September 2011, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 337-358 Behavioural Economics in Unfair Contract Terms
by Michael Faure & Hanneke Luth - 359-376 Price Intransparency, Consumer Decision Making and European Consumer Law
by Willem Boom - 377-392 Behavioural Economics, Neuroscience, and the Unfair Commercial Practises Directive
by Jan Trzaskowski - 393-398 Overview of Behavioural Economics Elements in the OECD Consumer Policy Toolkit
by Maria Lissowska
June 2011, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 197-210 The Psychology of Impulse Buying: An Integrative Self-Regulation Approach
by Bas Verplanken & Ayana Sato - 211-229 Eating Their Feelings: Examining Emotional Eating in At-Risk Groups in the United States
by Elyria Kemp & My Bui & Sonya Grier - 231-247 Consumer Confusion in Internet-Based Mass Customization: Testing a Network of Antecedents and Consequences
by Kurt Matzler & Daniel Stieger & Johann Füller - 249-264 Does Puffery Deceive? An Empirical Investigation
by Zhihong Gao & Elaine Scorpio
March 2011, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-1 An Editorial and a Welcome: Our New Editorial Board (2011–2015)
by Alan Mathios & Hans-W. Micklitz & Lucia Reisch & John Thøgersen & Christian Twigg-Flesner - 3-8 Putting Sustainable Consumption into Practice
by Ulf Schrader & John Thøgersen - 9-23 Not Roadmaps but Toolboxes: Analysing Pioneering National Programmes for Sustainable Consumption and Production
by Annukka Berg - 25-42 Developing Policies and Instruments for Sustainable Household Consumption: Irish Experiences and Futures
by Jessica Pape & Henrike Rau & Frances Fahy & Anna Davies - 43-66 The Impact Evaluation of Sustainable Consumption Policy Instruments
by Franziska Wolff & Norma Schönherr - 67-90 Maximizing the Efficiency of Greenhouse Gas Related Consumer Policy
by Mária Csutora & Ágnes Zsóka - 91-105 Beyond Profitability of Energy-Saving Measures—Attitudes Towards Energy Saving
by Stefan Zundel & Immanuel Stieß - 107-126 Assessing the Effects of Certification Networks on Sustainable Production and Consumption: The Cases of FLO and FSC
by Carsten Gandenberger & Heiko Garrelts & Diana Wehlau - 127-151 Varieties of Environmental Labelling, Market Structures, and Sustainable Consumption Across Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Organizational and Market Supply Determinants of Environmental-Labelled Goods
by Sebastian Koos - 153-160 Customer Response to Carbon Labelling of Groceries
by Jerome Vanclay & John Shortiss & Scott Aulsebrook & Angus Gillespie & Ben Howell & Rhoda Johanni & Michael Maher & Kelly Mitchell & Mark Stewart & Jim Yates - 161-174 Companies Promoting Sustainable Consumption of Employees
by Viola Muster - 175-196 Leapfrogging to Sustainable Consumption? An Explorative Survey of Consumption Habits and Orientations in Southern Brazil
by Martina Schäfer & Melanie Jaeger-Erben & Aguinaldo Santos
December 2010, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 299-322 Systems Mapping of Consumer Acceptance of Agrifood Nanotechnology
by Robert Yawson & Jennifer Kuzma - 323-337 Do Consumers Respond to Country-of-Origin Labelling?
by Fred Kuchler & Barry Krissoff & David Harvey - 339-353 Deceiving Our Minds: A Qualitative Exploration of the Money Illusion in Post-redenomination Ghana
by Vivian Dzokoto & Edwin Mensah & Maxwell Twum-Asante & Annabella Opare-Henaku - 355-375 Time to Do the Job Properly—The Case for a New Approach to EU Consumer Legislation
by Christian Twigg-Flesner - 377-401 Early Experiences of the Enforcement of the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive in Scotland
by Jane Williams & Caroline Hare - 403-424 The Regulation of Retail Investment Services in the EU: Towards the Improvement of Investor Rights?
