2005, Volume 51, Issue 11
- 506-512 Phenolic compounds as chemical markers of low taxonomic levels in the family Poaceae
by V. Míka & V. Kubáň & B. Klejdus & V. Odstrčilová & P. Nerušil - 513-516 Effect of cadmium on flavonoid content in young barley (Hordeum sativum L.) plants
by J. Lachman & J. Dudjak & D. Miholová & D. Kolihová & V. Pivec - 517-522 The influence of herbicides and their mixtures on total proteins content and on proper proteins in potato tubers
by K. Zarzecka & M. Gugała
2005, Volume 51, Issue 10
- 431-438 The effect of selected factors on the content of protein and nitrates in potato tubers
by J. Lachman & K. Hamouz & P. Dvořák & M. Orsák - 439-446 Microbial biomass-C determined using CaCl2 and K2SO4 as extraction reagents
by L. Růžek & M. Nováková & K. Voříšek & I. Skořepová & L. Vortelová & Z. Kalfařová & J. Černý & T. Částka & W. Barabasz - 447-455 Factors of spatial distribution of forest floor properties in the Jizerské Mountains
by L. Borůvka & L. Mládková & O. Drábek & R. Vašát - 456-463 Mercury and methylmercury in plants from differently contaminated sites in Slovakia
by R. Dombaiová - 464-468 Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxines and dibenzofurans in agricultural soils of the Czech Republic
by R. Vácha & M. Vysloužilová & V. Horváthová - 469-475 Compounds of natural origin inducing winter wheat resistance to powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici)
by L. Věchet & J. Martinková & M. Šindelářová & L. Burketová
2005, Volume 51, Issue 9
- 385-389 The influence of mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus sp.) on field pea plant survival and growthin drought caused stress conditions
by S. Kristek & A. Kristek & H. Pavlović - 390-396 Genotype and environmental interaction of certain indices of dormancy in winter wheat
by A. Binek & M. Moś - 397-402 The effect of ecological growing on the potatoes yield and quality
by K. Hamouz & J. Lachman & P. Dvořák & V. Pivec - 403-409 The implication of seed treatment of winter oilseed rape
by J. Kazda & P. Baranyk & D. Nerad - 410-415 Changes in the zinc content in the meadow sward under conditions of a long-term static fertilizer experiment (Czarny Potok)
by M. Kopeć - 416-422 15N natural abundances in two podsol soils of two spruce forests differing in their atmospheric N deposition conditions
by S.P. Sah - 423-430 Productivity of willow coppice plants grown in short rotations
by S. Szczukowski & M. Stolarski & J. Tworkowski & J. Przyborowski & A. Klasa
2005, Volume 51, Issue 8
- 335-342 Approximation of landfill drainage discharge by De Zeeuw-Hellinga model, and its verificationon sanitary landfill of solid domestic waste
by J. Štibinger - 343-350 SIMWASER model as a tool for the assessment of soil water balance
by M. Šťastná & E. Stenitzer - 351-359 The response of antioxidant enzymes of three soybean varieties to molybdenum and boron in soil with a connection to plant quality
by P. Liu & Y.S. Yang & G.D. XU & Y.H. Fang & Y.A. Yang - 360-367 Effect of enzymatic activity of diesel oil contaminated soil on the chemical composition of oat (Avena sativa L.) and maize (Zea mays L.)
