November 2012, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 767-788 The Distributional Burden of Instant Lottery Ticket Expenditures
by Thomas A. Garrett - 789-815 Corruption and Voter Participation
by Monica Escaleras & Peter T. Calcagno & William F. Shughart II
September 2012, Volume 40, Issue 5
- 555-583 Revisiting the Excise Tax Effects of the Property Tax
by Athiphat Muthitacharoen & George R. Zodrow - 584-613 The Impact of Property Assessment Standards on Property Tax Burden
by Seth B. Payton - 614-642 State and Local Government Bond Refinancing and the Factors Associated with the Refunding Decision
by Tima T. Moldogaziev & Martin J. Luby - 643-669 Tax and Expenditure Limitations and State Credit Ratings
by Judith I. Stallmann & Steven Deller & Lindsay Amiel & Craig Maher - 670-682 Local Tax Competition and Indirect Tax Exportation
by Holger Kächelein
July 2012, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 435-469 Quality or Price? Evidence from ODA-Financed Public Procurement
by Antonio Estache & Atsushi Iimi - 470-496 Long-Run Growth and Welfare Effects of Rising US Public Health Expenditure
by Elwin Tobing & Jau-Lian Jeng - 497-518 Sweet and Not-So-Sweet Charity
by Calum M. Carmichael - 519-536 The Optimal Structure of Commodity Taxation in a Monopoly with Tax Avoidance or Evasion
by Laszlo Goerke - 537-551 A Public Choice Analysis of Congressional Franking
by S. Tyler Edwards & E. Frank Stephenson & Melissa M. Yeoh
May 2012, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 303-338 A Suggestion for Evaluating the Redistributional Effects of Tax Changes: With an Application to the 2006 Norwegian Tax Reform
by Thor O. Thoresen & Erlend E. Bø & Erik Fjærli & Elin Halvorsen - 339-359 The Incidence of the Mortgage Interest Deduction: Evidence from the Market for Home Purchase Loans
by Andrew Hanson - 360-380 Redistributional Effects of the National Flood Insurance Program
by Okmyung Bin & John A. Bishop & Carolyn Kousky - 381-400 The Contribution of US Taxes and Social Transfers to Income Redistribution
by Luis A. Hierro & Rosario Gómez-Alvarez & Pedro Atienza - 401-430 Estimating Implicit Marginal Tax Rates of Welfare Recipients across the US States
by J. Sebastian Leguizamon
March 2012, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 151-176 The Generational Effects of Fiscal Policy in a Small Open Economy
by Gerhard Glomm & Felix Rioja - 177-206 Can 401(k) Plans Provide Adequate Retirement Resources?
by Peter J. Brady - 207-239 Workers' Choice on Pension Schemes
by Lorenzo Corsini & Pier Mario Pacini & Luca Spataro - 240-269 PAYG Pensions and Economic Cycles
by Luciano Fanti & Luca Gori - 270-299 Fiscal Illusion around the World
by Roberto Dell’Anno & Paulo Mourao
January 2012, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 3-29 Fiscal Equalization, Tiebout Competition, and Incentives for Efficiency in a Federalist Country
by Philippe Widmer & Peter Zweifel - 30-65 Fiscal Rules and Federalism as Determinants of Budget Performance
by Isabel Argimón & Pablo Hernández de Cos - 66-85 Fiscal Decentralization and Governance
by Yener AltunbaÅŸ & John Thornton - 86-115 Is There a Connection Between Reciprocity and Tax Competition?
