November 2016, Volume 53, Issue 14
- 3108-3124 Transforming transport planning in the postpolitical era
by Crystal Legacy - 3125-3128 Book review: Connections: Exploring Contemporary Planning Theory and Practice with Patsy Healey
by Kang Cao - 3128-3130 Book review: Understanding the City: Henri Lefebvre and Urban Studies
by Michael R Glass - 3130-3131 Book review: The Collaborators: Interactions in the Architectural Design Process
by Emma Street - 3131-3134 Book review: Religion & Community in the New Urban America
by Joshua D Ambrosius - 3135-3136 Books received
by N/A
October 2016, Volume 53, Issue 13
- 2683-2699 Urban land conflict in the Global South: Towards an analytical framework
by Melanie Lombard & Carole Rakodi - 2700-2720 Land conflict in peri-urban areas: Exploring the effects of land reform on informal settlement in Mexico
by Melanie Lombard - 2721-2737 Land conflict and informal settlements in Juba, South Sudan
by Gabriella McMichael - 2738-2757 Sowing the seeds of conflict? Low income housing delivery, community participation and inclusive citizenship in South Africa
by Kamna Patel - 2758-2778 Collective or individual titles? Conflict over tenure regularisation in a Kenyan informal settlement
by Andrea Rigon - 2779-2795 Extending the analysis of urban land conflict: An example from Johannesburg
by Colin Marx - 2797-2814 Displacement and gentrification in England and Wales: A quasi-experimental approach
by Lance Freeman & Adele Cassola & Tiancheng Cai - 2815-2833 Better residential than ethnic discrimination! Reconciling audit and interview findings in the Parisian housing market
by Francois Bonnet & Etienne Lalé & Mirna Safi & Etienne Wasmer - 2834-2848 The impact of highway proximity on distribution centres’ rents
by Gaston Tchang - 2849-2866 The impact of housing non-cash income on the household income distribution in Austria
by Pirmin Fessler & Miriam Rehm & Lukas Tockner - 2867-2884 Measuring the influence of space and time effects on time on the market
by Stanley McGreal & Paloma Taltavull de La Paz & Valerie Kupke & Peter Rossini & Paul Kershaw - 2885-2900 Experiences of accessing CCTV data: The urban topologies of subject access requests
by Keith Spiller
September 2016, Volume 53, Issue 12
- 2451-2452 Introducing Methodological papers
by Chris Leishman - 2453-2468 Deathscape politics in Colombian metropolises: Conservation, grave recycling and the position of the bereaved
by Christien Klaufus - 2469-2487 Between haven and heaven in cities: A comparison between Beijing (China) and Utrecht (the Netherlands)
by Ying Zhao & Martin Dijst & Yanwei Chai - 2488-2510 Unpacking the impacts of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program on nearby property values
by Ayoung Woo & Kenneth Joh & Shannon Van Zandt - 2511-2529 Losers and Pareto optimality in optimising commuting patterns
by Jiangping Zhou & Ying Long - 2530-2547 The politics of land supply and affordable housing: Auckland’s Housing Accord and Special Housing Areas
by Laurence Murphy - 2548-2566 Why do the poor travel less? Urban structure, commuting and economic informality in Mexico City
by Manuel Suárez & Masanori Murata & Javier Delgado Campos - 2567-2583 Neighbourhood attachment revisited: Middle-class families in the Montreal metropolitan region
by Sandrine Jean - 2584-2606 Entrepreneurship in China: The role of localisation and urbanisation economies
by Qi Guo & Canfei He & Deyu Li - 2607-2623 Effects of China’s urban form on urban air quality
by Chen Lu & Yi Liu - 2624-2636 How important is perception of safety to park use? A four-city survey
by Sandra C Lapham & Deborah A Cohen & Bing Han & Stephanie Williamson & Kelly R Evenson & Thomas L McKenzie & Amy Hillier & Phillip Ward - 2637-2653 Plans for pavement or for people? The politics of bike lanes on the ‘Paseo Boricua’ in Chicago, Illinois
by Amy Lubitow & Bryan Zinschlag & Nathan Rochester - 2654-2669 Evaluating restrictive measures containing housing prices in China: A data envelopment analysis approach
by Jing Li & Ying Xu - 2670-2673 Book review: Entangled Urbanism: Slum, Gated Community and Shopping Mall in Delhi and Gurgaon
by Sneha Annavarapu - 2673-2675 Book review: Urban Subversion and the Creative City
by Robert Hollands - 2675-2677 Book review: The Singapore Water Story: Sustainable Development in an Urban City State
