September 1998, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 394-407 Environment‐Related Litigation in Rio de Janeiro: Shaping Frames for a New Social Problem
by Mario Fuks - 408-424 The Political Economy of Urban Land Reforms in a Post‐Colonial State
by Ambe J. Njoh - 425-442 Local Impacts of the Post‐Mao Development Strategy: The Case of the Zhujiang Delta, Southern China
by Qihao Weng - 443-459 Social Conditions and Economic Performance: The Bond Between Social Structure and Regional Growth in Western Europe
by Andrés Rodríguez‐Pose - 460-481 Urban Conflict and Social Movements in Poor Countries: Theory and Evidence of Collective Action
by John Walton - 482-506 Regulations and Governance in European Cities
by Patrick Le Galès - 507-510 Loïc Wacquant’s ‘Three Pernicious Premises in the Study of the American Ghetto’
by Ceri Peach - 511-520 How ‘Bad’ Is It?: Institutions and Intentions in the Study of the American Ghetto
by Sharon Zukin
June 1998, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 183-194 Symbolic Use of Globalization in Urban Politics in Tokyo
by Takashi Machimura - 195-215 Globalization and the Corporations: The Case of the California Fortune 500
by Leslie Sklair - 216-232 Development Peculiarities of Peripheral Desert Settlements: The Case of Israel
by Boris A. Portnov & Evyatar Erell - 233-244 The New Urban Left: Parties Without Actors
by Henri Lustiger‐Thaler & Eric Shragge - 245-263 Informal Commerce: Expansion and Exclusion in the Historic Centre of the Latin American City
by Rosemary D. F. Bromley - 264-282 Developing Alteratives: Energy, Offices and the Environment
by Simon Guy - 283-302 (Re)Reading the ‘Loft Living’Habitus in Montréal's Inner City
by Julie Podmore - 303-307 The Immoral Economy of Housing in Turkey
by Ayse Bugra - 319-330 Improving or Endangering Housing Policies? Recent Changes in the Dutch Housing Allowance Scheme
by Hugo Priemus - 331-338 Reflections on Berlin: The Meaning of Construction and the Construction of Meaning
by Peter Marcuse
March 1998, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-1 Policy Statement
by Patrick Le Galès & Susan Fainstein & Linda McDowell - 1-1 IJURR: looking back twenty‐one years later
by Michael Harloe & Enzo Mingione & Chris Pickvance & Edmond Preteceille - 9-25 Metropolitan government and governance in western countries: a critical review
by Christian Lefèvre - 26-41 Industrial and regional restructuring and changing form of state intervention: the development of partnerships in postwar Japan
by Seiko Kitajima - 42-59 The long‐term unemployed, informal economic activity and the ‘underclass’ in Belfast: rejecting or reinstating the work ethic
by Madeleine Leonard - 60-75 Economic restructuring and state intervention in Holdenist suburbia: understanding urban poverty in Australia
by Ian Winter & Lois Bryson - 76-93 Privatizing the commons: reforming the ejido and urban development in Mexico
by Gareth A. Jones & Peter M. Ward - 94-105 Evaluation of urban land supply policy in Iran
by Mohammad Mehdi Azizi - 106-121 Reflective images: the case of urban regeneration in Glasgow and Bilbao
by María V. Gómez - 122-135 The Green Revolution, agrarian productivity and labor
by Raju J. Das - 137-146 South Africa’s New Housing Policy: An Assessment of the First Two Years, 1994–96
by Mary R. Tomlinson - 147-155 Think‐Tanks, Consultancies and Urban Policy in the UK
by Ken Warpole - 156-159 International Network for Urban Research and Action Conference on Possible Urban Worlds, Zurich, June 1997
by Barbara Loevinger Rahder - 160-163 Response to Loïc J.D. Wacquant’s ‘Three Pernicious Premises in the Study of the American Ghetto’
by Paul A. Jargowsky
December 1997, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 535-535 China focus
by Michael Harloe - 537-553 The Hong Kong Government’s Strategy for Promoting Home Ownership — An Approach to Reducing the Decommodifying Effects of Public Housing Services
by Sam Wai Kam Yu - 554-568 The Rise of Manufacturing Towns: Externally Driven Industrialization and Urban Development in the Pearl River Delta of China
by Irene Eng - 569-588 The Third China? Emerging industrial districts in rural China
by Brad Christerson & Constance Lever‐Tracy - 589-606 Urban transportation in Shanghai, China: problems and planning implications
by Qing Shen - 607-619 The sexual division of care in mainland China and Hong Kong
by Sam Wai Kam Yu & Ruby Chui Man Chau - 620-639 Uneven development and beyond: regional development theory in post‐Mao China
by C. Cindy Fan - 640-663 Urban restructuring in China’s emerging market economy: towards a framework for analysis
by Fulong Wu - 664-676 Urban redevelopment and grassroots action in Chicago and Sheffield: themes, variations and uncertain legacies
by Larry Bennett - 677-690 Dutch Urban Policy: a promising perspective for the big cities
