November 1994, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 369-373 Democracy as a Cure for Famine
by Frances D'Souza - 375-392 The Gender Gap in Foreign Policy Attitudes
by Lise Togeby - 393-405 Rationalizations for State Violence in Chinese Politics: The Hegemony of Parental Governance
by L. H. M. Ling - 407-424 Thinking about the International System in the `Information Age': Theoretical Assumptions and Contradictions
by Mark D. Alleyne - 425-444 The United Nations' Reactions to Foreign Military Interventions
by Ramses Amer - 445-450 Mediator Impartiality: Banishing the Chimera
by James D. D. Smith - 451-459 Emerging Late-Modern Reconstructivism
by Heikki Patomäki
August 1994, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 241-246 Right-Wing Extremism in Europe
by Bernt Hagtvet - 247-262 Re-Reading Rousseau in the Post-Cold War World
by Torbjørn L. Knutsen - 263-280 The Diffusion of Military Conflict: Central and South-East Europe in 1919-20 and 1991-92
by Mats Hammarström - 281-297 One Thing Leads to Another: Recurrent Militarized Disputes in Latin America, 1816-1986
by Paul R. Hensel - 299-316 Peace among Democratic and Oligarchic Republics
by Spencer R. Weart - 317-332 Global Change, Environmental Security, and the Prisoner's Dilemma
by Marvin S. Soroos - 333-349 Conflict Resolution and the End of the Cold War, 1989-93
by Peter Wallensteen & Karin Axell - 351-357 The Systemic Bed-Rock of Transition
by Peter Lock
May 1994, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 129-135 Towards Some International Law and Order
by Allan Rosas - 136-142 Just War, Clausewitz and Sarajevo
by Dan Smith - 143-160 Human Rights: Amnesty International and the United Nations
by Ramesh Thakur - 161-174 A Game-Theoretic Interpretation of Sun Tzu's
by Emerson M. S. Niou & Peter C. Ordeshook - 175-187 War and Peace: The Divergent Breakups of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia
by Milica Z. Bookman - 189-203 Contraction and Detraction: Non-Equilibrium Studies of Civil-Military Relations
by Tom Skauge - 205-218 Civil Reconstructions of Military Technology: The United States and Russia
by Tarja Cronberg - 219-228 Military Spending in the USSR: A Reconsideration
by Ksenia Gonchar
February 1994, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-10 Power, Genocide and Mass Murder
by Rudolph J. Rummel - 11-18 Budgetary Consequences of Defense Expenditures in Pakistan: Short-Run Impacts and Long-Run Adjustments
by Peter C. Frederiksen & Robert E. Looney - 19-33 Military Conversion Policies in the USA: 1940s and 1990s
by J. Davidson Alexander - 35-43 Military Spending and Income Inequality
by John D. Abell - 45-58 War Toys, War Movies, and the Militarization of the United States, 1900-85
by Patrick M. Regan - 59-73 Israel and Future Borders: Assessment of a Dynamic Process
by Gad Barzilai & Ilan Peleg - 75-92 The Arab—Israeli Conflict: Learning Conflict Resolution
by Yaacov Bar-Siman-Tov - 93-108 The Theory of the Flying Geese Pattern of Development and Its Interpretations
by Pekka Korhonen - 109-116 Ripeness of Conflict: A Fruitful Notion?
by Marieke Kleiboer
November 1993, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 369-373 Nuclear Winter in the Post-Cold War Era
by Carl Sagan & Richard P. Turco - 375-389 What is the Use of International History?
