May 1989, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 113-121 The Seville Statement on Violence: A Progress Report
by David Adams - 123-137 Finnish Russophobia: The Story of an Enemy Image
by Heikki Luostarinen - 139-152 The Underlying Structure of Ethical Beliefs toward War
by Howard Tamashiro & Gregory G. Brunk & Donald Secrest - 153-163 The Correlates of Arms Importation
by Frederic S. Pearson - 165-177 The Erosion of Restraint in West German Arms Transfer Policy
by Michael Brzoska - 179-196 Foreign Overt Military Intervention in the Nuclear Age
by Herbert K. Tillema - 197-212 Conflict Resolution, Ethnonationalism and the Middle East Impasse
by Alexis Heraclides - 213-222 Gene Sharp's Theory of Power
by Brian Martin
February 1989, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-5 Journal of Peace Research
by Nils Petter Gleditsch - 7-17 Extended Deterrence, Superpower Control, and Militarized Interstate Disputes, 1962-76
by Erich Weede - 19-31 The Implications of the Pre-War Philippine Experience for Peace Research
by Stephen Rosskamm Shalom - 33-46 Internal and External Factors in Effecting Third World Military Expenditures
by Robert E. Looney - 47-56 Gender and Cooperation in the Laboratory
by Birgit Brock-Utne - 57-67 The Development Problematic: A Macro-Micro Perspective
by Dieter Senghaas - 69-77 The Determinants of Arms Expenditures of NATO and the Warsaw Pact: Some Further Evidence
by J. D. Byers & D. A. Peel - 79-90 Defense Spending and Economic Growth in Subsaharan Africa: An Econometric Investigation
by Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong - 91-99 The Probability of Nuclear War
by Rudolf Avenhaus & John Fichtner & Steven J. Brams & D. Marc Kilgour - 101-105 The State, the Military and War
by Johan Galtung
December 1988, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 337-350 Ethnic Conflicts in South Asia: The Case of Sri Lanka and the Indian Peace-keeping Force (IPKF)
by Kumar Rupesinghe - 351-364 American Nuclear Hegemony in Korea
by Peter Hayes - 365-380 Chinese Auguries
by Bruce D. Larkin - 381-394 The Erosion of Anti-Militaristic Principles in Contemporary Japan
by Glenn D. Hook - 395-410 New Zealand's Role in Promoting a Nuclear-free Pacific
by Kevin P. Clements - 411-430 The South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone: A Fettered Leap Forward
by Toshiki Mogami - 431-448 Military Dependency: Thailand and the Philippines
by Bjorn Hagelin
September 1988, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 213-227 An Analysis of Coercion
by Timo Airaksinen - 229-244 International Surveillance Satellites - Open Skies for All?
by Johan Swahn - 245-256 Towards a Social Psychology of Peace
by Eva Senghaas-Knobloch & Birgit Volmerg - 257-264 The Military Sector vis-Ã -vis the Environment
by Arthur H. Westing - 265-271 Attitudes Toward Nuclear Disarmament: International Comparisons of University Students and Activists
by Knud S. Larsen & Reidar Ommundsen & György Csepeli & Robert Elder & Hanns-Dietrich Dann & Ed C.J. Long & Howard Giles - 287-290 Foreword
by Anatol Rapoport - 291-334 Applications of Systems Modelling in Peace Research
by Czesław Mesjasz
June 1988, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 115-135 National Interests and US Foreign Aid: The Carter and Reagan Years
by James H. Lebovic - 137-148 Better to Fight Another Day: A Pre-Theory of Insurgent Coalitions
by Robert Maranto - 149-163 Structural Contradictions, War Traps and Peace
by Stanton K. Tefft - 165-177 Trade-offs Between Defence and Education/Health Expenditures in Developing Countries
by Geoffrey Harris & Mark Kelly & Pranowo - 179-185 Bridging the Gap Between Peace Action, Education and Research
by William Eckhardt - 187-188 The Falklands War: A Comment on Christoph Bluth
by Alec De Montmorency - 189-190 Just War Theory and the Falklands/Malvinas Conflict: A Reply to Mr. de Montmorency
by Christoph Bluth
March 1988, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 5-15 The Pursuit of a Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban
by Marek Thee - 17-29 Global Interdependence and the Responsibilities of States: Learning from the Japanese Experience
by Marvin S. Soroos - 31-42 Stability and Polarity: New Paths for Inquiry
by Patrick James & Michael Brecher - 43-56 The Risk of Compulsory Escalation
by Henk W. Houweling & Jan G. Siccama - 57-67 International Co-operation and Neutrality
by Efraim Karsh - 69-80 Can Non-violence Be Combined with Military Means for National Defense?
