannique et grecque]
by Katerina Georgiadis - 263-264 Who Needs Migrant Workers? Labour Shortages, Immigration and Public Policy
by Stuart Basten - 265-267 Gøsta Esping-Andersen: The Incomplete Revolution: Adapting to Women’s New Roles
by Peter McDonald
February 2011, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-32 Where Are the Babies? Labor Market Conditions and Fertility in Europe
[Où sont les bébés ? Conditions du marché du travail et fécondité en Europe]
by Alicia Adsera - 33-55 An Analysis of Extremely High Nineteenth-Century Winter Neonatal Mortality in a Local Context of Northeastern Italy
[Une analyse des niveaux extrêmement élevés de mortalité néonatale hivernale au 19e siècle dans une région du Nord-Est de l’Italie]
by Gianpiero Dalla-Zuanna & Alessandro Rosina - 57-77 Does Community Context Have an Important Impact on Divorce Risk? A Fixed-Effects Study of Twenty Norwegian First-Marriage Cohorts
[Le contexte communautaire a-t-il un impact important sur le risque de divorcer? Etude de vingt cohortes norvégiennes de premiers mariages à l’aide de modèles à effets fixes]
by Torkild Hovde Lyngstad - 79-101 Culture, Modernization, and Politics: Ethnic Differences in Union Formation in Kyrgyzstan
[Culture, modernisation et politiques: différences ethniques dans la formation des unions au Kirghizstan]
by Victor Agadjanian & Premchand Dommaraju - 103-124 Will Future Immigration to Sweden Make it Easier to Finance the Welfare System?
by Jan Ekberg
November 2010, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 383-410 Contrasting Trajectories of Labor-Market Integration Between Migrant Women in Western and Southern Europe
[Trajectoires d’intégration des immigrées sur le marché du travail: une comparaison entre l’Europe de l’Ouest et l’Europe du Sud]
by Michael S. Rendall & Flavia Tsang & Jennifer K. Rubin & Lila Rabinovich & Barbara Janta - 411-434 Detecting Deliberate Fertility Control in Pre-transitional Populations: Evidence from six German villages, 1766–1863
[Mise en évidence d’un contrôle volontaire des naissances dans des populations pré-transitionnelles: Le cas de 6 villages allemands, 1766–1863]
by Martin Dribe & Francesco Scalone - 435-457 Self-Rated Health in the Baltic Countries, 1994–1999
by Catherine Gaumé & Guillaume Wunsch - 459-481 Overcoming the Problems of Inconsistent International Migration data: A New Method Applied to Flows in Europe
[Surmonter les problèmes d’incohérences des données sur les migrations internationales: une nouvelle méthode appliquée aux flux en Europe]
by Joop Beer & James Raymer & Rob Erf & Leo Wissen - 483-505 Mortality due to External Causes in Three Rural Areas of Senegal
[La mortalité violente dans trois régions rurales du Sénégal]
by Emmanuelle Guyavarch & Gilles Pison & Géraldine Duthé & Adama Marra & Jean-Philippe Chippaux - 507-509 H. Engelhardt, H.-P. Kohler, and A. Prskawetz (eds), Causal Analysis in Population Studies: Concepts, Methods, Applications
by Jan M. Hoem - 511-513 The Stem Family in Eurasian Perspective. Revisiting House Societies, 17th–20th Centuries
by Giuseppe A. Micheli
August 2010, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 245-274 Mortality in Belarus, Lithuania, and Russia: Divergence in Recent Trends and Possible Explanations
[La mortalité en Biélorussie, Lituanie et Russie: Divergence dans les Tendances Récentes et Explications Possibles]
by Pavel Grigoriev & Vladimir Shkolnikov & Evgueni Andreev & Domantas Jasilionis & Dmitri Jdanov & France Meslé & Jacques Vallin - 275-295 Using Split-Population Models to Examine Predictors of the Probability and Timing of Parity Progression
by Edith Gray & Ann Evans & Jon Anderson & Rebecca Kippen - 297-323 Immigrant fertility in West Germany: Is there a socialization effect in transitions to second and third births?
