June 2011, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 379-390 User engagement in sustainability research
by Sonia Talwar & Arnim Wiek & John Robinson - 391-402 Participatory paternalism: citizens' conferences in Austrian technology governance
by Alexander Degelsegger & Helge Torgersen - 403-415 Fostering sustainable technologies: a framework for analysing the governance of innovation systems
by Karl Hillman & Måns Nilsson & Annika Rickne & Thomas Magnusson - 416-417 Sifting the wisdom of greybeards
by David Bruggeman - 417-419 What to do with politicized science?
by Jean-Baptiste Gouyon - 419-420 The sociology of scientific work
by Geneviève Teil
May 2011, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 254-268 UK universities look beyond the patent policy discourse in their intellectual property strategies
by Birgitte Andersen & Federica Rossi - 269-278 Scientific publications and patenting by companies: a study of the whole population of Canadian firms over 25 years
by Éric Archambault & Vincent Larivière - 279-292 Making climate change governable: the case of the UK climate change risk assessment and adaptation planning
by Janette Webb - 293-305 Does technical education in India contribute to its Core-HRST? A case study of IIT Madras
by Anant Kamath - 307-318 Innovation in global public goods: issues and challenges in provision of environment-monitoring services in Europe
by Mohammed Saad & Surja Datta & Dimitrios Papadakis - 319-331 Agricultural biotechnology and regulatory innovation in India
by Julia Freeman & Terre Satterfield & Milind Kandlikar - 332-333 Information infrastructures and understanding of global warming
by Gianluca Miscione - 334-335 The interdisciplinary impacts of nanotechnology: a look into the future
by Evan S Michelson
April 2011, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 170-184 Are incubators and science parks effective for research spin-offs? Evidence from Italy
by Elisa Salvador & Secondo Rolfo - 185-198 Challenges for career and mobility of researchers in Europe
by Ludmila Ivancheva & Elissaveta Gourova - 199-211 Conflicting advocacy coalitions in an evolving modern biotechnology regulatory subsystem: policy learning and influencing Kenya's regulatory policy process
by Ann Njoki Kingiri - 213-224 Mode-2 social science knowledge production? The case of Danish sociology between institutional crisis and new welfare stabilizations
by Kristoffer Kropp & Anders Blok - 225-236 Co-producing European climate science and policy: a cautionary note on the making of useful knowledge
by Eva Lövbrand - 237-250 Do public research organisations own most patents invented by their staff?
by Joaquín M Azagra-Caro - 251-252 Microchips are made of people
by Ben Li
March 2011, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 82-86 Introduction to special issue: The policy rationale for cross-sector research collaboration and contemporary consequences
by Tim Turpin & Manuel Fernández-Esquinas - 87-97 Cross-sector research collaboration in Australia: the Cooperative Research Centres Program at the crossroads
by Sam Garrett-Jones - 99-107 Institutionalization of university-industry interaction: an empirical study of the impact of formal structures on collaboration patterns
by Taran Thune & Magnus Gulbrandsen - 109-121 Institutions and practice in cross-sector research collaboration: conceptual considerations with empirical illustrations from the German science sector
by Daniel Schiller - 123-133 Cross-sector research collaboration in the USA: a national innovation system perspective
by Denis O Gray - 135-146 Emerging forms of cross-sector collaboration in the Spanish innovation system
by Manuel Fernández-Esquinas & Irene Ramos-Vielba - 147-155 Irish experience of cross-sector research collaboration initiatives
by Jim Ryan - 157-167 Structural innovations: towards a unified perspective?
