July 2013, Volume 50, Issue 9
- 1675-1688 Rethinking Cities in Contentious Times: The Mobilisation of Urban Dissent in the ‘Arab Spring’
by Marco Allegra & Irene Bono & Jonathan Rokem & Anna Casaglia & Roberta Marzorati & Haim Yacobi - 1689-1703 The Linear Expenditure System and the Demand for Municipal Public Services: The Median Voter Specification Revisited
by Marie-Estelle Binet - 1704-1723 The Role of Social Networks in the Integration of Chinese Rural–Urban Migrants: A Migrant–Resident Tie Perspective
by Zhongshan Yue & Shuzhuo Li & Xiaoyi Jin & Marcus W. Feldman - 1724-1741 Crime across the States: Are US Crime Rates Converging?
by Steve Cook & Tom Winfield - 1742-1759 Original Innovation, Learnt Innovation and Cities: Evidence from UK SMEs
by Neil Lee & Andrés RodrÃguez-Pose - 1760-1778 Global Cities Are Coastal Cities Too: Paradox in Sustainability?
by Herman L. Boschken - 1779-1795 The Effect of Transport Costs on Housing-related Financial Stress in Australia
by Yogi Vidyattama & Robert Tanton & Binod Nepal - 1796-1816 An Institutional Economic Analysis of the Decision to Do-it-yourself in Housing Renovation
by Ti-Ching Peng - 1817-1835 The Impact of Spatial Mismatch on Residents in Low-income Housing Neighbourhoods: A Study of the Guangzhou Metropolis, China
by Suhong Zhou & Zhidong Wu & Luping Cheng - 1836-1853 Social Production of Space in Johor Bahru
by Sirima Nasongkhla & Sidh Sintusingha - 1854-1869 Making Location Quotients More Relevant as a Policy Aid in Regional Spatial Analysis
by Andrew Crawley & Malcolm Beynon & Max Munday - 1870-1888 The Determinants of Homeownership Affordability among the ‘Sandwich Class’: Empirical Findings from Guangzhou, China
by Qianwei Ying & Danglun Luo & Jie Chen - 1889-1905 Housing Shadow Prices in an Inundation-prone Suburb
by Alicia N. Rambaldi & Cameron S. Fletcher & Kerry Collins & Ryan R.J. McAllister - 1906-1908 Book Review: City of Extremes: The Spatial Politics of Johannesburg
by N/A - 1908-1911 Book Review: Locating Migration: Rescaling Cities and Migrants
by N/A - 1911-1913 Book Review: Beijing Record: A Physical and Political History of Planning Modern Beijing
by N/A - 1913-1915 Book Review: Starring New York: Filming the Grime and the Glamour of the Long 1970s
by N/A - 1916-1916 Books Received
by N/A
June 2013, Volume 50, Issue 8
- 1471-1488 Suburbanism as a Way of Life, Slight Return
by Alan Walks - 1489-1504 Social Housing in England: Testing the Logics of Reform
by David Robinson - 1505-1522 Understanding the Determinants of Single-family Residential Redevelopment in the Inner-ring Suburbs of Chicago
by Suzanne Lanyi Charles - 1523-1539 Addressing Educational Disadvantage in Deprived Communities: Evidence from the New Deal for Communities Programme in England
by Elaine Batty - 1540-1556 Shaping the Urban Renaissance: New-build Luxury Developments in Berlin
by Nadine Marquardt & Henning Füller & Georg Glasze & Robert Pütz - 1557-1574 From “Five Angry Women†to “Kick-ass Community†: Gentrification and Environmental Activism in Brooklyn and Beyond
by Trina Hamilton & Winifred Curran - 1575-1591 Well-being Disparities within the Paris Region: A Capabilist Spatialised Outlook
by Elisabeth Tovar & Lise Bourdeau-Lepage - 1592-1607 The Governability of National Spatial Planning: Light Instruments and Logics of Governmental Action in Strategic Urban Development
by Federico Savini - 1608-1624 Urban Youth, Worklessness and Sport: A Comparison of Sports-based Employability Programmes in Rotterdam and Stoke-on-Trent
by Ramón Spaaij & Jonathan Magee & Ruth Jeanes - 1625-1640 Beyond the ‘Exclusionary City’: North-east Migrants in Neo-liberal Delhi
by Duncan McDuie-Ra - 1641-1647 Measuring Centrality and Power Recursively in the World City Network: A Reply to Neal
by John P. Boyd & Matthew C. Mahutga & David A. Smith - 1648-1659 Does World City Network Research Need Eigenvectors?
