2018, Volume 2018, Issue 6
- 704-722 Is the Rule of Law Significant for Explanation of Differences in the Gender Pay Gap?
by Veronika Hedija - 723-742 A Financial Performance Comparison of Czech Credit Unions and European Cooperative Banks
by Matěj Kuc & Petr Teplý
2018, Volume 2018, Issue 5
- 505-521 The Impact of German Macroeconomic News on Emerging European Forex Markets
by Michala Moravcová - 522-540 Monetary Policy and Cyclical Systemic Risk - Friends or Foes?
by Łukasz Kurowski & Paweł Smaga - 541-553 Valuation Standards for Commercial Banks in the Financial Theory and their Analysis
by Milan Hrdý - 554-572 Cash Flow Sensitivities of Financial Decisions: Evidence from an Emerging Market
by Aysa Ipek Erdogan - 573-587 Have More Profitable Banks a More or a Less Risky Lending Policy? Empirical Evidence from CEE Countries
by Blanka Škrabic Peric - 588-605 Determinants of Deposit Insurance Coverage
by Yiming Chang & Shangmei Zhao & Haijun Yang & Jiang He & Fei Hu - 606-618 The Influences of Fiscal Decentralization on Economic Performance: Empirical Evidence from OECD Countries
by Fuhmei Wang
2018, Volume 2018, Issue 4
- 379-396 Economic Sentiment Level versus the Quality of Life in European Union Member States
by Robert Skikiewicz & Krzysztof Blonski - 397-416 Performance Factors of Czech Companies Identified Using Statistical Pattern Recognition: Interpretation of Results
by Ondřej Částek - 417-426 The Validity of Purchasing Power Parity in BRICS Countries
by Burak Güriş & Muhammed Tiraşoğlu - 427-448 The CCCTB Allocation Formula Game: The Performance of Economics Sectors
by Kateřina Krchnivá & Danuše Nerudová - 449-478 Price Level Stabilization: Hayek contra Mainstream Economics
by Pavel Potužák - 479-493 Institutions as a Mediator of the Effect of Crossborder Mergers & Acquisitions on Domestic Investment
by Jelena Zvezdanović Lobanova & Davorin Kračun & Alenka Kavkler - 494-502 A Nonlinear Supply-Driven Input-Output Model
by Nooraddin Sharify
2018, Volume 2018, Issue 3
- 251-269 Corruption - A Dark Side of Entrepreneurship. Corruption and Innovations
by Marek Tomaszewski - 270-292 Interrelationship and Spillover Effect between Stock and Exchange Rate Markets in the Major Emerging Economies
by Jovan Njegić & Dejan Živkov & Irena Janković - 293-305 Survey of Volatility and Spillovers on Financial Markets
by Evžen Kočenda - 306-330 Pre-Crisis Wage Leadership in Croatia in the Context of Export Competitiveness: Any Lessons for the Future?
by Goran Vukšić - 331-350 Assessing the Impact of Tax Evasion on Long-Term Fiscal Imbalance: A Sensitivity Analysis Application
by Lucia Mihóková & Radovan Dráb & Andrea Kralik - 351-374 Macroeconomic Drivers of Non-Performing Loans: A Meta-Regression Analysis
by Martin Macháček & Aleš Melecký & Monika Šulganová - 375-376 All the Relevant Information on Foreign Direct Investment in One Book Publication
by Ilya Bolotov
2018, Volume 2018, Issue 2
- 131-148 What Common Factors are Driving Inflation in CEE Countries?
by Aleksandra Halka & Grzegorz Szafranski - 149-168 Disappearing Borders in the Visegrad Countries
by Ádám Márkus - 169-195 SSD Efficiency at Multiple Data Frequencies: Application on the OECD Countries
by Umut Ugurlu & Oktay Tas & Celal Barkan Guran & Aysun Guran - 196-214 Evaluating Competencies of Graduates in Tourism as a Prerequisite for Future Employability
by Lukáš Malec & Alžbeta Kiráľová - 215-231 The Determinants of Inward FDI in Selected ServiceS Industries in MalaysiA
by Tham Siew Yean & Andrew Jia-Yi Kam & Nirwan bin Noh - 232-247 Using Economic Value Added in Ex-Ante Profitability Calculation of Bank´s Medium-Sized Clients
by Štěpánka Křečková
2018, Volume 2018, Issue 1
- 3-20 Determinants of Bank Fee Income in the EU Banking Industry - Does Market Concentration Matter?
