March 2000, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 145-165 Who Mediates? the Political Economy of International Conflict Management
by Jacob Bercovitch & Gerald Schneider - 167-187 The Multilateral Arab-Israeli Negotiations: Genesis, Institutionalization, Pause, Future
by Etel Solingen - 189-211 How Norway Became One of Israel's Best Friends
by Hilde Henriksen Waage - 213-233 A Global Analysis of the Effect of Political Regime Changes on Life Integrity Violations, 1977-93
by Sabine C. Zanger - 235-249 East European Public Support for NATO Membership: Fears and Aspirations
by Tatiana Kostadinova - 251-265 A New Dataset for Measuring Democracy, 1810-1998
by Tatu Vanhanen
January 2000, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 5-30 Development and the Liberal Peace: What Does it Take to be a Trading State?
by Havard Hegre - 31-50 Assessing Leader Credibility during a Peace Process: Rabin's Private Polls
by Yehudith Auerbach & Charles W. Greenbaum - 51-68 Gendered Conflict
by Mary Caprioli - 69-83 The Guns-Growth Relationship in Israel
by Karl DeRouen Jr - 85-103 Communities and Peace: Catholic Youth in Northern Ireland
by Siobhán McEvoy - 105-117 A World Flying Apart? Violent Nationalist Conflict and the End of the Cold War
by R. William Ayres
November 1999, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 627-637 East or Further East?
by Douglas M. Gibler - 639-663 A Test for Reverse Causality in the Democratic Peace Relationship
by Michael Mousseau & Yuhang Shi - 665-680 NATO Burden-Sharing: Past and Future
by Keith Hartley & Todd Sandler - 681-697 Using Military Spending Data: The Complexity of Simple Inference
by James H. Lebovic - 699-708 Defense Spending and Economic Growth in South Korea: The Indirect Link
by Uk Heo - 709-727 Hurting Stalemate or Mediation? The Conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, 1990-95
by Moorad Mooradian & Daniel Druckman - 729-739 Modelling War
by Ian Bellany - 741-750 Assessing Technologies of Political Control
by Brian Rappert
September 1999, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 499-509 Sanctions as a Foreign Policy Tool: Weighing Humanitarian Impulses
by Thomas G. Weiss - 511-534 Respect for Human Rights after the End of the Cold War
by David L. Cingranelli & David L. Richards - 535-552 Social Defence Strategy: The Role of Technology
by Brian Martin - 553-569 `Ours is the Way of God': Religion, Identity, And Intergroup Conflict
by Jeffrey R. Seul - 571-591 Ethnic Conflicts in The Former USSR: The Use and Misuse of Typologies and Data
by Valery Tishkov - 593-606 Armed Conflict, 1989-98
by Peter Wallensteen & Margareta Sollenberg
July 1999, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 387-404 Globalization and Peace: Assessing New Directions in the Study of Trade and Conflict
by Katherine Barbieri & Gerald Schneider - 405-422 Liberalism and Interdependence: Extending the Trade-Conflict Model
by Solomon W. Polachek & John Robst & Yuan-Ching Chang - 423-442 Assessing the Liberal Peace with Alternative Specifications: Trade Still Reduces Conflict
by John R. Oneal & Bruce Russett - 443-462 Balance of Power Revisited: A Multi-Country Model of Trade and Conflict
by Han Dorussen - 463-479 Sleeping with the Enemy: The Impact of War on Trade
by Katherine Barbieri & Jack S. Levy - 481-489 How Could Trade Affect Conflict?
by James D. Morrow
May 1999, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 259-269 Russia: Systemic Transformation or Federal Collapse?
by Graeme P. Herd - 271-287 Institutional Constraints, Political Opposition, And Interstate Dispute Escalation: Evidence from Parliamentary Systems, 1946-89
by Brandon C. Prins & Christopher Sprecher - 289-307 The Influence of Religious Legitimacy on Grievance Formation by Ethno-Religious Minorities
by Jonathan Fox - 309-323 One-Sided Crises in The International System
by J. Joseph Hewitt & Jonathan Wilkenfeld - 325-338 Dynamite under the Intercommunal Bridge: How Can Aid Agencies Help Defuse It?
by Joseph G. Bock & Mary B. Anderson - 339-348 Attitudes of Palestinians toward Normalization with Israel
by Mahmoud Mi'Ari - 349-361 Gandhi, Deep Ecology, Peace Research And Buddhist Economics
by Thomas Weber - 363-373 Whither International Efforts for Internally Displaced Persons?