by Jeremy Howells & Jakob Edler
February 2011, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 3-6 Introduction to special issue: The emerging role of universities in socio-economic development through knowledge networking
by Mohammed Saad & Girma Zawdie - 7-17 University and innovation systems: the case of India
by Surja Datta & Mohammed Saad - 19-29 The knowledge sphere, social capital and growth of indigenous knowledge-based SMEs in the Thai dessert industry
by Nattaka Yokakul & Girma Zawdie - 31-42 What are the factors driving university-industry linkages in latecomer firms: evidence from Mexico
by José Luis Sampedro - 43-53 Fostering university-industry interactions under a triple helix model: the case of Nuevo Leon, Mexico
by Marcia Villasana - 55-66 Measuring the roles universities play in regional innovation systems: a comparative study between Chilean and Canadian natural resource-based regions
by Scott Tiffin & Martin Kunc - 67-78 Are small, medium- and micro-sized enterprises engines of innovation? The reality in South Africa
by Irma Booyens - 79-80 A classic laboratory study in science policy clothing
by Olof Hallonsten
December 2010, Volume 37, Issue 10
- 731-735 Economic implications of raising the threshold funding limits on US Small Business Innovation Research awards
by Peter M Bearse & Albert N Link - 737-750 Exploring the conundrum of the new knowledge production regime: an ethnographic case study on the governance and outcomes of a science/policy network in genetics
by Jean-Louis Denis & F A Miller - 751-764 Improving input from research to environmental policy: challenges of structure and culture
by Rebecca Clark & John Holmes - 765-780 The making of research funding in Austria: transition politics and institutional development, 1945–2005
by Michael Stampfer & Rupert Pichler & Reinhold Hofer - 781-795 Explaining local variation in agri-food biotechnology policies: ‘green’ genomics regulation in comparative perspective
by M Howlett & A Migone - 797-798 Who is governing transformative technological innovation?
by David Bruggeman - 798-801 Innovation studies and developing countries
by Rob Hagendijk
November 2010, Volume 37, Issue 9
- 646-664 Europeanization of innovation policy in Central and Eastern Europe
by Margit Suurna & Rainer Kattel - 665-677 Science diplomacy at the intersection of S&T policies and foreign affairs: toward a typology of national approaches
by Tim Flink & Ulrich Schreiterer - 679-688 Technology and industrial clusters: how different are they to manage?
by Michele Coletti - 689-701 Reframing norms: boundary maintenance and partial accommodations in the work of academic technology transfer
by Carrie B Sanders & Fiona Alice Miller - 703-718 ‘How do we know it's not been done yet?!’ Trust, trust building and regulation in stem cell research
by Stephen R Bates & Wendy Faulkner & Sarah Parry & Sarah Cunningham-Burley - 719-722 Hallmarks of an effective non-governmental organisation: the formation and management of Australia's Wentworth Group
by Jerome K Vanclay - 723-724 Metaphors as mirrors, magicians and mutineers
by Amanda Williams - 724-725 Charting a course for bioethics
by Mark B Brown - 726-727 Myths of technology: innovation and inequality
by Camille D Ryan
October 2010, Volume 37, Issue 8
- 559-570 The internationalisation of public sector research through international joint laboratories
by Koen Jonkers & Laura Cruz-Castro - 571-582 Weak knowledge demand in the South: learning divides and innovation policies
by Rodrigo Arocena & Judith Sutz - 583-596 Governing ethical clinical research in developing countries: exploring the case of Mexico
by Fernando Santiago Rodríguez - 597-609 Embryos, ethics and expertise: the emerging model of the research ethics regulator
by Megan Allyse - 611-627 Room for the River: Room for Research? The case of depoldering De Noordwaard, the Netherlands
by Cees Leeuwis & Annemarie van Paassen - 629-630 Chris Freeman: the person
by Luc Soete - 631-635 Christopher Freeman: a social scientist and a progressive intellectual
by Giovanni Dosi - 637-638 International cluster networks
by Cooper H Langford - 638-640 The case against growth
by Stefan Mendritzki - 640-641 Deciphering innovation and entrepreneurship in functional regions
by Li Tang - 641-642 Nano goes global
by Janna Rosales - 643-644 Analysing multi-level governance and learning dynamics in European clusters: a complex picture?
