2020, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 1011-1023 Climate Finance
by Harrison Hong & José A Scheinkman - 1024-1066 Pricing Uncertainty Induced by Climate Change
by Michael Barnett & William Brock & Lars Peter Hansen & Harrison Hong - 1067-1111 The Importance of Climate Risks for Institutional Investors
by Philipp Krueger & Zacharias Sautner & Laura T Starks - 1112-1145 Attention to Global Warming
by Darwin Choi & Zhenyu Gao & Wenxi Jiang - 1146-1183 Do Fund Managers Misestimate Climatic Disaster Risk
by Shashwat Alok & Nitin Kumar & Russ Wermers & Harrison Hong - 1184-1216 Hedging Climate Change News
by Robert F Engle & Stefano Giglio & Bryan Kelly & Heebum Lee & Johannes Stroebel - 1217-1255 Is the Risk of Sea Level Rise Capitalized in Residential Real Estate?
by Justin Murfin & Matthew Spiegel & Jose Scheinkman - 1256-1295 Does Climate Change Affect Real Estate Prices? Only If You Believe In It
by Markus Baldauf & Lorenzo Garlappi & Constantine Yannelis & José Scheinkman - 1296-1330 Corporate Governance and Pollution Externalities of Public and Private Firms
by Sophie A Shive & Margaret M Forster & Jose Scheinkman - 1331-1366 Temperature Shocks and Establishment Sales
by Jawad M Addoum & David T Ng & Ariel Ortiz-Bobea & Harrison Hong
2020, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 475-503 Financial Frictions and the Great Productivity Slowdown
by Romain Duval & Gee Hee Hong & Yannick Timmer & Philip Strahan - 504-535 Banks’ Balance Sheets and Liquidation Values: Evidence from Real Estate Collateral
by Rodney Ramcharan - 536-609 The Limits of Lending? Banks and Technology Adoption across Russia
by Çağatay Bircan & Ralph De Haas - 610-643 Government as Customer of Last Resort: The Stabilizing Effects of Government Purchases on Firms
by Jim Goldman & Philip Strahan - 644-688 Employment Protection, Investment, and Firm Growth
by John (Jianqiu) Bai & Douglas Fairhurst & Matthew Serfling & David Denis - 689-746 Flights to Safety
by Lieven Baele & Geert Bekaert & Koen Inghelbrecht & Min Wei - 747-782 Resiliency and Stock Returns
by Jian Hua & Lin Peng & Robert A Schwartz & Nazli Sila Alan - 783-828 Career Risk and Market Discipline in Asset Management
by Andrew Ellul & Marco Pagano & Annalisa Scognamiglio - 829-865 Dynamic Asset Sales with a Feedback Effect
by Sivan Frenkel & Itay Goldstein - 866-915 Over-the-Counter versus Limit-Order Markets: The Role of Traders’ Expertise
by Vincent Glode & Christian C Opp - 916-949 Financial Illiteracy and Pension Contributions: A Field Experiment on Compound Interest in China
by Changcheng Song & Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh - 950-989 Financial Literacy Externalities
by Michael Haliassos & Thomas Jansson & Yigitcan Karabulut & Lauren Cohen - 990-1008 Annual Report of the Society for Financial Studies for 2018–2019
by Andrew Ellul & Itay Goldstein & Craig Holden & Ron Masulis & Jeffrey Pontiff & Antoinette Schoar
2020, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-43 On the Effects of Restricting Short-Term Investment
by Nicolas Crouzet & Ian Dew-Becker & Charles G Nathanson - 44-74 Liquidity Provision Contracts and Market Quality: Evidence from the New York Stock Exchange
by Hendrik Bessembinder & Jia Hao & Kuncheng Zheng - 75-111 Dash for Cash: Monthly Market Impact of Institutional Liquidity Needs
by Erkko Etula & Kalle Rinne & Matti Suominen & Lauri Vaittinen - 112-154 Cross-Listings and the Dynamics between Credit and Equity Returns