[Fécondité des immigrées en Allemagne de l’Ouest: existe-t-il un effet de la socialization dans le passage du premier au deuxieme enfant et dans celui du deuxieme au troisieme enfant?]
by Nadja Milewski - 325-350 Through Civil War, Food Crisis and Drought: Trends in Fertility and Nuptiality in Post-Soviet Tajikistan
[Au Travers de la Guerre Civile, de la Crise Alimentaire et de la Sécheresse : les Évolutions de la Fécondité et de la Nuptialité en Tadjikistan Post-Soviétique]
by David Clifford & Jane Falkingham & Andrew Hinde - 351-373 Deadline for Parenthood: Fertility Postponement and Age Norms in Poland
[L’âge limite pour avoir des enfants: Report de la procréation et normes d’âge en Pologne]
by Monika Mynarska - 375-377 Hervé Le Bras: The Nature of Demography
by F. Janssen - 379-380 Kathy Burrell (ed.): Polish Migration to the UK in the ‘New’ European Union After 2004
by Helga A. G. Valk - 381-382 H. Stalford, S. Currie, and S. Veluti (eds.): Gender and Migration in the 21st Century Europe (Series Law and Migration)
by Nadja Milewski
May 2010, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 127-139 Introduction to Special Issue of the European Journal of Population: ‘Economic Consequences of Low Fertility in Europe’
[Introduction au numéro spécial de la Revue Européenne de Démographie: ‹ Conséquences économiques des basses fécondités en Europe ›]
by David E. Bloom & Alfonso Sousa-Poza - 141-158 The Cost of Low Fertility in Europe
[Le coût de la basse fécondité en Europe]
by David E. Bloom & David Canning & Günther Fink & Jocelyn E. Finlay - 159-182 Fertility, Human Capital, and Economic Growth over the Demographic Transition
[Fécondité, capital humain et croissance économique au cours de la transition démographique]
by Ronald Lee & Andrew Mason - 183-205 Low Fertility and Long-Run Growth in an Economy with a Large Public Sector
[Fécondité basse et croissance à long terme dans une économie à secteur public très développé]
by Jovan Žamac & Daniel Hallberg & Thomas Lindh - 207-227 Population Decline, Labor Force Stability, and the Future of the Japanese Economy
by Robert L. Clark & Naohiro Ogawa & Makoto Kondo & Rikiya Matsukura - 229-244 Low Fertility and the Housing Market: Evidence from Swedish Regional Data
[Basse Fécondité et Marché du Logement: Une Analyse de Données Régionales Suédoises]
by Bo Malmberg
February 2010, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Hill Kulu - 3-31 Entry to Marriage and Cohabitation in Russia, 1985–2000: Trends, Correlates, and Implications for the Second Demographic Transition
by Theodore P. Gerber & Danielle Berman - 33-46 Italy’s Non-Negligible Cohabitational Unions
by Giuseppe Gabrielli & Jan M. Hoem - 47-72 Norwegian Elderly Less Likely to Live Alone in the Future
by Nico Keilman & Solveig Christiansen - 73-97 Immigration, Gender, and Earnings in Israel
by Uzi Rebhun - 99-116 Family Policies and Fertility in Norway
by Trude Lappegård - 117-119 James Raymer and Frans Willekens (eds.): International Migration in Europe: Data, Models and Estimates
by John Salt - 121-123 Joëlle Gaymu, Patrick Festy, Michel Poulain and Gijs Beets (eds.): Future Elderly Living Conditions in Europe
by Svein Olav Daatland - 125-126 Cormac O Grada: Famine. A Short History
by L. H. Lumey
November 2009, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 355-361 Fertility Intentions and Outcomes: The Role of Policies to Close the Gap
[Intentions de fécondité et fécondité observée: Rôle des politiques publiques dans la réduction du décalage]
by Dimiter Philipov - 363-386 Changes in Family Size Intentions Across Young Adulthood: A Life-Course Perspective