by Jack D. Salmon - 81-89 The Nature and Meanings of Nonviolent Direct Action: An Exploratory Study
by Douglas G. Bond - 91-93 Provoking a Discussion on Non-provocative Defense
by Alvin M. Saperstein - 95-96 Peace Research as the Good Guys' Rand Corporation?
by Wilhelm Agrell
December 1987, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 327-331 Focus On The Arms Trade — Can It Be Controlled?
by Michael Brzoska - 333-338 Soviet Defence Costs—the Unquantifiable Burden?
by Carl Gustav Jacobsen - 339-363 The Security of Small Nations: Challenges and Defences
by HÃ¥kan Wiberg - 365-379 Does the USSR Have a 'Grand Strategy'? Reinterpreting the Invasion of Afghanistan
by David Gibbs - 381-391 The Soviet Defence Burden and Arms Control
by Rowland T. Maddock - 393-405 Analyzing Shifts in International Conflict from Quality of Life Indicators
by Jack E. Vincent
September 1987, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 213-214 Preface
by Jan Egeland & Yves Sandoz & Louise Doswald-Beck - 219-236 The Frontiers of International Humanitarian Law
by Allan Rosas & Pär Stenbäck - 237-249 Inter Arma Caritas: Evolution and Nature of International Humanitarian Law
by Jacques Meurant - 251-262 The Civilian in the Crossfire
by Louise Doswald-Beck - 263-273 Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflict: Problems of Applicability
by Olivier Dürr - 275-286 Regulating Conventional Weapons in the Future — Humanitarian Law or Arms Control?
by Ove Bring - 287-296 The Red Cross and Peace: Realities and Limits
by Yves Sandoz - 297-306 Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflict: The Role of International Nongovernmental Organizations
by David Weissbrodt - 307-314 Getting Access to the Victims: Role and Activities of the ICRC
by Jean-Luc Blondel - 315-322 Torture: The Need for a Dialogue with Its Victims and Its Perpetrators
by Laurent Nicole
June 1987, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 111-124 A Balkan Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone: Viability of the Regime and Implications for Crisis Management
by Donna J. Klick - 125-134 The Psychohistory of Warfare: The Co-Evolution of Culture, Psyche and Enemy
by Ofer Zur - 135-149 Growth with Equity: A Test of Olson's Theory for the Asian Pacific-Rim Countries
by Steve Chan - 151-166 Outside of a Small Circle of Friends: States, Genocide, Mass Killing and The Role of Bystanders
by Michael Stohl - 167-183 International Cooperation: Transforming 'Needs' into 'Deeds'
by Arild Underdal - 185-198 Influencing the Decision Makers: The Vietnam Experience
by Melvin Small
March 1987, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 5-20 The British Resort to Force in the Falklands/ Malvinas Conflict 1982: International Law and Just War Theory
by Christoph Bluth - 21-30 Ethnic Cleavage as a Component of Global Military Expenditures
by Robert M. Rosh - 31-46 Conflicts between Socialist States
by Anton Bebler - 47-60 An Enhanced Non-Provocative Defense in Europe: Attrition of Aggressive Armored Forces by Local Militias
by Alvin M. Saperstein - 61-74 The Need for an Alternative NATO Strategy
by Bjã¸Rn Mã¸Ller - 75-85 Offensive versus Defensive: Military Strategy and Alternative Defence
by Wilhelm Agrell
December 1986, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 309-328 Richardson Processes and Arms Transfers, 1971-1980: A Preliminary Analysis
by Richard W. Chadwick - 329-337 Defense Expenditures, External Public Debt and Growth in Developing Countries
by Robert E. Looney & P.C. Frederiksen - 339-356 Decision-Making in the Face of Uncertainty: Attributions of Norwegian and American Officials
by Daniel Heradstveit & G. Matthew Bonham - 357-376 The Demilitarization and Neutralization of the Ã…land Islands: A Regime 'in European Interests' Withstanding Changing Circumstances
by Holger Rotkirch - 377-390 The Doctrine of Economic Neutrality of the IMF and the World Bank
by Richard Swedberg
September 1986, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 213-227 Normative Constraints on the Use of Force Short of War