by Kim Salomon - 391-408 Strength of Weakness: American-Indonesian Hegemonic Bargaining
by Timo Kivimã„Ki - 409-426 From Politics Back to the Barracks in Nigeria: A Theoretical Exploration
by GEORGE KLAY KIEH Jr & PITA OGABA AGBESE - 427-444 Developing a Security Regime for Eastern Europe
by Malcolm Chalmers - 445-449 The Most-Cited Articles in JPR
by Nils Petter Gleditsch
August 1993, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 241-250 Myths, Politics and the Not-So-New World Order
by C. G. Jacobsen - 251-270 Coups d'État in Africa: A Political Economy Approach
by Rosemary H. T. O'Kane - 271-280 Ethnic Conflict and Accommodation in Post-Communist Estonia
by Raivo Vetik - 281-300 National Identity and Mentalities of War in Three EC Countries
by Ulf Hedetoft - 301-315 The Reform of the UN and Cosmopolitan Democracy: A Critical Review
by Daniele Archibugi - 317-329 Structural Causes of Oppositional Political Terrorism: Towards a Causal Model
by Jeffrey Ian Ross - 331-346 Armed Conflict at the End of the Cold War, 1989-92
by Peter Wallensteen & Karin Axell - 347-355 Euphoria and Realism in Post-Cold War European Security
by Pál Dunay
May 1993, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 129-135 A Europe of Nations — or the Nation of Europe?
by Anthony D. Smith - 137-150 The International Dimensions of Ethnic Conflict: Concepts, Indicators, and Theory
by David Carment - 151-162 The History of Economic Warfare: International Law, Effectiveness, Strategies
by Tor Egil Førland - 163-179 The Nuclear Arms Race: Prisoner's Dilemma or Perceptual Dilemma?
by S. Plous - 181-196 How Children Think and Feel about War and Peace: An Australian Study
by Robin Hall - 197-217 The New Russian Diaspora: Minority Protection in the Soviet Successor States
by Pål Kolstø - 219-226 The Dilemmas of Democracy and Foreign Policy
by Howard H. Harriott
February 1993, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-6 The World-System after the Cold War
by Immanuel Wallerstein - 7-20 The Modernization of the US Radar Installation at Thule, Greenland
by Kristian Fischer - 21-28 Peace Dividends: The Exclusion of Military Contractors from Investment Portfolios
by Christopher J. Cowton - 29-43 Postwar Arms Control
by Fred Tanner - 45-64 From Maude Royden's Peace Army to the Gulf Peace Team: An Assessment of Unarmed Interpositionary Peace Forces
by Thomas Weber - 65-77 Children and Adolescents' Conceptions of Peace, War, and Strategies to Attain Peace: A Dutch Case Study
by Ilse Hakvoort & Louis Oppenheimer - 79-93 `Pouring New Wine into Fresh Wineskins': Defense Spending and Economic Growth in LDCs with Application to South Korea
by Kun Y. Park - 95-97 Defense Spending and Economic Growth in Subsaharan Africa: Comment on Gyimah-Brempong
by Nadir A. L. Mohammed - 97-99 A Reply
by Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong - 99-99 A Rejoinder
by Nadir A. L. Mohammed - 101-115 Gene Sharp's Theory of Power: A Feminist Critique of Consent
by Kate McGuinness - 117-117 Book Notes
by Nils Ivar Agøy - 117-117 Book Notes
by Theis Juell Theisen - 117-118 Book Notes
by Rune Ottosen - 118-119 Book Notes
by Thomas Hylland Eriksen - 119-119 Book Notes
by Nils Petter Gleditsch - 119-120 Book Notes
by Stein Tønnesson - 120-120 Book Notes
by Robert Bathurst - 120-121 Book Notes
by Robert Bathurst - 121-121 Book Notes
by Sven Gunnar Simonsen - 121-122 Book Notes
by HÃ¥kan Wiberg - 122-122 Book Notes
by Anne Julie Semb - 122-123 Book Notes
by Nils Petter Gleditsch - 123-123 Book Notes
by Jørn Holm-Hansen - 123-124 Book Notes
by Thomas Hylland Eriksen - 124-124 Book Notes
by Kate Hansen Bundt - 124-125 Book Notes
by Harald Bøckman - 125-125 Book Notes
by Rune Ottosen
November 1992, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 369-376 Democracy and Peace
by Nils Petter Gleditsch - 377-383 Some Simple Calculations on Democracy and War Involvement
by Erich Weede - 385-395 Democracy, War, and Covert Action
by David P. Forsythe - 397-414 Kant and Processes of Democratization: Consequences for Neorealist Thought
