2014, Volume 2014, Issue 1
- 63-83 Changing Market Potentials, Regional Growth and Income Disparities in Poland
by Jesús López-Rodríguez & Malgorzata Runiewicz-Wardyn - 84-107 Debt in Relation to the Standard of Living Enjoyed by the Population of Developed Countries
by Luboš Smrčka & Markéta Arltová - 108-120 Models of Subsidy Allocation among City Districts
by Martin Dlouhý - 121-139 Effects of Trade Liberalization on Exports, Imports and Trade Balance in Pakistan: A Time Series Analysis
by Muhammad Zakaria
2013, Volume 2013, Issue 4
- 435-458 Synchronisation of Stock Market Cycles: The Importance of Emerging and Developed Markets to ASEAN-5
by Teng Kee Tuan & Yen Siew Hwa & Chua Soo Yean - 459-473 Composite Indicators as a Useful Tool for International Comparison: The Europe 2020 Example
by Lenka Hudrliková - 474-486 Innovation Under Spatial Duopoly
by Pu-Yan Nie - 487-503 The Role of Remittances as More Efficient Tool of Development Aid in Developing Countries
by Robert Stojanov & Wadim Strielkowski - 504-523 The Economic Balance of the Czech Republic and Slovakia During the Economic Crisis
by Ilya Bolotov & Radek Čajka & Kateřina Gajdušková - 524-541 Efficiency of Hospitals in the Czech Republic
by Jana Votápková & Lenka Šťastná - 542-557 Certification and Its Impact on Quality of Charities
by Katarína Svítková - 558-582 Does Herd Behaviour Arise Easier Under Time Pressure? Experimental Approach
by Lubomír Cingl - 583-585 Central Banking Textbook
by Luboš Komárek
2013, Volume 2013, Issue 3
- 307-323 Some Annuity Problems in the Framework of Czech Pension Systems
by Tomáš Cipra - 324-342 Returns and Persistence of Investment Fund Performance in the Czech Republic
by Dariusz Filip - 343-357 Propensity to Migration in the CEEC: Comparison of Migration Potential in the Czech Republic and Poland
by Karolina Kowalska & Wadim Strielkowski - 358-384 Complex Price Dynamics in the Modified Kaldorian Model
by Jan Kodera & Quang Van Tran & Miloslav Vošvrda - 385-402 Economic and Environmental Effects of Rural-Urban Migrant Training
by Xiaochun Li & Yu Zhou - 403-417 Micro-Credit and Poverty Reduction: A Case of Bangladesh
by Mohummed Shofi Ullah Mazumder & Lu Wencong - 418-432 Curiosity of Pay-Per-Bid Auctions: Evidence from Auction Site
by Miroslav Svoboda & Petr Bocák
2013, Volume 2013, Issue 2
- 147-162 A Dynamic Panel, Empirical Investigation on the Link between Inflation and Fiscal Imbalances. Does Heterogeneity Matter?
by Avgeris Nikolaos & Katrakilidis Constantinos - 163-181 Comparison of Credit Scoring Models on Probability of Default Estimation for Us Banks
by Petr Gurný & Martin Gurný - 182-205 The Evaluation of Economic Recession Magnitude: Introduction and Application
by Jiří Mazurek & Elena Mielcová - 206-223 Institutional Efficiency of Selected EU & OECD Countries Using Dea-Like Approach
by Jana Votápková & Milan Žák - 224-239 Flexicurity Policies and their Association with Productivity in the European Union
by Primož Dolenc & Suzana Laporšek - 240-250 Private Equity Investment in the Czech Republic
by Alexej Sato - 251-283 Estimating Correlated Jumps and Stochastic Volatilities
by Jiří Witzany - 284-301 Testing Wagner's Law for Turkey: Evidence from a Trivariate Causality Analysis
by Asuman Oktayer & Nagihan Oktayer - 302-304 Diversity in European Marketing
by Paul-Marc Collin
2013, Volume 2013, Issue 1
- 3-27 A Comparison of the Rates of Growth of Post-Transformation Economies: What Can(Not) Be Expected From GDP?