by Jonathan C. Rork & Gary A. Wagner - 116-144 Tax Incentives for Homeownership and the Provision of Local Public Services
by Kelly D. Edmiston & Kenneth Spong - 145-145 Outstanding Paper Award of 2011
by N/A
November 2011, Volume 39, Issue 6
- 743-769 The Unemployment Puzzle of Corporate Taxation
by Horst Feldmann - 770-783 Debt Policy and Corporate Choice of Organizational Form
by David Joulfaian - 784-809 Public Capital Maintenance, Decentralization, and US Productivity Growth
by Sarantis Kalyvitis & Eugenia Vella - 810-830 The Intergovernmental Fiscal Effects of the Clean Air Act
by Douglas A. Carr - 831-840 Monopolists' Profit Tax Evasion Revisited
by T. C. Michael Wu & C. C. Yang
September 2011, Volume 39, Issue 5
- 619-652 Income Mobility and the Earned Income Tax Credit
by Tim Dowd & John B. Horowitz - 653-681 Nonprofit Cash Holdings
by Andres Ramirez - 682-711 The Effects of Tax Evasion on the Choice between Personal and Corporate Income Taxation
by Diego d’Andria - 712-740 Combining Incrementalism and Exogenous Factors in Analyzing National Budgeting
by José Caamaño-Alegre & Santiago Lago-Peñas
July 2011, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 483-526 Do State Fiscal Policies Affect State Economic Growth?
by James Alm & Janet Rogers - 527-550 On Cash Transfers, In-Kind Provision, and the Size of Local Jurisdictions
by Bruno Bises & Agnese Sacchi - 551-570 The Income Elasticity of Lottery: New Evidence from Micro Data
by Levi Pérez & Brad R. Humphreys - 571-593 The Utility Compensated Effects of a Wage Tax on Human Capital and Consumption Decisions
by Syed M. Ahsan & Panagiotis Tsigaris - 594-615 New Evidence on Asset Location from the Survey of Consumer Finances
by Yothin Jinjarak & Jie Zhou
May 2011, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 331-364 The Effects of Financial Resources on Test Pass Rates: Evidence from Vermont’s Equal Education Opportunity Act
by Molly Sherlock - 365-392 ‘‘Which Tax’’ or ‘‘Which Tax for What?’’: Tax Assignment in the Theory of Fiscal Federalism
by Paolo Liberati - 393-428 Optimal Taxation and Income Mobility with Borrowing Limits
by Nathalie Mathieu-Bolh - 429-461 The Relationship between Tax Revenues and Government Expenditures in European Union and Non-European Union OECD Countries
by Oluwole Owoye & Olugbenga A. Onafowora - 462-478 Racial/Ethnic Income Inequality Responses to a Government Maintenance Program in the United States
by Gary A. Hoover & Mehmet E. Yaya
March 2011, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 195-225 The Effect of Location-Based Tax Incentives on Establishment Location and Employment across Industry Sectors
by Andrew Hanson & Shawn Rohlin - 226-255 Incidence and Substitution in Enterprise Zone Programs: The Case of Colorado
by Devon Lynch & Jeffrey S. Zax - 256-287 Property Value Assessment Growth Limits, Tax Base Erosion, and Regional In-Migration
by Mark Skidmore & Mehmet S. Tosun - 288-308 Fiscal Policy Responses to Oil Price Volatility in an Oil-Based Economy
by Mohamed Abdelbasset Chemingui & Mohammed Hajeeh - 309-326 A Dynamic Approach to Tax Evasion
by Basil Dalamagas
January 2011, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 3-4 Introduction to the Special Issue: Tax Evasion
by James Alm & Michael Pickhardt & Aloys Prinz - 5-24 Penalties in the Theory of Equilibrium Tax Evasion: Solving King John’s Problem
by Bernhard Neumärker & Gerald Pech - 25-49 Tax Compliance as an Evolutionary Coordination Game: An Agent-Based Approach
by Kim Bloomquist - 50-74 Dynamic Scoring, Tax Evasion, and the Shadow Economy
by John Robert Stinespring - 75-102 Undeclared Work, Employer Tax Compliance, and Audits
by Edoardo Di Porto - 103-123 Taxpayer Behavior When Audit Rules Are Known: Evidence from Italy
by Alessandro Santoro & Carlo V. Fiorio - 124-149 Fighting Income Tax Evasion with Positive Rewards
by Cécile Bazart & Michael Pickhardt - 150-167 What Goes Around Comes Around? Experimental Evidence of the Effect of Rewards on Tax Compliance
