March 2015, Volume 52, Issue 4
- 813-815 Book review: Tokyo in Transit: Japanese Culture on the Rails and Road
by Zhou Suhong - 815-817 Book review: Cities and Crisis: New Critical Urban Theory
by Lakshmi Priya Rajendran - 818-819 Books received
by N/A
February 2015, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 407-421 Introduction: Geographies of the urban night
by Ilse van Liempt & Irina van Aalst & Tim Schwanen - 422-438 The gloomy city: Rethinking the relationship between light and dark
by Tim Edensor - 439-455 Fear of crime and affective ambiguities in the night-time economy
by Jelle Brands & Tim Schwanen & Irina van Aalst - 456-470 ‘Alive after five’: Constructing the neoliberal night in Newcastle upon Tyne
by Robert Shaw - 471-485 Night and the city: Clubs, brothels and politics in Jakarta
by Jérôme Tadié & Risa Permanadeli - 486-500 Safe nightlife collaborations: Multiple actors, conflicting interests and different power distributions
by Ilse van Liempt - 501-516 ‘Christians, out here?’ Encountering Street-Pastors in the post-secular spaces of the UK’s night-time economy
by Jennie Middleton & Richard Yarwood - 517-537 The outsourcing of control: Alcohol law enforcement, private-sector governance and the evening and night-time economy
by Phil Hadfield & Fiona Measham - 538-554 Authenticity with a bang: Exploring suburban culture and migration through the new phenomenon of the Richmond Night Market
by Yolande Pottie-Sherman & Daniel Hiebert - 555-570 Night lives: Heterotopia, youth transitions and cultural infrastructure in the urban night
by Ben Gallan - 571-588 ‘A big night out’: Young people’s drinking, social practice and spatial experience in the ‘liminoid’ zones of English night-time cities
by Marion Roberts - 589-605 Taking back the night? Gender and the contestation of sexual entertainment in England and Wales
by Phil Hubbard & Rachela Colosi - 606-616 The night-time city. Four modes of exclusion: Reflections on the Urban Studies special collection
by Phil Hadfield
February 2015, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 209-232 The politics of sustainable development opposition: State legislative efforts to stop the United Nation’s Agenda 21 in the United States
by Karen Trapenberg Frick & David Weinzimmer & Paul Waddell - 233-244 The financialisation of the social project: Embedded liberalism, neoliberalism and home ownership
by Ray Forrest & Yosuke Hirayama - 245-260 Placing community self-governance: Building materialities, nuisance noise and neighbouring in self-governing communities
by Emma R Power - 261-278 Low-income housing in high-amenity areas: Long-run effects on residential development
by Paul Thorsnes & Robert Alexander & David Kidson - 279-297 The probability of sale and price premiums in withdrawn auctioned properties
by Simon Stevenson & James Young - 298-313 Gender and commuting time in São Paulo Metropolitan Region
by Raul Silveira Neto & Gisleia Duarte & Antonio Páez - 314-337 Compact development and preference heterogeneity in residential location choice behaviour: A latent class analysis
by Felix Haifeng Liao & Steven Farber & Reid Ewing - 338-357 The ‘constant size neighbourhood trap’ in accessibility and health studies
by Julie Vallée & Guillaume Le Roux & Basile Chaix & Yan Kestens & Pierre Chauvin - 358-373 Regional financial development and foreign direct investment
by Yanjing Chen & Yu Gao & Ying Ge & Juan Li - 374-394 European Capitals of Culture and life satisfaction
by Lasse Steiner & Bruno Frey & Simone Hotz - 395-396 Book review: Indigenous Albuquerque
by David Hugill - 396-399 Book review: Urban Politics: Critical Approaches
by Stephen Przybylinski - 399-401 Book review: Shanghai Gone: Domicide and Defiance in a Chinese Megacity
by Non Arkaraprasertkul - 401-403 Book review: Worlding Cities: Asian Experiments and the Art of Being Global
by Shaun Teo - 404-404 Books received
by N/A
January 2015, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 3-19 Expectations, preferences and satisfaction levels among new and long-term residents in a gentrifying Toronto neighbourhood
by Emily McGirr & Andrejs Skaburskis & Tim Spence Donegani - 20-49 Industrial gentrification in West Chelsea, New York: Who survived and who did not? Empirical evidence from discrete-time survival analysis
by Heeyeun Yoon & Elizabeth Currid-Halkett - 50-70 The intersection of homeownership, race and neighbourhood context: Implications for neighbourhood satisfaction
