September 2006, Volume 22, Issue 3
June 2006, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 105-125 OPTIMIRUS. Simulating Population Change in the Russian Far East
by Katja Mueller & Michael J. Bradshaw - 127-152 Societal Transition, Policy Changes and Family Formation: Evidence from Hungary
by Arnstein Aassve & Francesco C. Billari & Zsolt Spéder - 153-177 Déstandardisation, différenciation régionale et changements générationnels. Départ du foyer parental et modes de vie en Suisse au XXe siècle
by Reto Schumacher & Thomas Spoorenberg & Yannic Forney - 179-203 Socioeconomic differentials in mortality in Finland and the United States: the role of education and income
by Irma T. Elo & Pekka Martikainen & Kirsten P. Smith - 205-206 Book Review
by Gian Carlo Blangiardo - 207-209 Book Review
by Robert Bourbeau - 211-213 Book Review
by Letizia Mencarini
March 2006, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 3-35 Resources, Living Arrangements and First Union Formation in the United States, the Netherlands and West Germany
by Clara H. Mulder & William A. V. Clark & Michael Wagner - 37-65 Timing, Sequencing, and Quantum of Life Course Events: A Machine Learning Approach
by Francesco C. Billari & Johannes Fürnkranz & Alexia Prskawetz - 67-94 ‘The Effect of Social Networks at Origin Communities on Migrant Remittances: Evidence from Nang Rong District’
by Martin Piotrowski - 95-97 Book Reviews: Wolfgang Lutz, Warren C. Sanderson and Sergei Scherbov (eds.) The End of World Population Growth in the 21st Century. New Challenges for Human Capital Formation and Sustainable Development, London and Sterling, VA: IIASA and Earthscan, 2004, X + 341 pp
by Massimo Livi-Bacci - 98-100 Book Review: Tommy Bengtsson, Cameron Campbell, and James Z. Lee, et al. (eds.), Life under Pressure. Mortality and Living Standards in Europe and Asia, 1700–1900, Cambridge Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2004, xiv + 531 pp
by Gabriele Doblhammer - 100-103 Book Reviews: Tomas Frejka and Jean-Paul Sardon. Childbearing Trends and Prospects in Low-Fertility Countries. A Cohort Analysis. European Studies of Population, Vol. 13, Dordrecht, Boston, and London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, xvi+422 pp
by Tomáš Sobotka
December 2005, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 347-366 The Effects of Divorce on Men’s Employment and Social Security Histories
by Matthijs Kalmijn - 367-391 The Impact of Perceived Costs and Rewards of Childbearing on Entry into Parenthood: Evidence from a Panel Study
by Aart C. Liefbroer - 393-422 Recessions and Mortality in Spain, 1980–1997
by José A. Tapia Granados - 423-424 Book Reviews: E.A. Wrigley (ed.), Poverty, Progress and Population., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, XIV+ 463 pp
by Vinod Mishra
June 2005, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 129-130 The Demography of Conflict and Violence
by Helge Brunborg & Ewa Tabeau - 131-144 Demography of Conflict and Violence: An Emerging Field
by Helge Brunborg & Ewa Tabeau - 145-166 Monitoring Trends in Global Combat: A New Dataset of Battle Deaths
by Bethany Lacina & Nils Petter Gleditsch - 167-186 International Humanitarian Law and Combat Casualties
by William J. Fenrick - 187-215 War-related Deaths in the 1992–1995 Armed Conflicts in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Critique of Previous Estimates and Recent Results
by Ewa Tabeau & Jakub Bijak - 217-246 Cambodia: Reconstructing the Demographic Stab of the Past and Forecasting the Demographic Scar of the Future
by Ricardo F. Neupert & Virak Prum - 247-270 Forced Migration and Under-five Mortality: A Comparison of Refugees and Hosts in North-western Uganda and Southern Sudan
by Kavita Singh & Unni Karunakara & Gilbert Burnham & Kenneth Hill - 271-290 Child Survival and Fertility of Refugees in Rwanda
by Philip Verwimp & Jan Bavel - 291-320 The Demographic Consequences of Conflict, Exile and Repatriation: A Case Study of Malian Tuareg
by Sara Randall - 321-345 Analysing Low Intensity Conflict in Africa using Press Reports
by Philippe Bocquier & Hervé Maupeu
March 2005, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-2 Éditorial
by France Meslé - 3-29 Union Stability and Stepfamily Fertility in Austria, Finland, France & West Germany
by Ursula Henz & Elizabeth Thomson - 31-49 The Multifaceted Impact of Education on Entry into Motherhood
by Trude Lappegård & Marit Rønsen - 51-87 Migration and Fertility: Competing Hypotheses Re-examined
by Hill Kulu - 89-109 A Demographic Analysis of Registered Partnerships (legal same-sex unions): The Case of Norway
