September 2000, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 452-467 Measuring Price Elasticity of Aggregate Demand in Greece: 1961-1995
by Nicholas Apergis & Sophia Eleftheriou - 468-488 Do Demographic Changes Affect Fiscal Developments?
by George Hondroyiannis & Evangelia Papapetrou
July 2000, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 275-308 The Roles of Government and Nonprofit Suppliers in Mixed Industries
by Kanika Kapur & Burton A. Weisbrod - 309-334 Urban Malls, Tax Base Migration, and State Intergovernmental Aid
by Stan Chervin & Kelly Edmiston & Matthew N. Murray - 335-350 Redistribution through the Income Tax: The Vertical and Horizontal Effects of Noncompliance and Tax Evasion
by John A. Bishop & John P. Formby & Peter Lambert - 351-371 Specific Excise Taxation in a Unionized Differentiated Duopoly
by Michele Santoni - 372-389 Municipal Bonds and Tax Arbitrage: A Cointegration Analysis
by H. Youn Kim & Junsoo Lee & Stephen E. Lile & James R. Ramsey
May 2000, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 187-194 Do Structural Federal Budget Deficits Impact Commercial Bank Interest Rates? A Comment
by Ali F. Darrat - 195-198 The Impact of Structural Budget Deficits on Commercial Bank Interest Rates: Reply
by Richard J. Cebula - 199-209 Tax Evasion and Entrepreneurial Flexibility
by Paolo M. Panteghini - 210-225 Legislative Professionalism and Government Spending: Do Citizen Legislators Really Spend Less?
by Stephanie Owings & Rainald Borck - 226-246 On the Incentive Effects of Municipal Tax Credits
by Philippe Cyrenne & Robert Fenton - 247-269 Hmos and Health Externalities: A Local Public Good Perspective
by Allen C. Goodman & Miron Stano
March 2000, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 99-119 Transitional Protection During Conversion to a Personal Consumption Tax
by Kenneth A. Lewis & Laurence S. Seidman - 120-133 Omitted-Variables Bias when Using State Tax Rates to Estimate the Tax Price Effect on Itemized Deductions
by James E. Long - 134-152 The Effect of Personal Property Taxes on Consumer Vehicle-Purchasing Decisions: A Partitioned Price/Mental Accounting Theory Analysis
by Richard L. Ott & David M. Andrus - 153-170 Elderly Internal Migration in the United States Revisited
by Lewis R. Gale & Will Carrington Heath - 171-184 Price Elasticities in Consumer Sales Tax Revenue
by Richard R. Hawkins
January 2000, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 3-25 Is the Response of State and Local Highway Spending Symmetric to Increases and Decreases in Federal Highway Grants?
by Shama Gamkhar - 26-47 Explaining the Evolution of Government Size in the Canadian Provinces
by François Petry & Louis Imbeau & Jean Crête & Michel Clavet - 48-65 Revenue Structures, The Perceived Price of Government Output, and Public Expenditures
by Vaughan Dickson & Weiqiu Yu - 66-81 Irreversible Investment Decisions Under Uncertainty with Tax Holidays
by Jyh-Bang Jou - 82-92 The Income Redistribution Effects of Texas State Lottery Games
by Donald I. Price & E. Shawn Novak
November 1999, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 571-587 The Determinants of State Government Debt Financing
by Michael A. Ellis & D. Eric Schansberg - 588-598 Constituency Size and Government Spending
by Mark Thornton & Marc Ulrich - 599-623 A Demand-Theoretic Analysis of Public Consumption Priorities in the United Kingdom
by George Tridimas - 624-647 Expansionary Effects of Fiscal Consolidation: The Role of Expectations and Interest Rates In the Case of Denmark
by Valeria De Bonis & Christian Thimann - 648-664 The Steady-State Effects of Income Taxation with Endogenous Time Preference
by Wen-Ya Chang & Hsueh-Fang Tsai & Ching-Chong Lai - 665-676 The Random Coefficient Approach for Estimating Tax Revenue Stability and Growth
by Yasuji Otsuka & Bradley M. Braun - 677-680 Index to Public Finance Review
by N/A
September 1999, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 467-480 Risky Assets and the Choice of Tax Base
by Ira Horowitz & R. Horowitz - 481-510 Why do Tax and Expenditure Limitations Pass in State Elections?