by Olha Cherednychenko - 425-426 Frank-Martin Belz and Ken Peattie: Sustainability Marketing. A Global Perspective
by Cecilia Soler - 427-428 Tom D. Campbell (Ed.): The Library of Corporate Responsibilities
by Lucia Reisch
September 2010, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 201-207 Think Global—Towards International Consumer Law
by Christian Twigg-Flesner & Hans Micklitz - 209-223 Over-Indebtedness in the Finnish Consumer Society
by Anu Raijas & Anna-Riitta Lehtinen & Johanna Leskinen - 225-245 The Affordability of Energy: How Much Protection for the Vulnerable Consumers?
by Marija Bartl - 247-273 Fairness and Consumer Decision Making under the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive
by Chris Willett - 275-286 Price and its Relation to Objective and Subjective Product Quality: Evidence from the Austrian Market
by Erich Kirchler & Florian Fischer & Erik Hölzl - 287-289 Eugene Buttigieg: Competition Law: Safeguarding the Consumer Interest. A Comparative Analysis of US Antitrust Law and EC Competition Law
by Steve Weatherill - 291-292 OECD. (2009). Promoting Consumer Education—Trends, Policies and Good Practices. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. ISBN 978-92-64-06008-1. 189 pp., 30.00 EUR
by Heiko Steffens - 293-298 Law book notes
by Christian Twigg-Flesner
June 2010, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 115-118 Time Allocation, Consumption, and Consumer Policy
by Wencke Gwozdz & Lucia Reisch & Alfonso Sousa-Poza - 119-141 The Timing of Daily Demand for Goods and Services—Microsimulation Policy Results of an Aging Society, Increasing Labour Market Flexibility, and Extended Public Childcare in Germany
by Joachim Merz & Dominik Hanglberger & Rafael Rucha - 143-161 Mismatches Between Actual and Preferred Work Time: Empirical Evidence of Hours Constraints in 21 Countries
by Steffen Otterbach - 163-181 In Search of the Harried Leisure Class in Contemporary Society: Time-Use Surveys and Patterns of Leisure Time Consumption
by Ignace Glorieux & Ilse Laurijssen & Joeri Minnen & Theun Tienoven - 183-200 Explaining Gender Differences in Housework Time in Germany
by Wencke Gwozdz & Alfonso Sousa-Poza
March 2010, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-27 A European Perspective on Consumer Loans and the Role of Credit Registries: the Need toReconcile Data Protection, Risk Management, Efficiency, Over-indebtedness, and a Better Prudential Supervision of the Financial System
by Federico Ferretti - 29-53 Considering Market-Based Instruments for Consumer Protection in Higher Education
by Karsten Mause - 55-73 The Welfare Economics of “Bounce Protection” Programs
by Marc Fusaro & Richard Ericson - 75-89 Why is there a Separation between Distance Selling in EU Law and the Tourism Industry?
by Josep Bech Serrat - 91-108 Nanomaterials and the Precautionary Principle in the EU
by Sebastian Heselhaus
December 2009, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 313-331 The Impact of Information on Consumer Preferences for Different Animal Food Production Methods
by Morten Mørkbak & Jonas Nordström - 333-351 Regulating Information Disclosure in Mutual Fund Advertising in the United States: Will Consumers Utilize Cost Information?
by Beth Pontari & Andrea Stanaland & Tom Smythe - 353-353 Special Section on “Nanotechnologies and the Consumer”
by Lucia Reisch & Hans Micklitz - 355-379 Nanoethics: Old Wine, New Bottles?
by Roger Brownsword - 381-391 Product Liability for Nanotechnology
by Geraint Howells - 393-402 “Nobody Told Me I was a Nano-Consumer:” How Nanotechnologies Might Challenge the Notion of Consumer Rights
by Harald Throne-Holst & Pål Strandbakken
September 2009, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 201-202 The Journal of Consumer Policy Outstanding Reviewer Award
by Alan Mathios & Hans-W. Micklitz & Lucia Reisch & John Thøgersen & Christian Twigg-Flesner - 203-218 In-store Marketing as a Mode of Discipline
by Arne Dulsrud & Eivind Jacobsen - 219-244 RFID—the “Next Step” in Consumer–Product Relations or Orwellian Nightmare? Challenges for Research and Policy
by Dag Slettemeås - 245-267 Entrenchment of New Governance in Consumer Policy Formulation: A Platform for European Consumer Citizenship Practice?
