February 2018, Volume 43, Issue 1-2
- 31-45 Effect of Cash Holding Policy of Financially Constrained Firms on Their Market Performance
by Nidhi Singh - 46-57 Domestic Workplace: Critical Crossroads of Unorganized Labour and Management
by Debasis Poddar - 58-69 ‘Make in India’ Campaign: Labour Law Reform Strategy and Its Impact on Job Creation Opportunities in India
by Anushree Karani & Rasananda Panda - 70-77 Service Quality Measurement at Brand Factory: An Empirical Study
by Monica M. & Ramanaiah G. - 78-87 An Analysis of Growth and Association between Labour Productivity and Wages in Indian Textile Industry
by Vanita Ahlawat & Renu - 88-99 Do Personality Traits and Emotional Intelligence of Investors Determine Their Risk Tolerance?
by Babli Dhiman & Saloni Raheja - 100-108 Knowledge Performance as an Arbitrator between the Relationship of Organizational Commitment and Productivity
by Damini Saini - 109-122 Team-building Competencies, Personal Effectiveness and Job Satisfaction: The Mediating Effect of Transformational Leadership and Technology
by Sunil Misra & Kailash B. L. Srivastava - 123-139 Drivers of Cordial Employee Relations: The Study of a State-owned Public Sector Undertaking
by Rojalin Sahoo & Chandan Kumar Sahoo
November 2017, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 293-305 Power Distance Orientation Dilutes the Effect of Abusive Supervision on Workplace Deviance
by Imran Hussain & Surendra Kumar Sia - 306-315 Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational Commitment: A Gender Study in the IT-BPM Sector of India
by Nazia Zabin Memon & Biswajit Satpathy - 316-338 Perceptions of Women Investors in Relation to Stock Market
by Neeraj Maini - 339-355 Services in Virtual World: Understanding Work in Delivery Service of E-Retailing
by Padmini Sharma - 356-378 Bank Risk Factors and Changing Risk Exposures in the Pre- and Post-financial Crisis Periods: An Empirical Study for India
by Sanjay Sehgal & Tarunika Jain Agrawal - 379-387 The Impact of Electronic Banking and Information Technology on the Employees of Banking Sector
by Sweety Gupta & Anshu Yadav
August 2017, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 167-189 Understanding the Role of Store Image in Influencing Customer-based Brand Equity and Its Dimensions in Indian Sportswear Industry
by Rajesh Sharma - 190-204 Unveiling the Factors Affecting Profitability of Reinsurance Companies
by Amarjit Singh Sidhu & Neha Verma - 205-236 Organizational and Individual Level Antecedents of Psychological Capital and its Associated Outcomes: Development of a Conceptual Framework
by Urmila Rani Srivastava & Vandana Maurya - 237-252 Workplace Emotions: A Study of Frontline Hotel Employees
by Swati Soni - 253-274 Gender Inequality, Job Satisfaction and Job Motivation: Evidence from Indian Female Employees
by Nazia Zabin Memon & Lalatendu Kesari Jena - 275-292 Procedural Justice, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: Mediating Role of Organizational Trust—Indian Tourism Industry Study
by Lalit Kumar Yadav & Pawan Gupta
May 2017, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 79-87 Examining SEBI’s Edict: Mandatory to Voluntary IPO Grading
by Amanpreet Kaur & Balwinder Singh - 88-106 Corporate Sustainability Performance and Financial Performance: Empirical Evidence from Japan and India
by Najul Laskar & Tapan Kumar Chakraborty & Santi Gopal Maji - 107-119 Do Promoter Holding and Firm Performance Exhibit Endogenous Relationship? An Analysis from Emerging Market of India
by Shikha Bhatia & Aman Srivastava - 120-134 Pre and Post Disinvestment Performance Evaluation of Indian CPSEs
by Priya Mandiratta & G.S. Bhalla - 135-151 Information Technology and Organizational Change: Review of Theories and Application to a Case of Indian Railways
by Ram Kumar Dhurkari - 152-166 Safe and Healthy Work Environment: A Study of Artisans of Indian Metalware Handicraft Industry
by Vaishali Dhingra & Rakesh K. Mudgal & Manish Dhingra
February 2017, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-19 Studying ‘Make in India’ from the Lens of Labour Reforms
by Kinjal Shukla & Maitreyi Purohit & Shubhra P. Gaur - 20-38 Analysis of Potential Legal Strategies for Mitigation of Workplace Bullying in India
by Tina K. Stephen & Arun Sasi - 39-58 Why Pharmaceutical Exports from India to Europe Grew During Economic Crisis?