by Zachary Neal - 1660-1662 Book Review: International Handbook of Globalization and World Cities
by N/A - 1662-1664 Book Review: Coming of Age in America: The Transition to Adulthood in the Twenty-First Century
by N/A - 1664-1666 Book Review: Justice and the American Metropolis
by N/A - 1667-1669 Book Review: The Ruins of the New Argentina: Peronism and the Remaking of San Juan after the 1944 Earthquake
by N/A - 1670-1671 Books Received
by N/A
May 2013, Volume 50, Issue 7
- 1325-1331 Cities, Urbanisation and Climate Change
by Aidan While & Mark Whitehead - 1332-1347 Cities and Climate Change: The Precedents and Why They Matter
by Michael Hebbert & Vladimir Jankovic - 1348-1367 Neoliberal Urban Environmentalism and the Adaptive City: Towards a Critical Urban Theory and Climate Change
by Mark Whitehead - 1368-1385 The Uneven Localisation of Climate Action in Metropolitan Seattle
by Yonn Dierwechter & Anne Taufen Wessells - 1386-1402 The Socio-institutional Dynamics of Urban Climate Governance: A Comparative Analysis of Innovation and Change in Durban (KZN, South Africa) and Portland (OR, USA)
by Alex Aylett - 1403-1422 The Intermediary Organisation of Low Carbon Cities: A Comparative Analysis of Transitions in Greater London and Greater Manchester
by Michael Hodson & Simon Marvin & Harriet Bulkeley - 1423-1438 Grassroots Localisation? The Scalar Potential of and Limits of the ‘Transition’ Approach to Climate Change and Resource Constraint
by Peter North & Noel Longhurst - 1439-1455 Discursive Framings of Low Carbon Urban Transitions: The Contested Geographies of ‘Satellite Settlements’ in the Czech Republic
by Saska Petrova & Darina Posová & Adam House & Ludek Sýkora - 1456-1468 Climate Change and Asian Cities: So Near Yet So Far
by Chandra Bhushan Kumar
May 2013, Volume 50, Issue 6
- 1097-1113 Minarets without Mosques: Limits to the Urban Politics of Neo-liberal Islamism
by Bülent Batuman - 1114-1129 Culture Wars, Revanchism, Moral Panics and the Creative City. A Reconstruction of a Decline of Tolerant Public Policy: The Case of Dutch Anti-squatting Legislation
by Hans Pruijt - 1130-1147 Dealing with Diversity: Middle-class Family Households and the Issue of ‘Black’ and ‘White’ Schools in Amsterdam
by Willem R. Boterman - 1148-1164 Gender Matters in Social Polarisation: Comparing Singapore, Hong Kong and Taipei
by Po-Fen Tai - 1165-1182 ‘Neighbourhood Effects’ and ‘City Effects’: The Entry of Newly Arrived Immigrants into the Labour Market
by Charlotta Hedberg & Tiit Tammaru - 1183-1200 From Minimum to Maximum: Impact of the London Parking Reform on Residential Parking Supply from 2004 to 2010?
