2012, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 93-109 Systems Thinking concepts degree of adoption in Jordanian private universities from the heads of administrative and academic departments' perspective
by Adel Al-Hashem - 110-125 Designing an evaluation framework for knowledge management systems by using balanced scorecard
by Mona Jamporazmey & Mohsen Mehrafrouz
2012, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 369-396 A simulation-based approach for IT and business strategy alignment and evaluation
by Sarandis Mitropoulos - 397-416 Business alignment and critical success factors in information systems implementation: an empirical analysis of selected Indian organisations
by D.P. Goyal - 417-435 Supply chain interoperability for enhancing e-business adoption by SMEs: a case study from the European clothing sector
by Stavros T. Ponis & Pim Van der Eijk & Vassilis Masselos - 436-446 Three-dimensional model for the global quality of a website
by à lvaro Rocha - 447-480 Purdue's RFID supply chain for e-pedigree compliance: applying the technology-organisation-environment (TOE) framework
by Rebecca Angeles
2012, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 245-263 An empirical study of potentials of adoption of grid computing as a vehicle for tertiary institutions collaboration
by Faith-Michael E. Uzoka & B.A. Akinnuwesi & S.O. Olabiyisi & Alabi Demilade - 264-297 A methodology for web services-based SOA realisation
by Youcef Baghdadi - 298-311 Frends Technology Company: a case study of Biztalk Server - a strategic Microsoft technology
by Belle Selene Xia - 312-327 Tax software acceptance: how do professional users differ from novices?
by Alexander McLeod & Sonja Pippin - 328-347 Forecasting the evolution of wireless technologies: the Loglet analysis approach
by Hak Ju Kim - 348-368 Extended system design for RFID enabled supply chains with non-RFID technologies
by John P.T. Mo & William Lorchirachoonkul
2012, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 131-150 Impact of information systems outsourcing: a study of Indian banking sector
by Umesh Gulla & M.P. Gupta - 151-177 A review of research trends in strategic information-systems planning
by Erastus Karanja & Sandip C. Patel - 178-196 A structural equation modelling approach for Malaysian consumers' perspectives on e-commerce B2C transactions
by Yi Yi Thaw & P.D.D. Dominic & Ahmad Kamil Mahmood - 197-221 Online shopping behaviour: moderating role of gender and product category
by Shivraj Kanungo & Vikas Jain - 222-244 A study on usage of IT and its implications on e-procurement in Indian organisations
by Manish Gupta & Rakesh Narain
2012, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-19 Cross-cultural investigation of the security knowledge process
by Dong-Heon Kwak & Donna McAlister Kizzier & Hangjung Zo & Euisung Jung - 20-39 An investigation into factors influencing penetration of information technology in organisations
by Rahul Thakurta & Rahul Roy - 40-67 The role of organisational infrastructure in successful ERP implementation: an empirical study by hierarchical regression and PCA
by Ali Azadeh & Masoud Afshari-Mofrad & Masoud Khalojini - 68-92 Modelling business applications with XBRL and UML
by Joseph H. Callaghan & Robert A. Nehmer & Vijayan Sugumaran - 93-108 Cloud computing and business-to-business networks
by Maria Petrescu - 109-129 Market basket analysis - a data mining application in Indian retailing
by M. Hemalatha
2012, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 360-384 The driving factors of continuance online shopping: gender differences in behaviour among students - the case of Saudi Arabia
by Talal Al-maghrabi & Charles Dennis - 385-401 A holistic framework for the implementation of a next generation network
by Christian Czarnecki & Myra Spiliopoulou - 402-414 Decentralised privacy preservation in social networks
