2008, Volume 54, Issue 6
- 234-246 Drinking water treatment residuals as an amendment to alkaline soils: Effects on bioaccumulation of heavy metals and aluminum in corn plants
by A.M. Mahdy & E.A. Elkhatib & N.O. Fathi - 247-254 The influence of organic fertilizers application on phosphorus and potassium bioavailabilit
by A. Hanč & P. Tlustoš & J. Száková & J. Balík - 255-261 Topography impact on nutrition content in soil and yield
by J. Kumhálová & Š. Matějková & M. Fifernová & J. Lipavský & F. Kumhála - 262-270 Effect of cadmium and lead on growth, biochemical parameters and uptake in Lemna polyrrhizaL
by R. John & P. Ahmad & K. Gadgil & S. Sharma
2008, Volume 54, Issue 5
- 179-189 The effect of different rates and forms of applied sulphur on nutrient composition of planted crops
by M. Skwierawska & L. Zawartka & B. Zawadzki - 190-196 Influence of the fertilization on the winter wheat in the crop rotations and in the long-term monoculture
by M. Babulicová - 197-203 Fluctuations of nitrogen levels in soil profile under conditions of a long-term fertilization experiment
by W. Sądej & K. Przekwas - 204-211 Soil biological activity of mulching and cut/harvested land set aside
by M. Růžková & L. Růžek & K. Voříšek - 212-218 The changes in microbial biomass C and N in long-term field experiments
by J. Černý & J. Balík & M. Kulhánek & V. Nedvěd - 219-226 Long-term field experiments - museum relics or scientific challenge?
by W. Merbach & A. Deubel
2008, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 133-139 Performance index as a sensitive indicator of water stress in Triticum aestivum L
by M. Živčák & M. Brestič & K. Olšovská & P. Slamka - 140-148 Plant regeneration from in vitro leaves of four commercial Pyrus species
by H. Tang & Y. Luo & C. Liu - 149-154 Potentially dangerous fusarioid microorganisms associated with rot of hops (Humulus lupulus L.) plants in field culture
by M. Gryndler & K. Krofta & H. Gryndlerová & L. Soukupová & H. Hršelová & J. Gabriel - 155-162 Up-regulation of sucrose-P synthase in rice under elevated carbon dioxide and temperature conditions
by K.B. Sujatha & D.C. Uprety & D. Nageswara Rao & P. Raghuveer Rao & N. Dwivedi - 163-170 Relations between activities and counts of soil microorganisms
by E. Popelářová & K. Voříšek & S. Strnadová - 171-177 The effect of different rates and forms of sulphur applied on changes of soil agrochemical properties
by M. Skwierawska & L. Zawartka & B. Zawadzki
2008, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 89-99 Salt stress and phyto-biochemical responses of plants - a review
by A. Parvaiz & S. Satyawati - 100-107 Crop influence on mobile sulphur content and arylsulphatase activity in the plant rhizosphere
by B. Kotková & J. Balík & J. Černý & M. Kulhánek & M. Bazalová - 108-116 Competitive relationships between sugar beet and weeds in dependence on time of weed control
by M. Jursík & J. Holec & J. Soukup & V. Venclová - 117-122 Effects of copper on growth, antioxidant enzymes and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activities in Jatropha curcas L. seedling
by S. Gao & R. Yan & M. Cao & W. Yang & S. Wang & F. Chen - 123-131 Plant growth, metabolism and adaptation in relation to stress conditions: Further studies supporting nullification of harmful effects of salinity in lettuce plants by urea treatment
by M.N.A. Hasaneen & M.E. Younis & D.M.A. El-Bialy
2008, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 47-54 Lead uptake by Matricaria chamomilla L
by A. Grejtovský & K. Markušová & L. Nováková - 55-60 Estimation of ethylene production and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid in plants by means of gas chromatography
by H. Fišerová & Z. Mikušová & M. Klemš - 61-65 The impact of cadmium and mercury contamination on reproduction and body mass of earthworms
by S. Lapinski & M. Rosciszewska - 66-71 Effect of nitrogen sources on the nitrogenous forms and accumulation of amino acid in head cabbage
by E. Atanasova - 72-77 Identification of organic acids produced during rice straw decomposition and their role in rock phosphate solubilization
by A. Kumari & K.K. Kapoor & B.S. Kundu & R.K. Mehta - 78-88 Biomass production and survival rates of selected poplar clones grown under a short-rotation on arable land
by M. Trnka & M. Trnka & J. Fialová & V. Koutecký & M. Fajman & Z. Žalud & S. Hejduk
