2005, Volume 2005, Issue 4
- 331-349 A Classification of International Business Strategies in the Czech Republic: A Longitudinal Analysis of Selected Firms
by James D. Goodnow & Pavel Vopařil - 350-362 Investigating the Economic Impact of Immigration on the Host Country: The Case of Norway
by Mete Feridun - 363-374 Cruel Altruism
by Jiří Hlaváček & Michal Hlaváček
2005, Volume 2005, Issue 3
- 195-220 Czech Economy: First Year after the EU Entry
by Kamil Janáček & Eva Zamrazilová - 221-237 Distributive Impact of Czech Social Security and Tax Systems: Dynamics in Early 2000s
by Ondřej Schneider & Tomáš Jelínek - 239-251 Determinants of Growth and Convergence in Transitive Economies in the 1990s: Empirical Evidence from a Panel Data
by Menbere T. Workie - 253-266 Potential Output in the Czech Republic: A Production Function Approach
by Jaromír Hurník & David Navrátil - 267-276 Health Care Regulation: Impact on the Supply of Outpatient Services in the Czech Republic
by Martin Dlouhý
2005, Volume 2005, Issue 2
- 99-108 Spontaneous Euroization in the Czech Republic (is it a problem and why not?)
by Martina Horníková & Jaromír Hurník & Viktor Kotlán - 109-116 Effects of Macroeconomic Policies and Stock Market Performance on the Estonian Economy
by Yu Hsing - 117-129 Empirical Testing of New Keynesian Phillips Curve in Conditions of the Czech Republic in 1994 - 2003
by Josef Arlt & Miroslav Plašil - 131-146 Financial Market in the Czech Republic and Human Capital Investment: Private Financing of Higher Education
by Václav Urbánek & Kateřina Maršíková-Nepolská - 147-162 Understanding Corruption and Corruptibility Through Experiments
by Libor Dušek & Andreas Ortmann & Lubomír Lízal - 163-170 Dynamical Agents' Strategies and the Fractal Market Hypothesis
by Lukáš Vácha & Miloslav S. Vošvrda - 171-179 Impact of Monetary Policy on Economic Instability in Turkey (1983 - 2003)
by Mete Feridun
2005, Volume 2005, Issue 1
- 3-16 Fiscal Deficits and Inflation in the Transition Countries
by Vratislav Izák - 17-32 Financial Integration and the New EU Member Countries: Challenges and Dilemmas
by Antonín Rusek - 33-50 Debt Management in the Czech Republic (formation in the 1990s and the current state)
by Ivan Matalík & Michal Slavík - 51-63 Estimation of the Czech Republic Sacrifice Ratio for the Transition Period
by Roman Hušek & Tomáš Formánek - 64-81 Social Health Insurance and Its Failures in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: The Role of the State
by Jozef Medveď & Juraj Nemec & Leoš Vítek - 82-88 Sustainability of Current Account for Turkey: Intertemporal Solvency Approach
by Huseyin Kalyoncu
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 4
- 291-309 Foreign Trade in Environmental Goods in the Czech Republic (1993 - 2002)
by Eva Tošovská - 310-322 Social Policies and Structures Under Transition: Cohesion and Tensions
by Jiří Večerník - 323-338 Selected Problems of Public Expenditure Programmes on Regional Level in the Czech Republic
by Markéta Šumpíková & Jana Krbová & Jan Pavel & Juraj Nemec - 339-345 Impacts of Macroeconomic Policies on Output in the Czech Republic: An Application of Romer's ISMP-IA Model
by Yu Hsing - 347-358 Current Account Deficits in the Transition Economies
by Mark J. Holmes - 359-375 Development of Czech Economic Theory from the Aspect of Discussions in the Politická Ekonomie Journal (1953 - 1989)
by Jiří Řezník
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 3
- 195-216 Czech Economy at the Time of EU Entry
by Kamil Janáček & Eva Zamrazilová - 217-236 Voting Power Indicators in the European Union
by Marek Loužek - 237-259 Pension Reform in the Czech Republic: Present Situation and Future Prospects (A Comparison with Austria)
by Marie Vavrejnová & Eva Belabed & Karl Wörister - 261-277 An Empirical Investigation Into the Determinants of External Indebtedness
by Menbere Workie Tiruneh
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 2
- 99-114 Economic and Monetary Union in the Accession Countries - Political and Economic Contexts
by Maria Dunin-Wasowicz - 115-120 How to Rationalize the Export-Saving Paradigm (the Czech experience)
