May 2014, Volume 51, Issue 6
- 1196-1213 Global Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Firms’ Linkages in the World City Network
by Stefan Krätke - 1214-1235 Neighbourhoods and Municipalities as Contextual Opportunities for Interethnic Contact
by Sören Petermann - 1236-1256 Neighbourhood Diversity and Social Trust: An Empirical Analysis of Interethnic Contact and Group-specific Effects
by Birte Gundelach & Markus Freitag - 1257-1273 Does Selling State Silver Generate Private Gold? Neighbourhood Impacts of State House Sales
by Katy Bergstrom & Arthur Grimes & Steven Stillman - 1274-1289 The Impact of Housing Vouchers on Crime in US Cities and Suburbs
by Michael C. Lens - 1290-1321 Public Greenspace and Life Satisfaction in Urban Australia
by Christopher Ambrey & Christopher Fleming - 1322-1338 Key Issues in Local Job Accessibility Measurement: Different Models Mean Different Results
by Mathieu Bunel & Elisabeth Tovar - 1339-1341 Book review: The Poor Among Us: A History of Family Poverty and Homelessness in New York City
by Ella Howard - 1341-1344 Book review: Securitisation of Property Squatting in Europe
by Lucy Finchett-Maddock - 1344-1346 Book review: The Great Urbanization of China
by Yungang Liu & Xiaoxia Xu - 1346-1348 Book review: Understanding Cairo: The Logic of a City Out of Control
by Nancy Y Reynolds - 1349-1350 Books received
by N/A
April 2014, Volume 51, Issue 5
- 865-867 Advancing theory in urban research
by Andrew Cumbers - 868-882 City-Dyad Analyses of China’s Integration into the World City Network
by Peter Taylor & Ben Derudder & Michael Hoyler & Pengfei Ni & Frank Witlox - 883-898 Smartmentality: The Smart City as Disciplinary Strategy
by Alberto Vanolo - 899-916 The Logic of Urban Fragmentation: Organisational Ecology and the Proliferation of American Cities
by Matthew Lee Howell - 917-937 Transit Service, Physical Agglomeration and Productivity in US Metropolitan Areas
by Daniel G. Chatman & Robert B. Noland - 938-958 Understanding Transit Ridership Demand for the Multidestination, Multimodal Transit Network in Atlanta, Georgia: Lessons for Increasing Rail Transit Choice Ridership while Maintaining Transit Dependent Bus Ridership
by Jeffrey Brown & Gregory Thompson & Torscha Bhattacharya & Michal Jaroszynski - 959-977 Participatory Community Regeneration: A Discussion of Risks, Accountability and Crisis in Devolved Wales
by Bella Dicks - 978-999 Neighbourhood Change, Mobility and Incumbent Processes: Exploring Income Developments of In-migrants, Out-migrants and Non-migrants of Neighbourhoods
by Annalies Teernstra - 1000-1018 Neighbourhood Attachment in Ethnically Diverse Areas: The Role of Interethnic Ties
by Agata Górny & Sabina Toruńczyk-Ruiz - 1019-1037 The Impact of the Built Environment on Bicycle Commuting: Evidence from Beijing
by Pengjun Zhao - 1038-1056 Subdivision Vintage and Housing Prices: Do Home Buyers Value Traditional Development?
