September 2002, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 596-606 Urban form and globalization after September 11th: the view from New York
by Peter Marcuse - 607-613 Urban security from warfare to welfare
by Jennifer S. Light - 614-619 Situating the city and September 11th: military urban doctrine, ‘pop–up’ armies and spatial chess
by Robert Warren - 620-625 Unmanning the homeland
by Ryan Bishop & John Phillips - 626-634 US bombing and Afghan civilian deaths: the official neglect of ‘unworthy’ bodies
by Marc W. Herold - 635-642 Berlin’s Transformations: Postmodern, Postfordist ... or Neoliberal?
by Neil Brenner
June 2002, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 215-228 Immigrant Place Entrepreneurs in Los Angeles, 1970–99
by Ivan Light - 229-243 Plural Cities and Ethnic Enclaves: Introducing a Measurement Procedure for Comparative Study
by Michael Poulsen & Ron Johnson & James Forrest - 244-265 Social Movements and Public Administration: Spontaneous Citizens’ Committees in Florence
by Donatella Della Porta & Massimiliano Andretta - 266-283 City versus Metropolis: The Northern League in the Milan Metropolitan Area
by John Agnew & Michael Shin & Giuseppe Bettoni - 284-298 Cities for nations? Examining the city–nation–state relation in Information Age Malaysia
by Tim Bunnell - 299-322 Aspects of the Informal Economy in a Transforming Country: The Case of Romania
by Rainer Neef - 323-342 International Petty Trading: Changing Practices in Trans–Carpathian Ukraine
by Allan M. Williams & Vladimir Baláž - 343-359 Whose Place is This Space? Life in the Street Prostitution Area of Helsinki, Finland
by Sirpa Tani - 360-376 Determinants of Repayment in Microcredit: Evidence from Programs in the United States
by Nitin Bhatt & Shui–Yan Tang - 377-388 International Best Practice, Enabling Frameworks and the Policy Process: A South African Case Study
by Richard Tomlinson - 389-3402 Immigration and the Global City Hypothesis: Towards an Alternative Research Agenda
by Michael Samers - 403-413 Understanding Urban Inequality: A Model Based on Existing Theories and an Empirical Illustration
by Jack Burgers & Sako Musterd - 415-418 Transformation of Urban Life in China
by Fulong Wu - 418-422 Geography as Interdisciplinary Pivot
by Fulong Wu
March 2002, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 9-23 Cultural Districts, Property Rights and Sustainable Economic Growth
by Walter Santagata - 24-40 Ethnic Minority Enterprise in its Urban Context: South Asian Restuarants in Birmingham
by Monder Ram & Trevor Jones & Tahir Abbas & Balihar Sanghera - 41-57 Urban Development under Ambiguous Property Rights: A Case of China’s Transition Economy
by Jieming Zhu - 58-79 The Urban Geography of Low‐income Housing: Cairo (1947–96) Exemplifies a Model
by Richard Harris & Malak Wahba - 80-98 The Local Polity as a Pathway for Public Power: Taming the Business Tiger during New York City’s Industrial Age
by Paul Kantor - 99-105 Space and Religion: New Approaches to Religious Spatiality in Modernity
by Danièle Hervieu‐Léger - 106-120 Pilgrimage to Imeko (Nigeria): An African Church in the Time of the ‘Global Village’
by André Mary - 121-137 Deterritorialization and Reterritorialization of the Orisha Religion in Africa and the New World (Nigeria, Cuba and the United States)
by Erwan Dianteill - 138-151 Islam in Diaspora: Between Reterritorialization and Extraterritoriality
by Chantal Saint‐Blancat - 153-165 The Strange Respectability of the Situationist City in the Society of the Spectacle
by Erik Swyngedouw - 166-174 ‘Premium Network Spaces’: A Comment
by Olivier Coutard - 175-182 On Technology, Infrastructure and the Contemporary Urban Condition: A Response to Coutard
by Stephen Graham - 183-188 Hidden Cities
by Mathew Gandy - 188-190 Urban Ethnographies in the United States
by Hilary Silver
December 2001, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 699-716 Vertical Social Differentiation in Athens: Alternative or Complement to Community Segregation?