by Meredith Greif - 71-86 Placemaking in a translocal receiving community: The relevance of place to identity and agency
by Kelly Main & Gerardo Francisco Sandoval - 87-102 The local structure of the welfare state: Uneven effects of social spending on poverty within countries
by Merle Zwiers & Ferry Koster - 103-120 Urban markets as a ‘corrective’ to advanced urbanism: The social space of wet markets in contemporary Singapore
by Christopher Mele & Megan Ng & May Bo Chim - 121-137 Official relocation and self-help development: Three housing strategies under ambiguous property rights in China’s rural land development
by Jing Song - 138-158 Foreign liquidity to real estate market: Ripple effect and housing price dynamics
by Wen-Chi Liao & Daxuan Zhao & Li Ping Lim & Grace Khei Mie Wong - 159-177 Selectivity, spatial autocorrelation and the valuation of transit accessibility
by Mi Diao - 178-194 Urban rapid rail transit and gentrification in Canadian urban centres: A survival analysis approach
by Annelise Grube-Cavers & Zachary Patterson - 195-197 Book review: The Other Kuala Lumpur: Living in the Shadows of a Globalising Southeast Asian City
by Tim Bunnell - 197-200 Book review: Good Cities, Better Lives: How Europe Discovered the Lost Art of Urbanism
by Eduardo Oliveira - 200-202 Book review: New York and Los Angeles: The Uncertain Future
by Lily M Hoffman - 202-204 Book review: Sacred Subdivisions: The Postsuburban Transformation of American Evangelicalism
by Richard Cimino - 205-205 Books received
by N/A
December 2014, Volume 51, Issue 16
- 3309-3329 What happened to and in Detroit?
by John F McDonald - 3330-3347 Ethnic residential segregation and immigrants’ perceptions of discrimination in West Germany
by Verena Dill & Uwe Jirjahn - 3348-3364 Regional cultures attracting interregional migrants
by Jochen Hirschle & Tuuli-Marja Kleiner - 3365-3382 Flexible relations, frail contacts and failing demands: How community groups and local institutions interact in local governance in the Netherlands
by Mandy de Wilde & Menno Hurenkamp & Evelien Tonkens - 3383-3400 Alterations in scale: Patterns of change in main street networks across time and space
by Sergio Porta & Ombretta Romice & J Alexander Maxwell & Peter Russell & Darren Baird - 3401-3419 Do parental perceptions of the neighbourhood environment influence children’s independent mobility? Evidence from Toronto, Canada
by Raktim Mitra & Guy EJ Faulkner & Ron N Buliung & Michelle R Stone - 3420-3444 Impact of slum formalization on self-help housing construction: A case of slum notification in India
by Shohei Nakamura - 3445-3458 Transition to low carbon? An analysis of socio-technical change in housing renovation
by Ralph Horne & Tony Dalton - 3459-3478 The willingness to pay for green apartments: The case of Nanjing, China
by Hong Hu & Stan Geertman & Pieter Hooimeijer - 3479-3494 Mutations of real estate actors’ strategies and modes of capital appropriation in contemporary Phnom Penh
by Gabriel Fauveaud - 3495-3497 Book review: Cities and Nature
by Laura Barraclough - 3497-3500 Book review: Demystifying Doha: On Architecture and Urbanism in an Emerging City
by Samer Bagaeen - 3500-3502 Book review: Social Justice and the Urban Obesity Crisis: Implications for Social Work
by Caren J Frost - 3502-3504 Book review: Escape from New York: The New Negro Renaissance beyond Harlem
by Robert Cassanello - 3505-3505 Books received
by N/A
November 2014, Volume 51, Issue 15
- 3129-3146 Situating the local in the neoliberalisation and transformation of urban governance
by Ismael Blanco & Steven Griggs & Helen Sullivan - 3147-3163 Neoliberalism and local governance: Radical developments in Latin America
by Mike Geddes - 3164-3179 Crisis and resilience in a finance-led city: Effects of the global financial crisis in Leeds
by Sara Gonzalez & Stijn Oosterlynck - 3180-3197 Contesting inclusive urbanism in a divided city: The limits to the neoliberalisation of Cape Town’s energy system
by Mark Swilling - 3198-3214 Contestation and the local trajectories of neoliberal urban governance in Chicago’s Bronzeville and Pilsen
by Carolina Sternberg & Matthew Anderson - 3215-3232 Rethinking urban power and the local state: Hegemony, domination and resistance in neoliberal cities
by Jonathan Davies - 3233-3249 From white shoes to bold future: The neoliberalisation of local government in an Australian city?