by Lei Wang - 2678-2678 Books received
by N/A
August 2016, Volume 53, Issue 11
- 2223-2237 The racial state and resistance in Ferguson and beyond
by Kate Driscoll Derickson - 2238-2252 City racial composition as a predictor of African American food deserts
by Jarrett Thibodeaux - 2253-2272 Welcome to the neighbourhood: The spatial dimensions of legitimacy for voluntary leisure organisations
by Floris Vermeulen & Joran Laméris & Debra Minkoff - 2273-2292 Dwelling unit choice in a condominium complex: Analysis of willingness to pay and preference heterogeneity
by Hai Jiang & Shuiping Chen - 2293-2311 Rivalry between social and private landlords in local rental housing markets
by Christian Lennartz - 2312-2329 Differences in housing price dynamics across cities: A comparison of different panel model specifications
by Elias Oikarinen & Janne Engblom - 2330-2346 Governmentalities in everyday practices: The dynamic of urban neighbourhood governance in China
by Xiaoyuan Wan - 2347-2362 Assessing local elected officials’ concerns about interlocal agreements
by Eric Zeemering - 2363-2379 Governing calculative practices: An investigation of development viability modelling in the English planning system
by Patrick McAllister & Emma Street & Peter Wyatt - 2380-2396 Contesting Mexico City’s alleged polycentric condition through a centrality-mixed land-use composite index
by Jorge Montejano Escamilla & Camilo Caudillo Cos & José Silván Cárdenas - 2397-2416 Understanding unlikely successes in urban violence reduction
by Kristian Hoelscher & Enzo Nussio - 2417-2433 Urban eco-modernisation and the policy context of new eco-city projects: Where Masdar City fails and why
by Federico Cugurullo - 2434-2441 On the map
by Manuel B Aalbers - 2442-2443 Book review: The Transportation Experience
by Jonas De Vos - 2443-2446 Book review: Crisis Cities: Disaster and Redevelopment in New York and New Orleans
by Henrik Jacobsen
August 2016, Volume 53, Issue 10
- 1987-2003 Spatial housing economics: A survey
by Geoffrey Meen - 2004-2022 Walking with the ghosts of the past: Unearthing the value of residents’ urban nostalgias
by David Adams & Peter Larkham - 2023-2040 The re-emergence of self-managed co-housing in Europe: A critical review of co-housing research
by Lidewij Tummers - 2041-2063 Homelessness in a Scandinavian welfare state: The risk of shelter use in the Danish adult population
by Lars Benjaminsen - 2064-2080 The uneven impact of austerity on the voluntary and community sector: A tale of two cities
by Gerwyn Jones & Richard Meegan & Patricia Kennett & Jacqui Croft - 2081-2098 Destination dumping ground: The convergence of ‘unwanted’ populations in disadvantaged city areas
by Lynda Cheshire & Gina Zappia - 2099-2117 Neoliberalism, logistics and the treadmill of production in metropolitan waste management: A case of Turkish firms
by Albert Fu - 2118-2133 The evolutionary dynamics of entrepreneurial ecosystems
by Elizabeth Mack & Heike Mayer - 2134-2153 Privatisation of waste collection services in response to fiscal stress in times of crisis
by José L Zafra-Gómez & Ana MarÃa Plata-DÃaz & Gemma Pérez-López & Antonio Manuel López-Hernández - 2154-2174 Spatial agglomeration and location determinants: Evidence from the US communications equipment manufacturing industry
by Zekai He & Michael Romanos - 2175-2191 Institutional transition: Internal migration, the propiska, and post-socialist urban change in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
by Craig Hatcher & Susan Thieme - 2192-2208 The emergence of portable private-personal territory: Smartphones, social conduct and public spaces
by Tali Hatuka & Eran Toch - 2209-2211 Book review: Young Homeless People and Urban Space: Fixed in Mobility
by Philip Mullen - 2211-2214 Book review: Infrastructural Lives: Urban Infrastructure in Context
by Sobia Ahmad Kaker - 2214-2215 Book review: Better Public Transit Systems: Analysing Investments and Performance
by Robin Hickman - 2215-2219 Book review: Asian Heritage Management: Contexts, Concerns, and Prospects
by Sara Mahdizadeh - 2220-2220 Books received
by N/A
July 2016, Volume 53, Issue 9
- 1759-1759 Urban Studies Best Article 2015
by N/A - 1760-1783 Virtual special issue editorial essay: ‘The shitty rent business’: What’s the point of land rent theory?
