October 1995, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 771-792 Gender Awareness in Migration Theory: Synthesizing Actor and Structure in Southern Africa
by Caroline Wright
July 1995, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 413-439 Dismantling the Divide Between Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge
by Arun Agrawal - 441-468 The Response of International Organizations to the Environmental Challenge: The Case of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
by Erik Baark & Joseph Strahl - 469-502 Structural Adjustment and Performance in Living Standards in Developing Countries
by N. Kakwani - 503-523 Working Groups or Wage Labour? Cash‐crops, Reciprocity and Money among the Maka of Southeastern Cameroon
by Peter Geschiere - 525-549 Plantation Labour and Economie Crisis in Cameroon
by Piet Konings - 551-585 Towards Reconciliation of the Land Issue in Namibia: Identifying the Possible, Assessing the Probable
by Donna Pankhurst
April 1995, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 209-234 Household Incomes in Cuban Agriculture: A Comparison of the State, Co‐operative, and Peasant Sectors
by Carmen Diana Deere & Ernel Gonzales & Niurka Perez & Gustavo Rodriguez - 235-258 Beyond Naivety: Women, Gender Inequality and Participatory Development
by Linda Mayoux - 259-284 Crisis, Informalization and the Urban Informal Sector in Sub‐Saharan Africa
by Kate Meagher - 285-304 Does Agricultural Growth Matter in Poverty Alleviation?
by Raghav Gaiha - 305-330 Structural Adjustment and Poverty Alleviation: An Interpretative Survey
by Tony Killick - 333-354 The Democratization Process and Popular Participation in Africa: Emerging Realities and the Challenges Ahead
by Sadig Rasheed - 355-374 Structural Adjustment, Democratization and Rising Ethnic Tensions in Africa
by J. ‘Bayo Adekanye
January 1995, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-29 China's Household Registration System under Reform
by Hein Mallee - 31-66 Population Density, Economic Growth and Societies in Transition: Boserup Reconsidered in a Kenyan Case‐study
by Mary Tiffen - 67-88 Investigating Difference: Applications of Wealth Ranking and Household Survey Approaches among Farming Households in Southern Zimbabwe
by Ian Scoones - 89-110 Biodiversity Conservation: The Process of Economic Assessment and Establishment of a Protected Area in Vanuatu
by Luca Tacconi & Jeff Bennett - 111-131 Formalizing the Informal Sector: Barriers and Costs
by Ricardo A. Lagos - 133-162 Albania's Road from Communism: Political and Social Change, 1990–1993
by Fatos Tarifa - 163-183 How Well is Aid Allocated? Descriptive Measures of Aid Allocation: A Survey of Methodology and Results
by Howard White & Mark McGillivray
October 1994, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 697-721 Thinking Politically about Sustainable Development in the Tropical Forests of Latin America
by Eduardo Silva - 723-756 Environment, Technology and Employment: Towards a New Definition of Sustainable Development
by Massoud Karshenas - 757-783 Non‐economic Bases of Economic Behaviour: The Consumption, Investment and Exchange Patterns of Three Emigrant Communities in Kerala, India
by Prema Ann Kurien - 785-827 Economic Restructuring, Coping Strategies and Social Change: Implications for Institutional Development in Africa
by Yusuf Bangura - 829-848 Women's Interests and Empowerment: Gender Planning Reconsidered
by Saskia Wieringa - 849-878 Children, Work and ‘Child Labour’: Changing Responses to the Employment of Children
by Ben White
July 1994, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 471-495 Drought as a Revelatory Crisis: An Exploration of Shifting Entitlements and Hierarchies in the Kalahari, Botswana
by Jacqueline S. Solway - 497-526 Authority, Gender and Knowledge: Theoretical Reflections on the Practice of Participatory Rural Appraisal
by David Mosse - 527-554 The Quality of Aid: Measuring Trends in Donor Performance
by Howard White & Lois Woestman - 555-568 Non‐Governmental Organizations and Poverty Alleviation in Bolivia