by Paul Burton - 3250-3267 Geographies of governance: How place matters in urban regeneration policies
by Marc Parés & Marc MartÃ-Costa & Ismael Blanco - 3268-3289 The role of criminal actors in local governance
by Alexandra Abello-Colak & Valeria Guarneros-Meza - 3290-3305 Landscapes of antagonism: Local governance, neoliberalism and austerity
by Janet Newman
November 2014, Volume 51, Issue 14
- 2943-2960 Hybrid gentrification in South Africa: Theorising across southern and northern cities
by Charlotte Lemanski - 2961-2978 Urban spatial restructuring, event-led development and scalar politics
by Hyun Bang Shin - 2979-2995 The convening power of food as growth machine politics: A study of food policymaking and partnership formation in Baltimore
by Melanie Bedore - 2996-3010 Airports and territorial restructuring: The case of Hong Kong
by Donald McNeill - 3011-3025 Rabat retrospective: Colonial heritage in a Moroccan urban laboratory
by Lauren Wagner & Claudio Minca - 3026-3045 Culture and authenticity in urban regeneration processes: Place branding in central Barcelona
by Joaquim Rius Ulldemolins - 3046-3061 Communicating security? Policing urban spaces and control signals
by Anna Barker - 3062-3078 Entanglements of faith: Discourses, practices of care and homeless people in an Italian City of Saints
by Michele Lancione - 3079-3096 Structural equation models of VMT growth in US urbanised areas
by Reid Ewing & Shima Hamidi & Frank Gallivan & Arthur C Nelson & James B Grace - 3097-3112 Trajectories of middle-class belonging: The dynamics of place attachment and classed identities
by Michaela Benson - 3113-3115 Book review: Majoritarian Cities: Policy Making and Inequality in Urban Politics
by Eric Zeemering - 3115-3118 Book review: Fluid New York: Cosmopolitan Urbanism and the Green Imagination
by Anthony Levenda - 3118-3121 Book review: Sport in the City: Cultural Connections
by Kat Martindale - 3121-3123 Book review: Faith Based Organisations and Exclusion in European Cities
by Angus Paddison - 3124-3125 Books received
by N/A
October 2014, Volume 51, Issue 13
- 2717-2734 Repositioning urban governments? Energy efficiency and Australia’s changing climate and energy governance regimes
by Pauline McGuirk & Robyn Dowling & Harriet Bulkeley - 2735-2751 Ethnicity, corruption and violence in urban land conflict in Kenya
by Luke M Obala & Michael Mattingly - 2752-2769 Engaging, transcending and subverting dichotomies: Discursive dynamics of Maputo’s urban space
by Bjørn Enge Bertelsen & Inge Tvedten & Sandra Roque - 2770-2786 Cross-level interaction between individual and neighbourhood socioeconomic status in relation to social trust in a Japanese community
by Hiroshi Murayama & Reiko Arami & Tomoko Wakui & Ikuko Sugawara & Satoru Yoshie - 2787-2805 China urban competitiveness in industrialization: Based on the panel data of 25 cities in China from 1990 to 2009
by Pengfei Ni & Peter Kresl & Xiaojiang Li - 2806-2821 Understanding culture-led local development: A critique of alternative theoretical explanations
by Pierluigi Sacco & Guido Ferilli & Giorgio Tavano Blessi - 2822-2843 The location patterns of artistic clusters: A metro- and neighborhood-level analysis
by Carl Grodach & Elizabeth Currid-Halkett & Nicole Foster & James Murdoch III - 2844-2862 Small-business viability in America’s urban minority communities