by Callum Ward & Manuel B Aalbers - 1784-1802 Urban form, car ownership and activity space in inner suburbs: A comparison between Beijing (China) and Chicago (United States)
by Tana & Mei-Po Kwan & Yanwei Chai - 1803-1821 Right-of-way gentrification: Conflict, commodification and cosmopolitanism
by Sig Langegger - 1822-1835 Cycling in the post-socialist city: On travelling by bicycle in Sofia, Bulgaria
by Andrew Barnfield & Anna Plyushteva - 1836-1852 The impact of bus transit on employee turnover: Evidence from quasi-experimental samples
by Dagney Faulk & Michael J Hicks - 1853-1868 Is the ‘Central German Metropolitan Region’ spatially integrated? An empirical assessment of commuting relations
by Albrecht Kauffmann - 1869-1884 Sustainable energy projects and the community: Mapping single-building use of microgeneration technologies in London
by Anne-Marie Coles & Athena Piterou & Audley Genus - 1885-1901 Temporary projects, durable outcomes: Urban development through failed Olympic bids?
by John Lauermann - 1902-1924 Making meaningful commitments: Accounting for variation in cities’ investments of staff and fiscal resources to sustainability
by Christopher V Hawkins & Rachel M Krause & Richard C Feiock & Cali Curley - 1925-1941 Uncivil cities: Insecurity, policy transfer, tolerance and the case of Barcelona’s ‘Civility Ordinance’
by Gemma Galdon-Clavell - 1942-1957 Mobile transitions: Exploring synergies for urban sustainability research
by Julia Affolderbach & Christian Schulz - 1958-1975 Housing informality in Buenos Aires: Past, present and future?
by Jean-Louis van Gelder & Maria Cristina Cravino & Fernando Ostuni - 1976-1978 Book review: Foreign and Domestic Investment in Argentina: The Politics of Privatized Infrastructure
by Marie-Noëlle Carré - 1978-1980 Book review: The Urban Condition
by Donald McNeill - 1980-1982 Book review: Toronto: Transformations in a City and its Region
by Martine August - 1982-1983 Book review: Retrofitting Sprawl: Addressing Seventy Years of Failed Urban Form
by Nicholas A Phelps - 1984-1984 Books received
by N/A
June 2016, Volume 53, Issue 8
- 1523-1541 Urban studies after the age of the city
by Lauren Rickards & Brendan Gleeson & Mark Boyle & Cian O’Callaghan - 1542-1558 Neoliberalism, economic restructuring and policy change: Precarious housing and precarious employment in Australia
by Andrew Beer & Rebecca Bentley & Emma Baker & Kate Mason & Shelley Mallett & Anne Kavanagh & Tony LaMontagne - 1559-1573 Individual and contextual determinants of victimisation in Brazilian urban centres: A multilevel approach
by Klebson Moura & Raul Silveira Neto - 1574-1590 Conceptual approaches to service provision in cities throughout history
by Michael E Smith & Timothy Dennehy & April Kamp-Whittaker & Benjamin W Stanley & Barbara L Stark & Abigail York - 1591-1616 Functional specialisation and socio-economic factors in population change: A clustering study in non-metropolitan Australia
by Karim K Mardaneh - 1617-1634 Social fragmentation as a consequence of implementing a Bus Rapid Transit system in the city of Bogotá
by Juan Pablo Bocarejo & Ingrid Portilla & David Meléndez - 1635-1656 Residential segregation and employment outcomes of rural migrant workers in China
by Pengyu Zhu - 1657-1673 Hukou-based labour market discrimination and ownership structure in urban China
by Yang Song - 1674-1690 Novelty effects and sports facilities in smaller cities: Evidence from Canadian hockey arenas
by Brian P Soebbing & Daniel S Mason & Brad R Humphreys - 1691-1709 Exploring a decade of small area ethnic (de-)segregation in England and Wales
by Gemma Catney - 1710-1726 Open area and road density as land use indicators of young offender residential locations at the small-area level: A case study in Ontario, Canada
by Jane Law & Matthew Quick & Ping Chan - 1727-1744 Individual and contextual socioeconomic status and community satisfaction
by Lauren Hannscott - 1745-1747 Book review: Dream Zones: Anticipating Capitalism and Development in India
by Kasi Eswarappa - 1747-1749 Book review: Capital in the Twenty-First Century
by Dylan Simone - 1749-1751 Book review: Kyoto: An Urban History of Japan’s Premodern Capital
by Zhigang Li - 1751-1753 Book review: Arts, Culture and the Making of Global Cities – Creating New Urban Landscapes in Asia
by Ben Derudder - 1754-1754 Books received
by N/A
May 2016, Volume 53, Issue 7
- 1347-1361 Introduction: The financialisation of urban production: Conditions, mediations and transformations