by Christopher Bitter - 1057-1072 How Places Influence Crime: The Impact of Surrounding Areas on Neighbourhood Burglary Rates in a British City
by Alex Hirschfield & Mark Birkin & Chris Brunsdon & Nicolas Malleson & Andrew Newton - 1073-1089 Science Parks and the Co-location of High-tech Small- and Medium-sized Firms in China’s Shenzhen
by Fangfang Cheng & Frank van Oort & Stan Geertman & Pieter Hooimeijer - 1090-1092 Book review: Housing Markets and the Global Financial Crisis: The Uneven Impact on Households
by Dylan Simone - 1092-1095 Book review: Spatial Planning and Governance: Understanding UK Planning
by Andy Inch - 1095-1097 Book review: Crafting Citizenship: Negotiating Tensions in Modern Society
by Floris Vermeulen - 1097-1099 Book review: Poverty and Insecurity: Life in Low-pay, No-pay Britain
by Paul Griffin - 1100-1100 Books received
by N/A
March 2014, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 617-633 The Hybrid Spatialities of Transition: Capitalism, Legacy and Uneven Urban Economic Restructuring
by Oleg Golubchikov & Anna Badyina & Alla Makhrova - 634-654 The Living, Moving and Travel Behaviour of the Growing American Solo: Implications for Cities
by Devajyoti Deka - 655-674 Does Chicago’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Programme Pass the ‘But-for’ Test? Job Creation and Economic Development Impacts Using Time-series Data
by T. William Lester - 675-692 Changing Job Access of the Poor: Effects of Spatial and Socioeconomic Transformations in Chicago, 1990–2010
by Lingqian Hu - 693-711 Do Birds of a Feather Flock Together? The Impact of Ethnic Segregation Preferences on Neighbourhood Choice
by Tatjana Ibraimovic & Lorenzo Masiero - 712-726 An (Extra)ordinary Night Out: Urban Informality, Social Sustainability and the Night-time Economy
by Su-Jan Yeo & Chye Kiang Heng - 727-743 Branding as Urban Collective Strategy-making: The Formation of NewcastleGateshead’s Organisational Identity
by Cecilia Pasquinelli - 744-762 Financial Exit Routes from the ‘Poverty Trap’: A Study of Four UK Cities
by Pamela Lenton & Paul Mosley - 763-780 Does Poor Neighbourhood Reputation Create a Neighbourhood Effect on Employment? The Results of a Field Experiment in the UK
by Rebecca Tunstall & Anne Green & Ruth Lupton & Simon Watmough & Katie Bates - 781-809 Caught in the Housing Bubble: Immigrants’ Housing Outcomes in Traditional Gateways and Newly Emerging Destinations
by Gary Painter & Zhou Yu - 810-826 “I Just Live Here†: Everyday Practices of Disaffiliation of Middle-class Households in Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods
by Fenne M. Pinkster - 827-847 Seven Prototypical Chinese Cities
by Eric Heikkila & Ying Xu - 848-850 Book review: The Illegal City: Space, Law and Gender in a Delhi Squatter Settlement
by Rowan Ellis - 850-854 Book review: Transforming Asian Cities: Intellectual Impasse, Asianizing Space, and Emerging Translocalities
by Jeffrey Lauer - 854-856 Book review: Urban Sustainability: Reconnecting Space and Place
by David Gordon - 856-859 Book review: Reshaping Toronto’s Waterfront
by Thorben Wieditz - 860-861 Books received
by N/A
February 2014, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 463-476 Commuting, Migration, Housing and Labour Markets: Complex Interactions
by Anette Haas & Liv Osland - 477-492 Optimal Commuting and Migration Decisions under Commuting Cost Uncertainty
by Christian Schmidt - 493-508 Commuter Effects on Local Labour Markets: A German Modelling Study
by Giovanni Russo & Federico Tedeschi & Aura Reggiani & Peter Nijkamp - 509-525 Are Commuters in the EU Better Educated than Non-commuters but Worse than Migrants?
by Peter Huber - 526-543 Til Work Do Us Part: The Social Fallacy of Long-distance Commuting
by Erika Sandow - 544-576 The Nature of Urban Growth and the Commuting Transition: Endless Sprawl or a Growth Wave?
