2003, Volume 49, Issue 6
- 277-282 Determination of essential oil content in caraway (Carum carvi L.) species by means of supercritical fluid extraction
by J. Sedláková & B. Kocourková & L. Lojková & V. Kubáň - 283-290 Yacon [Smallanthus sonchifolia (Poepp. et Endl.) H. Robinson] chemical composition and use - a review
by J. Lachman & E.C. Fernández & M. Orsák
2003, Volume 49, Issue 5
- 191-196 As, Cd, Pb and Zn uptake by Salix spp. clones grown in soils enriched by high loads of these elements
by M. Vysloužilová & P. Tlustoš & J. Száková & D. Pavlíková - 197-202 The level of soil nitrate content at different management of organic fertilizers application
by V. Vaněk & J. Šilha & R. Němeček - 203-212 Distribution of soil fractions of zinc and its uptake by potatoes, maize, wheat and barley after soil amendment by sludge and inorganic Zn salt
by P. Dvořák & P. Tlustoš & J. Száková & J. Černý & J. Balík - 213-217 Effect of parsley seed treatment on root yield
by S. Podlaski & Z. Chrobak & Z. Wyszkowska - 218-222 The influence of organic and mineral fertilization on nutrient status, nitrate accumulation, and yield of head chicory
by M. Ćustić & M. Poljak & L. Čoga & T. Ćosić & N. Toth & M. Pecina - 223-229 Effects of pre- and post-emergence weed control on weed population and maize yield in different tillage systems
by M. Knežević & M. Đurkić & I. Knežević & Z. Lončarić - 230-236 Study of biochemical variability of potato cultivars by soluble protein, isoesterase, and isoperoxidase electrophoretic patterns
by J. Bárta & V. Čurn & J. Diviš - 237-240 The effect of herbicide applications on the content of ascorbic acid and glycoalkaloids in potato tubers
by K. Zarzecka & M. Gugała
2003, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 141-145 Fast prediction of quality parameters in whole seeds of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)
by V. Míka & P. Tillmann & R. Koprna & P. Nerušil & V. Kučera - 146-150 Changes in technological quality of food wheat in a four crop rotation
by Z. Muchová - 151-157 Activities of amine oxidase, peroxidase and catalase in seedlings of Pisum sativum L. under different light conditions
by L. Luhová & A. Lebeda & D. Hedererová & P. Peč - 158-162 Response of salt stressed barley seedlings to phenylurea
by R.M. Ali & H.M. Abbas - 163-167 Hop yield evaluation depending on experimental plot area under different nitrogen management
by F. Bavec & B. Čeh Brežnik & M. Brežnik - 168-175 Molecular sampling of hop stunt viroid (HSVd) from grapevines in hop production areas in the Czech Republic and hop protection
by J. Matoušek & L. Orctová & J. Patzak & P. Svoboda & I. Ludvíková - 176-182 Analysis of genetic relationships between populations of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) by using morphological characterisation and RAPD markers
by S. Samal & G.R. Rout & P.C. Lenka - 183-189 Economic analysis of integrated weed management in field bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
by E. Štefanić & I. Štefanić & A.J. Murdoch
2003, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 95-98 Detection of the varietal purity in sample of harvested wheat and triticale grains by prolamin marker
by T. Vyhnánek & J. Bednář - 99-105 Evaluation of protein fractions as biochemical markers for identification of spelt wheat cultivars (Triticum spelta L.)