by Thomas Maloutas & Nikos Karadimitriou - 717-739 Brown and Green in Durban: The Evolution of Environmental Policy in a Post‐Apartheid City
by Bill Freund - 740-758 Three Dimensions of Capital Switching within the Real Estate Sector: A Canadian Case Study
by Igal Charney - 759-783 Radical Intellectuals: What Happened to the New Urban Sociology?
by Aleksandra Sasha Milicevic - 784-803 Ecosocialization or Countermodernization? Reviewing the Shifting ‘Storylines’ of Transport Planning
by Nicholas Low & Brendan Gleeson - 804-829 New Regionalism Reconsidered: Globalization and the Remaking of Political Economic Space
by Gordon MacLeod - 830-846 Talking Business: An Actor‐Centred Analysis of Business Agendas for Local Economic Development
by Peter North & David Valler & Andrew Wood - 847-878 The Political Management of Change in Urban Retailing
by René Péron - 879-883 Market Success and Social Cohesion
by Ray Pahl - 884-888 Competitiveness, Cohesion, and Governance: Their Implications for Social Justice
by Susan S. Fainstein - 889-897 Social Justice and the City: The New ‘Liberal Formulation’
by Michael Harloe - 898-900 A Reply to Beatriz Plaza’s ‘The Guggenheim‐Bilbao Museum Effect’
by Marí V. Gómez & Sara González - 901-901 Local Horror/Global Response
by David Harvey & Talal Asad & Cindi Katz & Neil Smith & Ida Susser - 903-906 City Natures
by John Walton - 906-911 Cyborg Urbanization
by Konstantinos Chatzis - 911-914 The Innovative City in History
by Luigi Mazza
September 2001, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 471-496 Contingent Chicago: Restructuring the Spaces of Temporary Labor
by Jamie Peck & Nik Theodore - 497-516 The Ambiguous Terrain of Rights: Civic Stratification in Italy's Emergent Immigration Regime
by Lydia Morris - 517-536 The Competitive Mezzogiorno (Southern Italy): Some Evidence from the Clothing and Textile Industry in San Giuseppe Vesuviano
by Valeria Aniello - 537-552 The Structure of Networks in Industrial Districts
by Udo Staber - 553-570 Forms of Proximity, Local Governance and the Dynamics of Local Economic Spaces: The Case of Industrial Conversion Processes
by Jean‐Pierre Gilly & Frédéric Wallet - 571-592 Innovation and Interdependencies in the New Zealand Custom Boat‐building Industry
by Michael R. Glass & David J. Hayward - 593-608 Youth as a Political Movement: Development of the Squatters' and Autonomous Movement in Copenhagen
by Flemming Mikkelsen & Rene Karpantschof - 593-608 ‘You're Good with your Hands, Why Don't You Become an Auto Mechanic’: Neighborhood Context, Institutions and Career Development
by Harald Bauder - 629-648 Strengthening Access to Land for Housing for the Poor in Maputo, Mozambique
by Paul Jenkins - 649-657 Housing Policy in a Context of HIV/AIDS and Globalization
by Richard Tomlinson - 658-664 The Banality of Interdiction: Surveillance, Control and the Displacement of Diversity
by Steven Flusty - 665-669 Grounded Speculations on Theories of the City and the City of Theory
by Mike Crang - 670-673 City Moves: An Essay in Honour of Ian Taylor
by Ronnie Lippens & Ian Taylor
June 2001, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 221-226 Networks, Class and Place
by Talja Blokland & Mike Savage - 227-252 Physical Place and Cyberplace: The Rise of Personalized Networking
by Barry Wellman - 253-267 Networks, Place and Identities in Post‐industrial Mining Communities
by Tim Strangleman - 268-283 Bricks, Mortar, Memories: Neighbourhood and Networks in Collective Acts of Remembering
by Talja Blokland - 284-300 Class Formation and Localism in an Emerging Bureaucracy: British Bank Workers, 1880–1960
by Mike Savage & Katherine Stovel & Peter Bearman - 301-326 North American Free Trade and Changes in the Nativity of the Garment Industry Workforce in the United States
by David Spener & Randy Capps - 327-345 The Comparative Economics of EU ‘Subsidiarity’: Lessons from development/regional economic debates
