November 2003, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 661-675 Power Shifts and Economic Development: When Will China Overtake the USA?
by Emilio Casetti - 677-694 The Effect of Domestic and Foreign Pressure on Israeli Decisions To Use Limited Military Force
by Ranan D. Kuperman - 695-712 Building an Internal Security Community: The Democratic Peace and the Politics of Extradition in Western Europe
by Wolfgang Wagner - 713-719 Measure for Mis-measure: A Response to Gartzke & Li
by Katherine Barbieri & Richard Alan Peters II - 721-725 Measuring Interdependence and Its Pacific Benefits: A Reply to Gartzke & Li
by John R. Oneal - 727-732 All’s Well That Ends Well: A Reply to Oneal, Barbieri & Peters
by Erik Gartzke & Quan Li - 733-745 Integrated Data for Events Analysis (IDEA): An Event Typology for Automated Events Data Development
by Doug Bond & Joe Bond & Churl Oh & J. Craig Jenkins & Charles Lewis Taylor - 747-747 Book Notes
by Morten Bremer MÊrli - 747-747 Book Notes
by Indra de Soysa - 748-748 Book Notes
by Mari Olsen - 748-748 Book Notes
by Nils Petter Gleditsch - 748-749 Book Notes
by Are Hovdenak - 750-750 Book Notes
by Pavel Baev - 750-750 Book Notes
by Dieter Janssen - 750-751 Book Notes
by Stein Tønnesson - 751-751 Book Notes
by Gerald Schneider - 751-751 Book Notes
by Dieter Janssen - 751-752 Book Notes
by Pavel Baev - 752-752 Book Notes
by Pavel Baev - 752-752 Book Notes
by Stein Tonnesson - 752-753 Book Notes
by Dieter Janssen - 753-753 Book Notes
by Ola Tunander - 753-754 Book Notes
by Nayef H. Samhat
September 2003, Volume 40, Issue 5
- 507-518 Policing the Remnants of War
by John Mueller - 519-535 Instrument Choice and the Effectiveness of International Sanctions: A Simultaneous Equations Approach
by Chao Jing & William H. Kaempfer & Anton D. Lowenberg - 537-552 Defense Pacts and International Trade
by Andrew G. Long - 553-571 Measure for Measure: Concept Operationalization and the Trade Interdependence-Conflict Debate
by Erik Gartzke & Quan Li - 573-591 Revisiting the Security/Identity Puzzle in Russo-Estonian Relations
by Pami Aalto - 593-607 Armed Conflict, 1989-2002
by Mikael Eriksson & Peter Wallensteen & Margareta Sollenberg - 609-609 Book Notes
by Asbjørn Eide - 609-609 Book Notes
by Nic Marsh - 610-611 Book Notes
by Sven Gunnar Simonsen - 611-611 Book Notes
by Stein Sundstøl Eriksen - 611-611 Book Notes
by Pavel Baev - 611-612 Book Notes
by HÃ¥kan Wiberg - 612-612 Book Notes
by Pinar Tank - 612-613 Book Notes
by Ivar Evensmo - 613-613 Book Notes
by Brian Martin - 613-614 Book Notes
by Arne Strand - 614-614 Book Notes
by Kari M. Osland - 614-614 Book Notes
by HÃ¥kan Wiberg
July 2003, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 363-375 Peace History: An Introduction
by Peter van den Dungen & Lawrence S. Wittner - 377-394 Japan, Germany and the Idea of the Hague Peace Conferences
by Klaus Schlichtmann - 395-412 `Women's Unarmed Uprising Against War': A Swedish Peace Protest in 1935