2008, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 1-6 Differences in phenolic content and antioxidant activity in yellow and purple-fleshed potatoes grown in the Czech Republic
by J. Lachman & K. Hamouz & M. Šulc & M. Orsák & P. Dvořák - 7-13 Reduction of drought stress effect in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) by nitrogen fertilization
by M. Krček & P. Slamka & K. Olšovská & M. Brestič & M. Benčíková - 14-19 Water potential characteristics and yield of summer maize in different planting patterns
by L. Quanqi & C. Yuhai & L. Mengyu & Z. Xunbo & D. Baodi & Y. Songlie - 20-29 Effects of leaching on soil desalinization for wheat crop in an arid region
by B. Mostafazadeh-Fard & M. Heidarpour & A. Aghakhani & M. Feizi - 30-37 Mobilisation of arsenic in soils and in rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants affected by organic matter and zinc application in irrigation water contaminated with arsenic
by D.K. Das & P. Sur & K. Das - 38-46 Growth and yield responses of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) at two enhanced CO2 levels
by M. Vanaja & M. Jyothi & P. Ratnakumar & P. Vagheera & P. Raghuram Reddy & N. Jyothi Lakshmi & S.K. Yadav & M. Maheshwari & B. Venkateswarlu
2007, Volume 53, Issue 12
- 1-1 Index 2007
by editors - 511-516 Photosystem II of barley seedlings under cadmium and lead stress
by H.M. Kalaji & T. Loboda - 517-523 Antioxidant enzyme activities in Allium species and their cultivars under water stress
by J. Csiszár & E. Lantos & I. Tari & E. Madoşă & B. Wodala & Á. Vashegyi & F. Horváth & A. Pécsváradi & M. Szabó & B. Bartha & Á. Gallé & A. Lazăr & G. Coradini & M. Staicu & S. Postelnicu & S. Mihacea & G. Nedelea & L. Erdei - 524-528 Effects of pretreatments of some growth regulators on the stomata movements of barley seedlings grown under saline (NaCl) conditions
by K. ÇAVUŞOGLU & S. Kiliç & K. Kabar - 529-543 The effects of treatment with polyamines on dry matter, oil and flavonoid contents in salinity stressed chamomile and sweet marjoram
by R.M. Ali & H.M. Abbas & R.K. Kamal - 544-552 Effect of interactions between nickel and other heavy metals on the soil microbiological properties
by J. Wyszkowska & E. Boros & J. Kucharski
2007, Volume 53, Issue 11
- 465-472 The effect of brassinosteroids on radish (Raphanus sativus L.) seedlings growing under cadmium stress
by S. Anuradha & S.S.R. Rao - 473-481 Direct and secondary effect of liming and organic fertilization on cadmium content in soil and in vegetables
by A. Zaniewicz-Bajkowska & R. Rosa & J. Franczuk & E. Kosterna - 482-489 The forms of aluminium in Stagnosols in Serbia
by V. Mrvić & M. Jakovljević & D. Stevanović & D. Čakmak - 490-498 Expression of OsNHX1 gene in maize confers salt tolerance and promotes plant growth in the field
by M. Chen & Q.-J. Chen & X.-G. Niu & R. Zhang & H.-Q. Lin & C.-Y. Xu & X.-C. Wang & G.-Y. Wang & J. Chen - 499-505 The effect of organic and conventional growing systems on quality and storage protein composition of winter wheat
by L. Krejčířová & I. Capouchová & J. Petr & E. Bicanová & O. Faměra - 506-510 eFarmer - project "Bringing the datawarehouse for agriculture into practice"
by J. Vaněk & J. Jarolímek & P. Šimek
2007, Volume 53, Issue 10
- 421-429 A neural network model for prediction of deoxynivalenol content in wheat grain based on weather data and preceding crop
by K. Klem & M. Váňová & J. Hajšlová & K. Lancová & M. Sehnalová - 430-436 Chlorophyll fluorescence as an indicator of fluoranthene phototoxicity
by M. Kummerová & L. Váňová - 437-441 Cot-based cloning and sequencing of the short arm of wheat chromosome 1B
by H. Šimková & J. Janda & E. Hřibová & J. Šafář & J. Doležel - 442-446 A short guide to phylogeny reconstruction
by E. Michu - 447-450 Chromosome walking with BAC clones as a method of genome mapping
by Z. Kubát - 451-455 Isolation and detection of small RNA molecules
by J. Fulneček - 456-463 Applying statistics for nonsequential yield component analysis - Information
by M. Kozak & S. Samborski & M.S. Kang & J. Rozbicki
2007, Volume 53, Issue 9
- 375-381 The influence of long-term sewage sludge application on the activity of phosphatases in the rhizosphere of plants
by J. Balík & D. Pavlíková & V. Vaněk & M. Kulhánek & B. Kotková - 382-387 The influence of different intensities of phosphorus fertilizing on available phosphorus contents in soils and uptake by plants