by James Alm & Mark Skidmore - 511-530 The Irreversible Output Effects of Severance Taxes on Oil
by Mark Brandly & A. H. Barnett - 531-540 Arbitrage, Speculation, and Public Policy Toward Ticket Scalping
by James L. Swofford - 541-560 Redistribution and Internalization: The Many-Person Ramsey Tax Rule Revisited
by Jukka Pirttilä & Ronnie SchöB - 561-565 The Reformer’s Dilemma
by William F. Shughart II
July 1999, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 387-395 Samuelsonian and Weisbrodian Public Goods
by Alphonse G. Holtmann - 396-417 Interrelationships among Public Assistance Expenditures: An Empirical Analysis of the Welfare System
by Laura S. Connolly - 418-433 Compensation Schemes and Human Capital Attainment in Congress: Is There an Adverse Selection of Legislator Attributes?
by Franklin G. Mixon Jr. & James B. Wilkinson
May 1999, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 243-261 Preference Structures and the Excess Burden of Income Taxes in Brazil
by Eduardo Pontual Ribeiro & Jane H. Leuthold - 262-281 Fiscal Federalism, Collusion, and Government Size: Evidence from the States
by Ronald J. Shadbegian - 282-309 The Theory of Administrative Federalism: An Alternative to Fiscal Centralization and Decentralization
by Robert Schwager - 310-352 The Relative Progressivity of Social Services in Ecuador
by Stephen D. Younger - 353-370 A Differential Incidence Analysis of a Tax Reform From an Income Tax to a Consumption Tax in the Presence of Bequests
by Raymond G. Batina - 371-381 Imperfect Competition and Tax Evasion
by Wen-Ya Chang & Ching-Chong Lai & Juin-Jen Chang
March 1999, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 115-137 The Market Provision of Addiction Control Services
by Brian L. Goff & Robert D. Tollison - 138-159 Estimates of the Changing Equity Characteristics of the U.S. Income Tax with International Conjectures
by J. Richard Aronson & Peter J. Lambert & Donald R. Trippeer - 160-193 Are Workers “Ricardian†? Estimating the Labor Supply Effects of State Fiscal Policy
by Karen Smith Conway - 194-219 International Public Transfers and Convergence in the European Union
by Alfredo M. Pereira - 220-236 An Inquiry into the Sustainability of German Fiscal Policy: Some Time-Series Tests
by Alfred Greiner & Willi Semmler
January 1999, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 3-18 The Myth of Fiscal Externalities
by Edgar K. Browning - 19-51 Application of The els Model: Optimal Tax Rate and Public Good Proportion
by James A. Yunker - 52-76 Textbook Explanations of Inflation in the 1970s
by Robert A. Mcguire & Elliott S. Willman - 77-95 Excise Tax Evasion, Tax Revenue, and Welfare
by Helmuth Cremer & Firouz Gahvari - 96-104 Producers Lose: The Relative Percentage Reductions in Surplus Due to an AD Valorem Commodity Tax
by Gregory A. Trandel
November 1998, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 523-547 Tax Increment Financing: Municipal Adoption and Effects On Property Value Growth
by Joyce Y. Man & Mark S. Rosentraub - 548-564 Monetary and Fiscal Constitutions and the Bureaucratic Behavior of the Federal Reserve
by William J. Boyes & William Stewart Mounts JR & Clifford Sowell - 565-582 Using Survey Data To Test for Ricardian Equivalence
by Maarten Allers & Jakob De Haan & Flip De Kam - 583-598 The Tax Incidence of Casino Gaming in Mississippi
by William C. Rivenbark - 599-610 An Incentive-Compatibility Approach To the Problem of Monitoring a Bureau
by Victor V. Claar - 611-636 The Optimal Time to File for Social Security Benefits
by Thad W. Mirer
September 1998, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 411-446 Institutional Structure and Education Spending
by Stuart Landon - 447-459 Measuring Tax Progressivity: Compatible Global and Local Indexes
by Sandy Baum - 460-479 Public Sector Crowding Out of Private Provision of Public Goods: the Influence of Differences in Production Costs
by Dennis Coates - 480-502 Corporate Income Taxation and Signaling
by Kwang Soo Cheong - 503-518 The Design of Commodity Taxes in the Presence of Tax Evasion With Illustrative Evidence From India
by Ranjan Ray
July 1998, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 291-303 Unemployment Insurance and Experience Rating in a Simple Model of Involuntary Unemployment
by Eskander Alvi - 304-326 Central Regulation of Local Authorities
by Fredrik Carlsen - 327-361 When Do Small Countries Win Tax Wars?