by Bruno S. Sergi & Karel Vít - 121-141 Quantifying the Second-Round Effects of Supply-Side Shocks on Inflation
by Tibor Hlédik - 142-158 Fiscal Consolidation in General Equilibrium Framework (the case of the Czech Republic)
by Jaromír Hurník - 159-175 Capital Structure of Listed Companies in Visegrad Countries
by Patrik Bauer - 176-186 Accession to the Monetary Union and Slovenian Monetary Policy Under Exchange Rate Targeting
by Peter Mikek
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 1
- 3-15 Public Debt Service, Interest Rates and Fiscal Variables in Transition Countries
by Vratislav Izák - 17-25 Efficiency of the Secondary T-Bill Market
by Zdeněk Dvorný - 26-39 An Application of the Garch-t Model on Central European Stock Returns
by Miloslav Vošvrda & Filip Žikeš - 40-54 On the Non-Neutrality of Money: Evidence from the 1990s
by Petr Duczynski - 55-66 Being Acquainted with the Employer in Slovenia: Yes-For Employment, No-For Promotion
by Marko Ferjan & Tomaž Kern & Goran Vukovič - 67-81 Technology and Antitrust Policies in a Polluting Industry
by Joel Sandonís & Petr Mariel
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 4
- 291-315 Estimates of fundamental real exchange rates for the five eu pre-accession countries
by Kateřina Šmídková & Ray Barrell & Dawn Holland - 317-329 Strategic market research and industry structure in integrated economy
by Jacek Cukrowski & Manfred M. Fischer - 331-349 Credit guarantees in a credit market with adverse selection
by Karel Janda - 350-370 Testing convergence in life expectancies: count regression models on panel data
by Stefano Mainardi
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 3
- 195-216 Economic and monetary union accession and capital flows
by Jiří Jonáš - 217-232 Bank of slovenia adjustment policy to surges in capital flows
by Žan Oplotnik - 233-248 Informative value of firm capital structure
by Patrik Bauer & Vít Bubák - 249-264 Leakages in dual exchange markets
by Fuhmei Wang - 265-281 Can pro-natalist policy be effective?
by Marek Loužek
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 2
- 99-120 Czech economy in 2002: record-low inflation
by Kamil Janáček & Eva Zamrazilová - 121-130 Performance of czech voucher-privatized firms
by Evžen Kočenda - 131-144 Czech banking in comparative perspective
by Martin Myant - 145-153 An institutional setup of the czech market for treasury securities
by Zdeněk Dvorný - 155-168 Heterogeneous agent model with memory and asset price behaviour
by Miloslav Vošvrda & Lukáš Vácha - 169-186 Causality between exports and economic growth: empirical estimates for slovenia
by Jani Bekő
2003, Volume 2003, Issue 1
- 3-17 Historical perspectives of growth, integration and policies for catching-up in transition countries
by Vladimír Benáček - 19-36 Restructuring of manufacturing industry in the central and east european countries
by Peter Havlik - 37-56 The "new economy" and catching-up potential of transition economies
by Marcin Piatkowski - 57-67 Utilities: deregulated or re-regulated?
by Jiří Schwarz - 68-83 Forecasting with leading economic indicators - a non-linear approach
by Timotej Jagric
2002, Volume 2002, Issue 4
- 291-317 Convergence process of central and eastern european countries toward the european union as measured by macroeconomic polygons
by Vladimír Nachtigal & Martin Srholec & Vladimír Tomšík & Markéta Votavová - 318-338 Social expenditures (czech - austrian comparison)
by Marie Vavrejnová & Karl Wörister - 339-355 Foreign ownership and export propensity: the slovenian experience
by Matija Rojec & Jože P. Damijan & Boris Majcen - 356-369 Optimal timing of tv commercials: symmetrical model
by Tomáš Kadlec
2002, Volume 2002, Issue 3
- 201-236 Analysis of the development of the czech economy in 2001 and outlook for 2002 and 2003
by Petr Dufek & Marián Vávra & Milan Václavík - 237-254 Inflation targeting in poland (a comparison with the czech republic)
by Helena Horská - 255-268 Firm ownership structures: dynamic development
by Evžen Kočenda & Juraj Valachy - 269-279 Privatizing a service sector: where to start?