by Turid Noack & Ane Seierstad & Harald Weedon-fekjær - 109-112 Book Reviews: Muriel Neven (ed.) , Individus et familles: les dynamiques d’une société rurale. Le pays de Herve dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, , Liège, Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de l’Université de Liège, fasc. 284, 2003, 530 p
by Vincent Gourdon - 113-115 Book Reviews: Jacob S. Siegel and David A. Swanson (eds.), The Methods and Materials of Demography, 2nd edition, San Diego: Elsevier, Academic Press, 2004, XIII + 819 pp
by Gustav Feichtinger - 115-117 Book Review: Paul Demeny and Geoffrey McNicoll (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Population, over New York: McMillan Reference USA, 2003, XXXVIII + 1040 pp
by Dimiter Philipov - 119-127 Information for Authors
by Marie Digoix
December 2004, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 293-321 The Popular Debate about Low Fertility: An Analysis of the German Press, 1993–2001
by Laura Stark & Hans-Peter Kohler - 323-350 The Effects of Area and Individual Social Characteristics on Suicide Risk: A Multilevel Study of Relative Contribution and Effect Modification
by Pekka Martikainen & Netta Mäki & Jenni Blomgren - 351-373 Uncertainty and the Second Space: Modern Birth Timing and the Dilemma of Education
by Jennifer Johnson-Hanks - 375-392 Increases in Female Labour Force Participation in Europe: Similarities and Differences
by Jan Dirk Vlasblom & Joop J. Schippers - 393-401 Book Reviews: An-Magritt Jensen, Torbjørn Knutsen, and Anders Skonhoft (eds.), Visiting Malthus – The Man, his Times, the Issues. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press, 2003, 224 pp
by Gunter Steinmann - 397-399 Book Reviews: Joseph Lee Rodgers and Hans-Peter Kohler (eds.), The Biodemography of Human Reproduction and Fertility.Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, xiv + 258 pp
by Ulrich Müller - 399-401 Book Reviews: Shoshana A. Grossbard-Schechtman (ed.), Marriage and the Economy. Theory and Evidence from Advanced Industrial Societies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, xxi + 349 pp
by Josef Brüderl
September 2004, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 185-190 Hommage à Evert van Imhoff
by Daniel Courgeau - 191-218 The Migrant Mortality Advantage: A 70 Month Follow-up of the Brussels Population
by Jon Anson - 219-250 Education and Union Formation as Simultaneous in Italy and Spain
by Lucia Coppola - 251-285 The Economic Consequences of Divorce for Women in the European Union: The Impact of Welfare State Arrangements
by Wilfred Uunk
June 2004, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 95-117 Induced Abortion in Russia: Recent Trends and Underreporting in Surveys
by D. Philipov & E. Andreev & T Kharkova & V. Shkolnikov - 119-140 Birth Spacing in the Netherlands. The Effects of Family Composition, Occupation and Religion on Birth Intervals, 1820–1885
by Jan Van Bavel & Jan Kok - 141-175 Stability and Change: The Structuration of Partnership Histories in Canada, the Netherlands, and the Russian Federation
by Melinda Mills - 177-179 Book Review: The Life Table. Modelling Survival and Death
by Vladimir M. Shkolnikov - 179-181 Book Review: The Institutional Context of Population Change. Patterns of Fertility and Mortality Across High-Income Nations
by Henriette Engelhardt - 181-184 Book Review: Family, Household and Work
by Francesco C. Billari
March 2004, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-21 Childrearing Responsibility and Stepfamily Fertility in Finland and Austria
by Andres Vikat & Elizabeth Thomson & Alexia Prskawetz - 23-33 Paternal Age and Child Death: The Stillbirth Case
by Jitka Rychtaříková & Catherine Gourbin & Guillaume Wunsch - 35-62 On the Changing Correlation Between Fertility and Female Employment over Space and Time
by Henriette Engelhardt & Alexia Prskawetz - 63-85 Diffusion Effects in the European Fertility Transition: Historical Evidence from Within a Belgian Town (1846–1910)
by Jan van Bavel - 87-88 An-Magritt Jensen and Lorna McKee (eds.), Children and the Changing Family: Between Transformation and Negotiation
by Val Gillies - 88-90 Sriya Iyer, Demography and Religion in India
by Sabu S. Padmadas - 90-93 Joshua Cole, The Power of Large Numbers. Population, Politics, and Gender in Nineteenth Century France
by Jacqueline Hecht
December 2003, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 339-373 What Impact Do Contextual Variables Have on the Changing Geography of Mortality in Italy?