by Jim Davies - 269-287 Perception of Health Claims Among Nordic Consumers
by Klaus Grunert & Liisa Lähteenmäki & Yasemin Boztug & Emilia Martinsdóttir & Øydis Ueland & Annika Åström & Piritta Lampila - 289-301 Alternative Regulatory Cases Challenging Consumer Policy
by Petteri Repo & Päivi Timonen & Kim Zilliacus
March 2009, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-2 Note from the Editors
by Alan Mathios & Lucia Reisch & John Thøgersen - 3-21 Obesity and Hyperbolic Discounting: Evidence and Implications
by Robert Scharff - 23-41 Regulating Market Language: Market Failure in Descriptive Signals
by Andrew Stivers - 43-57 Participation in Green Consumer Policies: Deliberative Democracy under Wrong Conditions?
by Mikael Klintman - 59-71 Exemptions to the Children’s Sleepwear Flammability Standards: A Description of Policy Considerations and an Evaluation of the Effects on Burn Injuries to Children
by Gregory Rodgers & Patricia Adair - 73-74 W. Douglas Evans and Gerald Hastings (Eds.). Public Health Branding: Applying Marketing for Social Change
by Alan Andreasen
December 2008, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 383-384 Note from the Editors
by Alan Mathios & Lucia Reisch & John Thøgersen & Christian Twigg-Flesner - 385-391 Making Place for the iConsumer in Consumer Law
by Natali Helberger - 393-408 Integrating Consumer Rights into Copyright Law: From a European Perspective
by Jens Schovsbo - 409-423 Accommodating the Needs of iConsumers: Making Sure They Get Their Money’s Worth of Digital Entertainment
by Lucie Guibault - 425-439 Fundamental Rights and the European Regulation of iConsumer Contracts
by Chantal Mak - 441-457 Download of Copyright-Protected Internet Content and the Role of (Consumer) Contract Law
by Peter Rott - 459-472 A “New Approach” to Standards and Consumer Protection
by Jane Winn & Nicolas Jondet - 473-487 When Should “Consumers-as-Producers” Have to Comply With Consumer Protection Laws?
by Peter Swire - 489-496 Looking Ahead—Future Issues when Reflecting on the Place of the iConsumer in Consumer Law and Copyright Law
by Joris Hoboken & Natali Helberger - 497-499 Stephan G. Hannaford: Market Domination!: The Impact of Industry Consolidation on Competition, Innovation, and Consumer Choice
by Suzanne Heijnen - 501-503 Christian Twigg-Flesner: The Europeanisation of Contract Law—Current Controversies in Law
by Norbert Reich
September 2008, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 253-283 Saving for Retirement—A Case for Financial Education in Germany and UK? An Economic Perspective
by Andreas Oehler & Christina Werner - 285-313 Consumer Policy in a Market Economy Considerations from the Perspective of the Economics of Information, the New Institutional Economics as well as Behavioural Economics
by Franziska Rischkowsky & Thomas Döring - 315-326 Can Consumers Buy Responsibly? Analysis and Solutions for Market Failures
by Carmen Valor - 327-347 An International Perspective of Online Disclosure Presentation: A Comparison of Banner Ad Disclosures from United States, United Kingdom, and Singapore Web Sites
by Mariea Hoy & May Lwin - 349-368 Knowledge and Perceptions of Superannuation in Australia
by Andrew Worthington - 369-373 Book Reviews
by Norbert Reich - 375-377 Ingrid Gottschalk, Kulturökonomik. Probleme, Fragestellungen und Antworten
by Thomas Knubben
June 2008, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 139-145 A New Look at Old Coefficients
by Heiner Imkamp - 147-166 Credit Union Legislative Frameworks in the United States of America and the United Kingdom – A Flexible Friend or a Step Towards the Dark Side?