by V. Dvořáček & V. Čurn - 106-113 Evaluation of genetic diversity of Brassica napus germplasm from China and Europe assessed by RAPD markers
by S.W. HU & J. Ovesná & L. Kučera & V. Kučera & M. Vyvadilová - 114-118 The effect of parsley seed hydration treatment and pelleting on seed vigour
by S. Podlaski & Z. Chrobak & Z. Wyszkowska - 119-125 Dynamics of stand composition changes in grass and grass-clover stands and relations between dominant species
by P. Matušinsky & F. Hrabě - 126-130 Changes in the germinability and vigour of winter triticale seeds with sprouting damage
by M. Moś - 131-134 The influence of selected cultivation on the content of total protein and amino acids in the potato tubers
by J. Mitrus & C. Stankiewicz & E. Steć & M. Kamecki & J. Starczewski - 135-140 The effect of UV-B radiation on plant growth and development
by K. Zuk-Golaszewska & M.K. Upadhyaya & J. Golaszewski
2003, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 49-54 The impacts of various cultivation methods and permanent grassland use on the changes in Taraxacum officinale Web. cover rate
by F. Klimeš & L. Kolář & M. Kobes & B. Voženílková - 55-62 The influence of the type of storage on pest infestation of stored grain in the Czech Republic
by V. Stejskal & J. Hubert & Z. Kučerová & Z. Munzbergová & J. Lukáš & E. Žďárková - 63-66 Evaluation of sanitary status of grapevines in the Czech Republic
by P. Komínek & V. Holleinová - 67-74 Earliness, spike productivity and protein content in European winter wheat landraces and obsolete cultivars
by L. Dotlačil & J. Hermuth & Z. Stehno - 75-80 Influence of droplet spectra on the efficiency of contact and systemic herbicides
by M. Prokop & K. Veverka - 81-88 Change in the community of epigeal spiders and harvestmen (Araneae, Opiliones) with the age of an apple orchard
by S. Pekár - 89-94 Germination and emergence of prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola L.) and its susceptibility to selected herbicides
by J. Mikulka & D. Chodová
2003, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-7 Effect of accelerated ageing on the content and composition of polyphenolic complex of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grains
by J. Lachman & J. Dudjak & M. Orsák & V. Pivec - 1-48 International Pedological Conference Soils under Global Change - a Challenge for the 21st Century: From the Sphere of Science
by K. Voplakal & J. Vopravil - 8-11 A method to determine mineralization kinetics of a decomposable part of soil organic matter in the soil
by L. Kolář & F. Klimeš & R. Ledvina & S. Kužel - 12-17 Evaluation of size distribution of starch granules in selected wheat varieties by the Low Angle Laser Light Scattering method
by I. Capouchová & J. Petr & D. Marešová - 18-23 Influence of different systems of grazing, type of swards and fertilizing on underground phytomass of pastures
by S. Hejduk & F. Hrabě - 24-28 Evaluation of the genetic variability in bamboo using RAPD markers
by S. Nayak & G.R. Rout & P. Das - 29-35 The impact of maize stand density on herbicide efficiency
by M. Lešnik - 36-47 Dry matter and nitrogen accumulation and use in spring barley
by N. Przulj & V. Momčilović
2002, Volume 48, Issue 12
- 525-530 The effect of long-term fertilization on the sulphur content in soil and in the mountain meadow sward (Czarny Potok)
by M. Kopeć & K. Gondek - 531-535 The effect of Cd and Zn contents in plants on Fe binding into organic substances of spinach biomass
by D. Pavlíková & M. Pavlík & J. Száková & S. Vašíčková & P. Tlustoš & J. Balík - 536-542 The availability of DTPA extracted heavy metals during laboratory incubation of contaminated soils with glucose amendments
by G. Mühlbachová - 543-547 Fungitoxicity of natural heterocycle glucoside vicine obtained from Vicia faba L. against selectedmicroscopic filamentous fungi
by M. Pavlík & M. Váňová & V. Laudová & J. Harmatha - 548-555 The accumulation of zinc in oat grown in soils treated by incubated sewage sludge with peat and straw
by J. Balík & P. Tlustoš & J. Száková & D. Pavlíková & J. Černý - 556-559 Aluminium induced acid phosphatase activity in roots of Al-sensitive and Al-tolerant barley varieties