by M. Wyszkowski & J. Wyszkowska - 368-375 Influence of gypsum treatment on extractability of nutrients from soils
by J. Matula & M. Pechová - 376-383 Particular aspects of environmental impact of potentially risk elements from airborne particulate matter
by J. Száková & J. Sysalová & P. Tlustoš
2005, Volume 51, Issue 7
- 289-295 Silage maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings emergence as influenced by soil compaction treatments and contact pressures
by O.F. Taser & O. Kara - 296-303 Separation of soil and canopy reflectance signatures of Mid German agricultural soils
by T. Behrens & K. Gregor & W. Diepenbrock - 304-309 Chlortoluron behavior in five different soil types
by M. Kočárek & R. Kodešová & J. Kozák & O. Drábek & O. Vacek - 310-315 Single and dual-permeability models of chlorotoluron transport in the soil profile
by R. Kodešová & J. Kozák & J. Šimůnek & O. Vacek - 316-321 Mobility of lead, zinc and cadmium in alluvial soils heavily polluted by smelting industry
by A. Vaněk & L. Borůvka & O. Drábek & M. Mihaljevič & M. Komárek - 322-327 Trichoderma and sulphoethyl glucan reduce maize root rot infestation and fusaric acid content
by A. Šrobárová & Š. Eged - 328-334 Effect of zinc application on quality traits of barley in semi arid zones of Turkey
by G. Kinaci & E. Kinaci
2005, Volume 51, Issue 6
- 243-248 Soil and plant pollution by potentially toxic elements in Slovakia
by J. Kobza - 249-254 The measurement of plant residues distribution quality after harvest by conventional and axial combine harvesters
by F. Kumhála & Z. Kvíz & J. Mašek & P. Procházka - 255-261 Effects of winter wheat cover crop desiccation times on soil moisture, temperature and early maize growth
by B. Stipešević & E.J. Kladivko - 262-266 Digested residue as a fertilizer after the mesophilic process of anaerobic digestion
by N. Voća & T. Krička & T. Ćosić & V. Rupić & Ž. Jukić & S. Kalambura - 267-275 Nitrogen transfers from Vicia sativa L. and Trifolium resupinatum L. to the companion grass and the following crop
by W. Opitz Von Boberfeld & E. Beckmann & H. Laser - 276-282 Aliphatic compounds, organic C and N and microbial biomass and its activity in long-term field experiment
by T. Šimon - 283-287 The allelopathic effects of juglone and walnut leaf extracts on yield, growth, chemical and PNE compositions of strawberry cv. Fern
by S. Ercisli & A. Esitken & C. Turkkal & E. Orhan
2005, Volume 51, Issue 5
- 197-205 The effect of molybdenum and boron in soil on the growth and photosynthesis of three soybean varieties
by P. Liu & Y.S. Yang & G.D. XU & Y.H. Fang & Y.A. Yang & R.M. Kalin - 206-212 Photosynthetic performance of two maize genotypes as affected by chilling stress
by K. Kosová & D. Haisel & I. Tichá - 213-219 Effect of temperature and moisture on O2 evolution rate of cultivated Phaeozem: analyses of a long-term field experiment
by V.O. Lopes De Gerenyu & I.N. Kurganova & L.N. Rozanova & V.N. Kudeyarov - 220-225 Aluminium induced esterase activity and isozyme pattern in barley root tip
by L. Tamás & J. Huttová & I. Mistrík & M. Šimonovičová & B. Široká - 226-231 Effect of nonwoven polypropylene covers on early tuber yield of potato crops
by R. Jabłońska-Ceglarek & W. Wadas - 232-236 The effect of nitrogen fertilization and anti-fungal plant protection on sugar beet yielding
by M. Pytlarz-Kozicka - 237-242 Changes in the biomass production and total soluble protein spectra of nitrate-fed and nitrogen-fixing soybeans subjected to gradual water stress
by E. Kirova & D. Nedeva & A. Nikolova & G. Ignatov
2005, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 151-155 Polymorphism of prolamin proteins of the grain of triticale varieties certifiedin the Czech Republic
by T. Vyhnánek & J. Bednář - 156-164 An evaluation of the efficiency of cultural plants to remove heavy metals from growing mediu
by R. Hajiboland - 165-172 Soil organic carbon and nitrogen characteristics in differently used grasslands at sites with drainage and without drainage
by R. Duffková & T. Kvítek & J. Voldřichová - 173-178 Methods to evaluate substrate degradability in anaerobic digestion and biogas production
by L. Kolář & F. Klimeš & J. Gergel & S. Kužel & M. Kobes & R. Ledvina & M. Šindelářová - 179-192 The influence of soil treatment by untreated and composted tannery sludge on yield, nutrient status, and chromium content in selected crops
by K. Gondek - 193-196 Effect of genotypic background on haploid production through embryo rescue in wheat × maize crosses - Short Communication
by N. Singh & R.K. Behl & M.S. Punia
2005, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 101-109 The effect of sites and years on the technological quality of winter wheat grain
by J. Kučerová - 110-123 Evaluation of MACRO model by short-term water and solute transport simulation in Maury silt loam soil
by H. Merdun & V.L. Quisenberry - 124-130 The effect of soil conservation tillage on soil moisture dynamics under single cropping and crop rotation
by K. Kováč & M. Macák & M. Švančárková - 131-136 Forage characteristics of Vicia sativa L. and Trifolium resupinatum L. in catch crop systems under Central European conditions
by W. Opitz Von Boberfeld & E. Beckmann & H. Laser - 137-143 Conservation effects on the botanical composition of grass swards in the hilly soils of West Lithuania
by D. Zableckiené & B. Butkuté - 144-150 The influence of the year, fore-crops and fertilisation on yield and content of crude protein in spring barley
by M. Příkopa & R. Richter & J. Zimolka & R. Cerkal
2005, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 51-56 Resistance to salinity stress and available water levels at the seedling stage of the common vetch (Vicia sativa L.)