by Patrick Augustin & Feng Jiao & Sergei Sarkissian & Michael J Schill - 155-211 Idiosyncratic Jump Risk Matters: Evidence from Equity Returns and Options
by Jean-François Bégin & Christian Dorion & Geneviève Gauthier - 212-238 Negative Swap Spreads and Limited Arbitrage
by Urban J Jermann - 239-260 On the Asset Market View of Exchange Rates
by A Craig Burnside & Jeremy J Graveline - 261-308 Priority Spreading of Corporate Debt
by Dominique C Badoer & Evan Dudley & Christopher M James - 309-357 Investment Timing and Incentive Costs
by Sebastian Gryglewicz & Barney Hartman-Glaser - 358-394 The Life Cycle of Corporate Venture Capital
by Song Ma - 395-432 Socioeconomic Status and Macroeconomic Expectations
by Sreyoshi Das & Camelia M Kuhnen & Stefan Nagel - 433-472 Peers’ Income and Financial Distress: Evidence from Lottery Winners and Neighboring Bankruptcies
by Sumit Agarwal & Vyacheslav Mikhed & Barry Scholnick
2019, Volume 32, Issue 12
- 4543-4603 Dynamic Interpretation of Emerging Risks in the Financial Sector
by Kathleen Weiss Hanley & Gerard Hoberg - 4604-4652 Are the Largest Banks Valued More Highly?
by Bernadette A Minton & René M Stulz & Alvaro G Taboada - 4653-4695 The Distortive Effects of Too Big To Fail: Evidence from the Danish Market for Retail Deposits
by Rajkamal Iyer & Thais Lærkholm Jensen & Niels Johannesen & Adam Sheridan - 4696-4733 Strategic Liquidity Mismatch and Financial Sector Stability
by André F Silva - 4734-4766 Auto Credit and the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform: The Impact of Eliminating Cramdowns
by Rajashri Chakrabarti & Nathaniel Pattison - 4767-4809 Bank-Branch Supply, Financial Inclusion, and Wealth Accumulation
by Claire Célerier & Adrien Matray - 4810-4854 Shareholder Wealth Consequences of Insider Pledging of Company Stock as Collateral for Personal Loans
by Ying Dou & Ronald W Masulis & Jason Zein - 4855-4904 Owners’ Portfolio Diversification and Firm Investment
by Evgeny Lyandres & Maria-Teresa Marchica & Roni Michaely & Roberto Mura - 4905-4946 Investor Protection and Asset Prices
by Suleyman Basak & Georgy Chabakauri & M Deniz Yavuz - 4947-4996 Cancellable Insider Trading Plans: An Analysis of SEC Rule 10b5-1
by Stephen L Lenkey - 4997-5047 Chasing Private Information
by Marcin Kacperczyk & Emiliano S Pagnotta - 5048-5099 The Fix Is In: Properly Backing out Backfill Bias
by Philippe Jorion & Christopher Schwarz
2019, Volume 32, Issue 11
- 4117-4155 The Value of Offshore Secrets: Evidence from the Panama Papers
by James O’Donovan & Hannes F Wagner & Stefan Zeume - 4156-4195 Private Contracting, Law and Finance
by Graeme G Acheson & Gareth Campbell & John D Turner - 4196-4227 Blockholder Heterogeneity, Multiple Blocks, and the Dance between Blockholders
by Charles J Hadlock & Miriam Schwartz-Ziv - 4228-4270 The Bright Side of Fire Sales
by Jean-Marie Meier & Henri Servaes - 4271-4303 Corporate Investment and Innovation in the Presence of Competitor Constraints
by William Grieser & Zack Liu - 4304-4342 Incentive Pay and Systemic Risk
by Rui Albuquerque & Luís Cabral & José Guedes - 4343-4386 Product Market Competition and Option Prices
by Erwan Morellec & Alexei Zhdanov - 4387-4446 Venture Capital and the Macroeconomy
by Christian C Opp - 4447-4500 A Theory of Multiperiod Debt Structure
by Chong Huang & Martin Oehmke & Hongda Zhong - 4501-4541 Bank Capital, Borrower Power, and Loan Rates