by Selima Sultana & Joe Weber - 577-595 Applying the European Spatial Development Perspective in Low-density Regions: A Methodology Based on Mobility and Labour Market Structure
by Félix Pillet & M. Carmen Cañizares & A. Raúl Ruiz & Héctor MartÃnez & Julio Plaza & Jesús F. Santos - 596-613 Describing Inequalities in Access to Employment and the Associated Geography of Wellbeing
by Kenneth Gibb & Liv Osland & Gwilym Pryce
February 2014, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 231-246 The Shelter that Wasn’t There: On the Politics of Co-ordinating Multiple Urban Assemblages in Santiago, Chile
by Sebastian Ureta - 247-263 ‘Borrowing’ Public Space to Stage Major Events: The Greenwich Park Controversy
by Andrew Smith - 264-283 Healthy Mixing? Investigating the Associations between Neighbourhood Housing Tenure Mix and Health Outcomes for Urban Residents
by Richard Lawder & David Walsh & Ade Kearns & Mark Livingston - 284-299 Understanding the Impact of the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem on the Relationship between Active Travel and the Built Environment
by Andrew Clark & Darren Scott - 300-318 Urban Youths’ Experiences and Perceptions of a Community Cycling Initiative
by Michael F. Hoffman & Sharon Hayes & Melissa A. Napolitano - 319-334 Mobilities of Disadvantage: The Housing Pathways of Low-income Australians
by Ilan Wiesel - 335-354 The Evolution of Taipei’s Music Industry: Cluster and Network Dynamics in the Innovation Practices of the Music Industry
by Cheng-Yi Lin - 355-370 Early Gentrification and the Public Realm: A Case Study of West End in Brisbane, Australia
by Peter Walters & Rod McCrea - 371-389 The Socioeconomic Impact of Shared Appreciation Mortgages on Borrowers: Empirical Evidence from South Australia
by George Mihaylov & Ralf Zurbruegg - 390-411 Spatial Heterogeneity in Hedonic House Price Models: The Case of Austria
by Marco Helbich & Wolfgang Brunauer & Eric Vaz & Peter Nijkamp - 412-427 How Do Landowners Price their Lands during Land Expropriation and the Motives Behind It: An Explanation from a WTA/WTP Experiment in Central Beijing
by Zhongyu He & Yasushi Asami - 428-445 Optimal Urban Population Size: National vs Local Economic Efficiency
by Euijune Kim & Geoffrey Hewings & Kyung-Min Nam - 446-448 Book Review: Go-Go Live: The Musical Life and Death of a Chocolate City
by William Sites - 449-450 Book Review: The Public and Its Possibilities: Triumphs and Tragedies in the American City
by Jessica Sewell - 451-453 Book Review: Latin American Urban Development into the 21st Century: Towards a Renewed Perspective on the City
by Benjamin Goldfrank - 453-457 Book Review: Urban Poverty in Bangladesh: Slum Communities, Migration and Social Integration
by Manoj Roy - 458-459 Books Received
by N/A
January 2014, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 3-21 Urban Growth and Climate Adaptation in Australia: Divergent Discourses and Implications for Policy-making
by Bruce Taylor & Tabatha Wallington & Sonja Heyenga & Ben Harman - 22-43 Supply, Demand and the Value of Green Buildings
by Andrea Chegut & Piet Eichholtz & Nils Kok - 44-62 Identifying the Impact on Land Prices of Replacing At-grade or Elevated Railways with Underground Subways in the Seoul Metropolitan Area
by Jaewoo Lee & Keemin Sohn - 63-74 Housing Appreciation (Depreciation) and Owners’ Welfare: An Alternative View
by Fu-Chuan Lai & Chia-Hung Sun & An-Ming Wang - 75-92 Does Public Investment Improve Homeowners’ Happiness? New Evidence based on Micro Surveys in Beijing