by Hugo Priemus & Peter Boelhouwer & Helen Kruythoff - 691-705 Botshabelo: coping with the consequences of urban apartheid
by Richard Tomlinson & Skip Krige - 706-711 Ghettos real and imagined: a historical comment on Loïc Wacquant’s ‘Three pernicious premises in the study of the American ghetto’
by Kenneth L. Kusmer - 712-714 Urban Theory in the Age of Pluralism and Complexities: Modern or Postmodern? Comment on Leontidou
by Xing Quan Zhang - 715-718 Humpty Dumpty’s ontological allegory: response to Zhang’s Comment
by Lila Leontidou
September 1997, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 401-405 Introduction
by Ovsey Shkaratan - 406-424 The Elite of St Petersburg as Seen by the City Inhabitants
by Valery Golofast & Tatiana Protassenko & Oleg Bozhkov - 425-429 St Petersburg's Progress Towards the Market
by Aleksei Kudrin - 430-444 Transformation of Local Power Elites: the Institutionalization of Social Movements in St Petersburg
by Alexander Duka - 445-453 Dynamics of the Standard of Living in St Petersburg during Five Years of Economic Reform
by Tatiana Protassenko - 454-466 Deviant Behaviour in St Petersburg
by Yakov Gilinskiy - 467-479 Dirt: Symbolic and Practical Dimensions of Social Problems in St Petersburg
by Jussi Simpura & Galina Eremitcheva - 481-503 Through a Glass Darkly: Investigating the St Petersburg Administration
by Rosemary Mellor - 504-507 Uses and Misuses of Concepts in American Social Science Research: Variations on Loïic Wacquant's Theme of ‘Three Pernicious Premises in the Study of the American Ghetto’
by Herbert J. Gans - 508-511 Wacquant in the Argentine Slums: Comment on Loïic Wacquant's ‘Three Pernicious Premises in the Study of the American Ghetto’
by Javier Auyero
June 1997, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 165-179 Space Traders: Reregulation, Property Companies and Auckland's Office Market, 1975–94
by Zoltan Moricz & Laurence Murphy - 180-201 Flexibilization through Metropolis: The Case of Postfordist Seoul, Korea
by Myung‐Rae Cho - 202-217 Cheap Labor Strategies and Export‐Oriented Industrialization: Some Lessons from the Los Angeles/East Asia Apparel Connection
by Richard P. Appelbaum & Brad Christerson - 218-237 Consumption and the City, Modern and Postmodern
by David B. Clarke - 238-258 The Effects of Industry Governance on Offshore Oil Development in the Gulf of Mexico
by Vern Baxter - 259-287 The Emergence of Post‐Suburban Landscapes on the North Coast of New South Wales: A Case Study of Contested Space
by Stephen J. Essex & Graham P. Brown - 286-302 The Marketization of Local Services and the Fragmentation of Labour Markets
by Kevin Doogan - 303-322 Revisiting Informal‐Sector Home Ownership: The Relevance of Household Composition for Housing Options of the Poor
by Faranak Miraftab - 323-339 The Cultural Economy of Cities
by Allen J. Scott - 341-353 Three Pernicious Premises in the Study of the American Ghetto
by Loïc J. D. Wacquant - 354-356 Comment on Loïc J. D. Wacquant, ‘Three Pernicious Premises in the Study of the American Ghetto’
by Michael B. Katz - 357-362 The Specificity of the Chicago Ghetto: Comment on Wacquant's ‘Three Pernicious Premises’
by Janet Abu‐Lughod - 363-365 Conference on Globalization and Collective Action, Santa Cruz, May 1996
by Pierre Hamel & Henri Lustiger‐Thaler - 366-372 Habitat II Conference on Human Settlements, Istanbul, June 1996
by Ivan Tosics - 373-377 The Milos Seminar: Space, Inequality And Difference: from ‘Radical’ to ‘Cultural’ Formulations?, August 1996
by Olivier Kramsch - 379-387 Book Reviews
by Dario Rei & Desmond King & Gabriel Dupuy & Bernhard Hoeper - 389-393 Shorter Reviews
by Stephen Graham & Mike Geddes & Jack Thomas & Ruben Hernandez‐Leon
March 1997, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 7-22 Value, Exchange and the Social Economy: Framework and Paradigm Shift in Urban Policy
by David Fasenfest & Penelope Ciancanelli & Laura A. Reese - 23-37 The Division of Labour, Capitalism and Socialism: An Alternative to Sayer
by Jamie Gough & Aram Eisenschitz - 38-62 'Out' in The Valley
by Ann Forsyth - 63-74 French Cultural Decentralization and International Expansion.Towards a Geometrically Variable Interculturalism?
by Emmanuel Négrier - 75-99 The Changing ‘Face’ of the Suburbs: Issues of Ethnicity and Residential Change in Suburban Vancouver
by Brian K. Ray & Greg Halseth & Benjamin Johnson - 100-116 Post‐Thatcherite Urban Planning and Politics: a Major Change?
by Philip Allmendinger & Mark Tewdwr‐Jones - 117-128 ‘Old age’ and Ageism in Urban Research: The Case of Fear of Crime
by Rachel H. Pain - 129-132 Reply to Gough and Eisenschitz
by Andrew Sayer - 133-142 Market‐Oriented Housing Policy: A Contradiction In Terms. Recent Dutch Experiences
by Hugo Priemus - 143-150 Book reviews
by Hartmut HäuBermann & Neil Brenner & Chris Pickvance & Kuniko Fujita - 153-156 Shorter reviews
by Jeremy Seekings & Peter Marcuse & P.W. Daniels & Sophie Body‐Gendrot