by Miroslav Singer - 28-49 Interdependence Between Some Major European Stock Markets - A Wavelet Lead/Lag Analysis
by Silvo Dajčman - 50-71 Analysis of European Labour Market in the Crisis Context
by Gina Cristina Dimian & Bogdan Ileanu & Josef Jablonský & Jan Fábry - 72-84 Entrepreneurs as Innovators: A Multi-Country Study on Entrepreneurs' Innovative Behaviour
by Martin Lukeš - 85-110 Organization and Firm Performance in the Czech Republic
by Štěpán Jurajda & Juraj Stančík - 111-124 Do E-Auctions Realy Improve the Efficiency of Public Procurement? The Case of the Slovak Municipalities
by Jan Pavel & Emilia Sičáková-Beblavá - 125-143 Development of Life Expectancy in the Czech Republic in Years 1920-2010 with an Outlook to 2050
by Markéta Arltová & Jitka Langhamrová & Jana Langhamrová
2012, Volume 2012, Issue 4
- 391-411 China and the Dollar: An Optimum Currency Area View
by Chee-Heong Quah & Patrick M. Crowley - 412-433 Impact of R&D Investment on Economic Growth of the Czech Republic - A Recursively Dynamic CGE Approach
by Zuzana Křístková - 434-449 Parent Influence on Loan Pricing by Czech Banks
by Alexis Derviz & Marie Raková - 450-469 Testing the "EU Announcement Effect" on Stock Market Indices and Macroeconomic Variables in Croatia Between 2000 and 2010
by Anita Radman Peša & Mejra Festić - 470-486 Do the Board of Directors' Characteristics Influence Firm's Performance? The U.S. Evidence
by Roman Horváth & Persida Spirollari - 487-503 Determinants of Firm's Innovation
by Alena Zemplinerová & Eva Hromádková - 504-521 Financial Conditions and Transparency of the Czech Professional Football Clubs
by David Procházka
2012, Volume 2012, Issue 3
- 257-276 An Empirical Investigation of the Purchasing Power Parity Hypothesis in European Transition Countries
by Václav Žďárek - 277-290 The Evaluation of an Economic Distance Among Countries: A Novel Approach
by Jiří Mazurek - 291-308 The Weber-Fechner Law and Public Expenditures Impact to the Win-Margins at Parliamentary Elections
by Paulo Jorge Reis Mourao - 309-327 How Progressive is the Czech Pension Security?
by Stanislav Klazar & Barbora Slintáková - 328-346 Gender Wage Gap in the Czech Republic and Central European Countries
by Martina Mysíková - 347-362 Development of an Early Warning System for Evaluating the Credit Portfolio's Quality. A Case Study on Romania
by Iustina Boitan - 363-376 On Net External Assets in Developed and Transition Countries
by Petr Duczynski - 377-387 Publication Activity of New Slovak Professors In Economics and its International Reception
by Juraj Barta & Michal Považan
2012, Volume 2012, Issue 2
- 129-149 New Evidence on FDI Determinants: An Appraisal Over the Transition Period
by Yulia Gorbunova & Davide Infante & Janna Smirnova - 150-165 Macroeconomic Instability and Fiscal Decentralization: An Empirical Analysis
by Ahmad Zafarullah Abdul Jalil & Mukaramah Harun & Siti Hadijah Che Mat - 166-185 International Development Cooperation of the Czech Republic in the Context of European Development
by Ingrid Majerová - 186-204 Analysis of Cross-Country Differences in the Non-Profit Sector Size
by Primož Pevcin - 205-219 Market Timing and Selectivity Performance: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Malaysian Unit Trust Funds
by Soo-Wah Low - 220-232 The Link Between the Brent Crude Oil Price and the US Dollar Exchange Rate
by Filip Novotný - 233-250 Recent Development of the Wage and Income Distribution in the Czech Republic
by Diana Bílková - 251-254 New Trends in International Marketing
by Štefan Žák
2012, Volume 2012, Issue 1
- 3-17 Estimation of the Time-Varying Risk Premium in the Czech Foreign Exchange Market
by Vít Pošta - 18-29 Maintenance Commitments for Monopolized Goods
by Pu-Yan Nie - 30-49 Collateralized Debt Obligations' Valuation Using the One Factor Gaussian Copula Model
by Petra Buzková & Petr Teplý - 50-68 Bank Lending Channel in Slovenia: Panel Data Analysis
by Meta Ahtik - 69-82 On Multivariate Methods in Robust Econometrics
by Jan Kalina - 83-100 Economic and Social Harmonization of Sustainable Public Transport
by Anna Černá - 101-122 Czech Swap Market in the Crisis Period
by Martin Pohl - 123-126 Development of European Socio-Economic Systems and Future Challenges
by Martin Kuncl
2011, Volume 2011, Issue 4
- 291-308 The Welfare State and Economic Growth
by Vratislav Izák - 309-328 Foreign Exchange Rate Regimes and Foreign Exchange Markets in Transitive Economies
by Jaroslava Durčáková - 329-347 Generalized Coase Theorem
by Jiří Hlaváček & Michal Hlaváček - 348-365 Determinants of Firm Delisting on the Prague Stock Exchange
by Zuzana Fungáčová & Jan Hanousek - 366-380 Checking the Czechs: Consensus and Dissention Among Czech Economists
by Dan Šťastný - 381-382 How to Handle Uncertainty
by Milan Mareš
2011, Volume 2011, Issue 3
- 195-215 Models of Factors Driving the Czech Export
by David Havrlant & Roman Hušek - 216-231 Who Bears the Burden of Voluntary Export Restraints?