by Wenjie Wu - 93-115 New Evidence on Gibrat’s Law for Cities
by Rafael González-Val & Luis Lanaspa & Fernando Sanz-Gracia - 116-135 Explaining Smart Growth Applications: Lessons Learned from the US Capital Region
by Amal K. Ali - 136-152 AIRNET: A Programme for Generating Intercity Networks
by Zachary Neal - 153-169 Open to Business? An Exploration of the Impact of the Built Environment and Zoning Plans on Local Businesses in Pre-war and Post-war Residential Neighbourhoods in Dutch Cities
by Pascal Beckers & Robert C. Kloosterman - 170-184 Youth Drinking in Public Places: The Production of Drinking Spaces in and Outside Nightlife Areas
by Jakob Demant & Sara Landolt - 185-202 Indigenous Rough Sleeping in Darwin, Australia: ‘Out of Place’ in an Urban Setting
by Cameron Parsell & Rhonda Phillips - 203-219 Out of Place? The Effects of Demolition on Youths’ Social Contacts and Leisure Activities—A Case Study in Utrecht, the Netherlands
by Kirsten Visser & Gideon Bolt & Ronald van Kempen - 220-221 Book review: Making New York Dominican: Small Business, Politics, and Everyday Life
by David P Varady - 221-223 Book review: Foreign Direct Investment and Urban Growth in China
by Chengri Ding - 223-224 Book review: Carbon Management in the Built Environment
by Yangang Xing - 224-226 Book review: Politics, Planning and Homes in a World City
by Knut Hidle - 227-227 Books received
by N/A
December 2013, Volume 50, Issue 16
- 3205-3224 Equity in the City: On Measuring Urban (Ine)quality of Life
by Marco Brambilla & Alessandra Michelangeli & Eugenio Peluso - 3225-3242 Intergenerational Housing Support Between Retired Old Parents and their Children in Urban China
by Bingqin Li & Hyun Bang Shin - 3243-3261 When and Why Do Landlords Retain Property Investments?
by Gavin A. Wood & Rachel Ong - 3262-3282 The Spatio-temporal Clustering of Green Buildings in the United States
by Nikhil Kaza & T. William Lester & Daniel A. Rodriguez - 3283-3304 Can Sustainability Enhance Business District Attractiveness? A Survey of Corporate Property Decisions in France
by Ingrid Nappi-Choulet & Aurelien Decamps - 3305-3322 Imagine all the Neighbours: Perceived Neighbourhood Ethnicity, Interethnic Friendship Ties and Perceived Ethnic Threat in Four Nordic Countries
by Antti Kouvo & Carita Lockmer - 3323-3341 Ethnic Group Population Change and Neighbourhood Belonging
by Nissa Finney & Stephen Jivraj - 3342-3359 Down These Mean Streets: An Analysis of the Local Public Discourse on Antisocial Behaviour in Disadvantaged Urban Neighbourhoods in the Netherlands
by Joanne van der Leun & Monique Koemans - 3360-3377 Viva la Raza! A Park, a Riot and Neighbourhood Change in North Denver
by Sig Langegger - 3378-3393 Decisions to Renovate: Identifying Key Determinants in Central and Eastern European Post-socialist Countries
by Andreja Cirman & Srna MandiÄ & Jelena Zorić - 3394-3411 What Drives the Spatial Development of Urban Villages in China?
by Pu Hao & Pieter Hooimeijer & Richard Sliuzas & Stan Geertman - 3412-3427 Urban Neoliberalism with Islamic Characteristics
by Ozan Karaman - 3428-3445 The Città Abusiva in Contemporary Southern Italy: Illegal Building and Prospects for Change
by Federico Zanfi - 3446-3462 Shared Space and the Post-politics of Environmental Change
by Rob Imrie - 3463-3471 Post-socialist Cities and Urban Studies: Transformation and Continuity in Eurasia
by Helen F. Wilson - 3472-3474 Book Review: Post-cosmopolitan Cities: Explorations of Urban Coexistence
by N/A - 3474-3476 Book Review: Unlearning the Colonial Cultures of Planning