by Karolína Vozková & Petr Teplý - 21-39 Is a Model of Comprehensive Regionalism Trade-Increasing for V4 Countries? Sectoral Approach
by Iryna Gauger & Katarzyna Sledziewska - 40-54 Income, Charitable Giving, and Perception Bias
by Kun Su & Rui Wan - 55-72 Risk-Based Investing in the German Stock Market
by Jan Bastin - 73-91 Some Effects of Intellectual Property Protection on National Economies: Theoretical and Econometric Study
by Tomáš Evan & Pavla Vozárová & Ilya Bolotov - 92-112 Quantile Parameter Heterogeneity in the Finance-Growth Relation: The Case of OECD Countries
by Sinem Guler Kangalli Uyar & Umut Uyar - 113-128 Effects of EU Expansion on Migrants Employment and Income: A Natural Experiment
by Jan-Jan Soon
2017, Volume 2017, Issue 6
- 633-645 Inflation and Income Inequality
by Arkadiusz Sieron - 646-660 Financial Distress and Managerial Turnover: The Case of the Republic of Serbia
by Dragana Radjen & Nemanja Stanisic - 661-689 The Recent Effects of Exchange Rate on International Trade
by Myoung Shik Choi - 690-721 Foreign Exchange Market Contagion in Central Europe from the Viewpoint of Extreme Value Theory
by Narcisa Kadlčáková & Luboš Komárek - 722-743 Some Forms of Risk Regulation in Solvency II
by Tomáš Cipra & Radek Hendrych - 744-760 The Effectiveness of Investment Incentives in the Turkish Manufacturing Industry
by Halit Yanikkaya & Hasan Karaboga
2017, Volume 2017, Issue 5
- 505-522 The Metropolisation Processes A Case of Central Europe and the Czech Republic
by Milan Viturka & Vilém Pařil & Petr Tonev & Petr Šašinka & Josef Kunc - 523-541 Forward Guidance, Pros, Cons and Credibility
by Maciej Ryczkowski - 542-560 Stochastic Claims Reserving in Insurance Using Random Effects
by Michal Gerthofer & Michal Pešta - 561-577 The Proposal of a Tool for Candidates Selection for Employment. The Case of Survey Interviewers
by Alina Morosanu & Elisabeta Jaba & Daniela Serban - 578-601 Evidence of Asymmetries and Nonlinearity of Unemployment and Labour Force Participation Rate in Ukraine
by Iryna Lukianenko & Marianna Oliskevych - 602-629 Volatility Strangeness of Bonds - How to Define and What Does it Bring?
by Bohumil Stádník & Václav Žďárek
2017, Volume 2017, Issue 4
- 377-396 Personal Loan Companies in Poland: Does Empirical Evidence Justify Regulatory Transition?
by Andrzej Cwynar & Wiktor Cwynar & Kamil Wais & Radoslaw Parda - 397-421 Conceptualization of Historical Time in Post Keynesian Economics
by Zdeněk Chytil & Lukáš Máslo - 422-437 Employment Growth and Labour Elasticity in V4 Countries: Structural Decomposition Analysis
by Martin Hudcovský & Martin Lábaj & Karol Morvay - 438-449 Modelling of Unemployment Duration in the Czech Republic
by Adam Čabla & Ivana Malá - 450-466 Calculation of Solvency Capital Requirements for Non-life Underwriting Risk Using Generalized Linear Models
by Jiří Valecký - 467-486 Higher Education and Economic Growth. A Comparison between Czech Republic and Romania
by Bogdan Oancea & Richard Pospíšil & Raluca Mariana Drăgoescu - 487-499 Green Growth, Green Economy and Sustainable Development: Terminological and Relational Discourse
by Armand Kasztelan - 500-502 The Third Book Containing a Professional and Impartial Analysis of Important Aspects of the Most Radical Changes in the National Economy since the Year 1918
by Jaroslav Daňhel
2017, Volume 2017, Issue 3
- 257-268 Financial Stress in the Czech Republic: Measurement and Effects on the Real Economy
by Ján Malega & Roman Horváth - 269-285 A Comprehensive Method for House Price Sustainability Assessment in the Czech Republic
by Hana Hejlová & Michal Hlaváček & Luboš Komárek - 286-299 Central Banks Inflation Forecast and Expectations. A Comparative Analysis
by Magdalena Szyszko - 300-316 Examining of Determinants of Non-Performing Loans
by Nikola Radivojevic & Jelena Jovovic - 317-329 Do the Selected Characteristics of Public Tenders Affect the Likelihood of Filing Petitions with the Regulators of Public Tenders?
