September 2008, Volume 45, Issue 5
- 633-652 Exporting Mass Destruction? The Determinants of Dual-Use Trade
by Matthew Fuhrmann - 653-663 Bias in Epidemiological Studies of Conflict Mortality
by Neil F. Johnson & Michael Spagat & Sean Gourley & Jukka-Pekka Onnela & Gesine Reinert - 665-679 US Presidential War Powers: Legacy Chains in Military Intervention Decisionmaking
by Christopher Paul - 681-695 Adolescents' Explanations for Paramilitary Involvement
by Orla T. Muldoon & Katrina Mclaughlin & Nathalie Rougier & Karen Trew - 719-720 Books Received
by N/A
July 2008, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 461-478 Post-Conflict Risks
by Paul Collier & Anke Hoeffler & Måns Söderbom - 479-495 Partial Peace: Rebel Groups Inside and Outside of Civil War Settlements
by Desirée Nilsson - 497-518 Disarming Fears of Diversity: Ethnic Heterogeneity and State Militarization, 1988—2002
by Indra De Soysa & Eric Neumayer - 519-537 Postwar Capital Flight and Inflation
by Victor A.B. Davies - 539-555 Oil and the Probability of Rebel Participation Among Youths in the Niger Delta of Nigeria
by Aderoju Oyefusi - 557-573 Civil Conflict, Federalism and Strategic Delegation of Leadership
by Colin Jennings & Hein Roelfsema - 581-582 Books Received
by N/A
May 2008, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 327-344 The Contracting Roots of Human Rights
by Michael Mousseau & Demet Yalcin Mousseau - 345-363 Third-Party Intervention and the Civil War Process
by Dylan Balch-Lindsay & Andrew J. Enterline & Kyle A. Joyce - 365-384 Rebel—Military Integration and Civil War Termination
by Katherine Glassmyer & Nicholas Sambanis - 385-399 Strategic Cooperation, the Invasion of Iraq and the Behaviour of the `Axis of Evil', 1990—2004
by Graeme A.M. Davies - 401-417 Covering Death in Conflicts: Coverage of the Second Intifada on Israeli and Palestinian Television
by Gadi Wolfsfeld & Paul Frosh & Maurice T. Awabdy - 419-436 Religion, Pragmatic Fundamentalism and the Transformation of the Northern Ireland Conflict
by Gladys Ganiel & Paul Dixon - 447-448 Books Received
by N/A
March 2008, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 143-162 Polarization, Horizontal Inequalities and Violent Civil Conflict
by Gudrun Østby - 163-182 Polarization, Fractionalization and Conflict
by Joan Esteban & Debraj Ray - 183-203 Rules That Matter: Political Institutions and the Diversity—Conflict Nexus
by Gerald Schneider & Nina Wiesehomeier - 205-222 Consent or Conflict: Coevolution of Coordination and Networks
by Vincent Buskens & Rense Corten & Jeroen Weesie - 223-240 Polarization and Policy Reform: Anti-Corruption Policymaking in Sub-Saharan Africa
by René Torenvlied & Carolien M. Klein Haarhuis - 241-259 Does Terrorism Influence Domestic Politics? Coalition Formation and Terrorist Incidents
by Indridi H. Indridason - 261-282 Polarization and Interstate Conflict
by HÃ¥vard Hegre - 283-300 Polarization and Ethnic Conflict in a Widened Strategic Setting
by Erika Forsberg - 309-310 Books Received
by N/A - 311-312 Referees
by N/A
January 2008, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 17-36 Democracy, Interdependence, and the Sources of the Liberal Peace
by Christopher F. Gelpi & Joseph M. Grieco - 37-53 Civil—Military Structure, Political Communication, and the Democratic Peace
by Seung-Whan Choi & Patrick James - 55-74 Enduring Internal Rivalries: A New Framework for the Study of Civil War
by Karl R. Derouen JR & Jacob Bercovitch - 75-89 Peace and Development: Towards a New Synthesis
by Jon Barnett - 91-109 Ambiguity in Transboundary Environmental Dispute Resolution: The Israeli—Jordanian Water Agreement
by Itay Fischhendler - 111-120 The Hegemon's Purse: No Economic Peace Between Democracies
by Emilie M. Hafner-Burton & Alexander H. Montgomery - 127-128 Books Received
by N/A
November 2007, Volume 44, Issue 6
- 651-667 Reputation, History, and War