[Evolution des intentions en matière de taille de famille en début d’âge adulte: une approche biographique]
by Aart C. Liefbroer - 387-412 Sub-Replacement Fertility Intentions in Austria
[Intentions de fécondité inférieures au seuil de remplacement en Autriche]
by Tomáš Sobotka - 413-438 Preference Theory and Low Fertility: A Comparative Perspective
by Agnese Vitali & Francesco C. Billari & Alexia Prskawetz & Maria Rita Testa - 439-465 Attitudes, Norms and Perceived Behavioural Control: Explaining Fertility Intentions in Bulgaria
[Attitudes, normes et contrôle perçu du comportement: Une explication des intentions de fécondité en Bulgarie]
by Francesco C. Billari & Dimiter Philipov & Maria Rita Testa - 467-485 Social Interaction Effects on Fertility: Intentions and Behaviors
by Clémentine Rossier & Laura Bernardi - 487-502 Couples’ First Child Intentions and Disagreement: An Analysis of the Italian Case
[La concordance des intentions d’avoir un premier enfant dans le couple: Une analyse du cas italien]
by Alessandro Rosina & Maria Rita Testa - 503-523 How are Time-Dependent Childbearing Intentions Realized? Realization, Postponement, Abandonment, Bringing Forward
by Zsolt Spéder & Balázs Kapitány - 525-548 The Effect of Competing Intentions and Behaviour on Short-Term Childbearing Intentions and Subsequent Childbearing
[L’effet des intentions et des comportements concurrents sur les intentions de procréation à court terme et la procréation ultérieure]
by Dimiter Philipov
August 2009, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 239-255 Traces of the Second Demographic Transition in Four Selected Countries in Central and Eastern Europe: Union Formation as a Demographic Manifestation
by Jan M. Hoem & Dora Kostova & Aiva Jasilioniene & Cornelia Mureşan - 257-276 Change and Stability in Parent–Child Contact in Five Western Countries
by Matthijs Kalmijn & Jannes Vries - 277-296 Family Composition and Remarriage in Pre-Transitional Italy: A Comparative Study
by Marco Breschi & Alessio Fornasin & Matteo Manfredini & Marianna Zacchigna - 297-324 Religious Socialisation and Fertility: Transition to Third Birth in The Netherlands
[Socialisation Religieuse et Fécondité: L’arrivée du Troisième Enfant aux Pays-Bas]
by Caroline Berghammer - 325-354 Contexte local et migration: l’exemple des dynamiques migratoires internationales de quartiers dans la ville sénégalaise de Kaolack
by Babacar Ndione
May 2009, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 123-156 Sweeping Changes in Marriage, Cohabitation and Childbearing in Central and Eastern Europe: New Insights from the Developmental Idealism Framework
[Transformations radicales du mariage, de la cohabitation et de la procréation en Europe Centrale et Orientale: De nouvelles perspectives à partir de la conception idéationnelle du développement]
by Arland Thornton & Dimiter Philipov - 157-174 High Fertility in City Suburbs: Compositional or Contextual Effects?
by H. Kulu & P. J. Boyle - 175-196 The 1991–2004 Evolution in Life Expectancy by Educational Level in Belgium Based on Linked Census and Population Register Data
by Patrick Deboosere & Sylvie Gadeyne & Herman Oyen - 197-214 Causes of Fluctuating Mortality in Romania
by Solveig Argeseanu Cunningham - 215-233 The Contribution of Irish Immigrants to the Quebec (Canada) Gene Pool: An Estimation Using Data from Deep-Rooted Genealogies
by Marc Tremblay & Maude Letendre & Louis Houde & Hélène Vézina - 235-237 Tiziana Nazio: Cohabitation, Family and Society
by Gijs Beets
February 2009, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-26 Marital and Reproductive Behavior in Italy After 1995: Bridging the Gap with Western Europe?