by A. Orak & E. Ateş - 57-64 The antioxidative response of two tomato species with different drought tolerances as a result of drought and cadmium stress combinations
by S. Ünyayar & Y. Keleş & F.Ö. Çekiç - 65-73 Alleles controlling apple skin colour and incompatibility in new Czech apple varieties with different degrees of resistance against Venturia inaequalis CKE
by M. Melounová & P. Vejl & P. Sedlák & J. Blažek & J. Zoufalá & Z. Milec & H. Blažková - 74-81 The evaluation method of potato genotype resistance to blackspot bruise
by J. Domkářová & B. Vokál - 82-86 Characterisation of resistance genes resources against late blight available for Czech potato breeding by means of selected DNA markers
by P. Sedlák & P. Vejl & M. Melounová & P. Křenek & J. Domkářová & J. Zoufalá - 87-93 The effect of plant growth regulators and chlorsulfuron on electrophoretic profiles of soluble proteins, polypeptides and antioxidant enzymes in maize seedlings
by D. Nedeva & S. Petkova & Y. Angelova & L. Iliev - 94-99 The trnL-F plastid DNA characters of three Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass) varieties
by S.D. Stoneberg Holt & L. Horová & P. Bureš & J. Janeček & V. Černoch
2005, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-11 Low-cost agricultural measures to reduce heavy metal transfer into the food chain - a review
by M. Puschenreiter & O. Horak & W. Friesl & W. Hartl - 12-18 The application of sludge on agriculturally used soils and the problemof persistent organic pollutants
by R. Vácha & V. Horváthová & M. Vysloužilová - 19-25 The role of titanium in biomass production and its influence on essential elements' contents in field growing crops
by P. Tlustoš & P. Cígler & M. Hrubý & S. Kužel & J. Száková & J. Balík - 26-33 The availability of Cd, Pb and Zn and their relationships with soil pH and microbial biomass in soils amended by natural clinoptilolite
by G. Mühlbachová & T. Šimon & M. Pechová - 34-45 The effects of mineral treatment and the amendments by organic and organomineral fertilisers on the crop yield, plant nutrient status and soil properties
by K. Gondek & B. Filipek-Mazur - 46-50 The use of Spectroquant Merck BOD photometric test to evaluate the stabilityof organic matters in soil
by L. Kolář & S. Kužel & A. Hanušová & J. Gergel & R. Ledvina & M. Šindelářová & Š. Silovská & P. Štindl
2004, Volume 50, Issue 12
- 1-1 Index of Volume 50
by editors - 513-517 The evaluation of cadmium, zinc and nickel accumulation ability of transgenic tobacco bearing different transgenes
by D. Pavlíková & T. Macek & M. Macková & M. Surá & J. Száková & P. Tlustoš - 518-524 Influence of compost application on growth and phosphorus exploitation of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)
by H.W. Scherer - 525-534 Horizontal and vertical variability of heavy metals in the soil of a polluted area
by K. Šichorová & P. Tlustoš & J. Száková & K. Kořínek & J. Balík - 535-539 The role of genotypes on phosphorus, zinc, manganese and iron status and their relations in leaves of maize on hydromorphic soil
by V. Kovačević & I. Brkić & D. Šimić & G. Bukvić & M. Rastija - 540-546 Arsenic compounds in the leaves and roots of radish grown in three soils treated by dimethylarsinic acid
by P. Tlustoš & W. Gössler & J. Száková & D. Pavlíková & J. Balík - 547-551 Temporal variability of available phosphorus, potassium and magnesium in arable soil
by K. Štípek & V. Vaněk & J. Száková & J. Černý & J. Šilha
2004, Volume 50, Issue 11
- 471-477 Effect of cadmium on polyphenol content in young barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L.)