by Aygen Kurt-Dickson
August 2010, Volume 37, Issue 7
- 471-472 Introduction to special issue: Interactions between public research organisations and industry in Latin America: a study on channels and benefits from the perspective of firms and researchers
by Gabriela Dutrénit - 473-484 Channels, benefits and risks of public—private interactions for knowledge transfer: conceptual framework inspired by Latin America
by Valeria Arza - 485-498 Academy—industry links in Brazil: evidence about channels and benefits for firms and researchers
by A C Fernandes & B Campello de Souza & A Stamford da Silva & W Suzigan & C V Chaves & E Albuquerque - 499-511 Interactions between public research organisations and industry in Argentina
by Valeria Arza & Claudia Vazquez - 513-526 Channels of interaction between public research organisations and industry and their benefits: evidence from Mexico
by Gabriela Dutrénit & Claudia De Fuentes & Arturo Torres - 527-540 Quality of interactions between public research organisations and firms: lessons from Costa Rica
by Jeffrey Orozco & Keynor Ruiz - 541-553 Channels and benefits of interactions between public research organisations and industry: comparing four Latin American countries
by Gabriela Dutrénit & Valeria Arza - 554-556 Custodians of water
by Mohammed H I Dore & Geoff Black
July 2010, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 391-400 Introduction to a special issue: New insights on EU-US comparison of corporate R&D
by Pietro Moncada-Paternò-Castello - 401-412 Structural changes in industrial R&D in Europe and the US: towards a new model?
by Dominique Foray & Stéphane Lhuillery - 413-428 Business R&D in the ICT sector: examining the European ICT R&D deficit
by Sven Lindmark & Geomina Turlea & Martin Ulbrich - 429-441 EU-US differences in the size of R&D intensive firms: do they explain the overall R&D intensity gap?
by Raquel Ortega-Argilés & Andries Brandsma - 443-453 R&D in services industries and the EU-US R&D investment gap
by Vincent Duchêne & Elissavet Lykogianni & Arnold Verbeek - 455-466 Financing constraints and R&D investments of large corporations in Europe and the US
by Michele Cincera & Julien Ravet - 467-468 Mobilizing science: a close look at the social side of science
by Stelvia Matos
June 2010, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 314-330 The effects of government, academic and industrial policy on cross-university collaboration
by Benjamin Y Clark - 331-342 China is catching up in science and innovation: the experience of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
by Xielin Liu & Tingting Zhi - 343-353 Are the concepts basic research, applied research and experimental development still useful? An empirical investigation among Norwegian academics
by Magnus Gulbrandsen & Svein Kyvik - 355-367 Breaking the expertise barrier: understanding activist strategies in science and technology policy domains
by Shobita Parthasarathy - 369-379 Doing research, creating impact: using ‘PROTEE’ to learn from a genetically modified tree field trial
by Helena Valve & Ruth McNally & Ari Pappinen - 381-388 Brain drain of the scientific community of developing countries: the case of Sri Lanka
by M U M Anas & Seetha I Wickremasinghe
May 2010, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 239-251 Dialogue in or with the peer review? Evaluating research organizations in order to promote organizational learning
by Finn Hansson - 253-265 A paradigm shift in European R&D policy? The EU Budget Review and the economic crisis
by Robert Kaiser & Heiko Prange-Gstöhl - 267-281 Researchers' roles in knowledge co-production: experience from sustainability research in Kenya, Switzerland, Bolivia and Nepal
by Christian Pohl & Stephan Rist & Anne Zimmermann & Patricia Fry & Ghana S Gurung & Flurina Schneider & Chinwe Ifejika Speranza & Boniface Kiteme & Sébastian Boillat & Elvira Serrano & Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn & Urs Wiesmann - 283-296 The impact of EU policy-driven research networks on the diffusion and deployment of innovation at the national level: the case of Greece
by Aimilia Protogerou & Yannis Caloghirou & Evangelos Siokas - 297-310 Policies for co-ordination in the European Research Area: a view from the social sciences and humanities
by Nikos Kastrinos - 311-312 Building blocks of organisational behaviour
by Abdullah Gök
April 2010, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 167-179 Engaging with future technologies: how potential future users frame ecogenomics
by Anneloes Roelofsen & Jacqueline Broerse & Tjard de Cock Buning & Joske Bunders - 181-191 The innovation landscape of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province
by Tariq Bashir & Khalid Khan & Khaleel Malik - 193-204 Trends in the organization of public research organizations: lessons from the Brazilian case
by Sergio Salles-Filho & Maria Beatriz & Machado Bonacelli - 205-217 Epistemic communities and two goals of delegation: hormone growth promoters in the European Union
by Claire A Dunlop - 219-232 Credibility, salience, and legitimacy of boundary objects: water managers' assessment of a simulation model in an immersive decision theater
by Timothy Lant & Clea Senneville - 235-236 A revolution in energy technologies
by Cooper H Langford
March 2010, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 87-100 Governing innovation in the biomedicine knowledge economy: stem cell science in the USA
by Brian Salter & Charlotte Salter - 101-112 Evolutionary interpretation of venture capital policy in Israel, Germany, UK and Scotland
by Gil Avnimelech & Alessandro Rosiello & Morris Teubal - 113-124 National innovation policy and global open innovation: exploring balances, tradeoffs and complementarities
by Sverre J Herstad & Carter Bloch & Bernd Ebersberger & Els van de Velde - 125-134 Ignorance, research and decisions about abandoned opencast coal mines
by Matthias Gross - 135-146 Turning brain drain into brain networking
by Ioan M Ciumasu - 147-159 Technology transfer from universities and public research institutes to firms in Brazil: what is transferred and how the transfer is carried out
by Luciano Martins Costa Póvoa & Márcia Siqueira Rapini - 161-162 Innovating in the public sector services?
