August 2010, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 311-336 Employee and Labour Welfare at the Tata Group Companies
by Shashank Shah - 337-356 The New Basel Accord and Credit Risk Management
by Ram Pratap Sinha - 357-368 Operational Efficency of Indian Banking Industry: An Inter Sectoral Analysis
by Anand Singh Kodan & Sunjay Mahalan & Desh Bandhu - 369-381 Effect of Financial Performance on Share Prices in the Indian Corporate Sector: An Empirical Study
by A. Vijayakumar - 385-398 HR Strategies for Sustainability of Turnaround - a Case Study of Rourkela Steel Plant
by Archana Choudhary & Asmita Jha
May 2010, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 137-148 The Johari Window Profile of Executives of a Public Sector Undertaking
by Shreekumar K. Nair & Neelima S. Naik - 149-167 Managerial Trust and Organizational Behavior
by Hemant C. Trivedi & Rajnikant Patel & Sunita Guru - 169-188 Comparative Analysis of Sources and Drivers of Information Search Behaviour of the UK and India
by Brinder S. Saigal & Bikram Jit Singh Mann & Rashmi Mann - 189-207 Search for the Drivers of Employee Engagement among Executives of a Manufacturing Organisation
by Gitanjali & Yaksh Sharma & Baldev R. Sharma - 209-225 Dynamics of Marital Roles in Consumer Decision Making: A Study of Indian Households
by Krishna Das Gupta - 227-247 Impact of the Emotional Intelligence on Work Related Outcomes among the Nursing Staff at SRM Hospitals, Chennai
by Y. Lokeswara Choudary - 249-266 Culture-Intrapreneurship Relationship: Reward as a Moderator
by Nidhi Srivastava & Shalini Srivastava - 267-287 Emerging Demographic and Talent-Pool Challenges: Implications for Outsourcing to India
by Rakesh Gupta - 289-301 Innovation Diffusion and Adoption Models: Foundation and Conceptual Framework
by Kamalpreet Kaur & Mandeep Kaur
February 2010, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 7-24 Compliance Cost Burden of Individual Income-Tax Assessees in India: An Empirical Study
by Jaspal Singh & Poonam Sharma - 25-34 Human Resource Practices in Indian Organizations: An Empirical Study
by Leenu Narang & Lakhwinder Singh - 35-58 Effect of Consumer Demographic Attributes on Store Choice Behaviour in Food and Grocery Retailing - An Empirical Analysis
by Ch. Jayasankara Prasad - 59-71 Study on Stress Levels in Organizations and Their Impact on Employees' Behaviour
by P. S. Swaminathan & S. Rajkumar - 75-83 Self Help Groups: A Tool to Boost up Woman Empowerment
by J. Venkatesh & K. Kala - 85-103 Profile of School Women Teachers in Pudukkottai District: A Socio ñ Educational Perspective
by R. Ganapathi & S. Malathi & R. Kanniah - 105-116 A Review of the Role of the Management in Controlling Job Stress of the Clerks
by Puran Surati - 117-128 Social Security Schemes for the Unorganized Sector in India: A Critical Analysis
by S. Athar Mahmood
November 2009, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 451-470 Organizational Culture as a Predictor of Managerial Motivation in Indian Public Enterprises
by V. N. Srivastava - 471-487 Determinants of Financial Structure of Corporate Sector in India- Some Empirical Evidence
by A. Vijayakumar - 488-517 A Study on Customer Profiling of Mobile Phone Service Providers in Emerging Markets — Case of Kolkata, India
by Shibashish Chakraborty & Kalyan Sengupta - 518-533 Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction: A Study on the Technical Institutions in Chhattisgarh
by Saket Jeswani & Sumita Dave & Saket Ranjan Praveer - 537-555 Relationship between Organizational Support and Managerial Effectiveness: An Exploration
by Manjari Srivastava & Arvind K. Sinha - 556-562 Mathematics Anxiety, Mathematics Performance and Overall Academic Performance in High School Students
by Ayatollah Karimi & S. Venkatesan - 563-581 Changing Face of Human Resource Management: A Strategic Partner in Business
by P. C. Bahuguna & P. Kumari & S. K. Srivastava - 582-595 Effect of Type A Pesonality on Stress-strain Relationship: A Study on Private Sector Managers
by Shalini Srivastava - 596-606 What Makes a Team Work?