by Irene Andersson - 413-433 `Free American Political Prisoners': Pacifist Activism and Civil Liberties, 1945-48
by Scott H. Bennett - 435-456 The Forgotten Years of the World Nuclear Disarmament Movement, 1975-78
by Lawrence S. Wittner - 457-477 The Race to Tip the Scales: Nuclear Paradox for the Eastern Bloc
by Günter Wernicke - 479-496 Working for Peace While Preparing for War: The Creation of the United States Institute of Peace
by Mary E. Montgomery - 497-497 Book Notes
by Gregory Reichberg - 497-497 Book Notes
by Thomas Hylland Eriksen - 498-498 Book Notes
by J. Peter Burgess - 498-498 Book Notes
by Hanne Eggen Røislien - 498-499 Book Notes
by Helene Christiansen Ingierd - 499-499 Book Notes
by J. Peter Burgess - 499-499 Book Notes
by Pavel Baev - 500-500 Book Notes
by Thomas Hylland Eriksen - 500-500 Book Notes
by Henry Huttenbach - 500-501 Book Notes
by Thomas Hylland Eriksen - 501-501 Book Notes
by J. Peter Burgess - 503-504 Books Received
by N/A
May 2003, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 251-270 Asymmetrical Perceptions of Power in Crises: A Comparison of 1914 and the Cuban Missile Crisis
by David G. Winter - 271-285 Magnitude and Endurance in Interstate and Ethnic-State Crises: The Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1947-2000
by Hemda Ben-Yehuda & Shmuel Sandler - 287-302 Women's Access to Politics and Peaceful States
by Patrick M. Regan & Aida Paskeviciute - 303-320 Civil War Settlements and the Implementation of Military Power-Sharing Arrangements
by Matthew Hoddie & Caroline Hartzell - 321-338 Confronting Constructionism: Ending India's Naga War
by Sanjib Baruah - 339-347 The Idea and Practice of Conflict Prevention
by Alice Ackermann - 349-349 Book Notes
by Pavel Baev - 349-349 Book Notes
by Sven Gunnar Simonsen - 349-350 Book Notes
by Eric Neumayer - 350-350 Book Notes
by Sven Gunnar Simonsen - 350-351 Book Notes
by Pavel Baev - 351-351 Book Notes
by Lene Bomann-Larsen - 351-351 Book Notes
by Pavel Baev - 351-352 Book Notes
by Mary Caprioli - 352-352 Book Notes
by Sven Gunnar Simonsen - 352-352 Book Notes
by Kristian Skrede Gleditsch - 353-353 Book Notes
by Pavel Baev - 353-353 Book Notes
by Mary Caprioli - 353-354 Book Notes
by Anke Hoeffler - 354-354 Book Notes
by Henrik Urdal - 354-355 Book Notes
by Henrik Urdal - 355-355 Book Notes
by Henrik Syse - 355-355 Book Notes
by Kristoffer Lidén - 355-356 Book Notes
by Timo Kivimäki - 356-357 Book Notes
by Jørgen Carling
March 2003, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 139-158 The Limits of Reciprocity: Tolerance Thresholds in Superpower Conflict
by James H. Lebovic - 159-176 Debt Relief and Civil War
by Tony Addison & S. Mansoob Murshed - 177-193 From `True Peace' to `the Vision of the New Middle East': Rival Images of Peace in Israel
by Yaacov Yadgar - 195-212 Building Peace in Sri Lanka: a Role for Civil Society?