by Georg Sã˜Rensen - 415-434 Do Democracies Fight each other? Evidence from the Peloponnesian War
by Bruce Russett & William Antholis - 435-454 NATO, Rational Escalation and Flexible Response
by Frank C. Zagare - 455-464 Rethinking Revolutions: The Cold War in the Third World
by Odd Arne Westad
August 1992, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 241-248 Democracy and Development in Africa
by Hazel M. McFerson - 249-264 Knowing the Rational Peasant: The Creation of Rival Incentive Structures in Vietnam
by Robert Maranto & Paula S. Tuchman - 265-270 Military Expenditure, Government Size and Economic Growth in the Middle East in the Period 1973-85
by Mikael Lindén - 271-285 A Fuzzy Set Model of NATO Decision-Making: The Case of Short-Range Nuclear Forces in Europe
by Gregory S. Sanjian - 287-297 Blinding Laser Weapons and International Humanitarian Law
by Bengt Anderberg & Ove E. Bring & Myron L. Wolbarsht - 299-311 After Consensus, What? Performance Criteria for the UN in the Post-Cold War Era
by Kendall W. Stiles & Maryellen Macdonald - 313-332 Linguistic Hegemony and Minority Resistance
by Thomas Hylland Eriksen - 333-344 What Are They Fighting For? The Importance of Issues in International Conflict Research
by Paul F. Diehl - 345-352 Technology or Politics?
by Sujatha Raman
May 1992, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 129-134 Recycling Interventionism
by Richard Falk - 135-144 Utopianism in Peace Research: The Gandhian Heritage
by Georg Sã˜Rensen - 145-160 Reducing Offensive Capabilities - the Attempt of 1932
by Marlies Ter Borg - 161-174 A Causal Analysis of the Defense Expenditures of the USA and the USSR
by Hector Correa & Ji-Won Kim - 175-190 The Evolution of Public Sector Expenditures: Changing Political Priorities in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Peru
by Thomas Scheetz - 191-206 Do African Governments Favor Defense in Budgeting?
by Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong - 207-213 Democracy and War: Choice, Learning and Security Communities
by Harvey Starr - 215-220 Is the Nuclear Non-Proliferation System a Regime? A Comment on Trevor McMorris Tate
by Michael Brzoska
February 1992, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-6 Stability in East Central Europe
by Pã L Dunay - 7-21 Regional Military-Security Cooperation in the Third World: A Conceptual Analysis of the Relevance and Limitations of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)
by Amitav Acharya - 23-37 Enduring Misconceptions of Strategic Stability: The Role of Nuclear Missile-Carrying Submarines
by Robert D. Glasser - 39-52 Pure Coercion vs. Carrot-and-Stick Offers in Crisis Bargaining
by Steven Greffenius & Jungil Gill - 53-69 Did Accommodation Work? Two Soviet Neighbors 1964-88
by Olav Fagelund Knudsen - 71-84 Counterinsurgent Paramilitarism: A Philippine Case Study
by David Kowalewski - 85-98 Warfare-Welfare Expenditure Substitutions in Latin America, 1953-87
by Bobby E. Apostolakis - 99-113 Long-term Factors Underlying Peace in Contemporary Western Civilization
by Matthew Melko
November 1991, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 337-343 States and Nations as Challenges to Peace Research
by HÃ¥kan Wiberg - 345-358 Measuring the Peace Dividend in the United Kingdom
by Terry Barker & Paul Dunne & Ron Smith - 359-375 Nasser's Decision-Making in the 1967 Middle East Crisis: A Rational-Choice Explanation
by Ben D. Mor - 377-391 Why the Bazar Rebels
by Mehdi Mozaffari - 393-406 Empirical Investigation of Normative Discourse on War: The Case of the Donagan—Aquinas Thesis
by Donald Secrest & Gregory G. Brunk & Howard Tamashiro - 407-423 Peace through Parks: The Environment on the Peace Research Agenda
by Lothar Brock - 425-430 Military Spending and Economic Growth: A Comment on Cappelen, Gleditsch and Bjerkholt
by Helmut Maneval & Pasi Rautsola & Rolf Wiegert - 431-432 Military Expenditure in Third World Countries: A Rejoinder to Fontanel
by Nicole Ball - 433-434 Reply to Nicole Ball
by Jacques Fontanel - 435-439 The United States and the Postwar Order: Empire or Hegemony?