by João A C Santos & Andrew Winton
2019, Volume 32, Issue 10
- 3728-3761 Life below Zero: Bank Lending under Negative Policy Rates
by Florian Heider & Farzad Saidi & Glenn Schepens - 3762-3798 The Supply Side of Household Finance
by Gabriele Foà & Leonardo Gambacorta & Luigi Guiso & Paolo Emilio Mistrulli - 3799-3850 Understanding Mortgage Spreads
by Nina Boyarchenko & Andreas Fuster & David O Lucca - 3851-3883 The Persistence of Financial Distress
by Kartik Athreya & José Mustre-del-Río & Juan M Sánchez - 3884-3919 Noncognitive Abilities and Financial Distress: Evidence from a Representative Household Panel
by Gianpaolo Parise & Kim Peijnenburg - 3920-3957 Teachers Teaching Teachers: The Role of Workplace Peer Effects in Financial Decisions
by Gonzalo Maturana & Jordan Nickerson - 3958-4004 Matching in Housing Markets: The Role of Ethnic Social Networks
by Sumit Agarwal & Hyun-Soo Choi & Jia He & Tien Foo Sing - 4005-4040 Returns to Talent and the Finance Wage Premium
by Claire Célérier & Boris Vallée - 4042-4078 Financial Markets with Trade on Risk and Return
by Kevin Smith - 4079-4115 Interfund Lending in Mutual Fund Families: Role in Liquidity Management
by Vikas Agarwal & Haibei Zhao
2019, Volume 32, Issue 9
- 3299-3334 Understanding the Rise in Corporate Cash: Precautionary Savings or Foreign Taxes
by Michael W Faulkender & Kristine W Hankins & Mitchell A Petersen - 3335-3365 External Governance and Debt Structure
by Sreedhar T Bharath & Michael Hertzel - 3366-3411 Whatever It Takes: The Real Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy
by Viral V Acharya & Tim Eisert & Christian Eufinger & Christian Hirsch - 3412-3460 Credit Allocation Under Economic Stimulus: Evidence from China
by Lin William Cong & Haoyu Gao & Jacopo Ponticelli & Xiaoguang Yang - 3461-3499 The Economic Impact of Index Investing
by Jonathan Brogaard & Matthew C Ringgenberg & David Sovich - 3500-3543 External Equity Financing Shocks, Financial Flows, and Asset Prices
by Frederico Belo & Xiaoji Lin & Fan Yang - 3544-3570 Stock Volatility and the Great Depression
by Gustavo S Cortes & Marc D Weidenmier - 3571-3616 Measuring Tail Risks at High Frequency
by Brian M Weller - 3617-3666 Does Smooth Ambiguity Matter for Asset Pricing?
by A Ronald Gallant & Mohammad R Jahan-Parvar & Hening Liu - 3667-3723 Cumulative Prospect Theory, Option Returns, and the Variance Premium
by Lieven Baele & Joost Driessen & Sebastian Ebert & Juan M Londono & Oliver G Spalt
2019, Volume 32, Issue 8
- 2921-2954 Who Bears Interest Rate Risk?
by Peter Hoffmann & Sam Langfield & Federico Pierobon & Guillaume Vuillemey - 2955-2996 Mortgage Dollar Roll
by Zhaogang Song & Haoxiang Zhu - 2997-3035 Multinational Banks and Supranational Supervision
by Giacomo Calzolari & Jean-Edouard Colliard & Gyongyi Lóránth - 3036-3074 The Effects of Losing a Business Group Affiliation
by Borja Larrain & Giorgo Sertsios & Francisco Urzúa I - 3075-3104 Information Sharing, Holdup, and External Finance: Evidence from Private Firms
by Andrew Bird & Stephen A Karolyi & Thomas G Ruchti - 3105-3143 Repatriation Taxes and Foreign Cash Holdings: The Impact of Anticipated Tax Reform
by Lisa De Simone & Joseph D Piotroski & Rimmy E Tomy - 3144-3182 Consumption Taxes and Corporate Investment
by Martin Jacob & Roni Michaely & Maximilian A Müller - 3183-3214 How Close Are Close Shareholder Votes?