by J Adam Holbrook - 162-163 Networked science for a networked century
by Avi Caplan - 163-164 Hail to the chef
by Laura Forlano
February 2010, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 3-6 Introduction to a special section: Impacts and implications of future-oriented technology analysis for policy and decision-making
by Karel Haegeman & Jennifer C Harper & Ron Johnston - 7-18 Joint horizon scanning: identifying common strategic choices and questions for knowledge
by Victor van Rij - 19-30 Adaptive foresight in the creative content industries: anticipating value chain transformations and need for policy action
by Fabienne Abadie & Michael Friedewald & K Matthias Weber - 31-40 Critical success factors for government-led foresight
by Jonathan Calof & Jack E Smith - 41-50 Future technology analysis for biosecurity and emerging infectious diseases in Asia-Pacific
by Nares Damrongchai & Ponpiboon Satangput & Greg Tegart & Chatri Sripaipan - 51-61 User-driven innovation? Challenges of user involvement in future technology analysis
by Wout Joseph & Tom Deryckere & Luc Martens - 63-78 Impact of Swiss technology policy on firm innovation performance: an evaluation based on a matching approach
by Spyros Arvanitis & Laurent Donzé & Nora Sydow - 79-80 A fun overview for undergraduates
by Jacob Stegenga - 80-82 Innovation in policy and not more policies for innovation?
by Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia
December 2009, Volume 36, Issue 10
- 743-752 Indicator development as ‘boundary spanning’ between scientists and policy-makers
by Helga Pülzl & Ewald Rametsteiner - 753-762 When and how to use bibliometrics as a screening tool for research performance
by Ulrich Schmoch & Torben Schubert - 763-775 Characterizing the European university system: a preliminary classification using census microdata
by Andrea Bonaccorsi & Cinzia Daraio - 777-789 Too big to fly? A review of the first EU citizens' conferences
by Laurie Boussaguet & Renaud Dehousse - 791-798 The science-policy interface: experience of a workshop for climate change researchers and water managers
by Katharine Jacobs & Gregg Garfin & James Buizer - 799-808 A trans-Keynesian vision of innovation for the contemporary economic crisis: ‘picking winners’ revisited
by Henry Etzkowitz & Marina Ranga - 809-811 A day in the life of an Iranian S&T policy researcher
by Sepehr Ghazinoory - 813-814 Laboring through the models
by David Bruggeman - 814-815 The interface of science and politics: a watershed
by Susana Borrás
November 2009, Volume 36, Issue 9
- 659-666 Public research funding systems in central and eastern Europe: between excellence and relevance: introduction to special section
by Slavo Radosevic & Benedetto Lepori - 667-681 Comparing the organization of public research funding in central and eastern European countries
by Julita Jabłecka & Karel Sima & Kadri Ukrainski - 683-695 Competition for public project funding in a small research system: the case of Estonia
by Jaan Masso & Kadri Ukrainski - 697-708 Between historical heritage and policy learning: the reform of public research funding systems in Poland, 1989–2007
by Julita Jabłecka & Benedetto Lepori - 709-721 The planning, management and communication of research to inform environmental policy making and regulation: an empirical study of current practices in Europe
by John Holmes & Jennie Savgård - 723-735 The importance of the ‘international collaboration dividend’: the case of China
by David Tyfield & Yongguan Zhu & Jinghua Cao - 737-738 Principles matter
by Paul Dufour - 739-740 Painful econometrics
by Jay Stewart
October 2009, Volume 36, Issue 8
- 583-585 Getting patent policy right: an introduction to a special issue on the European patent system
by Matthew J Elsmore - 587-594 Prevailing impact trends in patenting
by Matthew J Elsmore - 595-607 Academic patenting and the professor's privilege: evidence on Denmark from the KEINS database
by Francesco Lissoni & Peter Lotz & Jens Schovsbo & Adele Treccani - 609-618 Increasing access to patented inventions by post-grant measures
by Jens Schovsbo - 619-629 Governing the patent system in Europe: the EPO's supranational autonomy and its need for a regulatory perspective
by Ingrid Schneider - 631-640 Patent reform in Europe and the US
by Susana Borrás & Brian Kahin - 641-647 Cooperation, trust and risk in the world's major patent offices
by Peter Drahos - 649-652 Getting patent policy right: a conclusion to a special issue on the European patent system
by Matthew J Elsmore - 653-655 Shift to a new economy?
