September 1973, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 285-294 Civilian Defense and Civilian Offense
by Egbert Jahn - 295-303 Racism in Children's and Young People's Literature in the Western World
by Joerg Becker - 305-315 Approaches to Social Psychology Relevant to Peace Research as Developed in the FRG
by Klaus Horn
March 1973, Volume 10, Issue 1-2
- 1-35 Financial and Industrial Oligarchy: Present Structure and Some Trends
by Uolevi Arosalo & Raimo Väyrynen - 37-49 The Politicising of Everyday Life: Social Conditions of Peace
by Hans-Eckehard Bahr - 51-70 War and Peace in Indochina
by Marek Thee - 71-80 A Study of the Problems of Peace
by Yuri Barsegov & Rustem Khairov - 81-90 Dilemmas in the British Peace Movement since World War II
by Frank E. Myers - 91-99 A World Population Policy for the World Population Year
by H.V. Muhsam
December 1972, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 285-302 Imperialism, Intervention Capacity, and Foreign Policy Making
by Helmut Kramer & Helfried Bauer - 303-314 The Dynamics of Colonial violence : The Inductive System in Uganda
by Tarsis B. Kabwegyere - 315-330 Peace and the Structure of the International Organization Network
by Kjell Skjelsbæk - 331-344 Divided Berlin: One Past and Three Futures
by Richard L. Merritt - 345-360 Divided Nations as a Process: One State, Two States, and In-between
by Johan Galtung - 361-374 Theory and Ideologies of Violence
by Jean-Pierre Derriennic
September 1972, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 189-207 The Anatomy of Imperialism: The Case of the Multinational Mining Corporations in Peru
by Claes Brundenius - 209-222 Some Aspects of a Decision-Making Model in Nuclear Deterrence Theory
by Douglas E. Hunter - 223-236 Civil Protest in Northern Ireland
by Paul F. Power - 237-246 Problems of Disarmament Research
by A.N. Kaliadin - 247-259 Divided Nations and Reunification Strategies
by Yung-Hwan Jo & Stephen Walker - 261-270 Three Approaches to Exploitation: Markets Products, and Communities
by Tord Höivik - 271-278 Future Consciousness
by Öystein Sande
June 1972, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 105-119 Underdevelopment and Dependence in Black Africa: Historical Origin
by Samir Amin - 121-132 Land Invasion as a Non-Violent Strategy of Peasant Rebellion
by Gerrit Huizer - 133-145 Re-Partition of Palestine: Toward a Peaceful Solution in the Middle East
by Hany A. Hilmyy - 147-160 Small States and Inter-European Relations: An Analysis of the Group of Nine
by Jeanne Kirk Laux - 161-164 The Norman Angell Peace Campaign in Germany
by Philip D. Supina - 165-178 The Study of International Trade in Arms and Peace Research
by Ulrich Albrecht - 179-182 Comments on 'The Study of International Trade in Arms and Peace Research' by Ulrich Albrecht
by Amelia C. Leiss
March 1972, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-26 Europe: Bipolar, Bicentric or Cooperative?
by Johan Galtung - 27-39 Intra-State Imperialism
by K.P. Misra - 41-49 Institutionalized Racism: an Analytic Approach
by Robert E. Klitgaard - 51-61 The Classical Balance of Power Theory
by Partha Chatterjee
September 1971, Volume 8, Issue 3-4
- 173-206 The Middle East and the Theory of Conflict
by Johan Galtung - 207-220 Social Science and a New Social Order
by Harry R. Targ - 239-247 Imperialism and the Southern Sudan
by Per Olav Reinton - 249-262 A Closed and Open Model Analysis of Expressions of Hostility in Crisis
by Gordon Hilton - 263-272 Controlled Communication and Conflict Resolution
by Ronald J. Yalem - 311-311 Errata
by N/A
June 1971, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 81-117 A Structural Theory of Imperialism
by Johan Galtung - 119-142 Social Inequality — The Main Issues
by Tord Höivik - 143-153 Gandhi's Non-Violence as a Tactic
by Robert E. Klitgaard - 155-161 Meanings of Non-violence: Types or Dimensions ?