by Arundhati Sarkar Bose - 59-67 Changing Labour Market and Industrial Relations, Changing Times: Make in India and Ensuing Labour Reforms
by Kuriakose Mamkoottam - 68-78 The Customer and the Teller: A Close Encounter of an Unusual Kind
by Mohan Gopinath & Dolphy Abraham
November 2016, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 267-293 Return on Retention (RoR): A Grounded Theory Study of Knowledge Workers in Indian IT Services Industry
by P. Premalatha - 294-313 Employee Creativity: A Conceptual Framework
by Ravindra Jain & Cherry Jain - 314-330 Understanding the Roles of Organizational Identification, Trust and Corporate Ethical Values in Employee Engagement–Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Relationship: A Study on Indian Managers
by Shalini Srivastava & Poornima Madan - 331-354 Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life of Private Taxi Drivers
by Lalita Kumari & Amarjit Singh Sidhu - 355-383 Indian Defined Benefit Pension Plans: Evidence on Investment Risks, Fund Mandates and Funding Levels
by Mayur Ankolekar & Ramnath Shenoy & Nandan Nadkarni & Rajendra Shah - 384-404 Lead Manager’s Reputation and Aftermarket Survival of Initial Public Offerings: Empirical Evidence from India
by Garima Baluja & Balwinder Singh - 405-408 Book Review: Dan Ariely, The Irrational Bundle: Predictably Irrational, The Upside of Irrationality, and The Honest Truth about Dishonesty, Kindle edition
by Divya Aggarwal
August 2016, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 169-180 Impact of News on Indian Stock Market: A Periodic Study with Asymmetric Conditional Volatility Models
by Amit & Ruchika Bammi - 181-198 Plights of Migrant Construction Workers
by Guru Prakash Singh - 199-215 Diversification Strategies of Multi-national and Domestic Companies in India: A Comparative Evaluation in the Dynamic Environment
by Aparna Bhatia & Anu Thakur - 216-235 Developing a Comprehensive Financial Inclusion Index
by Dilip Ambarkhane & Ardhendu Shekhar Singh & Bhama Venkataramani - 236-243 Role of Workplace Spirituality in Relationship between Organizational Culture and Effectiveness
by Priyanka Vallabh & Gourav Vallabh - 244-260 Organizational Socialization Context: Evidence from the Microfinance Sector in the Developing Country
by Mohammad Jasim Uddin & Jashim Uddin Ahmed - 261-265 Book Review: John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge, The Company: A Short History of a Revolutionary Idea
by Varun Elembilassery
May 2016, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 71-87 Working Capital Management and Firm Performance in Emerging Economies: Evidence from India
by Shikha Bhatia & Aman Srivastava - 88-106 Study on Corporate Social Responsibility as Strategic Instrument for Creating Sustainable Corporate Brand Value: An Analysis with Structural Equation Modelling
by Subhajit Bhattacharya & Arana Kaursar - 107-126 An Econometric Exploration into the Determinants of Industrial Disputes in Indian Manufacturing Industries
by Meenu Saihjpal - 127-153 Financial Inclusion and Human Development: A Cross-country Evidence
by Kajole Nanda & Mandeep Kaur - 154-164 Antecedent Value of Professional Commitment and Job Involvement in Determining Job Satisfaction
by Deepak - 165-168 Book Review: Theo Nichols and Huw Beynon, Living with Capitalism: Class Relations and the Modern Factory
by Varun Elembilassery
February 2016, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial Special Issue on E-waste Management
by Pingali Venugopal & Anthony Halog & Brajesh Kr. Dubey - 1-18 Ethics of E-waste Management: An Input–Process–Output Analytic Approach
