June 2010, Volume 47, Issue 7
- 1597-1597 Books Received
by N/A
May 2010, Volume 47, Issue 6
- 1163-1164 Obituary: Duncan Fuller 10 January 1972—3 October 2008
by Paul Routledge - 1165-1177 Introduction: Cities, Justice and Conflict
by Paul Routledge - 1179-1203 Urban Social Movements in ‘Weak’ Civil Societies: The Right to the City and Cosmopolitan Activism in Southern Europe
by Lila Leontidou - 1205-1224 So What Does It Mean to be Anti-capitalist? Conversations with Activists from Urban Social Centres
by Paul Chatterton - 1225-1240 Cooking up Non-violent Civil-disobedient Direct Action for the Hungry: ‘Food Not Bombs’ and the Resurgence of Radical Democracy in the US
by Nik Heynen - 1241-1255 The Urban Geography of Red Power: The American Indian Movement in Minneapolis-Saint Paul, 1968-70
by Bruce D'Arcus - 1257-1278 From the Margins to Centre Stage: ‘Indian’ Demonstration Effects in Malaysia’s Political Landscape
by Tim Bunnell & S. Nagarajan & Andrew Willford - 1279-1299 Nineteen Days in April: Urban Protest and Democracy in Nepal
by Paul Routledge - 1301-1323 “The Provinces Elect Governments, Bangkok Overthrows Them†: Urbanity, Class and Post-democracy in Thailand
by Jim Glassman - 1325-1342 Islam in the Spotlight: The Mediatisation of Politics in an Amsterdam Neighbourhood
by Justus Uitermark & Amy-Jane Gielen - 1343-1366 Timely Partnerships? Contrasting Geographies of Activism in New Zealand and Australia
by Ruth Panelli & Wendy Larner
May 2010, Volume 47, Issue 5
- 931-944 Critical Commentary. Cities and Housing Markets: Changes and Continuities in the Aftermath of the 2007—08 World Financial Crisis
by Michael Ball - 945-965 Polycentric Regions: Comparing Complementarity and Institutional Governance in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Randstad and Emilia-Romagna
by Margaret Cowell - 967-990 Evolving Reurbanisation? Spatio-temporal Dynamics as Exemplified by the East German City of Leipzig
by Nadja Kabisch & Dagmar Haase & Annegret Haase - 991-1013 Playing the Ethnic Card: Politics and Segregation in London’s East End
by Sarah Glynn - 1015-1036 Density, Housing Types and Mixed Land Use: Smart Tools for Affordable Housing?
by Andrew Aurand - 1037-1057 Becoming a Creative City: The Entrepreneurial Mayor, Network Politics and the Promise of an Urban Renaissance
by Davide Ponzini & Ugo Rossi - 1059-1077 Manchester’s Film and Television Industry: Project Ecologies and Network Hierarchies
by Jennifer Johns - 1079-1097 The World Bank and the Street: (How) Do ‘Doing Business’ Reforms Affect Tanzania’s Micro-traders?
by Michal Lyons & Colman Titus Msoka - 1099-1116 Do Agglomeration Forces Strengthen Tax Interactions?