by Robert O. Keohane
August 1991, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 241-247 The Post-Cold War European Landscape: The Aftermath of the `Velvet Revolutions' in Central-Eastern Europe
by Marek Thee - 249-262 Cultural Style and Solutions to Conflict
by Dorothy K. Billings - 263-278 Ethnicity versus Nationalism
by Thomas Hylland Eriksen - 279-294 Security and Peace in Post-Cold War Europe
by Bjã–Rn Hettne - 295-309 Explaining Relative Peace: Major Power Order, 1816-1976
by Jeffery J. Schahczenski - 311-323 West German Ostpolitik and the German Question
by Gert Krell
May 1991, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 129-133 The Greening of Peace Research
by Dennis Clark Pirages - 135-159 Improving Communications Links between Moscow and Washington
by Desmond Ball - 161-174 Sex Differences in Attitudes toward Nuclear War
by Patricia A. Gwartney-Gibbs & Denise H. Lach - 175-189 Economic Incentives and International Cooperation: Technology Transfer to the People's Republic of China, 1978-86
by William J. Long - 191-204 `Economic Warfare' and `Strategic Goods': A Conceptual Framework for Analyzing COCOM
by Tor Egil Fã˜Rland - 205-216 Human Rights and the Allocation of US Military Assistance
by Steven C. Poe - 217-230 Tension between the Strong, and the Strategies of the Weak
by Hans Mouritzen
February 1991, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 3-6 International Mediation
by Jacob Bercovitch - 7-17 Some Conceptual Issues and Empirical Trends in the Study of Successful Mediation in International Relations
by Jacob Bercovitch & J. Theodore Anagnoson & Donnette L. Wille - 19-27 Formal and Quasi-Mediators in International Disputes: An Exploratory Analysis
by Louis Kriesberg - 29-42 The Potential Complementarity of Mediation and Consultation within a Contingency Model of Third Party Intervention
by Ronald J. Fisher & Loraleigh Keashly - 43-55 Mediation in the Development of Norms to Manage Conflict: Kissinger in the Middle East
by Brian S. Mandell & Brian W. Tomlin - 57-69 Camp David: Problem-Solving or Power Politics as Usual?
by Tom Princen - 71-84 Great Power Mediation: The USA and the May 1983 Israeli—Lebanese Agreement
by Efraim Inbar - 85-98 Mediating Conflict in Central America
by Paul Wehr & John Paul Lederach - 99-115 The UN Secretary-General and the Mediation of International Disputes
by Kjell Skjelsbæk
November 1990, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 353-357 Why Does the Cold War Continue in the Third World?
by Mark N. Katz - 359-372 The Assumptions of British Nuclear Weapons Decision-Makers
by John Hamwee & Hugh Miall & Scilla Elworthy - 373-384 ICBM Trajectories: Some Issues for the Superpowers' Neighbors
by Alejandro Nadal Egea - 385-397 European Security: New, Old and Borrowed
by Pekka Sivonen - 399-414 Regime-Building in the Non-Proliferation System
by Trevor McMorris Tate - 415-428 Crime in Scandinavia during World War II
by Henrik Tham - 429-444 Interdependence, Cooperation and Conflict: An Empirical Analysis
by Michiel S. de Vries - 445-460 African Interstate Conflict: A Perceptual Approach
by Joseph M. Kum - 461-466 The Economic Effects of Military Expenditure in Third World Countries
by Jacques Fontanel
August 1990, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 241-246 Afghanistan: Retribalization of the War
by Astri Suhrke - 247-254 The Concept of Stability in the Context of Conventional War in Europe
by Robert Axelrod - 255-272 Investment Dependence and Political Conflict in Third World Countries
by John M. Rothgeb Jr - 273-289 Peace Research as `International' - in What Sense?