by Tanya Phillips - 655-655 Whither science and technology studies?
by Maria Nedeva
August 2009, Volume 36, Issue 7
- 499-510 Science and technology parks: habitats of innovation: introduction to special section
by Joan Bellavista & Luis Sanz - 511-521 Mainstreaming innovation policy in less favoured regions: the case of Patras Science Park, Greece
by Maria P Efstathiou & Petros P Groumpos - 523-535 Creativity: people, environment and culture, the key elements in its understanding and interpretation
by José Alberto S Aranha & Julia Zardo - 537-548 Homo creativus: creativity and serendipity management in third generation science and technology parks
by Ilkka Kakko & Sam Inkinen - 549-559 Defining regional research priorities: a new approach
by Hariolf Grupp & Sybille Hinze & Barbara Breitschopf - 561-573 The coproduction of immigrant integration policy and research in the Netherlands: the case of the Scientific Council for Government Policy
by Peter Scholten - 579-580 Wage disparity and innovation
by Walter D Valdiva
July 2009, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 419-430 Influence of research funding and science policy on university research performance: A comparison of five countries
by Mika Nieminen - 431-444 The evolution of Norway's national innovation system
by Jan Fagerberg & David C Mowery & Bart Verspagen - 445-455 Multiple institutional rationalities in the regulation of health technologies: An ethnographic examination
by Mavis Jones & Janice E Graham - 457-467 Public support to private innovation in multi-level governance systems: An empirical investigation
by Andrea Fernández-Ribas - 469-482 Science policy and public accountability in Poland: The case of embryonic stem-cell research
by Teresa Kulawik - 483-496 The trajectory of scientific citizenship in Denmark: Changing balances between public competence and public participation
by Niels Mejlgaard
June 2009, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 335-347 The National Citizens' Technology Forum: lessons for the future
by Mark Philbrick & Javiera Barandiaran - 349-360 Public procurement as an innovation policy tool: The role of institutions
by Max Rolfstam - 361-371 Local variation or global convergence in agricultural biotechnology policy? A comparative analysis
by Daniel Lee Kleinman & Abby J Kinchy & Robyn Autry - 373-386 University—industry interactions in an immature system of innovation: Evidence from Minas Gerais, Brazil
by Leandro Alves Silva & Sara Gonçalves Antunes de Souza & Hérica Morais Righi & Wellington Marcelo Silva da Cruz - 387-401 In search of relevance: The changing contract between science and society
by Laurens K Hessels & Harro van Lente & Ruud Smits - 403-412 The effectiveness of boundary objects: the case of ecological indicators
by Esther Turnhout - 413-414 Defining and exploring governance
by Jessica O'Reilly - 414-416 Not just a pretty patent
by David Bruggeman
May 2009, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 255-270 Assessing the impact of research on policy: A literature review
by Annette Boaz & Siobhan Fitzpatrick & Ben Shaw - 271-286 A new model of technological learning for Russia
by Tatyana Soubbotina & Charles Weiss - 287-299 What do civil society organisations expect from participation in science? Lessons from Germany and Spain on the issue of GMOs
by Maria Paola Ferretti & Vincenzo Pavone - 301-315 Export growth, foreign direct investment and technological capability building under the maquila model: Winding roads, few intersections
by Ramón Padilla-Pérez & Jorge Mario Martínez-Piva - 317-330 Why are top universities losing their lead? An economics modelling-based approach
by Peter Andras & Bruce G Charlton
April 2009, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 170-182 NanoSI: Exploring nanotechnology research conflation and nano-innovation dynamism in the case of Japan