by Thomas G. Weiss
March 1999, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 131-140 Military Conversion: The Balance Sheet
by Michael Brzoska - 141-167 Nuclear Deterrence in the Developing World: A Game-Theoretic Treatment
by Michael R. Kraig - 169-181 The Propensity to Forgive: Findings from Lebanon
by Fabiola Azar & Etienne Mullet & Genevieve Vinsonneau - 183-202 The Intrastate Security Dilemma: Ethnic Conflict as a `Tragedy'?
by Paul Roe - 203-231 Neoidealism and the Democratic Peace
by Errol A. Henderson - 233-244 Instruments of Security or Tools of Repression? Arms Imports and Human Rights Conditions in Developing Countries
by Shannon Lindsey Blanton
January 1999, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 5-21 Beneath the Surface: Regime Type and International Interaction, 1953-78
by Brett Ashley Leeds & David R. Davis - 23-33 Determinants of China's Military Expenditures: 1965-93
by Qian Sun & Qiao Yu - 35-54 Conflict among Former Allies after Civil War Settlement: Sudan, Zimbabwe, Chad, and Lebanon
by Pierre M. Atlas & Roy Licklider - 55-73 Domestic Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Nepotism: A Comparative Analysis
by Tatu Vanhanen - 75-94 Ripples from the Waves? A Systemic, Time-Series Analysis of Democracy, Democratization, and Interstate War
by Mark J. C. Crescenzi & Andrew J. Enterline - 95-118 The United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Does It Make a Difference in Human Rights Behavior?
by Linda Camp Keith
November 1998, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 659-675 Arms Transfers and Coups d'État: A Study on Sub-Saharan Africa
by T. Y. Wang - 677-695 Domestic Sources of Preferences for Arms Cooperation: The Impact of Protest
by Jeffrey W. Knopf - 697-705 The Legal Status of Laser Weapons That Blind
by Jeffrey S. Morton - 707-722 Devious Objectives and the Disputants' View of International Mediation: A Theoretical Framework
by Oliver Richmond - 723-742 The Rocky Road Toward Peace: Beliefs on Conflict in Israeli Textbooks
by Daniel Bar-Tal - 743-757 The Peaceful Settlement of Interstate Conflict: Saar, Austria, and Berlin
by Gudrun Schwarzer - 759-770 `Odysseus and the Lilliputians': Germany, the European Union, and the Smaller European States
by Bjørn Otto Sverdrup
September 1998, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 531-550 Persistent Pacifism: How Activist Commitment is Developed and Sustained
by James Downton Jr & Paul Wehr - 551-579 Systematic Early Warning of Humanitarian Emergencies
by Barbara Harff & Ted Robert Gurr - 581-602 Bilateral Trade and Political Conflict/Cooperation: Do Goods Matter?
by Rafael Reuveny & Heejoon Kang - 603-620 Framing the Wars in the Gulf and in Bosnia: The Rhetorical Definitions of the Western Power Leaders in Action
by Riikka Kuusisto - 621-634 Armed Conflict and Regional Conflict Complexes, 1989-97
by Peter Wallensteen & Margareta Sollenberg - 635-646 Children, Armed Conflict, and Peace
by Michael G. Wessells
July 1998, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 419-427 Quantitative Methods in Peace Research
by Ron P. Smith - 429-452 Jewish-Arab Coexistence in Israel: The Role of Joint Professional Teams
by Helena Syna Desivilya - 453-469 From War-Hero to Villain: Reversal of the Symbolic Value of War and a Warrior King
by Ernst L. Moerk - 471-482 War and Equality: The Social Background of the Victims of the Finnish Winter War
by Timo Toivonen - 483-496 Environmental Terrorism: Analyzing the Concept
by Daniel M. Schwartz - 497-509 Revisiting Economic Sanctions Reconsidered
by A. Cooper Drury - 511-517 Mervyn Frost and the Constitution of Liberalism
by John Williams
May 1998, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 279-298 Environmental Scarcity and Violent Conflict: The Case of South Africa
by Val Percival & Thomas Homer-Dixon - 299-317 Beyond Environmental Scarcity: Causal Pathways to Conflict
by Wenche Hauge & Tanja Ellingsen - 319-339 Demographic Pressure and Interstate Conflict: Linking Population Growth and Density to Militarized Disputes and Wars, 1930-89
by Jaroslav Tir & Paul F. Diehl - 341-361 Democracy and the Environment: An Empirical Assessment
by Manus I. Midlarsky - 363-380 The Limits and Promise of Environmental Conflict Prevention: The Case of the GEF