by Mark J.C. Crescenzi & Jacob D. Kathman & Stephen B. Long - 669-687 Security Forces and Sexual Violence: A Cross-National Analysis of a Principal—Agent Argument
by Christopher K. Butler & Tali Gluch & Neil J. Mitchell - 689-709 Socio-Economic Determinants of Everyday Violence in Indonesia: An Empirical Investigation of Javanese Districts, 1994—2003
by Mohammad Zulfan Tadjoeddin & Syed Mansoob Murshed - 711-728 Intergroup Forgiveness: East Timorese and Angolan Perspectives
by Félix Neto & Maria Da Conceiçao Pinto & Etienne Mullet - 729-742 The Resolution of the Cambodian Conflict: Assessing the Explanatory Value of Zartman's `Ripeness Theory'
by Ramses Amer - 743-754 A New Dataset on Infant Mortality Rates, 1816—2002
by M. Rodwan Abouharb & Anessa L. Kimball - 763-764 Books Received
by N/A
September 2007, Volume 44, Issue 5
- 539-558 Separatism as a Bargaining Posture: The Role of Leverage in Minority Radicalization
by Erin K. Jenne & Stephen M. Saideman & Will Lowe - 559-571 Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Web-Based War-Prevention Program in a Time of War
by Brian H. Howard & Ross Shegog & Jeannie Grussendorf & Laura J. Benjamins & Donaji Stelzig & Alfred L. McAlister - 573-586 Public Attitudes Towards Peace: The Greek-Cypriot Position
by Savvas Daniel Georgiades - 587-604 The Cyprus Peace Talks: A Critical Appraisal
by Michális S. Michael - 605-622 Pacification Without Collective Identification: Russia and the Transatlantic Security Community in the Post-Cold War Era
by Vincent Pouliot - 643-643 Books Received
by N/A
July 2007, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 379-384 Human Rights Institutions: Rhetoric and Efficacy
by Emilie M. Hafner-Burton & James Ron - 385-406 Shaping the Northern Media's Human Rights Coverage, 1986—2000
by Howard Ramos & James Ron & Oskar N.T. Thoms - 407-425 Justice Lost! The Failure of International Human Rights Law To Matter Where Needed Most
by Emilie M. Hafner-Burton & Kiyoteru Tsutsui - 427-445 The Impact of Human Rights Trials in Latin America
by Kathryn Sikkink & Carrie Booth Walling - 447-464 European Aid: Human Rights Versus Bureaucratic Inertia?
by Sabine C. Carey - 465-483 Citizens' Perceptions of Human Rights Practices: An Analysis of 55 Countries
by Matthew Carlson & Ola Listhaug - 485-504 State Repression and the Tyrannical Peace
by Christian Davenport - 505-523 Good Things to Those Who Wait? National Elections and Government Respect for Human Rights
by David L. Richards & Ronald D. Gelleny - 533-534 Books Received
by N/A
May 2007, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 259-276 Democratization and International Conflict
by Joe Clare - 277-292 The Effect of Civil War on Education, 1980—97
by Brian Lai & Clayton Thyne - 293-309 Transnational Dimensions of Civil War
by Kristian Skrede Gleditsch - 311-329 Assessing the Contingency Model of Third-Party Intervention in Successful Cases of Prenegotiation
by Ronald J. Fisher - 331-348 Power or Justice? Rule and Law in the Palestinian Authority
by Hillel Frisch & Menachem Hofnung - 349-365 The Cyprus Conflict: Root Causes and Implications for Peacebuilding
by Maria Hadjipavlou - 374-376 Books Received
by N/A
March 2007, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 139-155 Proliferation and International Crisis Behavior
by Victor Asal & Kyle Beardsley - 157-175 Persistent Patterns of International Commerce
by Michael D. Ward & Peter D. Hoff - 177-194 Bargaining, Bias and Peace Brokers: How Rebels Commit to Peace
by Isak Svensson - 195-213 Nation-Building and Integration Policy in the Philippines
by Kazuya Yamamoto - 215-231 Irish-America, the End of the IRA's Armed Struggle and the Utility of `Soft Power'
by Feargal Cochrane - 233-246 One-Sided Violence Against Civilians in War
by Kristine Eck & Lisa Hultman - 255-256 Books Received
by N/A
January 2007, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 5-27 A Liberal Peace in Asia?