by Sonia Arellano‐López & James F. Petras - 569-590 Economics of Marriage Change in a South Indian Village
by A. Dharmalingam - 591-634 Agrarian Change and Gender Relations in South‐east Iran
by Shahrashoub Razavi - 635-640 The Informal Financial Sector in Bangladesh: An Appraisal of its Role in Development — A Comment
by Anwar Ahmed - 641-643 The Informal Financial Sector in Bangladesh: An Appraisal of its Role in Development — A Reply
by Atiqur Rahman
April 1994, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 261-305 Intellectuals, Economic Reform and Social Change: Constraints and Opportunities in the Formation of a Nigerian Technocracy
by Yusuf Bangura - 307-331 The Structure of ‘Revealed‘ Preference: Race, Community and Female Labour Supply in the London Clothing Industry
by Naila Kabeer - 333-361 Export‐led Technology Development in the Four Dragons: The Case of Electronics
by Mike Hobday - 363-386 Governance, the State and the Politics of Development
by Adrian Leftwich - 387-421 Is There a Conflict Between Growth and Welfarism? The Significance of the Sri Lanka Debate
by S.R. Osmani
January 1994, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-11 Environment, Livelihood and Empowerment
by Dharam Ghai - 13-39 Community‐based Fisheries Management, Tradition and the Challenges of Development in Marovo, Solomon Islands
by Edvard Hviding & Graham B. K. Baines - 41-67 Ecological Knowledge and the Regional Economy: Environmental Management in the Asesewa District of Ghana
by Kojo Sebastian Amanor - 69-100 Sustaining the Forests: The Community‐based Approach in South and South‐East Asia
by Marcus Colchester - 101-136 Ecological Conflicts and the Environmental Movement in India
by Madhav Gadgil & Ramachandra Guha - 137-165 Gender, Environment and Population
by Susan Joekes with Noeleen Heyzer & Ruth Oniang'o and Vania Salles - 167-193 NGOs and Sustainable Development in Zimbabwe: No Magic Bullets
by Jessica Vivian - 195-229 Parks and People: Livelihood Issues in National Parks Management in Thailand and Madagascar
by Krishna B. Ghimire - 231-259 Social and Political Dimensions of Environmental Protection in Central America
by Peter Utting
October 1993, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 611-647 The Global Flea Market: Migration, Remittances and the Informal Economy in Tonga
by Richard P. C. Brown & John Conneil - 649-677 Frank Cass THE JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES
by Cecile Jackson - 679-718 Entitlements Analysis: Relating Concepts and Contexts
by Des Gasper - 719-753 Understanding Technology Development
by Sanjaya Lall - 755-785 Are Households Universal? On Misunderstanding Domestic Groups in Swaziland
by Margo Russell - 787-813 Crop Diversification and Export Growth: Dynamics of Change in the Sri Lankan Peasant Sector
by David Dunham
July 1993, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 405-437 New Technologies, Employment and Labour Markets in Developing Countries
by Jeffrey James - 439-464 Who is the ‘Other‘?: A Postmodern Feminist Critique of Women and Development Theory and Practice
by Jane L. Parpart - 465-486 State, Politics and the Idea of Social Justice in Chile
by Patricio Silva - 487-510 Agrarian Transformation and the Distribution of Fixed Productive Assets in China
by Terry McKinley - 511-539 Dimensions of Structural Adjustment: Gender and Age in the Costa Rican Labour Market
by Richard Tardanico - 541-568 A Development Success Story? Low Caste Entrepreneurship and Inequality: An Indian Case Study
by Linda Mayoux
April 1993, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 227-267 Structural Reform of the Veterinary Profession in Africa and the New Institutional Economics
by David K. Leonard - 269-304 Voluntary Agencies as Development Organizations: Theorizing the Problem of Efficiency and Accountability
by E. A. Brett - 305-338 Bureaucratic Domination of Hunter‐Gatherer Societies: A Study of the San in Botswana
by Robert K. Hitchcock & John D. Holm - 339-362 The Samoan Farmer: A Reluctant Object of Change?