by Ludovic Halbert & Katia Attuyer - 1362-1383 Re-anchoring capital in disaster-devastated spaces: Financialisation and the Gulf Opportunity (GO) Zone programme
by Kevin Fox Gotham - 1384-1400 Reconstituting the state: City powers and exposures in Chicago’s infrastructure leases
by Philip Ashton & Marc Doussard & Rachel Weber - 1401-1423 Leveraging finance capital: Urban change and self-empowerment of real estate developers in India
by Hortense Rouanet & Ludovic Halbert - 1424-1441 Financialisation, the valuation of investment property and the urban built environment in the UK
by Neil Crosby & John Henneberry - 1442-1464 Building cities on financial assets: The financialisation of property markets and its implications for city governments in the Paris city-region
by Antoine Guironnet & Katia Attuyer & Ludovic Halbert - 1465-1485 Financial markets, developers and the geographies of housing in Brazil: A supply-side account
by Daniel Sanfelici & Ludovic Halbert - 1486-1502 The financialisation of rental housing: A comparative analysis of New York City and Berlin
by Desiree Fields & Sabina Uffer - 1503-1508 Financialisation and justice in the city: A commentary
by Susan Fainstein - 1509-1518 Commentary: From capital landing to urban anchoring: The negotiated city
by Thierry Theurillat & Nelson Vera-Büchel & Olivier Crevoisier
May 2016, Volume 53, Issue 6
- 1075-1076 Loïc Wacquant Critical Commentary Symposium
by Danny MacKinnon - 1077-1088 Revisiting territories of relegation: Class, ethnicity and state in the making of advanced marginality
by Loïc Wacquant - 1089-1094 From one Out-In to another: What’s missing in Wacquant’s structural analysis
by Orlando Patterson - 1095-1098 Rethinking the state in urban outcasts
by Nicole P Marwell - 1099-1103 Scrutinising the reflexive ethnography of Urban Outcasts
by Treols Schultz Larsen - 1104-1107 Changing forms of ethnicised poverty: Reflections on Loïc Wacquant’s article
by János Ladányi - 1108-1112 Reading Wacquant in Oakland: Poor people’s movements and the state
by Emma Shaw Crane - 1114-1136 Current debates in urban theory: A critical assessment
by Michael Storper & Allen J Scott - 1137-1161 Global networks, cities and economic performance: Observations from an analysis of cities in Europe and the USA
by Kathy Pain & Gilles Van Hamme & Sandra Vinciguerra & Quentin David - 1162-1177 Transformations in identity, governance and planning: The case of the small city
by Katie James & Michelle Thompson-Fawcett & Carsten Jahn Hansen - 1178-1202 Inequality in housing affordability: Measurement and estimation
by Danny Ben-Shahar & Jacob Warszawski - 1203-1224 The roles of developer’s status and competitive intensity in presale pricing in a residential market: A study of the spatio-temporal model in Hangzhou, China
by Eddie Chi Man Hui & Cong Liang & Ziyou Wang & Yuan Wang - 1225-1243 The persistence of power despite the changing meaning of homeownership: An age-period-cohort analysis of urban housing tenure in China, 1989–2011
by Qiang Fu - 1244-1260 Transfer of development rights and public facility planning in Taiwan: An examination of local adaptation and spatial impact
by Mi Shih & Hsiutzu Betty Chang - 1261-1277 Hybrid spatialities: Multi-storey extensions of socialist blocks of flats under post-socialist transition in Serbia, the case of Nis
by Petar Vranic & Ljiljana Vasilevska & Tigran Haas - 1278-1298 Pacifying Babel’s Tower: A scientometric analysis of polycentricity in urban research
by Michiel van Meeteren & Ate Poorthuis & Ben Derudder & Frank Witlox - 1299-1316 Gentrification as the appropriation of therapeutic ‘diversity’: A model and case study of the multicultural amenity of contemporary urban renewal
by Miguel de Oliver - 1317-1331 Spatial mobility and opportunity in Australia: Residential selection and neighbourhood connections
by William Clark & Regan Maas - 1332-1334 Book review: The Stranger and the Chinese Moral Imagination
by Shixiu Weng - 1334-1336 Book review: Gentrification: A Working-Class Perspective
by Aysegul Can - 1336-1338 Book review: Globalised Minds, Roots in the City: Urban Upper-middle Classes in Europe
by Rowland Atkinson - 1338-1340 Book review: Urban Complexity and Planning: Theories and Computer Simulations
by Yutian Liang & Lin Liu - 1341-1341 Books received
by N/A
April 2016, Volume 53, Issue 5
- 851-866 Farms are not zoos: A post-colonial study on enclosure and conservation of military heritage buildings in Hong Kong1
by Lawrence WC Lai & Daniel CW Ho - 867-883 A ‘Bedford Falls’ kind of place: Neighbourhood branding and commercial revitalisation in processes of gentrification in Toronto, Ontario