by Jacek Cukrowski
2002, Volume 2002, Issue 2
- 99-120 Czech economy at the beginning of 2002: uncertain prospects
by Kamil Janáček & Eva Zamrazilová - 121-134 Managing economic convergence and financial stability in the czech republic
by Oldřich Dědek - 135-147 Exchange rate, inflation and real economic growth in transitive economies
by Jaroslava Durčáková & Martin Mandel - 149-165 Growth accounting in transitive economies
by Jiří Jaroš - 167-183 Competitive advantage of enterprises in small transforming economy (example of slovakia)
by Štefan Slávik
2002, Volume 2002, Issue 1
- 3-16 Central and east european countries after entering the european union
by Tomáš Cahlík - 17-37 The uncovered parity properties of the czech koruna
by Alexis Derviz - 39-56 Selected factors influencing the money demand development in the czech republic in 1994 - 2000
by Josef Arlt & Milan Guba & Štěpán Radkovský & Vladimír Stiller & Milan Sojka - 57-66 Foreign direct investment in central europe - does it crowd in domestic investment?
by Jan Mišun & Vladimír Tomšík - 67-86 International monetary fund bailouts, moral hazard and private sector involvement
by Jiří Jonáš
2001, Volume 2001, Issue 4
- 179 Reweighting the votes in the council of ministers (double simple majority voting rule and the nice compromise)
by František Turnovec - 180 Inflation targeting and monetary policy rule of the czech national bank
by Helena Horská - 181 European union: stability or instability for small periphery economies
by Serhan Çiftçioglu - 182 Structural changes in transitive economies
by Anna Kadeřábková & Martin Srholec - 183 Old age pension system reforms in the czech republic and slovenia
by Marie Valentová - 184 Environmental policy impact on a dynamic investment schedule
by Jan Brůha
2001, Volume 2001, Issue 3
- 175 Earnings disparities in the czech republic: evidence of the past decade and cross-national comparison
by Jiří Večerník - 176 The central bank independence and accountability in context of accession of the czech republic to the european union
by Ilona Bažantová & Marek Loužek - 177 Probable consequences for the czech republic in implementing the acquis communautaire in the sphere of commercial policy
by Jan Hřích - 178 Decade in transition economies - comparative analysis of economic growth
by Jiří Jaroš
2001, Volume 2001, Issue 2
- 169 Czech economy in 2001: catching up again?
by Kamil Janáček & Eva Zamrazilová & Vladimír Tomšík - 170 Czech labour market flows from 1993 to 2000
by Jaromír Gottvald - 171 What is the optimal rate of disinflation to be targeted in the czech economy?
by Lavan Mahadeva & Kateřina Šmídková - 172 Czech banks in context of the economy's equilibrium, growth and competitiveness
by Petr Chvojka - 173 On educational attainment in transition economies
by Petr Duczynski - 174 Investment appraisal of advanced manufacturing technology in the czech republic, usa and united kingdom
by Ladislav Hájek & Josef Hynek & Václav Janeček & Frank Lefley & Frank Wharton
2001, Volume 2001, Issue 1
- 162 Ten years on (some lessons from the transition)
by Josef Tošovský - 163 The role of the czech national bank monetary instruments in interest rates targeting during transition
by Zdeněk Dvorný - 164 Regional reform in the czech republic and regional disparities in the extending european union
by František Turnovec - 165 The behavioral maladjustment of the communist managerial elites (the case of the czech republic)
by Tomáš Cvrček - 166 International monetary fund after the financial crises of the 1990s
by Jiří Jonáš - 167 International portfolio diversification in the central european region
by Milan Neubauer - 168 Coalition formation and eastward expansion of the european union (implications for the council)
by Peter Silárszky & René Levínský
2000, Volume 2000, Issue 4
- 86 Transformation, integration and inequality: the case of the czech republic
by Milan Sojka - 87 Macroeconomic development in the czech republic and accession to the european union
by Jan Fidrmuc & Jarko Fidrmuc - 88 Czech foreign trade in the nineties: adaptation to developed markets
by Vladimír Tomšík & Eva Zamrazilová - 89 Impact of foreign trade on market concentration (czech manufacturing industries in 1993 - 1997)
by Alena Zemplinerová - 90 How should the international monetary fund function in the modern world?