by Graziella Caselli & Loredana Cerbara & Frank Heinsg & Rosa Maria Lipsi - 375-412 Demographic and Sociological Indicators of Privatisation of Marriage in the 19th Century in Flanders
by Koen Matthijs - 413-435 The Impact of Forced Migration on Marital Life in Chad
by Danièle Laliberté & Benoît Laplante & Victor Piché - 437-438 Helen Macbeth and Paul Collinson (eds.), Human Population Dynamics: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives
by Caroline Foster - 439-440 Jonathan Crush and David A. McDonald (eds.), Transnationalism and New African Immigration to South Africa
by Christian John Makgala
September 2003, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 229-248 Accounting for Genocide: How Many Were Killed in Srebrenica?
by Helge Brunborg & Torkild Hovde Lyngstad & Henrik Urdal - 249-277 Demographic Shifts in the Czech Republic after 1989: A Second Demographic Transition View
by Tomáš Sobotka & Kryštof Zeman & Vladimíra Kantorová - 279-302 Écarts d'âge entre conjoints en Algérie. Évolution depuis 1966 et disparités régionales
by Zahia Ouadah-Bedidi & Jacques Vallin - 303-329 Crisis or Adaptation – Reconsidered: A Comparison of East and West German Fertility Patterns in the First Six Years after the ‘Wende'
by Michaela Kreyenfeld - 331-332 Teresa Jurado Guerrero, Youth in Transition: Housing, Employment, Social Policies and Families in France and Spain
by Clare Holdsworth - 333-335 Tomáš Kučera, Olga Kučerová, Oksana Opara and Eberhard Schaich (eds.), New Demographic Faces of Europe: The Changing Population Dynamics in Countries of Central and Eastern Europe
by Miroslav Macura - 335-337 Graziella Caselli, Jacques Vallin and Guillaume Wunsch (eds.), Démographie: Analyse et Synthèse, Volume I: La Dynamique des Populations
by Michel Guillot
June 2003, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 121-145 Land Ownership as a Determinant of Temporary Migration in Nang Rong, Thailand
by Leah K. Vanwey - 147-169 Cohabitation, Marriage, and First Birth: The Interrelationship of Family Formation Events in Spain
by Pau Baizán & Arnstein Aassve & Francesco C. Billari - 171-198 Economic Determinants of Net International Migration in Western Europe
by Roel Jennissen - 199-221 Estimating the Reciprocal Effect of Gender Role Attitudes and Family Formation: A Log-linear Path Model with Latent Variables
by Guy Moors - 223-225 Alan Carling, Simon Duncan, and Rosalind Edwards (eds.), Analysing families. Morality and rationality in policy and practice
by Øystein Kravdal - 225-226 William R. Leonard and Michael H. Crawford (eds), Human Biology of Pastoral Populations
by Sara Randall - 226-227 John Casterline (ed), Diffusion Processes and Fertility Transition: Selected Perspectives
by André J. Caetano
March 2003, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-28 Sex Differences in Mortality at the Local Level: An Analysis of Belgian Municipalities
by Jon Anson - 29-45 Supply and Demand Factors in the Fertility Decline in Matlab, Bangladesh in 1977–1999
by Jeroen van Ginneken & Abdur Razzaque - 47-82 The Diffusion of Cohabitation among Young Women in West Germany, East Germany and Italy
by Tiziana Nazio & Hans-Peter Blossfeld - 83-102 Spanish Influenza Mortality of Ethnic Minorities in Norway 1918–1919
by Svenn-Erik Mamelund - 103-104 Hans-Peter Kohler, Fertility and Social Interaction: An Economic Perspective
by Peter McDonald - 104-106 Ewa Tabeau, Aneke van den Berg Jeths and Christopher Heathcote (eds.), Forecasting Mortality in Developed Countries: Insights from a statistical, demographic and epidemiological perspective
by Adrian Gallop - 106-109 Eilidh Garrett, Alice Reid, Kevin Schürer and Simon Szreter, Changing Family Size in England and Wales: Place, Class and Demography, 1891–1911