by J. Huttová & L. Tamás & I. Mistrík - 560-560 Konference o šlechtění a využití pícnin
by J. Nedělník & B. Cagaš
2002, Volume 48, Issue 11
- 477-479 Analysis of chromosome termini in potato varieties
by J. Fajkus & M. Novotná & J. Ptáček - 480-485 Segregation of DNA markers of potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum L.) resistance against Ro1 pathotype Globodera rostochiensis in selected F1 progeny
by S. Skupinová & P. Vejl & P. Sedlák & J. Domkářová - 486-489 Identification of PCN species (Globodera rostochiensis, G. pallida) by using of ITS-1 region's polymorphism
by P. Vejl & S. Skupinová & P. Sedlák & J. Domkářová - 490-493 Abscisic acid content during cold hardening of barley and wheat cultivars with different freezing toler
by Z. Faltusová-Kadlecová & M. Faltus & I. Prášil - 494-498 Influence of fertilization rates on species composition, quality and yields of the meadow fodder
by J. Mrkvička & M. Veselá - 499-504 Changes of botanical composition of grass stands under different types of management
by J. Šantrůček & M. Svobodová & V. Brant - 505-512 Rapid hydroponic screening for molybdenum tolerance in rice through morphological and biochemical analysis
by G.R. Rout & P. Das - 513-517 New hop variety Agnus as the result of breeding process innovation in the Czech Republic
by V. Nesvadba & K. Krofta - 518-524 The zinc mobility in three different soils amended by sewage sludge incubated with limestone and lime, and Zn uptake by oats
by A. Hanč & P. Tlustoš & J. Száková & J. Balík & D. Pavlíková
2002, Volume 48, Issue 10
- 425-432 Spatial distribution and correlation of soil properties in a field: a case study
by L. Borůvka & H. Donátová & K. Němeček - 433-440 Sulfur and sulfate concentrations in leaves of oilseed rape under field conditions
by J. Matula & M. Pechová - 441-447 Geochemical and anthropogenic soil loads by potentially risky elements
by R. Vácha & J. Němeček & E. Podlešáková - 448-457 Influence of fertilization application and growing substrate on container-grown woody ornamentals
by F. Šrámek & M. Dubský - 458-462 Yields and root technological quality of sugar beet grown in crop rotation and long-term monoculture
by B. Rychcik & K. Zawiślak - 463-470 Management system and mineral nitrogen rate impact on the barley grain composition and its nutritional value for ruminants
by B. Čeh Brežnik & I. Šantavec & A. Tajnšek - 471-476 Effect of growth regulators on rooting cuttings of Karwinskia species under in vivo conditions
by M. Henselová & A. Lux & E. Masarovičová
2002, Volume 48, Issue 9
- 377-381 Impact of farming intensity reduction in the Šumava foothills region on changes in soil organic matter and surface water quality
by L. Kolář & J. Gergel & M. Šindelářová & S. Kužel - 382-388 The influence of grassing and harvest management on microbial parameters after arable land setting-aside
by K. Voříšek & L. Růžek & M. Svobodová & J. Šantrůček & S. Strnadová & E. Popelářová - 389-396 Seasonal variability in soil N mineralization and nitrification as influenced by N fertilization
by S. Malý & B. Šarapatka & M. Kršková - 397-400 Evaluation of the P-solubilizing activity of soil microorganisms and its sensitivity to soluble phosphate
by O. Mikanová & J. Nováková - 401-406 The content of Pb, Zn and Cd in hydroameliorated soil and drainage water and their uptake by plants
by I. Šimunić & F. Tomić & I. Kisić & M. Romić - 407-412 Using of pedotransfer functions for assessment of hydrolimits
by V. Štekauerová & J. Skalová & J. Šútor - 413-417 Productivity and chemical composition of wood tissues of short rotation willow coppice cultivated on arable land
by S. Szczukowski & J. Tworkowski & A. Klasa & M. Stolarski - 418-423 Effect of soil potassium on yield and quality of diverse sugar beet genotypes
by M. Antunović & D. Rastija & M. Pospišil
2002, Volume 48, Issue 8
- 329-334 Vulnerability of soil aggregates in relation to soil properties
by L. Borůvka & M. Valla & H. Donátová & K. Němeček - 335-342 Immobilisation of As, Cd, Pb and Zn in agricultural soils by the use of organic and inorganic additives