by Amir H. Chinaei & Rosa Karimi Adl & Chenen Liang & Ken Barker - 415-434 Web map services in tourism: a framework exploring the organisational transformations and implications on business operations and models
by Marianna Sigala & Dimosthenis Marinidis - 435-450 Multi-agent simulation of business processes: a theoretical model to manage and report carbon footprint in an emergent organisation
by Venkateswara Pilla & Nandish V. Patel & Tariq Khan - 451-464 Vendor managed inventory via SOA in healthcare supply chain management
by Sultan N. Turhan & Özalp Vayvay - 465-483 A concept for a long-term scalable bioengineering model of primary care
by Soha Maad & Borislav D. Dimitrov & Tom Fahey - 484-497 The rationale of e-health evaluation: the case of NHS Direct
by Hamid Alalwany & Sarmad Alshawi
2012, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 239-260 Investigating the factors affecting university students' e-loyalty intention towards the Blackboard system
by Samar Mouakket & Mohammad Ahmad Al-hawari - 261-277 Adoption of business intelligence systems in Indian fashion retail
by Saji K. Mathew - 278-294 Evaluating the impact of IT investments: use of a multi-period profit-linked productivity measurement model
by Mohan Rao & Purnendu Mandal - 295-327 An empirical analysis of consumers' protection toward e-commerce transactions in Malaysia
by Manivannan Senthil Velmurugan - 328-342 Evaluating major human resource information systems design characteristics - an empirical study
by Stefan Strohmeier & Ruediger Kabst - 343-355 Horizontal integration of courses through SAP: implementation in a business school
by Purnendu Mandal & Alicen Flosi
2012, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 127-148 Social media and online dating service providers: reexamining the new face of romance
by Alan D. Smith - 149-168 An artificial neural network-based DSS to prioritise information technology and its complementary investments in industrial firms
by Abbas Keramati & Navid Mojir & Masoud Afshari-Mofrad & Iman Jahanandish & Ali Derakhshani - 169-188 The role of information and communication technologies in moving toward new forms of organising
by Ahmad Abareshi & William Martin & Alemayehu Molla - 189-201 Maturity models for management of information systems and technologies in healthcare PAPER WITHDRAWN
by Állvaro Rocha - 202-221 Research directions for enterprise resource planning (ERP) projects
by S. Parthasarathy - 222-238 Toward multi-dimensional trust: exploring antecedents to trust in a complex domain
by Alexander McLeod & Sonja Pippin
2012, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-25 Optimising e-marketing criteria for customer communication in food and drink sector in Greece
by G. Tsekouropoulos & Z. Andreopoulou & A. Seretakis & T. Koutroumanidis & B. Manos - 26-50 An integrative framework for customer relationship management: towards a systems view
by Mohamed A. Nour - 51-88 Determinants influencing intention to enrol on an online MBA programme
by Lay Lee Lim & Suhaiza Hanim Mohamad Zailani - 89-107 A knowledge marketing model: determinants of organisational resource-based capabilities on e-retail performance
by Lisa Y. Chen - 108-126 A fuzzy classification approach to assess e-commerce security perception
by Faouzi Kamoun & Mohanad Halaweh
2011, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 339-360 Statistical analysis for comparison of the key representation database with the original database
by Asim Abdallah Elshiekh & P.D.D. Dominic - 361-379 Information system development approach: facts from IT SMEs in India
by Adarsh Garg & D.P. Goyal - 380-395 Internet financial reporting on the web in Indonesian: not just technical problem
by Sasongko Budisusetyo & Luciana Spica Almilia - 396-412 Customer portfolio analysis using the SOM
by Annika H. Holmbom & Tomas Eklund & Barbro Back - 413-424 The impact of project licence and operating system on the effectiveness of the defect-fixing process in open source software projects
by Amir Hossein Ghapanchi & Aybuke Aurum - 425-439 An exploratory study on ERP adoption in SMEs – a case of Gwalior region in North-Central India