by M. Kulhánek & J. Balík & J. Černý & V. Nedvěd & B. Kotková - 388-394 Spring malt barley response to elemental sulphur - the prognostic value of N and S concentrations in malt barley leaves
by W. Grzebisz & K. Przygocka-Cyna - 395-402 Effect of phosphoric fertilizers as a source of sulphur on malt barley total and technological grain yields
by J. Potarzycki & W. Grzebisz - 403-412 Role of cultivation conditions in potato sloughing as indicated by CPEM method
by A. Hejlová & J. Blahovec - 413-416 Survey of molecular phylogenetics
by M. Talianová - 417-420 dCAPS method: advantages, troubles and solution
by M. Hrubá
2007, Volume 53, Issue 8
- 329-339 Interspecific variation and impact of clear-cutting on natural 15N abundance and N concentration in the needle-to-soil continuum of a boreal conifer forest
by S.P. Sah & H. Ilvesniemi - 340-344 Glutathione and zeaxanthin formation during high light stress in foliose lichens
by J. Štepigová & H. Vráblíková & J. Lang & K. Večeřová & M. Barták - 345-349 The determination of avidin in genetically modified maize by voltammetric techniques
by J. Petrlová & S. Křížková & V. Šupálková & M. Masařík & V. Adam & L. Havel & K.J. Kramer & R. Kizek - 350-354 An influence of cisplatin on the cell culture of Nicotiana tabacum BY-2
by P. Babula & V. Šupálková & V. Adam & L. Havel & M. Beklová & Z. Sladký & R. Kizek - 355-360 Effect of selected factors on total carotenoid content in potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.)
by Z. Kotíková & A. Hejtmánková & J. Lachman & K. Hamouz & E. Trnková & P. Dvořák - 361-364 Heterologous approach in the search for (candidate) genes
by J. Žlůvová - 365-373 Approach to the assessment of transport risk of inorganic pollutants based on the immobilisation capability of soil
by J. Makovníková & G. Barančíková & B. Pálka
2007, Volume 53, Issue 7
- 283-289 Mycorrhizal infection ameliorates chlorophyll content and nutrient uptake of lettuce exposed to saline irrigation
by P. Zuccarini - 290-298 Step-by-step morpho-physiological responses of Arachis hypogaea L. cv. NC 2 to iron deficiency
by A. Gholizadeh & B. Baghban Kohnehrouz & H. Hekmatshoar - 299-305 Effect of perforated foil and polypropylene fibre covers on assimilation leaf area of early potato cultivars
by W. Wadas & E. Kosterna - 306-316 Agricultural drought and spring barley yields in the Czech Republic
by M. Trnka & P. Hlavinka & D. Semerádová & M. Dubrovský & Z. Žalud & M. Možný - 317-320 Renaturation of telomere-binding proteins after the fractionation by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
by G. Rotková - 321-324 Mapping of non-recombining regions via molecular markers
by B. Janoušek & J. Žlůvová - 325-328 Chromosomal rearrangements in Arabidopsis mutants revealed by repeated FISH
by P. Mokroš
2007, Volume 53, Issue 6
- 239-246 Soil conditions and evolution of aluminium resistance among cultivated and wild plant species on the Island of Madeira
by J.F.T. Ganança & I. Abreu & N.F. Sousa & R.F. Paz & P. Caldeira & T.M.M. Dos Santos & G. Costa & J.J. Slaski & M.Â.A. Pinheiro De Carvalho - 247-251 Changes in the content of glycoalkaloids in potato tubers according to soil tillage and weed control methods
by K. Zarzecka & M. Gugała - 252-257 Effect of conditions of locality, variety and fertilization on the content of ascorbic acid in potato tubers
by K. Hamouz & J. Lachman & P. Dvořák & O. Dušková & M. Čížek - 258-266 Effects of liming and nitrogen application on the trace element concentrations of pastures in low mountain range
by H. Laser - 267-275 Causal pathways when independent variables are co-related: new interpretational possibilities
by M. Kozak & M.S. Kang & M. Stępień - 276-282 Influence of plantation row spacing on quality and yield of hops - Information
by J. Kořen
2007, Volume 53, Issue 5
- 193-200 Root excretion and plant tolerance to cadmium toxicity - a review
by J. Dong & W.H. Mao & G.P. Zhang & F.B. WU & Y. Cai - 201-206 The effect of potentially toxic elements and sewage sludge on the activity of regulatory enzyme glutamate kinase
by D. Pavlíková & M. Pavlík & L. Staszková & P. Tlustoš & J. Száková & J. Balík - 207-215 Does antioxidant capacity of leaves play a role in growth response to selenium at different sulfur nutritional status?