by J. Dudjak & J. Lachman & D. Miholová & D. Kolihová & V. Pivec - 478-483 Simulation of hydrological balance on experimental catchments Všeminka and Dřevnice in the extreme periods 1992 and 1997
by P. Kovář & P. Cudlín & J. Šafář - 484-488 Split nitrogen doses and their efficiency in poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) nutrition
by T. Lošák & R. Richter - 489-493 Evaluation of methods for wheat grain hardness determination
by O. Faměra & M. Hrušková & D. Novotná - 494-499 The effects of soil organic matter on seedling emergence in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
by F. Önemli - 500-506 Nitrogen uptake and its efficiency in triticale (Triticosecale Witt.) - field beans (Vicia faba var. minor L.) intercrop
by P. Sobkowicz & R. Śniady - 507-512 Consistency of spatial dependence of soil chemical properties in two fields: a geostatistical study
by L. Brodský & V. Vaněk & L. Borůvka & J. Száková
2004, Volume 50, Issue 10
- 425-433 The spatial variability of mineral nitrogen content in topsoil and subsoil
by J. Haberle & M. Kroulík & P. Svoboda & J. Lipavský & J. Krejčová & D. Cerhanová - 434-438 Development of wheat genotypes possessing a combination of leaf rust resistance genes Lr19 and Lr24
by S. Šliková & E. Gregová & P. Bartoš & A. Hanzalová & M. Hudcovicová & J. Kraic - 439-446 Effect of drought stress on the formation of yield elements in spring barley and the potential of stress expression reduction by foliar application of fertilizers and growth stimulator
by I. Svobodová & P. Míša - 447-455 Effect of spring barley protection on the production of Fusarium spp. Mycotoxins in grain and malt using fungicides in field trials
by M. Váňová & J. Hajšlová & P. Havlová & P. Matušinsky & K. Lancová & D. Spitzerová - 456-462 Callus induction and regeneration efficiency of spring barley cultivars registered in the Czech Republic
by V. Šerhantová & J. Ehrenbergerová & L. Ohnoutková - 463-469 Effects of hydrogel amendment on water storage of sandy loam and loam soils and seedling growth of barley, wheat and chickpea
by J. Akhter & K. Mahmood & K.A. Malik & A. Mardan & M. Ahmad & M.M. Iqbal
2004, Volume 50, Issue 9
- 383-390 Saccharides of yacon [Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. et Endl.) H. Robinson] tubers and rhizomes and factors affecting their content
by J. Lachman & B. Havrland & E.C. Fernández & J. Dudjak - 391-396 Yield and forage quality of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) cultivars in the lowland and the mountain regions
by J. Leto & M. Knežević & K. Bošnjak & D. Maćešić & Z. Štafa & V. Kozumplik - 397-401 Some aspects of the phytotoxic action of fusaric acid on primary Ricinus roots
by J. Pavlovkin & I. Mistrík & M. Prokop - 402-408 Stability of four Croatian bread winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars for quality traits
by M. Barić & M. Pecina & H. Šarčević & S. Kereša - 409-415 Performance and gene effects for wheat yield under inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi and Azotobacter chroococcum
by R. Singh & R.K. Behl & K.P. Singh & P. Jain & N. Narula - 416-423 The variability of Venturia inaequalis CKE. races in the Czech republic and the accumulation of resistance genes in apple germplasm
by M. Melounová & P. Vejl & P. Sedlák & A. Reznerová & M. Tesařová & J. Blažek & J. Zoufalá
2004, Volume 50, Issue 8
- 333-338 Field and numerical study of chlorotoluron transport in the soil profile
by R. Kodešová & J. Kozák & O. Vacek - 339-345 Heavy metal distribution between fractions of humic substances in heavily polluted soils
by L. Borůvka & O. Drábek - 346-351 Distribution of aluminium among its mobilizable forms in soils of the Jizera Mountains region
by L. Mládková & L. Borůvka & O. Drábek - 352-357 Processing of conventional soil survey data using geostatistical methods
by V. Penížek & L. Borůvka - 358-363 Effect of kaolinite and Ca-montmorillonite on the alleviation of soil water repellency
by P. Dlapa & S.H. Doerr & Ľ. Lichner & M. Šír & M. Tesař - 364-370 Successional dynamics of Cynosurus pasture after abandonment in Podkrkonoší
by M. Stránská - 371-378 Influence of weed infestation on morphological parameters of maize (Zea mays L.)