by Frans van Poppel
December 2002, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 307-323 Alcohol-Related Mortality in 15 European Countries in the Postwar Period
by Mats Ramstedt - 325-360 From the First to the Second Demographic Transition: An Interpretation of the Spatial Continuity of Demographic Innovation in France, Belgium and Switzerland
by R. Lesthaeghe & K. Neels - 361-386 The Possible Effects of Child Survival on Women's Ages at First Union and Childbirth in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Thomas K. LeGrand & Magali Barbieri - 387-409 Modelling Regional Immigration: Using Stocks to Predict Flows
by Nicole Van der Gaag & Leo Van Wissen - 411-412 Holly E. Reed and Charles B. Keely (eds.), Forced Migration and Mortality
by Andre Griekspoor - 412-414 Joop de Beer and Fred Deven (eds), Diversity in Family Formation: the 2nd Demographic Transition in Belgium and the Netherlands
by Edith Dourleijn - 414-416 Zheng Wu, Cohabitation: An Alternative Form of Family Living
by Melinda Mills
September 2002, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 203-208 Comments on “The Empirical Analysis of East German Fertility after Unification: An Update”
by Tomáŝ Sobotka - 209-210 Reply to Tomáŝ Sobotka
by Michael Lechner - 211-232 The Onset of India's Fertility Transition
by J.P. Bocquet-Appel & Irudaya S. Rajan & J. N. Bacro & C. Lajaunie - 233-262 Fertility Decline in Russia in the Early and Mid 1990s: The Role of Economic Uncertainty and Labour Market Crises
by Hans-Peter Kohler & Iliana Kohler - 263-279 Demography of the Firm: A Useful Metaphor?
by Leo J.G. van Wissen - 281-299 Regional Social Contexts and Individual Fertility Decisions: A Multilevel Analysis of First and Second Births in Western Germany
by Karsten Hank - 301-302 Robin, Jean, The Way We Lived Then
by Andrew Hinde - 302-303 Cécile Wetzels, Squeezing Birth into Working Life: Household Panel Data Analyses Comparing German, Great Britain, Sweden and the Netherlands
by Maria Letizia Tanturri - 303-305 Stanley K. Smith, Jeff Tayman and David A. Swanson, State and Local Population Projections: Methodology and Analysis
by Tom Wilson
June 2002, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 99-119 Work Patterns Following a Birth in Urban and Rural China: A Longitudinal Study
by Barbara Entwisle & Feinian Chen - 121-152 Family Policy and After-Birth Employment Among New Mothers – A Comparison of Finland, Norway and Sweden
by Marit Rønsen & Marianne Sundström - 153-173 Population Policy in Early Victorian England
by Warren C. Robinson - 175-202 Women's Labour Market Position and Divorce in the Netherlands: Evaluating Economic Interpretations of the Work Effect
by Anne-Rigt Poortman & Matthijs Kalmijn
March 2002, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-19 First Housing Moves in Spain: An Analysis of Leaving Home and First Housing Acquisition
by Clare Holdsworth & Mariana Irazoqui Solda - 21-38 Elderly Living Arrangements in Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, and Romania
by Susan De Vos & Gary Sandefur - 39-57 Changes in Female Labour Supply in the Netherlands 1989–1998: The Case of Married and Cohabiting Women
by Kène Henkens & Yolanda Grift & Jacques Siegers - 59-81 The Inheritance of Longevity in a Flemish Village (18th–20th Century)
by Koen Matthijs & Bart Van de Putte & Robert Vlietinck - 83-85 John Bongaarts and Rodolfo A. Bulatao (eds.), Beyond Six Billion. Forecasting the World's Population
by Landis Mackellar - 85-86 Martine Corijn and Erik Klijzing (Eds.), Transitions to Adulthood in Europe
by Katrin Golsch - 87-88 Peter Moss and Fred Deven (Eds.), Parental Leave: Progress or Pitfall?