by Parvinder Gupta
August 2009, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 315-328 Decision Latitude, Psychological Job Demands and Work-Life Imbalance — A Study among Software Professionals
by J. S. Gunavathy & R. Thenmozhi - 329-350 Measuring HRM-Horizontal Fit: Scale Construction and Validation Using Structural Equation Modelling
by Feza Tabassum Azmi - 351-364 Risk Perception of Individuals under Different Roles in Coimbatore District
by R. Ganapathi & S. Vanitha - 365-394 Teacher as a Change Agent and Community Worker — A Co-relational Study on Organizational Climate and Teacher Morale in the High Schools of Jharkhand
by Susan Chirayath - 397-404 Job Involvement: A Brief of Literature
by Zafrul Allam & Rezene Habtemariam - 405-424 Workforce Rationalisation: Views from the Top
by Sushmita Biswal Waraich & Gopa Bhardwaj - 425-433 Correlation between Television Viewing Time and Effects of Television Advertisements on Children
by Manish Mittal - 434-441 Competency Mapping — A Road Map for Successful Organisations
by R.M. Naidu
May 2009, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 165-182 Understanding Indian Consumer Attitudes towards Celebrity Based Television Advertising (CBTA)
by Rajesh Sharma - 183-201 Nurturing Interpersonal Trust for Knowledge Sharing
by Upasana Singh & Kailash B. L. Srivastava - 202-226 Stock Price Reaction to Bonus Share Announcements in India
by Karamjeet Kaur & Balwinder Singh - 227-248 Measuring Marketing Productivity: Marketers' Imperative
by Sanjiv Mittal & Sujata Khandai - 249-258 Energy Security for India - Some Environmental Implications
by Lakshntan Prasad - 259-273 An Insight into Private Label Brands
by Sudhanshu Sekhar Kar & Rohit Prashar - 274-290 Liberalisation of Financial Markets: The Developing Country Experience
by Ram Pratap Sinha - 291-304 Generative Grammar (GG)
by Karim Nazari Bagha
February 2009, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 7-26 Profiling Organisational Commitment
by Luxmi & Tarun Kumar Vashisth - 27-42 Impact of Authority Decentralization on Organizational Commitment: An Empirical Study of Development Projects in Kerala
by Ayesha Farooq & Mathew K. Dinney - 43-56 Climate for Innovation, Procedural Fairness and Organizational Commitment: An Empirical Study
by Smita Gupta - 57-72 The Importance of Role Efficacy and Self Efficacy in Organizations and its Relationship with HR Practices
by R. Rani Geetha Priyadarshini - 73-84 Effective Employee Engagement: The Mantra of Achieving Organizational Excellence
by Chandan Kumar Sahoo & Gangadhar Sahu - 87-94 Are They Managers or Caretakers?