by Laurent Bach & Daniel Metzger - 3215-3265 Opportunistic Proposals by Union Shareholders
by John G Matsusaka & Oguzhan Ozbas & Irene Yi - 3266-3297 Freeze-Out Mergers
by Elif Dalkır & Mehmet Dalkır & Doron Levit
2019, Volume 32, Issue 7
- 2499-2540 Shock Propagation and Banking Structure
by Mariassunta Giannetti & Farzad Saidi - 2541-2586 The Agglomeration of Bankruptcy
by Efraim Benmelech & Nittai Bergman & Anna Milanez & Vladimir Mukharlyamov - 2587-2624 Anticollusion Enforcement: Justice for Consumers and Equity for Firms
by Sudipto Dasgupta & Alminas Žaldokas - 2625-2672 Noisy Stock Prices and Corporate Investment
by Olivier Dessaint & Thierry Foucault & Laurent Frésard & Adrien Matray - 2673-2719 Governance Under Common Ownership
by Alex Edmans & Doron Levit & Devin Reilly - 2720-2774 Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: The Effect of Passive Investors on Activism
by Ian R Appel & Todd A Gormley & Donald B Keim - 2775-2808 Soft Shareholder Activism
by Doron Levit - 2809-2849 Asset Pricing with Persistence Risk
by Daniel Andrei & Michael Hasler & Alexandre Jeanneret - 2850-2889 Resurrecting the Size Effect: Firm Size, Profitability Shocks, and Expected Stock Returns
by Kewei Hou & Mathijs A van Dijk & Laura StarksEditor - 2890-2919 Approaching Mean-Variance Efficiency for Large Portfolios
by Mengmeng Ao & Li Yingying & Xinghua Zheng
2019, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 2107-2148 Low Interest Rates and Risk-Taking: Evidence from Individual Investment Decisions
by Chen Lian & Yueran Ma & Carmen Wang - 2149-2178 Unleashing Animal Spirits: Self-Control and Overpricing in Experimental Asset Markets
by Martin G Kocher & Konstantin E Lucks & David Schindler - 2179-2224 Analyst Career Concerns, Effort Allocation, and Firms’ Information Environment
by Jarrad Harford & Feng Jiang & Rong Wang & Fei Xie - 2225-2259 Is Silence Golden? Real Effects of Mandatory Disclosure
by Sudarshan Jayaraman & Joanna Shuang Wu - 2260-2301 Institutional Investors and Information Acquisition: Implications for Asset Prices and Informational Efficiency
by Matthijs Breugem & Adrian Buss - 2302-2340 Contingent Convertibles with Stock Price Triggers: The Case of Perpetuities
by George Pennacchi & Alexei Tchistyi - 2341-2382 Social Risk, Fiscal Risk, and the Portfolio of Government Programs
by Samuel G Hanson & David S Scharfstein & Adi Sunderam - 2384-2421 Bank Resolution and the Structure of Global Banks
by Patrick Bolton & Martin Oehmke - 2422-2455 Asset Encumbrance, Bank Funding, and Fragility
by Toni Ahnert & Kartik Anand & Prasanna Gai & James Chapman & Philip StrahanEditor - 2456-2497 Financial Sector Stress and Risk Sharing: Evidence from the Weather Derivatives Market
by Daniel Weagley
2019, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 1647-1661 To FinTech and Beyond
by Itay Goldstein & Wei Jiang & G Andrew Karolyi - 1662-1715 The Blockchain Folk Theorem
by Bruno Biais & Christophe Bisière & Matthieu Bouvard & Catherine Casamatta - 1716-1753 Blockchain-Based Settlement for Asset Trading
by Jonathan Chiu & Thorsten V Koeppl - 1754-1797 Blockchain Disruption and Smart Contracts
by Lin William Cong & Zhiguo He - 1798-1853 Sex, Drugs, and Bitcoin: How Much Illegal Activity Is Financed through Cryptocurrencies?