by Ozzie Mascarenhas SJ Fr. & Doris D’Souza AC Sr. & S George SJ Fr. - 19-36 Anatomizing the Dynamics of Societal Behaviour towards E-waste Management and Recycling Initiatives: A Case Study of Kolkata, India
by Shaunak Roy - 37-44 Qualitative and Semi-quantitative Estimation of Major Elements in Desktop Computer Motherboards
by Arpita Das & Basab Chakraborty & Partha Pratim Das - 45-57 An Integrated Model for E-waste Management in India Using Systems Thinking
by Parvathi Jayaprakash & R. Radhakrishna Pillai - 58-62 Outsourcing Strategy of E-waste Collection Activity for a Manufacturer
by Siddhartha Kushwaha - 63-69 E-waste Legislations in India— A Critical Review
by Harveen Kaur & Sushma Goel
August 2015, Volume 40, Issue 3-4
- 207-238 The Development of EU Law in the Field of Occupational Health and Safety: A New Way of Thinking
by Kai Liu & Wen Liu - 239-251 How Stock Market Reacts to Budget Announcement? Through the Lens of Social Media in Indian Context
by Aparup Khatua & Apalak Khatua - 252-267 Specialized versus Multi-skilled Workforce: A Newsboy Approach for Call Centre Resource Planning
by Dipankar Bose & A. K. Chatterjee - 268-283 Sustainability Disclosure Practices: A Study of Selected Chinese Companies
by Aparna Bhatia & Siya Tuli - 284-301 Role Breadth and Role Performance: An Empirical Investigation
by Srikanth P.B & M.G. Jomon - 302-324 Investigating Factors Affecting Knowledge Sharing Intention of Salespeople
by Sasmita Palo & Linu Charles - 325-332 Concern for Global Warming among Professionals in Urban India
by Pingali Venugopal & Narasimham Rajkumar & T.L. Raghu Ram - 333-346 An Empirical Assessment of Training Effectiveness in Indian Banks
by Sheelam Jain & Ravindra Jain - 347-365 Professional Service Firms as LO: A Case of an Indian Rural Management Consultancy Firm
by Richa Awasthy - 366-384 India’s Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS): Wages, Reservation Wages and Programme Participation in Chitradurga District of Karnataka
by Kala Seetharam Sridhar & A.V. Reddy
February 2015, Volume 40, Issue 1-2
- 1-21 Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Attitudes: Conceptualization, Measure Development, Measure Test and Model Fit
by Ravindra Jain & Saiyed Wajid Ali & Sachin Kamble - 22-33 Formation of an Efficient Team by Improvising Employee Selection Process Using AHP-LP for a Software Company in India
by Abhijeet Lele - 34-51 Employer Brand and Job Application Decisions: Insights from the Best Employers
by Gordhan K. Saini & Anand Gopal & Nisha Kumari - 52-74 Determinants of Corporate Board Independence: Empirical Evidence from India
by Shivan Sarpal - 75-94 A Study of Organizational Commitment in Nationalized and Private Banks
by Inderpreet Gandhi & Anukool M. Hyde - 95-108 A Curious Case of Business-media Brand Personality Scale
by Abhishek Kumar & R. Venkatesh Kumar - 109-144 Evaluating Change Management in an Indian Commercial Vehicle Manufacturing Firm
by A. Venkataraman - 145-158 Appalling Insinuation of Software Jobs on Family Environment: A Study with Special Reference to IT Professionals in Kerala
by Mariya T. Cheeran & Saji K.S. - 159-175 Impact of Performance Management System on Job Satisfaction of Faculty Members: A Study on Technical Education Institutes of Nagpur
by Kamalpreet Kaur Paposa & Y. Mohit Kumar - 176-193 Impact of Capital Structure Decisions on Financial Performance during Pre- and Post-recession Period
by Arindam Banerjee & Anupam De - 194-205 Does Gender Diversity on Indian Boards Impede IPO Underpricing?