by Wolfgang Eggert & Andreas Haufler - 362-375 Tax Evasion By Misinforming Withholding Agents
by Gideon Yaniv - 376-391 Tax Overwithholding as a Response To Uncertainty
by Jannett Highfill & Douglas Thorson & William V. Weber - 392-405 Financing a Nationalized Monopoly: Coase's Versus Hotelling-Lerner's Solution
by Ramón J. Torregrosa
May 1998, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 187-213 Are Government Revenues From Financial Repression Worth the Costs?
by James Alm & Robert Buckley - 214-230 Efficiency Costs and the Demand for Income Redistribution
by Christopher B. Colburn & John B. Horowitz - 231-249 Using Contingent Valuation to Measure the Compensation Required to Gain Community Acceptance of a Lulu: the Case of a Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility
by Peter A. Groothuis & George Van Houtven & John C. Whitehead - 250-269 Taxing Consumption in an Open Economy
by Shuanglin Lin - 270-285 Tax Evasion and Tax Rates: Properties of a Penalty Structure
by Fabrizio Balassone & Philip Jones
March 1998, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 99-117 Separating the Decisions of Lottery Expenditures and Participation: a Truncated Tobit Approach
by Harriet A. Stranahan & Mary O. Borg - 118-136 Do Tax and Expenditure Limitations Affect Local Government Budgets? Evidence From Panel Data
by Ronald J. Shadbegian - 137-154 Contingent Valuation of Quasi-Public Goods: Validity, Reliability, and Application To Valuing a Historic Site
by Catherine M. Chambers & Paul E. Chambers & John C. Whitehead - 155-183 State Experimentation With Time-Limited AFDC Benefits: What Differentiates Reform-Minded States From Others?
by Anne E. Winkler
January 1998, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 3-23 Political Party Purpose, Individual Votes, and Political Action Committee Contributions
by Kenneth V. Greene & Phillip J. Nelson - 24-52 Public Infrastructure: Pork or Jobs Creator?
by Douglas R. Dalenberg & Mark D. Partridge & Dan S. Rickman - 53-66 Insurance Premium Taxes: a Lump-Sum Proposal
by Michael R. Powers & Larry Y. Tzeng - 67-79 A Reexamination of Budgetary Disequilibria
by Kevin L. Ross & James E. Payne - 80-94 Long-Run Impact of Tax Rate Changes On Government Receipts
by Dimitri Andrianacos & Ali T. Akarca
November 1997, Volume 25, Issue 6
- 555-576 Convergence in State Nominal and Real Per Capita Income: Empirical Evidence
by Oded Izraeli & Kevin Murphy - 577-600 Optimal Capital Taxation and Debt Policy in a Finite-Horizon Macro Model
by Stephen Mccafferty - 601-628 To Pay or To Delay: an Economic Analysis of the Decision To Delay and the Incidence of Delaying the Payment of Corporate Income Tax
by Glenn D. Feltham & Suzanne M. Paquette - 629-643 X-Inefficiency in the Public Sector: the Case of Libraries
by Donald F. Vitaliano - 644-659 Intergovernmental Grants in the Presence of Distortionary Taxation and Foreign Ownership
by Gordon Tarzwell & James R. Seldon - 660-668 Subsidies in Oligopoly Markets: a Welfare Comparison Between Symmetric and Asymmetric Costs
by Stephen F. Hamilton & Rickard Sandin
September 1997, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 459-473 The Implications of Expanded School Choice
by Matthew N. Murray & Sally Wallace - 474-490 The Elasticity of Demand for Lotto Tickets and the Corresponding Welfare Effects
by Paul M. Mason & Jeffrey W. Steagall & Michael M. Fabritius - 491-508 Political Incentives and Optimal Taxation
by Dwight R. Lee & Arthur Snow - 509-521 Political Campaigns as Rent-Seeking Games: Take the Money and Run
by John Burnett & Chris Paul & Allen Wilhite - 522-541 Optimal Taxation of a Polluting Durable Goods Monopolist
by John R. Boyce & Gregory E. Goering - 542-552 The Textile, Apparel, and Footwear Act of 1990: Determinants of Congressional Voting
by Stuart D. Allen & Amelia S. Hopkins
July 1997, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 347-365 Intangible Capital, Hedonic Pricing, and International Transfer Prices
by David G. Raboy & Steven N. Wiggins - 366-392 The Distinction Between True and Induced Free Riders: an Application to Gatt de Facto Membership
by Russell S. Sobel - 393-425 School Finance Reform: an Empirical Test of the Economics of Public Opinion Formation