by Sean Foley & Jonathan R Karlsen & Tālis J Putniņš - 1854-1899 The Role of Technology in Mortgage Lending
by Andreas Fuster & Matthew Plosser & Philipp Schnabl & James Vickery - 1900-1938 Peer-to-Peer Lenders Versus Banks: Substitutes or Complements?
by Huan Tang - 1939-1982 Marketplace Lending: A New Banking Paradigm?
by Boris Vallée & Yao Zeng - 1983-2020 The Promises and Pitfalls of Robo-Advising
by Francesco D’Acunto & Nagpurnanand Prabhala & Alberto G Rossi - 2021-2061 Big Data as a Governance Mechanism
by Christina Zhu - 2062-2106 How Valuable Is FinTech Innovation?
by Mark A Chen & Qinxi Wu & Baozhong Yang
2019, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 1235-1274 Firm Financing over the Business Cycle
by Juliane Begenau & Juliana Salomao - 1275-1308 Cyclical Dispersion in Expected Defaults
by João F Gomes & Marco Grotteria & Jessica A Wachter - 1309-1373 Private Equity and Financial Fragility during the Crisis
by Shai Bernstein & Josh Lerner & Filippo Mezzanotti - 1374-1415 Ratings-Based Regulation and Systematic Risk Incentives
by Giuliano Iannotta & George Pennacchi & João A C Santos - 1416-1456 Riding the Bubble with Convex Incentives
by Juan Sotes-Paladino & Fernando Zapatero - 1457-1493 Do Shocks to Personal Wealth Affect Risk-taking in Delegated Portfolios?
by Veronika K Pool & Noah Stoffman & Scott E Yonker & Hanjiang Zhang - 1494-1535 Limited Stock Market Participation Among Renters and Homeowners
by Roine Vestman - 1536-1572 Exploration Activity, Long-run Decisions, and the Risk Premium in Energy Futures
by Alexander David - 1573-1607 A Protocol for Factor Identification
by Kuntara Pukthuanthong & Richard Roll & Avanidhar Subrahmanyam - 1608-1646 Arbitrage Trading: The Long and the Short of It
by Yong Chen & Zhi Da & Dayong Huang
2019, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 819-863 Financing Entrepreneurial Production: Security Design with Flexible Information Acquisition
by Ming Yang & Yao Zeng - 864-904 Investing for Impact
by Bhagwan Chowdhry & Shaun William Davies & Brian Waters - 905-950 Corporate Strategy, Conformism, and the Stock Market
by Thierry Foucault & Laurent Fresard - 951-991 Estimating the Value of Information
by Ohad Kadan & Asaf Manela - 992-1033 Information, Trading, and Volatility: Evidence from Firm-Specific News
by Jacob Boudoukh & Ronen Feldman & Shimon Kogan & Matthew Richardson - 1034-1067 High-Frequency Market Making to Large Institutional Trades
by Robert A Korajczyk & Dermot Murphy - 1068-1101 Why Discrete Price Fragments U.S. Stock Exchanges and Disperses Their Fee Structures
by Yong Chao & Chen Yao & Mao Ye - 1102-1147 Grown-up Business Cycles
by Benjamin Wild Pugsley & Ay’egul ahin - 1148-1187 Macroeconomic Risk and Idiosyncratic Risk-taking
by Zhiyao Chen & Ilya A Strebulaev - 1188-1233 Inventory Behavior and Financial Constraints: Theory and Evidence
by Sudipto Dasgupta & Erica X N Li & Dong Yan
2019, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 423-466 Credit Supply and the Rise in College Tuition: Evidence from the Expansion in Federal Student Aid Programs
by David O Lucca & Taylor Nadauld & Karen Shen - 467-495 What’s the Catch? Suspicion of Bank Motives and Sluggish Refinancing
by Eric J Johnson & Stephan Meier & Olivier Toubia - 496-523 How Do Payday Loans Affect Borrowers? Evidence from the U.K. Market