by Amanpreet Kaur & Balwinder Singh
November 2014, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 381-395 Impact of a Sudarshan Kriya-based Occupational Stress Management Intervention on Physiological and Psychological Outcomes
by Zubin R. Mulla & Vedamuthachar - 396-410 Effect of Experiential Value on Consumer-Based Brand Equity: An Interactive Device Perspective
by Abhishek Mishra - 411-422 RETRACTED: PRM Scale: An Innovative Tool for Indian Automobile Sector
by Anuja Agarwal & Deepali Singh - 423-437 Demographic Profile of the Internet-Using Population of India
by Bharti Varshney & Prashant Kumar & Vivek Sapre & Sanjeev Varshney - 438-448 Female Portrayals in Advertising and Its Impact on Marketing Communication—Pieces of Evidence from India
by Shyama Kumari & Shradha Shivani - 449-460 Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Job Performance and HR Practices: A Relational Perspective
by Eeman Mallick & Rabindra Kumar Pradhan & Hare Ram Tewari & Lalatendu Kesari Jena - 461-476 Influence of Dimensions of Strategic Orientation on the Growth of Small Firms and Resources as Moderating Variables
by Rakesh Gupta & Sriparna Basu - 477-485 Talent Management at Tesco HSC—A Case Study
by Rabinarayan Samantara & Nidhi Sharma
August 2014, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial
by N/A - 249-274 An Analysis of Barriers for the Adoption of Cloud Computing in Education Sector
by Tajinder Singh Sahdev & Murali Krishna Medudula & Mahim Sagar - 275-292 Causality Relationship between Advertising Expenditure and Sales: A Study of Indian Service Sector
by Sneha Sharma & Deepak Kapur - 293-308 Social Media WOM: Definition, Consequences and Inter-relationships
by Angshuman Ghosh & Sanjeev Varshney & Pingali Venugopal - 309-318 ‘Country-of-Origin’ Effect and Consumer Decision-making
by Aby Abraham & Sanjay Patro - 319-328 Influence of Experiential Marketing on Customer Purchase Intention: A Study of Passenger Car Market
by Imran Khan & Zillur Rahman - 329-339 The Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Brand Equity
by Meenakshi Gupta & Jaya Bhasin - 340-348 Dimensions of Internationalization in Apparel and Clothing Industry
by Sanjiv Mittal & Soma Arora - 349-364 Impact of Socio-economic Variables on Teenagers’ Influence in Family Buying Decisions
by Vakil Singh & Sanjeev Kumar - 365-380 Residential Estate Valuation Index (REVI): A Consumer Perspective
by Bramh Dev Sharma
May 2014, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 127-139 Impact of Service Quality, Service Convenience and Perceived Price Fairness on Customer Satisfaction in Indian Retail Banking Sector
by Vinita Kaura & Chalasani S. Durga Prasad & Sourabh Sharma - 140-159 Bringing Academic and Corporate Worlds Closer
by Abinash Panda - 160-173 Maternal Attitude towards TV Advertising in India
by Raghbir Singh & Pavleen Kaur - 174-186 Education, Empowerment and Communication (EEC) as Drivers of Managing Change
by Rohini Sharma & Chandan Kumar Sahoo - 187-207 Applying Theory of Constraints to the Indian Administrative Services
by Soumya Mishra & Sasmita Palo - 208-218 Growing Corruption
by Preshita Neha Tudu & Pramod Pathak - 219-228 Changing Workforce and Transforming Industrial Relations Scenario
by Anuratha Venkataraman & Girish Balasubramanian & Santanu Sarkar - 229-248 A Study on Socio-economic Impact of Retrenchment on Workers—with Special Reference to Allahabad
by Deepti Chandra
February 2014, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-17 Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure by SENSEX Companies in India
by Aparna Bhatia & Subhash Chander - 19-30 An Empirical Analysis of Use Motives: Implications for Segmenting Mobile Phone Consumers in Bangladesh
by Saadia Shabnam & Nazrul Islam - 31-41 Organizational Learning Act as a Mediator between the Relationship of Knowledge Management and Organizational Performance
by Luxmi - 43-62 Testing Ben Graham’s Stock Selection Criteria in Indian Stock Market
by Jaspal Singh & Kiranpreet Kaur - 63-79 Small and Medium Enterprises’ Awareness Regarding Export Credit Delivery System
by Fulbag Singh & Manpreet Kaur - 81-101 The Relationship between Total Quality Management Critical Success Factors and Knowledge Sharing in a Service Industry
by Reza Dabestani & Allahvirdi Taghavi & Mohammad Saljoughian - 103-120 Can Visionary Leaders be Role Models for Collaborative Style of Conflict Handling among Teams in IT Organizations?