by Sylvie Charlot & Sonia Paty - 1117-1146 Spatial Implications of New Dynamics in Production Organisation: The Case of the Automotive Industry in the Basque Country
by Javier Bilbao-Ubillos - 1147-1148 Book Review: Urban America: Growth, Crisis, and Rebirth John F. McDonald, 2007 Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe 377pp. US$79.95 hardback; US$35.95 paperback ISBN 978 0 7656 1806 1 hardback; 978 0 7656 1807 8 paperback
by Pierre Filion - 1149-1151 Book Review: Free Labor: Workfare and the Contested Language of Neo-liberalism John Krinsky, 2008 Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press 333 pp. US$58.00 hardback; US$23.00 paperback ISBN 978 0 226 45365 1 hardback; 978 0 226 45366 8 paperback
by Alex Law - 1151-1154 Book Review: Criminal Identities and Consumer Culture: Crime, Exclusion and the New Culture of Narcissism Steve Hall, Simon Winlow and Craig Ancrum, 2008 Collumpton: Willan 264 pp. £55.00 hardback; £19.50 paperback ISBN 978 1 84392 256 8 hardback; 978 1 843922 55 1 paperback
by Jonathan Ilan - 1154-1156 Book Review: Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration: Liveable Places from Problem Spaces Tim Dixon, Mike Raco, Philip Catney and David N. Lerner (Eds), 2007 Oxford: Blackwell 378 pp. £49.50 paperback ISBN 978 1 4051 4403 2 paperback
by John McCarthy - 1156-1157 Book Review: Postcolonial African Cities: Imperial Legacies and Postcolonial Predicament F. Demissie (Ed.), 2009 London: Routledge 150 pp. £70.00 hardback ISBN 978 0 415 45448 3 hardback
by Deborah Fahy Bryceson - 1159-1159 Books Received
by N/A
April 2010, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 699-724 Inside the Empire: Ethnography of a Global Citadel in New York
by Gregory Smithsimon - 725-748 On the Economic Foundation of the Urban Network Paradigm: Spatial Integration, Functional Integration and Economic Complementarities within the Dutch Randstad
by Frank van Oort & Martijn Burger & Otto Raspe - 749-767 Human Capital Externalities and the Urban Wage Premium: Two Literatures and their Interrelations
by Daniel Heuermann & Benedikt Halfdanarson & Jens Suedekum - 769-787 Job Accessibility and Female Employment Probability: The Cases of Barcelona and Madrid
by Anna Matas & Josep-Lluis Raymond & Josep-Lluis Roig - 789-812 Reconfiguring Private and Public: State, Capital and New Housing Developments in Berlin and Budapest
by Judit Bodnar & Virag Molnar - 813-843 Economic Growth and the Expansion of Urban Land in China
by Xiangzheng Deng & Jikun Huang & Scott Rozelle & Emi Uchida - 845-866 Accessibility and Cognition: The Effect of Transport Mode on Spatial Knowledge
by Andrew Mondschein & Evelyn Blumenberg & Brian Taylor - 867-889 Built Environment Effects on Children’s School Travel in Taipai: Independence and Travel Mode
by Jen-Jia Lin & Hsiao-Te Chang - 891-911 Assessing the Relative Merits of Development Charges and Transferable Development Rights in an Uncertain World
by J. Peter Clinch & Eoin O'Neill - 913-914 Book Review: The Sage Companion to the City
by Andrew Byerley - 915-916 Book Review: The Public Metropolis: The Political Dynamics of Urban Expansion in the Toronto Region, 1924—2003
by Pierre Filion - 916-918 Book Review: Boomburbs: The Rise of America’s Accidental Cities
by John Rennie Short - 918-920 Book Review: Managing Geographical Information Systems
by Shivanand Balram & Jennifer A. McRae - 920-921 Book Review: Smart Urban Growth for China
by Hon S. Chan - 923-923 Books Received
by N/A
March 2010, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 467-485 Happy People in Mixed-up Places: The Association between the Degree and Type of Local Socioeconomic Mix and Expressions of Neighbourhood Satisfaction
by Scott Baum & Kathryn Arthurson & Kara Rickson - 486-513 The Context of Diversity: A Study of Six Chicago Neighbourhoods
by Emily Talen - 514-528 Children’s Views on Child-friendly Environments in Different Geographical, Cultural and Social Neighbourhoods
by Maria Nordström - 529-555 The City as a Mirror: Transport, Land Use and Social Change in Jakarta
by Ria Hutabarat Lo - 556-583 Urban Renaissance as Intensification: Building Regulation and the Rescaling of Place Governance in Tokyo’s High-rise Manshon Boom