by Zhan Guo & Shuai Ren - 1201-1220 The Predictive Performance of Multilevel Models of Housing Sub-markets: A Comparative Analysis
by Chris Leishman & Greg Costello & Steven Rowley & Craig Watkins - 1221-1238 Fostering Multiscalar Collaboration and Co-operation for Effective Governance of Climate Change Adaptation
by Hayley Leck & David Simon - 1239-1259 The Airport City Phenomenon: Evidence from Large US Airports
by Stephen J. Appold & John D. Kasarda - 1260-1276 Community Governance and Pastorship in Shanghai: A Case Study of Luwan District
by Wen-I Lin & Chaolee Kuo - 1277-1291 Brute Force and Sorting Processes: Two Perspectives on World City Network Formation
by Zachary Neal - 1292-1310 Is the Tap Locked? An Event History Analysis of Piped Water Access in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
by Stéphanie Dos Santos & Thomas LeGrand - 1311-1313 Book Review: Mixed Communities; Gentrification by Stealth?
by N/A - 1313-1316 Book Review: Living the Drama: Community, Conflict, and Culture Among Inner-city Boys
by N/A - 1316-1318 Book Review: Rethinking the Informal City: Critical Perspectives from Latin America
by N/A - 1318-1320 Book Review: The Blackwell Companion to the Economics of Housing: The Housing Wealth of Nations
by N/A - 1321-1321 Books Received
by N/A
April 2013, Volume 50, Issue 5
- 855-855 Introducing Policy Reviews
by Mark Stephens - 856-875 The Housing Market Renewal Programme: Origins, Outcomes and the Effectiveness of Public Policy Interventions in a Volatile Market
by Philip Leather & Brendan Nevin - 876-894 ‘Ripple’ Effects in South African House Prices
by Mehmet Balcilar & Abebe Beyene & Rangan Gupta & Monaheng Seleteng - 895-922 Regional House Prices and the Ripple Effect in Malaysia
by Hooi Hooi Lean & Russell Smyth - 923-941 Trajectories of Multidimensional Neighbourhood Quality of Life Change
by Elizabeth Delmelle & Jean-Claude Thill & Owen Furuseth & Thomas Ludden - 942-958 Exploring Change in Local Regeneration Areas: Evidence from the New Deal for Communities Programme in England
by Paul Lawless & Christina Beatty - 959-976 Variations between Organisations and Localities in Government Funding of Third-sector Activity: Evidence from the National Survey of Third-sector Organisations in England
by David Clifford & Frida Geyne-Rahme & John Mohan - 977-993 Elected Neighbourhood Officers in a Turkish City (Izmir): Gendered Local Participation in Governance
by Fatma Şenol - 994-1010 Le Goût des Autres: Gentrification Told by Children
by Jean-Yves Authier & Sonia Lehman-Frisch - 1011-1029 Place Stratification or Spatial Assimilation? Neighbourhood Quality Changes after Residential Mobility for Migrants in Germany
by Philipp M. Lersch - 1030-1048 Knowledge-based Development in Leading Regions across the Globe: An Exploratory Analysis of the co-Evolution of Resources, Capabilities and Outputs
by Robert Huggins & Hiro Izushi - 1049-1065 Urban Inequality and Political Recruitment
by Per Strömblad & Gunnar Myrberg - 1066-1082 Branding the City: The Democratic Legitimacy of a New Mode of Governance
by Jasper Eshuis & Arthur Edwards - 1083-1085 Book Review: Cities in Translation: Intersections of Language and Memory
by N/A - 1085-1087 Book Review: Beyond the Resources of Poverty: Gecekondu Living in the Turkish Capital
by N/A - 1087-1089 Book Review: The Principles of Green Urbanism: Transforming the City for Sustainability
by N/A - 1089-1092 Book Review: Social Sustainability in Urban Areas: Communities, Connectivity and the Urban Fabric
by N/A - 1093-1093 Books Received
by N/A
March 2013, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 637-656 Homeownership for Future Generations in the UK
by Geoffrey Meen - 657-673 Housing-related Well-being in Older People: The Impact of Environmental and Financial Influences
by Joan Costa-Font - 674-690 Racial Harassment in Social Housing in a Multi-ethnic City: The Case for Moving beyond Acting against Individual Perpetrators of Racial Harassment
by Gina Netto & Humphrey Abazie - 691-708 Exploring the Influence of Participation on Programme Satisfaction: Lessons from the Ahmedabad Slum Networking Project
by Laura W. Russ & Lois M. Takahashi - 709-724 Mitigating Uncertainty and Risk in Planning for Regional Preparedness: The Role of Bonding and Bridging Relationships
by Simon A. Andrew & Jered B. Carr - 725-741 Local Inequality and Crime: Exploring how Variation in the Scale of Inequality Measures Affects Relationships between Inequality and Crime