by Barbara Kastlunger & Stephan Muehlbacher & Erich Kirchler & Luigi Mittone - 168-188 Methods to Reanalyze Tax Compliance Experiments: Monte Carlo Simulations and Decision Time Analysis
by Thomas Krauskopf & Aloys Prinz - 189-189 Outstanding Paper Award of 2010
by Kampon Adireksombat - 190-190 A Call for Replication Studies
by Leonard E. Burman & W. Robert Reed & James Alm
November 2010, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 659-681 The Effect of Local Option Sales Taxes on Local Sales
by Gary C. Cornia & Scott Grimshaw & Ray Nelson & Lawrence Walters - 682-709 State Infrastructure Banks and Borrowing Costs for Transportation Projects
by Juita-Elena Yusuf & Lenahan O'Connell & Merl Hackbart & Gao Liu - 710-737 Tiebout Competition, Yardstick Competition, and Tax Instrument Choice: Evidence from Ohio School Districts
by Joshua C. Hall & Justin M. Ross - 738-761 Majority Rule versus Supermajority Rules: Their Effects on Narrow and Broad Taxes
by Jac C. Heckelman & Keith L. Dougherty - 762-786 Measuring the Indirect Effect: Voter Initiatives and Legislative Production in the American States
by Gregory M. Randolph - 787-793 A Call for Replication Studies
by Leonard E. Burman & W. Robert Reed & James Alm
September 2010, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 511-512 Introduction to the Special Issues: Government Programs, Distribution, and Equity
by James Alm & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & David L. Sjoquist & Sally Wallace - 513-539 The Economic Effects of Bus Transit in Small Cities
by Dagney Faulk & Michael Hicks - 540-584 Local Fiscal Policies and Urban Wage Structures
by Patricia Beeson & Lara Shore-Sheppard & Tara Watson - 585-618 The Redistributive Effects and Cost-Effectiveness of Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage
by John P. Formby & John A. Bishop & Hoseong Kim - 619-646 Childhood Obesity, Academic Achievement, and School Expenditures
by Tami Gurley-Calvez & Amy Higginbotham - 647-653 A Call for Replication Studies
by James Alm
July 2010, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 407-408 Introduction to the Special Issues: Government Programs, Distribution, and Equity
by James Alm & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & David L. Sjoquist & Sally Wallace - 409-449 Redistribution at the State and Local Level: Consequences for Economic Growth
by Howard Chernick - 450-472 The Redistributive Effect of Selected Federal Transfer and Tax Provisions
by Thomas L. Hungerford - 473-500 The Redistributive Effects of Tax Benefit Systems in the Enlarged EU
by Clemens Fuest & Judith Niehues & Andreas Peichl - 501-507 A Call for Replication Studies
by James Alm
May 2010, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 275-281 A Call for Replication Studies
by James Alm - 282-305 Tax Evasion and Exchange Equity: A Reference-Dependent Approach
by Matthew D. Rablen - 306-320 Whistle-blowers as a Deterrent to Tax Evasion
by Yosef Mealem & Yossef Tobol & Gideon Yaniv - 321-345 The Effect of Changes in the Tax Structure on the Reported Income of High-Income Individuals
by Hernan Acuna & Randall G. Holcombe - 346-377 Is the Demand for Health Care Generosity Equal for All Recipients? A Longitudinal Analysis of State Medicaid Spending, 1977-2004
by Larry L. Howard - 378-401 Bond Insurance and Liquidity Provision: Impacts in the Municipal Variable Rate Debt Market, 2008-09
by Christine R. Martell & Robert S. Kravchuk
March 2010, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 139-145 A Call for Replication Studies
by James Alm - 146-177 Social Identities, Ethnic Diversity, and Tax Morale
by Sherry Xin Li - 178-192 Fiscal Decentralization and Trust
by Oguzhan Dincer - 193-216 How Does Program Composition Affect the Revenues of Nonprofit Organizations?: Investigating a Benefits Theory of Nonprofit Finance
by Amanda L. Wilsker & Dennis R. Young - 217-243 Strategic Tax Competition: An Experimental Study
by Sailesh Gunessee - 244-270 Have State Tax Interdependencies Changed Over Time?
