October 1980, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 643-648 Agricultural Growth and the Late Development Effect in Japan — A Note
by Ian Inkster
July 1980, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 335-365 Alternative Energy Technologies and Third World Rural Energy Needs: A Case of Emerging Technological Dependency
by Kurt Hoffman - 367-389 Workers' Skills in Latin America: An Approach Towards Self‐Reliant Development
by Liliana Acero - 391-417 A Note on Capital Accumulation in Mexico: The Budget Deficit and Investment Finance
by E. V. K. FitzGerald - 419-454 Transition to What? Some Issues of Freedom and Necessity in Namibia
by Reginald Herbold Green - 455-478 Zambia's System of State Capitalism
by Ben Turok - 479-495 Enterprise and Innovation in an Indigenous Fishery: The Case of the Sultanate of Oman
by William Donaldson
April 1980, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 163-186 North‐South Relations: The Reality from 1980 to 1990
by Ferdinand van Dam - 187-210 Insiders and Outsiders: Insidedness, Incorporation and Bureaucratic Politics
by Bernard Schaffer - 211-227 The Allocation of Public Contracts: Studies in Peru and Venezuela
by Richard Batley - 229-255 The Role of the State and the Politics of Capital Accumulation in Colombia
by Philip Wright - 257-272 Indigenization and Technological Dependency
by Ankie Hoogvelt - 273-284 Economical Technology against Technical Efficiency in the Oil Palm Industry of West Africa
by Martin Kaniki - 285-295 Changes in Tanzanian Rural Development Policy 1975–1978
by Koenraad Verhagen - 297-312 Welfarists and the Market: A Study of the Self‐Employment Assistance Programme in the Philippines
by Elizabeth Reidy - 313-332 Basic Human Needs Programming: An Analysis of Peace Corps Data
by Steven Cohn & Robert Wood
January 1980, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-15 Changing Structures in the Financing of the Minerals Industry in LDCs
by Marian Radetzki - 17-31 Development Strategy and the Energy Balance: an East African Study
by William House - 33-64 Why Poor People Stay Poor in Rural South India
by John Harriss - 65-76 Appropriate Technologies and Inappropriate Policy Instruments
by Jeffrey James - 77-95 An Intermediate Regime in Historical Context: the Case of Guyana
by Kenneth Jameson - 97-121 State Capitalism and National Industrialization in Turkey
by Berch Berberoglu - 123-135 Constraints to Labour Time Availability in African Smallholder Agriculture: The Case of Bukoba District, Tanzania
by C. Lwechungura Kamuzora - 137-148 Public Bureaucracy in the Post‐Colonial State: Some Questions on ‘Autonomy’ and ‘Dominance’ in South Asia
by Michael Moore - 149-156 Bureaucracy and the Post‐Colonial State in South Asia: a Reply
by Geof Wood
October 1979, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 515-544 Introduction to the Correspondence of Marx and Engels and Danielson (Nikolai‐on)
by Kurt Mandelbaum - 545-552 Kurt Mandelbaum: His Decade at the Institute of Social Research
by Martin Jay - 553-565 Socialism and Development: Some Observations on the Soviet Contribution
by Alec Nove - 567-575 The Scope of Planning in Developing Countries: Some Notes
by Brian van Arkadie - 577-584 A Generation Later: Kurt Mandelbaum's The Industrialisation of Backward Areas Revisited
by Hans Singer - 585-600 Employment and Growth in the Strategy of Development of Latin America
by Paul Rosenstein‐Rodan - 601-625 Agriculture and Economic Development in Meiji Japan
by Radha Sinha - 627-634 The Indonesian Devaluation of November 15, 1978 – A Basketful of Dilemmas
by Mohammad Sadli - 635-646 Development, Maldevelopment and Industrialization of Third World Countries
by Ignacy Sachs - 647-671 The New International Economic Order: Past Failures and Future Prospects
by Miguel Wionczek - 673-677 A Note on the World Economic Development from the Socialist Viewpoint
by Branko Horvat - 679-691 External Factors in the Savings Propensities of Developing Countries
by Peter Ady - 693-695 Surplus Value and Profits: The Rectification of Names
by Joan Robinson - 697-705 Some Notes on Development Planning
by Ajit Bhalla - 707-719 The Birth, Life and Death of Development Economics
by Dudley Seers
July 1979, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 345-361 Johnson's Hebrides: Thoughts on a Dying Social Order
by Percy Selwyn - 363-384 Going Against the Grain
by Barbara Harriss - 385-401 What Has Been Happening to Rural Income Distribution in Bangladesh?