by Megha Bhadouria & Padmanav Acharya & Deepali Singh - 440-455 AgroMANAGER, a web application for farm management
by Thomas Bournaris & Basil Manos & Maro Vlachopoulou & Vicky Manthou
2011, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 211-246 Retail managers' perspectives on the effectiveness of corporate e-personalisation initiatives
by Alan D. Smith - 247-268 Lean principles in IT services: a case study on implementation and best practices
by Suresh Malladi & P.D.D. Dominic & Ahmed Kamil - 269-285 Using fuzzy AHP for evaluating the dimensions of data quality
by Davod Khosroanjom & Masoud Ahmadzade & Ali Niknafs & Reza Kiani Mavi - 286-306 Simulating strategic information systems planning process using fuzzy cognitive map
by Soroosh Nalchigar & S.M.R. Nasserzadeh & Babak Akhgar - 307-321 Conditions favouring the introduction of positive switching costs for adopters of abstract compatibility standards
by Ruben A. Mendoza - 322-337 The antecedents of IT-business alignment in manufacturing firms
by Ahmad Abareshi
2011, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 107-130 Strategic sustainability and operational efficiency dilemma of data centres
by Alan D. Smith - 131-145 Collaborative knowledge management: case studies from ship design
by Marina Z. Solesvik - 146-164 ERP integration in the college of business curriculum
by Kakoli Bandyopadhyay & Cynthia Barnes & Bharath Ajendla - 165-191 The factors affecting adoption of CRM at organisational level in Iran's shipping industry
by Seyed Hessameddin Zegordi & Navid Fakhredaei - 192-209 Business intelligence systems implementation: testing a critical success factors framework in multiple cases
by William Yeoh
2011, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 4-22 Determinants of software quality in COTS products: an exploratory study
by K. Sankaran & G. Kannabiran & P.D.D. Dominic - 23-45 A decision algorithm for ERP systems alignment
by Sarra Mamoghli & Virginie Goepp & Valerie Botta-Genoulaz - 46-65 A framework for engineering change management in enterprise resource planning using service-oriented architecture
by Krishna R. Reddi & Young B. Moon - 66-86 Integrating business process modelling and ERP role engineering
by Nikolaos A. Panayiotou & Sotiris P. Gayialis & Nikolaos E. Evangelopoulos - 87-105 ERP system implementation costs and selection factors of an implementation approach
by Bjorn Johansson & Frantisek Sudzina & Mike Newman
2011, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 365-387 Multimodal transport information system: modelling approach for goods traceability
by Sabri Bendriss & Abdellatif Benabdelhafid - 388-401 Strategic information system design practices in an emerging economy
by Bikramjit Rishi & D.P. Goyal - 402-418 Management information systems in pharmaceuticals
by Reza Mohammady Garfamy - 419-439 A study on collaborative recommender system using fuzzy-multicriteria approaches
by Kandasamy Palanivel & Ramakrishnan Sivakumar - 440-457 Quality assurance practices for competitive data warehouse management systems
by Alan D. Smith - 458-476 Improving business processes with business process modelling notation and business process execution language: an action research approach
by Abbas Keramati & Hamid Reza Golian & Masoud Afshari-Mofrad
2011, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 247-268 Inter-organisational information systems assimilation: an empirical evaluation in light of the diffusion of innovation theory
by Kishor Vaidya & Micki Hyde - 269-285 Managing knowledge in a process industry: some experiences and a framework
by V.E. Annamalai - 286-308 Determining the factors of partner selection – a case of the 'Bridging the Digital Divide of SMEs Project'
by Tzong-Ru Lee & Chien-Wei Chen & Agnieszka Dadura - 309-326 Lattices and collaborative design in shipbuilding
by Marina Z. Solesvik & Sylvia Encheva & Sharil Tumin - 327-340 Exploring information technology adoption in the classroom: case of online learning technology