by John Gathergood & Benedict Guttman-Kenney & Stefan Hunt - 524-563 Birds of a Feather: The Impact of Homophily on the Propensity to Follow Financial Advice
by Oscar Stolper & Andreas Walter - 564-604 How Organizational Hierarchy Affects Information Production
by Janis Skrastins & Vikrant Vig - 605-645 Informed Trading by Advisor Banks: Evidence from Options Holdings
by Michelle Lowry & Marco Rossi & Zhongyan Zhu - 646-687 Option Pricing of Earnings Announcement Risks
by Andrew Dubinsky & Michael Johannes & Andreas Kaeck & Norman J Seeger - 688-737 Comparables Pricing
by Justin Murfin & Ryan Pratt - 738-770 International Corporate Governance Spillovers: Evidence from Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
by Rui Albuquerque & Luis Brandão-Marques & Miguel A Ferreira & Pedro Matos - 771-817 Hostile Resistance to Hedge Fund Activism
by Nicole M Boyson & Pegaret Pichler
2019, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-41 The Cost of Immediacy for Corporate Bonds
by Jens Dick-Nielsen & Marco Rossi - 42-74 The Relevance of Credit Ratings in Transparent Bond Markets
by Dominique C Badoer & Cem Demiroglu - 75-125 Characteristic-Based Benchmark Returns and Corporate Events
by Hendrik Bessembinder & Michael J Cooper & Feng Zhang - 126-179 Trade-Time Measures of Liquidity
by Yashar H Barardehi & Dan Bernhardt & Ryan J Davies - 180-227 The VIX Premium
by Ing-Haw Cheng - 228-265 Demand for Crash Insurance, Intermediary Constraints, and Risk Premia in Financial Markets
by Hui Chen & Scott Joslin & Sophie Xiaoyan Ni - 266-299 Banks Response to Higher Capital Requirements: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment
by Reint Gropp & Thomas Mosk & Steven Ongena & Carlo Wix - 300-337 Heterogeneity in Target Date Funds: Strategic Risk-taking or Risk Matching?
by Pierluigi Balduzzi & Jonathan Reuter - 338-373 Revealing Downturns
by Martin C Schmalz & Sergey Zhuk - 374-422 Trading Regularity and Fund Performance
by Jeffrey A Busse & Lin Tong & Qing Tong & Zhe Zhang
2018, Volume 31, Issue 12
- 4595-4649 Does It Pay to Pay Attention?
by Antonio Gargano & Alberto G Rossi - 4650-4687 Rent Seeking by Low-Latency Traders: Evidence from Trading on Macroeconomic Announcements
by Tarun Chordia & T Clifton Green & Badrinath Kottimukkalur - 4688-4719 Active Fundamental Performance
by Hao Jiang & Lu Zheng - 4720-4761 Skewness Consequences of Seeking Alpha
by Kerry Back & Alan D Crane & Kevin Crotty - 4762-4814 Risk, Unemployment, and the Stock Market: A Rare-Event-Based Explanation of Labor Market Volatility
by Mete Kilic & Jessica A Wachter - 4815-4862 Can People Learn about ‘Black Swans’? Experimental Evidence
by Elise Payzan-LeNestour - 4863-4883 Long Forward Probabilities, Recovery, and the Term Structure of Bond Risk Premiums
by Likuan Qin & Vadim Linetsky & Yutian Nie - 4884-4911 Mortgage Supply and Housing Rents
by Pedro Gete & Michael Reher - 4912-4957 Got Rejected? Real Effects of Not Getting a Loan
by Tobias Berg - 4958-4994 Capital Inflows, Sovereign Debt and Bank Lending: Micro-Evidence from an Emerging Market
by Tomas Williams
2018, Volume 31, Issue 11
- 4099-4141 Strategic News Releases in Equity Vesting Months
by Alex Edmans & Luis Goncalves-Pinto & Moqi Groen-Xu & Yanbo Wang - 4142-4186 The Retention Effects of Unvested Equity: Evidence from Accelerated Option Vesting