by Fuhmei Wang - 232-249 Exchange Rate Predictions in International Financial Management by Enhanced GMDH Algorithm
by Josef Taušer & Petr Buryan - 250-267 Threshold Effectiveness in Contributing to the Public Goods: Experiments Involving Czech Students
by Jiří Špalek & Zuzana Berná - 268-287 Impact of the Car Scrapping Scheme on Consumer Behaviour and Aggregate Consumption
by Lukáš Mohelský
2011, Volume 2011, Issue 2
- 99-119 Empirical Test of the Efficiency of Currency Investments
by Svend Reuse & Martin Svoboda - 120-139 Inflation Perceptions and Anticipations in the Old Eurozone Member States
by Svatopluk Kapounek & Lubor Lacina - 140-156 Yield Curve Dynamics: Regional Common Factor Model
by Boril Šopov & Jakub Seidler - 157-176 The JT Index as an Indicator of Financial Stability of Corporate Sector
by Petr Jakubík & Petr Teplý - 177-189 Fractional Cointegration Relationship between Oil Prices and Stock Markets: An Empirical Analysis from G7 Countries
by Burcu Kiran - 190-192 Mathematical Framework for Finance and Insurance
by Jiří Trešl
2011, Volume 2011, Issue 1
- 3-22 Modelling Stock Exchange Index Returns in Different GDP Growth Regimes
by Alenka Kavkler & Mejra Festić - 23-39 Operational Risk - Scenario Analysis
by Milan Rippel & Petr Teplý - 40-58 The Impact of Czech Commuters on the German Labour Market
by Michael Moritz - 59-70 Political Business Cycle in Czech Municipalities
by Lucie Sedmihradská & Rudolf Kubík & Jakub Haas - 71-88 The Role of Fair Value Measurement in the Recent Financial Crunch
by David Procházka - 89-93 When Great Economists Know a Lot About History
by Tomáš Otáhal
2010, Volume 2010, Issue 4
- 291-306 Exchange Rate Pass-Through To Domestic Prices: The Case of South Africa
by Matthew Kofi Ocran - 307-328 Measuring Bank Efficiency: A Meta-Regression Analysis
by Zuzana Iršová & Tomáš Havránek - 329-343 Contingent Valuation: Past, Present and Future
by David Hoyos & Petr Mariel - 344-358 Tax Wedge on Labour and its Effect on Employment Growth in the European Union
by Primož Dolenc & Suzana Laporšek - 359-382 The Binding Credit Constraints and the Welfare Effects of Housing Price Appreciation
by Ashot Tsharakyan & Martin Janíčko - 383-384 Exact Tools for Analysis of Non-Exact Problems
by Milan Mareš
2010, Volume 2010, Issue 3
- 195-217 A Cardiograph of the Dollar's Quality: Qualitative Easing and the Federal Reserve Balance Sheet During the Subprime Crisis
by Philipp Bagus & Markus H. Schiml - 218-235 Turkey and the European Union: Possible Incidence of the EU Accession on Migration Flows
by Ondřej Glazar & Wadim Strielkowski - 236-250 Improving Risk Adjustment in the Czech Republic
by Radovan Chalupka - 251-272 An Alternative Approach to the Dating of Business Cycle: Nonparametric Kernel Estimation
by Jitka Poměnková - 273-283 Media Capture and Local Government Accountability
by Jiancai Pi - 284-288 An Anniversary of an Institution - A Report on the "Teaching Economics for 90 Years" Conference