by Harasankar Adhikari - 95-113 Work Conditions in Manufacturing Industries of West Bengal
by Diptendu Simlai - 114-124 A Product Oriented Analysis of Shoppers' Choice Towards Different Retail Formats
by Deepak Devgan & Mandeep Kaur - 125-144 Expectations Come True: A Study of Pygmalion Effect on the Performance of Employees
by Susan Chirayath & E. M. Lalgem & Sanal Babu George - 147-147 Book Review: Greening the Supply Chain
by Alok Singh - 147-148 Book Review: Effective Proposal Writing
by Vineet Sharma - 148-149 Book Review: The Acrobatics of Change
by Anand Lakhotia - 149-150 Book Review: The Five Great Myths of Career Building — And How Successful Careerists Debunk Them
by Samir Gupta - 150-151 Book Review: Ascending the Value Spiral — From Insight to Innovation
by Usha Venugopal - 151-152 Book Review: India and China: Comparing the Incomparable
by Varun Singla - 152-153 Book Review: Job Creation and Poverty Reduction in India: Towards Rapid and Sustained Growth
by Rohini Maithani - 153-154 Book Review: Shaping Business Leaders: What B-Schools Don't Do
by Abhishek Grover
November 2008, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 463-473 Stress in Organizational Roles Across Qualification Levels
by Avinash Kumar Srivastav - 474-481 Stress Among Gold Collar Employees in Chennai City
by G. Ramaniah & Mu. Subrahmanian - 482-487 Stress and Coping Strategies
by S. Suresh - 488-503 Affective Commitment as a Mediator between Psychological Climate, Job Involvement and Citizenship Behaviour
by Soumendu Biswas - 504-521 Linkage between Market Value Added (MVA) and other Financial Variables: An Analysis in Indian Automobile Industry
by A. Vijayakumar - 525-546 HR Interventions in Turnaround Strategy: A Case Study of Rourkela Steel Plant
by Madhuchhanda Mohanty & Priyadarsheenee Ipsita Mishra - 547-564 Learning ICT in Schools — DE Program in Orissa
by Subrat Sarkar & J. Sundarakrishnan - 565-573 Women Entrepreneurs and Emerging Profession: A Study on Women Entrepreneurs Engaged in Home Delivery Catering Services in Salt Lake Area, Kolkata, West Bengal
by Sajal Kumar Maiti - 574-584 “The People First†— A Unique Leadership Style at FedEx Freight
by Vandana Maini
August 2008, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 311-337 Organizational Citizenship Behaviour as a Function of Organizational Commitment and Corporate Citizenship in Organizations
by Shomi Srivastava - 338-353 Perception of Employees on Human Capital Valuation with Special Reference to Software Industries
by R. Indradevi & S. Gomathi - 354-372 Exploring the Determinants of Empowerment Climate in Indian Industry
by Ashutosh Muduli - 373-383 Perceptual Factors in Quality of Work Life of Indian Employees
by P. Kameswara Rao & A. Chandra Mohan - 387-395 Managing Environmental Economies: An Indian Perspective
by Lakshman Prasad - 396-409 Marketing to Indian Rural Women: Challenge, Opportunity and Strategy
by Sudhanshu Sekhar Kar & Dhananjay Kumar - 410-431 Global Competitiveness of the Indian Forest-based Industry — A Reality Check
by Parag Dubey - 432-451 Financial Performance Analysis of General Insurers in India
by Mahesh Chand Garg & Deepti
May 2008, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 165-174 Changing Roles of Human Resources in the 21st Century
by Bharti Venkatesh - 175-193 Transactional Styles and Gender — A Co-relational Study
by Susan Chirayath - 194-205 Burn Out Stress, Pass on to Success
by G. Rajesh Kumar & S. Rajamohan - 206-227 Organisational Role Stress among Women in the Private Sector
by Shalini Srivastava & Prashant Verma - 228-238 Stress among the Women Faculty Members in Self Financing Colleges of Tamilnadu
by R. Ganapathi & M. S. Premapriya - 241-259 How Does Downsizing Affect Survivors? Insights from the Literature
by Vilas V. Kulkarni - 260-274 Rehabilitation of VRS Seekers: Myths and Realities
by Avinash D. Pathardikar & Sangeeta Sahu - 275-289 Wages and Industry Characteristics: The Impact of Value Added per Employee, Establishment Size and Industry Growth
by Zubin R. Mulla - 290-300 Disputes and Dispute Resolution: The Effect of Union Density on Employee Intention to Quit — An Indian Study
by Himanshu Rai