by André Sorensen & Junichiro Okata & Sayaka Fujii - 584-603 Urban Schools as Urban Places: School Reputation, Children’s Identities and Engagement with Education in London
by Sumi Hollingworth & Louise Archer - 604-619 Escaping Car Dependence in the Outer Suburbs of Paris
by Benjamin Motte-Baumvol & Marie-Hélène Massot & Andrew M. Byrd - 620-649 The Spatial Interaction of Housing and Labour Markets: Commuting Flow Analysis of North West England
by Stephen Hincks & Cecilia Wong - 650-665 Urban Commuters’ Mode-switching Behaviour in Taipai, with an Application of the Bounded Rationality Principle
by Rong-Chang Jou & David A. Hensher & Yu-Hsin Liu & Ching-Shu Chiu - 666-683 Street Traders and the Emerging Spaces for Urban Voice and Citizenship in African Cities
by Alison Brown & Michal Lyons & Ibrahima Dankoco - 684-685 Book Review: Searching for Community: Representation, Power and Action on an Urban Estate
by Sarah Glynn - 686-687 Book Review: Policing and the Legacy of Lawrence
by Sandra Walklate - 687-689 Book Review: Dissent and Cultural Resistance in Asia’s Cities
by Ipsita Chatterjee - 689-691 Book Review: Twenty-first Century Gateways: Immigrant Incorporation in Suburban America
by Lisa Marie Hanley - 691-695 Book Review: Contemporary Urbanism in Brazil: Beyond BrasÃlia
by David Murakami Wood - 696-696 Books Received
by N/A
February 2010, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 235-256 An Application of a Stated Preference Method to Value Urban Amenities
by Peter Howie & Sean M. Murphy & John Wicks - 257-275 Understanding Area-based Regeneration: The New Deal for Communities Programme in England
by Paul Lawless & Michael Foden & Ian Wilson & Christina Beatty - 277-301 A Tale of Two Cities: A Comparative Analysis of Quality of Life Initiatives in New York and Bogotá
by Katherine Beckett & Angelina Godoy - 303-319 Absorptive Capacity and Social Capital in Regional Innovation Systems: The Case of the Lahti Region in Finland
by Anne Kallio & Vesa Harmaakorpi & Timo Pihkala - 321-335 A Spatial and Temporal Autocorrelated Growth Model for City Rank—Size Distribution
by Zengwang Xu & Robert Harriss - 337-362 The Occupation—Industry Mismatch: New Trajectories for Regional Cluster Analysis and Economic Development
by Elizabeth Currid & Kevin Stolarick - 363-385 Local Entrepreneurialism and State Rescaling in Turkey
by Mustafa Kemal BayirbaÄŸ - 387-409 Homeownership and Economic Performance of Immigrants in Germany
by Mathias Sinning - 411-436 Social Relations, Property and ‘Peripheral’ Informal Settlement: The Case of Ampliación San Marcos, Mexico City
by Jill Wigle - 437-451 The Effects of High-density Zoning on Multifamily Housing Construction in the Suburbs of Six US Metropolitan Areas
by Arnab Chakraborty & Gerrit-Jan Knaap & Doan Nguyen & Jung Ho Shin - 453-455 Book Review: Making Lahore Modern: Constructing and Imagining a Colonial City
by Andrew Byerley - 456-458 Book Review: London’s Turning: The Making of Thames Gateway
by Libby Porter - 458-460 Book Review: The Everyday Resilience of the City: How Cities Respond to Terrorism and Disaster
by Charlie Cooper - 460-461 Book Review: Infrastrukturnetze und Raumentwicklung: Zwischen Universalisierung und Differenzierung
by Ulrich Best - 461-462 Book Review: The Culture of Homelessness
by Jens Sambale - 463-463 Books Received
by N/A
January 2010, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 3-28 How Diverse Are US Suburbs?
by Matthew Hall & Barrett Lee - 29-54 A New Rubric for ‘Creative City’ Potential in Canada’s Smaller Cities
by Nathaniel M. Lewis & Betsy Donald - 55-74 The Changing Ethnic Structure of Housing Tenures in London, 1991—2001
by Chris Hamnett & Tim Butler - 75-104 Brownfield Development: A Comparison of North American and British Approaches
by David Adams & Christopher De Sousa & Steven Tiesdell - 105-119 Markets, Large Projects and Sustainable Development: Traditional and New Planning in the Thames Gateway
by Dan Greenwood & Peter Newman - 121-144 Economic Transition, Dynamic Externalities and City-industry Growth in China
by Canfei He & Fenghua Pan - 145-168 Explaining Tenancy Sustainment Rates in British Social Rented Housing: The Roles of Management, Vulnerability and Choice
by Hal Pawson & Moira Munro - 169-182 Spatio-temporal Analysis of Noise Pollution near Boston Logan Airport: Who Carries the Cost?
