October 1973, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 359-371 Brennan and Walsh Reconsidered (Mutt and Jeff Ride Again)
by Harold M. Hochman & James D. Rodgers - 372-387 Income Redistributive Effects of State and Local Fiscs: Connecticut, a Case Study
by A. T. Eapen & Ana N. Eapen - 388-398 Economic Factors Affecting the Likelihood of a Switch to a Volunteer Army
by Kenneth V. Greene & Daniel H. Newlon - 399-408 The Economic Efficiency of Mixed Financing of Education in Economic Space
by R. Carl Moor - 409-425 Income Elasticities for State Tax Revenues: Techniques of Estimation and Their Usefulness for Forecasting
by Robert E. Berney & Bernard H. Frerichs - 426-436 Welfare Maximization: Samuelson's Analysis with Public and Private Goods
by George M. Von Furstenberg - 437-447 The Equivalence of Flat Grants and Foundation Programs in State Education Aid Formulas
by Robert W. Gilmer & Daniel Morgan Jr. - 448-448 Editor's Note
by N/A - 449-456 I. Should Social Policy Concern Itself with Drug “Abuse†?
by A. J. Culyer - 457-466 II. Heroin Addiction and Urban Crime
by Roger D. Blair & Ronald J. Vogel - 467-477 III. the Economics of Control of the Illegal Supply of Heroin
by John Holahan - 478-481 Book Review: The Dynamics of Housing Rehabilitation
by Alan R. Winger - 481-484 Book Review: Zoning and Housing Costs
by Alan R. Winger
July 1973, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 239-265 Taxation of Foreign Firms: Discriminative and Allocative Effects
by Dionysios Karageorgas & Jack Wiseman - 266-299 Distributional Externalities and the Optimal Form of Income Transfers
by James D. Rodgers - 300-306 The Timing of Investments in Human Capital: a Case in Education
by A.G. Holtmann - 307-322 Public Services in Metropolitan Areas of Australia
by Morris Beck - 323-338 Welfare, Workfare, and Pareto Optimality
by George E. Peterson - 339-344 On the Use of Regression Analysis With a Qualitative Dependent Variable
by Joe R. Hulett - 345-355 Suggestions for the Analysis of Qualitative Dependent Variables
by Philip Friedman
April 1973, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 3-4 On Launching a New Journal: Public Finance Quarterly, Volume One Number One
by N/A - 5-28 Stabilization Goals and the Appropriateness of Fiscal Policy during the Eisenhower and Kennedy-Johnson Administrations
by George M. Von Furstenberg & James M. Boughton - 29-34 State-Local School and Highway Expenditure Trends, 1965–1966 and 1969–1970
by Richard W. Lindholm - 35-57 The Distributional Effects of Public Higher Education in New York City
by Peter David Machlis - 59-65 A Reconsideration of Some Aspects of the Utility Sacrifice Rules of Taxation
by Donald F. Vitaliano - 67-83 Targets, Tradeoffs, and Economic Policy: A Generalized Phillips Curve
by Shl Omo Maital - 85-106 On the Decline and Possible Fall of PPBS
by Robert L Harlow - 107-111 The Federal Tax Legislative Scene
by Gerard M. Brannon - 113-114 Book Review: On Relief: The Economics of Poverty and Public Welfare
by Charles W. Meyer - 114-116 Book Review: Public Microeconomics
by Charles Leathers
January 1973, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 3-4 On Launching a New Journal: Public Finance Quarterly, Volume One Number One
by Irving J. Goffman - 5-28 Stabilization Goals and the Appropriateness of Fiscal Policy During the Eisenhower and Kennedy-Johnson Administrations
by George M. Von Furstenberg & James M. Boughton - 29-34 State-Local School and Highway Expenditure Trends, 1965-1966 and 1969-1970
by Richard W. Lindholm - 35-57 The Distributional Effects of Public Higher Education in New York City
by Peter David Machlis - 58-58 Agenda for a City
by Lyle C. Fitch & Annmarie Hauck Walsh - 59-65 A Reconsideration of Some Aspects of the Utility Sacrifice Rules of Taxation
by Donald F. Vitaliano - 66-66 Financing the Metropolis
by John P. Crecine - 67-83 Targets, Tradeoffs, and Economic Policy: a Generalized Phillips Curve
by Shlomo Maital - 85-105 On the Decline and Possible Fall of Ppbs
by Robert L. Harlow - 107-111 The Federal Tax Legislative Scene
by Gerard M. Brannon - 112-112 State Aid and Educational Opportunity
by Gail R. Wilensky - 113-114 Book Reviews : On Relief: The Economics of Poverty and Public Welfare. By Bruno Stein. New York: Basic Books, 1971, xii + 211 pp., $6.95
by Charles W. Meyer - 114-116 Book Reviews : Public Microeconomics. By Neil M. Singer. Boston: Little, Brown, 1972, 329 pp., $8.95
by Charles Leathers