by Antonie Doležalová
2010, Volume 2010, Issue 2
- 99-117 The Problem of the Yearly Inflation Rate and Its Implications for the Monetary Policy of the Czech National Bank
by Josef Arlt & Milan Bašta - 118-132 Bank Efficiency and Non-Performing Loans: Evidence from Malaysia and Singapore
by Mohd Zaini Abd Karim & Sok-Gee Chan & Sallahudin Hassan - 133-149 Impact of Harmonisation on Distribution of VAT in the Czech Republic
by Barbora Slintáková & Stanislav Klazar - 150-168 Do Investigations of Competition Authorities Really Increase the Degree of Competition? An Answer From Turkish Cement Market
by Aydin Çelen & Burak Günalp - 169-182 Sources of Economical Growth in the Czech Food Processing
by Lukáš Čechura & Heinrich Hockmann - 183-190 Looking Back to Reforms, Looking Back to the Conference "Twenty Years of Financial and Bank Reforms in the Czech Republic"
by Vladimír Tomšík
2010, Volume 2010, Issue 1
- 5-20 Financial Distress and Access to Capital in Emerging Markets
by Jorge Guillen - 21-34 Optimization of Municipalities with Extended Competence Selection
by Jaroslav Janáček & Bohdan Linda & Iva Ritschelová - 35-53 Comparison of Discrete Choice Models for Economic Environmental Research
by Ondřej Vojáček & Iva Pecáková - 54-73 Migration and Ageing of the Population of the Czech Republic and the EU Countries
by Markéta Arltová & Jitka Langhamrová - 74-89 Death Related Costs Hypothesis in the Czech Health Care System - The Present and the Future
by Kateřina Pavloková
2009, Volume 2009, Issue 4
- 291-308 The Perspective of Pension System Reforms in the New Member States
by Mejra Festić & Jože Mencinger - 309-326 Valuation of Convexity Related Interest Rate Derivatives
by Jiří Witzany - 327-341 Testing the Validity of the Brown-Potoski Model in the Czech and Slovak Republics
by Jan Pavel & Emilia Sičáková-Beblavá - 342-352 On Net External Assets in Regions And States of the U.S.A
by Petr Duczynski - 353-365 Environmental Taxes and Wage Setting Structure
by Juan Carlos Bárcena-Ruiz & María Begoña Garzón - 366-379 An Estimation of Output Gap in Romanian Economy Using the DSGE Approach
by Petre Caraiani
2009, Volume 2009, Issue 3
- 195-208 What Do Productivity Shocks Tell Us About the Saving-Investment Relationship?
by Lutfi Erden & Ibrahim Ozkan & Burak Gunalp - 209-219 Smart Agents and Sentiment in the Heterogeneous Agent Model
by Lukáš Vácha & Jozef Barunik & Miloslav Vošvrda - 220-234 Praiseworthiness and Endogenous Growth
by David M. Levy & Dalibor Roháč - 235-250 Labour Market Participation: The Impact of Social Benefits in the Czech Republic and Selected European Countries
by Kamila Fialová & Martina Mysíková - 251-266 Nonparametric Approach to Patent Citations
by Petr Mariel & Susan Orbe - 267-282 Altruism, Paternalism and Transfers
by Jérôme Ballet & Philippe Meral & Dawidson Razafimahatolotra
2009, Volume 2009, Issue 2
- 99-113 The credit crisis: what lessons for Visegrad?