by Michal Plaček & Martin Schmidt & František Ochrana & Michal Půček - 330-344 The Effect of Ethics on Banks Financial Performance
by Radek Halamka & Petr Teplý - 345-359 Multinational Resilience or Dispensable Jobs? German FDI and Employment in the Czech Republic Around the Great Recession
by Michael Moritz & Bastian Stockinger & Merlind Trepesch - 360-373 Sovereign Bond Spreads in the EMU Peripheral Countries. The Role of the Outright Monetary Transactions
by Wojciech Grabowski & Ewa Stawasz
2017, Volume 2017, Issue 2
- 127-141 Univariate and Bivariate Volatility in Central European Stock Markets
by Claudiu Boţoc - 142-154 Government Size and Economic Growth in Turkey: A Threshold Regression Analysis
by Pelin Varol Iyidogan & Taner Turan - 155-169 GDP Forecasting by Czech Institutions: An Empirical Evaluation
by Jiří Šindelář - 170-187 (Local) Wage Settings and (International) Entry Deterrence
by Domenico Buccella - 188-197 IPO Price, Heterogeneous Priors and Gradual Information Flows
by Yu Jiang & Xianming Fang & Haofei Wang - 198-212 Competition of Currencies: An Alternative to Legal Tender
by Kateřina Gawthorpe - 213-226 International Competitiveness of Czech Manufacturing - A Sectoral Approach with Error Correction Model
by Magdalena Olczyk & Aleksandra Kordalska - 227-239 Valuation Standards for Insurance Companies in the Financial Theory
by Milan Hrdý & Eva Ducháčková - 240-252 Location of Unwanted Facilities in Prague: NIMBY in Public Administration Hierarchy
by Martin Dlouhý & Tomáš Hudeček - 253-254 Control and Takeover of Companies as Strategy of Growth
by Gijs Van Dijck
2017, Volume 2017, Issue 1
- 3-18 The Impacts of Common Commercial Policy on Export Performances of Visegrad Countries
by Tinatin Akhvlediani & Katarzyna Śledziewska - 19-35 Customer Satisfaction with Quality of Products of Food Business
by Petr Suchánek & Jiří Richter & Maria Králová - 36-54 The Unusual Case of the Discount Offers for Taking the Control: Evidence from Romania
by Victor Dragotă & Radu Ciobanu - 55-71 Surprise Effect of Euro Area Macroeconomic Announcements on CIVETS Stock Markets
by Laura Wallenius & Elena Fedorova & Sheraz Ahmed & Mikael Collan - 72-89 Stability and Satisfaction at Work During the Spanish Economic Crisis
by María Carmen Sánchez-Sellero & Pedro Sánchez-Sellero & María Montserrat Cruz-González & Francisco Javier Sánchez-Sellero - 90-102 Determinants of Route Presence in the EU Airline Industry
by Ivana Tománková - 103-120 Minimum Variance Portfolios in the German Stock Market
by Jan Bastin - 121-124 Results of the National Economic Experiment in the Modern Economic History in the Czech Republic
by Tomáš Hřebík
2016, Volume 2016, Issue 6
- 637-654 Equilibrium National Border and Its Stability
by Nathan Berg & Jeong-Yoo Kim - 655-670 Euro Dominance Hypothesis and Monetary Policy Independence the Czech Perspective
by Łukasz Goczek & Dagmara Mycielska - 671-685 Evaluating the Regulatory Burden: Pollutant Release and Transfer Reporting Costs
by Eliška Vejchodská & Lenka Slavíková & Vítězslav Malý - 686-705 Dynamic Nexus between Exchange Rate and Stock Prices in the Major East European Economies
by Dejan Živkov & Jovan Njegić & Vera Mirović - 706-722 The Distributional Impacts of Meal Vouchers in the Czech Republic
by Petr Janský & Lenka Röhryová - 723-741 EIC: A New Tool for Intellectual Capital Performance Measurement
by Bojan Krstić & Ljiljana Bonić - 742-753 Current Account, Consumption and Capital Mobility: An Econometric Approach
by Václava Pánková - 754-770 A Few Critical Comments to the Paper by Marek Loužek: The Economic Approach to Science
by Jan Ámos Víšek
2016, Volume 2016, Issue 5
- 509-526 The Impact of Economic Crisis on Convergence Processes in European Union Regions
by Beata Bal-Domańska - 527-546 Exchange Rates Forecasting: Can Jump Models Combined with Macroeconomic Fundamentals Help?