by Maria Castiglioni & Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna - 27-44 The Influence of Partner Relationship Quality on Fertility
by Arieke J. Rijken & Aart C. Liefbroer - 45-65 Economic Consequences of Union Dissolution in Italy: Findings from the European Community Household Panel
by Fausta Ongaro & Stefano Mazzuco & Silvia Meggiolaro - 67-88 Childcare Cash Benefits and Fertility Timing in Norway
by Arnstein Aassve & Trude Lappegård - 89-115 Italy’s Path to Very Low Fertility: The Adequacy of Economic and Second Demographic Transition Theories
by David I. Kertzer & Michael J. White & Laura Bernardi & Giuseppe Gabrielli - 117-119 Charlotte Höhn, Dragana Avramov and Irena Kotowska (eds): People, Population Change and Policies. Volume 1: Lessons from the Population Policy Acceptance Study; Volume 2: Demographic knowledge—Gender—Ageing
by Dirk J. Kaa - 121-122 Sous la direction de Élise de La Rochebrochard: De la pilule au bébé-éprouvette. Choix individuels ou stratégies médicales?
by C. Gourbin
December 2008, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 347-362 Cohort Changes in the Incidence of Care Need in West Germany Between 1986 and 2005
by Uta Ziegler & Gabriele Doblhammer - 363-384 Fertility and Women’s Employment: A Meta-analysis
by Anna Matysiak & Daniele Vignoli - 385-404 The Effects of Education, Social Class and Income on Non-alcohol- and Alcohol-Associated Suicide Mortality: A Register-based Study of Finnish Men Aged 25–64
by Netta E. Mäki & Pekka T. Martikainen - 405-424 The Low Mortality of a Learned Society
by Maria Winkler-Dworak - 425-446 Impact of Induced Abortion on Fertility in Romania
by Cornelia Mureşan - 447-449 Jacqueline Scott, Judith Treas and Martin Richards (eds): The Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families
by Angelika Tölke - 451-452 Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Social and Economic Implications of Changing Population Age Structures
by Thomas Fent - 453-454 Zhongwei Zhao and Fei Guo (eds): Transition and Challenge: China’s Population at the Beginning of the 21st Century
by Leiwen Jiang
September 2008, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 245-263 Native and Migrant Fertility Patterns in Greece: A Cohort Approach
by Christos Bagavos & Cleon Tsimbos & Georgia Verropoulou - 265-286 Cause-of-Death Contributions to Educational Inequalities in Mortality in Austria between 1981/1982 and 1991/1992
by Roland Rau & Gabriele Doblhammer & Vladimir Canudas-Romo & Zhang Zhen - 287-313 Job Insecurity and the Timing of Parenthood: A Comparison between Eastern and Western Germany
by Laura Bernardi & Andreas Klärner & Holger Lippe - 315-340 Grandchild Care Transfers by Ageing Immigrants in France: Intra-household Allocation and Labour Market Implications
by Ralitza Dimova & François-Charles Wolff - 341-342 Arland Thornton, William G. Axinn and Yu Xie (eds): Marriage and Cohabitation
by Kathleen Kiernan - 343-344 Anne H. Gauthier, C. Y. Cyrus Chu and Shripad Tuljapurkar (eds): Allocating Public and Private Resources Across Generations. Riding the Age Waves—Volume 2, Series: International Studies in Population, Vol. 3
by Thomas Lindh - 345-346 Magdalena Muszyńska (ed): Structural and Cultural Determinants of Fertility in Europe
by Heike Trappe
June 2008, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 129-156 Are Individuals’ Desired Family Sizes Stable? Evidence from West German Panel Data
by Frank Heiland & Alexia Prskawetz & Warren C. Sanderson - 157-183 Differences in Delaying Motherhood Across European Countries: Empirical Evidence from the ECHP
by Cheti Nicoletti & Maria Letizia Tanturri - 185-210 Characteristics of Women in Consanguineous Marriages in Egypt, 1988–2000
by Alexander A. Weinreb - 211-236 Time with Children: Do Fathers and Mothers Replace Each Other When One Parent is Unemployed?