by Colin Lawson & Emília Zimková - 114-130 Primary balance, public debt and fiscal variables in postsocialist members of the european union
by Vratislav Izák - 131-155 The supply of foreign direct investment incentives: subsidy competition in an oligopolistic framework
by Tomáš Havránek - 156-175 The hierarchical structure of the firm: a geometric perspective
by Kam Ki Tang & Leopoldo Yanes - 176-184 Efficiency and productivity analysis in health services
by Martin Dlouhý
2009, Volume 2009, Issue 1
- 3-25 Lessons from the czech and slovak economies split
by Růžena Vintrová - 26-37 Some notes about decentralization process implications on public administration corruption in romania
by Tudorel Andrei & Ani Matei & Stelian Stancu & Bogdan Oancea - 38-47 Housing price bubble analysis - case of the Czech republic
by Jan Čadil - 48-60 On the relationship between real and nominal variables in developed countries
by Petr Duczynski - 61-77 Regional distribution of technology-intensive manufacturing industries in the czech republic with an accent on risk of delocalisation
by Jan Ženka & Vladislav Čadil
2008, Volume 2008, Issue 4
- 291-318 Some thoughts on nominal convergence, its drivers and determinants for the new eu member states preparing the euro adoption
by Václav Žďárek - 319-339 The endogeneity problem and fdi in transition: evidence from the privatized glass sector in the Czech Republic
by Elisa Galeotti & Eva Ryšavá - 340-355 Stress testing of probability of default of individuals
by Petr Kadeřábek & Aleš Slabý & Josef Vodička - 356-369 Determinants of foreign direct investment flows to developing countries: a cross-sectional analysis
by Erdal Demirhan & Mahmut Masca
2008, Volume 2008, Issue 3
- 195-212 Stress testing of the czech banking sector
by Petr Jakubík & Jaroslav Heřmánek - 213-229 Models of political cycles: the czech experience
by Radka Štiková - 230-242 History and troubles of consumer surplus
by Miroslav Svoboda - 243-253 An empirical application of a two-factor model of stochastic volatility
by Alexandr Kuchynka - 254-275 Towards measurement of political pressure on central banks: the case of the central bank of egypt
by Ibrahim L. Awad
2008, Volume 2008, Issue 2
- 99-117 Cyclicality of the banking sector performance and macro environment in the Czech republic, Slovakia and Slovenia
by Mejra Festić & Dejan Romih - 118-126 Exchange rate changes effects on foreign direct investment
by Roman Hušek & Václava Pánková - 127-142 Indicators of financial system stability: towards an aggregate financial stability indicator?
by Adam Geršl & Jaroslav Heřmánek - 143-156 Non-linear dynamic panel data analysis for debt-equity choice and its impact on moral hazard problems
by Fauziah Md. Taib & Anton Abdulbasah Kamil & Augustinus Setiawan - 157-167 Are the public firms more innovative than the private ones?
by Juan Carlos Bárcena-Ruiz - 168-179 Economic value added (eva) as a performance measurement for glcs vs non-glcs: evidence from bursa malaysia
by Ismail Issham & Abdul Samad M Fazilah & Yen Siew Hwa & Anton Abdulbasah Kamil & Azli Azli Ayub & Meor Azli Ayub
2008, Volume 2008, Issue 1
- 3-22 Declining german export prices due to increased competition from newly industrializing countries - evidence from germany and the ceecs
by Sebastian Gundel - 23-39 Real convergence in the new eu member states
by Borut Vojinović & Žan Jan Oplotnik - 40-53 Impact of globalization on taxation mixes in oecd countries during 1965-2003
by Květa Kubátová & Alena Vančurová & Michaela Foltysová - 54-73 Financing the health care in the czech republic: some comparisons with austria
by Marie Vavrejnová & Herta M. Rack
2007, Volume 2007, Issue 4
- 291-302 Dynamic Analysis of Selected European Stock Markets
by Jiří Trešl & Dagmar Blatná - 303-318 Czech Capital Market Weak-Form Efficiency, Selected Issues
by Jan Hájek - 319-335 Supply-Side Performance in the Czech Republic: A Macroeconomic View (1995-2005)
by Jaromír Hurník & Dana Hájková - 336-346 Impact of Accession to Emu on International Trade - Case of the Czech Republic
by Filip Tichý - 347-357 Growth Accounting, Total Factor Productivity and Approximation Problem
by Jan Čadil - 358-377 New Regionalism as a Part of the Transformation Strategy - Cases in Central and Eastern Europe and Asia (Czech Republic, Russia and China)
by Pavel Hnát & Eva Cihelková
2007, Volume 2007, Issue 3
- 195-219 Real and Nominal Convergence and the New EU Member States - Actual State and Implications
by Václav Žďárek & Jaromír Šindel - 220-236 The Czech Labour Market: Historical, Structural and Policy Perspectives
by Jiří Večerník - 237-251 Industrial Clustering and Global Value Chains in Central and Eastern Europe: Role of Multinational Enterprises in Industrial Upgrading
by Yusaf H. Akbar & Sonia Ferencikova - 252-264 A Living Worth Leaving? Economic Incentives and Migration Flows: The Case of Czechoslovak Labour Migration
by Wadim Strielkowski
2007, Volume 2007, Issue 2
- 99-114 Certification as a Viable Quality Assurance Mechanism in Transition Economies: Evidence, Theory, and Open Questions
by Andreas Ortmann & Katarína Svítková - 115-129 Optimal Debt Contracts in Emerging Markets with Multiple Investors
by Karel Janda - 130-142 Factors of the Size of Government in Developed Countries
by Boris Gramc - 143-164 The Future of Work and Women
by Ewa Lisowska - 165-179 Why Is Corruption a Problem of the State?