by Adam Whitworth - 742-758 The Impact of Distance to Nearest Education Institution on the Post-compulsory Education Participation Decision
by Andy Dickerson & Steven McIntosh - 759-775 Differential Spaces, Power Hierarchy and Collaborative Planning: A Critique of the Role of Temporary Uses in Shaping and Making Places
by Lauren Andres - 776-788 Forms of Government and Climate Change Policies in US Cities
by Jungah Bae & Richard Feiock - 789-806 Examining the Impacts of Development Patterns on Flooding on the Gulf of Mexico Coast
by Samuel Brody & Heeju Kim & Joshua Gunn - 807-824 Plan vs Project Dilemma Revisited: A Progress Review of Urban and Regional Studies Literature
by Reza Banai - 825-841 Young Professionals as Ambivalent Change Agents in New Orleans after the 2005 Hurricanes
by Renia Ehrenfeucht & Marla Nelson - 842-844 Book Review: Urban Design in the Real Estate Development Process
by N/A - 844-846 Book Review: Rights of Passage: Sidewalks and the Regulation of Public Flow
by N/A - 846-848 Book Review: The City as an Entertainment Machine
by N/A - 848-850 Book Review: Neighbourhood Planning: Communities, Networks and Governance
by N/A - 851-851 Books Received
by N/A
February 2013, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 455-466 Introduction: Young People’s Im/Mobile Urban Geographies
by Tracey Skelton & Katherine V. Gough - 467-483 Young People’s Urban Im/Mobilities: Relationality and Identity Formation
by Tracey Skelton - 484-498 ‘Them and Us’: ‘Black Neighbourhoods’ as a Social Capital Resource among Black Youths Living in Inner-city London
by Tracey Reynolds - 499-517 ‘Sticky Subjects’ or ‘Cosmopolitan Creatives’? Social Class, Place and Urban Young People’s Aspirations for Work in the Knowledge Economy
by Kim Allen & Sumi Hollingworth - 518-537 Legal Walls and Professional Paths: The Mobilities of Graffiti Writers in Sydney
by Cameron McAuliffe - 538-555 Young People, Anti-social Behaviour and Public Space: The Role of Community Wardens in Policing the ‘ASBO Generation’
by Donna Marie Brown - 556-573 New Street Geographies: The Impact of Urban Governance on the Mobilities of Cape Town’s Street Youth
by Lorraine van Blerk - 574-586 Visual Impairment in the City: Young People’s Social Strategies for Independent Mobility
by Nancy Worth - 587-605 Mobile Technologies and Youthful Exploration: Stimulus or Inhibitor?
by Michael Leyshon & Sean DiGiovanna & Briavel Holcomb - 606-620 Immobile Transnationalisms? Young People and Their in situ Experiences of ‘International’ Education in Hong Kong
by Johanna Waters & Maggi Leung - 621-634 Home Sites: The Location(s) of ‘Home’ for Young Men
by Akile Ahmet
February 2013, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 239-254 Twin Cities: Territorial and Relational Geographies of ‘Worldly’ Manchester
by Mark Jayne & Philip Hubbard & David Bell - 255-275 World City Typologies and National City System Deterritorialisation: USA, China and Japan
by Xiulian Ma & Michael Timberlake - 276-293 The Relational Geography of the Knowledge Economy in Germany: On Functional Urban Hierarchies and Localised Value Chain Systems
by Stefan Lüthi & Alain Thierstein & Michael Bentlage - 294-311 Foreign Direct Investment and International Migration to Dutch Cities
by Jeroen van der Waal - 312-328 Transport Development, Regional Concentration and Economic Growth
by Chengri Ding - 329-340 Airfreight Transport and Economic Development: An Examination of Causality
by Kenneth Button & Junyang Yuan - 341-355 Place-taking and Place-making in Waterfront Renewal, Australia
by Susan Oakley & Louise Johnson - 356-371 Perverting Progress? The Challenges of Implementing both Fiscal and Social Responsibility in São Paulo (1995–2010)
by Gabriella Y. Carolini - 372-390 Developing an Indicator of Property Market Resilience—Investigating the Potential of GIS to Analyse Business Occupier Displacement and Property Market Filtering: A Case Study of Tyne and Wear
by Paul Greenhalgh & Helen King - 391-406 Long-term Neighbourhood Effects on Education, Income and Employment among Adolescents in Oslo
by Ingar Brattbakk & Terje Wessel - 407-425 School Choice and Increasing Performance Difference: A Counterfactual Approach
by John Östh & Eva Andersson & Bo Malmberg - 426-442 The Mental Health Effects of Housing Tenure: Causal or Compositional?