by Yelena Ogneva-Himmelberger & Brian Cooperman - 183-195 Towards a Digital (Societal) Infrastructure?
by Jan Öhman - 197-214 Policing Development: Urban Renewal as Neo-liberal Security Strategy
by Tony Roshan Samara - 215-217 Book Review: Metropolis on the Styx: The Underworlds of Modern Urban Culture, 1800—2001
by Michael R. Glass - 217-218 Book Review: Now Playing: Early Moviegoing and the Regulation of Fun
by Bruce Peter - 218-220 Book Review: Crime and Inequality
by Gerry Mooney - 220-222 Book Review: European Spatial Research and Planning
by Samer Bagaeen - 222-224 Book Review: Troubled Waters: Confronting the Water Crisis in Australia’s Cities
by Leah M. Gibbs - 225-226 Books Received
by N/A
December 2009, Volume 46, Issue 13
- 1-1 Erratum
by N/A - 2715-2729 Unravelling the Global City Debate on Social Inequality: A Firm-level Analysis of Wage Inequality in Amsterdam and Rotterdam
by Jeroen van der Waal & Jack Burgers - 2731-2747 In Quest of the Good Urban Life: Socio-spatial Dynamics and Residential Building Stock Transformation in Zurich
by Martina Koll-Schretzenmayr & Frank Ritterhoff & Walter Siebel - 2749-2770 The Dynamics of Residential Segregation in Buffalo: An Agent-based Simulation
by Li Yin - 2771-2794 From Elevated Freeway to Urban Greenway: Land Value Impacts of the CGC Project in Seoul, Korea
by Chang Deok Kang & Robert Cervero - 2795-2813 Determinants of Urban Spatial Scale: Chinese Cities in Transition
by Shanzi Ke & Yan Song & Ming He - 2815-2839 Residential Redevelopment and the Entrepreneurial Local State: The Implications of Beijing’s Shifting Emphasis on Urban Redevelopment Policies
by Hyun Bang Shin - 2841-2868 Urban Structure and Polycentrism: Towards a Redefinition of the Sub-centre Concept
by Josep Roca Cladera & Carlos R. Marmolejo Duarte & Montserrat Moix - 2869-2890 A Property Rights Approach to Externality Problems: Planning Based on Compensation Rules
by Erwin van der Krabben - 2891-2906 Urban Hierarchies and City Growth in the Balkans
by Michel Dimou & Alexandra Schaffar - 2907-2927 Poor Neighbourhoods and Poor Services: Evidence on the ‘Rationing’ of Environmental Service Provision to Deprived Neighbourhoods
by Annette Hastings - 2929-2931 Book Review: Towards Safe City Centres? Remaking the Spaces of an Old-industrial City
by Margo Huxley - 2931-2934 Book Review: Encountering Urban Places: Visual and Material Performances in the City
by Derya Özkan - 2934-2936 Book Review: Ordinary Places/Extraordinary Events: Citizenship, Democracy, and Public Space in Latin America
by Bruce D'Arcus - 2936-2938 Book Review: China’s Urban Space: Development under Market Socialism
by Lila Leontidou - 2938-2940 Book Review: Globalisation, the City and Civil Society in Pacific Asia
by Zhigang Li - 2941-2942 Books Received
by N/A
November 2009, Volume 46, Issue 12
- 2507-2518 Regulating Design: The Practices of Architecture, Governance and Control
by Rob Imrie & Emma Street - 2519-2536 Putting Architecture in its Social Place: A Cultural Political Economy of Architecture
by Paul Jones - 2537-2554 The Regulation of Design in Global Architecture Firms: Embedding and Emplacing Buildings
by James R. Faulconbridge - 2555-2576 Risk, Regulation and the Practices of Architects
by Rob Imrie & Emma Street - 2577-2594 Re-interpreting Regulations: Architects as Intermediaries for Low-carbon Buildings
by Jan Fischer & Simon Guy - 2595-2615 A Test of Character: Regulating Place-identity in Inner-city Melbourne