by Bishwa B. Chatterjee & Shyam S. Bhattacharjee - 163-166 The Another Mother for Peace Consumer Campaign — A Campaign that Failed
by David M. Krieger
March 1971, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-22 Twenty-Five Years of Local Wars
by Istvan Kende - 23-35 Power, Status, and International War
by Michael D. Wallace - 37-54 Freedom and Civilization, a Western Perspective
by Claus Iversen - 55-66 A Quantitative Conflict Model
by Lars Porsholt - 67-70 Symbiosis between Peace Research and Peace Action
by William Eckhardt - 71-71 Note on Galtung's Concept of 'Violence'
by Kjell Eide - 73-76 Structural and Direct Violence
by Johan Galtung & Tord Höivik
December 1970, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 247-257 A Model of International Interaction in Western Europe
by Uolevi Arosalo - 259-265 Perception of the Basic Cleavages of Finnish Society
by Antti Eskola - 267-288 Economic and Power Frustrations as Predictors of Industrial an d pOlitical Con Flict Strategies
by Annikki Talikka - 291-308 Stratification in the System of International Organizations
by Raimo Väyrynen - 311-319 Violence, Ethics and Politics
by Jukka Gronow & Jorma Hilppö
September 1970, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 185-195 Agrarian Structure and Peasant Autonomy
by Eduardo Archetti & Egil Fossum & Per Olav Reinton - 197-217 What Is a Conflict of Interest ?
by Lars Bergström - 219-228 Arms Debates - a 'Positional' Interpretation
by Fredrik Hoffmann
June 1970, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 79-98 Children's Developing Orientations To International Politics
by Harry R. Targ - 99-120 Views On War and Peace Among Students in West Berlin Public Schools
by Magnus Haavelsrud - 121-131 A Partial Model of National Political-Economic Systems: Evaluation By Causal Inference
by Richard W. Chadwick
March 1970, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-16 Un Peace-Keeping: the Cyprus Venture
by James A. Stegenga - 17-32 Political Development and Strategies for Change
by Egil Fossum - 33-47 Generational Succession as a Source of Foreign Policy Attitudes
by Neal E. Cutler - 49-67 'BLAME' AS INTERNATIONAL BEHAVIOR A contribution to inter-state interaction theory
by Helge Hveem
December 1969, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 295-320 How Wars End
by Berenice A. Carroll - 323-334 The Peace of Nicias
by Ronald P. Legon - 335-347 Ending the War of the Sicilian Vespers
by J.Lee Schneidman - 359-365 Portsmouth 1905: Peace or Truce?
by J.A. White - 367-384 Victory in Modern War
by Raymond G. O'Connor - 389-396 Recent Developments in the Teaching of Peace History and Related Areas in North America
by Sandi E. Cooper
September 1969, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 167-191 Violence, Peace, and Peace Research
by Johan Galtung - 193-214 An Inductive, Empirical Analysis of Intra- and International Behavior, Aimed Ata Partial Extension of Inter-Nation Simulation Theory
by Richard W. Chadwick - 215-234 The Disintegration of the Negro Non-Violent Movement
by Donald Von Eschen & Jerome Kirk & Maurice Pinard - 235-256 Sponsorships in the United Nations
by Kurt Jacobsen - 257-282 Formal Alliances, 1816-1965: an Extension of the Basic Data
by Melvin Small & J. David Singer
June 1969, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 81-102 Tribalism, Nationalism, Rank-Equilibration, and Social Structure
by Ulf Himmelstrand - 105-111 The Vietnam War as a Richardson Process
by N.Z. Alcock & Keith Lowe - 113-121 A Statistical Study of Political Determinants for Economic Growth
by Stale Seierstad - 123-132 The Factor of Militarism
by William Eckhardt - 133-145 Beyond the Traditional Concepts of Peace in Different Cultures
by Takeshi Ishida - 147-156 Some Further Findings Regarding the Domestic and Foreign Conflict Behavior of Nations
by Jonathan Wilkenfeld - 157-161 Change in Attitude Toward Negroes Resulting From Exposure To Congruent and Non-Congruent Attitudinal Objects
by Knud S. Larsen & Gary Schwendiman & David V. Stimpson