by R. Hajiboland & L. Amjad - 216-224 The role of Fe- and Mn-oxides during EDTA-enhanced phytoextraction of heavy metals
by M. Komárek & P. Tlustoš & J. Száková & V. Chrastný & J. Balík - 225-238 Relationship of soil properties to fractionation, bioavailability and mobility of lead and zinc in soil
by N. Finžgar & P. Tlustoš & D. Leštan
2007, Volume 53, Issue 4
- 143-148 The fluctuation of copper content in oilseed rape plants (Brassica napus L.) after the application of nitrogen and sulphur fertilizers
by J. Balík & D. Pavlíková & P. Tlustoš & J. Černý & M. Jakl - 149-157 Pedotransfer function application for estimation of soil hydrophysical properties using parametric methods
by S. Matula & K. Špongrová - 158-166 Influence of Cadophora finlandica and other microbial treatments on cadmium and zinc uptake in willows grown on polluted soil
by M.N. Dos Santos Utmazian & P. Schweiger & P. Sommer & M. Gorfer & J. Strauss & W.W. Wenzel - 167-176 Comparison of the effectiveness of wheat roots colonization by Azotobacter chroococcum and Pantoea agglomerans using serological techniques
by N. Narula & R. Remus & A. Deubel & A. Granse & S.S. Dudeja & R.K. Behl & W. Merbach - 177-185 Biomass and catabolic diversity of microbial communities with long-term restoration, bare fallow and cropping history in Chinese Mollisols
by G.H. Wang & J. Jin & X.L. Chen & J.D. Liu & X.B. Liu & S.J. Herbert - 186-192 The influence of halophytic compost, farmyard manure and phosphobacteria on soil microflora and enzyme activities
by V. Balakrishnan & K. Venkatesan & K.C. Ravindran
2007, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 97-104 Conversion of sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) bands into high-throughput DNA markers based on RAPD technique for detection of the stem nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci in crucial plant hosts
by M. Zouhar & M. Marek & O. Douda & J. Mazáková & P. Ryšánek - 105-112 Yield and quality of grain amaranth (Amaranthus sp.) in Eastern Austria
by D.M. Gimplinger & G. Dobos & R. Schönlechner & H.-P. Kaul - 113-119 Response of Neotyphodium lolii-infected perennial ryegrass to phosphorus deficiency
by A.Z. Ren & Y.B. Gao & F. Zhou - 120-128 Effect of foliar urea application on quality, growth, mineral uptake and yield of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L., var. italica)
by E. Yildirim & I. Guvenc & M. Turan & A. Karatas - 129-135 Modification of cadmium toxicity in pea seedlings by kinetin
by A.M.A. Al-Hakimi - 136-141 Effect of perforated foil and polypropylene fibre covers on development of early potato cultivars
by W. Wadas & E. Kosterna
2007, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 51-57 Dehydrogenases, urease and phosphatases activities of soil contaminated with fungicides
by E. Jastrzębska & J. Kucharski - 58-64 Effects of Bacillus FS-3 on growth of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) plants and availability of phosphorus in soil
by M. Turan & N. ATAOGLU & F. Şahin - 65-71 Seedling treatments and phosphorus solution concentrations affect nodulation and nodule functions in soybean (Glycine max L.)