by Kim Dovey & Ian Woodcock & Stephen Wood - 2617-2641 Contested Construction of Green Building Codes in North America: The Case of the Alley Flat Initiative
by Steven A. Moore & Barbara B. Wilson - 2643-2667 Design Coding and the Creative, Market and Regulatory Tyrannies of Practice
by Matthew Carmona - 2669-2689 Written and Unwritten Building Conventions in a Contested City: The Case of Belfast
by Ralf Brand - 2691-2702 Commentary: Designing Codes: Trends in Cities, Planning and Development
by Eran Ben-Joseph - 2703-2711 Commentary: From the Consumerist/ Oppressive City to the Functional/ Emancipatory City
by Leslie Sklair
October 2009, Volume 46, Issue 11
- 2259-2275 Seeing from the South: Refocusing Urban Planning on the Globe’s Central Urban Issues
by Vanessa Watson - 2277-2300 Urban Land and Housing Markets in the Punjab, Pakistan
by David E. Dowall & Peter D. Ellis - 2301-2327 Does Basic Services Privatisation Benefit the Urban Poor? Some Evidence from Water Supply Privatisation in Thailand
by Saeed Zaki & A.T.M. Nurul Amin - 2329-2361 Asset Value Enhancement of Singapore’s Public Housing Main Upgrading Programme (MUP) Policy: A Real Option Analysis Approach
by David Kim Hin Ho & Eddie Chi-man Hui & Muhammad Faishal Bin Ibrahim - 2363-2380 Remaking the Monopoly Board: Urban Economic Change and Property Investment
by Colin A. Jones - 2381-2398 Defining Housing Market Areas Using Commuting and Migration Algorithms: Catalonia (Spain) as a Case Study
by Vicente Royuela & Miguel A. Vargas - 2399-2421 A Technique for Small-area Poverty Analyses
by Carlos de la Espriella - 2423-2446 Entrance, Exit and Exclusion: Labour Market Flows of Foreign-born Adults in Swedish ‘Divided Cities’
by Charlotta Hedberg - 2447-2461 Testing O’Connor and Thomas: Does the Use of Eminent Domain Target Poor and Minority Communities?
by Dick M. Carpenter & John K. Ross - 2463-2490 Defining a Public: The Management of Privately Owned Public Space
by Jeremy Németh - 2491-2493 Book Review: Cities and Race: America’s New Black Ghetto
by Bradley Gardener - 2493-2495 Book Review: Chasing the American Dream: New Perspectives on Affordable Homeownership
by Amanda Huron - 2495-2498 Book Review: Authentic New Orleans: Tourism, Culture and Race in the Big Easy
by Thomas Doerfler - 2498-2500 Book Review: Transgression as a Rule: German—Polish Cross-border Co-operation, Border Discourse and EU-enlargement
by Petra Neuhold - 2500-2501 Book Review: Urban Regeneration in the UK
by Peter Matthews - 2503-2503 Books Received
by N/A
September 2009, Volume 46, Issue 10
- 2019-2043 Rail and Property Development in Hong Kong: Experiences and Extensions
by Robert Cervero & Jin Murakami - 2045-2059 The Gap between Free Market and Social Optimum in the Location Decision of Economic Activity
by Miki Malul & Raphael Bar-El - 2061-2078 Urban Locations of Eminent Black Entrepreneurs in the United States
by Robert L. Boyd - 2079-2101 Neighbourhood Diversity, Metropolitan Segregation and Gentrification: What Are the Links in the US?
by Lance Freeman - 2103-2122 Neighbourhood Change... Reason to Leave?
by Peteke Feijten & Maarten van Ham - 2123-2141 The Embeddedness of Tourism-related Activity: A Regional Analysis of Sectoral Linkages
by Malcolm Beynon & Calvin Jones & Max Munday - 2143-2157 Firm Heterogeneity and Location Choices: Evidence from Foreign Manufacturing Investments in China
by Junjie Hong - 2159-2185 City Size Distribution in China: Are Large Cities Dominant?