by Emma Baker & Rebecca Bentley & Kate Mason - 443-445 Book Review: Henri Lefebvre on Space: Architecture, Urban Research, and the Production of Theory
by Matteo Marasco - 445-447 Book Review: Accumulation by Dispossession: Transformative Cities in the New Global Order
by Simon Springer - 447-448 Book Review: The Very Hungry City: Urban Energy Efficiency and the Economic Fate of Cities
by Keith Baker - 448-450 Book Review: Space for Urban Alternatives? Christiania 1971–2011
by Anni Greve - 451-451 Books Received
by N/A
January 2013, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 3-5 Editorial: Urban Studies at 50
by Ronan Paddison - 6-21 On the Hard Work of Domesticating a Public Space
by Regan Koch & Alan Latham - 22-38 Urban Renewal in the Inner City of Budapest: Gentrification from a Post-socialist Perspective
by Zoltán Kovács & Reinhard Wiessner & Romy Zischner - 39-54 Practices of Exception in Urban Governance: Reconfiguring Power Inside the State
by Idalina Baptista - 55-71 Smell in the City: Smoking and Olfactory Politics
by Qian Hui Tan - 72-87 Valuing the Reliability of the Electrical Power Infrastructure: A Two-stage Hedonic Approach
by Paul Maliszewski & Elisabeth Larson & Charles Perrings - 88-106 Price and Expenditure Elasticities for Fresh Fruits in an Urban Food Desert
by Dave Weatherspoon & James Oehmke & Assa Dembélé & Marcus Coleman & Thasanee Satimanon & Lorraine Weatherspoon - 107-127 Neighbourhood Income Sorting and the Effects of Neighbourhood Income Mix on Income: A Holistic Empirical Exploration
by Lina Hedman & George Galster - 128-147 Collective Action Dilemmas in Condominium Management
by Fang-Ni Chu & Chin-Oh Chang & Tien Foo Sing - 148-168 Pathways into Multiple Exclusion Homelessness in Seven UK Cities
by Suzanne Fitzpatrick & Glen Bramley & Sarah Johnsen - 169-190 Valuing the Benefits of Urban Regeneration
by Peter Tyler & Colin Warnock & Allan Provins & Bruno Lanz - 191-207 Urban Form and Commuting Efficiency: A Comparative Analysis across Time and Space
by Tufayel A. Chowdhury & Darren M. Scott & Pavlos S. Kanaroglou - 208-225 City Size Distribution as a Function of Socioeconomic Conditions: An Eclectic Approach to Downscaling Global Population
by Kyung-Min Nam & John M. Reilly - 226-228 Book Review: Epidemic City: The Politics of Public Health in New York
by N/A - 228-230 Book Review: Staging the New Berlin: Place Marketing and the Politics of Urban Reinvention Post-1989
by N/A - 230-232 Book Review: Mobile Urbanism: Cities and Policymaking in the Global Age
by N/A - 232-234 Book Review: ‘Race’, Culture and the Right to the City: Centres, Peripheries, Margins
by N/A - 235-235 Books Received
by N/A
December 2012, Volume 49, Issue 16
- 3479-3494 The Moderating Influence of Property Legislation on Planning Policy and Urban Form
by Amanda Davies & Mark Atkinson - 3495-3512 Assessing the Temporal and Regional Differences in the Relationships between Infant and Child Mortality and Urban Slum Prevalence in Less Developed Countries, 1990–2005
by Andrew Jorgenson & James Rice & Brett Clark - 3513-3530 Layers of the Urban State: Migrant Organisations and the Chinese State