by John Deskins & Brian Hill
January 2010, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 3-3 Public Finance Review Outstanding Paper Award in 2009
by Tami Gurley-Calvez & Thomas J. Gilbert & Katherine Harper & Donald J. Marples & Kevin Daly - 4-10 A Call for Replication Studies
by James Alm - 11-40 The Effects of the 1993 Earned Income Tax Credit Expansion on the Labor Supply of Unmarried Women
by Kampon Adireksombat - 41-73 The Impact of Intergovernmental Incentives on Student Disability Rates
by Sally Kwak - 74-101 Ask and Ye Shall Receive? Predicting the Successful Appeal of Property Tax Assessments
by Rachel N. Weber & Daniel P. McMillen - 102-119 Stigma, Optimal Income Taxation, and the Optimal Welfare Program: A Numerical Simulation Approach
by Zhiyong An - 120-133 The Incidence of Hybrid Automobile Tax Preferences
by B. Andrew Chupp & Katie Myles & E. Frank Stephenson
November 2009, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 639-664 Does Decentralization Reduce Government Size? A Quantitative Study of the Decentralization Hypothesis
by Silika Prohl & Friedrich Schneider - 665-685 The Effect of Tax and Expenditure Limitations on Public Education Resources: A Meta-Regression Analysis
by Sonali Ballal & Ross Rubenstein - 686-709 The Output Effects of Labor Income Taxes in OECD Countries
by Daniela Sonedda - 710-731 The Efficiency Loss of Capital Income Taxation under Imperfect Loss Offset Provisions
by Syed M. Ahsan & Panagiotis Tsigaris - 732-749 Investment Under Tax Policy Uncertainty: A Neoclassical Approach
by Alaa El-Shazly
September 2009, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 507-538 General Fund Financing, Earmarking, Economic Stabilization, and Welfare
by Been-Lon Chen & Shun-Fa Lee - 539-571 Fiscal Decentralization and Public Sector Employment
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Ming-Hung Yao - 572-595 Does the Gubernatorial Term Limit Type Affect State Government Expenditures?
by Monica P. Escaleras & Peter T. Calcagno - 596-612 Should the Federal Government Reallocate Funds within Federal Transfers?
by Tiago Neves Sequeira & Alexandra Ferreira-Lopes - 613-636 Longitudinal Effects of Impact Fees and Special Assessments on the Level of Capital Spending, Taxes, and Long-Term Debt in American Cities
by Changhoon Jung & Chul-Young Roh & Younguck Kang
July 2009, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 371-398 Do Tax Incentives Affect Investment?
by Tami Gurley-Calvez & Thomas J. Gilbert & Katherine Harper & Donald J. Marples & Kevin Daly - 399-420 Tax Collection in History
by Metin M. CoÅŸgel & Thomas J. Miceli - 421-446 Education and Civic Outcomes in Italy
by Giorgio Di Pietro & Marcos Delprato - 447-469 Income and Lottery Sales
by Cletus C. Coughlin & Thomas A. Garrett - 470-502 Hunting the Unobservables for Optimal Social Security
by Frank N. Caliendo & Emin Gahramanov
May 2009, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 235-268 Do Local Residents Value Federal Transfers?
by Samira Bakhshi & Mohammad Shakeri & M. Rose Olfert & Mark D. Partridge & Simon Weseen - 269-288 Intrastate Competition for Debt Resources
by Dwight V. Denison & Merl M. Hackbart & Michael J. Moody - 289-311 Horizontal and Vertical Tax Competition in Florida Local Governments
by Yonghong Wu & Rebecca Hendrick - 312-338 Intergovernmental Revenue Estimation
by István Ványolós - 339-365 Taxing Under the Influence?
by Per G. Fredriksson & Stephan Gohmann & Khawaja Mamun
March 2009, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 119-119 Public Finance Review Outstanding Paper Award in 2008
by N/A - 120-141 Do Individuals Comply on Income Not Reported by Their Employer?
by James Alm & John Deskins & Michael McKee - 142-169 Energy Taxes and Household Compliance with the Kyoto Protocol
by Desiderio Romero-Jordán & José Félix Sanz-Sanz - 170-197 How Firms' Foreign Tax Credit Limitation Affects the Amount of Foreign Assets Deployed
by B. Anthony Billings & Mbodja Mougoué & Buagu Musazi - 198-216 Merit-Based Scholarship ``Over-Awards'' and Home Prices
by Noel D. Campbell & Frank Smith - 217-230 Elderly Ethnic Fragmentation and Support for Local Public Education
by Olugbenga Ajilore
January 2009, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 3-26 Redistributive Effect of U.S. Taxes and Public Transfers, 1994-2004
by Kinam Kim & Peter J. Lambert - 27-46 Avoiding the Value Added Tax
by Luiz de Mello - 47-67 Revenue Structure and Nonprofit Borrowing
by Wenli Yan & Dwight V. Denison & J.S. Butler - 68-93 Do Enterprise Zones Work?