by Charles W. Kegley JR & Gregory A. Raymond - 229-246 The Invasion of CTrenada, 1983 and the Collapse of Legal Norms
by Maurice Waters - 247-262 US-Soviet Global Rivalry: Norms of Competition
by Alexander L. George - 263-277 Empire by Invitation? The United States and Western Europe, 1945-1952
by Geir Lundestad - 279-289 War-Proneness, War-Weariness, and Regime Type: 1816-1980
by David Garnham
June 1986, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 103-113 Nuclear Pacifism as Collective Action
by Paul Wehr - 115-127 The Peace Movement - An Anti-Establishment Movement
by Kim Salomon - 129-139 Individual Differences in Attitudes Towards Nuclear Arms Policies: Some Psychological and Social Policy Considerations
by Seymour Feshbach & Michael J. White - 141-154 Grassroots and Gewaltfreie Aktionen: A Study of Mass Mobilization Strategies in the West German Peace Movement
by Joyce Marie Mushaben - 155-173 Peace and Politics: The Danish Peace Movement and Its Impact on National Security Policy
by Michael A. Krasner & Nikolaj Petersen - 175-182 An Underdeveloped Peace Movement: The Case of France
by Jacques Fontanel - 183-192 Citizens' Peace Movement in the Soviet Baltic Republics
by Rein Taagepera - 193-208 The Church and the Independent Peace Movement in Eastern Europe
by B. Welling Hall
March 1986, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 9-27 Accidental Nuclear War: A Risk Assessment
by Michael D. Wallace & Brian L. Crissey & Linn I. Sennott - 29-40 Progress in the Study of International Conflict: A Methodological Critique
by Roslyn L. Simowitz & Barry L. Price - 41-49 The Determinants of Defence Expenditure in the ASEAN Region
by Geoffrey Harris - 51-67 If Peace Comes ... Future Expectations of Israeli Children and Youth
by Miriam Spielmann - 69-76 War and Defence Attitudes: A First Look at Survey Data from 14 Countries
by Ola Listhaug
December 1985, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 285-288 Focus On: Verification and Trust in Arms Control
by Allan S. Krass - 289-301 The Political Economy of Information: The Impact of Transborder Data Flows
by Laurie J. Wilson & Ibrahim Al-Muhanna - 303-319 Security Policies of European Countries Outside the Soviet Sphere
by Herman van der Wusten & Jan Nijman & Rob Thijsse - 321-333 The US Catholic Bishops and the Nuclear Crisis
by Samuel S. Kim - 335-344 Migrant Labour and Foreign Policy: The Case of Mozambique
by Grete Brochmann - 345-357 The American Public and the Soviet Union: The Domestic Context of Discontent
by Miroslav Nincic - 359-364 Grounds for Recognition of Conscientious Objection to Military Service: The Deontological-Teleological Distinction Considered
by Matti Wiberg - 365-370 Misconstruing the First Image: The Fallacy of US Vulnerability
by Hendrik Spruyt
September 1985, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 189-196 Focus On
by Raimo Väyrynen - 197-209 Security Implications of Alternative Defense Options for Western Europe
by Bent Sørensen - 211-221 Secessionist Self-Determination: Some Lessons from Katanga, Biafra and Bangladesh
by M. Rafiqul Islam - 223-238 Some (Western) Dilemmas in Managing Extended Deterrence
by Erich Weede - 239-247 The Economics of Exporting Arms
by Ron Smith & Anthony Humm & Jacques Fontanel - 249-259 Armaments without War: An Analysis of Some Underlying Effects
by Paul F. Diehl - 261-272 The Role of Process in Arms Control Negotiations
by Gerald M. Steinberg
June 1985, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 93-100 Focus On: The U.S. in Central America: The Obfuscation of History
by Larry Hufford - 101-115 The Insurance Factor? An Assessment of War Costs
by Theresa Clair Smith - 117-128 A University Peace Studies Curriculum for the 1990s
by George A. Lopez - 129-140 Image of the Peace Field: An International Survey
by Anita Kemp - 141-158 Twenty-Five Years of Peace Research: Ten Challenges and Some Responses
by Johan Galtung - 159-173 Contradicting Peace Proposals in the Palestine Conflict
by Kjell-Ã…ke Nordquist
March 1985, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-8 Focus On: American-Soviet Detente: What Went Wrong?