by Nicholas Ryder - 167-194 “To Be or Not to Be an Auctioneer?” Some Thoughts on the Legal Nature of Online “eBay” Auctions and the Protection of Consumers
by Christine Riefa - 195-216 The Index of Consumer Sentiment toward Marketing: Validation, Updated Results, and Demographic Analysis
by John Gaski - 217-241 Europeanisation of Product Liability in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Preliminary Empirical Benchmark
by Jocelyn Kellam & Luke Nottage
March 2008, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-4 The Consumer, the European Union, and Media Law
by Alison Harcourt & Stephen Weatherill - 5-24 Country of Origin Principle in the EU Market for Audiovisual Media Services: Consumer’s Friend or Foe?
by Anna Herold - 25-44 Food Advertising and Obesity Prevention: What Role for the European Union?
by Amandine Garde - 45-61 Save the Children: The Protection of Minors in the Information Society and the Audiovisual Media Services Directive
by Oliver Füg - 63-77 The Consumer and Advertising Regulation in the Television without Frontiers and Audiovisual Media Services Directives
by Lorna Woods - 79-98 Access to Major Events on Television under European Law
by Richard Parrish - 99-113 Self-regulation, Co-regulation and the Audio-Visual Media Services Directive
by Tony Prosser - 115-132 Beyond Europe: The Internet, Regulation, and Multistakeholder Governance—Representing the Consumer Interest?
by Christopher Marsden
December 2007, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 303-311 Effects of the Euro Changeover on Consumer Behaviour: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Tommy Gärling & John Thøgersen - 313-322 Euro Stories: The Irish Experience of Currency Change
by Rob Ranyard - 323-336 The “Euro Illusion”: Illusion or Fact?
by Amelie Gamble - 337-354 The Euro Illusion in Consumers’ Price Estimation: An Italian–Irish Comparison in the Third Year of the Euro
by Fabio Missier & Nicolao Bonini & Rob Ranyard - 355-365 Emotional Factors in Currency Perception
by Krzysztof Przybyszewski & Tadeusz Tyszka - 367-381 Consumer Adaptation Strategies: From Austrian Shilling to the Euro
by Eva Hofmann & Erich Kirchler & Bernadette Kamleitner - 383-391 The Impact of the Euro Changeover on Between-Currency Conversions
by Patrick Lemaire - 393-403 The Euro Changeover and Numerical Intuition for Prices in the Old and New Currencies
by J. Marques - 405-419 The Euro Changeover and the Factors Influencing Perceived Inflation
by Helmut Jungermann & Hans Brachinger & Julia Belting & Katarzyna Grinberg & Elisabeth Zacharias - 421-434 Illusory Price Increases after the Euro Changeover in Germany: An Expectancy-Consistent Bias
by Eva Traut-Mattausch & Tobias Greitemeyer & Dieter Frey & Stefan Schulz-Hardt - 435-444 Book Notes – Economics and Social Sciences
by Lucia Reisch
September 2007, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 167-175 Shopping for Human Rights. An Introduction to the Special Issue
by Michele Micheletti & Andreas Follesdal - 177-199 The Social Pedagogy of Wall Street: Stock Trading as Political Activism?
by Detlev Zwick & Janice Denegri-Knott & Jonathan Schroeder - 201-217 The Fair Trade Idea: Towards an Economics of Social Labels
by Torsten Steinrücken & Sebastian Jaenichen - 219-239 Fair Trade: Dynamic and Dilemmas of a Market Oriented Global Social Movement
by John Wilkinson - 241-261 Fair Trade Coffee and Human Rights in Guatemala
by Sarah Lyon - 263-280 Consumption, Resistance and Everyday Life: Ruptures and Continuities
by Simon Tormey - 281-301 Framing the Corporation: Royal Dutch/Shell and Human Rights Woes in Nigeria
by Boris Holzer
June 2007, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 75-90 The importance of non-linear relationships between attitude and behaviour in policy research
by Jenny Doorn & Peter Verhoef & Tammo Bijmolt - 91-116 Greening the Danes? Experience with consumption and environment policies
by Toke Christensen & Mirjam Godskesen & Kirsten Gram-Hanssen & Maj-Britt Quitzau & Inge Røpke - 117-136 Passengers, consumers, and travellers: The rise of passenger rights in EC transport law and its repercussions for Community consumer law and policy
by Jens Karsten - 137-150 Vendor bidding on online auctions
by Kate Tokeley - 151-158 Consumers in the Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE): What creates and/or constitutes consumer vulnerability in the KBE?