March 1969, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-11 Reliability and Validity of Some Patterns of International Interaction in an Inter-Nation Simulation
by Terry Nardin & Meal E. Cutler - 13-22 A Cross Cultural Study of Hostility and Aggression
by R.T. Green & G. Santori - 37-54 Global Patterns of Diplomatic Exchange, 1963-64
by Bruce M. Russett & W. Curtis Lamb - 73-74 Reply To Gudmund Hernes
by Egil Fossum - 75-76 Reply To Gudmund Hernes
by Johan Galtung
December 1968, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 309-350 The Role of I.L.O. Standards in the Global Integration Process
by Karl Nandrup Dahl - 352-363 Peaceful Co-Existence
by Istvan Kende - 365-374 Peace Research and the Developing Countries
by Mohammed Ahsen Chaudhri - 375-395 A Structural Theory of integration
by Johan Galtung
September 1968, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 217-232 Peace Research and Politics
by Herman Schmid - 233-247 A Simple War and Armament Game
by Mats Friberg & Dan Jonsson - 248-267 Characteristics of Economic Sanctions
by Peter Wallensteen - 268-276 Children's Views of War and Peace
by Leif Rosell - 277-291 Social Position and Peace Philosophy
by Hakan Wiberg
June 1968, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 97-115 Miscalculations in Deterrent Policy: Japanese-U.S. Relations, 1938-1941
by Chihiro Hosoya - 116-131 Ghetto Riots and Others: the Faces of Civil Disorder in 1967
by Louis C. Goldberg - 133-145 Communal Conflict and Economic Considerations: the Case of Cyprus
by Stahis S. Panagides - 146-170 Foreign Policy Thinking in the Elite and the General Population
by Helge Hveem - 171-194 The Development of Views On Conflict, War, and Peace Among School Children
by Trond Ã…lvik - 196-209 Religion, War and the Institutional Dilemma: a Sociological Interpretation
by Toyomasa Fusé
March 1968, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-27 On the Marxist Theory of War and Peace
by Karel Kára - 28-43 The Place of International Law in Peace Research
by Charles Boasson - 44-54 Military Spending and Senate Voting: a Correlational Study
by Charles H. Gray & Glenn W. Gregory - 56-69 Domestic and Foreign Conflict Behavior of Nations
by Jonathan Wilkenfeld - 70-86 Developmental Tension and Political Instability: Testing Some Hypotheses Concerning Latin America
by Alaor S. Passos - 95-95 Errata Notice Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 209-227
by N/A
December 1967, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 305-333 On the Future of the International System
by Johan Galtung - 334-364 International Structure and International Integration
by Olav Reinton - 366-408 Trends in World Airline Patterns
by Nils Petter Gleditsch
September 1967, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 209-226 Toward a Theory of Political Instability in Latin America
by Manus Midlarsky & Raymond Tanter - 228-251 Factors Influencing the Occurrence of Military Coups D'Etat in Latin America
by Egil Fossum - 252-269 Smaller States and the Problem of War and Peace: Some Consequences of the Emergence of Smaller States in Africa
by Jean-Luc Vellut - 270-287 An Analytical Study of the Balance of Power Theories
by Dina A. Zinnes - 289-303 Social Position and Cognitive Style in Strategic Thinking
by Malvern Lumsden
June 1967, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 89-105 Pearl Harbor: Deterrence Theory and Decision Theory
by Bruce M. Russett - 107-123 Crucial Dimensions of the Attitu De Towards National and Supra-National Ideals
by Hans Kreitler & Shulamith Kreitler - 125-138 Ecology and Peace Research
by Gutorm Gjessing - 140-159 The Functions of Economic Sanctions: a Comparative Analysis
by Fredrik Hoffmann - 161-194 Two Approaches To Disarmament : the Legalist and the Structuralist
by Johan Galtung
March 1967, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-24 A Vietnam Simulation: a Report On the Canadian/English Joint Project
by John Macrae & Paul Smoker - 26-38 Tariff Wars and a Model of Conflict
by Michael Nicholson - 39-44 Game Th Eory, Bargaining Th Eory, and Strategic Reasoning
by Alan Coddington - 46-60 Who Are These Marchers?