by N/A - 3477-3478 Books Received
by N/A - 3479-3480 Erratum
by N/A
November 2013, Volume 50, Issue 15
- 3065-3083 Cities and Conflict in Fragile States in the Developing World
by Jo Beall & Tom Goodfellow & Dennis Rodgers - 3084-3098 The Political Economy of Post-invasion Kabul, Afghanistan: Urban Restructuring beyond the North–South Divide
by Daniel Esser - 3099-3115 Informality and Political Violence in Karachi
by Haris Gazdar & Hussain Bux Mallah - 3116-3133 Unravelling Dili: The Crisis of City and State in Timor-Leste
by Ben Moxham & Jovana Carapic - 3134-3151 The Importance of Political Coalitions in the Successful Reduction of Violence in Colombian Cities
by Francisco Gutiérrez & MarÃa Pinto & Juan Carlos Arenas & Tania Guzmán & MarÃa Gutiérrez - 3152-3167 Gulu in War … and Peace? The Town as Camp in Northern Uganda
by Adam Branch - 3168-3184 Borderlands, Identity and Urban Development: The Case of Goma (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
by Koen Vlassenroot & Karen Büscher - 3185-3202 From Urban Catastrophe to ‘Model’ City? Politics, Security and Development in Post-conflict Kigali
by Tom Goodfellow & Alyson Smith
November 2013, Volume 50, Issue 14
- 2853-2868 Consuming the City: Public Fashion Festivals and the Participatory Economies of Urban Spaces in Melbourne, Australia
by Sally Weller - 2869-2885 Cultural Amenities and Unemployment in Dutch Cities: Disentangling a Consumerist and Productivist Explanation for Less-educated Urbanites’ Varying Unemployment Levels across Urban Economies
by Jeroen van der Waal - 2886-2903 Keeping People in Their Place? Young-Adult Mobility and Persistence of Residential Segregation in US Metropolitan Areas
by Marcus L. Britton & Pat Rubio Goldsmith - 2904-2921 “A Bad Neighbour Is as Great a Plague as a Good One Is a Great Blessing†: On Negative Relationships between Neighbours
by Jaap Nieuwenhuis & Beate Völker & Henk Flap - 2922-2939 Neighbourhood for Playing: Using GPS, GIS and Accelerometry to Delineate Areas within which Youth are Physically Active
by Li Yin & Samina Raja & Xiao Li & Yuan Lai & Leonard Epstein & James Roemmich - 2940-2958 Fibro Dreaming: Greenwashed Beach-house Development on Australia’s Coasts
by Wendy S. Shaw & Lindsay Menday - 2959-2975 Reluctant Cities, Colonias and Municipal Underbounding in the US: Can Cities Be Convinced to Annex Poor Enclaves?
by Vinit Mukhija & David R. Mason - 2976-2992 Bringing Power Back In: Collective and Distributive Forms of Power in Public Participation
by Philippe Koch - 2993-3010 Travel Time and Distance in International Perspective: A Comparison between Nanjing (China) and the Randstad (The Netherlands)
by Jianxi Feng & Martin Dijst & Jan Prillwitz & Bart Wissink - 3011-3026 Place of Origin and Labour Market Outcomes Among Migrant Workers in Urban China
by Chunni Zhang & Yu Xie - 3027-3035 A Note on the Average Density Function in Urban Analysis
by Darryl Holden & John B. Parr - 3036-3042 Flats, Higher Densities and City-centre Living in England: A Response to Evans and Unsworth
by Barry Goodchild - 3043-3046 Flats and Densities in England: A Reply to Barry Goodchild
by Alan Evans & Rachael Unsworth - 3047-3055 Whither the Non-profit Sector?
by Patricia Tweet - 3056-3058 Book Review: Remaking Urban Citizenship: Organizations, Institutions, and the Right to the City
by N/A - 3058-3060 Book Review: Missing Links in Labour Geography
by N/A - 3061-3061 Books Received
by N/A
October 2013, Volume 50, Issue 13
- 2623-2641 New-build Studentification: A Panacea for Balanced Communities?