by Benjamin E. Goldsmith - 29-45 Rallying Around the Podesta: Testing Diversionary Theory Across Time
by David Sobek - 47-64 Rebellion in Africa: Disaggregating the Effect of Political Regimes
by Sabine C. Carey - 65-80 The Short Path and the Long Road: Explaining the Duration of US Military Operations
by James Meernik & Chelsea Brown - 81-91 Decision Framing and Support for Concessions in the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict
by Ifat Maoz & Ilan Yaniv & Naama Ivri - 93-108 Tinder, Spark, Oxygen, and Fuel: The Mysterious Rise of the Taliban
by Daniel P. Sullivan - 109-121 Five Decades of Terrorism in Europe: The TWEED Dataset
by Jan Oskar Engene
November 2006, Volume 43, Issue 6
- 651-669 Ethnic Norms and Interethnic Violence: Accounting for Mass Participation in the Rwandan Genocide
by Ravi Bhavnani - 671-689 ‘The Full Weight of the State’: The Logic of Random State-Sanctioned Violence
by Francisco Herreros - 691-708 Relative Capability and Rebel Objective in Civil War
by Halvard Buhaug - 709-722 Democratic Sanctions: Connecting the Democratic Peace and Economic Sanctions
by Dan G. Cox & A. Cooper Drury - 723-740 The Sustainability and Future of Unrecognized Quasi-States
by Pål Kolstø - 741-749 First Use of Violent Force in Militarized Interstate Disputes, 1980-2001
by Mary Caprioli & Peter F. Trumbore
September 2006, Volume 43, Issue 5
- 507-522 The Geographic Spread of Militarized Disputes
by Alex Braithwaite - 523-541 Strategic Uses of Economic Interdependence: Engagement Policies on the Korean Peninsula and Across the Taiwan Strait
by Miles Kahler & Scott L. Kastner - 543-562 Democracies and Transparency: Country Reports to the UN Register of Conventional Arms, 1992-2001
by James H. Lebovic - 563-581 Theorizing Peace Parks: Two Models of Collective Action
by Raul P. Lejano - 583-600 Ethnic Diversity, Issues, and International Crisis Dynamics, 1918-2002
by Meirav Mishali-Ram - 601-616 US Media Pools and Military Interventions in the 1980s and 1990s
by Shannon E. Martin
July 2006, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 363-369 Alliances, Armed Conflict, and Cooperation: Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Evidence
by Christopher Sprecher & Volker Krause - 371-389 Alliance Formation and Conflict Initiation: The Missing Link
by Anessa L. Kimball - 391-411 Network Polarization, Network Interdependence, and International Conflict, 1816–2002
by Zeev Maoz - 413-431 External Threat and Democracy: The Role of NATO Revisited
by Douglas M. Gibler & Jamil A. Sewell - 433-451 Trading for Security: Military Alliances and Economic Agreements
by Andrew G. Long & Brett Ashley Leeds - 453-471 Dispute Initiation and Alliance Obligations in Regional Economic Institutions
by Kathy L. Powers - 473-489 Defence Industrial Policy in a Military Alliance
by Keith Hartley
May 2006, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 243-260 Interdependence and the Duration of Militarized Conflict
by Valentin L. Krustev - 261-278 The Neglected Dimension of Commercial Liberalism: Economic Cooperation and Transition to Peace
by Galia Press-Barnathan - 279-296 How Peace Agreements Are Derailed: The Evolution of Values in Cyprus, 1959–74
by Angeliki Andrea Kanavou - 297-312 A Myth of Peace: ‘The Vision of the New Middle East’ and Its Transformations in the Israeli Political and Public Spheres
by Yaacov Yadgar - 313-329 Guerrilleras in Latin America: Domestic and International Roles
by Margaret Gonzalez-Perez - 331-348 The New Rivalry Dataset: Procedures and Patterns
by James P. Klein & Gary Goertz & Paul F. Diehl
March 2006, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 131-148 Human Rights Rogues in Interstate Disputes, 1980–2001
by Mary Caprioli & Peter F. Trumbore - 149-166 International Linkages and Environmental Sustainability: The Effectiveness of the Regime Network