by Stephen Billings - 94-114 The Social Security Surplus and Public Saving
by Thomas L. Hungerford
November 2008, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 651-677 Agglomerations and Strategic Tax Competition
by Brian C. Hill - 678-705 Are Involved Parents Providing Public Goods or Private Goods?
by Patrick Walsh - 706-727 How Privatizations Affect the Level of Perceived Corruption
by G. Gulsun Arikan - 728-747 The Personal Tax Exemption and Married Women's Birth Spacing in the United States
by Jr-Tsung Huang - 748-762 Do Payroll Taxes Matter in Estimating Taxable Income Elasticities?
by David H. Eaton
September 2008, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 523-562 Income Tax Preferences for the Elderly
by Karen Smith Conway & Jonathan C. Rork - 563-587 Redistribution, Horizontal Inequity, and Reranking
by Ivica Urban & Peter J. Lambert - 588-613 The Effects of Earnings Inequality on State Social Spending in the United States
by Jonathan A. Schwabish - 614-634 Racial Context and Voting over Taxes
by Christine H. Roch & Michael Rushton - 635-647 Elected Versus Appointed School District Officials
by Gary A. Hoover
July 2008, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 379-380 Introduction to Special Issue
by David L. Sjoquist - 381-407 The No Child Left Behind Act
by William Duncombe & Anna Lukemeyer & John Yinger - 408-430 The Effects of School District Consolidation on Educational Cost and Quality
by Nora Gordon & Brian Knight - 431-455 Changing Education Finance Policy, School Referenda Activity, and Success Rates
by Craig Maher & Mark Skidmore - 456-474 The Effects of Changes in Michigan's School Finance System
by Leslie E. Papke - 475-496 What Factors Influence the Structure of the State Income Tax?
by Jason M. Fletcher & Matthew N. Murray - 497-518 Disaster Policies
by David E. Wildasin
May 2008, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 259-286 Divided Government, Political Turnover, and State Bond Ratings
by Skip Krueger & Robert W. Walker - 287-307 State Debt Policies and the Credit Ratings of Public Universities
by Michael J. Moody - 308-333 Do U.S. Gambling Industries Cannibalize Each Other?
by Douglas M. Walker & John D. Jackson - 334-358 Accurate Valuation in the Absence of Markets
by Florenz Plassmann & T. Nicolaus Tideman - 359-373 The Impact of Population Density on Municipal Government Expenditures
by Randall G. Holcombe & DeEdgra W. Williams
March 2008, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 147-168 Aspects of Interjurisdictional Sharing of the Value-Added Tax
by Howell H. Zee - 169-193 The Brazilian ``Tax War''
by Luiz de Mello - 194-218 Fiscal Decentralization and Economic Growth in Spain
by Josep LluÃs Carrion-i-Silvestre & Marta Espasa & Toni Mora - 219-242 Local Governments' Asymmetric Reactions to Grants
by Santiago Lago-Peñas - 243-254 Fiscal Institutions and the Relation between Central and Sub-National Government Fiscal Balances
by John Thornton & Amine Mati
January 2008, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 3-3 Public Finance Review Outstanding Paper Award of 2007
by Claudio A. Agostini - 4-6 Introduction to the Special Issue
by Jan Ondrich & John Yinger - 7-32 Out-of-Field Teachers and Student Achievement
by Thomas S. Dee & Sarah R. Cohodes - 33-62 Recruiting Highly Qualified Teachers
by Dana Balter & William D. Duncombe - 63-87 Teacher Bonuses and Teacher Retention in Low-Performing Schools
by Charles T. Clotfelter & Elizabeth J. Glennie & Helen F. Ladd & Jacob L. Vigdor - 88-111 The Impact of Assessment and Accountability on Teacher Recruitment and Retention
by Donald Boyd & Hamilton Lankford & Susanna Loeb & James Wyckoff - 112-144 The Determinants of Teacher Attrition in Upstate New York
by Jan Ondrich & Emily Pas & John Yinger
November 2007, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 647-668 OutSMarTing the Social Security Crisis
by T. Scott Findley & Frank Caliendo - 669-688 Are Voting and Buying Behavior Consistent? Evidence from the South Carolina Education Lottery
by Linda S. Ghent & Alan P. Grant - 689-709 Do Tobacco-Control Programs Lower Tobacco Consumption?