by Per Ronnås
January 1993, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 7-28 Restructuring the Post‐Cold War World Economy: Perspectives and a Prognosis
by Sandra Sideri - 29-52 Bursting the Bubble: The Pseudo‐Development Strategies of Microstates
by Godfrey Baldacchino - 53-82 Gender, Contracts and Wage Work: Agricultural Restructuring in Brazil's São Francisco Valley
by Jane L. Collins - 83-102 The Geography of Economic Development and Racial Discrimination in Brazil
by Peggy A. Lovell - 103-130 The Development Impact of NGO Activities in the Red Sea Province of Sudan: A Critique
by Hassan Ahmed Abdel Ati - 131-158 NGOs, Disaster Relief and Asset Transfer in the Horn: Political Survival in a Permanent Emergency
by Mark Duffield - 159-176 For Whom is the Rural Economy Resilient? Initial Effects of Drought in Western Sudan
by Leslie Gray & Michael Kevane - 177-202 Sudan: Searching for the Origins of Absolutism and Decay
by Alex de Waal
October 1992, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 1-25 Of Coconuts and Kings: The Political Economy of an Export Crop
by James K. Boyce - 27-48 Development, Neoliberalism and Electoral Politics in Latin America
by Rosario Espinal - 49-74 The Political Ecology of Extraction and Extractive Reserves in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
by Nancy Lee Peluso - 75-99 Malaysian Electronics: The Changing Prospects for Employment and Restructuring
by Suresh Narayanan & Rajah Rasiah - 101-128 Consumer Subsidies in India: Is Targeting Effective?
by Shikha Jha - 129-163 Panchayati Raj in West Bengal: Popular Participation for the People or the Party?
by Neil Webster
July 1992, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 1-4 Foreword
by Martin Doornbos - 5-41 Empancipations, Modern and Postmodern
by Jan Nederveen Pieterse - 43-77 Liberation or Meaning? Social Movements, Culture and Democracy
by Alberto Melucci - 79-102 Marxism and the Darkness of History
by Sudipta Kaviraj - 103-120 Marxism and the Problem of Violence
by Bhikhu Parekh - 121-137 Beyond Emancipation
by Ernesto Laclau - 139-173 Democracy and Emancipatory Movements: Notes for a Theory of Inversionary Discourse
by David E. Apter - 175-193 Subjectivity, Experience and Knowledge: An Epistemology from/for Rainbow Coalition Politics
by Sandra Harding - 195-214 The Feminist Movement in Latin America: Between Hope and Disenchantment
by Virginia Vargas - 215-255 Development and Women's Emancipation: Is There a Connection?
by Valentine M. Moghadam - 257-281 The State and the Dialectics of Emancipation
by Wim F. Wertheim - 283-319 Theories of Development and Politics of the Post‐modern — Exploring a Border Zone
by David Slater
April 1992, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 1-36 Democratic Rural Development: Leadership Accountability in Regional Peasant Organizations
by Jonathan Fox - 37-66 Reforming Peasant Production in Africa: Power and Technological Change in Two Nigerian Villages
by Dickson L. Eyoh - 67-90 Peasant Women and Economic Transformation in The Gambia
by Judith A. Carney - 91-114 From Idealism to Realism: Women, Feminism and Empowerment in Nicaraguan Tailoring Co‐operatives
by Linda Mayoux - 115-139 Evaluating Cost‐Benefit Analysis as a Tool for Gender Planning
by Naila Kabeer - 141-148 On Thai Women in the International Division of Labour
by Suresh Narayanan & Laurel Kimura - 149-153 Reply to Narayanan and Kimura
by Douglas V. Porpora & Mah Hui Lim & Usanee Prommas
January 1992, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 7-33 National Factor Markets and the Macroeconomic Context for Environmental Destruction in the Brazilian Amazon
by Steven C. Kyle & Aercio S. Cunha - 35-70 Indian Lands, Environmental Policy and Military Geopolitics in the Development of the Brazilian Amazon: The Case of the Yanomami
by Bruce Albert - 71-99 Calha Norte: Military Development in Brazilian Amazônia
by Elizabeth Allen - 101-146 Absorbing External Shocks: The Gulf Crisis, International Migration Linkages and the Indian Economy, 1990 (with special reference to the impact on Kerala)
by Ashwani Saith - 147-168 The Informal Financial Sector in Bangladesh: An Appraisal of its Role in Development
by Atiq Rahman
October 1991, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 645-685 Foreign Aid after the Cold War
by Keith Griffin - 687-724 Growth of Rural Industries in Post‐reform China: Patterns, Determinants and Consequences
by Rizwanul Islam - 725-755 The Promotion of Non‐traditional Agricultural Exports in Honduras: Issues of Equity, Environment and Natural Resource Management
by Susan C. Stonich - 757-779 Communal Forest Management: The Honduran Resin Tappers
by Denise L. Stanley - 781-805 The Indonesian Family Planning Programme: A Success Story for Women?