by John Cameron & Tidings P. Ndhlovu - 346-363 Contesting Flexibility: The Restructuring of Taiwan’s Labor Relations and Spatial Organization
by Jenn‐Hwan Wang - 364-379 Effectiveness and Empowerment in Women’s Shelter: A Study of Working Women’s Hostels in Bangalore, India
by Kameshwari Pothukuchi - 380-403 Sketches from the Urban Internationale, 1910–50: Voluntary Associations, International Institutions and US Philanthropic Foundations
by Pierre‐Yves Saunier - 405-410 Information Technologies and Reconfigurations of Urban Space
by Stephen Graham - 411-418 Inpacts of Information Technologies on Urban Economic and Politics
by Saskia Sassen - 419-426 Community Technology Centers and the Urban Technology Gap
by Lisa J. Servon & Marla K. Nelson - 427-437 Information Technology and Urban Labor Markets in the United States
by Laura Wolf‐Powers - 439-444 National Enterprises, National States and Labour Relations after the End of Globalization
by Bob Jessop
March 2001, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 7-19 Explaining Urban Regimes
by Keith Dowding - 20-34 The Atlanta Experience Re‐examined: The Link Between Agenda and Regime Change
by Clarence N. Stone - 35-54 Drug Policy‐making in Metropolitan Areas: Urban Conflicts and Governance
by Daniel Kübler & Sonja Wälti - 55-69 Clichés of Urban Doom: The Dystopian Politics of Metaphors for the Unequal City – a View from Brussels
by Guy Baeten - 70-86 Coming to Terms with London: Middle‐class Communities in a Global City
by Garry Robson & Tim Butler - 87-101 Estate Agents as Interpreters of Economic and Cultural Capital: The Gentrification Premium in the Sydney Housing Market
by Gary Bridge - 102-117 Straddling the Divides: Remaking Associational Life in the Informal African City
by Abdoumaliq Simone - 118-133 Rural Migrants and Patriarchy in Turkish Cities
by Tahire Erman - 134-154 Strategies of Waste: Bidding Wars in the Brazilian Automobile Sector
by André Rodríguez‐Pose & Glauco Arbix - 155-179 The Poverty of Radical Theory Today: From the False Promises of Marxism to the Mirage of the Cultural Turn
by Michael Storper - 180-185 Contested Urban Futures: Report on a Global Gathering in Johannesburg, 2000
by Alan Mabin - 185-190 Revitalizing Inner‐City Neighborhoods in the United States
by Karl F. Seidman
December 2000, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 737-757 The City and the Car
by Mimi Sheller & John Urry - 758-781 Governance Restructuring in Los Angeles and Toronto: Amalgamation or Secession?
by Roger Keil - 782-800 Tackling Social Exclusion in the European Union? The Limits to the New Orthodoxy of Local Partnership
by Mike Geddes - 801-817 Going for Gold: Atlanta's Bid for Fame
by Drew Whitelegg - 818-831 Renaissance Revisited: Singapore as a ‘Global City for the Arts’
by T.C. Chang - 832-840 Introduction: Urban Studies in South Africa after Apartheid
by Jeremy Seekings - 841-857 Backyard Soweto
by Owen Crankshaw & Alan Gilbert & Alan Morris - 858-872 The Centrality of Community Capacity in State Low‐income Housing Provision in Cape Town, South Africa
by Sophie Oldfield - 873-888 Wage Strategies and Minimum Wages in Decentralized Regions: the Case of the Clothing Industry in Phuthaditjhaba, South Africa
by Nicoli Nattrass - 889-905 Democratization and Politics in South African Townships
by Janet Cherry & Kris Jones & Jeremy Seekings - 907-913 Debating Dominence and Relevance: Notes on the ‘Communicative Turn’ in Planning Theory
by Oren Yiftachel & Margo Huxley - 914-916 Conservative Epistomology, Reductive Ethics, Far Too Narrow Politics: Some Clarifications in Response to Yiftachel and Huxley
by John Forrester - 917-921 Planning Theory and Urban and Regional Dynamics: A Comment on Yiftachel and Huxley
by Patsy Healey - 922-924 On Space, Planning and Communication: A Brief Rejoinder
by Oren Yiftachel & Margo Huxley
September 2000, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 519-535 The Roads to Disaffiliation: Insecure Work and Vulnerable Relationships