by P. Fuksa & J. Hakl & D. Kocourková & M. Veselá - 379-382 Comparison of two methods for aggregate stability measurement - a review
by M. Rohošková & M. Valla
2004, Volume 50, Issue 7
- 283-294 The effect of elevated cadmium content in soil on the uptake of nitrogen by plants
by Z. Ciecko & S. Kalesa & M. Wyszkowski & E. Rolka - 295-302 The effect of chloride and sulphate application to soil on changes in nutrient content in barley shoot biomass at an early phase of growth
by J. Matula - 303-308 Spinach and pepper response to nitrogen and sulphur fertilization
by M. Smatanová & R. Richter & J. Hlušek - 309-314 Effect of topdressing with nitrogen on the yield and quality of winter wheat grain
by L. Ducsay & O. Ložek - 315-323 Effect of legume proportion and physiological age on forage quality and the suitability of Agrostis capillaris L. and Festuca rubra L. for silage making
by H. Laser & W. Opitz Von Boberfeld - 324-331 Effect of different mulching and cutting regimes on the vegetation of upland meadow
by J. Gaisler & M. Hejcman & V. Pavlů
2004, Volume 50, Issue 6
- 235-242 Barley response to the soil reserve of sulphur and ammonium sulphate in short-term experiments under controlled conditions of cultivation
by J. Matula - 243-249 Inter-relationship between number of microorganisms and spring barley yield and degree of soil contamination with copper
by J. Kucharski & J. Wyszkowska - 250-256 A new soil core sampler for determination bulk density in soil profile
by P. Prikner & F. Lachnit & F. Dvořák - 257-264 Adsorption of copper, cadmium and silver from aqueous solutions onto natural carbonaceous materials
by P. Hanzlík & J. Jehlička & Z. Weishauptová & O. Šebek - 265-272 Growth and dry matter partitioning in sugar beet plants (Beta vulgaris L.) under moderate drought
by D. Choluj & R. Karwowska & M. Jasińska & G. Haber - 273-276 Net N-mineralisation related to soil organic matter pools
by F. Feichtinger & E. Erhart & W. Hartl - 277-282 Analysis of dry matter yield structure of forage grasses
by N. LEMEŽIENÉ & J. Kanapeckas & P. Tarakanovas & S. Nekrošas
2004, Volume 50, Issue 5
- 189-195 Activity of some enzymes in barley caryopses during imbibition in aluminium presence
by M. Šimonovičová & L. Tamás & J. Huttová & B. Široká & I. Mistrík - 196-204 Microbial characteristics, carbon and nitrogen content in cambisols and luvisols
by L. Růžek & K. Voříšek & S. Strnadová & M. Nováková & W. Barabasz - 205-211 Response of irrigated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids to nitrogen fertilization: growth, yield and yield components
by H. Özer & T. Polat & E. Öztürk - 212-217 The comparison of extraction methods for evaluating some heavy metals in polluted soils
by C. Aydinalp & A.V. Katkat - 218-226 Effect of soil contamination with diesel oil on yellow lupine yield and macroelements content
by M. Wyszkowski & J. Wyszkowska & A. Ziółkowska - 227-234 Factors affecting nitrogen concentration in spring oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)
by G. Šidlauskas & P. Tarakanovas
2004, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 141-148 Evaluation of functional diversity of soil microbial communities - a case study
by J. Hofman & J. Švihálek & I. Holoubek - 149-156 Isolation of chloroplasts in the Karwinskia species and determination of their photochemical activity under in vitro conditions