by Rodger A. Payne - 381-400 Armed Conflict and The Environment: A Critique of the Literature
by Nils Petter Gleditsch
March 1998, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 147-166 Social Conditions for Political Violence: Red and White Terror in the Finnish Civil War of 1918
by Sirkka Arosalo - 167-191 Ratification Processes and Conflict Termination
by Nathalie J. Frensley - 193-210 Rwanda: The Perils of Peacemaking
by Christopher Clapham - 211-230 Evaluating Conflict Research on the Diffusion of War
by Roslyn Simowitz - 231-237 Cumulation, Evaluation and the Research Process: Investigating the Diffusion of Conflict
by Harvey Star & Randolph M. Siverson - 238-244 Cumulation, Evaluation and the Research Process: A Response to Starr & Siverson
by Roslyn Simowitz & Matthew C. Sheffer - 245-259 The Study of Appeasement in International Relations: Polemics, Paradigms, and Problems
by Ralph B. A. Dimuccio
January 1998, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 7-23 Arms Transfer Dependence and Foreign Policy Conflict
by David Kinsella - 25-42 Global Civil Society, Anarchy and Governance: Assessing an Emerging Paradigm
by Scott Turner - 43-59 Rebellion, Violence and Revolution: A Rational Choice Perspective
by Erich Weede & Edward N. Muller - 61-82 The United Nations at 50: Managing Ethnic Crises - Past and Present
by David Carment & Patrick James - 83-109 Crisis Magnitude and Interstate Conflict: Changes in the Arab-Israel Dispute
by Hemda Ben-Yehuda & Shmuel Sandler - 111-118 Reconfiguring The Arms Race-War Debate
by Paul F. Diehl & Mark J.C. Crescenzi - 119-121 Comments on the Articles by Sample and Diehl & Crescenzi
by Michael D. Wallace - 122-126 Furthering the Investigation into the Effects of Arms Buildups
by Susan G. Sample - 127-132 A Clash of Civilizations - An Idée Fixe?
by Dieter Senghaas
November 1997, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 377-383 Breaking the Cycle of Violence
by Malvern Lumsden - 385-404 The Hazard of War: Reassessing the Evidence for the Democratic Peace
by Arvid Raknerud & HÃ¥vard Hegre - 405-414 Press Freedom and the Democratic Peace
by Douglas A. Van Belle - 415-430 A Constructivist Interpretation of the Liberal Peace: The Ambiguous Case of the Spanish-American War
by Mark Peceny - 431-447 Mediating International Conflicts: Is Image Change Necessary?
by R. William Ayres - 449-466 Creating the `Ripe Moment' in the East Timor Conflict
by Michael E. Salla - 467-470 Deliberation, Leverage or Coercion?
by Paul J. Nelson - 470-472 A Response to Nelson on `Deliberation, Leverage or Coercion?'
by Rodger A. Payne - 473-482 Three Generations of Environment and Security Research
by Carsten F. Rønnfeldt
August 1997, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 249-255 Return to the First Image
by Benjamin Solomon - 257-269 Ethnicity, Territorial Integrity, and Regional Order: Palestinian Identity in Jordan and Israel
by Hillel Frisch - 271-287 Transcending Traditionalism: The Emergence of Non-State Military Formations in Afghanistan
by Kristian Berg Harpviken - 289-302 In Search of Security: Relative Gains and Losses in Dyadic Relations
by Suzanne Werner - 303-314 Intervention Across Bisecting Borders
by A. Bikash Roy - 315-323 Explaining the Democratic Peace: The Evidence from Ancient Greece Reviewed
by Tobias Bachteler - 323-324 A Rejoinder
by Bruce Russett - 325-329 The Rhetorical Strategies and the Misleading Nature of Attacks on `Postmodernism': A Reply to Østerud
by Heikki Patomäki - 330-336 Epistemology, Postmodernism and International Relations Theory: A Reply to Østerud
by Steve Smith - 337-338 Focus on Postmodernisms: A Rejoinder
by Øyvind Østerud - 339-358 Armed Conflicts, Conflict Termination and Peace Agreements, 1989-96
by Peter Wallensteen & Margareta Sollenberg - 359-366 Arms and Reconstruction in Post-Conflict Societies
by J. 'Bayo Adekanye
May 1997, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 129-134 Some Non-Western Perspectives on International Relations
by Donald J. Puchala - 135-152 Finishing START and Achieving Unilateral Reductions: Leadership and Arms Control at the End of the Cold War
by Lisa A. Baglione - 153-162 Democracy and Integration: Why Democracies Don't Fight Each Other
by Harvey Starr - 163-175 Is Collective Violence Correlated with Social Pluralism?