by Jennifer Hsu - 3531-3544 The Point of Diminishing Returns: An Examination of Expanding Vancouver’s Insite
by Martin A. Andresen & Ehsan Jozaghi - 3545-3563 Homeownership, Neighbourhood Characteristics and Children’s Positive Behaviours among Low- and Moderate-income Households
by Michal Grinstein-Weiss & Clinton Key & Yeong Hun Yeo & Joan Yoo & Krista Holub & Andrea Taylor & Jenna Tucker - 3565-3578 Modelling Socioeconomic Neighbourhood Change due to Internal Migration in England
by Stephen Jivraj - 3579-3594 The Edge of the Island: Cultural Ideology and Neighbourhood Identity at the Gentrification Frontier
by Gordon C. C. Douglas - 3595-3609 Mobility, Social Capital and Sense of Community: What Value?
by John Stanley & Janet Stanley & David Hensher - 3611-3626 Place Branding and the Imaginary: The Politics of Re-imagining a Garden City
by Marjana Johansson - 3627-3644 Functional Polycentricity: Examining Metropolitan Spatial Structure through the Connectivity of Urban Sub-centres
by Antti Vasanen - 3645-3662 Which Are the Real Determinants of Tenure? A Comparative Analysis of Different Models of the Tenure Choice of a House
by Josep Raya & Jaume Garcia - 3663-3678 Spatial Distribution of Employment in Hermosillo, 1999–2004
by Liz RodrÃguez-Gámez & Sandy Dallerba - 3679-3698 On the Move: Determinants of Job and Residential Mobility in Different Sectors
by Kristin Kronenberg & Martin Carree - 3699-3701 Book Review: The Knowledge Business: The Commodification of Urban and Housing Research
by N/A - 3701-3703 Book Review: Banished: The New Social Control in Urban America
by N/A - 3703-3705 Book Review: The Housing Debate
by N/A - 3705-3707 Book Review: Third World Modernism: Architecture, Development and Identity
by N/A - 3709-3709 Books Received
by N/A
November 2012, Volume 49, Issue 15
- 3253-3270 Socio-spatial Mobility and Residential Sorting: Evidence from a Large-scale Survey
by William A. V. Clark & Philip S. Morrison - 3271-3287 The Sensory Experiencing of Urban Design: The Role of Walking and Perceptual Memory
by Monica Montserrat Degen & Gillian Rose - 3289-3305 The Role of the Public Institution in Iconic Architectural Development
by Matt Patterson - 3307-3325 Driving, Cities and Changing Climates
by Gordon Waitt & Theresa Harada - 3327-3345 What Really Matters for Increasing Transit Ridership: Understanding the Determinants of Transit Ridership Demand in Broward County, Florida
by Gregory Thompson & Jeffrey Brown & Torsha Bhattacharya - 3347-3363 Knowing the Area: The Management of Market and Business Risks by Private Landlords in Scotland
by A. D. H. (Tony) Crook & Ed Ferrari & Peter A. Kemp - 3365-3384 Questioning the Need for Social Mix: The Implications of Friendship Diversity amongst Australian Social Housing Tenants
by Roger Vincent Patulny & Alan Morris - 3385-3401 Community Worker Perspectives on the Use of New Media to Reconfigure Socio-spatial Relations in Belfast
by Paul Reilly - 3403-3425 Shared Skills: Occupation Clusters for Poverty Alleviation and Economic Development in the US
by Colleen K. Chrisinger & Christopher S. Fowler & Rachel Garshick Kleit - 3427-3446 Human-capital-centred Regionalism in Economic Development: A Case of Analytics Outpacing Institutions?