by Avinash D. Pathardikar & Sangeeta Sahu - 121-126 Can Assessment Woes be Put to Rest?
by Nidhi S. Bisht & Anupam Singh
November 2013, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 297-313 Impact of Transformational Leadership on Follower’s Self-efficacy
by Jyoti Aggarwal & Venkat R. Krishnan - 315-333 Dimensions, Outcomes and Mediating Roles of Empowerment
by Manjari Singh & Anita Sarkar - 335-356 Demographic Profiling of the Locus of Control of Employees
by Keith C. D’souza & Upasna A Agarwal & Usha Chavali - 357-371 The Shadow of Negative Mentoring at the Workplace
by Payal Kumar & I.S.F. Irudayaraj & M.G. Jomon & Manish Singhal - 373-398 The Effects of Liberalization on the Indian Economy
by Chetan Agrawal - 399-409 Organizational Commitment and Employee Perceived TQM Excellence
by W.P. Richard Wickramaratne - 411-423 Employment Relations
by R. Sridhar & Anand Nayak - 425-445 Integrated Framework of Antecedents and Effects of Market Orientation
by Ravindra Jain & Cherry Jain & Prachi Jain - 447-469 Strategy Implementation Using Balanced Scorecard
by Archana Yemeshvary Ashok Upadhyay & Ashok Kumar Upadhyay & Sasmita Palo - 471-482 Emotional Labour
by Farah Naqvi - 483-503 Employment Intensity of Growth in India
by Falguni Pattanaik - 505-515 An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between Net Stock Issues and Returns in India
by Sanjay Sehgal & Asheesh Pandey - 517-529 Predictors of Career Success among Government Employees
by M. Birasnav & Huda Al Merbati & Richa Chaudhary & S. Rangnekar - 531-540 The Foreign Exchange Trader Who Exceeded His Targets
by Mohan Gopinath & C. Kishan Rao & Dolphy M. Abraham & Kavita Chavali
August 2013, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 139-153 Organizational Commitment as a Measure of Managerial Motivation
by Baldev R. Sharma & Mamta Mohapatra & Snigdha Rai - 155-184 Leader Motives, Impression Management, and Charisma
by Tanvi Shah & Zubin R. Mulla - 185-199 Applicants’ Perceptions on Online Recruitment Procedures
by Tania RoyChowdhury & M. Srimannarayana - 201-223 The Mediating Role of Organizational Learning on the Relationship among Organizational Culture, HRM Practices and Innovativeness
by Rahul Raj & Kailash B.L. Srivastava - 225-239 Critical Analysis of Profile of Industrial Employees in Andhra Pradesh, India
by Puvada Devaki Devi & Gudivada Venkat Rao - 241-253 Financial Literacy Level and Awareness Regarding Stock Market
by Sangeeta Arora & Kanika Marwaha - 255-276 A Study of Competencies in the Information Technology Sector in Kolkata in the Era of Global HR Management
by Shampa Chakraberty - 277-295 ICICI Bank: Brand Building in Retail Banking
by Sanjay Patro
February 2013, Volume 38, Issue 1-2
- 1-23 A Study of Work Exhaustion in Frontline Bank Employees
by Meenakshi Khanna & Vandana Maini - 25-38 Determinants of Quality of Work Life
by Lakhwinder Singh Kang & Deepak - 39-52 Identification of Multiple Theoretical Linkages for High Performance Work System
by Gaurav Marathe & Kasturee Govind Pathak - 53-62 Work Engagement in India
by Kumar Alok - 63-79 Exploring the Mediating Effect of Organizational Trust Between Organizational Justice Dimensions and Affective Commitment
by Kamal Mukherjee & Ranan Bhattacharya - 81-101 Interpersonal Cross-Cultural Contact