February 2008, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 7-27 Enhancing Employability Through Training and Assessment
by Rakesh Gupta & Sarika Tomar - 28-52 Study of Relationship of Demographic Factors with Brand Choice and Brand Switching of Customers of Mobile Phone Service Providers in Kolkata
by Shibashish Chakraborty & Kalyan Sengupta - 53-63 Analysing the Association of Leadership Style, Face-to-Face Communication, and Organizational Effectiveness
by Vijai N. Giri & Tirumala Santra - 64-79 Needs and Expectations of the Internal Customers from the Knowledge Management System
by Sanjeev Verma & Ranjan Chaudhuri & Ritesh Rajput - 80-102 Benchmarking on HR Scorecard in the Hospitality Industry
by L. Shankari & S. Suja - 103-110 360 Degree Feedback Mechanism: A Tool for Managing Employee Performance
by Chandan Kumar Sahoo & Gangadhar Sahu - 111-123 A Survey on Addiction to the Internet and its Psychological/Social Effects among Female Internet Users in Isfahan City 2006
by Mohammad Reza Iravani - 124-141 Profiling Organizational Learning: An Empirical Study of IT and Banking Sectors in India
by Feza Tabassum Azmi & Zareen Hussain - 142-156 Perception of Product Attributes in Brand Switching Behaviour — An Explanation Through Multidimensional Scaling
by Ramakrishnan Venkatesakumar & D. Ramkumar & P. Thillai Rajan
November 2007, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 411-421 Women in Workforce: Work and Family Conflict
by Shalini Srivastava - 422-450 Effectiveness of Human Resource Information System: A Study in National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO)
by Madhuchhanda Mohanty & Santosh Kumar Tripathy - 451-468 Performance of Indian Automobile Industry: Economic Value Added (EVA) Approach
by A. Manor Selvi & A. Vijayakumar - 469-485 The Indian Economy: A Study of its Susceptibility to Fuller Capital Account Convertibility (CAC)
by Subhasis Ray & Subhrajyoti Das - 486-512 Investigating the Pricing Efficiency of Indian Equity Futures Market
by Kapil Gupta & Balwinder Singh - 515-521 Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Internal Audit: A Case Study
by D. Chatterjee & S. K. Bose - 522-540 Issues and Concerns in the Implementation and Maintenance of HRIS
by Sandeep K. Krishnan & Manjari Singh - 541-551 Technology Management in Semiconductor Laboratory
by Deepak Kapur - 552-564 Performance Evaluation of Indian Commercial Banks Using the Super Efficiency Approach
by Ram Pratap Sinha
August 2007, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 277-287 Role of Organizational Management and Managerial Effectiveness in Promoting Performance and Production
by S.K. Srivastava - 288-300 Triple ‘E’ Training Approach for the Success of India Post
by A. Chandra Mohan & M. Jeyarathnam & Mu. Subrahmanian - 301-320 Differences in Organizational Learning Processes: A Study of Two Organizations
by Nachiketa Tripathi & Sonia Nongmaithem - 321-332 Blemish Manager's Destructive Game
by K.V. Krishnankutty & V.A. Santhosh - 335-346 The War for Talent: Strategies for Employee Retention in the BPO Industry
by Mohsin R. Shaikh - 347-359 Role of Infrastructure Services on the Economic Development of India
by Shailender Singh & G. S. Batra & Gajendra Singh - 360-368 Entrepreneurship: A Perspective and Strategic Dimensions
by Lakshman Prasad - 369-374 We are from Knowledge Sharing Culture
by K. P. Naachimuthu - 375-389 Systematic Knowledge Management Approach: A Requisite for Growth and Competitive Advantage
by Kapil Sharma & P. N. Mishra - 390-401 Employee Engagement — Application of IES Tool
by N. Rajagopal & Sunu Mary Abraham
May 2007, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 163-182 Corporate Social Responsibility: A New Way of Doing Business
by Manish Mittal - 183-202 Dispute Handling Capability: Morphology and Modalities — Development of a Model∗
by Himanshu Rai - 203-220 Leader Member Exchange Revisited: An Investigation of the Moderating and Mediating Effects of LMX in Two Samples — USA and India
by Arup Varma & Shaun Pichler & E. S. Srinivas & Marl Albarillo - 225-239 Management of Industrial Disputes in Orissa: Emerging Scenario
by Chandan Kumar Sahoo & Debabrata Pani - 240-250 Factors in Inter-State Migration: A Study of Textile Workers in Punjab∗