by Nazrul Islam & Kumiko Miyazaki - 183-197 International collaboration in global environmental research: A comparison of the International Geosphere Biosphere Program and the International Hydrological Program
by Arlette Jappe - 199-213 Will genomics erode public health and prevention? A scenario of unintended consequences in the Netherlands
by Tilo Propp & Ellen H M Moors - 215-227 Differences in publication and dissemination practices between disciplinary and transdisciplinary science and the consequences for research evaluation
by Alexander Kaufmann & Andrea Kasztler - 229-239 The politics of risk in contemporary Portugal: Tensions in the consolidation of science-policy relations
by Maria Eduarda Gonçalves & Ana Delicado - 241-249 A model for national planning under new roles for government: Case study of the National Iranian Nanotechnology Initiative
by Sepehr Ghazinoory & Saber Mirzaei & Soroush Ghazinoori - 250-251 Informing and improving innovation policy
by Diana Hicks
March 2009, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 83-84 Introduction: New challenges for universities beyond education and research
by Bo Göransson & Rasigan Maharajh & Ulrich Schmoch - 85-90 Universities and socio-economic development in Tanzania: public perceptions and realities on the ground
by Burton L M Mwamila & Bitrina D Diyamett - 91-95 Reaching out to society: Vietnamese universities in transition
by Ngoc Ca Tran - 97-101 Higher education and socio-economic development in Cuba: high rewards of a risky high-tech strategy
by Isarelis Pérez Ones & Jorge Núñez Jover - 103-108 University-owned enterprises as entry point to the knowledge economy in China
by Wang Haiyan & Zhou Yuan - 109-114 University start-ups for breaking lock-ins of the Brazilian economy
by Anne-Marie Maculan & José Manoel Carvalho de Mello - 115-119 Bridging university and society in Uruguay: perceptions and expectations
by Isabel Bortagaray - 121-126 Towards a new role of universities in Russia: prospects and limitations
by Leonid Gokhberg & Tatiana Kuznetsova & Stanislav Zaichenko - 127-132 Rethinking the linkages between teaching and extension in South Africa
by Lindile L Ndabeni & Rasigan Maharajh - 133-137 Moving beyond teaching and research: economic and social tasks of universities in Latvia
by Anda Adamsone-Fiskovica & Janis Kristapsons & Erika Tjunina & Inga Ulnicane-Ozolina - 139-144 Linkages to the civil society as ‘leisure time activities’? Experiences at a German university
by Georg Krücken & Frank Meier & Andre Müller - 145-150 Vitalizing the Swedish university system: implementation of the ‘third mission’
by Bo Göransson & Claes Brundenius - 151-156 Linking between Danish universities and society
by Birgitte Gregersen & Lisbeth Tved Linde & Jorgen Gulddahl Rasmussen - 157-164 New activities of universities in transfer and extension: multiple requirements and manifold solutions
by Bo Göransson & Rasigan Maharajh & Ulrich Schmoch - 165-166 Where is the innovator without the capital?
by David Bruggeman - 166-167 Bringing developing country innovation into the mainstream
by Naubahar Sharif
February 2009, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 2-14 The alignment of public research supply and industry demand for effective technology transfer: the case of Italy
by Giovanni Abramo & Andrea D'Angelo - 15-31 Towards an innovation system in the traditional sector: the case of the Nigerian cocoa industry
by John Olatunji Adeoti & Olayiwola Olubamiwa - 33-45 Learning by firms: the black box of South Africa's innovation system
by Jo Lorentzen - 47-59 Bioethical governance and basic stem cell science: China and the global biomedicine economy
by Brian Salter & Ren-Zong Qiu - 61-71 State of exception in the regulation of genetically modified organisms in Brazil
by Victor Pelaez - 73-74 Underscoring the need for rigorous energy technology policy analysis
by Rebecca Johnson