by Tomáš Bunčák - 547-559 Short Sale and Index Futures Mispricing: Evidence from the Warsaw Stock Exchange
by Edyta Marcinkiewicz - 560-576 Cross-Border Effects of Car Scrapping Schemes: The Case of the German Car Scrapping Programme and its Effects on the Czech Economy
by Petr Maleček & Ota Melcher - 577-590 Versioning Goods and Joint Purchase: Substitution and Complementarity Strategies
by Francisco Martínez-Sánchez - 591-606 Vote Buying and Victory of Election: The Case of Taiwan
by Chyi-Lu Jang & Chun-Ping Chang - 607-616 Is There Any Time-Varying Relationship between Fiscal and Trade Deficits in Turkey?
by Bariş Gök & Abdurrahman Nazif Çatik - 617-633 Why Are Savings Accounts Perceived as Risky Bank Products?
by Hana Džmuráňová & Petr Teplý
2016, Volume 2016, Issue 4
- 381-395 Can the Taylor Rule be a Good Guidance for Policy? The Case of 2001-2008 Real Estate Bubble
by Mateusz Machaj - 396-410 Regime Switching Behaviour of Real Estate and Equity Prices in Emerging Countries
by Mato Njavro & Petra Posedel & Maruška Vizek - 411-426 The Effect of Foreign Trade on Real Wages: The Case of Turkey
by Hacer Simay Karaalp-Orhan & Orhan Sevcan Günes - 427-444 Euro Adoption and Export: A Case Study of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Old EU Member States
by Oliver Polyák - 445-458 The Impact of a Fat Tax: Progressive in Health, but Regressive in Income?
by Tatiana Chudá & Petr Janský - 459-475 Logo Colour, Earnings Management and Firm Value
by Tao Chen - 476-493 Determinants of Development of the Mutual Fund Industry. A Socio-Cultural Approach
by Ingrid-Mihaela Dragotă & Delia Tatu-Cornea & Narcis Tulbure - 494-506 The Economic Approach to Science
by Marek Loužek
2016, Volume 2016, Issue 3
- 253-270 Exchange Rate Volatility and Uncovered Interest Rate Parity in the European Emerging Economies
by Dejan Živkov & Jovan Njegić & Mirela Momčilović & Ivan Milenković - 271-286 Current Account Deficit, Budget Deficit and Savings Gap: Is the Twin or Triplet Deficit Hypothesis Valid in G7 Countries?