by M. Henselová & M. Regecová & A. Sováková - 157-161 Influence of corn (Zea mays L.) inbred lines seed processing on their damage
by B. Šimić & S. Popović & M. Tucak - 162-167 Study of inheritance of some agronomic and morphological traits in burley tobacco by graphic analysis of diallel cross
by J. Butorac & J. Beljo & J. Gunjača - 168-174 Autumn growth and development of different winter oilseed rape variety types at three input levels
by D. Bečka & J. Vašák & P. Kroutil & P. Štranc - 175-181 Importance of winter rape for small rodents
by M. Heroldová & J. Zejda & M. Zapletal & D. Obdržálková & E. Jánová & J. Bryja & E. Tkadlec - 182-187 The effect of cytokinins and other plant hormones on the growth of cotyledonary axilars of flax (Linum usitatissimum), sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and pea (Pisum sativum)
by Š. Klíčová & J. Šebánek & T. Vlašic
2004, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 95-100 Identification of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) cultivars using molecular markers
by L. Dolanská & V. Čurn - 101-107 Performance of grass mixtures with mountain brome (Bromus marginatus Nees ex Steud.) in Central European lowlands
by M.v. V Íka & A. Kohoutek & J. Smrž & P. Nerušil & V. Odstrčilová & P. Komárek - 108-115 Succession changes of temporary grass stands on set-aside land
by M. Svobodová & J. Šantrůček & J. Urbanec - 116-121 Effect of fertilization on the distribution of root phytomass and the yield of meadow stands
by J. Mrkvička & M. Veselá & M. Skála - 122-128 Application of modelling by the study of ground water contamination with nitrates under grasslands
by F. Klimeš & S. Kužel - 129-133 Effect of fertilisation renovation on the production capacity of permanent grassland
by J. Jančovič & Ľ. Vozár & Ľ. Jančovičová & S. Petríková - 134-140 Field-scale variability of weediness on arable land
by P. Hamouz & J. Soukup & J. Holec & M. Jursík
2004, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 47-58 Characterization of Lactuca spp. germplasm by protein and molecular markers - a review
by M. Dziechciarková & A. Lebeda & I. Doležalová & D. Astley - 59-64 Using DNA markers for characterisation of tomato resistance against root nematoden Meloidogyne incognita
by S. Skupinová & P. Vejl & P. Sedlák & M. Bardová & L. Srbek & P. Klápště & M. Zouhar & B. Tesařová - 65-69 Pre-selection of apple seedlings for partial powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha Ell. et Ev. /Salm./) resistance
by J. Blažek - 70-74 Study of European and Czech populations of potato cyst nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida) by RAPD method
by P. Sedlák & M. Melounová & S. Skupinová & P. Vejl & J. Domkářová - 75-77 Detection of Tilletia controversa and Tilletia caries in wheat by PCR method
by M. Kochanová & M. Zouhar & E. Prokinová & P. Ryšánek - 78-83 The effect of rapeseed stand density on the formation of generative organs
by P. Kuchtová & J. Vašák - 84-87 Technological characteristics of newly developed mutant common winter wheat lines
by M. Mangova & G. Rachovska - 88-94 Influence of soil pH, rainfall, dosage, and application timing of herbicide Merlin 750 WG (isoxaflutole) on phytotoxicity level in maize (Zea mays L.)