by Timothy Bates & Alicia Robb - 2863-2879 Residential and job mobility: Interregional variation and their interplay in US metropolitan areas
by Jae Hong Kim - 2880-2898 Land use change and economic growth in urban China: A structural equation analysis
by Canfei He & Zhiji Huang & Rui Wang - 2899-2915 Administrative scale economies in local government: An empirical analysis of Sabah municipalities, 2000 to 2009
by Siew King Ting & Brian Dollery & Rene Villano - 2916-2927 Aggregate and regional house price to earnings ratio dynamics in the UK
by Andros Gregoriou & Alexandros Kontonikas & Alberto Montagnoli - 2928-2930 Book review: Introduction to Cities: How Place and Space Shape Human Experiences
by Lei Wang - 2930-2933 Book review: Keys to the City: How Economics, Institutions, Social Interactions, and Politics Shape Development
by David Waite - 2933-2935 Book review: Dubai: The City as Corporation
by Tao Yu & Xiaolong Luo - 2935-2937 Book review: Gentrification of Nightlife and Right to the City: Regulating Spaces of Social Dancing in New York
by Valerie De Craene - 2938-2939 Books received
by N/A
September 2014, Volume 51, Issue 12
- 2487-2502 Can centralization, decentralization and welfare go together? The case of Massachusetts Affordable Housing Policy (Ch. 40B)
by Ravit Hananel - 2503-2522 Competing interests and the political market for smart growth policy
by Christopher Hawkins - 2523-2538 ‘We don’t have no neighbourhood’: Advanced marginality and urban agriculture in Detroit
by Paul Joseph Draus & Juliette Roddy & Anthony McDuffie - 2539-2554 Co-evolution of gated communities and local public goods
by Yoonseuk Woo & Chris Webster - 2555-2571 Regional Selective Assistance in Scotland: Does it make a difference to plant productivity?
by John Moffat - 2572-2595 The geographical dimension of innovation collaboration: Networking and innovation in Norway
by Rune Dahl Fitjar & Andrés RodrÃguez-Pose - 2596-2612 Producing and contesting the formal/informal divide: Regulating street hawking in Delhi, India
by Seth Schindler - 2613-2628 Urban crop production and poverty alleviation in Eldoret, Kenya: Implications for policy and gender planning
by Romborah R Simiyu & Dick WJ Foeken - 2629-2645 Geography, policy or market? New evidence on the measurement and causes of sprawl (and infill) in US metropolitan regions
by Kurt Paulsen - 2646-2664 The spatio-temporal pattern of housing redevelopment in suburban Chicago, 2000–2010
by Suzanne Lanyi Charles - 2665-2684 Interethnic attitudes in urban neighbourhoods: The impact of neighbourhood disorder and decline
by Esther Havekes & Marcel Coenders & Karien Dekker - 2685-2702 Location-demand-based residential floor area ratio distribution method
by Yu-Hsin Tsai - 2703-2706 Book review: Ethnography and the City: Readings on Doing Urban Fieldwork
by Moritz Ege - 2706-2708 Book review: Roppongi Crossing: The Demise of a Tokyo Nightclub District and the Reshaping of a Global City
by Chaoqun Liu - 2708-2710 Book review: Retailising Space: Architecture, Retail and the Territorialisation of Public Space
by Martha Coe-Galeotti - 2711-2713 Book review: Parkscapes: Green Spaces in Modern Japan
by Kang Cao - 2714-2714 Books received
by N/A
August 2014, Volume 51, Issue 11
- 2249-2266 Governing the new metropolis
by John Harrison & Michael Hoyler - 2267-2284 Creating City-region Governance Structures in a Dysfunctional Polity: The Case of Ireland’s National Spatial Strategy