by Zelai Xu & Nong Zhu - 2187-2211 Is Mexico City Polycentric? A Trip Attraction Capacity Approach
by Manuel Suárez & Javier Delgado - 2213-2238 Partnership Diversity and Governance Culture: Evidence from Urban Regeneration Policies in Portugal
by Isabel Breda-Vázquez & Paulo Conceição & Ruben Fernandes - 2239-2243 Book Review: Urban Outcasts: A Comparative Sociology of Advanced Marginality
by Walter J. Nicholls - 2243-2245 Book Review: Fear: Critical Geopolitics and Everyday Life
by Carina Listerborn - 2245-2247 Book Review: Community Cohesion and Crisis? New Dimensions of Diversity and Difference
by Derek McGhee - 2247-2249 Book Review: On the Move: Mobility in the Modern Western World
by Jonas R. Bylund - 2249-2251 Book Review: The Ideology of Homeownership: Homeowner Societies and the Role of Housing
by Nigel Sprigings - 2253-2254 Books Received
by N/A
August 2009, Volume 46, Issue 9
- 1763-1785 Creating a City of the Tourist Imagination: The Case of Cape Town, `The Fairest Cape of Them All'
by Vivian Bickford-Smith - 1787-1805 Do Europeans View their Homes as Castles? Homeownership and Poverty Perception throughout Europe
by Duncan Watson & Robert Webb - 1807-1827 Low-cost Insurance Schemes in Scottish Social Housing: An Empirical Study of Availability and Tenants' Participation
by John Hood & William Stein & Claire McCann - 1829-1858 Preventable Mortality as a Predictor of Community Social Organisation: Examining Reverse Causality
by Seth Feinberg - 1859-1878 Isolated Entities or Integrated Neighbourhoods? An Alternative View of the Measurement of Deprivation
by Alasdair Rae - 1879-1898 Ethnic Identity and Immigrant Homeownership
by Amelie F. Constant & Rowan Roberts & Klaus F. Zimmermann - 1899-1923 Ethnic Sorting in The Netherlands
by Aslan Zorlu & Jan Latten - 1925-1949 Property Rights Redistribution, Entitlement Failure and the Impoverishment of Landless Farmers in China
by Shenjing He & Yuting Liu & Chris Webster & Fulong Wu - 1951-1967 Structural Analysis of How Urban Form Impacts Travel Demand: Evidence from Taipei
by Jen-Jia Lin & An-Tsei Yang - 1969-1993 Provincial Wages in Spain: Convergence and Flexibility
by Adolfo Maza & Jose Villaverde - 1995-2001 Comment: Recognising Complexity, Challenging Pessimism: The Case of Bradford's Urban Dynamics
by Ludi Simpson & Charles Husband & Yunis Alam - 2002-2005 Book Review: Cracks in the Pavement: Social Change and Resilience in Poor Neighbourhoods
by Jennifer Claire Auer - 2005-2007 Book Review: Criminalising Social Policy: Anti-social Behaviour and Welfare in a De-civilised Society
by John Flint - 2007-2009 Book Review: DIY Community Action: Neighbourhood Problems and Community Self-help
by Marit Rosol - 2009-2011 Book Review: Jigsaw Cities: Big Places, Small Spaces
by Moa Tunström - 2011-2013 Book Review: The New Economy of the Inner City: Restructuring, Regeneration and Dislocation in the Twenty-first-Century Metropolis
by Markus Hesse - 2013-2015 Book Review: Evil Paradises: Dreamworlds of Neo-liberalism
by Alex Law - 2016-2016 Books Received
by N/A
July 2009, Volume 46, Issue 8
- 1531-1552 The Clustering of Creative Networks: Between Myth and Reality
by Bas van Heur - 1553-1576 The Dynamics of Urban Economies: Melbourne 1971 to 2006
by Andrew Robert Watkins - 1577-1591 The Magic of the Marketplace: Sociality in a Neglected Public Space
by Sophie Watson - 1593-1610 Celebrating Local Histories and Defining Neighbourhood Communities: Place-making in a Gentrified Neighbourhood
by Talja Blokland - 1611-1638 Crime in a City in Transition: The Case of Tallinn, Estonia