by Helena Rytövuori - 291-305 Cultural Violence
by Johan Galtung - 307-319 On Bounded Rationality and the Framing of Decisions in International Relations: Towards a Dynamic Network Model of World Politics
by Jan Faber - 321-329 Factors Predisposing Individuals to Support Nuclear Disarmament: An International Perspective
by Ken Rigby & Jacques Metzer & Biruta Dietz - 331-334 Political Liberties and Attribute Changes
by Jack E. Vincent - 335-343 The Language of Foreign Policy
by Ole Wæver
May 1990, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 113-115 The Challenge of Global Policy
by Marvin S. Soroos - 117-125 Global Policy Studies and Peace Research
by Marvin S. Soroos - 127-140 Global Policies and the United Nations System: A Current Assessment
by Roger A. Coate & Donald J. Puchala - 141-154 Global Policy and the Future of the United Nations
by J. Martin Rochester - 155-168 Grass-Roots Perspectives on Global Policies for Development
by Chadwick F. Alger - 169-176 Atmospheric Pollution as a Global Policy Problem
by Tapani Vaahtoranta - 177-190 Global Water Issues Confronting Humanity
by Malin Falkenmark - 191-209 Thinking Globally in Post-Mao China
by Samuel S. Kim - 211-219 Regional Policy and World Crises: An East European View
by Nansen Behar - 221-230 Global Policy Studies: A Skeptical View
by Jack Donnelly
February 1990, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-7 The End of the Third World?
by Hans-Henrik Holm - 9-24 Civilizations, Empires, and Wars
by William Eckhardt - 25-41 From the Truman Doctrine to the Second Superpower Detente: The Rise and Fall of the Cold War
by Michael Cox - 43-54 Confronting Anthropological Ethics: Ethnographic Lessons from Central America
by Philippe Bourgois - 55-74 Toward an East—West Security Regime: The Case of Confidence- and Security-Building Measures
by Volker Rittberger & Manfred Efinger & Martin Mendler - 75-85 Relationships Between Political Violence and Psychological Responses Among Palestinian Women
by Raija-Leena Punamäki - 87-100 The Security-Welfare Relationship: Longitudinal Evidence from Taiwan
by David R. Davis & Steve Chan - 101-106 The Technological Imperative in Strategic Thought
by Judith Reppy
November 1989, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 337-340 Eastern Reform Processes and the Policy of the West
by Pierre Lemaitre - 341-351 Towards a Comparative Study of Peace Ideas: Goals, Approaches and Problems
by Vilho Harle - 353-365 The Logic of Deterrence
by Ola Tunander - 367-383 A Unified Analysis of International Conflict and Cooperation
by Adele G. Platter & Thomas F. Mayer - 385-398 The Rewards of Allah
by Daniel L. Smith - 399-412 Force Ratios, Arms Imports and Foreign Aid Receipts in the Developing Nations
by Peter N. Hess - 413-418 Neutrality, European Community and World Peace: The Case of Austria
by Josef Binter - 419-420 Foreign Overt Military Intervention in the Nuclear Age: A Clarification
by Herbert K. Tillema - 421-431 Over the Hill? The Anatomy of Revolution at Fifty
by Torbjørn L. Knutsen & Jennifer L. Bailey
August 1989, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 225-231 Recurrent Detentes
by Peter Wallensteen - 233-247 The History of Peace: Concept and Organizations from the Late Middle Ages to the 1870s
by Istvan Kende - 249-264 After the Shooting Stops: Insights on Postwar Economic Growth
by Dirk C. Van Raemdonck & Paul F. Diehi - 265-284 The Long Cycle of Global War and the Transformation of Alliance Norms
by Charles W. Kegley Jr & Gregory A. Raymond - 285-296 Gender and Public Opinion: Defense and Nuclear Issues in New Zealand
by James W. Lamare - 297-306 Strategic Defense: Catastrophic Loss of Control
by David A. Bella - 307-317 In-Depth Defense: A Scenario for the US Military Structure
by David S. Fish - 319-325 Coping with a Greedy Neighbour
by HÃ¥kan Wiberg