by Yusuf Ekrem Akbaş & Fuat Lebe - 287-303 Development of the Corporate Social Responsibility Concept in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
by Renata Skýpalová & Renata Kučerová & Veronika Blašková - 304-320 Political Business Cycle in the Czech Republic: Case of Municipalities
by Michal Plaček & Milan Půček & František Ochrana & Milan Křápek & Lenka Matějová - 321-334 Money Market Equilibrium in the Czech Republic
by Jana Juriová - 335-353 Measuring Yields: Arithmetic, Geometric and Horizon-Consistent Average
by Michal Dvořák - 354-373 The Added Value of Women in Management: The Czech Case
by Zuzana Křečková & Dana Zadražilová & Hana Řezanková - 374-377 A Modern Labour Economics Textbook
by Dagmar Brožová
2016, Volume 2016, Issue 2
- 127-142 Bank Capital, Risk and Performance in European Banking: A Case Study on Seven Banking Sectors
by Irina Raluca Busuioc Witowschi & Florin Alexandru Luca - 143-159 Formal Assessments, Teams and Influence of a Project Champion in the Selection of ICT Projects: A Czech Republic and UK Study
by Frank Lefley & Josef Hynek & Václav Janeček - 160-174 Cooperation Patterns in the Tourism Business: The Case of Poland
by Krzysztof Borodako & Ivan Kožić - 175-188 Fiscal Sustainability in Central and Eastern European Countries - A Post-Crisis Assessment
by Piotr Krajewski & Michał Mackiewicz & Agata Szymańska - 189-202 Segmentation of Consumers in the Context of their Space Behaviour: Case Study of Bratislava
by Marta Grossmanová & Pavol Kita & Marta Žambochová - 203-220 Fisher and Mises on Zero Interest: A Reconsideration
by Pavel Potužák - 221-233 The Effect of Inventory Level on Product Availability and Sale
by Aleksandar Grubor & Nikola Milićević & Nenad Djokic - 234-246 Czech Economist Karel Engliš and his Relation to The Austrian School in the First Half of the 20th Century
by Ilona Bažantová - 247-249 Original Bilingual Publication on Banking
by Pavla Klepková Vodová
2016, Volume 2016, Issue 1
- 3-18 Active Management and Price Efficiency of Exchange-traded Funds
by Tao Chen & Karen H. Y. Wong & Masayuki Susai - 19-36 The Causes of Early-Stage Entrepreneurial Discontinuance
by Martin Lukeš & Jan Zouhar - 37-52 Structural Changes in the Czech Economy: A DSGE Model Approach
by Jan Čapek - 53-70 Persistence of Cooperation on Innovation: Econometric Evidence from Panel Micro Data
by Martin Srholec - 71-84 Inflation Differentials among Czech Households
by Petr Janský & Pavel Hait - 85-98 The Factors of Growth of Small Family Businesses - A Robust Estimation of the Behavioural Consistency in Panel Data Models
by Vladimír Benáček & Eva Michalíková - 99-111 Work Incentive and Productivity in Spain
by Mabel Pisa & Rosario Sánchez - 112-124 Company Profitability Before and After IPO. Is it a Windows Dressing or Equity Dilution Effect?
by Radosław Pastusiak & Monika Bolek & Maciej Malaczewski & Marta Kacprzyk
2015, Volume 2015, Issue 6
- 621-637 The Impact of the CCCTB Introduction on the Distribution of the Group Tax Bases Across the EU: The Study for the Czech Republic
by Danuše Nerudová & Veronika Solilová - 638-661 Accounting Accruals and Information Asymmetry in Europe
by Antonio Cerqueira & Claudia Pereira - 662-677 To Lend or to Borrow on the Interbank Market: What Matters for Commercial Banks in the Visegrad Countries
by Pavla Vodová - 678-698 The Euro Crisis and Contagion among Central and Eastern European Currencies: Recommendations for Avoiding Lending in a Safe Haven Currency such as CHF
by Gábor Dávid Kiss & Tamás Schuszter - 699-714 The Capital Structure Management in Companies of Selected Business Branches of Building in Conditions of the Czech Republic
by Růčková Petra & Heryán Tomáš - 715-728 Systematically Important Domestic Banks: An Indicator-Based Measurement Approach for the Ukrainian Banking System
by Anna Buriak & Serhiy Lyeonov & Tetiana Vasylieva - 729-743 Investigating Exchange Rate Exposure of Energy Firms: Evidence from Turkey