by Camilla Orjuela - 213-232 Nonviolence and Communication
by Brian Martin & Wendy Varney
January 2003, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 5-23 Ethnic Discrimination and Interstate Violence: Testing the International Impact of Domestic Behavior
by Mary Caprioli & Peter F. Trumbore - 25-48 War After Communism: Effects on Political and Economic Reform in the Former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia
by Shale Horowitz - 49-66 Explaining War Termination: a Boolean Analysis of Causes
by Steve Chan - 67-84 Institutional Instability and the Credibility of Audience Costs: Political Participation and Interstate Crisis Bargaining, 1816-1992
by Brandon C. Prins - 85-102 Economic Valuations and Interethnic Fears: Perceptions of Chinese Migration in the Russian Far East
by Mikhail A. Alexseev - 103-128 Examining the Goals of US Foreign Assistance in the Post-cold War Period, 1991-96
by Brian Lai
November 2002, Volume 39, Issue 6
- 651-668 Peacekeeping and Burden-sharing, 1994-2000
by Hirofumi Shimizu & Todd Sandler - 669-691 The Outcomes of Military Buildups: Minor States vs. Major Powers
by Susan G. Sample - 693-710 The Arms Trade and the Incidence of Political Violence in Sub-saharan Africa, 1967-97
by Cassady Craft & Joseph P. Smaldone - 711-734 Is There a Clash of Civilizations? Evidence from Patterns of International Conflict Involvement, 1946-97
by Giacomo Chiozza - 735-746 Muslims and Christians in Lebanon: Common Views on Political Issues
by Fabiola Azar & Etienne Mullet
September 2002, Volume 39, Issue 5
- 515-525 Civil War: Academic Research and the Policy Community
by Andrew Mack - 527-546 The Liberal Peace and Conflictive Interactions: The Onset of Militarized Interstate Disputes, 1950-78
by Bernadette M. E. Jungblut & Richard J. Stoll - 547-568 Race, Gender, and War
by Miroslav Nincic & Donna J. Nincic - 569-580 Defence, Education and Health Expenditures in Turkey, 1924-96
by Jãœlä°De Yildirim & Selami Sezgin - 581-596 Communication Across Conflict Lines: The Case of Ethnically Divided Cyprus
by Harry Anastasiou - 597-613 Divided yet United: Israeli-jewish Attitudes Toward the Oslo Process
by Tamar Hermann & Ephraim Yuchtman-Yaar - 615-637 Armed Conflict 1946-2001: A New Dataset
by Nils Petter Gleditsch & Peter Wallensteen & Mikael Eriksson & Margareta Sollenberg & Hã…Vard Strand
July 2002, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 395-416 Paradise is a Bazaar? Greed, Creed, and Governance in Civil War, 1989-99
by Indra De Soysa - 417-433 The Geography of Civil War
by Halvard Buhaug & Scott Gates - 435-446 Warlord Competition
by Stergios Skaperdas - 447-459 Plunder & Protection Inc
by Halvor Mehlum & Karl Ove Moene & Ragnar Torvik - 461-485 Violence Against Civilians in Civil Wars: Looting or Terror?
by Jean-Paul Azam & Anke Hoeffler - 487-501 Credibility and Reputation in Peacemaking
by Tony Addison & S. Mansoob Murshed
May 2002, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 263-287 Strategic Rivalries, Protracted Conflict, and Crisis Escalation
by Michael Colaresi & William R. Thompson - 289-312 International Systems, Domestic Structures, and Risk
by Patricia A. Weitsman & George E. Shambaugh - 313-337 War-weariness and Cumulative Effects: Victors, Vanquished, and Subsequent Interstate Intervention
by Jeffrey Pickering - 339-354 The Demand for Military Spending in South Africa
by Peter Batchelor & Paul Dunne & Guy Lamb - 355-372 Evaluating the Contributions of Track-two Diplomacy to Conflict Termination in South Africa, 1984-90
by Daniel Lieberfeld
March 2002, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 139-164 Do Democracies Exhibit Stronger International Environmental Commitment? A Cross-country Analysis
by Eric Neumayer - 165-183 A Cognitive Theory of Deterrence
by Jeffrey D. Berejikian - 185-202 Determinants of Reconciliation and Compromise Among Israelis and Palestinians
by Jacob Shamir & Khalil Shikaki - 203-228 Making Power-sharing Work: Lessons from Successes and Failures in Ethnic Conflict Regulation
by Ulrich Schneckener - 229-250 Kantian Liberalism and the Collective Defense of Democracy in Latin America
by Randall Parish & Mark Peceny
January 2002, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 5-26 Give or Take: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy Substitutability
by Glenn Palmer & Scott B. Wohlander & T. Clifton Morgan - 27-50 Discrimination in International Relations: Analyzing External Support for Ethnic Groups
by Stephen M. Saideman - 51-68 Rewarding North Korea: Theoretical Perspectives on the 1994 Agreed Framework
by Curtis H. Martin - 69-90 Conflicting Identities: Solidary Incentives in the Serbo-croatian War
by Gavan Duffy & Nicole Lindstrom - 91-108 European Integration in Identity Narratives in Estonia: A Quest for Security
by Merje Kuus - 109-114 Trade Decreases Conflict More in Multi-actor Systems: A Comment on Dorussen
by Hã…Vard Hegre - 115-118 Trade and Conflict in Multi-country Models: A Rejoinder
by Han Dorussen
November 2001, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 659-683 Rivalries and the Democratic Peace in the Major Power Subsystem
by Karen Rasler & William R. Thompson - 685-704 Conflict Resolution, Culture, and Religion: Toward a Training Model of Interreligious Peacebuilding
by Mohammed Abu-Nimer - 705-722 The Balance of Power: Formal Perfection and Practical Flaws
by Shale Horowitz - 723-737 The Challenge of Critical Theories: Peace Research at the Start of the New Century
by Heikki Patomäki - 739-758 Measuring Space: A Minimum-Distance Database and Applications to International Studies
by Kristian S. Gleditsch & Michael D. Ward
September 2001, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 547-567 Democratizing with Ethnic Divisions: A Source of Conflict?