by Tomáš Otáhal
2007, Volume 2007, Issue 1
- 3-23 Monetary Policy and Asset Prices: What Role for Central Banks in New EU Member States?
by Jan Frait & Luboš Komárek - 24-37 Equilibrium Exchange Rates in the Eu New Members: Methodology, Estimation and Applicability to ERM II
by Roman Horváth & Luboš Komárek - 38-54 Wavelet Decomposition of the Financial Market
by Lukáš Vácha & Miloslav Vošvrda - 55-69 Pension Reform in the Czech Republic - A Contribution into the Debate
by Marek Loužek - 70-85 Can Motivation Theory Explain Migration Decisions?
by Natálie Reichlová
2006, Volume 2006, Issue 4
- 291-299 Tests of Functional Forms, Currency Substitution, and Capital Mobility of Czech Money Demand Function
by Yu Hsing - 300-314 Inflation Targeting: To Forecast or To Simulate?
by Michal Skořepa & Viktor Kotlán - 315-349 Procyclicality of Financial and Real Sector in Transition Economies
by Mejra Festić - 350-363 Impact of Price-Deregulation on Market Outcomes - The Case of Chimney Sweep Services in Slovenia
by Egon Žižmond & Matjaž Novak - 364-373 Third Moment of Yield Probability Distributions for Instruments on Slovenian Financial Markets
by Srečko Devjak & Andraž Grum
2006, Volume 2006, Issue 3
- 195-213 Changing Social Status of Pensioners and the Prospects of Pension Reform in the Czech Republic
by Jiří Večerník - 214-230 The Czech Pension System and the Perspectives of Its Reform
by Michal Slavík - 231-242 Empirical Analysis of Persistence and Dependence Patterns Among the Capital Markets
by Miloslav Vošvrda - 243-267 How Excessive are External Imbalances in Selected Transition Countries?
by Aleksander Aristovnik & Stanka Setnikar-Cankar - 268-281 Doubtful Sustainability of Public Finances in Slovenia
by Primož Dolenc
2006, Volume 2006, Issue 2
- 99-112 Long-Term Unemployment in the Czech Republic: Motivation, Obstacles and the Social Assistance System
by Magdalena Kotýnková - 113-134 Institutional Conditions of Monetary Policy Conduct in the Czech Republic
by Petr Sedláček - 135-155 National Accounts Data and Macroeconomic Analysis: A Comparative Study of the Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Ireland and Slovenia
by Maks Tajnikar & Nina Ponikvar - 156-171 Montenegrin Quarterly Macroeconomic Econometric Model
by Štiblar Franjo & Oplotnik Žan & Vukotić Veselin - 172-182 An Investigation of the German Dominance Hypothesis in the Context of Eastern Enlargement of the EU
by Mete Feridun
2006, Volume 2006, Issue 1
- 3-13 Budget Deficit and Interest Rates
by Zdeněk Dvorný - 14-28 Ready to Go? EU Enlargement and Migration Potential: Lessons for the Czech Republic in the Context of Irish Migration Experience
by Wadim Strielkowski & Cathal O'Donoghue - 29-43 Sales-Advertising Relationship: An Application of Panel Data from the German Automobile Industry
by Petr Mariel & Cristina López & Karmele Fernández - 44-49 International Intertemporal Solvency in OECD Countries: Evidence from Panel Unit Root
by Hüseyin Kalyoncu - 50-62 Subregionalism Within the EU with Special Regard to the Groupings of which the Czech Republic is a Member
by Eva Cihelková & Pavel Hnát - 63-77 Challenges for the Czech Republic's Competitive Performance in the Enlarged EU
by Anna Kadeřábková - 78-90 Development of Formal and Informal Institutions in the Czech Republic and Other New EU Member States Before Their EU Entry: Did the EU Pressure Have Impact?
by Adam Geršl
2005, Volume 2005, Issue 4
- 291-316 Would Fast Sailing Towards the Euro Be Smooth? What Fundamental Real Exchange Rates Tell Us
by Kateřina Šmídková & Aleš Bulíř - 317-330 Does Competition Improve Performance? Evidence from the Czech Manufacturing Industries
by Andrei Medvedev & Alena Zemplinerová