by Apoorva Ghosh - 103-133 A Theoretical and Quantitative Analysis of Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth
by Anand S. Kodan (Kablana) & Kuldip S. Chhikara - 135-137 Book Review: Organization Change: Theory and Practice
by Girish Balasubramanian
November 2012, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 283-293 Women and Stock Market Participation
by Mandeep Kaur & Tina Vohra - 295-322 Personal Characteristics of Indian Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs
by Ravindra Jain & Saiyed Wajid Ali - 323-335 Human Resources
by N.N. Pandey - 337-344 Performance-related Pay-Hype versus Reality
by Chetan Agrawal - 345-358 Perceptions of Employees on Information Checks by Employers using Social Networking Sites in IT Sector
by Manas Ranjan Tripathy & Tavleen Kaur - 359-376 Chemfert Limited
by J. Singh & Vishwanath Lele
August 2012, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 179-193 Relative Valuation
by Asheesh Pandey - 195-207 Competency-based Training Needs Assessment Model
by R. Rani Geetha Priyadarshini & Deepa Dave - 209-217 Effect of Experience and Educational Level on Job Satisfaction of Telecom Executives
by Harjeet Kaur Virk - 219-251 Examining the Performance of IPOs
by Shikha Bhatia & Balwinder Singh - 253-265 Impact of Individual Personality on Turnover Intention
by Saket Jeswani & Sumita Dave - 267-282 Relationship between Team Member Personality and Team Cohesion
by Sapnaa Aeron & Suman Pathak
May 2012, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 77-92 Managerial Skills and Attitude of MBA and Non-MBA Employees
by Lakhwinder Singh Kang & Surinder Sharma - 93-106 Towards Understanding the Role of Emotions in Workplace Performance
by Priti Suman Mishra - 107-123 The Effect of Gender on Perception of Glass Ceiling, Mediated by SRO and Attitude toward Women as Managers
by Anoop Maithani & Manisha Misra & Saaylee Potnis & Shringar Bhuwania - 125-141 Impact of Co-working Couples on their Job Performance
by V.A. Santhosh & K.V. Krishnan Kutty - 143-162 National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS) in India
by Kuldip S. Chhikara & Anand S. Kodan - 163-173 Another Entrepreneurial Venture Fails to See the Light of the Day
by Moid Uddin Ahmad & Arun Bhattacharyya - 175-177 Book Review: Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline
by Kumar Alok
February 2012, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Sanjay Patro - 1-16 Creative Abilities of Indian Managers and Blocks to Creativity Enhancement
by Ravindra Jain & Pragya Sharma - 17-30 A Contemporary Model for Industrial Relations
by Apoorva Ghosh & Pranabesh Ray - 31-43 Employee Engagement
by Raman Kumar & Surendra Kumar Sia - 45-60 Emic and Etic: Different Lenses for Research in Culture
by Madhu Bala & G.R.B. Chalil & Amit Gupta - 61-71 A Study on Offer Rejection (Abort Rate) at Wipro Technologies Ltd
by G. Ramanaiah & Priya Xavier - 73-75 Book Review: Employees First, Customers Second: Turning Conventional Management Upside Down
by Sanjay Patro
November 2011, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 299-318 Basel II in India: Compliance and Challenges
by Mandeep Kaur & Samriti Kapoor - 319-333 RETRACTED: Assessing the Relationship between Personality Variable and Managerial Effectiveness: An Empirical Study on Private Sector Managers