by Serkan Yilmaz Kandir & Ahmet Erismis & Ilhan Ozturk
2015, Volume 2015, Issue 5
- 485-502 Empirical Evidence of Ideal Filter Approximation: Peripheral and Selected EU Countries Application
by Jitka Poměnková & Roman Maršálek - 503-515 Hysteresis and the NAIRU: The Case of Countries in Transition
by Gordana Marjanovic & Ljiljana Maksimovic & Nenad Stanisic - 516-537 Financial Risk and Real Variables: Evidence Based on a SVAR Analysis of the Czech Economy
by Vít Pošta & Zdeněk Pikhart - 538-561 The Performance of Foreign-Owned Banks in Host Country Economies
by Tereza Fišerová & Petr Teplý & David Tripe - 562-580 Remittances and their Impact on the Czech Economy
by Martina Šimková & Jitka Langhamrová - 581-601 An Analysis of Expenses for the Outsourcing of Policy Advice on the Level of the Ministries of the Czech Republic
by Arnošt Veselý & František Ochrana & Stanislav Klazar - 602-617 The Poor or the Kids? Distributional Impacts of Taxes and Benefits Among Czech Households
by Libor Dušek & Klára Kalíšková & Daniel Münich
2015, Volume 2015, Issue 4
- 371-385 Economic Interpretation of Human Behaviour in Terms of Health Promotion
by Zdeněk Chytil & Arnošt Klesla & Tomáš Kosička - 386-398 The Stability of the Credit Supply in the Globalized Banking Sector Environment: The Case of the EU New Member States-10
by Mejra Festić - 399-415 Knowledge Relatedness and Knowledge Space Based on EPO Patents
by Jana Vlčková & Nikola Kaspříková - 416-433 Evaluation of the Impacts of Rural Development Policy Measures on the Local Economy in the Czech Republic
by Zuzana Bednaříková - 434-451 Efficiency in the Slovak Banking Industry: A Comparison of Three Approaches
by Martin Boďa & Emília Zimková - 452-472 Directed Technical Change, Technology Adoption and the Resource Curse Hypothesis
by George Adu - 473-481 Realism, Instrumentalism and the Time Aspect of Theory Building
by Miroslav Svoboda
2015, Volume 2015, Issue 3
- 245-259 Credit Value Adjustment and Economic Motivation to Trade on PXE
by Igor Paholok - 260-273 FDI to EU15 and New Member States: Comparative Analysis of Inflow Determinants
by Viktorija Igošina - 274-286 The Improvement of Unemployment Rate Predictions Accuracy
by Mihaela Simionescu - 287-306 A Model of German Spot Power Market
by Jiří Šumbera & Martin Dlouhý - 307-331 Financial Position of Czech Employees at the Beginning of the 3rd Millennium according to Educational Attainment
by Diana Bílková - 332-353 Consumer's Behaviour in East Slovakia after Euro Introduction during the Crisis
by Eva Litavcová & Robert Bucki & Róbert Štefko & Petr Suchánek & Sylvia Jenčová - 354-363 An Empirical Analysis of Factors Affecting Prices of Intangible Assets: A Preliminary Testing in Consumer Durables Sector
by Pavel Svačina - 364-367 A Noteworthy Book on the Financial Crisis and Personal Finance
by Marek Loužek
2015, Volume 2015, Issue 2
- 125-135 What is the Real Effect of Schooling on Economic Growth?
by Rudolf Kubík - 136-153 Foreign Direct Investment and the Business Cycle: New Insights after the Great Recession
by Carlos Rodríguez & Ricardo Bustillo - 154-172 Homo Economicus and Homo Stramineus
by Marek Hudík - 173-191 Econometric Model of the Czech Life Insurance Market
by Radek Hendrych & Tomáš Cipra - 192-210 An Empirical Analysis of the Diffusion of Information across Stock Markets of Central and Eastern Europe
by Ovidiu Stoica & Mark J. Perry & Seyed Mehdian - 211-224 Cross-National Variation in Income Inequality and its Determinants: An Application of Bayesian Model Averaging on a New Standardized Inequality Data Set
by Jiří Hasman & Josef Novotný - 225-241 The Sources of the Total Factor Productivity Growth in Lithuanian Family Farms: A Färe-Primont Index Approach
by Tomas Baležentis
2015, Volume 2015, Issue 1
- 3-16 Portfolio Selection with Uncertainty Measures Consistent with Additive Shifts