by Robert Castel - 536-553 Diversity and Complexity in Local Forms of Urban Anti‐Poverty Strategies in Europe∗
by Marco Oberti - 554-566 Poverty Alleviation and the Eviction of the Poorest: Towards Urban Land Reform in the Philippines∗
by ErhardJ. Berner - 567-582 The Culture Economy of Paris∗
by Allen J Scott & Mark Ellis - 583-600 The Ethnic and Gender Division of Labor Compared Among Immigrants to Los Angeles∗
by Richard Wright & Mark Ellis - 601-615 Manchester First: From Municipal Socialism to the Entrepreneurial City
by Stephen Quilley - 616-633 Urban Space, Restrictive Covenants and the Origins of Racial Residential Segregation in a US City, 1900–50
by Kevin Fox Gotham - 634-652 Jews, Arabs, Russians and Foreigners in an Israeli City: Ethnic Divisions and the Restructuring Economy of Tel Aviv, 1983–96
by Gila Menaham - 653-674 Business Networks and New Distribution Methods: The Spread of Franchises in Spain
by Augustín Gámir & Ricardo Méndez - 675-688 End of the Empire State? New Labour and Devolution in the United Kingdom
by John Tomaney - 689-699 Dome Alone: London's Millennium Project and the Strategic Planning Deficit
by Andy Thornley - 700-712 Rent Subsidies in the USA and Housing Allowances in The Netherlands: Worlds Apart
by Hugo Priemus
June 2000, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 258-273 Globalization: Beyond the Ultra‐modernist Narrative to a Critical Realist Perspective on Geopolitics in the Cyber Age
by Christopher Lloyd - 274-322 The Political in the Era of Globalization and Finance: Focus on Some Régulation School Research
by Robert Boyer - 323-360 The Crisis of the National Spatio‐Temporal Fix and the Tendential Ecological Dominance of Globalizing Capitalism
by Bob Jessop - 361-378 The Urban Question: Reflections on Henri Lefebvre, Urban Theory and the Politics of scale
by Neil Brenner - 379-496 Informal Institutional Arrangements in Credit, Land Markets and Infrastructure Delivery in Trinidad
by Ayse Pamuk - 397-417 Social and Spatial Implications of Housing Reform in China
by Ya Ping Wang & Alan Murie - 418-438 Social Control, Urban Planning and Ethno‐class Relations: Mizrahi Jews in Israel's ‘Development Towns’
by Oren Yiftachel - 449-458 Mega‐events, Urban Boosterism and Growth Strategies: An Analysis of the Objectives and Legitimations of the Cape Town 2004 Olympic Bid
by Harry H. Hiller - 460-472 The Good City: In Defense of Utopian Thinking
by John Friedmann - 473-489 The Dialectics of Dystopia: Disorder and Zero Tolerance in The City
by Andy Merrifield
March 2000, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 9-24 Cultural production, place and politics on the South Bank of the Thames
by Peter Newman & Ian Smith - 25-51 ‘The basic assumptions as regards the nature and requirements of a capital city’ identity, modernization and urban form at Mafikeng’s margins
by Peris Sean Jones - 52-78 Migration and remittances in island microstates: a comparative perspective on the South Pacific and the Caribbean
by John Connell & Dennis Conway - 79-94 On location: American capital and the local labour market in the Vancouver film industry
by Neil M. Coe - 95-113 Economic structure and change in the Balkan region: implications for integration, transition and economic cooperation
by George Petrakos & Stoyan Totev - 120-138 Fetishizing the modern city: the phantasmagoria of urban technological networks
by Maria Kaika & Erik Swyngedouw - 139-164 The connectivity of infrastructure networks and the urban space of São Paulo in the 1990s
by Ricardo Toledo Silva - 165-182 ‘Territorial deregulation’: local authorities at risk from technical networks
by Jean‐Marc Offner - 183-200 Constructing premium network spaces: reflections on infrastructure networks and contemporary urban development
by Stephen Graham - 201-209 The Trouble with Men? Young People, Gender Transformations and the Crisis of Masculinity
by Linda McDowell - 210-223 Governance, Coordination and Legitimacy in Public Policies
by Yannis Papadopoulos - 224-225 Conference on the Furure of Chinese Cities: A Research Agenda for the 21st Century