by Mária Havrilová - 91 A note on coase versus pigou: institutionalism versus interventionism
by Chris Coeck
2000, Volume 2000, Issue 3
- 78 In search for a new anchor: inflation targeting in the czech republic
by Jiří Jonáš - 79 The czech experience with inflation targeting in transition
by Kateřina Šmídková & Miroslav Hrnčíř - 80 The czech embarrassment of inflation targeting in transition
by Martin Mandel & Vladimír Kosmata - 81 Large bank privatization and economic transformation in the czech republic in the nineties
by Donald G. Simonson - 82 The comovements of the short interest rates in central and east european countries
by Martin Scheicher - 83 Monopolistic credit market in the conditions of imperfect information
by Karel Janda - 84 A new textbook of economic policy
by Petr Soukup - 85 A successful book on the czech book market
by Jitka Koderová
2000, Volume 2000, Issue 2
- 70 Czech economy on a way back to growth
by Kamil Janáček & Martin Čihák & Marie Frýdmanová & Tomáš Holub & Eva Zamrazilová - 71 Czech economy in 2000 and 2001
by Jiří Křovák & Jan Filáček - 72 Czech foreign trade in the economic transition
by Jaroslav Foltýn & Jan Hřích - 73 Post-privatization corporate governance in eastern europe (the case of the czech republic)
by Mária Havrilová - 74 New issues in voting power analysis
by František Turnovec - 75 Economics for everybody and a cookbook for teachers
by Milan Žák - 76 Original view on transformation of the czech banking system
by Roman Matoušek - 77 Obligatory teaching aid for businessmen, economists and managers
by Jiří Dědina
2000, Volume 2000, Issue 1
- 61 Corporate governance and residual state property (two qualitative shortcomings of privatization in transition countries)
by Wladimir Andreff - 62 Disinflation, supply shocks and monetary policy
by Vratislav Izák - 63 Pension policy in the czech republic (lessons from a comparative study with hungary and poland)
by Marek Mora - 64 Economics of transition: the inflation multiplier
by Davorin Kračun - 65 All that should be known about repo
by Petr Dvořák - 66 New approaches to time series analysis
by Tomáš Cipra - 67 Natural resources valuation
by Antonín Dvořák - 68 Development and outstanding problems of european union
by Petr Soukup - 69 Comprehensive assessment on world economy as a real system and a theoretical discipline
by Jan Hřích
1999, Volume 1999, Issue 4
- 54 Government failure in transition process
by Milan Žák - 55 Economic growth and structural adjustment in transition (the case of the czech republic)
by Anna Kadeřábková - 56 The persistence of moderate inflation in the czech republic and the czk crisis of may 1997
by Josef C. Brada & Ali M. Kutan - 57 Seigniorage and fiscal seigniorage in the czech republic
by Jacek Cukrowski & Emil Stavrev - 58 Technological innovations and r&d strategies in the czech republic
by Marie Bohatá - 59 Active employment policy: a chance for czech labour market?
by Marie Frýdmanová & Eva Zamrazilová - 60 Europe: west and east partners in the 2000
by Bruno Sergio Sergi
1999, Volume 1999, Issue 3
- 46 Employment structure and unemployment in the czech republic
by Vladislav Flek - 47 An analysis of the determinants of managerial pay in the czech republic
by Tor Eriksson & Jaromír Gottwald & Pavel Mrázek - 48 Industrial relations in the czech republic
by Jiří Kleibl & Zuzana Dvořáková - 49 The restructuring after privatization in the czech republic
by Michal Mejstřík - 50 Depreciation rates in a transition economy: evidence from czech panel data
by Lubomír Lízal
1999, Volume 1999, Issue 2
- 42 Czech economy in 1999: struggling for revival
by Kamil Janáček & Martin Čihák & Marie Frýdmanová & Tomáš Holub & Eva Zamrazilová - 43 The effects of tariff structure changes on comparative advantage after the accession of the czech republic to the european union
by Marie Vavrejnová - 44 Czech enterprises: the barriers to restructuring
by Martin Myant - 45 International business transformation patteerns of czech enterprises since the velvet revolution and the velvet divorce
by James D. Goodnow
1999, Volume 1999, Issue 1
- 36 Relations between the european union and the visegrad group of eastern europe: examining the barriers to integraton
by Mária Havrilová - 37 Fiscal issues in post-communist economies: a pragmatic and aggressive fiscal rule
by Bruno Sergio Sergi - 38 Prague stock exchange: sectorial indices development in 1997
by Jiří Trešl - 39 Cointegration between stock market indices: the case of the slovak and czech stock price indices
by Dawit Alemu Bemerew - 40 Estimating the fundamental equilibrium exchange rate for the czech economy
by Kateřina Šmídková - 41 The development of small and medium-sized companies in the czech republic
by Marie Bohatá & Jan Mládek
1998, Volume 1998, Issue 4
- 157 Convergence of real economy in central and eastern european countries on european union
by Růžena Vintrová - 158 Monetary transmission mechanism (lending channel)
by Vratislav Izák - 159 Impact of foreign direct investment on the restructuring and growth in manufacturing
by Alena Zemplinerová - 160 Social transfers in the period of transformation and their effects
by Tomáš Sirovátka - 161 Econometric modelling of indonesian lumber and plywood products industry: a policy simulation analysis
by Anton Abdulbasah Kamil
1998, Volume 1998, Issue 3
- 152 Echoing the european monetary integration in the czech republic
by Oldřich Dědek - 153 National trajectories of post-socialist tranformation: is there a convergence towards western capitalisms?