by Ariane Pailhé & Anne Solaz - 237-238 Z. Yi, E. M. Crimmins, Y. Carrière and J.-M. Robine, Longer Life and Healthy Aging
by Jim Oeppen - 239-241 Siv Gustafsson and Adriaan Kalwij (eds): Education and Postponement of Maternity: Economic Analyses for Industrialized Countries
by Henriette Engelhardt-Wölfler - 243-244 Wolfgang Lutz, Rudolf Richter and Chris Wilson (eds): The New Generations of Europeans: Demography and Families in the Enlarged European Union
by Dimiter Philipov
March 2008, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Myriam Khlat - 3-4 Editorial
by Myriam Khlat - 5-31 Religion, Religiousness and Fertility in the US and in Europe
by Tomas Frejka & Charles F. Westoff - 33-57 The Valued Child. In Search of a Latent Attitude Profile that Influences the Transition to Motherhood
by Guy Moors - 59-86 Estimating the Relative Success of Local Authorities at Labour-Market Integration of Immigrants
by Signe Hald Andersen & Eskil Heinesen - 87-113 A Double Disadvantage? Immigration, Gender, and Employment Status in Israel
by Uzi Rebhun - 115-117 Graziella Caselli, Jacques Vallin et Guillaume Wunsch (eds.): Démographie: Analyse et synthèse. Volume VII. Histoire des idées et politiques de population
by Evelyne Lapierre-Adamcyk - 119-124 Robert Schoen (ed.): Dynamic Population Models
by Dalkhat M. Ediev - 125-127 Roland Rau (ed): Seasonality in Human Mortality. A Demographic Approach
by Jean-Marie Robine
October 2007, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 217-223 Becoming a Young Adult: An International Perspective on the Transitions to Adulthood
by Anne H. Gauthier - 225-250 De-standardization of Family-Life Trajectories of Young Adults: A Cross-National Comparison Using Sequence Analysis
by Cees H. Elzinga & Aart C. Liefbroer - 251-272 Passages to Adulthood: Linking Demographic Change and Human Development
by Richard A. Settersten - 273-314 Gender Differences in the Transition to Adulthood in France: Is There Convergence Over the Recent Period?
by Maria Winkler-Dworak & Laurent Toulemon - 315-338 Does Leaving Home Make You Poor? Evidence from 13 European Countries
by Arnstein Aassve & Maria A. Davia & Maria Iacovou & Stefano Mazzuco - 339-368 Early Union Formation in Canada: Links with Education
by Darcy W. Hango & Céline Le Bourdais - 369-388 Strings of Adulthood: A Sequence Analysis of Young British Women’s Work-Family Trajectories
by Arnstein Aassve & Francesco C. Billari & Raffaella Piccarreta - 389-414 Heterogeneity in the Transition to Adulthood: The Cases of Australia, Canada, and the United States
by Elizabeth Fussell & Anne H. Gauthier & Ann Evans - 415-428 Changes in the Transition to Adulthood in Less Developed Countries
by Monica J. Grant & Frank F. Furstenberg
June 2007, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 111-143 Choice and circumstance: Qualitative insights into contemporary childlessness in Australia
by Gordon A. Carmichael & Andrea Whittaker - 145-170 Patterns in the delay and recovery of fertility in Europe
by Jesús J. Sánchez-Barricarte & Remo Fernández-Carro - 171-188 Variations in the pace of old-age mortality decline in seven European countries, 1950–1999: the role of smoking and other factors earlier in life
by Fanny Janssen & Anton Kunst & Johan Mackenbach - 189-207 Towards long-term population decline: a discussion of relevant issues
by David S. Reher - 209-211 Jennifer Johnson-Hanks (ed.), Uncertain Honor. Modern Motherhood in an African Crisis
by Laura Bernardi - 213-214 Dudley L. Poston and Michael Micklin (eds.), Handbook of Population