by Ines Smyth
July 1991, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 421-443 Gifts and Rights: Cautionary Notes on Community Self‐help in Thailand
by Peter Vandergeest - 445-473 The Transformation of the Production and Retail of Building Materials for Low‐income Housing in Mombasa, Kenya
by Gervase Chris Macoloo - 475-496 Illicit Drug Production and Supply‐side Drugs Policy in Asia and South America
by David Whynes - 497-517 Welfare Consequences of Green Revolution Technology: Changes in Bangladeshi Food Production and Diet
by Mohammad Alauddin & Clem Tisdell - 519-545 Rural‐Urban Relations, Household Income Diversification and Agricultural Productivity
by Hugh Emrys Evans & Peter Ngau - 547-586 Regional Disparities, Industry and Government Policy in Japan
by Servet Mutlu - 587-596 Comments on Alex de Waal's ‘Re‐assessment of Entitlement Theory in the Light of Recent Famines in Africa’
by S.R. Osmani - 597-608 Logic and Application: A Reply to S.R. Osmani
by Alex de Waal
April 1991, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 197-231 The Political Economy of Industrialization: A Comparison of Latin American and East Asian Newly Industrializing Countries
by Rhys Jenkins - 233-260 The Dynamics of Work and Survival for the Urban Poor: A Gender Analysis of Panel Data from Madras
by Helzi Noponen - 261-277 Gainers and Losers: A Note on Land and Occupational Mobility in a South Indian Village, 1977–85
by Madhura Swantinathan - 279-295 Elites, the Rural Masses and Land in Paraguay: The Subordination of the Rural Masses to the Ruling Class
by J.M.G. Kleinpenning & E.B. Zoomers - 297-320 The Rural Labour Market in Zimbabwe
by Jennifer Adams - 321-337 Inequalities and Adjustment in Uganda
by Vali Jamal - 339-349 Uganda: Contradictions of the IMF Programme and Perspective: A Comment
by E. Tumusiime‐Mutebile - 351-366 A Response to Critics
by Mahmood Mamdani
January 1991, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 5-29 Dilemmas of Development Discourse: The Crisis of Developmentalism and the Comparative Method
by Jan Nederveen Pieterse - 31-68 Reflections on the Latin American Contribution to Development Theory
by Cristóbal Kay - 69-92 Economic Transformation in Eastern Europe: Its Genesis, Adjustment Process, and Impact on Developing Countries
by Hans Linnemann & Atul Sarma - 93-115 New Perspectives for Modernization in Central America
by George Irvin - 117-154 Poverty Alleviation Programmes In Rural India: An Assessment
by Raghav Gaiha
October 1990, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 579-619 Mercantile Transformations: Understanding the State, Global Debt and Philippine Agriculture
by Bruce Koppel - 621-636 Bank Lending to LDCs: From the Euphoria of Credit Syndication to the Debt Problem's Implications
by Alexander Rogovitsky - 637-655 The ‘Political’ Economies of Central America: Foreign Aid and Labour Remittances
by David Kaimowitz - 657-692 Structural Adjustment and Diversification in Zambia
by Fons Meijer - 693-722 Cash Crop Production and the Process of Transformation
by Behrooz Morvaridi - 723-749 Recent Technology Imports into India: Results of a Survey
by Ashok V. Desai
July 1990, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 389-426 The Crisis of the 1980s in Sub‐Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean: Economic Impact, Social Change and Political Implications
by Dharam Ghai & Cynthia Hewitt de Alcántara - 427-467 Uganda: Contradictions of the IMF Programme and Perspective
by Mahmood Mamdani - 469-490 A Re‐assessment of Entitlement Theory in the Light of the Recent Famines in Africa
by Alex de Waal - 491-500 Decentralization, Territorial Power and the State: A Critical Response
by Dennis A. Rondinelli - 501-512 Debating Decentralization — A Reply to Rondinelli