by Michael L. Marlow - 710-733 Coase and Van Zandt on Lighthouses
by William Barnett & Walter Block
September 2007, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 555-571 Audit Uncertainty, Bayesian Updating, and Tax Evasion
by Arthur Snow & Ronald S. Warren Jr. - 572-585 Tax Evasion and the Cost of Public Sector Activities
by Rosella Levaggi - 586-605 Explanations for States Adopting Limits on Educational Spending
by Thomas A. Husted & Lawrence W. Kenny - 606-625 Participation in Social Programs by Consumers and Companies
by Janice A. Hauge & Mark A. Jamison & R. Todd Jewell - 626-642 Labor and Capital Taxation with Public Inputs as Common Property
by James P. Feehan & Raymond G. Batina
July 2007, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 463-479 Competitive Governments, Globalization, and Equalization Grants
by Albert Breton & Angela Fraschini - 480-499 Accounting for Spatial Error Correlation in the 2004 Presidential Popular Vote
by Donald J. Lacombe & Timothy M. Shaughnessy - 500-529 Criminal Investigation Enforcement Activities and Taxpayer Noncompliance
by Jeffrey A. Dubin - 530-544 Budget Rules and State Business Cycles
by Robert Krol & Shirley Svorny - 545-549 Budget Rules and State Business Cycles
by Arik Levinson
May 2007, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 335-360 The Impact of State Corporate Taxes on FDI Location
by Claudio A. Agostini - 361-384 Spatial Dependence in Models of State Fiscal Policy Convergence
by Cletus C. Coughlin & Thomas A. Garrett & Rubén Hernández-Murillo - 385-413 Fiscal Federalism and Demography
by Helmut Seitz & Gerhard Kempkes - 414-439 Medicaid's Nursing Home Coverage and Asset Transfers
by William F. Bassett - 440-459 Corporate Tax Reform
by Gilbert E. Metcalf
March 2007, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 175-175 Introduction
by James Alm & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez - 176-198 Public Observability of Decisions and Voluntary Contributions in a Multiperiod Context
by Charles Noussair & Steven Tucker - 199-214 When the Shoe Is on the Other Foot
by Lucy F. Ackert & Bryan K. Church & Gerald P. Dwyer Jr. - 215-232 Do Women Behave Less or More Prosocially than Men?
by Stephan Meier - 233-262 Debt Aversion and the Demand for Loans for Postsecondary Education
by Catherine C. Eckel & Cathleen Johnson & Claude Montmarquette & Christian Rojas - 263-284 Voting on Tax Policy Design
by Lucy F. Ackert & Ann B. Gillette & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Mark Rider - 285-310 Preferences over Income Distributions
by Dirk Engelmann & Martin Strobel - 311-332 On Modeling Voluntary Contributions to Public Goods
by James C. Cox & Vjollca Sadiraj
January 2007, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 3-3 Outstanding Paper Award of 2006
by Luiz de Mello & Erwin R. Tiongson - 4-25 Comprehensive Tax Reform in Jamaica
by Roy Bahl & Sally Wallace - 26-56 Taxing Consumption in Jamaica
by Kelly D. Edmiston & Richard M. Bird - 57-82 Efficiency and Revenue Issues in the Jamaican External Trade Sector
by Keith E. Maskus & Felix K. Rioja - 83-102 Are Jamaica’s Direct Taxes on Labor “Fair†?
by James Alm & Sally Wallace - 103-126 Should Jamaica Tax Corporate Income?
by Mark Rider - 127-149 How Should Land Be Taxed? Analyzing the Jamaican Land Value Tax
by David L. Sjoquist