by Joanna Sage & Darren Smith & Philip Hubbard - 2642-2660 Residential Segregation, Spatial Mismatch and Economic Growth across US Metropolitan Areas
by Huiping Li & Harrison Campbell & Steven Fernandez - 2661-2681 Who Lives in Higher Density Housing? A Study of Spatially Discontinuous Housing Sub-markets in Sydney and Melbourne
by Bill Randolph & Andrew Tice - 2682-2699 Housing Submarkets and the Lattice of Substitution
by Gwilym Pryce - 2700-2717 The Function and Foundations of Urban Tolerance: Encountering and Engaging with Difference in the City
by Jon Bannister & Ade Kearns - 2718-2735 Diversity Versus Tolerance: The Social Drivers of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in US Cities
by Haifeng Qian - 2736-2752 The Dark Side of NY–LON: Financial Centres and the Global Financial Crisis
by Dariusz Wójcik - 2753-2765 Estimating the Willingness to Pay of Industrial Firms for Japanese Industrial Parks
by Ryo Itoh - 2766-2790 Input–Output Efficiency of Urban Agglomerations in China: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
by ChuangLin Fang & XingLiang Guan & ShaSha Lu & Min Zhou & Yu Deng - 2791-2808 Entanglement: The Negotiation of Urban Development Imperatives in Durban’s Public–Private Partnerships
by Jennifer Houghton - 2809-2825 Planning for Sustainability in Non-democratic Polities: The Case of Masdar City
by Laurence Crot - 2826-2841 Activising Space: The Spatial Politics of the 2011 Protest Movement in Israel
by Nathan Marom - 2842-2843 Book Review: Cities, Regions and Flows
by N/A - 2843-2846 Book Review: Rethinking A Lot: The Design and Culture of Parking
by N/A - 2846-2847 Book Review: Areas at Risk—Concept and Methods for Urban Flood Risk Assessment: A Case Study of Santiago de Chile
by N/A - 2847-2849 Book Review: Otto Neurath: The Language of the Global Polis
by N/A - 2850-2850 Books Received
by N/A
September 2013, Volume 50, Issue 12
- 2391-2406 ‘Do You Think I’m Stupid?’: Urban Encounters between People with and without Intellectual Disability
by Ilan Wiesel & Christine Bigby & Rachel Carling-Jenkins - 2407-2424 Jane Jacobs and ‘The Need for Aged Buildings’: Neighbourhood Historical Development Pace and Community Social Relations
by Katherine King - 2425-2440 Class, Students and Place: Encountering Locality in a Post-industrial Landscape
by Louise Wattis - 2441-2459 Telecommuting, Household Commute and Location Choice
by Pengyu Zhu - 2460-2477 Finding Sustainability in Conservative Contexts: Topics for Conversation between American Conservative Élites, Planners and the Conservative Base
by Andrew Whittemore - 2478-2495 Why Do Higher-income Households Choose Low-income Neighbourhoods? Pioneering or Thrift?
by Ingrid Gould Ellen & Keren Mertens Horn & Katherine M. O’Regan - 2496-2516 Commercial Real Estate and Equity Market Bubbles: Are They Contagious to REITs?
by Ogonna Nneji & Chris Brooks & Charles Ward - 2517-2534 Homeownership, Social Capital and Satisfaction with Local Government
by Matthew Roskruge & Arthur Grimes & Philip McCann & Jacques Poot - 2535-2552 The Distribution of London Residential Property Prices and the Role of Spatial Lock-in
by Christian Nygaard & Geoffrey Meen - 2553-2568 Where Do Home Buyers Pay Most for Relative Transit Accessibility? Hong Kong, Taipei and Kaohsiung Compared
by Oliver Shyr & David Emanuel Andersson & Jamie Wang & Taiwei Huang & Olivia Liu - 2569-2587 Meeting the Decent Homes Standard: London Housing Associations’ Asset Management Strategies
by Nicola Morrison - 2588-2607 Motivations for Equity Borrowing: A Welfare-switching Effect
by Gavin Wood & Sharon Parkinson & Beverley Searle & Susan J. Smith - 2608-2611 Book Review: The Great Urban Transformation: Politics of Land and Property in China
by N/A - 2611-2614 Book Review: Invisible Population: The Place of the Dead in East Asian Megacities
by N/A - 2614-2615 Book Review: Re-visioning Indian Cities: The Urban Renewal Mission
by N/A - 2616-2618 Book Review: Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect
by N/A - 2619-2620 Books Received
by N/A
August 2013, Volume 50, Issue 11
- 2151-2157 Grappling with Smart City Politics in an Era of Market Triumphalism
by David Gibbs & Rob Krueger & Gordon MacLeod - 2158-2177 Docklands Dreamings: Illusions of Sustainability in the Melbourne Docks Redevelopment
by Kate Shaw - 2178-2195 Suburban Sprawl or Urban Centres: Tensions and Contradictions of Smart Growth Approaches in Denver, Colorado
by Andrew Goetz - 2196-2221 New Urbanism/Smart Growth in the Scottish Highlands: Mobile Policies and Post-politics in Local Development Planning
by Gordon MacLeod - 2222-2237 Sustainability and Neoliberal Urban Development: The Environment, Crime and the Remaking of Austin’s Downtown
by Eliot Tretter - 2238-2255 Vancouver’s “EcoDensity†Planning Initiative: A Struggle over Hegemony?