by Tugrul U. Daim & Sharon Blanton & A. Nuri Basoglu & Allen Ding - 341-364 Comparative advantage model founded on enterprise architecture in Japanese firms
by Takaaki Kamogawa & Hitoshi Okada
2011, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 121-135 The role of information and communication technologies in paper consumption
by Maija Hujala - 136-148 IT enabled mass customisation as a tool for bond building – an Indian case study
by Sita Mishra & Susmi Routray - 149-165 Gender within the IT major – a retrospective study of factors that lead students to select an IT major
by David Roach & Ronald E. McGaughey & James P. Downey - 166-180 Maximising resource allocation effectiveness for IT security investments
by Shivraj Kanungo & Vikas Jain & Ernest H. Forman - 181-206 A holistic framework for the assessment of faculty
by Jayanthi Ranjan & Pooja Tripathi - 207-219 Mapping the global digital divide
by D. Steven White & Angappa Gunasekaran & Timothy P. Shea & Godwin C. Ariguzo - 220-246 A comparison of Asian e-government websites quality: using a non-parametric test
by P.D.D. Dominic & Handaru Jati & P. Sellappan & Goh Kim Nee
2011, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-26 Improving the understanding of BAM technology for real-time decision support
by Ajantha Dahanayake & Richard J. Welke & Gabriel Cavalheiro - 27-40 Fuzzy based clustering algorithm for privacy preserving data mining
by Pradeep Kumar & Kishore Indukuri Varma & Ashish Sureka - 41-59 Assessing and improving the front end activities of software development
by Lea Hannola & Petri Oinonen & Uolevi Nikula - 60-77 Incorporating social-cultural contexts in role engineering: an activity theoretic approach
by Manish Gupta & Raj Sharman - 78-92 Key attributes of successful knowledge management: an empirical study in telecommunication and software industries
by Ajay Kr. Singh & Vandna Sharma - 93-119 Upstream supply chain benefits from e-markets in the UK higher education sector
by Michael Johnson
2010, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 419-443 A model of customers' initial trust in unknown online retailers: an empirical study
by Euijin Kim & Suresh Tadisina - 444-462 A fuzzy expert system (FES) tool for online personnel recruitments
by J.O. Daramola & O.O. Oladipupo & A.G. Musa - 463-496 Software quality assurance using software reliability growth modelling: state of the art
by P.K. Kapur & Anshu Gupta & P.C. Jha & S.K. Goyal - 497-513 Assessing the impact of information technology on firm performance using canonical correlation analysis
by Abbas Keramati & Iman Behmanesh - 514-529 Application of data mining techniques for customer lifetime value parameters: a review
by Harsha Aeron & Ashwani Kumar & M. Janakiraman - 530-546 Selecting useful features for personal credit risk analysis
by Li Shukai & Narendra S. Chaudhari & Manoranjan Dash
2010, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 295-314 Teaching ERP in logistics curriculum: a case experience from Sweden
by Per Hilletofth & Olli-Pekka Hilmola & Sandor Ujvari - 315-335 A critical assessment of information technology adoption: technical, organisational and personal perspectives
by Tugrul Daim & Nuri Basoglu & Ilda Tanoglu - 336-353 Information systems evaluation: an ongoing measure
by Govindan Marthandan & Chun Meng Tang - 354-377 Equational zero vector databases, non-equational databases, and inherent internal control
by Roberta Ann Barra & Arline Savage & Jeff J. Tsay - 378-397 The importance of service quality for competitive advantage – with special reference to industrial product
by P.D.D. Dominic & Kim Nee Goh & Diana Wong & Yoke Yie Chen - 398-417 Performance evaluation of bandwidth allocation in ATM networks
by M. Sundarambal & M. Dhivya & P. Anbalagan
2010, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 151-178 Towards formulation of software project risk radars