by Rudolph J. Rummel - 177-195 Political Conflict in Less Developed Countries 1981-89
by Juha Auvinen - 197-215 Peace Initiatives and Public Opinion: The Domestic Context of Conflict Resolution
by Ben D. Mor - 217-231 Identity Formation in the Shadow of Conflict: Projective Drawings by Palestinian and Israeli Arab Children from the West Bank and Gaza
by Salman Elbedour & David T. Bastien & Bruce A. Center - 233-240 The Anthropology and Ethnography of Political Violence
by Christian Krohn-Hansen
February 1997, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-5 Iranian Islam and the Faustian Bargain of Western Modernity
by Mehrzad Boroujerdi - 7-22 Arms Races and Dispute Escalation: Resolving the Debate
by Susan G. Sample - 23-36 The Continuation of History: Power Transition Theory and the End of the Cold War
by Douglas Lemke - 37-52 A Middle-Power Military in Alliance: Canada and NORAD
by Ann Denholm Crosby - 53-71 Radical Islam and Nonviolence: A Case Study of Religious Empowerment and Constraint among Pashtuns
by Robert C. Johansen - 73-87 Democracy and Militarized Interstate Collaboration
by Michael Mousseau - 89-100 Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Greece, 1960-90
by Nicholas Antonakis - 101-106 The Dependent Variable of the Domestic-External Conflict Relationship: Anecdotes, Theories and Systematic Studies
by Birger Heldt
November 1996, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 385-390 Antinomies of Postmodernism in International Studies
by ØYvind ØSterud - 391-402 United States Military Intervention and the Promotion of Democracy
by James Meernik - 403-420 Conflict Resolution among Peaceful Societies: The Culture of Peacefulness
by Bruce D. Bonta - 421-431 When the Individual Soldier Says `No' to War: A Look at Selective Refusal during the Intifada
by Ruth Linn - 433-449 Explaining Territorial Disputes: From Power Politics to Normative Reasons
by Tuomas Forsberg - 451-467 The Nordic Area as a `Zone of Peace'
by Clive Archer - 469-481 When Officers Need Internal Enemies: Aspects of Civil-Military Relations in Scandinavia between the World Wars
by Nils Ivar Agã˜Y - 483-490 The Political Economy of Defense Spending in South Korea
by Uk Heo
August 1996, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 257-262 Hot Fish and (Bargaining) Chips
by Jennifer L. Bailey - 263-271 Defensive Arms and the Security Dilemma: A Cybernetic Approach
by Ian Bellany - 273-287 Threat and Repression: The Non-Linear Relationship between Government and Opposition Violence
by Scott Sigmund Gartner & Patrick M. Regan - 289-308 Taming the Tiger: Militarization and Democracy in Latin America
by Kirk S. Bowman - 309-322 How Democracies Use Intervention: A Neglected Dimension in Studies of the Democratic Peace
by Charles W. Kegley Jr & Margaret G. Hermann - 323-339 Collective Action in the Middle East? A Study of Free-Ride in Defense Spending
by Baizhu Chen & Yi Feng & Cyrus Masroori - 341-352 Defense Expenditures and Economic Growth in Israel: The Indirect Link
by Jordin S. Cohen & Randolph Stevenson & Alex Mintz & Michael D. Ward - 353-370 The End of International War? Armed Conflict 1989-95
by Peter Wallensteen & Margareta Sollenberg
May 1996, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 129-136 Deliberating Global Environmental Politics
by Rodger A. Payne - 137-152 Antinuclear and Pronuclear Empowerment and Activism
by Peter Horvath - 153-170 Immigration, Asylum, and Anti-Foreigner Violence in Germany
by Gert Krell & Hans Nicklas & Anne Ostermann - 171-188 Human Rights and Ethnic Conflict Management: The Case of Nigeria
by Eghosa E. Osaghae - 189-204 Displacing the Conflict: Environmental Destruction in Bangladesh and Ethnic Conflict in India
by Ashok Swain - 205-215 National Interest, Humanitarianism or CNN: What Triggers UN Peace Enforcement After the Cold War?
by Peter Viggo Jakobsen - 217-228 The Greek - Turkish Conflict and Greek Military Expenditure 1960-92
by Christos G. Kollias - 229-239 Modelling Greek-Turkish Rivalry: An Empirical Investigation of Defence Spending Dynamics
by George M. Georgiou & Panayotis T. Kapopoulos & Sophia Lazaretou - 241-244 US Foreign Policy Towards Rogue States and Weapon Proliferation
by Khalil Dokhanchi
February 1996, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-10 Democracy and Peace: A More Skeptical View
by Scott Gates & Torbjørn L. Knutsen & Jonathon W. Moses - 11-28 The Liberal Peace: Interdependence, Democracy, and International Conflict, 1950-85
by John R. Oneal & Frances H. Oneal & Zeev Maoz & Bruce Russett - 29-49 Economic Interdependence: A Path to Peace or a Source of Interstate Conflict?