by Robert W. Wassmer - 426-441 Changes in the Relative Provision of Public-Sector Pensions
by Dale Belman & John S. Heywood - 442-450 A Note on the Impact of Structural Federal Budget Deficits on Commercial Bank Interest Rates, 1963-1994
by Richard J. Cebula
May 1997, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 267-284 Paid Tax Preparer Determinants Extended and Reexamined
by Terry Ashley & Mark A. Segal - 285-305 Buying Green: Government Procurement as an Instrument of Environmental Policy
by Donald B. Marron - 306-326 Marginal Effective Tax Rates On Canadian Rental Housing Investments: an Asset Pricing Model Approach
by Alex S. MacNevin - 327-343 Direct Legislation: Determinants of Legislator Support for Voter Initiatives
by Philip L. Hersch & Gerald S. McDougall
March 1997, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 139-162 Voluntary Cutbacks and Pretreaty Behavior: the Helsinki Protocol and Sulfur Emissions
by James C. Murdoch & Todd Sandler - 163-181 Public Characteristics and Expenditures on Public Services: an Empirical Analysis
by Amy Ellen Schwartz - 182-212 Taxation and Corporate Investment in Physical and Knowledge Capital: Tests of Perfect Competition Versus Market Power
by Dagmar Rajagopal & Anwar Shah - 213-237 Fiscal Structures and Economic Growth at the State and Local Level
by Stephen M. Miller & Frank S. Russek - 238-253 Public Subsidies to Stadiums: Do the Costs Outweigh the Benefits?
by Daraius Irani - 254-258 The Effects of Business Taxes on Output and Location of the Firm Under Uncertainty: Comment
by Ira Horowitz
January 1997, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 5-24 The Design of a Tax Rule for Owner-Occuped Housing Under a Personal Consumption Tax
by Laurence S. Seidman & Kenneth A. Lewis - 25-43 In-Kind Versus Cash Transfert: Assessing Disbursement
by Philip R. Jones & John G. Cullis - 44-57 Progressivity and the Tax Reform Act of 1986: A Reexamination and Additional
by James E. Long - 58-82 Tax policy and Human Capital Accumulation in a Ressource-Constrained Growing Dual Economy
by Raghbendra Jha & Anandi P. Sahu - 83-101 When) is Consumption Taxation Equivalent to Wage Taxation ?
by Miguel-Angel Lopez-Garcia - 102-116 Did Proposition 13 Affect the Mobility of California Homeowners ?
by John Nagy - 117-133 The Optimal Tariff for Public Good and Public Input Provision
by Michael S. Michael
October 1996, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 411-438 The Income Tax Compliance Cost of Big Business
by Joel B. Slemrod & Marsha Blumenthal - 439-463 A Revelation Approach To Optimal Taxation
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Mark Rider - 464-480 Targeted and Universal Benefits in Kind Under Take-Up Costs
by George Tridimas - 481-493 Performance and Pay in the Public Sector: the Case of the Local Tax Assessor
by Rexford E. Santerre & Laurie J. Bates - 494-500 Joint Products and Responses To a Profit Tax: the Case of Endogenous Cost Allocation
by Xuejun Wang - 501-505 Tax Evasion and Monopoly Output Decisions: Note
by Gideon Yaniv
July 1996, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 291-318 Do Differences in Heterogeneity and Intergovernmental Competition Help Explain Variation in the Private School Share? Evidence From Early California Statehood
by Thomas A. Downes - 319-348 Myopia and Social Security Financing
by Sheng-Cheng Hu - 349-370 Distributional Effects of Social Security: the Notch Issue Revisited
by James E. Duggan & Robert Gillingham & John S. Greenlees - 371-390 Fiscal Policy in a Model of Endogenous Growth With Learning By Doing
by Alfred Greiner - 391-396 A Reexamination of the Price Effects of a Unit Commodity Tax Under Perfect Competition and Monopoly
by Elchanan Cohn - 397-402 A Note On the Effect of Changes in Ad Valorem Tax Rates On Net Revenue of Firms: an Application To the Hotel Room Tax
by Eric Iksoon Im & Marcia Sakai
April 1996, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 131-147 Special Versus General Elections and Composition of the Voters: Evidence From Louisiana School Tax Elections
by Gary M. Pecquet & R. Morris Coats & Steven T. Yen - 148-162 Do Benefit and Equal Absolute Sacrifice Rules Really Lead To Different Taxation Levels?