by Robin Jenkins - 61-74 Nation State Escalation and International Integration
by Paul Smoker - 83-84 The Peace Research Centre
by N/A
December 1966, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 297-327 Deterrence Research: Past Progress and Future Needs
by John R. Raser - 328-348 Demonstrations as a Source of Change
by Anders Boserup & Claus Iversen - 349-358 A Calculus of Military Stability
by George R. Pitman Jr - 359-379 The Status of the Technical Assistance Expert
by Ingrid Eide Galtung
September 1966, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 201-223 Some Dimensions in the Foreign Behavior of Nations
by R.J. Rummel - 225-242 The Images of International Stratification in Latin America
by Simon Schwartzman & Manual Mora y Araujo - 244-256 Analyse D'Un Systeme D'Objectifs Nationaux
by Alain Joxe - 257-276 Perception and Information in Strategic Thinking
by Malvern Lumsden - 278-288 The European Tradition of Asylum and the Development of Refugee Law
by Atle Grahl-Madsen
June 1966, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 97-113 World Defense Expenditures
by Emile Benoit & Harold Lubell & Sylvia Schuman - 114-124 Germany disarmed and Rearming, 1925—1935
by Berenice A. Carroll - 125-144 Peace-Keeping and Enforcement By Regional Organizations
by Asbjørn Eide - 146-176 East-West Interaction Patterns
by Johan Galtung - 178-193 On Methods of Conflict Prevention
by Lars Porsholt - 197-198 Errata Notice, Volumes 1 and 2
by N/A
March 1966, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-31 Formal alliances, 1815—1939
by J. David Singer & Melvin Small - 33-45 Belligerence Among the Primitives
by Tom Broch & Johan Galtung - 46-73 Social Position and Foreign Policy Attitudes
by Nils H. Halle - 75-87 Information and Propaganda
by BO Ohlström
December 1965, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 297-305 International Control of the Uses of Nuclear Energy
by Milan Å ahovic - 307-323 Societal Approaches To the Study of War
by Michael Haas - 324-346 Violent Conflict Resolution and the Loser's Reaction
by Sivert Langholm - 348-397 Institutionalized Conflict Resolution
by Johan Galtung
September 1965, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 197-214 The Rejection of Violence in Gandhian Ethics of Conflict Resolution
by Giuliano Pontara - 216-226 Learning and Affect i n iNternational Politics
by John R. Raser - 228-256 On the Meaning of Nonviolence
by Johan Galtung - 258-275 The Impact of Study Abroad
by Ingrid Eide Galtung - 277-287 Nationalistic Aspiration, Loyalty, and Internationalism
by Kenneth W. Terhune
June 1965, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 101-135 Patterns of Diplomacy
by Johan Galtung & Mari Holmboe Ruge - 136-145 Strategic Models for a De-Polarizing World
by Amitai Etzioni - 147-159 Public Opinion and Foreign Policy Decisions
by Jerome Laulicht - 161-175 Trade, Defence and the Richardson Theory of Arms Races
by Paul Smoker - 177-186 The Economic Consequences of Disarmament in the Netherlands
by W.F. Duisenberg & Bert V. A. Röling
March 1965, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-16 The Development of the Concept of War
by Peter Cooper - 18-37 Inspecting for Weapons Production a Modest Computer Simulation
by J. David Singer & Hirohide Hinomoto
September 1964, Volume 1, Issue 3-4
- 155-167 Disarmament, Foreign Aid and Economic Growth
by Wassily Leontief - 168-169 Comments On Leontief's Paper
by Josef Sebestyén - 170-189 Measuring Affect and Action in Inter National Reaction Models
by Ole R. Holsti & Richard A. Brody & Robert C. North - 191-203 Some Regional Development Issues in Defense Program Shifts
by John W. Dyckman - 204-205 Concerning the Reduction of Military Expenditures
by Igor Glagolev - 206-230 Foreign Policy Opinion as a Function of Social Position
by Johan Galtung - 232-241 The Image of World Society and the Function of Armaments
by Bart Landheer - 242-251 Notes On Social Science Principles for World Law and Order
by Walter Isard & Julian Wolpert
June 1964, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 65-76 Sino-Indian Relations: a Study of Trade, Communication and Defence
by Paul Smoker - 77-93 Technical Assistance and Parliamentary Debates
by Mari Holmboe Ruge - 95-119 A Structural Theory of Aggression
by Johan Galtung - 120-136 Balance-of-Power Thinking From the Renaissance To the French Revolution
by Per Maurseth - 137-149 Some Problems of Nuclear Power Dynamics
by Erland Brun Hansen & Jörgen Wilian Ulrich - 150-154 Some Problems of Disarmament Research
by I. Glagolev & M. Goryainov
March 1964, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-4 An Editorial
by N/A - 5-18 Technical Assistance and Social Conflict
by Arne Martin Klausen - 19-34 Technical Assistance and Public Opinion
by Ingrid Eide Galtung - 36-54 Summit Meetings and International Relations
by Johan Galtung - 55-64 Fear in the Arms Race: A Mathematical Study
by Paul Smoker