by J. Dasgupta & R.P. Mohanty - 179-199 A multi-attribute group decision support system for information technology project selection
by Faramak Zandi & Madjid Tavana - 200-218 Pattern recalling analysis of English alphabets using Hopfield model of feedback neural network with evolutionary searching
by Somesh Kumar & Manu Pratap Singh - 219-239 Performance evaluation on quality of Asian e-government websites – an AHP approach
by P.D.D. Dominic & Handaru Jati & G. Kannabiran - 240-264 The motivations for citizens' adoption of e-government: an empirical study in the UAE
by Samar Mouakket - 265-293 Enterprise resource planning (ERP) selection for a medical devices manufacturing company
by Casey Zielsdorff & Chris McGinnis & Tugrul Daim & Nuri Basoglu
2010, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 4-17 A multi-perspective comparison for selection between system dynamics and discrete event simulation
by Kirandeep Chahal & Tillal Eldabi - 18-33 Simulation discounted cash flow valuation for internet companies
by Maged Ali & Ramzi El-Haddadeh & Tillal Eldabi & Ebrahim Mansour - 34-43 On demand radio frequency identification based vehicle tracking system
by Shahzad Memon & Khalil Khoumbati & Asad Shaikh - 44-57 Designing information systems requirements in context: insights from the theory of deferred action
by Nandish V. Patel & Ray Hackney - 58-78 Infusing agility in business processes through an event-centric approach
by Nancy Alexopoulou & Mara Nikolaidou & Panagiotis Kanellis & Vasiliki Mantzana & Dimosthenes Anagnostopoulos & Drakoulis Martakos - 79-94 Aligning business and technology strategy within the airline industry
by Abrahim Althonayan & Amir M. Sharif - 95-110 The next generation Grid: an infrastructure for global business systems
by Soha Maad & Brian Coghlan - 111-132 The impact of information lifecycle management process in the Nigerian financial sector
by Wafi Al-Karaghouli & Eniola B. Fadare - 133-149 A framework towards a multi-modal fingerprinting scheme for multimedia assets
by Atta Badii & Daniel Thiemert
2010, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 329-347 Diffusion of information and communication technologies: a takeoff analysis
by Balaji Rajagopalan & Derek Hillison & Roger Calantone & Vallabh Sambamurthy - 348-372 An activity-oriented web application for fresh produce traceability
by Ioannis Manikas & Basil Manos & Maro Vlachopoulou & Vassiliki Manthou - 373-392 Cloud economics: dynamic business models for business on demand
by Maik A. Lindner & Luis M. Vaquero & Luis Rodero-Merino & Juan Caceres - 393-417 Explaining factors influencing the consumer adoption of broadband
by Yogesh K. Dwivedi & Mohammed A. Alsudairi & Zahir Irani - 418-439 A business model for mobile commerce applications using multimedia messaging service
by Swadesh Kumar Samanta & John Woods & Mohammed Ghanbari - 440-459 ERP and PDM integration technology to support collaborative product development
by Yufeng Ding & Buyun Sheng
2010, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 211-229 The rise of teleworking in the USA: key issues for managers in the information age
by Yasin Ozcelik - 230-247 A new hybrid model for the supplier selection decision
by P.D.D. Dominic & Arif Abdel Whab & G. Kannabiran & Oi Mean Foong - 248-267 Agency theory and the financial crisis from a strategic perspective
by Alan D. Smith - 268-290 The influence of the best practices of information system development on software SMEs: a research scope
by Adarsh Garg & D.P. Goyal & Anu Singh Lather - 291-308 Exploring the impact of information technology on health information-seeking behaviour
by Nuri Basoglu & Tugrul U. Daim & Hatice Ceren Atesok & Mujde Pamuk - 309-327 Developing a localisation indicator for chain hotel websites: a Greek case study
by Dimitris Kanellopoulos & Fotis Lazarinis
2010, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 121-133 Defining an architectural view for human resources
by M. Zacarias & R. Magalhaes & H.S. Pinto & J. Tribolet - 134-147 Does IT governance matter in e-HRM?