by Peter Wallensteen - 9-29 The Longest Wars: Indochina 1945-75
by Stein Tønnesson - 31-45 The Garrison State in America: a Content Analysis of Trends in the Expectation of Violence
by J. Samuel Fitch - 47-67 Capabilities in Context: National Attributes and Foreign Policy in the Middle East
by James H. Lebovic - 69-77 Peace and Development: Looking for the Right Track
by Georg Sørensen
December 1984, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 311-316 Focus On: The Uppsala Code of Ethics for Scientists
by Bengt Gustafsson & Lars Rydén & Gunnar Tibell & Peter Wallensteen - 317-330 Images of World Futures
by Marguerite Kramer - 337-359 Regional Conflict Formations: An Intractable Problem of International Relations
by Raimo Väyrynen - 361-373 Military Spending and Economic Growth in the OECD Countries
by Ã…dne Cappelen & Nils Petter Gleditsch & Olav Bjerkholt - 389-394 Opportunity Costs of Defence: A Comment on Dabelko and McCormick
by Carl Hampus Lyttkens & Claudio Vedovato - 395-397 Response to Lyttkens and Vedovato
by David D. Dabelko & James M. McCormick
September 1984, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 207-213 Focus On: Human Rights — Ineffective Big States, Potent Small States
by Jan Egeland - 215-226 Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Assistance from Nixon to Carter
by Michael Stohl & David Carleton & Steven E. Johnson - 227-241 Peace by Empire? Conflict Outcomes and International Stability, 1816-1976
by Zeev Maoz - 243-257 Universalism vs. Particularism: On the Limits of Major Power Order
by Peter Wallensteen - 259-275 The Nuclearization of Language: Nuclear Allergy as Political Metaphor
by Glenn D. Hook - 277-288 Diffusion of War: Some Theoreticai Considerations and Empirical Evidence
by Jan Faber & Henk W. Houweling & Jan G. Siccama
June 1984, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 95-99 Focus On: Three Minutes to a New Day?
by Jan Øberg - 101-108 Pathologies of Defense
by Kenneth E. Boulding - 109-125 Peace, Power, and Security: Contending Concepts in the Study of International Relations
by Barry Buzan - 127-139 Transarmament: from Offensive to Defensive Defense
by Johan Galtung - 141-155 Alternative Defense Polieies and the Peace Movement
by Ben Dankbaar - 157-167 Small but not Beautiful
by Wilhelm Agrell - 169-180 A New European Peace Order as a System of Collective Security
by Dieter S. Lutz - 181-192 Global Violence and a Just World Order
by Samuel S. Kim
March 1984, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-3 Focus On: The Gender Gap
by Elise Boulding - 5-14 The Effects of Foreign Investment on Overall and Sectoral Growth in Third World States
by John M. Rothgeb Jr - 17-45 Freedom of Information in National Security Affairs: A Comparative Study of Norway and the United States
by Nils Petter Gleditsch & Einar Høgetveit - 47-60 Paradigms of Political Integration and Unification: Applications to Korea
by Michael Haas - 61-78 Bipolarity and War: The Role of Capability Concentration and Alliance Patterns among Major Powers, 1816-1965
by Frank Whelon Wayman
December 1983, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 293-298 Focus On: Lebanon and Premonitions of Battles to Come
by Marianne Heiberg - 299-309 The United States' Search for Security: A Psychotherapist's Viewpoint
by Francoise Hall - 311-328 Using Positive Sanctions to End International Conflicts: Iran and the Arab Gulf Countries
by Fred H. Lawson - 329-342 Peace and Development Contradictions and Compatibilities
by Bjørn Hettne - 343-355 OPEC and the Problem of Collective Action
by Raino Malnes - 357-364 The Militarization of Space and International Law
by Allan Rosas - 365-366 Rejoinder to Herbert Lamm