by Margaret Hogg & Geraint Howells & David Milman - 159-166 Book Notes
by Twigg-Flesner Christian
March 2007, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-20 Crime, punishment, and consumer protection
by Peter Cartwright - 21-38 The average consumer, the unfair commercial practices directive, and the cognitive revolution
by Rossella Incardona & Cristina Poncibò - 39-43 Geraint Howells, Hans-W. Micklitz, & Thomas Wilhelmsson: European Fair Trading Law–The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive
by Norbert Reich - 45-48 S. Ratneshwar & David Glen Mick: Inside consumption. Consumer motives, goals and desires
by Kai-Uwe Hellmann - 49-60 Consumers and services of general interest: Is EC consumer law the future?
by Peter Rott - 61-74 Book notes
by Christian Twigg-Flesner
December 2006, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 345-353 Introduction: the politics of necessity
by Bronwen Morgan & Frank Trentmann - 355-372 Conceptualizing needs in the context of consumer politics
by Kate Soper - 373-397 The “necessaries of life” in British political medicine, 1750–1850
by Christopher Hamlin - 399-415 Consumers and deregulation of the electricity market in Germany
by Lucia Reisch & Hans-W. Micklitz - 417-433 Social rights, essential services, and political mobilization in post-apartheid South Africa
by Ran Greenstein - 435-448 The politics of necessity: electricity and water in Great Britain
by Cosmo Graham - 449-463 The new regulatory politics of electricity in India: embryonic ground for consumer action
by Navroz Dubash - 465-487 The North–South politics of necessity: regulating for basic rights between national and international levels
by Bronwen Morgan
September 2006, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 237-246 Consumers, information, and the evolving healthcare market place: introduction to the special section
by William White - 247-262 Which consumers are ready for consumer-directed health plans?
by Jessica Greene & Judith Hibbard & Anna Dixon & Martin Tusler - 263-278 Disease management programs: program intervention, behavior modification, and dosage effect
by Tamim Ahmed & Victor Villagra - 279-300 Population, health and risk factors in a transitional economy
by Dan Petrovici & Christopher Ritson - 301-318 Distributional effects of environmental taxes on transportation: evidence from Engel curves in the United States
by Erling Røed Larsen - 319-328 A farewell to consumer society
by Gerhard Scherhorn - 329-331 Mikko Jalas: Busy, wise and idle time: A study of the temporalities of consumption in the environmental debate
by Elizabeth Shove - 332-343 Book Notes
by Christian Twigg-Flesner
June 2006, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 143-175 Nordic compensation schemes for drug injuries
by Christopher Hodges - 176-189 The psychosocial behaviour of young Spanish smokers
by Rosa Duarte & José Escario & José Molina - 190-202 The effects of consumers’ ethical beliefs on copying behaviour
by Tracy Suter & Steven Kopp & David Hardesty - 203-228 If we label it, will they care? The effect of GM-ingredient labelling on consumer responses
by Louise Heslop - 229-232 COPO 29(2) Book Notes
by Christian Twigg-Flesner - 233-236 A. Hartkamp, Martijn Hesselink, et al., Towards a European Civil Code, 3rd ed
by Catherine Mitchell
December 2005, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 381-382 Editorial and a Farewell
by Alan Mathios & Stephen Weatherill - 383-407 A European Contract Law, or an EU Contract Law Regulation for Consumers?