by J. Soukup & M. Jursík & P. Hamouz & J. Holec & J. Krupka
2004, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-9 Gastrophysa viridula (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and biocontrol of Rumex - a review
by Z. Martinková & A. Honěk - 10-17 The effect of low growth temperature on Hill reaction and Photosystem 1 activities in three biotypes of Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad. with different sensitivity to atrazine and ALS-inhibiting herbicides
by D. Holá & M. Kočová & O. Rothová & D. Chodová & J. Mikulka - 18-26 Potassium, magnesium and calcium content in individual parts of Phaseolus vulgaris L. plant as related to potassium and magnesium nutrition
by J. Tůma & M. Skalický & L. Tůmová & P. Bláhová & M. Rosůlková - 27-32 The relationship of antioxidant enzymes and some physiological parameters in maize during chilling
by T. Takáč - 33-38 Toxicity comparison of some possible toxic metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Se, Zn) on young seedlingsof Sinapis alba L
by A. Fargašová - 39-45 Pea yield and its quality depending on inoculation, nitrogen and molybdenum fertilization
by S. Brkić & Z. Milaković & A. Kristek & M. Antunović
2003, Volume 49, Issue 12
- 1-1 Index of Volume 49
by editors - 531-535 Potassium dynamics in the soil and yield formation in a long-term field experiment
by H.W. Scherer & H.E. Goldbach & J. Clemens - 536-541 Effects of zeolite amendment on microbial biomass and respiratory activity in heavy metal contaminated soils
by G. Mühlbachová & T. Šimon - 542-547 Cadmium and zinc phytoextraction potential of seven clones of Salix spp. planted on heavy metal contaminated soils
by M. Vysloužilová & P. Tlustoš & J. Száková - 548-553 Phytoextraction of lead, zinc and cadmium from soil by selected plants
by B. Kos & H. Grčman & D. Leštan - 554-559 Nitrogen balance and mineral nitrogen content in the soil in a long experiment with maize under different systems of N fertilization
by J. Balík & J. Černý & P. Tlustoš & M. Zitková - 560-564 The influence of organic and mineral nitrogen fertilizers on microbial biomass nitrogen and extractable organic nitrogen in long-term experiments with maize
by J. Černý & J. Balík & D. Pavlíková & M. Zitková & K. Sýkora - 565-571 The influence of humic acid quality on the sorption and mobility of heavy metals
by G. Barančíková & J. Makovníková
2003, Volume 49, Issue 11
- 481-485 Utilization of afila types of pea (Pisum sativum L.) resistant to powdery mildew (Erysiphe pisi DC.) in the breeding programs
by M. Ondřej & R. Dostálová & M. Hýbl & L. Odstrčilová & R. Tyller & R. Trojan - 486-491 Suitability of oat-seed storage-protein markers for identification of cultivars in grain and mixed flour samples
by V. Dvořáček & V. Čurn & J. Moudrý - 492-498 The influence of harvest date and crop treatment on the production of two different sugar beet variety types
by L. Jozefyová & J. Pulkrábek & J. Urban - 499-504 The influence of stands cultivation on persistency of different cultivars of Medicago sativa L
by J. Šantrůček & M. Svobodová & D. Hlavičková - 505-510 Effect of P and Zn fertilization on biomass yield and its uptake by maize lines (Zea mays L.)
by G. Bukvić & M. Antunović & S. Popović & M. Rastija - 511-518 Seed dormancy and germination of Shaggy soldier (Galinsoga ciliata Blake.) and Common lambsquarter (Chenopodium album L.)
by M. Jursík & J. Soukup & V. Venclová & J. Holec - 519-524 Development and testing of two methods for the measurement of the mowing machine feed rate
by F. Kumhála & M. Kroulík & J. Mašek & V. Prošek - 525-529 The intensity and quality of Internet usage in the agriculture sector and possibilities of its further development - Information
by J. Jarolímek & J. Vaněk
2003, Volume 49, Issue 10
- 433-438 Effects of different organic amendment on winter wheat yields under long-term continuous cropping
by B. Procházková & J. Hrubý & J. Dovrtěl & O. Dostál - 439-442 Development of powdery mildew and leaf rust epidemics in winter wheat cultivars
by L. Věchet - 443-450 Effects of cropping system and genotype on variability in important phytonutrients kontent of the barley grain for direct food use
by J. Ehrenbergerová & K. Vaculová & V. Psota & P. Havlová & V. Šerhantová - 451-456 The effect of a fungicide application on the yield and quality of barley grain and malt