by Proinnsias Breathnach - 2285-2314 The search for territorial fixes in subnational governance: City-regions and the disputed emergence of post-political consensus in Manchester, England
by Iain Deas - 2315-2335 Rethinking City-regionalism as the Production of New Non-State Spatial Strategies: The Case of Peel Holdings Atlantic Gateway Strategy
by John Harrison - 2336-2353 Democratic Accountability and Metropolitan Governance: The Case of South Hampshire, UK
by Michael Buser - 2354-2370 The Rescaling of Economic Governance: Insights into the Transitional Territories of England
by Simon Pemberton & Janice Morphet - 2371-2386 The legitimacy of regional governance networks: Gaining credibility in the shadow of hierarchy
by Melika Levelt & Tamara Metze - 2387-2405 Capital of the Amazon Rainforest: Constructing a Global City-region for Entrepreneurial Manaus
by Juan Miguel Kanai - 2406-2425 The Spatial Puzzle of Mobilising for Car Alternatives in the Montreal City-region
by Sophie L. Van Neste & Laurence Bherer - 2426-2443 From City-region Concept to Boundaries for Governance: The English Case
by Mike Coombes - 2444-2465 City-regionalism as a Politics of Collective Provision: Regional Transport Infrastructure in Denver, USA
by Andrew E. G. Jonas & Andrew R. Goetz & Sutapa Bhattacharjee - 2466-2483 Mumbai Metropolitan Region: Impact of Recent Urban Change on the Peri-urban Areas of Mumbai
by Aparna Phadke
August 2014, Volume 51, Issue 10
- 2009-2035 Tracing Processes in Poverty Dynamics: A Tale of Peri-urban Small-scale Farmers in Mexico City
by Yadira Méndez-Lemus & Antonio Vieyra - 2036-2051 Urban Poverty, Structural Violence and Welfare Provision for 100 Families in Auckland
by Darrin Hodgetts & Kerry Chamberlain & Shiloh Groot & Yardena Tankel - 2052-2067 Ambiguous Property Rights: A Taxonomic and Exploratory Account of Post-colonial Rural Housing in Chinese Hong Kong
by Lawrence Lai & Frank Lorne - 2068-2087 The Impacts of LRT, Neighbourhood Characteristics, and Self-selection on Auto Ownership: Evidence from Minneapolis-St. Paul
by Jason Cao & Xiaoshu Cao - 2088-2110 Traffic Congestion’s Economic Impacts: Evidence from US Metropolitan Regions
by Matthias Sweet - 2111-2124 Interaction Pretext: Experiences of Community in the Urban Neighbourhood
by Ida Marie Henriksen & Aksel Tjora - 2125-2142 Acculturation Preferences of the Turkish Second Generation in 11 European Cities
by George Groenewold & Helga A.G. de Valk & Jeroen van Ginneken - 2143-2159 Measuring self-help home improvements in Texas colonias: A ten year ‘snapshot’ study
by Noah J Durst & Peter M Ward - 2160-2184 Happiness and job satisfaction in urban China: A comparative study of two generations of migrants and urban locals
by Zhiming Cheng & Haining Wang & Russell Smyth - 2185-2201 Growing buildings in corn fields: Urban expansion and the persistence of maize in the Toluca Metropolitan Area, Mexico
by Amy Lerner & Stuart Sweeney & Hallie Eakin - 2202-2218 Immigrant underemployment across US metropolitan areas: From a spatial perspective
by Qingfang Wang & Tetiana Lysenko - 2219-2234 Cities and the geographical deconcentration of scientific activity: A multilevel analysis of publications (1987–2007)