by Colette Fagan
December 2001, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 305-322 From Pronatalism to Social Welfare? Extending Family Allowances to Minority Populations in France and Israel
by Leslie King - 323-342 Inequalities in Infant Survival: An Analysis of Czech Linked Records
by Jitka Rychtaříková & George J. Demko - 343-363 Deferment of the First Birth and Fluctuating Fertility in Sweden
by Gigi Santow & Bracher - 365-388 Comparing the Childrearing Lifetimes of Britain's Divorce-Revolution Men and Women
by Michael S. Rendall & Heather Joshi & Jeungil Oh & Georgia Verropoulou - 389-390 Samuel H. Preston, Patrick Heuveline and Michel Guillot, Demography: Measuring and Modeling Population Processes
by Michael Murphy - 391-392 Michel Dupâquier, Démographie
by Daniel Courgeau
September 2001, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 207-233 Planned and Unplanned Births and Conceptions in Italy, 1970–1995
by Maria Castiglioni & Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna & Marzia Loghi - 235-260 Labour Market Participation of French Women over the Life Cycle, 1935–1990
by Michael Grimm & Noël Bonneuil - 261-280 Rising Age at Marriage and Fertility in Southern and Eastern Africa
by Audrey Harwood-Lejeune - 281-294 Marriage and Fertility in Russia of Women Born between 1900 and 1960: A Cohort Analysis
by Sergei Scherbov & Harrie van Vianen - 295-297 Boyle, P. and Halfacree, K (eds.), Migration and Gender in the Developed World
by Tony Champion - 297-299 Susan McRae (ed), Changing Britain: Families and Households in the 1990s
by Michael Hardey - 299-301 Gail Wilson, Understanding Old Age: Critical and Global Perspectives
by Karen Glaser - 301-303 Siddle, David. J. (ed), Migration, Mobility and Modernization
by Andrew Hinde
June 2001, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 107-135 Main and Interaction Effects of Women's Education and Status on Fertility: The Case of Tanzania
by Øystein Kravdal - 137-164 The Connections between Family Formation and First-time Home Ownership in the Context of West Germany and the Netherlands
by Clara H. Mulder & Michael Wagner - 165-199 Jerusalem's Population, 1995–2020: Demography, Multiculturalism and Urban Policies
by Sergio Dellapergola - 201-202 Bernard Jeune and James W. Vaupel (eds.) Validation of Exceptional Longevity
by Arjan Gjonça - 202-203 Satish Balram Agnihotri, Sex Ratio Patterns in the Indian Population: A Fresh Exploration
by Paula Griffiths - 203-205 James P. Smith and Barry Edmonston (eds.) The Immigration Debate: Studies on the Economic, Demographic and Fiscal Effects of Immigration
by Leo van Wissen
March 2001, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction
by Hans-Peter Kohler - 3-20 Why Have Children in the 21st Century? Biological Predisposition, Social Coercion, Rational Choice
by S. Philip Morgan & Rosalind Berkowitz King - 21-30 Comments on “Why Have Children in the 21st Century?”