by Helge Hveem
September 1983, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 205-212 Arms Races and Escalation: A Closer Look
by Paul F. Diehl - 213-220 Détente: Models and Strategies
by Peter Schlotter - 221-225 Stopping the Arms Race in Outer Space
by Allan M. Din - 227-237 Re-Settlement and Dislocation of Small Farmers in Alcoa's Mining Areas in the Mocho Mountains of Jamaica
by Odd Are Berkaak - 239-252 The Political Economy of East-South Relations
by Ruben Berrios - 253-259 Peace Research and Politics within the Field of Societal Demands
by Egbert Jahn - 261-270 Peace Research and Science. A Discussion Paper
by Tord Høivik - 271-277 Research Communication: The Military Related External Debt of Third World Countries
by Michael Brzoska - 280-280 Rejoinder
by Hakan Wiberg
June 1983, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 101-106 Focus On: East-West Relations at the Cross-Roads
by Carl G. Jacobsen - 107-127 The Debate within NATO and the 'China Card'
by Matthias Nass & Andreas Oldag - 129-155 Comparative Perspectives on Militarization, Repression and Social Welfare
by Miles D. Wolpin - 157-170 Arab Nationalism and Palestine
by E.G.H. Joffé - 171-177 Optimal Control of Disarmament Using the Emigration Level
by Mark Reitman - 179-192 The Tangibility of Issues and Global Conflict: A Test of Rosenau's Issue Area Typology
by John A. Vasquez
March 1983, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-4 Focus on: Freedom of Information and National Security
by Morton H. Halperin - 5-15 Disengagement Zones: A Step Towards Meaningful Defence?
by Per Berg & Sverre Lodgaard - 17-26 A Counterforce/Countervalue Scenario- or How Much Destructive Capability is Enough?
by Dieter S. Lutz - 27-48 State-Based Accumulation and Economic Dependence: Toward an Optimal Policy
by David J. Sylvan - 49-57 Self-Activation of the World Nuclear Weapons System
by Bernard Bereanu - 59-72 The Many-Pronged Spear: External Military Intervention in Civil Wars in the 1970s
by Bertil Dunér - 73-86 A Game-Theoretic Evaluation of the Cease-Fire Alert Decision of 1973
by Frank C. Zagare
December 1982, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 287-300 Critique of Nuclear Extinction
by Brian Martin - 301-322 East-West Trade as a Source of Tension
by Herbert Wulf - 323-343 Military-Industrial Cooperation
by Magne Barth - 345-353 Verification in Arms Control: beyond NTM
by William D. Jackson - 355-367 Self-Reliance under Socialism - The Case of Albania
by Berit Backer - 387-389 Book Nates
by N/A
September 1982, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 205-225 Invulnerability without Threat
by Dietrich Fischer - 227-240 Communication and Peace. The Empirical and Theoretical Relation between Two Categories in Social Sciences
by Jörg Becker - 241-250 Peace and Communication
by Tapio Varis - 251-259 Foreign Exchange Costs of the Indian Military 1950 - 1972
by Peter Terhal - 261-270 Research Communication
by Arthur H. Westing - 271-274 Research Communication: War is Heck
by David L. Cole
June 1982, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 97-100 Focus on: Turmoil in Central America
by Ines Vargas & Reiulf Steen - 101-101 Preface
by N/A - 107-116 Non-Violence and the Strike Movements in Poland
by Wojciech Modzelewski - 117-131 Adaptation through Political Crises in Post-War Poland
by Wojciech Lamentowicz - 133-141 The Current Polish Economic Crisis and How to Overcome It
by Mieczyslaw Rakowski - 143-160 Revolt of the Incapacitated: Inter- and Intra-Organizational Consequences of the Polish Summer 1980
by Marian J. Kostecki - 161-171 Economic Policies of the New Independent Trade Unions: Domains of Interest and Premises of Choice
by Stefan Kurowski