by Paul Burgat & Claude Jeanrenaud - 163-172 The Implication of Efficiency Wages On Tax Evasion and Tax Collections
by Wen-Ya Chang & Ching-Chong Lai - 173-191 The Behavior of Bureaucrats and the Choice Between Single-Purpose and Multi-Purpose Authorities
by Lars-Erik Borge - 192-215 Tax Credits for Job Creation and Job Retention in the California Economy
by Ralph A. Pope & James L. Kuhle - 216-236 The Marginal Cost of Funds With Nonseparable Public Spending
by Shaghil Ahmed & Dean Croushore - 237-262 Changing Demographics and State Fiscal Outlook: the Case of Sales Taxes
by Daniel R. Mullins & Sally Wallace - 263-281 The Valuation of Government Loan Guarantees: a Theoretical and Empirical Perspective
by Samuel Mensah
January 1996, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 3-24 Should Education Be Subsidized?
by Philip A. Trostel - 25-43 The Goods Produced By Nonprofit Organizations
by Cyril F. Chang & Howard P. Tuckman - 44-62 "The Marginal Cost of Redistribution": Comment
by Bev G. Dahley & Giuseppe C. Ruggeri - 63-74 "The Marginal Cost of Redistribution": Reply
by Edgar K. Browning - 75-87 A Note On Escalation Requirements, Cost-of-Living Comparisons, and Homeownership Costs
by Anthony J. Barkume - 88-98 Supply-Side Economics and the Price Level Elasticity of Aggregate Demand
by Ben L. Kyer & Gary E. Maggs - 99-119 The Effects of Business Taxes On Output and Location of the Firm Under Uncertainty
by Chiou-Nan Yeh & Sontachai Suwanakul & Chao-Cheng Mai - 120-128 Excess Burden of the Property Tax: the Open Jurisdiction Case
by A.F.Aisha Ghaus & Hafiz A. Pasha
October 1995, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 419-447 Tax Neutrality and Social Welfare in a Comptutational General Equilibrium Framework
by John P. Formby & Steven G. Medema & W. James Smith - 448-466 Politics and Deficit Finance
by Randall G. Holcombe & Jeffrey A. Mills - 467-483 A Public Choice-Theoretic Test of Ricardian Equivalence
by Jody W. Lipford & William R. Dougan - 484-508 Capitalization, Equalization, and Intergovernmental Aid
by Paul Gary Wyckoff
July 1995, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 283-304 The Effect of Taxes and Insurance Costs On Automobile Registrations in the United States
by Tim Pritchard & Larry DeBoer - 305-335 Politico-Economic Interactions in Canada: an Empirical Assessment
by François Pétry & Howard R. Harmatz - 336-355 Imperfect Competition and Industry-Specific Input Taxes
by Gareth D. Myles - 356-384 The Optimal Mix of Volunteer and Paid Staff in Local Governments: an Application To Municipal Fire Departments
by William D. Duncombe & Jeffrey L. Brudney - 385-398 The Tax Incidence of the Colorado State Lottery Instant Game
by Ann Hansen - 399-416 The Implications of Different Liability Rules for The Provision of A Risky Public Good
by John P. Speir
April 1995, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 139-140 Tax Compliance With Two-Sided Uncertainty
by Mark B. Cronshaw & James Alm - 139-166 Tax Compliance With Two-Sided Uncertainty
by Mark B. Cronshaw & James Alm - 167-192 Incentives, Optimality, and Publicly Provided Goods: the Case of Mental Health Services
by Richard G. Frank & Martin Gaynor - 193-216 A General Equilibrium Analysis of a Reduction in Capital Gains Taxes
by Barry J. Seldon & Roy G. Boyd - 217-225 Capitalization and Sorting: a Revision
by John Yinger - 226-241 The Effect of Retirement On Political Shirking: Evidence From Congressional Voting
by David N. Figlio - 242-254 The Efficiency of a Lottery as a Source of Public Revenue
by William M. Rodgers & Charles Stuart - 255-270 Willingness-To-Accept Versus Willingness-To-Pay Measures of Value: Implications for Rent Control, Eminent Domain, and Zoning
by Thomas J. Miceli & Alanson P. Minkler - 271-274 Lump-Sum Intergovernmental Grants Have Price Effects: a Note
by Lars-Erik Borge