by Norbert Reich - 409-432 Innovation and EU Consumer Law
by Christian Twigg-Flesner - 433-460 Regulatory Oversight or Lack of Foresight? Implications for Product Recall Policies and Procedures
by Lynne Eagle & Lawrence Rose & Philip Kitchen & Jacinta Hawkins
September 2005, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 261-288 Sustainable Consumption Governance: A History of Promises and Failures
by Doris Fuchs & Sylvia Lorek - 289-310 Music Piracy on the Web – How Effective are Anti-Piracy Arguments? Evidence from the Theory of Planned Behaviour
by Alain d’Astous & François Colbert & Daniel Montpetit - 311-324 An Empirical Investigation Into the Effect of Music Downloading on the Consumer Expenditure of Recorded Music: A Time Series Approach
by Lonnie Stevans & David Sessions - 325-360 CLAB Europa – The European Database on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts
by Hans-W. Micklitz & Malek Radeideh - 361-370 Reorientation in Consumer Policy – Challenges and Prospects From the Perspective of Practical Consumer Advice Work
by Matthias Arkenstette
June 2005, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 141-142 David Harland in memoriam
by Norbert Reich - 143-177 How May Consumer Policy Empower Consumers for Sustainable Lifestyles?
by John Thøgersen - 179-201 The Performative Nature of Consumer Research: Consumers’ Environmental Awareness as an Example
by Eva Heiskanen - 203-230 Mix-Up: Models of Governance and Framing Opportunities in U.S. and EU Consumer Policy
by Christoph Strünck - 231-252 Book Reviews, E. Feldman & R. Bayer (Eds): Unfiltered Conflicts Over Tobacco Policy and Public Health. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2004. ISBN 0674013344. 394 pp., GBP 35.95
by Geraint Howells & Laurence Etherington & Hannes Rösler
January 2005, Volume 28, Issue 1
November 2005, Volume 28, Issue 1
December 2005, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 53-73 The Reliability of Certification: Quality Labels as a Consumer Policy Tool
by Gabriele Jahn & Matthias Schramm & Achim Spiller - 75-108 A Detailed Study of Financial Exclusion in the UK
by James Devlin
September 2004, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 245-251 The Protection of the Weak Party in a Harmonised European Contract Law: A Synthesis
by Ewoud Hondius - 253-267 Freedom and Protection in Contemporary Contract Law
by Ton Hartlief - 269-287 The Place of Consumer Contract Law Within the Process on European Contract Law
by Dirk Staudenmayer - 289-316 Unfair Terms in Contracts: Proposals for Reform in the UK
by Hugh Beale - 317-337 The Abuse of the "Confident Consumer" as a Justification for EC Consumer Law
by Thomas Wilhelmsson - 339-356 The Principles of European Contract Law and the Protection of the Weaker Party
by Hans-W. Micklitz - 357-359 Book Review: Christian Twigg-Flesner: Consumer Product Guarantees. Aldershot, U.K./Burlington, U.S.: Ashgate, 2003. 229 pp. ISBN 0-7546-2186-3. GBP 55.00
by John N. Adams
June 2004, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 141-177 How Retailers Determine Which Products Should Go on Sale: Evidence From Store-Level Data
by Daniel Hosken & David Reiffen - 179-212 Consumer Class Actions: Are They a Solution for Enforcing Consumer Rights? The Israeli Model
by Sinai Deutch - 213-230 The Impact of Environmental Labelling on Consumer Preference: Negative vs. Positive Labels
by Gunne Grankvist & Ulf Dahlstrand & Anders Biel
March 2004, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-42 Principles and Visions of a New Consumer Policy: Discussion Paper by the Scientific Advisory Board for Consumer, Food, and Nutrition Policy to the German Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food, and Agriculture
by Lucia A. Reisch - 43-74 The Hungarian Cocktail of Competition Law and Consumer Protection: Should It Be Dissolved?
by Katalin Cseres - 75-97 Consumer Demand for Guaranteed Renewability in Health Insurance
by Roger Feldman & Jennifer Schultz - 99-104 Valuing Statistical Lives: The Choice of Measure Also Matters
by Jack L. Knetsch - 105-109 Karin Bergmann: Dealing with consumer uncertainty. Public relations in the food sector
by Peter Belton - 109-114 Reinhold Hedtke: Konsum und Ökonomik. Grundlagen, Kritik und Perspektiven
by Manfred Moldaschl