by R. Vácha & E. Podlešáková & J. Němeček & O. Poláček - 343-350 Characterization of Czech hop (Humulus lupulus L.) genotypes by molecular methods
by J. Patzak - 351-355 Yield performance of two buckwheat genotypes grown as a full-season and stubble-crop
by F. Bavec & S. Pušnik & I. Rajčan - 356-360 Nodule efficiency of three soybean genotypes inoculated by different methods
by V. Milić & N. Mrkovački & M. Popović & Đ. Malenčić - 361-367 The effect of undersowing time of clover crops and weeds on silage maize yields
by P. Jamriška - 368-375 Male gametophytic generation and a possible approach for selective pollination in carnation (Dianthus) breeding program
by Tejaswini
2002, Volume 48, Issue 7
- 285-292 Physiological nature of overwintering oats forms
by J. Petr & I. Capouchová & M. Štolcová - 293-297 Barley seed sensitivity to water stress at germination stage
by V. Hosnedl & H. Honsová - 298-306 The effect of leaf area index on potatoes yield in soils contaminated by some heavy metals
by M. Jůzl & M. Štefl - 307-311 The effect of nitrogen fertilization, sowing rates and site on yields and yield components of selected varieties of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)
by Z. Strašil & Z. Vorlíček - 312-317 Induction of resistance to root rot disease of wheat grown under field condition
by M. Hashem & A.M. Hamada - 318-321 Identification of sex in F1 progenies of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) by molecular marker
by J. Patzak & P. Vejl & S. Skupinová & V. Nesvadba - 322-326 To contemplate quantitative and qualitative water features by neural networks method
by M. Neruda & R. Neruda - 327-328 Jednotná klasifikace půd
by J. Němeček
2002, Volume 48, Issue 6
- 237-242 Comparison of important parameters of spring and winter barley cultivated in sugar beet production area of Czech Republic
by J. Špunar & K. Vaculová & M. Špunarová & Z. Nesvadba - 243-248 Characteristics of important diploid and tetraploid subspecies of Dactylis from point of view of the forage crop production
by V. Míka & A. Kohoutek & V. Odstrčilová - 249-254 Influence of different tillage systems on soil physical properties and crop yield
by S. Husnjak & D. Filipović & S. Košutić - 255-260 The effect of fluridone and flurochloridone on the incidence of albinism in pea (Pisum sativum) and on the abscission of leaves of privet (Ligustrum vulgare)
by Š. Klíčová & J. Šebánek & M. Hudeová & H. Vítková & H. Vlašínová - 261-264 Proteomic analysis of different extracts from barley grains
by J. Chmelík & P. Řehulka & M. Střelcová & V. Kubáň & C. Mayrhofer & G. Allmaier - 265-270 Yield evaluation of varieties from the world collection of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.)
by J. Pelikán - 271-278 Improvement of an elutriation method for estimation of weed seedbank in the soil
by V. Smutný & J. Křen - 279-284 Technological quality of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.)
by J. Kalinová & J. Moudrý & V. Čurn
2002, Volume 48, Issue 5
- 193-202 Critical values of trace elements in soils from the viewpoint of the transfer pathway soil - plant
by E. Podlešáková & J. Němeček & R. Vácha - 203-207 Effects of kaolinite and drying temperature on the persistence of soil water repellency induced by humic acids
by Ľ. Lichner & N. Babejová & L.W. Dekker - 208-211 Influence of different cultivation factors on the yield structure and on changes of soil properties
by F. Vrkoč & M. Vach & V. Veleta - 212-216 Influence of different organic mineral fertilization on the yield structure and on changes of soil properties
by F. Vrkoč & M. Vach & V. Veleta & J. Košner - 217-223 Selections from barley landrace collected in Libya as new sources of effective resistance to powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei)
by J.H. Czembor & H.J. Czembor - 224-229 The determination of coumestrol in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) by capillary electrophoresis
by J. Moravcová & T. Kleinová & R. Loučka - 230-235 Variability of grain yield components of some new winter wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.)