by Demet Yalcin Mousseau - 569-592 Ideology in Context: Explaining Sendero Luminoso's Tactical Escalation
by James Ron - 593-608 Reading and Misreading the Ancient Evidence for Democratic Peace
by Eric Robinson - 609-613 Remarks on the Ancient Evidence for Democratic Peace
by Spencer R. Weart - 615-617 Response to Spencer Weart
by Eric Robinson - 619-624 Does War Impede Trade? A Response to Anderton & Carter
by Katherine Barbieri & Jack S. Levy - 625-628 On Disruption of Trade by War: A Reply to Barbieri & Levy
by Charles H. Anderton & John R. Carter - 629-644 Armed Conflict, 1989-2000
by Peter Wallensteen & Margareta Sollenberg
July 2001, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 419-428 Researching Humanitarian Intervention: Some Lessons
by Thomas G. Weiss - 429-444 The Redistributive State and Conflicts in Africa
by Jean-Paul Azam - 445-457 The Impact of War on Trade: An Interrupted Times-Series Study
by Charles H. Anderton & John R. Carter - 459-472 Two Civilizations and Ethnic Conflict: Islam and the West
by Jonathan Fox - 473-491 Colonial Style and Post-Colonial Ethnic Conflict in Africa
by Robert Blanton & T. David Mason & Brian Athow - 493-513 Gandhian Philosophy, Conflict Resolution Theory and Practical Approaches to Negotiation
by Thomas Weber - 515-535 Survival of Rationalism between Hostility and Economic Growth
by Süheyla Özyildirim & Nur Bi̇lge Criss
May 2001, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 275-287 Dimensions of Conflict Resolution in Ethnopolitical Disputes
by Frederic S. Pearson - 289-305 From Interests to Identities: Towards a New Emphasis in Interactive Conflict Resolution
by Jay Rothman & Marie L. Olson - 307-326 Cyprus: The Failure of Mediation and the Escalation of an Identity-Based Conflict to an Adversarial Impasse
by Ronald J. Fisher - 327-352 Consociational and Civic Society Approaches to Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland
by Sean Byrne - 353-372 Ethnic Politics, Mediation, and Conflict Resolution: The Guyana Experience
by Perry Mars - 373-392 Mediation and the Transformation of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
by Louis Kriesberg - 393-405 South African Experiences with Identity and Community Conflicts
by Davin Bremner
March 2001, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 123-138 Territorial Disputes and the Probability of War, 1816-1992
by John Vasquez & Marie T. Henehan - 139-161 Population Dynamics and Susceptibility for Ethnic Conflict: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina
by J. Andrew Slack & Roy R. Doyon - 163-180 Civil Society and Peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina
by Roberto Belloni - 181-198 Nuclear Weapons and Indian Strategic Culture
by Rajesh M. Basrur - 199-225 The Global Sources of Regional Transitions from War to Peace
by Benjamin Miller - 227-235 Democracies as Intervening States: A Critique of Kegley & Hermann
by John A. Tures
January 2001, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 5-25 The Long Peace of ASEAN
by Timo Kivimäki - 27-47 Non-Nationalist Voting in Bosnian Municipal Elections: Implications for Democracy and Peacebuilding
by Michael Pugh & Margaret Cobble - 49-66 Uncertainty, Change, and War: Power Fluctuations and War in the Modern Elite Power System
by Jeffrey S. Morton & Harvey Starr - 67-86 Capability Theory and the Future of NATO's Decisionmaking Rules