by Nancy C. Netting
December 1999, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 619-637 The Concentration of African‐American Poverty and the Dispersal of the Working Class: An Ethnographic Study of Three Inner‐city Areas
by Martín Sánchez‐Jankowski - 638-653 The Reassertion of Economics: 1990s Gentrification in the Lower East Side
by Neil Smith & James DeFilippis - 654-669 Land Use and the Limits to (Regional) Governance: Some Lessons from Planning for Housing and Minerals in England
by Richard Cowell & Jonathan Murdoch - 670-696 State Policy and Spatial Restructuring in Post‐reform China, 1978–95
by George C. S. Lin - 697-714 The Development of Open‐air Markets in East‐Central Europe
by Endre Sik & Claire Wallace - 715-737 Characteristics and Origins of the Comecon Open‐air Market in Hungary
by Ágnes Czakó & Endre Sik - 738-750 The Significance of Borders in the East European Transition
by Claire Wallace & Oksana Shmulyar & Vasil Bedsir - 738-750 The Significance of Borders in the East European Transition
by Trond Thuen - 771-781 Megacity Toronto: Struggles Over Differing Aspects of Middle‐Class Politics
by Julie‐Anne Boudreau - 782-795 Global Economy/Immature Polity: Current Crisis in Southeast Asia
by Chua Beng Huat
September 1999, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 421-444 Rupture or Continuity? Modern and Postmodern Planning in Toronto
by Pierre Filion - 445-463 Social Agents, the Provision of Buildings and Property Booms: The Case of Sã0 Paulo
by Claudio Soares de Magalhãs - 464-478 Ethical Frameworks and Planning Theory
by Heather Campbell & Robert Marshall - 479-512 Regionalism and Federalism: a Comparative Analysis of the Regulation of Economic Tensions between Regions by Canadian and American Federal Intergovernmental Transfer Programmes
by Bruno Théret - 513-533 Bargaining with Transnational Corporations: The Case of Shanghai
by Yue‐Man Yeung & Xiaojian Li - 534-548 Local Growth Coalition: The Context and Implications of China’s Gradualist Urban Land Reforms
by Jieming Zhu - 549-566 The Relationship between Diversification and Growth: Some Evidence from the British Urban System 1978 to 1991
by Dan O’Donoghue - 567-582 Post‐Communist Borders and Territories: Conflicts, Learning and Rule‐Building in Poland
by François Bafoil - 583-588 Why is Shanghai Building a Giant Speculative Property Bubble?
by Anne Haila - 589-592 The Guggenheim‐Bilbao Museum Effect: A Reply to María V. Gomez’‘Reflective Images: The Case of Urban Regeneration in Glasgow and Bilbao’
by Beatriz Plaza - 593-601 Affirmative Action: A Critical Reconnaissance
by Alba Alexander & Kurt Jacobsen
June 1999, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 209-211 Introduction: Immigrants and the Informal Economy in European Cities
by Enzo Mingione - 212-231 Migrants in the Italian Underground Economy
by Fabio Quassoli - 232-251 Informal Spaces: The Geography of Informal Economic Activities in Brussels
by Christian Kesteltoot & Henk Meert - 252-266 Mixed Embeddedness: (In)formal Economic Activities and Immigrant Businesses in the Netherlands
by Robert Kloosterman & Joanne Van Der Leun & Jan Rath - 267-282 A Look at the ‘Hidden Side’: Turkish Women in Berlin’s Ethnic Labour Market
by Felicitas Hillman - 283-303 Everyday Urbanization: The Social Dynamics of Development in Manila’s Extended Metropolitan Region
by Philip F. Kelly - 304-328 Fragmented Integration in the Singapore‐Indonesian Border Zone: Southeast Asia’s ‘Growth Triangle’ Against the Global Economy
by Carl Grundy‐Warr & Karen Peachey & Martin Perry - 329-344 Regional Production Relationships and Developmental Impacts: A Comparative Study of Three Production Networks
by Lai Si Tsui‐Auch - 329-344 Street Children and Street Life in Urban Tanzania: The Culture of Surviving and its Implications for Children’s Health
by Joe L. P. Lugalla & Jesse Kazeni Mbwambo - 361-364 Sustainable Urban Development in Europe: Myth or Reality?