by Hugh Ward - 167-180 Peace in the Eyes of Israeli and Palestinian Youths: Effects of Collective Narratives and Peace Education Program
by Yifat Biton & Gavriel Salomon - 181-200 The Past's Promise: Lessons from Peace Processes in Northern Ireland and the Middle East
by Gregory M. Maney & Ibtisam Ibrahim & Gareth I. Higgins & Hanna Herzog - 201-218 Escaping the Symbolic Politics Trap: Reconciliation Initiatives and Conflict Resolution in Ethnic Wars
by Stuart J. Kaufman - 219-227 Effects of Social Position on Societal Attributions of an Asymmetric Conflict
by Cristina Jayme Montiel & Maria Elizabeth J. Macapagal
January 2006, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 5-22 Machetes and Firearms: The Organization of Massacres in Rwanda
by Philip Verwimp - 23-36 Understanding the ‘War on Terrorism’: Responses to 11 September 2001
by Jacqueline M. Gray & Margaret A. Wilson - 37-54 The Power of Procedure and the Procedures of the Powerful: Anti-Terror Law in the United Nations
by Kendall W. Stiles - 55-65 Fences, Walls, and the Development of Cities: The Long-Term Effects of the Israeli-Palestinian Land Obstacle
by Gilad Aharonovitz - 67-81 The Impact of Analogical Reasoning on US Foreign Policy Towards Kosovo
by Aidan Hehir - 99-115 Special Data Feature; The Severity of the Colombian Conflict: Cross-Country Datasets Versus New Micro-Data
by Jorge A. Restrepo & Michael Spagat & Juan F. Vargas
November 2005, Volume 42, Issue 6
- 659-678 How Do Commercial Institutions Promote Peace?
by David H. Bearce & Sawa Omori - 679-698 Right or Robust? The Sensitive Nature of Repression to Globalization
by Emilie M. Hafner-Burton - 699-717 Insurgency and the Opening of Peace Processes
by Navin A. Bapat - 719-736 The Failure of the Israeli–Palestinian Peace Process, 1993–2000
by Oren Barak - 737-749 Women, Violence and Nonviolent Resistance in East Timor
by Christine Mason - 751-760 The Interaction of Narcotics and Conflict
by Svante E. Cornell
September 2005, Volume 42, Issue 5
- 523-543 The Classical Liberals Were Half Right (or Half Wrong): New Tests of the ‘Liberal Peace’, 1960-88
by Hyung Min Kim & David L. Rousseau - 545-562 Dividing Countries to Promote Peace: Prospects for Long-Term Success of Partitions
by Jaroslav Tir - 563-583 Rational Mediation: A Theory and a Test
by Lesley G. Terris & Zeev Maoz - 585-604 Determinants of Multilateralism in US Use of Force: State of Economy, Election Cycle, and Divided Government
by Atsushi Tago - 605-622 The Market for Force and Public Security: The Destabilizing Consequences of Private Military Companies
by Anna Leander - 623-635 Armed Conflict and Its International Dimensions, 1946-2004
by Lotta Harbom & Peter Wallensteen
July 2005, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 371-374 The Demography of Conflict and Violence: An Introduction
by Helge Brunborg & Henrik Urdal - 375-391 The Demographics of Genocide: Refugees and Territorial Loss in the Mass Murder of European Jewry
by Manus I. Midlarsky - 393-415 Relative Resources: Inequality in Ethnic Wars, Revolutions, and Genocides
by Marie L. Besançon - 417-434 People vs. Malthus: Population Pressure, Environmental Degradation, and Armed Conflict Revisited
by Henrik Urdal - 435-454 Demography, Migration and Conflict in the Pacific
by Helen Ware - 455-470 The Destructiveness of Pre-Industrial Warfare: Political and Technological Determinants
by John Landers - 471-492 The Immediate and Lingering Effects of Armed Conflict on Adult Mortality: A Time-Series Cross-National Analysis
by Quan Li & Ming Wen - 493-508 Migratory Coping in Wartime Mozambique: An Anthropology of Violence and Displacement in ‘Fragmented Wars’
by Stephen C. Lubkemann
May 2005, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 251-269 War, Trade, and the Mediation of Systemic Leadership