by Naresh Kumar Malhotra & A. S. Sidhu - 251-256 A Case Study on Lean Six Sigma Cultural Assessment at Timken India Limited, Jamshedpur
by Susan Chirayath - 257-264 Business School Research in India: Seeking the Why of Management
by Zubin R Mulla - 267-268 Book Review: The Art & Discipline of Strategic Leadership
by J Singh
February 2007, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 7-21 Increasing Rate of Attrition in BPO
by Priti Suman Mishra - 22-52 Strategies for Transformation of Work Culture in West Bengal: A Study of Some Recently Acquired Industrial Units of West Bengal
by Goutam Sengupta - 53-66 Strategic Developmental Organisations and Bureaucratic Psyche: A Need for Creating Participatory Culture
by Patul Rishi - 67-82 Segmentation on Investment in Personal Insurance and Determination of Insurance Needs through Human Life Value Modeling
by Subhasis Ray - 87-101 Exploring the Apparel Purchase Behavior of Urban Indian College-goers: A Qualitative Study
by Paromita Goswami - 102-111 Psycho-Political Determinants of Workers' Propensity to Strike
by Shyam Bahadur Katuwal - 112-122 A Correlational Study of Political Styles and Power Bases in a Public Sector Organisation
by Surendra K. Sia & Gopa Bhardwaj - 123-135 Examining the Effect of Job Performance on Organizational Commitment
by B. Pavan Kumar & Vijai N. Giri - 136-145 A Study of Relationship of Job Burnout and Job Anxiety with Job Involvement among Bank Employees
by Zafrul Allam - 149-149 Book Review: Statistical Methods for Practice and Research: A Guide to Data Analysis using SPSS
by Zubin Mulla - 149-151 Book Review: Heart at Work
by Isheeta Bali - 151-154 Book Review: Disinvestment in India: Policies, Procedures, Practices
by Abhishek Khosla - 154-155 Book Review: Reinventing Public Service Delivery in India: Selected Case Studies
by Zubin Mulla
November 2006, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 309-331 Study of Important Aspects Affecting Consumer Choice of Mobile Phone Service Providers
by Shibashish Chakraborty & Dilip Kumar Chakraborty - 332-348 Women in Indian BPOs — Problem and Stress
by R. Indradevi & M. Kamalapriya - 349-360 HR and the Bottom-Line: The Impact of High Performance Work Systems
by Arup Varma & Shaun Pichler & Patricia Simpson - 361-369 Money-Is it Really a Motivator?
by Zubin Mulla - 370-387 A Rural-Urban Study on Purchase Behaviour Towards Toiletries
by B. S. Hundal & Anand - 388-398 Determinants of Child Labour Participation: Review of Issues and Implications for Policy
by Shreyas Goswami & Vineet Jain - 401-403 Book Review: Tectonic Shift
by Sharad Sarin - 403-406 Book Review: Ethics Incorporated: Top Priority and Bottom Line
by Zubin Mulla - 406-406 Book Review: Managing Your Sales Force
by Ronald D'Costa - 407-410 Book Review: Research Methods in the Social Sciences
by Niharika Rai - 410-413 Book Review: Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute
by Chivukula Vasudev
August 2006, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 197-207 Finding Cost of Capital when the Market Value of Debt is not Known
by Pitabas Mohanty - 208-227 An Examination of Transformational and Transactional Leadership: A Study of Dimensions and Outcomes in Indian Context
by E. S. Srinivas & G. Ashok Kumar & E. Vikramaditya - 228-253 Talent Management as High Performance Work Practice: Emerging Strategic HRM Dimension
by Sunita Chugh & Jyotsna Bhatnagar - 257-270 Framework/Criteria for Revision of Pay Scales: A Case Study of Haryana Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation
by Sanjay Kothari & Rajesh Bansal - 271-286 Entrepreneurial Marketing in West Bengal: A Study on Arambagh Hatcheries Limited
by Sajal Kumar Maiti - 287-293 Strategic Perspective of Green Consumerism: Learning from Japanese Management
by Parag Dubey - 297-298 Book Review: Corporate Capers
by J. Singh - 298-299 Book Review: Simply Selling
by Ronald D'Costa - 299-300 Book Review: Marketing Channel Management — A Customer Centric Approach
by Sanjay Patro
May 2006, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 99-110 The Emerging Trends and Practices of HRM