by S.J. Miao & X.Z. Han & X.B. Liu & Y.F. Qiao - 72-80 The greenhouse provocation test for determination of resistance to potato common scab [Streptomyces scabiei (ex Thaxter 1982) Lambert and Loria 1989]
by J. Domkářová & B. Vokál & V. Horáčková & J. Brož - 81-88 Effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations on growth and yield of blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) - a rainfed pulse crop
by M. Vanaja & P. Raghuram Reddy & N. Jyothi Lakshmi & M. Maheswari & P. Vagheera & P. Ratnakumar & M. Jyothi & S.K. Yadav & B. Venkateswarlu - 89-96 The influence of gypsum treatment on the acquirement of nutrients from soils by barley
by J. Matula & M. Pechová
2007, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 1-6 Role of rock phosphate in alleviation of heavy metals stress on Fusarium oxysporum
by H.A.H. Hasan - 7-15 Phytoremediation based on canola (Brassica napus L.) and Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) planted on spiked soil by aliquot amount of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn
by M. Turan & A. Esringü - 16-23 The effect of simultaneous magnesium application on the biological effects of titanium
by S. Kužel & P. Cígler & M. Hrubý & J. Vydra & D. Pavlíková & P. Tlustoš - 24-32 Relationship between soil organic matter lability and liming requirement in acid sandy-loam cambisols
by L. Kolář & F. Klimeš & J. Gergel & M. Švecová - 33-41 Methodological aspects in the study of species richness, diversity and homotony of grass cover
by F. Klimeš & L. Kolář & J. Květ & W. Opitz Von Boberfeld & H. Laser - 42-50 The development of above-ground biomass in unmanaged grasslands and its influence on the leakage of water and the amount of elements found
by J. Fiala
2006, Volume 52, Issue 12
- 531-543 Effects of agricultural management on soil organic matter and carbon transformation - a review
by X. Liu & S.J. Herbert & A.M. Hashemi & X. Zhang & G. Ding - 544-549 Uptake of thallium from artificially contaminated soils by kale (Brassica oleracea L., var. acephala)
by J. Pavlíčková & J. Zbíral & M. Smatanová & P. Habarta & P. Houserová & V. Kubáň - 550-558 Laboratory study of retention and release of weak acid herbicide MCPA by soils and sediments and leaching potential of MCPA
by E. Hiller & M. Khun & L. Zemanová & Ľ. Jurkovič & M. Bartaľ - 559-563 The effect of quercetine on leaf abscission of apple tree (Malus domestica Borkh.), growth of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.), and ethylene production
by H. Fišerová & J. Šebánek & J. Hradilík & S. Procházka - 564-570 Yacon [Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poeppig & Endlicher) H. Robinson]: a new cropin the Central Europe - Information
by E.C. Fernández & I. Viehmannová & J. Lachman & L. Milella
2006, Volume 52, Issue 11
- 485-491 Evaluation of spring barley genotypes with different susceptibility to Fusarium head blight using molecular markers
by Z. Nesvadba & T. Vyhnánek & I. Ježíšková & L. Tvarůžek & M. Špunarová & J. Špunar - 492-498 Effects of beauvericin on root cell transmembrane electric potential, electrolyte leakage and respiration of maize roots with different susceptibility to Fusarium
by J. Pavlovkin & I. Mistríková & M. Luxová & I. Mistrík - 499-504 Initial growth responses of blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) under elevated CO2and moisture stress
by M. Vanaja & P. Ratnakumar & P. Vagheera & M. Jyothi & P. Raghuram Reddy & N. Jyothi Lakshmi & M. Maheshwari & S.K. Yadav - 505-514 Role of compost, bentonite and lime in recovering the biochemical equilibrium of diesel oil contaminated soil
by J. Wyszkowska & M. Wyszkowski - 515-522 Effects of hybrid and row spacing on maize forage yield and quality
by S. Iptas & A.A. Acar - 523-529 Physiological responses of maize to elemental sulphur and cadmium stress
by Y. Cui & Q. Wang
2006, Volume 52, Issue 10
- 435-440 The effect of inoculation of pea plants with mycorrhizal fungi and Rhizobium on nitrogen and phosphorus assimilation
by M. Geneva & G. Zehirov & E. Djonova & N. Kaloyanova & G. Georgiev & I. Stancheva - 441-448 New Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii isolates: Evaluation of competitiveness for clover nodule occupancy