by Christiane Capron & Vetta Atam - 31-35 Comments on Morgan and King (2001): Three Reasons Why Demographers Should Pay Attention to Evolutionary Theories and Behaviour Genetics in the Analysis of Contemporary Fertility
by Hans-Peter Kohler - 37-60 Tempo Effects in the Fertility Decline in Eastern Europe: Evidence from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Russia
by Dimiter Philipov & Hans-Peter Kohler - 61-73 The Empirical Analysis of East German Fertility after Unification: An Update
by Michael Lechner - 75-96 Family-Level Continuities in Childbearing in Low-Fertility Societies
by Michael Murphy & Duolao Wang
December 2000, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 293-333 The Impact of Labour-Force Participation on Childbearing Behaviour: Pro-Cyclical Fertility in Sweden during the 1980s and the 1990s
by Gunnar Andersson - 335-352 Expected and Actual Family Size in Greece: 1983–1997
by Haris Symeonidou - 353-372 Shrinking Kin Networks in Italy Due to Sustained Low Fertility
by Cecilia Tomassini & Douglas A. Wolf - 373-387 Multilevel Models in the Study of Dynamic Household Structures
by Harvey Goldstein & Jon Rasbash & William Browne & Geoffrey Woodhouse & Michel Poulain - 389-390 Henk A. De Gans, Population Forecasting 1895–1945, The Transition to Modernity
by Philip Kreager - 390-391 Gérard Calot, Two centuries of Swiss demographic history. Graphic album of the 1860–2050 period
by Henk De Gans
September 2000, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 193-210 Childbearing Following Marital Dissolution in Britain
by Julie Jefferies & Ann Berrington & Ian Diamond - 211-233 Did the Economic Crisis Cause the Fertility Decline in Russia: Evidence from the 1994 Microcensus
by Tatiana L. Kharkova & Evgueny M. Andreev - 235-249 The Increasing Complexity of Family Relationships: Lifetime Experience of Lone Motherhood and Stepfamilies in Great Britain
by John Ermisch & Marco Francesconi - 251-284 Monitoring Suicide Mortality: A Bayesian Approach
by Peter Congdon - 285-287 Leo J.G. van Wissen, Pearl A. Dykstra (eds), Population issues. An interdisciplinary focus
by Daniel Courgeau - 287-289 Stephen Jackson, Britain's Population: Demographic issues in contemporary society
by Anton Kuijsten† - 289-291 Bart J. de Bruijn, Foundations of Demographic Theory
by Guillaume Wunsch
June 2000, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 109-132 Religiosity and Contraceptive Method Choice: The Jewish Population of Israel
by Barbara S. Okun - 133-162 Socioeconomic and Cultural Determinants of Abortion Among Jewish Women in Israel
by Esther I. Wilder - 163-183 The Fertility Impact of Temporary Migration in China: A Detachment Hypothesis
by Xiushi Yang - 185-186 Adolphe Quételet, Physique sociale ou Essai sur le développement des facultés de l'homme (1861)
by Jacques Dupâquier - 187-188 Andrew Hinde, Demographic Methods
by Nico Keilman - 189-190 Arianne N. Baanders, Leavers, Planners and Dwellers. The Decision to Leave the Parental Home
by Clare Holdsworth - 190-193 Alain Bideau, Bertrand Desjardins and Héctor Pérez Brignoli (eds.), Infant and Child Mortality in the Past
by Antonella Pinnelli
March 2000, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 3-39 Active Population Growth and Immigration Hypotheses in Western Europe
by Serge Feld - 41-65 Predictive Intervals for Age-Specific Fertility
by Nico Keilman & Dinh Quang Pham - 67-108 Structural and Behavioural Changes in the Short TermPreventive Check in the Northwest Balkans in the 18th and19th Centuries
by E.A. Hammel & Patrick R. Galloway
December 1999, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 309-316 Editorial: Without Maps and Compass? Towards a New European Transition Project
by Dirk J. van de Kaa - 317-348 Economic Reforms and Fertility Behaviour in Rural China: An Anthropological and Demographic Inquiry
by Weiguo Zhang - 349-378 Pathways to a Third Child in Sweden
by Diana Berinde - 379-381 Bimal Ghosh, Huddled Masses and Uncertain Shores: insights into irregular migration
by D.A. Coleman - 381-383 Roger Jeffery and Patricia Jeffery, Population, Gender and Politics. Demographic Change in Rural North India