by David Slater - 513-530 Decentralization: The Politics of Interventionism
by Joel Samoff
April 1990, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 197-223 State, Industrialization and Agricultural Policy in Korea
by Larry L. Burmeister - 225-246 The Rational Choice Paradigm and the Allocation of Agricultural Development Resources
by Mick Moore - 247-280 The Interface of Agricultural and Industrial Growth in the Development Process: Some Facets of the Indian Experience
by Ashok Mathur - 281-307 Factors Affecting Small Farmers' Access to Institutional Credit in Rural Orissa, India
by Kailas Sarap - 309-341 Nigerian Oil and Exchange Rates: Indicators of ‘Dutch Disease’
by John J. Struthers
January 1990, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 5-22 Women and Rural Development Policies: The Changing Agenda
by Deniz Kandiyoti - 23-42 Alternative Development Strategies for Women in Rural China
by Ellen Judd - 43-74 Daughters, Decisions and Domination: An Empirical and Conceptual Critique of Household Strategies
by Diane L. Wolf - 75-86 Sámi Reindeer Pastoralism as an Indigenous Resource Management System in Northern Norway: A Contribution to the Common Property Debate
by Ivar Bjørklund - 87-118 Non‐governmental Organizations in Africa: Can They Influence Public Policy?
by Michael Bratton - 119-146 The End of the Road in Land Reform? Limits to Redistribution in West Bengal
by Sanjib Baruah - 147-164 Limits to Radical Intervention: Agricultural Taxation in West Bengal
by Ross Mallick
October 1989, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 565-597 The Dynamics of Fisheries Development in Developing Countries: A General Overview
by Jean‐Philippe Platteau - 599-620 Market Development, Government Interventions and the Dynamics of the Smallscale Fishing Sector: An Historical Perspective of the Senegalese Case
by Jean‐Pierre Chauveau & Alassane Samba - 621-651 Penetration of Capitalism and Persistence of Small‐scale Organizational Forms in Third World Fisheries
by Jean‐Philippe Platteau - 653-682 Shrimp Culture and Market Incorporation: A Study of Shrimp Culture in Paddy Fields in Southwest Bangladesh
by João P. de Campos Guimarães - 683-700 The Role of Middlemen in Small‐scale Fisheries: A Case Study of Sarawak, Malaysia
by Alexander G. Merlijn - 701-733 Technical Change, Transformation of Risks and Patronage Relations in a Fishing Community of South Sri Lanka
by Oscar Amarasinghe - 735-770 Fisheries Development, Resources Depletion and Political Mobilization in Kerala: The Problem of Alternatives
by Wicky Meynen
July 1989, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 373-400 The Impact of War and the Response to it in Different Agrarian Systems in Eritrea
by Lionel Cliffe - 401-428 Agricultural Restructuring in Zimbabwe and South Africa
by Daniel Weiner - 429-459 The Contribution of Environmental and Resource Economics to an Economics of Sustainable Development
by Edward B. Barbier - 461-500 Government Policies towards Drought and Development in the Brazilian Sertao
by Ian Livingstone & Marcio Assunção - 501-531 Territorial Power and the Peripheral State: The Issue of Decentralization
by David Slater
April 1989, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 181-201 Regionalism and Globalism in the South Pacific
by Sandra Tarte - 203-234 Fiji: Race, Class and the Military
by R. T. Robertson & A. Tamanisau - 235-267 The World Bank in Fiji: The Case of the Suva‐Nadi Highway Reconstruction Project
by Ganeshwar Chand - 269-294 The Role of Women in the International Division of Labour: The Case of Thailand
by Douglas V. Porpora & Mah Hui Lim & Usanee Prommas - 295-322 Are the Chronically Poor Also the Poorest in Rural India?
