September 1998, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 265-290 Internal Migration and Urban Change in Poland
by Marek Kupiszewski & Helen Durham & Philip Rees - 291-301 Social Differences in the Decline of Marital Reproduction in Rural Navarre (Spain)
by Jesús J. Sánchez
June 1998, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 117-155 Interethnic Marriage: Bringing in the Context through Multilevel Modelling
by John Lievens - 157-178 Trends in Marriage Formation in Sweden 1971–1993
by Gunnar Andersson - 179-204 Early Life Transitions of Canadian Women: A Cohort Analysis of Timing, Sequences, and Variations
by Aenaida R. Ravanera & Fernando Rajulton & Thomas K. Burch - 205-206 Y. Charbit, M.-A. Hily and M. Poinard, Le Va-et-vient Identitaire. Migrants portugais et villages d'origine
by Jean Louis Rallu - 206-208 Hans-Peter Blossfeld and Götz Rohwer, Techniques of Event History Modeling. New Approaches to Causal Analysis
by Øystein Kravdal
March 1998, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-17 An Expert-Based Framework for Probabilistic National Population Projections: The Example of Austria
by Wolfgang Lutz & Sergei Scherbov - 19-37 Deaths from Alcohol and Violence in Moscow: Socio-economic Determinants
by Laurent Chenet & David Leon & Martin Mckee & Serguei Vassin - 39-59 The Budgetary Dilemmas of an Ageing Workforce: A Scenario Study of the Public Sector in the Netherlands
by Evert Van Imhoff & Kène Henkens - 61-88 The Effect of Changing Sexual, Marital and Contraceptive Behaviour on Conceptions, Abortions, and Births
by Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna & Stefano Gavini & Angela Spinelli - 89-99 Partnership and Parenthood in Contemporary Europe: A Review of Recent Findings
by An-Magritt Jensen - 101-102 Jean-Pierre Bocquet-Appel, Daniel Courgeau and Denise Pumain (eds.), Spatial Analysis of Biodemographic Data
by Mike Murphy - 102-104 Robin Cohen and others (eds.), The international library of studies on migration
by Clara H. Mulder
December 1997, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 305-338 Multilevel and Clustering Analysis of Health Outcomes in Small Areas
by Peter Congdon - 339-379 Exploring Relationships between Social Policy and Changing Family Forms within the European Union
by Linda Hantrais - 381-399 Mortalité par âge et cause de décès en Suisse: Une analyse des disparités cantonales durant la période 1978/83 à 1988/93
by Philippe Wanner & Peng Fei & Stéphane Cotter - 401-402 David Coleman (ed.), Europe's population in the 1990's
by Clara H. Mulder
September 1997, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 223-241 Survival Trees: An Alternative Non-Parametric Multivariate Technique for Life History Analysis
by Alessandra De Rose & Alessandro Pallara - 243-268 Fertility and Culture in Eastern Europe: A Case Study of Riga, Latvia, 1867–1881
by Charles Wetherell & Andrejs Plakans - 269-298 Wanting a Child Without a Firm Commitment to the Partner: Interpretations and Implications of a Common Behaviour Pattern among Norwegian Cohabitants
by øystein Kravdal - 299-300 Book Reviews; Jacques Dupâquier, L'invention de la table de mortalité. De Graunt à Wargentin
by Jacques Vallin - 300-301 Book Reviews; Willy Bosveld (1996), The Ageing of Fertility in Europe. A comparitive Demographic-Analytic Study
by Máire ní Bhrolcháin
June 1997, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 109-145 The Impact of Children on Divorce Risks of Swedish Women
by Gunnar Andersson - 147-167 The Decline of Fertility in Malta: The Role of Family Planning
by Robin G. Milne & Robert E. Wright - 169-212 Vivre sa vieillesse en Suisse. Les transformations des modes de résidence des personnes âgées
by Claudine Sauvain-Dugerdil & Hong Guang Gu & Hermann-Michel Hagmann & Natalia Kalmykova & Michael Olszak & Gilbert Ritschard - 213-217 The Validity of Infrereces of Sex-Selective Infanticide, Abortion and Neglect from Unusual Reported Sex Ratios at Birth
by William H. James - 219-220 Book Reviews
by Hans-Joachim Schulze - 221-222 Book Reviews
by Bridget O'Laughlin
March 1997, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-16 Occupational and Economic Mobility and Social Integration of Mediterranean Migrants in Germany
by Wolfgang Seifert - 17-32 Is the Austrian Labour Market Ethnically Segmented?
by Heinz Fassmann - 33-47 The Attractiveness of an Additive Hazard Model: An Example from Medical Demography
by Øystein Kravdal - 49-69 An Estimate of Neonatal Tetanus Mortality in Iceland, 1790-1839
by Daniel E. Vasey - 71-94 La mortalité violente selon l'âge, le sexe et la cause: un essai de classification des pays industrialisés, 1985–1989
by Robert Bourbeau & Valérie Courville - 95-96 Book Review
by Gian Carlo Blangiardo - 96-98 Book Review
by Keith H. Halfacree
May 1986, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 31-42 Inducing fertility change : A game-theoretic approach
by Oded Stark