by T. Šimon & J. Salava - 449-453 Effects of growing methods and plant age on the yield, and on the content of flavonoids and phenolic acids in Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench
by Z. Seemannová & I. Mistríková & Š. Vaverková - 454-458 Silybum marianum in vitro-flavonolignan production
by L. Tůmová & J. Řimáková & J. Tůma & J. Dušek - 459-467 Ecobiological study of medicinal plants in some regions of Serbia
by D. Obratov-Petković & I. Popović & S. Belanović & R. Kadović - 468-475 Estimation of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) forage quality parameters dependingon the variety, cut and growing year
by J. Drobná & J. Jančovič - 476-480 Ion accumulation in different organs of green bean genotypes grown under salt stress
by F. Yasar & O. Uzal & S. Tufenkci & K. Yildiz - 481-484 Comparison of citation databases SCOPUS and Web of Science:Czech and Slovak agricultural and related disciplines - Information
by P. Boldiš & H. Landová
2006, Volume 52, Issue 9
- 385-391 Stabilisation of metals in mine spoil with amendments and growth of red fescue in symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungi
by L. Simon & J. Tamás & E. Kovács & B. Kovács & B. Biró - 392-401 Occurrence of dwarf virus of winter wheat and barley in several regions of Slovakiaduring the growing seasons 2001-2004
by N. Bukvayová & M. Henselová & V. Vajcíková & T. Kormanová - 402-406 The effect of flax seed inoculation by Azospirillum brasilense on flax yield and its quality
by N. Mikhailouskaya - 407-412 The effect of site conditions, variety and fertilization on the content of polyphenolsin potato tubers
by K. Hamouz & J. Lachman & P. Dvořák & M. Jůzl & V. Pivec - 413-423 Removal of As, Cd, Pb, and Zn from contaminated soil by high biomass producing plants
by P. Tlustoš & J. Száková & J. Hrubý & I. Hartman & J. Najmanová & J. Nedělník & D. Pavlíková & M. Batysta - 424-430 Soil depth prediction supported by primary terrain attributes: a comparison of methods
by V. Penížek & L. Borůvka - 431-434 BURIS/EBS - Electronic exchange trade with agrarian commodities in the Czech Republic - Information
by J. Vaněk & J. Jarolímek & M. Adámek
2006, Volume 52, Issue 8
- 335-344 Effect of treated wastewater on soil chemical and physical properties in an arid region
by J. Abedi-Koupai & B. Mostafazadeh-Fard & M. Afyuni & M.R. Bagheri - 345-352 Effects of liming on the microbial biomass and its activities in soils long-term contaminated by toxic elements
by G. Mühlbachová & P. Tlustoš - 353-361 Rhizosphere characteristics, heavy metal accumulation and growth performance of two willow (Salix × rubens) clones
by M. Vysloužilová & M. Puschenreiter & G. Wieshammer & W.W. Wenzel - 362-367 Recommended maximum contents of persistent organic pollutants in sewage sludge for application on agricultural soils
by R. Vácha & M. Vysloužilová & V. Horváthová & J. Čechmánková - 368-376 Genotypic response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars to drought stress implemented at pre- and post-anthesis stages and its relations with nutrient uptake and efficiency
by A. Gunes & N. Cicek & A. Inal & M. Alpaslan & F. Eraslan & E. Guneri & T. Guzelordu - 377-384 Uptake of mineral nitrogen from subsoil by winter wheat
by J. Haberle & P. Svoboda & J. Krejčová
2006, Volume 52, Issue 7
- 289-294 Influence of non-woven fleece on the yield formation of early potatoes
by K. Hamouz & J. Lachman & P. Dvořák & E. Trnková - 295-300 Relation between multi-nutrient soil tests and boron in barley
by J. Matula & M. Pechová - 301-307 The fluctuation of molybdenum content in oilseed rape plants after the application of nitrogen and sulphur fertilizers
by J. Balík & D. Pavlíková & P. Tlustoš & K. Sýkora & J. Černý - 308-313 The effect of nitrogen fertilization on root distribution of winter wheat
by P. Svoboda & J. Haberle - 314-320 Effect of bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens and low fungicide dose seed treatments on parasite fungus Aphanomyces cochlioides and sugar beet yield and quality