by Shalini Srivastava - 335-352 Group Factors and its Relationship with Job and Life Satisfaction in Diverse Organizations
by S. Riasudeen & P. T. Srinivasan - 353-363 Impact of Age on Pay Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction Leading to Turnover Intention: A Study of Young Working Professionals in India
by Rajashik Roy Choudhury & Varun Gupta - 367-370 Ethical Issues in Human Resource Management
by S. Suresh - 371-378 Ratios to Manage HR Functions
by A. Chandra Mohan & M. Valliammal & R. Poonguzhali
August 2011, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 217-224 Human Resource Practices and Perceived Organizational Support — A Relationship in Indian Context
by Leenu Narang & Lakhwinder Singh - 225-246 Literature Review and Research Issues in e-Procurement
by Manas Ranjan Pani & Amit Agrahari & S. K. De & G. Sahoo - 247-267 Status of Financial Inclusion in Haryana: An Evidence of Commercial Banks
by Anand S. Kodan & Kuldip S. Chhikara - 271-280 Performance Management System: Issues and Challenges
by S. Panda - 281-290 Surrogate Advertising in India
by Sangeeta Dodrajka
May 2011, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 129-142 An Exploratory Study of Downsized Survivors' Work Behaviour
by Sushmita Biswal Waraich & Gopa Bhardwaj & Nidhi Yadav - 143-154 Employers' Perspective of MBA Curriculum in Meeting the Requirements of the Industry
by A. V. R. Pandiyan - 155-174 Impact of Lock-in Period Expiration on Share Prices and Volume: An Empirical Study
by Rohini Mahajan & Balwinder Singh - 175-186 Reciprocation Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Organizational Commitment: A Study of School Teachers
by Luxmi & Vibhuti Yadav - 189-197 An Occasion for Making an Overtime Payment
by Mohan Gopinath & Edwin L Castelino & Dolphy M Abraham & Srividya Iyengar - 199-209 Impact of Colors on the Psychology of Marketing — A Comprehensive over View
by Nayanika Singh & S. K. Srivastava
February 2011, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 5-30 HRD Practices in Indian Organizations and Their Impact on ‘Productivity’ of Human Resources: An Empirical Study
by Ravindra Jain & R. Premkumar - 31-44 Career in Consultancy: Problems and Prospects for Women in India
by Mamta Mohapatra & Bhupen Srivastava - 45-59 Television Viewing and Perception of Parental Concern among Urban Indian Children
by Manish Mittal - 61-72 Job Stress and Job Satisfaction of IT Companies' Employees
by C. Sathya Kumar - 73-98 A Study of the Impact of Types of Job Change on Perceived Performance of Newly Rotated Managers: The Mediating Role of Job Change Dimensions
by Sushmita Srivastava - 99-119 Labour Organisations in the Printing Industry in Orissa
by K. M. Sahoo & P. K. Rath
November 2010, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 407-417 A Study of Job Satisfaction and Factors that Influence it
by Joseph Sebastian Thekedam - 419-427 Elasticity of Substitution and Returns to Scale in Manufacturing Sector of Andhra Pradesh: An Empirical Exercise
by B. Narayana - 429-447 HR Framework for Winning in Economic Upswing: Content Analysis
by Swati Agrawal - 449-454 Talent Maze
by K.V.S. Krishnamohan & Pavan Patel - 455-468 Reaching Families through Women and Reaching Community through Families - A Success Story of Women Empowerment in Kerala: The Case of Kudumbashree
by Susan Chirayath & Deepa Chirayath