by Brenna Keatinge & Deborah G Martin - 884-898 Providing places for structures of feeling and hierarchical complementarity in urban theory: Re-reading Williams’ The Country and the City
by Peter Dirksmeier - 899-914 Homeless people’s leisure practices within and beyond urban socio-scapes
by Darrin Hodgetts & Ottilie Stolte - 915-935 A comparative assessment of the factors associated with station-level streetcar versus light rail transit ridership in the United States
by Luis Enrique Ramos-Santiago & Jeffrey Brown - 936-956 Agglomeration and simplified housing boom
by An-Ming Wang - 957-977 The heterogeneity of housing-tenure choice in urban China: A case study based in Guangzhou
by Guo Chen - 978-999 Environmental discourses in China’s urban planning system: A scaled discourse-analytical perspective
by Jiang Xu - 1000-1021 Homogeneity tests of Tiebout sorting: A case study at the interface of city and suburb
by Lee Hachadoorian - 1022-1041 The effects of urban greenways on the geography of office sectors and employment density in Seoul, Korea
by Myungjun Jang & Chang-Deok Kang - 1042-1060 Labour (im)mobility and monopsonistic exploitation of workers in the urban informal sector: Lessons from a field study
by Partha Gangopadhyay & Sriram Shankar - 1061-1063 Book review: Housing East Asia: Socioeconomic and Demographic Challenges
by Jie Shen - 1063-1066 Book review: Living with Risk: Precarity and Bangkok’s Urban Poor
by Non Arkaraprasertkul - 1066-1068 Book review: The Informal American City: From Taco Trucks to Day Labor
by Mohammad A Qadeer - 1068-1070 Book review: Cool Istanbul: Urban Enclosures and Resistances
by Basak Tanulku - 1071-1071 Books received
by N/A
March 2016, Volume 53, Issue 4
- 631-650 Assessing residential satisfaction among low income households in multi-habited dwellings in selected low income communities in Accra
by Irene Appeaning Addo - 651-668 Intergroup neighbouring in urban China: Implications for the social integration of migrants
by Zheng Wang & Fangzhu Zhang & Fulong Wu - 669-688 Bridging the gap: An exploration of how DMO managers use education to overcome challenges
by Staci M Zavattaro & Frank G Adams - 689-704 Reconsolidation of state power into urbanising villages: Shareholding reforms as a strategy for governance in the Pearl River Delta region
by Siu Wai Wong - 705-722 Transnational gentrification: Globalisation and neighbourhood change in Panama’s Casco Antiguo
by Thomas Sigler & David Wachsmuth - 723-740 Distancing and limited resourcefulness: Third sector service provision under austerity localism in the north east of England
by John Clayton & Catherine Donovan & Jacqui Merchant - 741-754 Private video monitoring of public spaces: The construction of new invisible territories
by Rodrigo Firmino & Fabio Duarte - 755-774 The prioritisation of provinces for public grants allocation by a decision-making methodology based on type-2 fuzzy sets
by Mesut Kiliç & İhsan Kaya - 775-798 Regional house price convergence in Spain during the housing boom
by Francisco Blanco & Victor MartÃn & Guillermo Vazquez - 799-817 Racial equity in the post-civil rights suburbs? Evidence from US regions 2000–2012
by Deirdre Pfeiffer - 818-836 Detroit after bankruptcy: A case of degrowth machine politics
by Seth Schindler - 837-839 Book review: Death of a Suburban Dream: Race and Schools in Compton, California
by Dennis J Downey - 839-841 Book review: Building Resilience: Social Capital in Post-Disaster Recovery
by Erin Alexiuk - 841-844 Book review: Communities and Networks: Using Social Network Analysis to Rethink Urban and Community Studies
by Zachary P Neal - 844-846 Book review: A Practical Approach to Planning Law
by Jill Dickinson - 847-848 Books received
by N/A
February 2016, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 455-470 Introduction: Locating gentrification in the Global East
by Hyun Bang Shin & Loretta Lees & Ernesto López-Morales - 471-489 Economic transition and speculative urbanisation in China: Gentrification versus dispossession
by Hyun Bang Shin - 490-505 Is ‘gentrification’ an analytically useful concept for Vietnam? A case study of Hanoi
by Ngai Ming Yip & Hoai Anh Tran - 506-523 State-led gentrification in Hong Kong
by Adrienne La Grange & Frederik Pretorius - 524-539 ‘New uses need old buildings’: Gentrification aesthetics and the arts in Singapore
by TC Chang - 540-559 The developmental state, speculative urbanisation and the politics of displacement in gentrifying Seoul
by Hyun Bang Shin & Soo-Hyun Kim - 560-576 Gentrification and revanchist urbanism in Taipei?