by Miguel R. Olivas-Lujan & Gary W. Florkowski - 148-161 HRIS implementation and deployment: a conceptual framework of the new roles, responsibilities and competences for HR professionals
by Michel Delorme & Michel Arcand - 162-174 The conditional benefits of early user involvement at employee self-service applications in four Dutch ministries
by Ronald Batenburg & Gerwin Koopman - 175-185 From IS to organisation: analysing the uses of a collaborative IS in a high-tech SME
by Ewan Oiry & Amandine Pascal & Robert Tchobanian - 186-197 Informating HRM: a comparison of data querying and data mining
by Stefan Strohmeier & Franca Piazza - 198-210 Conceptualising HR systems as object-oriented activity systems
by Mohamed Omar Mohamud
2010, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-18 A decision-tree-based system for student academic advising and planning in information systems programmes
by Naoufel Werghi & Faouzi Kam Kamoun - 19-33 A multidimensional framework of web browsers' trust and distrust of banner advertisements
by Matthew P. Bunker & Darrell E. Bartholomew - 34-57 Information security investment decisions: evaluating the Balanced Scorecard method
by Linda J. Tallau & Manish Gupta & Raj Sharman - 58-83 Investigating the determinants of effective enterprise resource planning assimilation: a cross-case analysis
by Rafa Kouki & Robert Pellerin & Diane Poulin - 84-101 An integrated multivariate approach for optimisation of IT/IS investment in conventional power plants
by A. Azadeh & A. Keramati & M. Jafari Songhori - 102-116 PArch: a cross-organisational peer-to-peer framework supporting the aggregation and exchange of storage for efficient e-mail archival
by Ankur Gupta & Lalit K. Awasthi
2009, Volume 4, Issue 6
- 597-621 An empirical investigation into factors relating to the use of course management software by post-secondary faculty
by Alicen Flosi & Kakoli Bandyopadhyay - 622-638 An examination of cluster identification-based algorithms for vertical partitions
by Chun-Hung Cheng & Jaideep Motwani - 639-654 EDI-based and XML-based business-to-business integration: a statistical analysis
by Juha-Miikka Nurmilaakso - 655-672 Knowledge management implementation in supply chains: a strategic plan
by R. Kant & M.D. Singh - 673-687 Information systems in the Indian manufacturing sector: extent of use and support for managerial roles
by Khushdeep Dharni & R.K. Sharma & Ravi Kiran - 688-704 ERP systems implementation success factors: IS and non-IS managers' perceptions
by Emad M. Kamhawi & Angappa Gunasekaran
2009, Volume 4, Issue 5
- 489-508 Exploring the contribution of the design characteristics of Information Systems' user interface to the adoption process
by Cagla Ozen Seneler & Nuri Basoglu & Tugrul Daim - 509-526 E-commerce evolution: a Gulf region review
by Khalid W. Alrawi & Khaled A. Sabry - 527-541 Measuring the performance of the Electronic Service Acceptance Model (E-SAM)
by Kamaljeet Sandhu - 542-563 A hybrid GA-ant colony approach for exploring the relationship between IT and firm performance
by A. Azadeh & A. Keramati & H. Panahi - 564-580 Comparison shopping on the internet
by Michael Klassen & Pola Gupta & Matthew P. Bunker - 581-596 A strategic management support architecture: integration of the balanced scorecard and enterprise resource planning
by Jeffrey Wong & Roger H.L. Chiang & Alexander McLeod
2009, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 387-402 Defining a conceptual framework for telework and an agenda for research in accounting and finance
by John Campbell & Craig McDonald - 403-418 Examining the relationship between information systems and marketing functions: the experience of a Middle East airline
by Abdullah Basahel & Zahir Irani - 419-439 Employing the social-technical perspective in identifying security management systems in organisations
by Suhazimah Dzazali & Sulaiman Ainin & Ali Hussein Saleh Zolait - 440-459 The adoption of e-commerce for wood enterprises
by Z.S. Andreopoulou & T. Koutroumanidis & B. Manos - 460-476 Increasing the security of e-commerce systems using multi-agents
by M. Masoud Javidi & Hamid R. Naji & M.E. Shiri - 477-488 The key success to mobile internet in the Middle East: wireless set to take the lead
by Ahmad M. Khasawneh