by S. Kristek & A. Kristek & V. Guberac & A. Stanisavljević - 321-327 Pedotransfer functions for point and parametric estimations of soil water retention curve
by H. Merdun - 328-334 Studies on the imbibition of triticale kernels with a different degree of sprouting, using digital shape analysis
by M. Wiwart & M. Moś & T. Wójtowicz
2006, Volume 52, Issue 6
- 239-244 The extent of land use impact on water regime
by P. Kovář - 245-249 Evaluation of characteristics affecting the market value of table potatoes after washing
by V. Rasocha & E. Hausvater & P. Doležal - 250-253 Cadmium induced changes in cell wall peroxidase isozyme pattern in barley root tips
by J. Huttová & I. Mistrík & M. Ollé-Šimonovičová & L. Tamás - 254-261 Parametric stability analyses for grain yield of durum wheat
by M. Akcura & Y. Kaya & S. Taner & R. Ayranci - 262-270 Effect of aluminum on the isozymes of the seedlings of two soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] varieties
by X.F. Ying & P. Liu & G.D. XU - 271-274 The influence of tillage on selected biological parameters
by O. Mikanová & M. Javůrek & M. Vach & A. Markupová - 275-281 The influence of different soil vegetation covers onto the volumetric water content in upper soil layers
by V. Brant & J. Pivec & V. Venclová & J. Soukup & J. Holec - 282-288 Relations among alkaloids, cadmium and zinc contents in opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.)
by J. Lachman & A. Hejtmánková & D. Miholová & D. Kolihová & P. Tluka
2006, Volume 52, Issue 5
- 193-198 Contribution of soil organic carbon and C3 sugar to the total CO2 efflux using 13C abundance
by R. Koçyigit - 199-210 Contents of various forms of cadmium, copper, lead and chromium in soil after application of untreated and composted tannery sewage sludge
by K. Gondek - 211-219 Grain quality and yield of spring barley in field trials under variable growing conditions
by M. Váňová & S. Palík & J. Hajšlová & I. Burešová - 220-226 Effect of heating oil on the activity of soil enzymes and the yield of yellow lupine
by J. Kucharski & E. Jastrzębska - 227-233 Hot pepper response to interactive effects of salinity and boron
by Supanjani & K.D. Lee - 234-238 Comparison of water relations and drought related flag leaf traits in hexaploid spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
by W.M. Bhutta & M. Ibrahim & Tahira
2006, Volume 52, Issue 4
- 143-149 Effect of manganese on cadmium toxicity in maize seedlings
by P. Paľove-Balang & A. Kisová & J. Pavlovkin & I. Mistrík - 150-158 Yield and yield components responses of old and new soybean cultivars to source-sink manipulation under light enrichment
by X. Liu & S.J. Herbert & A.M. Hashemi & G.V. Litchfield & Q. Zhang & A.R. Barzegar - 159-163 Role of cytokinins in growth correlations between roots and stems in pea (Pisum sativum L.) seedlings
by H. Fišerová & J. Šebánek & J. Hradilík & P. Doležel & H. Vítková - 164-170 Evaluation of certain rainfed food and oil seed crops for their response to elevated CO2 at vegetative stage
by M. Vanaja & P. Vagheera & P. Ratnakumar & N. Jyothi Lakshmi & P. Raghuram Reddy & S.K. Yadav & M. Maheswari & B. Venkateswarlu - 171-177 Association analysis of some morphological traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under field stress conditions
by W.M. Bhutta & M. Ibrahim & Tahira - 178-185 Soybean (Glycine max) seed growth characteristics in response to light enrichment and shading
by X. Liu & S.J. Herbert & K. Baath & A.M. Hashemi - 186-191 Effect of osmotic stress on compatible solutes content, membrane stability and water relationsin two maize cultivars
by P. Valentovič & M. Luxová & L. Kolarovič & O. Gašparíková
2006, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 97-104 Microbiological parameters of soil set aside before and after desiccation
by M. Nováková & K. Voříšek - 105-110 New Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii isolates: collection, identification and screening of efficiency in symbiosis with clover
by T. Šimon - 111-118 Growth and yield response of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to inoculation with rhizobacteria
by A. Salantur & A. Ozturk & S. Akten - 119-129 Paranodules and colonization of wheat roots by phytohormone producing bacteria in soil