January 1995, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 3-39 Efficient Management of Household Solid Waste: a General Equilibrium Model
by Said Atri & Thomas Schellberg - 40-71 Equal Yield Tax Alternatives and Government Deficits
by Alfredo M. Pereira - 72-94 The Intended Relationship Between Federal Operating Subsidy and Cost
by Kofi Obeng & Golam Azam - 95-114 Local Fiscal Competition: an Intraregional Perspective
by Charles B. Wagoner - 115-130 Optimal Commodity Taxation With Costly Noncompliance
by Mary E. Lovely
October 1994, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 403-417 Effect of Marginal Changes in Income Sources On U.S. Income Inequality
by Robert I. Lerman & Shlomo Yitzhaki - 418-438 Portfolio Analysis and Vertical Equity: a New York Application
by Rajiv Mallick & Oskar Ragnar Harmon - 439-461 Economic Impact of Taxes On Financial Characteristics of the Natural Resources Industry
by B. Anthony Billings - 462-482 Factors That Influence the Level of Underground Government
by John Merrifield - 483-497 Effect of Liability Limitations On the Level of Care in the Public Sector: the Case of Highway Maintenance
by Suzanne Heller Clain - 498-517 Econometric Issues in the Analysis of Charitable Giving
by Robert McClelland & Mary F. Kokoski
July 1994, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 267-290 The Influence of State Taxation and Regulation On Selected Bank Activities
by William F. Fox & Harold A. Black - 291-310 Central Planning, Internal Security, and the Environment
by L. Kenneth Hubbell & Thomas M. Selden - 311-334 Corporate Taxation and the Financial Characteristics of Firms
by George A. Plesko - 335-365 Misinvoicing Imports: the Interdependence of Tax and Tariff Evasion
by Günther G. Schulze - 366-382 A Statistical Analysis of the Effect of State-Level Economic Conditions On the 1992 Presidential Election
by Paul R. Blackley & Edward M. Shepard - 383-396 Do Capital Income Taxes Always Reduce Growth?
by Kam W. Liu
April 1994, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 139-167 Local Taxes, Public Services, and the Intrametropolitan Location of Firms and Households
by Thomas F. Luce JR - 168-194 State-Local Revenue Diversification, Balance, and Fiscal Performance
by Jack P. Suyderhoud - 195-221 Reconsidering the Effects of Fiscal Policy On Private Sector Behavior: a Unifying View of Neutrality
by Karen Smith Conway - 222-238 Stock Market Reactions To the Tax Reform Act of 1986: an Analysis of the Agribusiness Industry
by Timothy H. Mills & Clyde L. Posey & Dwight C. Anderson - 239-257 Welfare and the Private Provision of Public Goods When Altruism Increases
by Dennis A. Kaufman - 258-264 Upping the Ante for Lotto: a Strategy for Enhancing State Revenues
by John F. Scoggins
January 1994, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 3-21 Is Tax Reform in the Public Interest? a Rent-Seeking Perspective
by Xavier de Vanssay & Zane A. Spindler - 22-45 Drug Enforcement and the Deterrence of Property Crime Among Local Jurisdictions
by David L. Sollars & Bruce L. Benson & David W. Rasmussen - 46-64 Transferable Rate Entitlements: the Overlooked Opportunity in Municipal Water Pricing
by Robert A. Collinge - 65-85 Is Revenue-Neutral Tax Reform Revenue Neutral?
by Randall G. Holcombe & Jeffrey A. Mills - 86-102 Income Distribution, Tax Structure, and the Measurement of Tax Progressivity
by Jacques Silber - 103-134 Optimal Taxation of Foreign Source Investment Income With Heterogeneous Households
by Lih-Jau Wang & Alfredo M. Pereira
October 1993, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 355-377 Tax Rates and Total Tax Revenues From Local Property Taxes
by Chin- Wei Yang & Dwight B. Means JR & George E. Moody - 378-398 State Income Tax Policy and Family Size: Fertility and the Dependency Exemption
by Leslie A. Whittington