by Jack E. Vincent & Ira L. Straus & Richard R. Biondi - 87-99 Moral Disengagement: Measurement and Modification
by Alfred L. McAlister - 101-106 Decentralization versus State Collapse: Explaining Russia's Endurance
by Mikhail A. Alexseev - 107-112 Russia and the Politics of `Putinism'
by Graeme P. Herd
November 2000, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 659-677 Social Purpose and Militarized Disputes
by Curtis Peet & Marc V. Simon - 679-697 International Crisis Decisionmaking as a Two-Level Process
by Peter F. Trumbore & Mark A. Boyer - 699-720 Shocks, Expectancy Revision, and the De-escalation of Protracted Conflicts: The Israeli-Palestinian Case
by Karen Rasler - 721-736 An Experiment in Peace: Reconciliation-Aimed Workshops of Jewish-Israeli and Palestinian Youth
by Ifat Maoz - 737-750 The Prisoner's Dilemma and Regime-Switching in the Greek-Turkish Arms Race
by Ron Smith & Martin Sola & Fabio Spagnolo
September 2000, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 547-562 Modeling International Crises and the Political Use of Military Force by the USA
by James Meernik - 563-581 Fifty Years of Ethnic Conflict and Cohesion: 1945-94
by Noël Bonneuil & Nadia Auriat - 583-608 Clash of Civilizations, or Realism and Liberalism Déjà Vu? Some Evidence
by Bruce M. Russett & John R. Oneal & Michaelene Cox - 609-610 Try Again: A Reply to Russett, Oneal & Cox
by Samuel P. Huntington - 611-612 A Response to Huntington
by John R. Oneal & Bruce M. Russett - 613-633 The Policy-Media Interaction Model: Measuring Media Power during Humanitarian Crisis
by Piers Robinson - 635-649 Armed Conflict, 1989-99
by Peter Wallensteen & Margareta Sollenberg
July 2000, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 419-420 Ethics of War and Peace: An Introduction
by Henrik Syse & Gregory Reichberg - 421-448 Maintaining the Protection of Non-Combatants
by James Turner Johnson - 449-468 Protecting the Natural Environment in Wartime: Ethical Considerations from the Just War Tradition
by Gregory Reichberg & Henrik Syse - 469-488 The New Practice of UN-Authorized Interventions: A Slippery Slope of Forcible Interference?
by Anne Julie Semb - 489-502 Ethical Uncertainties of Nationalism
by Dan Smith - 503-518 The Future Soul of Europe: Nationalism or Just Patriotism? A Critique of David Miller's Defence of Nationality
by Andreas Føllesdal - 519-532 Genocide: A Case for the Responsibility of the Bystander
by Arne Johan Vetlesen
May 2000, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 275-299 Civil War in the Post-Colonial World, 1946-92
by Errol A. Henderson & J. David Singer - 301-322 Resource Scarcity and Conflict in Developing Countries
by John W. Maxwell & Rafael Reuveny - 323-343 Successful Negotiation in International Violent Conflict
by Richard Jackson - 345-362 Past as Preface: Civilizational Politics and the `Third' Balkan War
by Lene Hansen - 363-378 Intraparty Politics and Peacemaking in Democratic Societies: Israel's Labor Party and the Middle East Peace Process, 1992-96
by Reuven Y. Hazan - 379-389 KOSIMO: A Databank on Political Conflict
by Frank R. Pfetsch & Christoph Rohloff - 391-403 Globalization and the Study of International Security
by Victor D. Cha
March 2000, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 131-143 Focus on the CNN Effect Misses the Point: The Real Media Impact on Conflict Management is Invisible And Indirect
by Peter Viggo Jakobsen