by N. Narula & A. Deubel & W. Gans & R.K. Behl & W. Merbach - 130-137 Effect of co-inoculation with phosphate and potassium solubilizing bacteria on mineral uptáme and growth of pepper and cucumber
by H.S. Han & Supanjani & K.D. Lee - 137-140 Fate of carbon and nitrogen from plant residue decomposition in a calcareous soil
by F. Nourbakhsh
2006, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 47-54 Competition between triticale (Triticosecale Witt.) and field beans (Vicia faba var. minor L.) in additive intercrops
by P. Sobkowicz - 55-63 Dissolved organic carbon and dissolved nitrogen in soil under different fertilization treatments
by S.S. Gonet & B. Debska - 64-71 The Cd mobility in incubated sewage sludge after ameliorative materials additions
by A. Hanč & P. Tlustoš & J. Száková & J. Balík - 72-77 Sulphur supply to peas (Pisum sativum L.) influences symbiotic N2 fixation
by H.W. Scherer & S. Pacyna & N. Manthey & M. Schulz - 78-82 Effect of selenium foliar application on its content in winter wheat grain
by L. Ducsay & O. Ložek - 83-87 The influence of modified pratotechnics of unmanaged grasslands on the amount of mineral nitrogen in lysimetric waters of the rhizosphere
by J. Fiala - 88-96 Nitrate uptake and N allocation in Triticum aestivum L. and Triticum durum Desf. seedlings
by M. Trčková & Z. Stehno & I. Raimanová
2006, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-7 The response of chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) plants to soil zinc supply
by A. Grejtovský & K. Markušová & A. Eliašová - 8-15 Effect of Se-metal pair combinations (Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb) on photosynthetic pigmentsproduction and Metal accumulation in Sinapis alba L. seedlings
by A. Fargašová & J. Pastierová & K. Svetková - 16-24 The effect of liming on cadmium, lead, and zinc uptake reduction by spring wheat grown in contaminated soil
by P. Tlustoš & J. Száková & K. Kořínek & D. Pavlíková & A. Hanč & J. Balík - 25-34 Bioavailability and mobility of Pb after soil treatment with different remediation methods
by N. Finžgar & B. Kos & D. Leštan - 35-40 Anti-erosion effectiveness of selected crops and the relation to leaf area index (LAI)
by K. Klima & B. Wiśniowska-Kielian - 41-46 Spatial variation features description of soil available P, K, Mg and soil pH by proportional effect
by L. Brodský & J. Száková & M. Bazalová & V. Penížek
2005, Volume 51, Issue 12
- 1-1 Index Volume 51
by editors - 523-531 Effect of nickel contamination on soil enzymatic activities
by J. Wyszkowska & J. Kucharski & E. Boros - 532-538 The application of diffusive gradient technique (DGT) for assessment of changes in Cd, Pb, and Zn mobility in rhizosphere
by Z. Fischerová & J. Száková & D. Pavlíková & P. Tlustoš - 539-544 The effects of calcareous sapropel application on the changes of Haplic Luvisols chemical properties and crop yield
by E. Bakšiené & V. Janušiené - 545-552 Water logging may inhibit plant growth primarily by nutrient deficiency rather than nutrient toxicity
by D. Steffens & B.W. Hütsch & T. Eschholz & T. Lošák & S. Schubert - 553-561 Distribution of nitrogen in wheat plant in its late growth stages with regard to organic fertilisation and mineral nitrogen rate
by B. Čeh-Brežnik & A. Tajnšek - 562-571 An estimation of subsurface total drainage quantity in non-steady state drainage flow, and its verification in loamy soils
by J. Štibinger
2005, Volume 51, Issue 11
- 477-482 Red and purple coloured potatoes as a significant antioxidant source in human nutrition - a review
by J. Lachman & K. Hamouz - 483-490 The use of molecular markers for characterisation of spring barley for breeding to Fusarium head blight resistance
by M. Špunarová & J. Ovesná & L. Tvarůžek & L. Kučera & J. Špunar & I. Hollerová - 491-495 Chloroplast ultrastructural development in vascular bundle sheath cells of two different maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes
by A. Vičánková & J. Kutík - 496-505 Benzothiazole derivatives substituted in position 2 as biologically active substances with plant growth regulation activity
by E. Šimonová & M. Henselová & P. Zahradník