by L. Hřivna - 457-465 Modification of crop management and its influence on the structure of yield and duality of spring barley grain
by K. Koutná & R. Cerkal & J. Zimolka - 466-472 The effect of different soil core samplers on precision of estimating weed seedbank in soil
by V. Smutný & J. Křen - 473-479 Nitrogen supply through transpiration mass flow can limit nitrogen nutrition of plants
by F. Plhák
2003, Volume 49, Issue 9
- 387-393 Content of PCB substances in carrot root and its relations to selected soil factors
by I. Danielovič & Š. Tóth & A. Marcinčinová & V. Šnábel - 394-401 Phosphorus availability in hydromorphic soils of Eastern Croatia
by D. Petosić & V. Kovacević & M. Josipović - 402-409 Biomass yields of shoots and roots of plants cultivated in soil amended by vermicomposts based on tannery sludge and content of heavy metals in plant tissues
by K. Gondek & B. Filipek-Mazur - 410-413 Evaluation of frost resistance in varieties of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)
by J. Kalinová & J. Moudrý - 414-421 Effects of tillage and reduced herbicide doses on weed biomass production in winter and spring cereals
by M. Knežević & M. Đurkić & I. Knežević & O. Antonić & S. Jelaska - 422-426 The effect of plant population densities on growth, yield and yield components of two spring rapeseed cultivars
by H. Ozer - 427-432 PCR markers of apple resistance to scab (Venturia inaequalis CKE.) controlled by Vf gene in Czech apple breeding
by P. Vejl & S. Skupinová & J. Blažek & P. Sedlák & M. Bardová & H. Drahošová & H. Blažková & Z. Milec
2003, Volume 49, Issue 8
- 337-345 The dry nitrogen yields nitrogen uptake, and the efficacy on nitrogen fertilisation in long-term experiment in Prague
by J. Kubát & J. Klír & D. Pova - 346-351 Chemical and biological characteristics of reclaimed soils in the Most ŕegion (Czecg Reooublic)
by L. Růžek & K. Voříšek & J. Vráblíková & S. Strnadová & P. Vráblík - 352-358 Effect of land management without farmyard manure application on the amount and the ectivity of soil microbial biomass
by T. Števlíková & J. Vjatráková & S. Javoreková & S. Mátéová - 359-363 Utilization of the biological nitrogen fixation for soil evaluation
by T. Šimon - 364-369 Morphometry analysis and seed germination of Amaranthus cruentus, A. retroflexus and their hybrid (A. × turicensis)
by V. Lanta & P. Havránek & V. Ondřej - 370-377 Effect of white fleece on the selected quality parameters of early potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers
by J. Lachman & K. Hamouz & A. Hejtmánek & J. Dudjak & M. Orsák & V. Pivec - 378-385 Possible role of the soil in the sissoo forest (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.) decline in the Nepal terai
by S.P. Sah & C.K. Sharma & F. Schested
2003, Volume 49, Issue 7
- 291-297 Approaches to the solution of a soil map of the Czech Republic at the scale 1:250 000 using SOTER methodology
by J. Němeček & J. Kozák - 298-306 The influence of tillage treatments on water infiltration into soil profile
by S. Matula - 307-313 State of contamination of agricultural soils after floods in August 2002
by R. Vácha & O. Poláček & V. Horváthová - 314-320 Salinity and sodicity hazard in water flow processes in the soil
by F. Burger & A. Čelková - 321-326 Effects of heavy metal concentrations on biological activity of soil micro-organisms
by M. Šmejkalová & O. Mikanová & L. Borůvka - 327-331 Changes in the composition of cell wall proteins in barley roots during germination and growth in aluminium presence
by L. Tamás & M. Šimonovičová & J. Huttová & I. Mistrík - 332-336 Sensory evaluation and some acetate esters of bottle aged Chardonnay wines
by J. Marić & M. Firšt-Bača
2003, Volume 49, Issue 6
- 241-248 Adaptation of Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei to barley resistance genes in the Czech Republic in 1971-2000
by A. Dreiseitl - 249-254 The effect of sugar beet seed treatments on their vigour
by A. Orzeszko-Rywka & S. Podlaski - 255-260 Application of sonication-assisted Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in Chenopodium rubrum L
by J.I. Flores Solís & P. Mlejnek & K. Studená & S. Procházka - 261-268 Comparison of quality parameters of Czech and foreign hop varieties
by K. Krofta - 269-276 Transfer of the hop (Humulus lupulus L.) alpha-bitter acid content to progenies of F1 and I1 generations in selected parental components
by V. Nesvadba & J. Černý & K. Krofta