by Michel Grossetti & Denis Eckert & Yves Gingras & Laurent Jégou & Vincent Larivière & Béatrice Milard - 2235-2237 Book review: Locating Right to the City in the Global South
by Fulong Wu - 2237-2240 Book review: Social Formation in Dhaka, 1985–2005: A Longitudinal Study of Society in a Third World Megacity
by Kirsten Hackenbroch - 2240-2242 Book review: The SAGE Handbook of Housing Studies
by Richard Ronald - 2242-2244 Book review: Down and Out in Los Angeles and Berlin: The Sociospatial Exclusion of Homeless People
by Nadine Marquardt - 2245-2245 Books received
by N/A
July 2014, Volume 51, Issue 9
- 1775-1794 Right-wing Radical Populism in City and Suburbs: An Electoral Geography of the Partij Voor de Vrijheid in the Netherlands
by Wouter P.C. van Gent & Elmar F. Jansen & Joost H.F. Smits - 1795-1811 Indigeneity, Immigrant Newcomers and Interculturalism in Winnipeg, Canada
by John Gyepi-Garbrah & Ryan Walker & Joseph Garcea - 1812-1832 Urban Poverty Traps: Neighbourhoods and Violent Victimisation and Offending in Nairobi, Kenya
by Michael J. Parks - 1833-1849 Political Gardening in a Post-disaster City: Lessons from New Orleans
by Yuki Kato & Catarina Passidomo & Daina Harvey - 1850-1870 Diversity and Intersectionality among Environmentally Burdened Communities in the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area, USA
by Diane Sicotte - 1871-1890 Brother can you Spare a Ride? Carpooling in Immigrant Neighbourhoods
by Evelyn Blumenberg & Michael Smart - 1891-1908 The Relationship between Self-reported Definitions of Urban Neighbourhood and Respondent Characteristics: A Study of Cardiff, UK
by Scott Orford & Charlotte Leigh - 1909-1925 From ’Rabble Management’ to ’Recovery Management’: Policing Homelessness in Marginal Urban Space
by Forrest Stuart - 1926-1942 Legitimacy in Interlocal Partnerships: Balancing Efficiency and Democracy
by Arild Gjertsen - 1943-1959 Flexibility with a Purpose: Constructing the Legitimacy of Spatial Governance Partnerships
by Mandy Lau - 1960-1978 What Makes Cities Attractive? The Determinants of Urban Labour Migration in Germany
by Tanja Buch & Silke Hamann & Annekatrin Niebuhr & Anja Rossen - 1979-1994 Biographical Narratives of Encounter: The Significance of Mobility and Emplacement in Shaping Attitudes towards Difference
by Gill Valentine & Joanna Sadgrove - 1995-1997 Book review: The American Non-Dilemma: Racial Inequality Without Racism
by Kevin Stainback - 1997-1999 Book review: The Spatiality of Livelihoods: Negotiations of Access to Public Space in Dhaka, Bangladesh
by Habibul Khondker - 1999-2002 Book review: Urban Flow: Bike Messengers and the City
by Justin Spinney - 2002-2004 Book review: The Future of Sustainable Cities: Critical Reflections
by Libby Porter - 2005-2005 Books received
by N/A
June 2014, Volume 51, Issue 8
- 1539-1558 Building talented worker housing in Shenzhen, China, to sustain place competitiveness
by Nicola Morrison - 1559-1575 Territorial Tactics: The Socio-spatial Significance of Private Policing Strategies in Cape Town
by Till F Paasche & Richard Yarwood & James D Sidaway - 1576-1592 The Urban Political Ecology of Post-industrial Scottish Towns: Examining Greengairs and Ravenscraig
by Antonio A. R. Ioris - 1593-1612 Do Micro Enterprises Benefit from the ‘Doing Business’ Reforms? The Case of Street-Vending in Tanzania
by Michal Lyons & Alison Brown & Colman Msoka - 1613-1633 What Makes Firms Leave the Neighbourhood?