by Karen Rasler & William R. Thompson - 271-289 Justice and Peace? How the International Criminal Tribunal Affects Societal Peace in Bosnia
by James Meernik - 291-310 Political Challenge in Latin America: Rebellion and Collective Protest in an Era of Democratization
by Christina Schatzman - 311-328 Public Opinion in the Israeli-Palestinian Two-Level Game
by Jacob Shamir & Khalil Shikaki - 329-346 Environmental Conflict Between Refugee and Host Communities
by Adrian Martin
March 2005, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 131-147 Taking Arms Against a Sea of Troubles: Conventional Arms Races During Periods of Rivalry
by Douglas M. Gibler & Toby J. Rider & Marc L. Hutchison - 149-166 Political Gender Equality and State Human Rights Abuse
by Erik Melander - 167-181 The Demand for Arms Imports
by Ron P. Smith & Ali Tasiran - 183-200 A Crisis-Density Formulation for Identifying Rivalries
by J. Joseph Hewitt - 201-217 Rethinking the Greed–Grievance Nexus: Property Rights and the Political Economy of War in Sri Lanka
by Benedikt Korf - 219-235 Abuse and Westernization: Reflections on Strategies of Power
by Stéphane la Branche
January 2005, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 5-26 Violent Adolescence: State Development and the Propensity for Militarized Interstate Conflict
by Charles R. Boehmer & David Sobek - 27-45 Putting the Numbers to Work: Implications for Violence Prevention
by Karl R. DeRouen Jr & Shaun Goldfinch - 47-65 International Resource Conflict and Mitigation
by Mark F. Giordano & Meredith A. Giordano & Aaron T. Wolf - 67-82 War and Economic Performance
by Vally Koubi - 83-99 Media Framing and Foreign Policy: The Elite Press vis-à -vis US Policy in Bosnia, 1992–95
by Yehudith Auerbach & Yaeli Bloch-Elkon - 101-112 Inequality and Violent Crime: Evidence from Data on Robbery and Violent Theft
by Eric Neumayer
November 2004, Volume 41, Issue 6
- 659-676 Dyadic Hostility and the Ties That Bind: State-to-State versus State-to-System Security and Economic Relationships
by Michelle A. Benson - 677-697 Norms and Interests in US Asylum Enforcement
by Marc R. Rosenblum & Idean Salehyan - 699-713 Effects of Civil Wars on International Trade, 1950-92
by Resat Bayer & Matthew C. Rupert - 715-731 The Rise of Religious Nationalism and Conflict: Ethnic Conflict and Revolutionary Wars, 1945-2001
by Jonathan Fox - 733-750 Estonian Identity Formations and Threat Framing in the Post-Cold War Era
by Erik Noreen & Roxanna Sjöstedt
September 2004, Volume 41, Issue 5
- 531-548 Assessing the Basis for a Culture of Peace in Contemporary Societies
by Joseph De Rivera - 549-568 Peace, War and Conflict: Social Representations Shared by Peace Activists and Non-Activists
by Muro Sarrica & Alberta Contarello - 569-588 Good Fences Make Good Neighbours? A Comparison of Conflict-Regulation Strategies in Postwar Bosnia
by Nina Caspersen - 589-605 Uncertainty of the Liberal Peace
by Cullen F. Goenner - 607-623 Identifying National Types: A Cluster Analysis of Politics, Economics, and Conflict
by Murray Wolfson & Zagros Madjd-Sadjadi & Patrick James - 625-636 Armed Conflict, 1989–2003
by Mikael Eriksson & Peter Wallensteen
July 2004, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 403-422 Civilian Victims in an Asymmetrical Conflict: Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan
by Aldo A. Benini & Lawrence H. Moulton - 423-443 Avoiding Diversionary Targets
by Giacomo Chiozza & Henk E. Goemans - 445-463 Forecasting Israeli–Palestinian Relations
by Donald A. Sylvan & Jonathan W. Keller & Yoram Z. Haftel - 465-484 How Does Violent Conflict Affect Investment Location Decisions? Evidence from Israel during the Intifada
by David Fielding - 485-498 Civilizational Conflicts: More Frequent, Longer, and Bloodier?