by Marit Rosol - 2256-2274 Seeing Red Over Green: Contesting Urban Sustainabilities in China
by C. P. Pow & Harvey Neo - 2275-2292 Smart Growth and State Territoriality
by Yonn Dierwechter - 2293-2310 Superfund Me: A Study of Resistance to Gentrification in New York City
by Hamil Pearsall - 2311-2331 Endangered Neoliberal Suburbanism? The Use of the Federal Endangered Species Act as a Growth Management Tool in Southern California
by Andrew E. G. Jonas & Stephanie Pincetl & James Sullivan - 2332-2348 Competitiveness AND Sustainability: Can ‘Smart City Regionalism’ Square the Circle?
by Tassilo Herrschel - 2349-2370 Progressive Nostalgia in Novel Living Arrangements: A Counterpoint to Neo-traditional New Urbanism?
by Helen Jarvis & Alastair Bonnett - 2371-2387 What’s Wrong with Best Practice? Questioning the Typification of New Urbanism
by Susan Moore
August 2013, Volume 50, Issue 10
- 1919-1934 Informality and the Development and Demolition of Urban Villages in the Chinese Peri-urban Area
by Fulong Wu & Fangzhu Zhang & Chris Webster - 1935-1950 Conflict and Resilience in an Urban Squatter Settlement in Dili, East Timor
by James Scambary - 1951-1969 Land Use Regulations, Compliance and Land Markets in Argentina
by Paavo Monkkonen & Lucas Ronconi - 1970-1987 The Influence of Green Building Certification Schemes on Real Estate Investor Behaviour: Evidence from Singapore
by Stefanie Lena Heinzle & Augustin Boey Ying Yip & Melissa Low Yu Xing - 1988-2005 Rent Control and Misallocation
by Morten Skak & Gintautas Bloze - 2006-2023 Emerging Polycentricity in Beijing: Evidence from Housing Price Variations, 2001–05
by Bo Qin & Sun Sheng Han - 2024-2043 Implicit House Prices: Variation over Time and Space in Spain
by Stanley McGreal & Paloma Taltavull de La Paz - 2044-2062 The Natural Rate of Unemployment Hypothesis and the Evolution of Regional Disparities in Spanish Unemployment
by Roberto Bande & Marika Karanassou - 2063-2083 Spatial Impacts, Local Labour Market Characteristics and Housing Prices
by Liv Osland & Inge Thorsen - 2084-2101 Romanian Suburban Housing: Home Improvement through Owner-building
by Adriana Mihaela Soaita - 2102-2117 Business Improvement Associations and Public Area Video Surveillance in Canadian Cities
by Kevin Walby & Sean Hier - 2118-2135 Searching for the Parallel Growth of Cities in China
by Zhihong Chen & Shihe Fu & Dayong Zhang - 2136-2137 Book Review: Geographies of Rhythm: Nature, Place, Mobilities and Bodies
by N/A - 2137-2140 Book Review: Social Housing across Europe
by N/A - 2140-2142 Book Review: International Real Estate Economics
by N/A - 2142-2144 Book Review: Real Estate and Globalisation
by N/A - 2145-2146 Books Received
by N/A - 2147-2147 Corrigendum
by N/A