by Sue-Ching Jou & Eric Clark & Hsiao-Wei Chen - 577-592 Metro Manila through the gentrification lens: Disparities in urban planning and displacement risks
by Narae Choi - 593-608 Gentrifying the peri-urban: Land use conflicts and institutional dynamics at the frontier of an Indonesian metropolis
by Delik Hudalah & Haryo Winarso & Johan Woltjer - 609-614 Commentary: Variegated gentrification?
by Ray Forrest - 615-625 Speaking gentrification in the languages of the Global East
by Paul Waley
February 2016, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 227-246 Adaptive behaviour in urban space: Residential mobility in response to social distance
by Sako Musterd & Wouter PC van Gent & Marjolijn Das & Jan Latten - 247-266 Urban sprawl as a risk factor in motor vehicle crashes
by Reid Ewing & Shima Hamidi & James B Grace - 267-286 Discrimination based on place of residence and access to employment
by Mathieu Bunel & Yannick L’Horty & Pascale Petit - 287-301 Reading for difference on the street: De-homogenising street vending in Mexico City
by Veronica Crossa - 302-323 Interior immigration enforcement: The impacts of expanding local law enforcement authority
by Mai Thi Nguyen & Hannah Gill - 324-337 Bringing the countryside to the city: Practices and imaginations of the rural in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
by Jamie Gillen - 338-354 Modelling the dynamics of regional employment–population ratios and their commonality
by Robert Dixon & Guay Lim - 355-372 What attracts people to inner city areas? The cases of two post-socialist cities in Estonia and the Czech Republic
by Anneli Kährik & Jana Temelová & Kati Kadarik & Jan Kubeš - 373-399 The impacts of urban pricing on social and spatial inequalities: The case study of Lyon (France)
by Stéphanie Souche & Aurelie Mercier & Nicolas Ovtracht - 400-417 Is neighbourhood destiny? Exploring the link between neighbourhood mobility and student outcomes
by Sarah A Cordes & Amy Ellen Schwartz & Leanna Stiefel & Jeffrey Zabel - 418-440 The way towards land consumption: Soil sealing and polycentric development in Barcelona
by Luca Salvati & Margherita Carlucci - 441-441 Books received
by N/A - 442-443 Book review: Cities of North America: Contemporary Challenges in U.S. and Canadian Cities
by Deirdre A Oakley - 444-446 Book review: Community, Culture, and Economic Development: Continuity and Change in Two Small Southern Towns
by Katherine Lambert-Pennington - 446-448 Book review: Scenes from the Suburbs: The Suburb in Contemporary US Film and Television
by Richard Harris - 448-450 Book review: Contesting Publics: Feminism, Activism, Ethnography
by Fran Klodawsky
January 2016, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 3-16 The strength of ethnic ties: Routes into the labour market in spaces of segregation
by Martin Klinthäll & Susanne Urban - 17-39 Moving to suburbia? Effects of residential mobility on community engagement
by Jaume Magre & Joan-Josep Vallbé & Mariona Tomàs - 40-56 Neighbourhood context and social cohesion in Southernwood, East London, South Africa
by John Bwalya & Cecil Seethal - 57-76 Immigrant suburbanisation and the shifting geographic structure of metropolitan segregation in the United States
by Chad R Farrell