by Andrej Tusicisny - 499-516 Guns, Camps and Cash: Disarmament, Demobilization and Reinsertion of Former Combatants in Transitions from War to Peace
by Mark Knight & Alpaslan O÷zerdem
May 2004, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 243-252 The Duration and Termination of Civil War
by HÃ¥vard Hegre - 253-273 On the Duration of Civil War
by Paul Collier & Anke Hoeffler & Måns Söderbom - 275-301 Why Do Some Civil Wars Last So Much Longer than Others?
by James D. Fearon - 303-320 The Dynamics of Civil War Duration and Outcome
by Karl R. de Rouen JR & David Sobek - 321-336 Congo: The Prize of Predation
by Ola Olsson & Heather Congdon Fors - 337-356 What Do We Know about Natural Resources and Civil War?
by Michael L. Ross - 357-369 African Militaries and Rebellion: The Political Economy of Threat and Combat Effectiveness
by Jeffrey Herbst - 371-388 Does Conflict Beget Conflict? Explaining Recurring Civil War
by Barbara F. Walter
March 2004, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 131-147 Ethics and Intervention: the ‘Humanitarian Exception’ and the Problem of Abuse in the Case of Iraq
by Alex J. Bellamy - 149-166 Determinants of Post-Conflict Economic Assistance
by Seonjou Kang & James Meernik - 167-189 Unity in Action: Explaining Alignment Behavior in the Middle East
by James H. Lebovic - 191-209 Reaching Across the Dividing Line: Building a Collective Vision for Peace in Cyprus
by Benjamin J. Broome - 211-222 Measuring Alliances: the Correlates of War Formal Interstate Alliance Dataset, 1816–2000
by Douglas M. Gibler & Meredith Reid Sarkees - 223-231 The Axis Occupation and Civil War: Changing Trends in Greek Historiography, 1941–2002
by Nikos Marantzidis & Giorgos Antoniou - 233-238 Book Notes
by Åshild Kolås & Elise Fredrikke Barth & Bethany Lacina & Dieter Janssen & Pavel Baev & Susanne Baier-Allen - 239-240 Books Received
by N/A
January 2004, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 5-24 World Economic Growth, Systemic Leadership, and Southern Debt Crises
by Rafael Reuveny & William R. Thompson - 25-46 Structure, Politics, and Ethnonationalist Contention in Post-Franco Spain: An Integrated Model
by Gregory D. Saxton - 47-63 Endogenizing Conflict Initiation: Flinching and Fighting at Global High Noon
by Christopher K. Butler - 65-83 Stalemate and the Termination of Civil War: Rhodesia Reassessed
by Matthew Preston - 85-102 Tito’s Slaughterhouse: A Critical Analysis of Rummel’s Work on Democide
by Tomislav Dulić - 103-104 One-Thirteenth of a Data Point Does Not a Generalization Make: A Response to Dulić
by Rudolph J. Rummel - 105-106 A Reply to Rummel
by Tomislav Dulić - 107-117 ‘New Wars’ Discourse in Germany
by Michael Brzoska - 119-125 Book Notes
by Helene Christiansen Ingierd & Dieter Janssen & Gregory Reichberg & Henrik Syse & Stein Tønnesson & Robert M. Hendershot & Christopher Horwood & Sverre Lodgaard & Paulus Maasalo & Anthony Mcdermott & Oliver P. Richmond - 127-127 Books Received
by N/A
November 2003, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 619-640 Good Policy Can Lower Violent Crime: Evidence from a Cross-National Panel of Homicide Rates, 1980–97
by Eric Neumayer - 641-660 The Economic Peace Between Democracies: Economic Sanctions and Domestic Institutions
by David Lektzian & Mark Souva