by A. Chandra Mohan & G. Rajesh Kumar - 111-133 Examining the Role of HR Practices in Improving Individual Performance and Organizational Effectiveness
by Soumendu Biswas & Vijai N. Giri & Kailash B. L. Srivastava - 137-151 Mentors in Indian Mythology
by P. Nachimuthu - 152-168 Lending Efficiency of Indian Commercial Banks: A Data Envelopment Approach
by Ram Pratap Sinha - 169-177 Productivity Improvement in Public Enterprises
by Rajiv Gandhi - 181-182 Book Review: Doing your Masters Dissertation
by Zubin Mulla - 182-187 Book Review: The Change Champion's Fieldguide: Strategies and Tools for Leading Change in the New Era
by Kamal Mukherjee
February 2006, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 7-17 Corporate Ethics and the Bottom Line: Why Fighting Corruption Matters for Business
by Peter Eigen - 18-31 Effect of Channel Conflict on Channel Efficiency — Few Improved Conceptual Models for Various Conflict Resolution Strategies
by Ramendra Singh - 32-48 Value Realization and Organizational Effectiveness: Culture Related Imperatives
by Sumita Rai & Arvind K. Sinha & Ashish Kumar Singh - 49-54 Consumer Perceptions of Door-to-Door Selling: An Exploratory Study
by Pingali Venugopal - 57-69 The Need for a Focus on Key Elements of HRD Climate in Hospitals – An Empirical Study
by S. A. Mufeed - 70-78 Human Resources Climate Survey of Chittaranjan Locomotive Workshop (CLW)
by Kunal K. Majee - 79-82 Total Quality Management Through Total Quality Individuals: A Holistic Approach
by P Nachimuthu - 85-86 Book Review: A Very Short, Fairly Interesting And Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Organizations
by J. Singh - 86-88 Book Review: Knowledge-based Marketing: The Twenty First Century Competitive Edge
by Mohan Agrawal - 88-90 Book Review: Ideate
by Ronald D'Costa
November 2005, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 301-314 Do Promises Really Win Compliances in Purchasing Decision-Making?
by Che-Jen Su - 315-326 The Relationship Between Work Attitudes and Work Performance
by Gurpreet Randhawa - 327-354 HR Metrics: HR Six Sigma in Indian Organizations
by Jyotsna Bhatnagar & Ashish Pandey - 357-371 The Power of Empowerment
by J. Singh - 372-380 Employee Empowerment in Non-Government Organizations
by S. F. Chandra Sekhar & P. Anjaiah - 381-392 A Human Resource Accounting: A Way to Succeed in Knowledge-Driven Economy
by Aruna Dhade - 395-396 Book Review: Services Marketing and Management
by Mohan Agrawal - 396-398 Book Review: The Essential Guide to Doing Research
by Zubin Mulla - 398-401 Book Review: The Customer Loyalty Solution What works (and what doesn't) in Customer Loyalty Programs
by Bharat Rajagopalan & Neha Nath - 402-405 Book Review: Change and Turbulence at SAIL A Story of Fluctuating Fortunes
by Abhinav Anand & Rajul Jain
August 2005, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 211-223 Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: Exploring the Relationship
by H. S. Sandhu & Shveta Kapoor - 224-235 A Study on Organizational Effectiveness in Textile Mills at Coimbatore
by R. Rani Geetha Priyadarshini - 236-246 Satisfaction of Textile Workers with Awards/Settlements: An Empirical Analysis
by Jyoti & A. S. Sidhu - 247-257 Organizational Climate and Organizational Role Stress: A Correlational Study in Newspaper Industry
by Sanjay Kumar Singh & Paramjeet Kaur Dhillon - 261-275 Managing Occupational Stress: The Case of Medical Representatives
by Lakhwinder Singh Kang - 279-280 Book Review: Creating Customer Delight – The How and Why of CRM
by Sharad Sarin - 280-284 Book Review: Labour and Change – Essays on Globalization, Technological Change and Labour in India
by Anita Christopher & Vishnu Asokan - 284-288 Book Review: Human Resource Management
by Paul John & Riju Chacko - 288-292 Book Review: Corporate Communications: A 21st Century Primer
by Piyush Sarode & Poornima Dore - 292-292 Corrigendum
by N/A
May 2005, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 121-138 Problem Formulation and Categorization: An Empirical Study of Marketing Problems in an Organization
by S. R. Singhvi & Rajat Gera - 139-149 Need for Cognition as Determinant of Response to Rational and Emotional Ad Appeals
by Richa Agrawal & Vinay Patangia