by Joshua R. Goldstein - 215-216 Peteke Feijten (ed.), Live Events and the Housing Career. A Retrospective Analysis of Timed Effects
by Bo Malmberg
March 2007, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-31 Population and labour force projections for 27 European countries, 2002-052: impact of international migration on population ageing
by Jakub Bijak & Dorota Kupiszewska & Marek Kupiszewski & Katarzyna Saczuk & Anna Kicinger - 33-69 Assumptions for long-term stochastic population forecasts in 18 European countries
by Maarten Alders & Nico Keilman & Harri Cruijsen - 71-99 The dynamics of fertility amongst Palestinians in Israel from 1980 to 2000
by Petra Nahmias & Guy Stecklov - 101-103 Lawrence H. Ganong and Marilyn Coleman, Stepfamily Relationships: Development, Dynamics, and Interventions
by Elizabeth Thomson - 105-107 Juha M. Alho and Bruce D. Spencer, Statistical Demography and Forecasting
by Jutta Gampe - 109-110 Richard A. Settersten Jr, Frank F. Furstenberg Jr, and Rúben G. Rumbaut (eds), On the Frontier of Adulthood. Theory, Research, and Public Policy
by Aart C. Liefbroer
December 2006, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 317-352 Remaining childless in affluent economies: a comparison of France, West Germany, Italy and Spain, 1994–2001 Rester sans enfant dans des sociétés d'abondances: une comparaison de la France, l'Allemagne de l'Ouest et l'Espagne, 19994–2001
by María-José González & Teresa Jurado-Guerrero - 353-370 Illegal immigration booms and welfare in the host country
by Javier Ferri & Antonio G. Gómez-Plana & Joan A. Martín-Montaner - 371-397 Ethnic intermarriage in the Netherlands: confirmations and refutations of accepted insights
by Matthijs Kalmijn & Frank Tubergen - 399-421 Geographies of a silent transition: a geographically weighted regression approach to regional fertility differences in Turkey
[Géographie d’une transition silencieuse: une approche des différences régionales de fécondité en Turquie par régression pondérée sur une base géographique]
by Oğuz Işik & M. Melih Pinarcioğlu - 423-429 Book Review
by Hans Peter Kohler - 431-435 Book Review
by Joseph Lee Rodgers - 437-438 Referees/Examinateurs
by Myriam Khlat
September 2006, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 215-218 Demographic change and the care of older people: introduction
by Emily Grundy & Cecilia Tomassini & Patrick Festy - 219-240 Demographic change and the supply of potential family supporters in Britain, Finland and France in the period 1911–2050/Changements démographiques et disponibilité des soutiens familiaux en Grande-Bretagne, en Finlande et en France entre 1911 et 2050
by Michael Murphy & Pekka Martikainen & Sophie Pennec - 241-262 Determinants of the living arrangements of older people in Europe Déterminants des modes de vie des personnes âgées en Europe
by Joëlle Gaymu & Christiane Delbès & Sabine Springer & Adrian Binet & Aline Désesquelles & Stamatis Kalogirou & Uta Ziegler - 263-280 Crowding out or crowding in? Public and private transfers in Germany
[Substituts ou compléments? Transferts publics et privés en Allemagne]
by Anette Reil-Held - 281-307 Demographic and social change: implication for use of acute care services by older people in Scotland
[Changements démographiques et sociaux: implications pour l'utilisation des soins de santé en urgence par les personnes âgées en Ecosse]
by Steve Kendrick & Margaret Conway - 309-310 Zimmermann F. Klaus (ed): European migration. What do we know?
by Heinz Fassmann - 311-312 Jacques Véron, Sophie Pennec, et Jacques Légaré (Eds.): Age, Générations et Contrat Social: L’Etat-providence face aux changements démographiques
by Anne Goujon