by M. Sabo & M. Bede & Ž.u. Hardi
2002, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 141-147 The use of spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.) for baking applications
by T. Bojňanská & H. Frančáková - 148-153 Changes in requirements on vernalization of winter wheat varieties in the Czech Republic in 1950-2000
by J. Petr & F. Hnilička - 154-158 The effect of perennial forage crop on grain yields in submontane regions
by J. Šroller & J. Pulkrábek & D. Novák & O. Faměra - 159-166 Causes of mountain meadow soil chemical degradation in long-term fertiliser experiment
by M. Kopeć - 167-174 Concentration and leaching of atrazine into drainage water in Gleyic Podzoluvisol
by F. Šimunić & I. Tomić & Z. Ostojić - 175-180 The role and effects of glucosinolates of Brassica species - a review
by H. Zukalová & J. Vašák - 181-189 The role of glucosinolates of Brassica genus in the crop system
by H. Zukalová & J. Vašák & D. Nerad & P. Štranc - 190-192 Recommendation of World Meteorological Organization to describing meteorological or climatological conditions - Information
by V. Kožnarová & J. Klabzuba
2002, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 89-95 The effect of rainfall and extensive use of grasslands on water regime
by R. Duffková - 96-100 Cadmium distribution coefficeints and Cd transport in structured soils
by Ľ. Lichner & A. Čipáková - 101-106 Gibberellin and auxin production by plant root-fungi and their biosynthesis under salinity-calcium interaction
by H.A.H. Hasan - 107-117 Assessment of metribuzin effects on potatoes using a method of very rapid fluorescence induction
by J. Dvořák & I. Remešová - 118-124 Crop response to the application of special natural amendments based on zeolite tuff
by A. Butorac & T. Filipan & F. Bašić & J. Butorac & M. Mesić & I. Kisić - 125-132 Evaluation of the CERES models in different production regions of the Czech Republic
by M. Šťastná & M. Trnka & J. Křen & M. Dubrovský & Z. Žalud - 133-139 The influence of special natural amendments based on zeolite tuff and different lime materials on some soil chemical properties
by A. Butorac & M. Mesić & T. Filipan & J. Butorac & F. Bašić & I. Kisić
2002, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 1-87 International Conference of the Czech Society of Soil Science and Joint Meeting of the Czech Society of Soil Science and the Soil Science Society of America - From the Sphere of Science
by L. Borůvka - 1-88 Prof. Ing. František Hron, DrSc., osmdesátiletý (in Czech) - From the Sphere of Science
by V. Kohout - 45-50 Transfer of trace elements with low soil mobility into plants
by J. Němeček & E. Podlešáková & R. Vácha - 51-57 The influence of diesel oil contamination on soil microorganisms and oat growth
by J. Wyszkowska & J. Kucharski & E. Wałdowska - 58-62 The influence of diesel oil contamination on soil enzymes activity
by J. Wyszkowska & J. Kucharski & E. Wałdowska - 63-68 Inoculation of cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum) and poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Trichoderma harzianum
by M. Dubský & F. Šrámek & M. Vosátka - 69-75 The influence of long-term fertilization on species diversity and yield potential of permanent meadow stand
by J. Mrkvička & M. Veselá - 76-79 Effect of aluminium on peroxidase activity in roots of Al-sensitive and Al-resistant barley cultivars
by L. Tamás & J. Huttová & I. Mistrík - 80-86 Photosynthetic productivity of two winter wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.)
by M. Sabo & T. Teklić & I. Vidović
2002, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-6 Effect of increasing doses of nitrogen and sulphur on chemical composition of plants, yields and seed quality in winter rape
by L. Hřivna & R. Richter & T. Lošák & J. Hlušek - 7-14 Analysis of the chalcone synthase from Humulus lupulus L. and biotechnology aspects of medicinal hops
by J. Matoušek & P. Novák & J. Patzak & J. Bříza & K. Krofta - 15-19 Variation in HMW glutenin subunits of different species of wheat
by Z. Gálová & I. Michalík & H. Knoblochová & E. Gregová - 20-26 Effects of disk tillage on soil condition, crop yield and weed infestation
by M. Birkás & T. Szalai & C. Gyuricza & M. Gecse & K. Bordás - 27-32 Effect of different straw management practices on yields of continuous spring barely
by B. Procházková & J. Málek & J. Dovrtěl - 33-39 The effect of fertilization with brown coal on Haplic Luvisol humic acids
by B. Dębska & A. Maciejewska & J. Kwiatkowska - 40-44 Changes of humic acids structure on selected key monitoring localities of arable soils
by G. Barančíková
0000, Volume preprint
- 43654 Irrigation methods and nitrogen-form interactions regulate starch-metabolising enzyme activity to improve rice yield and quality
by Haojing Li & Hairun Li & Danke Zhang & Mengmeng Jiang & Jing Cao & Guowei Xu - 44389 Effects of exogenous 2,4-epibrassinolide and its inhibitors on the seed setting and yield of Tartary buckwheat
by Peiuyn He & Huangdanni Ran & Kaifeng Huang - 44409 Effects of different mulching measures on soil physicochemical properties and phosphorus fractions in orchards in the southeast hilly region of China
by Bangning Zhou & Heming Li & Zuopin Zhuo & Lei Wang & Maojin Yang & Jinshi Lin & Fangshi Jiang & Yanhe Huang & Yue Zhang