by Laura Wolf-Powers - 3447-3465 Testing and Extending the Escalator Hypothesis: Does the Pattern of Post-migration Income Gains in Toronto Suggest Productivity and/or Learning Effects?
by K. Bruce Newbold & W. Mark Brown - 3467-3468 Book Review: Miami: Mistress of the Americas
by N/A - 3469-3471 Book Review: Global Urbanization
by N/A - 3471-3473 Book Review: Building Globalization: Transnational Architecture Production in Urban China
by N/A - 3473-3474 Book Review: Lectures on Urban Economics
by N/A - 3475-3475 Books Received
by N/A
November 2012, Volume 49, Issue 14
- 2977-2987 Critical Commentary. Making the Connection between the Socialisation and the Social Isolation of the Inner-city Poor
by James M. Quane & William Julius Wilson - 2989-3008 Brownfield Residential Development: What Happens to the Most Deprived Neighbourhoods in England?
by Andreas Schulze Bäing & Cecilia Wong - 3009-3026 Good Neighbours in Bad Neighbourhoods: Narratives of Dissociation and Practices of Neighbouring in a ‘Problem’ Place
by Gwen van Eijk - 3027-3044 Rethinking Local Activism: ‘Cultivating the Capacities’ of Neighbourhood Organising
by Eleanor Jupp - 3045-3062 The ‘Double Movements’ of Neighbourhood Change: Gentrification and Public Policy in Harlem and Prenzlauer Berg
by Matthias Bernt - 3063-3079 Real Participation or the Tyranny of Participatory Practice? Public Art and Community Involvement in the Regeneration of the Raploch, Scotland
by Venda Louise Pollock & Joanne Sharp - 3081-3099 Square, Plaza, Piazza, Place: What Do We Know about these Targets of Urban Regeneration Programmes?
by Benoit Faye & Éric Le Fur - 3101-3119 People, Race and Place: American Support for Person- and Place-based Urban Policy, 1973–2008
by Michael Manville - 3121-3138 Bigger Is Not Always Better: A Comparative Analysis of Cities and their Air Pollution Impact
by Andrea Sarzynski - 3139-3158 Remitting Behaviour of Turkish Migrants: Evidence from Household Data in Germany
by Hulya Ulku - 3159-3176 New Migrant Enterprise: Novelty or Historical Continuity?
by Trevor Jones & Monder Ram & Paul Edwards & Alexander Kiselinchev & Lovemore Muchenje - 3177-3193 “You Either Pay More Advance Rent or You Move Out†: Landlords/Ladies’ and Tenants’ Dilemmas in the Low-income Housing Market in Accra, Ghana
by Godwin Arku & Isaac Luginaah & Paul Mkandawire - 3195-3210 Dynamics of a Protected Housing Market: The Case of Switzerland
by Karol Jan Borowiecki - 3211-3231 Social Marginalisation, Federal Assistance and Repopulation Patterns in the New Orleans Metropolitan Area following Hurricane Katrina
by Nabil Kamel - 3233-3242 Review Article: The City Resurgent
by Richard Harris - 3243-3245 Book Review: Consuming Space: Placing Consumption in Perspective
by Giovanni Orlando - 3245-3247 Book Review: The Economics of Abundance: A Political Economy of Freedom, Equity and Sustainability
by James Goodman - 3249-3259 Books Received
by N/A
October 2012, Volume 49, Issue 13
- 2785-2793 Introduction: Global Urban Frontiers? Asian Cities in Theory, Practice and Imagination
by Tim Bunnell & Daniel P. S. Goh & Chee-Kien Lai & C. P. Pow - 2795-2816 The Entrepreneurial Slum: Civil Society, Mobility and the Co-production of Urban Development
by Colin McFarlane - 2817-2837 Global Urban Frontiers through Policy Transfer? Unpacking Seoul’s Creative City Programmes
by Yong-Sook Lee & Eun-Jung Hwang - 2839-2852 Wheels of Fame and Fortune: The Travels of the Singapore Flyer
by Erica X. Y. Yap