by Rosella Giacometti & Sergio Ortobelli & Tomáš Tichý - 17-37 Czech Exports and German GDP: A Closer Look
by Josef Taušer & Markéta Arltová & Pavel Žamberský - 38-59 The Effect of Female Managers on Gender Wage Differences
by Veronika Hedija - 60-72 Causality Relationship between Financial Intermediation by Banks and Economic Growth: Evidence from Serbia
by Saša Obradović & Milka Grbić - 73-87 Uneployment Dynamics in Central Europe: A Labour Flow Approach
by Vladislav Flek & Martina Mysíková - 88-104 Eurozone Crisis
by Marek Loužek - 105-122 A Historical View on the Development of Czech Economy from 1970
by Kristýna Vltavská & Jaroslav Sixta
2014, Volume 2014, Issue 4
- 413-425 Could Inward FDI Offset the Substitution Effect of Outward FDI on Domestic Investment? Evidence from Malaysia
by Soo Khoon Goh & Koi Nyen Wong - 426-445 The Impact of Firms' Characteristics on Export Barriers' Perception: A Case of Serbian Exporters
by Predrag D. Radojevic & Darko Marjanovic & Tatjana Radovanov - 446-473 The Welfare Cost of the EMU for Transition Countries
by Alexandra Ferreira-Lopes - 474-492 The Weak Relation between Foreign Direct Investment and Corruption: A Theoretical and Econometric Study
by Tomáš Evan & Ilya Bolotov - 493-513 Economic Crisis and Wage Divergence: Empirical Evidence from Romania
by Gheorghe Zaman & Zizi Goschin - 514-530 Determinants of VAT Gap in EU
by Hana Zídková - 531-540 Asset Valuation Standards: A Functional-Institutional Approach
by Tomáš Krabec
2014, Volume 2014, Issue 3
- 269-289 The Reaction Function of Three Central Banks of Visegrad Group
by Josef Arlt & Martin Mandel - 290-314 A Monetary Policy Rule Based on Fuzzy Control in an Inflation Targeting Framework
by Jaromír Kukal & Tran Van Quang - 315-329 Interest Rates Close to Zero, Post-crisis Restructuring and Natural Interest Rate
by Piotr Ciżkowicz & Andrzej Rzońca - 330-348 A Study of Income Stability in the Czech Republic by Finite Mixtures
by Jitka Bartošová & Nicholas T. Longford - 349-370 On Sums of Claims and their Applications in Analysis of Pension Funds and Insurance Products
by Rastislav Potocký & Helmut Waldl & Milan Stehlík - 371-387 Variability of Dynamic Correlation - The Evidence of Sector-Specific Shocks in V4 Countries
by Jitka Poměnková & Svatopluk Kapounek & Roman Maršálek - 388-410 Kuznets Inverted U-Curve Hypothesis Examined on Up-To Date Observations for 145 Countries
by Oksana Melikhova & Jakub Čížek
2014, Volume 2014, Issue 2
- 143-161 The Level of Capital and the Value of EU Banks under Basel III
by Barbora Šútorová & Petr Teplý - 162-180 Financial Development and Innovation Activity: Evidence from Selected East Asian Countries
by Lain-Tze Tee & Soo-Wah Low & Si-Roei Kew & Noor A. Ghazali - 181-197 Are TIMSS Scores Suitable Proxies for Nations' Human Capital?
by Jiří Mazurek - 198-216 Analysis of Production - Inventory Decisions in a Decentralized Supply Chain
by Saeed Alaei & Masoud Behravesh & Nayere Karegar - 217-232 Transaction Costs in International Armaments Cooperation
by Vladan Holcner & Marek Sedlačik & Jaroslav Michálek & Jakub Odehnal - 233-249 Competent Alternative Model for the Peasants' Medical Expenditures in China: A Case of New Rural Cooperative Medical Service System (Nrcms) in Zhejiang Province
by Lu Wencong & Cheng Ying & Mohummed Shofi Ullah Mazumder - 250-265 What General Competencies Are Required from the Czech Labour Force?
by Jiří Balcar & Lenka Janíčková & Lenka Filipová
2014, Volume 2014, Issue 1
- 3-23 Monetary Policy Efficiency in Conditions of Excess Liquidity Withdrawal
by Martin Mandel & Vladimír Tomšík - 24-41 Systemic Risk of the Global Banking System - An Agent-Based Network Model Approach
by Tomáš Klinger & Petr Teplý - 42-62 Mothers and Daughters: Heterogeneity of German Direct Investments in the Czech Republic
by Daniel Münich & Martin Srholec & Michael Moritz & Johannes Schäffler