by Torsten Jochem & Tomislav Ladika & Zacharias Sautner - 4187-4231 Product Market Competition Shocks, Firm Performance, and Forced CEO Turnover
by Sudipto Dasgupta & Xi Li & Albert Y Wang - 4232-4287 Agency Conflicts around the World
by Erwan Morellec & Boris Nikolov & Norman Schürhoff - 4288-4344 The Evolution of Corporate Cash
by John R Graham & Mark T Leary - 4345-4397 Extrapolation Bias and the Predictability of Stock Returns by Price-Scaled Variables
by Stefano Cassella & Huseyin Gulen - 4398-4446 The Liquid Hand-to-Mouth: Evidence from Personal Finance Management Software
by Arna Olafsson & Michaela Pagel - 4447-4492 Financial Advice and Bank Profits
by Daniel Hoechle & Stefan Ruenzi & Nic Schaub & Markus Schmid - 4493-4555 Debt Priority Structure, Market Discipline, and Bank Conduct
by Piotr Danisewicz & Danny McGowan & Enrico Onali & Klaus Schaeck - 4556-4592 Contagious Effects of a Political Intervention in Debt Contracts: Evidence Using Loan-Level Data
by Prasanna L Tantri
2018, Volume 31, Issue 10
- 3689-3719 Quantifying Sentiment with News Media across Local Housing Markets
by Cindy K Soo - 3720-3755 Destabilizing Financial Advice: Evidence from Pension Fund Reallocations
by Zhi Da & Borja Larrain & Clemens Sialm & José Tessada - 3756-3820 Family Descent as a Signal of Managerial Quality: Evidence from Mutual Funds
by Oleg Chuprinin & Denis Sosyura - 3821-3853 The Investment Value of Fund Managers’ Experience outside the Financial Sector
by Gjergji Cici & Monika Gehde-Trapp & Marc-André Göricke & Alexander Kempf - 3854-3894 Decentralized Privatization and Change of Control Rights in China
by Jie Gan & Yan Guo & Chenggang Xu - 3895-3936 Financial Frictions and the Stock Price Reaction to Monetary Policy
by Ali K Ozdagli - 3937-3978 The Timing and Method of Payment in Mergers when Acquirers Are Financially Constrained
by Alexander S Gorbenko & Andrey Malenko - 3979-4016 What’s behind Smooth Dividends? Evidence from Structural Estimation
by Yufeng Wu - 4017-4062 Implications of Incomplete Markets for International Economies
by Gurdip Bakshi & Mario Cerrato & John Crosby - 4063-4098 Market and Regional Segmentation and Risk Premia in the First Era of Financial Globalization
by David Chambers & Sergei Sarkissian & Michael J Schill
2018, Volume 31, Issue 9
- 3265-3306 Short-Rate Expectations and Unexpected Returns in Treasury Bonds
by Anna Cieslak - 3307-3343 Asset Price Dynamics in Partially Segmented Markets
by Robin Greenwood & Samuel G Hanson & Gordon Y Liao - 3344-3408 Government Intervention and Arbitrage
by Paolo Pasquariello - 3409-3451 Managerial Short-Termism, Turnover Policy, and the Dynamics of Incentives
by Felipe Varas - 3452-3490 Optimal Capital Structure and Investment with Real Options and Endogenous Debt Costs
by Praveen Kumar & Vijay Yerramilli - 3491-3531 How Management Risk Affects Corporate Debt
by Yihui Pan & Tracy Yue Wang & Michael S Weisbach - 3532-3567 Screening on Loan Terms: Evidence from Maturity Choice in Consumer Credit
by Andrew Hertzberg & Andres Liberman & Daniel Paravisini - 3568-3594 Spillovers from Costly Credit
by Brian T Melzer - 3595-3642 Mortgage Loan Flow Networks and Financial Norms
by Richard Stanton & Johan Walden & Nancy Wallace - 3643-3686 Monetary Policy Implementation and Financial Vulnerability: Evidence from the Overnight Reverse Repurchase Facility
by Alyssa G Anderson & John Kandrac