by Vânia Ceccato - 1639-1663 Classification of Residential Areas in the Three Largest Dutch Cities Using Multidimensional Data
by Tom Kauko - 1665-1679 On the Importance of the `Location Package' for Urban Growth
by Boris A. Portnov & Moshe Schwartz - 1680-1701 Keeping up Appearances: Profiting from Patriarchy in the Nation's `Safest City'
by Alec Brownlow - 1702-1722 The Rise of Gated Communities in Israel: Reflections on Changing Urban Governance in a Neo-liberal Era
by Gillad Rosen & Eran Razin - 1723-1745 Large Redevelopment Initiatives, Housing Values and Gentrification: The Case of the Atlanta Beltline
by Dan Immergluck - 1746-1749 Book Review: Narratives of Neglect: Community, Regeneration and the Governance of Security
by Julie MacLeavy - 1749-1751 Book Review: Three Decades of Enterprise Culture: Entrepreneurship, Economic Regeneration and Public Policy
by Aidan While - 1751-1754 Book Review: Planet of Slums
by W.F. Lever - 1754-1756 Book Review: Mortgage Markets Worldwide
by Manuel B. Aalbers - 1756-1757 Book Review: Designs on the Public: The Private Lives of New York's Public Spaces
by Sally Booth - 1758-1759 Book Review: In the Shadows of the Tropics: Climate, Race and Biopower in 19th Century Ceylon
by Eric Olund - 1760-1760 Books Received
by N/A
June 2009, Volume 46, Issue 7
- 1275-1298 Linking Social Deprivation and Digital Exclusion in England
by Paul A. Longley & Alexander D. Singleton - 1299-1315 A Spatial Statistical Approach to Identifying Areas with Poor Access to Grocery Foods in the City of Buffalo, New York
by Gyoungju Lee & Hyunwoo Lim - 1317-1342 Culture-led Urban Regeneration and Community Mobilisation: The Case of the Taipei Bao-an Temple Area, Taiwan
by Cheng-Yi Lin & Woan-Chiau Hsing - 1343-1362 Arenas, Arena Architecture and the Impact on Location Desirability: The Case of `Olympic Arenas' in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin
by Gabriel Ahlfeldt & Wolfgang Maennig - 1363-1384 Economic Migration from the EU 'A8' Accession Countries and the Impact on Low-demand Housing Areas: Opportunity or Threat for Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder Programmes in England?
by Simon Pemberton - 1385-1420 Sprawl or Reagglomeration? The Dynamics of Employment Deconcentration and Industrial Transformation in Greater Paris
by Frederic Gilli - 1421-1437 How Does Urban Public Transport Change Cities? Correlations between Past and Present Transport and Urban Planning Policies
by Geraldine Pflieger & Vincent Kaufmann & Luca Pattaroni & Christophe Jemelin - 1439-1460 Immigrant Settlement Structures in Germany: General Patterns and Urban Levels of Concentration of Major Groups
by Karen Schönwälder & Janina Söhn - 1461-1483 Development Configurations and Planning Negotiations: A Case of Fringe Development in Sydney, Australia
by Kristian James Ruming - 1485-1506 Displacement and the New Spaces for Informal Trade in the Latin American City Centre
by Rosemary D.F. Bromley & Peter K. Mackie - 1507-1509 Book Review: Badlands of the Republic: Space, Politics and Urban Policy Mustafa Dikeç, 2007 Oxford: Blackwell Publishing 219 pp. £55.00/US$84.95 hardback; £24.99/US$39.95 paperback ISBN 978 1 4051 5631 8 hardback; 978 1 4051 5630 1 paperback
by Guy Baeten - 1509-1511 Book Review: Justice, Community and Civil Society: A Contested Terrain Joanna Shapland (Ed.), 2008 Cullompton: Willan Publishing 245 pp. £55.00 hardback; £25.99 paperback ISBN 978 1 84392 232 2 hardback; 978 1 84392 299 5 paperback
by Joanne Massey