by Bernard Chavance & Eric Magnin - 154 Producer prices and inflation rate in the czech republic
by Tomáš Holub - 155 Transformation in a socio-economic perspective
by Jiří Večerník - 156 Non-stationarity and structural breaks in mineral price and supply historical series
by Stefano Mainardi
1998, Volume 1998, Issue 2
- 148 Czech economy in 1998: risks and challenges
by Kamil Janáček & Martin Čihák & Marie Frýdmanová & Tomáš Holub & Eva Zamrazilová - 149 Financial context of ceec process of privatization and restructuring (czech republic, poland, hungary)
by Petr Chvojka - 150 Development of foreign trade and balance of payments in the czech republic, hungary and poland
by Vladimír Tomšík - 151 Model for support of decision making in environmental policy - negotiation between authority and polluters
by Petr Šauer & Petr Fiala & Antonín Dvořák
1998, Volume 1998, Issue 1
- 142 The czech economy in the first half of the 1990s: comparison with similar european economies
by Vladimír Nachtigal - 143 Convergence for european union accession: challenges for czech monetary policy
by Stanislava Janáčková - 144 Banking regulation and supervision: lessons from the czech republic
by Roman Matoušek - 145 Some implications of voucher privatization for corporate governance
by Marie Bohatá - 146 Risk reduction of households waste: contingent valuation analysis
by Petr Šauer & Stanislava Mildeová - 147 Whose failure: market or philosophy?
by Jiří Kinkor
1997, Volume 1997, Issue 4
- 134 Peter F. Drucker awarded honorary doctorate
by editors - 135 Remarks of Peter F. Drucker
by editors - 136 Privatisation as a process of property right redistribution
by Karel Kouba - 137 Czech republic: outlook of accession to the european union
by Luděk Urban - 138 Fiscal convergence to the countries of european union and the state burden
by Vladimír Benáček - 139 Changing foreign trade patterns in post-reform czech industry (1989-1995) - empirical evidence
by Frank Stolze - 140 Conditional variance and fluctuation band
by Evžen Kočenda - 141 The development of otc and exchange-traded derivatives in the czech republic
by Josef Jílek
1997, Volume 1997, Issue 3
- 127 Milton friedman awarded honorary doctorate
by editors - 128 Remarks of milton friedman
by editors - 129 Remarks of prime minister of the ČR Václav Klaus
by editors - 130 Macroeconomic analysis of the czech economy 1996
by Mojmír Hájek - 131 Price liberalization in the czech republic: shock therapy versus gradualism
by Jan Hanousek & Libor Krkoška - 132 Analysis of import demand in the czech republic
by Tomáš Holub - 133 The long way - a great illusion
by Robert Holman
1997, Volume 1997, Issue 2
- 123 Czech economy at the beginning of 1997
by Kamil Janáček & Martin Čihák & Marie Frýdmanová & Tomáš Holub & Eva Zamrazilová - 124 Foreign direct investment in the czech manufacturing sector
by Vladimír Benáček & Alena Zemplinerová - 125 Ethical infrastructure of emerging markets
by Marie Bohatá - 126 Environmental impairment liability in the czech republic
by Eva Tošovská