by Anet Weterings - 1634-1652 Competition over High-income Workers: Job Growth and Access to Labour in Atlanta
by Miwa Matsuo - 1653-1671 Measuring the Impact of Agglomeration on Productivity: Evidence from Chilean Retailers
by Sergio Garate & Anthony Pennington-Cross - 1672-1685 Regional Convergence of Income and Education: Investigation of Distribution Dynamics
by Jørn Rattsø & Hildegunn Stokke - 1686-1706 Is Urban Land Price Adjustment More Sluggish than Housing Price Adjustment? Empirical Evidence
by Elias Oikarinen - 1707-1724 Accessibility and Residential Land Value Uplift: Identifying Spatial Variations in the Accessibility Impacts of a Bus Transitway
by Corinne Mulley - 1725-1740 Zipf’s Law and Canadian Urban Growth
by Aurélie Lalanne - 1741-1760 The Impact of Intermunicipal Cooperation on Local Public Spending
by Quentin Frère & Matthieu Leprince & Sonia Paty - 1761-1763 Book review: Post-Ghetto: Reimagining South Los Angeles
by Zia Salim - 1764-1766 Book review: Residential Segregation in Comparative Perspective: Making Sense of Contextual Diversity
by Yuan Yuan - 1766-1768 Book review: Sanctuaries of the City: Lessons from Tokyo
by Shangyi Zhou - 1768-1770 Book review: Industrial Ruination, Community, and Place: Landscapes and Legacies of Urban Decline
by Ji Youn Kim - 1771-1771 Books received
by N/A
May 2014, Volume 51, Issue 7
- 1353-1377 Urban Energy Transitions: Places, Processes and Politics of Socio-technical Change
by Jonathan Rutherford & Olivier Coutard - 1378-1393 Local Energy Transition and Multilevel Climate Governance: The Contrasted Experiences of Two Pioneer Cities (Hanover, Germany, and Växjö, Sweden)
by Cyria Emelianoff - 1394-1414 Urban Energy Policies and the Governance of Multilevel Issues in Cape Town
by Sylvy Jaglin - 1415-1431 The Interplay of Urban Energy Policy and Socio-technical Transitions: The Eco-cities of Graz and Freiburg in Retrospect
by Harald Rohracher & Philipp Späth - 1432-1448 Socio-technical Change and the Politics of Urban Infrastructure: Managing Energy in Berlin between Dictatorship and Democracy
by Timothy Moss - 1449-1470 The Vicissitudes of Energy and Climate Policy in Stockholm: Politics, Materiality and Transition
by Jonathan Rutherford - 1471-1486 Low-carbon Transitions and the Reconfiguration of Urban Infrastructure
by Harriet Bulkeley & Vanesa Castán Broto & Anne Maassen - 1487-1505 Suburbia under an Energy Transition: A Socio-technical Perspective
by Jago Dodson - 1506-1519 Transnational Transitions: The Diffusion and Integration of Mechanical Cooling
by Elizabeth Shove & Gordon Walker & Sam Brown - 1520-1536 The Contested Energy Future of Amman, Jordan: Between Promises of Alternative Energies and a Nuclear Venture
by Éric Verdeil
May 2014, Volume 51, Issue 6
- 1103-1119 Observing Guerrillas in the Wild: Reinterpreting Practices of Urban Guerrilla Gardening
by David Adams & Michael Hardman - 1120-1145 Fragmented Peri-urbanisation Led by Autonomous Village Development under Informal Institution in High-density Regions: The Case of Nanhai, China
by Jieming Zhu & Yan Guo - 1146-1161 Periurban Land Redevelopment in Vietnam under Market Socialism
by Danielle Labbé & Clement Musil - 1162-1178 Dynamics and Constraints of State-led Global City Formation in Emerging Economies: The Case of Shanghai
by Le-Yin Zhang - 1179-1195 (Re)Making Heritage Policy in Hong Kong: A Relational Politics of Global Knowledge and Local Innovation
by Lachlan Barber