by Inge Hutter - 383-387 Heinz Fassmann and Rainer Münz (eds.), European Migration in the Late Twentieth Century; Historical Patterns, Actual Trends, and Social Implications
by Jan van Weesep
September 1999, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 207-240 Demographic Behaviour in Europe: Some Results from FFS Country Reports and Suggestions for Further Research
by Ronald C. Schoenmaeckers & Edith Lodewijckx - 241-278 Economic Growth or Survival? The Problematic Case of Child Mortality in Turkey
by Cem Behar & Youssef Courbage & Akile Gürsoy - 279-304 Sexual Behaviour and Attitudes of Students in the Moscow State University
by Milhail Denissenko & Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna & David Guerra - 305-307 Mark R. Rosenzweig and Oded Stark (eds.), Handbook of Population and Family Economics
by Jacques Siegers
June 1999, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 117-151 The Vulnerable Child. Economic Insecurity and Child Mortality in Pre-Industrial Sweden: A Case Study of Västanfors, 1757--1850
by Tommy Bengtsson - 153-183 Improving Overall Mortality Forecasts by Analysing Cause-of-Death, Period and Cohort Effects in Trends
by Ewa Tabeau & Peter Ekamper & Corina Huisman & Alinda Bosch - 185-198 A Demographic Model of Measles Epidemics
by S.R. Duncan & Susan Scott & C.J. Duncan*: - 199-200 Peng Fei, Approche spatio-temporelle de la mortalité. Cas de la Chine dans les années 1980
by France Meslé - 200-202 Kenneth Wachter and Caleb Finch (Eds.), Between Zeus and the Salmon. The Biodemography of Longevity
by Ewa Tabeau - 203-204 Tim Dyson, Population and Food. Global Trends and Future Prospects
by Inge Hutter - 204-205 William A. Jackson, The Political Economy of Population Ageing
by Nikolai Botev
March 1999, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-24 Childbearing Trends in Sweden 1961--1997
by Gunnar Andersson - 25-43 Fertility Behaviour under Income Uncertainty
by Priya Ranjan - 45-75 Who, What, Where, and When? Specifying the Impact of Educational Attainment and Labour Force Participation on Family Formation
by Aart C. Liefbroer & Martine Corijn - 77-97 Mortality Differences Related to Socioeconomic Status and the Progressivity of Old-Age Pensions and Health Insurance: The Netherlands
by Jan H.M. Nelissen - 99-100 José Alvarado and John Creedy, Population Ageing, Migration and Social Expenditure
by Christopher Prinz - 101-102 Michael Wagner, Scheidung in Ost-und Westdeutschland; Zum Verhältnis von Ehestabilität und Sozialstruktur seit den 30er Janhren
by Dorien Manting
December 1999, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 305-331 Endogenous growth of population and income depending on resource and knowledge
by A. Prskawetz & G. Feichtinger & M. Luptacik & A. Milik & F. Wirl & F. Hof & W. Lutz - 333-365 Mortality peaks in Italy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries: Trends by age and sex
by Antonella Pinnelli & Paola Mancini - 367-386 Alcohol consumption and cirrhosis mortality in the industrialised countries since 1950
by F. Munoz-Prez & A. Nizard - 387-392 Book reviews
by Jacques Ledent & Emily Grundy & Josef Kytir
December 1998, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 305-331 Endogenous Growth of Population and Income Depending on Resource and Knowledge
by A. Prskawetz & G. Feichtinger & M. Luptacik & A. Milik & F. Wirl & F. Hof & W. Lutz - 333-365 Mortality Peaks in Italy in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries: Trends by Age and Sex
by Antonella Pinnelli & Paola Mancini - 367-386 Alcohol Consumption and Cirrhosis Mortality in the Industrialised Countries Since 1950
by F. Munoz-Perez & A. Nizard - 387-389 Henri Leridon et Laurent Toulemon, Démographie. Approche statistique et dynamique des populations
by Jacques Ledent - 389-390 Jean-Pierre Gonnot, Nico Keilman and Christopher Prinz (eds.), Social Security, Household and Family Dynamics in Ageing Societies
by Emily Grundy - 391-392 Carlo A. Corsini and Pier Viazzo, eds. The Decline of Infant and Child Mortality. The European Experience: 1750–1990
by Josef Kytir
September 1998, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 209-264 Urban versus Rural: Fertility Decline in the Cities and Rural Districts of Prussia, 1875 to 1910
by Patrick R. Galloway & Ronald D. Lee & Eugene a. Hammel