by Katherine Barbieri - 51-66 Tibetan Nationalism: The Politics of Religion
by Åshild Kolås - 67-82 The Gender Gap in Attitudes toward the Gulf War: A Cross-National Perspective
by Clyde Wilcox & Lara Hewitt & Dee Allsop - 83-98 Crossing the Divide: Community Relations in Northern Ireland
by Colin Knox & Joanne Hughes - 99-108 War Initiation and Selection by Consequences
by John A. Nevin - 109-116 Environmental Security?
by Nina Græger
November 1995, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 385-398 The Present as a Historic Turning Point
by Barry Buzan - 399-411 US Military Aid in the 1980s: A Global Analysis
by Steven C. Poe & James Meernik - 413-426 Commitment to Military Intervention: The Democratic Government as Economic Investor
by Donna J. Nincic & Miroslav Nincic - 427-436 We and Us: Two Modes of Group Identification
by Thomas Hylland Eriksen - 437-451 Foreign Influence, Political Conflicts and Conflict Resolution in the Caribbean
by Perry Mars - 453-467 Unofficial Nonviolent Intervention: Examples from the Israeli—Palestinian Conflict
by Andrew Rigby - 469-482 Tracking Democracy's Third Wave with the Polity III Data
by Keith Jaggers & Ted Robert Gurr - 483-487 A `New', `International' History of the Cold War?
by Odd Arne Westad
August 1995, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 257-264 Negotiating the Peace in Northern Ireland
by Gerard Delanty - 265-276 Explaining Zones of Peace: Democracies as Satisfied Powers?
by Arie M. Kacowicz - 277-293 Why Do Neighbors Fight? Proximity, Interaction, or Territoriality
by John A. Vasquez - 295-312 Conciliation as Counter-Terrorist Strategy
by Peter C. Sederberg - 313-330 The Value of Economic Incentives in International Politics
by Eileen M. Crumm - 331-343 Military Spending in Sub-Saharan Africa: Some Evidence for 1967-85
by J. Paul Dunne & Nadir A. L. Mohammed - 345-360 After the Cold War: Emerging Patterns of Armed Conflict 1989—94
by Peter Wallensteen & Margareta Sollenberg - 361-371 Bipolarity, Multipolarity, and Domestic Political Systems
by Raimo Väyrynen
May 1995, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 129-132 Conversion is Dead, Long Live Conversion!
by Julian Cooper - 133-149 `Don't Kill Me, I'm a Kyrgyz!': An Anthropological Analysis of Violence in the Osh Ethnic Conflict
by Valery Tishkov - 151-164 Towards Complementarity in Conflict Management: Resolution and Settlement in Northern Ireland
by David Bloomfield - 165-179 Ideology and Identity: A National Outlook
by Knud S. Larsen & David H. Groberg & Krum Krumov & Ludmilla Andrejeva & Nadia Kashlekeva & Zlatka Russinova & Gyorgy Csepeli & Reidar Ommundsen - 181-196 UN Peace-Keeping: In the Interest of Community or Self?
by Laura Neack - 197-211 Internal Military Intervention in the United States
by David Adams - 213-228 Secrecy and International Relations
by David N. Gibbs - 229-232 Why Nations Arm: A Reconsideration
by Erich Weede - 233-238 Theory-Building in the Study of Crises
by Mats Hammarström
February 1995, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-8 Human Rights and the Search for Community
by Rhoda E. Howard - 9-21 The Nordic Model as a Foreign Policy Instrument: Its Rise and Fall
by Hans Mouritzen - 23-35 Critic or Mediator? Sweden in World Politics, 1945-90
by Ulf Bjereld - 37-48 Neutrality and Economy: The Redefining of Swedish Neutrality, 1946-52
by Birgit Karlsson - 49-63 Global Trends, State-Specific Factors and Regime Transitions, 1825-1993
by James Lee Ray - 65-78 Deterrence Stability with Smaller Forces: Prospects and Problems
by Stephen J. Cimbala - 79-95 Submarine Proliferation and Regional Conflict
by Michael D. Wallace & Charles A. Meconis - 97-112 Enemy Images and the Journalistic Process
by Rune Ottosen - 113-119 The Study of International Regimes
by Arild Underdal