by Sasha Tsenkova - 365-378 An Institutionalist Perspective on Regional Economic Development
by Ash Amin - 379-395 Theory Led by Policy: The Inadequacies of the ‘New Regionalism’ (Illustrated from the Case of Wales)
by John Lovering
March 1999, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 7-25 Housing inequality in urban China in the 1990s
by John R. Logan & Yanjie Bian & Fuqin Bian - 26-44 Socialism and urbanization in Ethiopia, 1975–90: a tale of two Kebeles
by Mengistu Woube & Örjan Sjöberg - 45-69 Reconceptualizing public and private in urban regime theory: governance in AIDS politics
by Michael Brown - 45-69 ‘This is a lot like the Bronx, isn’t it?’ Lived experiences of marginality in an Argentine slum
by Javier Auyero - 70-87 Making oneself at home: the mediation of residential action
by Peter Somerville & Andy Steele - 88-102 The internationalization of ethnic Chinese business firms from Southeast Asia: strategies, processes and competitive advantage
by Henry Wai‐Chung Yeung - 103-127 Changing Cairo: the political economy of urban form
by Dona J. Stewart - 147-164 The internationalization of post‐1980 property cycles and the Japanese ‘bubble’ economy, 1986–96
by Alizera Dehesh & Cedric Pugh - 165-172 State powers, state land and competition for global entertainment: the case of Sydney
by Glen Searle & Michael Bounds - 173-179 Capital reconstruction and capital accumulation in Berlin: a reply to Peter Marcuse
by Scott Campbell - 180-184 Economic and political power in the new Berlin: a response to Peter Marcuse
by Hartmut Häußermann - 185-187 Reply to Campbell and Häußermann
by Peter Marcuse
December 1998, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 545-549 Introduction: Congealed time, compressed place; roots and branches of urban symbolic ecology
by Peter J.M. Nas - 550-564 Reminiscences of the relief of Leiden: a total ritual event
by Peter J.M. Nas & Anja Roymans - 565-581 Canberra: a sheep in wolf’s clothing
by Freek Colombijn - 582-588 Monuments in the winds of change
by Bozidar Ježernik - 589-601 Political tuning in Ankara, a capital, as reflected in its urban symbols and images
by Aygen Erdentuǧ & Berrak Burçak - 602-613 Esfahan’s gardens and mosques: on the instrumentality of symbols as a means of retaining urban identity
by Soheila Shahshahani - 614-622 Transformations of a city centre in the light of ideologies: the case of Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
by Alexandra Bitušíková - 623-642 State‐society relations and national development: a comparison of Argentina and Taiwan in the 1990s
by Fernando Javier Bosco - 643-663 Migration transition or migration transformation in the Asian dragon economies?
by Allan M. Findlay & Huw Jones & Gillian M. M. Davidson - 665-673 Conditions for spatial segregation: some European perspectives
by Sako Musterd & Mariïılle De Winter - 674-675 Research Planning Group on International Tourism and Urban Restructuring in Comparative Perspective, April 1998
by David F. Gladstone & Lily M. Hoffman & Mariïılle De Winter - 676-678 The origins of the Foundation for Urban and Regional Studies, or the advantages of owning the title and having charitabe status in the running of journals
by Chris Pickvance - 679-682 Foundation for Urban and Regional Studies (FURS): the first three years
by Ray Pahl
September 1998, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 361-377 The Genesis of the High Technology Milieu: A Study in Complexity
by Elizabeth Garnsey - 378-393 ‘Fourth World’ Cities in the Global Economy: The Case of Phnom Penh, Cambodia
by Gavin Shatkin