by Raghav Gaiha
January 1989, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 5-34 Financial Development and the Intersectoral Transfer of Resources: The Case of Thailand
by Karel Jansen - 35-56 The State in the Village: Interpreting Rural Development in Thailand
by Philip Hirsch - 57-87 Analysing Decentralization Policies in Developing Countries: a Political‐Economy Framework
by Dennis A. Rondinelli & James S. McCullough & Ronald W. Johnson - 89-120 Export Performance of ‘New Exporting Countries’: How Valid is the Optimism?
by Premachandra Athukorala - 121-147 The Introduction and Evolution of Private Landed Property in Kenya
by Makau Kiamba
October 1988, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 549-583 Agribusiness and Women Peasants in Tanzania
by Marjorie Mbilinyi - 585-615 Female Farmers and Agricultural Production in El Salvador
by Susana Lastarría‐Cornhiel - 617-647 Vanuatu: Fragile Foreign Policy Initiatives
by R.T. Robertson - 649-668 The Food Balance and Economic Growth: An Appraisal of FitzGerald's Reformulation of Kalecki
by Marc Wuyts - 669-676 The Food Balance and Economic Growth: A Reply
by E.V.K. FitzGerald
July 1988, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 371-400 When Supply and Demand Don't Intersect: Latin America and the Bretton Woods Institutions in the 1980s
by Richard E. Feinberg & Edmar L. Bacha - 401-423 Paradigms of Regional Development and the Role of Small Centres
by J. Hinderink & M.J. Titus - 425-466 Rural Growth Points and Rural Industries in Zimbabwe: Ideologies and Policies
by Des Gasper - 467-504 Premises and Impacts of International Dairy Aid: The Politics of Evaluation
by Martin Doornbos & Manoshi Mitra & Pieter van Stuijvenberg - 505-530 Thinking Politically about Development
by David Goldsworthy
April 1988, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 179-201 Latin America's Transnational Capitalists and the Debt: A Class‐Analysis Perspective
by James Petras & Howard Brill - 203-265 Somalia: Understanding an Unconventional Economy
by Vali Jamal - 267-300 The Process of Famine: Causes and Consequences in Sudan
by Hassan Ahmed Abdel Ati - 301-325 Slow Change in Colonial South India: The Transformation of Thanjavur
by Willem van Schendel - 327-341 Counterpoint and Emancipation
by Jan Nederveen Pieterse & W. F. Wertheim
January 1988, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 3-32 Industrialization and the Standard of Living of the Working Class in Iran, 1960–79
by Hassan Hakimian - 33-52 Kalecki on Planned Growth in the Mixed Economy
by E.V.K. FitzGerald - 53-67 Taiwanese Economic Development: An Alternative Interpretation
by Richard Grabowski - 69-87 Water Harvesting and Agricultural Production in Semi‐arid Kenya
by Richard Hogg - 89-113 Class Relations and Technology Use: A Study of Tubewell Utilization in Punjab (India)
by Jasveen Jairath - 115-138 Agrarian Transformation and the Rural Labour Market: The Case of Nicaragua
by Hermine Weijland & Jan de Groot & Rudolf Buitelaar - 139-157 Institutionalization of an Environmental Programme in a Third World Country: The Establishment of an Environmental Institute in Nicaragua
by Ange Wieberdink & Arjen van Ketel
October 1987, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 533-555 Planning Agrarian Reform: Amazonian Settlement Projects, 1970–86
by Keith Bakx