2009, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 263-289 The future of digital music sales among web-enabled professionals: an empirical investigation
by Alan D. Smith - 290-310 A risk mitigation framework for integrated-enterprise systems implementation for the manufacturing environment
by Lip Tse Ho & Grier Lin & Sev Nagalingam - 311-323 Designing a value-added e-business model through information aggregation: an Indian case study
by Susmi Routray & Sita Mishra - 324-339 An empirical study of the end-user satisfaction with information systems using the Doll and Torkzadeh instrument
by Ali Azadeh & Mohamad Sadegh Sangari & Mohsen Jafari Songhori - 340-359 Using customers data for defining retail market size: a GIS approach
by Abdulkader A. Murad - 360-385 Web-based QFD: a collaborative technique for supporting the adoption of customers' voices
by C. Sudhahar & R. Suresh Premil Kumar & V. Senthil & S.R. Devadasan & R. Murugesh
2009, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 143-172 To share or not to share? Examining the factors influencing local agency electronic information sharing
by Asli Yagmur Akbulut & Peter Kelle & Suzanne D. Pawlowski & Helmut Schneider & Clayton A. Looney - 173-194 New accounting system for the QoS-enabled multiservice internet: technical overview
by Hak Ju Kim - 195-209 Role of mobile technology in the construction industry – a case study
by Sitalakshmi Venkatraman & Pak Yoong - 210-232 Business process integration point classification and the priority evaluation method
by Zhong-Jie Wang & Xiao-Fei Xu - 233-244 Usability analysis and design structure matrix
by Petri Helo & Tauno Kekale & Satu Lautamaki - 245-261 Mobile commerce: issues and obstacles
by Angappa Gunasekaran & Ronald E. McGaughey
2009, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-24 Evaluation of electronic maritime services using fuzzy logic techniques
by G.N. Dourmas & N.V. Nikitakos & M.A. Lambrou - 25-46 Interactive situation modelling in knowledge-intensive domains
by Kiran Jude Fernandes - 47-62 Analysing alternatives for information technology outsourcing decision: an analytic network process approach
by Mohd Nishat Faisal & D.K. Banwet - 63-84 Theoretical views on the potential shopper response to RFID item tagging
by Rebecca Angeles - 85-104 Agility in a small software firm: a sense-and-respond analysis
by Thomas Schmidt & Lars Mathiassen - 105-124 IIMS: an integrated inventory management system based on software agent
by Hsi-Mei Chen & Cheng-Sian Chang - 125-142 Information systems services outsourcing reality in large Portuguese organisations
by Joao Varajao & Antonio Trigo & Nelson Figueiredo & Joao Barroso & Jose Bulas-Cruz
2008, Volume 3, Issue 6
- 572-586 Revisiting knowledge warehousing: theoretical foundations
by Alexeis Garcia-Perez & Amit Mitra - 587-608 Knowledge maps and organisations: an overview and interpretation
by Jin Tong & Amit Mitra - 609-623 How to use KM effectively in a European context: the case of BCT in Romania
by Elena Marilena Porumb & Farhad Analoui - 624-636 Motives for and modes of interfirm technological cooperation: an empirical study of China's high-technology SMEs
by Dan Chen & Azhdar Karami - 637-651 The IT professional and knowledge management: researching the Irish perspective
by John G. McCarthy & Fergal McGrath - 652-667 Knowledge management within information security: the case of Barings Bank
by Shalini Kesar - 668-685 Capturing tacit knowledge across different domains: Knowledge Community (K-Comm)
by Naresh Kumar Agarwal & Danny C.C. Poo - 686-697 Tacit knowledge, organisational memory: expectations and experiences in developing a knowledge warehouse
by Amit Mitra & Laura Campoy
2008, Volume 3, Issue 5
- 445-463 Multiattribute analysis of the offshore outsourcing location decision using a decision support system framework
by P.D.D. Dominic & Ahmad Kamil Mahmood & V. Murugesh & P. Sridevi - 464-481 Data mining techniques for better decisions in human resource management systems
by Jayanthi Ranjan & D.P. Goyal & S.I. Ahson - 482-497 An empirical Lotka-Volterra system for competition dynamics in the telecommunication sector of Sri Lanka
by A.W. Wijeratne & J.A. Karunaratne & Chuncheng Wang & Junjie Wei - 498-528 Acceptability of internet voting and CRM principles among the internet savvy
by Alan D. Smith