by Rizwanul Islam - 403-421 Taxation and Economic Modernization in Contemporary China
by Leo Goodstadt - 423-443 The Alliance for Progress: An Attempt at Interpretation
by Stephany Griffith‐Jones - 445-460 Poverty Monitoring in Developing Countries
by Wolf Scott - 461-483 The Performance of South American Civilian and Military Governments from a Socio‐Economic Perspective
by Joseph Pluta - 485-487 Comment on Pluta's Article
by Thomas Dickson - 489-494 World Bank Policy and the Peasants in the Third World
by Erich Jacoby
April 1979, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 177-180 Strikes in the Third World: Introduction
by Peter Waterman - 181-204 Union Leaders, Worker Organization and Strikes: Karachi 1969‐72
by Zafar A. Shaheed - 205-231 Labour Consciousness and the 1971‐72 Contract Workers Strike in Namibia
by Richard Moorsom - 233-257 Labour Conflicts under the Second Peronist Regime, Argentina 1973‐76
by Elizabeth Jelin - 259-286 Strikes and Labour Power in Ghana
by Jon Kraus - 287-299 The Repression of Labour Protest in Singapore:Unique Case or Future Model?
by Hans Luther - 301-319 The Value of Multiple Methods in Researching Third World Strikes: A Nigerian Example
by Paul Lubeck - 321-337 Third World Strikes in International Perspective
by Richard Hyman
January 1979, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-22 Conservation and Dissolution in the Third World City: The ‘Shanty Town’ as an Element of Conservation
by Terence McGee - 23-40 Public Enterprises and the Nature of the State
by Rehman Sobhan - 41-55 The Internal Colonization of Cherokee Native Americans
by Gary Anders - 57-89 The Labour Process, Class Conflict and Politics in the Peruvian Sugar Industry
by Chris Scott - 91-114 Political Aspects of Poverty, Income Distribution and their Measurement: Some Examples from Rural Java
by Benjamin White - 115-124 Appropriate Technology: a Critical Evaluation of the Concept and the Movement
by Michael Howes - 125-153 The Crisis of Transition: A Critique of Strategies of Crisis Management
by John Friedmann - 155-159 Mr Friedmann's Development Nightmare
by Martin Bronfenbrenner - 159-163 Mr Friedmann's ‘Crisis’: A Reluctant Rebuttal
by Gustav Ranis - 164-167 The Crisis of Transition: A Brief Rejoinder
by Hans Singer - 167-176 A Rejoinder to Bronfenbrenner, Singer, and Ranis
by John Friedmann
October 1978, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 509-545 The International Circulation of Resources and Development: The Case of Migrant Labour
by Saskia Sassen‐Koob - 547-579 The Development of Swidden Agriculture (Shifting Cultivation)
by Terry Grandstaff - 581-598 The Role of Land Settlement in the Economic Development of West Malaysia 1957–1970
by Noel Benjamin - 599-611 Narrowing the Base of Costa Rican Democracy
by George Guess - 613-630 Social Accounts, Social Indicators and Development Planning
by Ross Bull - 631-648 The ‘Intermediate Regime’ and Industrialization Prospects
by Thanos Skouras - 649-653 Some Comments on ‘The “Intermediate Regime” and Industrialization Prospects’
by Ken Post & Phil Wright - 655-660 The ‘Intermediate Regime’ and Industrialization Prospects: A Comment
by Gavin Williams - 661-666 On the Analysis of the Industrialization Process and the Notion of the ‘Intermediate Regime’: A Reply to Critics
by Thanos Skouras - 667-681 The Long View of Economic Development: New Theories
by Joan D Lind
July 1978, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 345-364 The Wider Context of Bilateral Resource Exploitation Arrangements Between the LDCs and the DCs
by Miguel Wionczek - 365-396 Theories of Development and Underdevelopment in Southern Italy
by Graham Chapman - 397-414 Administration of Planning in Lesotho: The Second Lag
by David Hirschmann - 415-438 The Family Farm in Buganda
by A.F. Robertson & G.A. Hughes - 439-457 Agricultural Productivity Gaps: A Case Study of Male Preference in Government Policy Implementation
by Kathleen Staudt - 459-478 The French Aid Relationship: A Foreign Policy Model of the Distribution of French Bilateral Aid, 1964–70
by R.D. McKinlay & R. Little - 479-503 Ghanaian Political Studies in Transition: A Reflection on Some Recent Contributions
by Naomi Chazan
April 1978, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 175-200 Administrative Legacies and Links in the Post‐Colonial State: Preparation, Training and Administrative Reform
by Bernard Schaffer - 201-243 Imperialism, Law and Structural Dependence: The Ghana Legal Profession
by Robin Luckham - 245-275 The Politics of Entrepreneurship in Indian Villages
by Sylvia Hale - 277-298 Access and the Cooperative: A Study of an Intermedium in Structural Change in Sri Lankan Dry Zone Paddy Cultivation
by Barbara Harriss - 299-329 Import Distribution, Export Expansion and Consumption Liberalization: The Case of Egypt
by A. Agwah - 331-339 Agri‐business and the United Nations System
by Erich H. Jacoby - 341-342 A Comment on ‘The Absorptive Capacity of the Urban Tertiary Sector in Third World Countries' by Pieter Streefland (Vol. 8 No. 3, 293–305)
by Stuart Sinclair - 343-343 Reply To Sinclair
by Pieter Streefland
January 1978, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 3-19 Marginal Societies at the Modern Frontier in Asia and the Arctic
by Jeremy Swift - 21-40 Ecology, Politics and Change: The Case of the Eskimo
by Hugh Brody - 41-70 Tribal Underdevelopment in India
by Steve Jones - 71-86 The Mountain Pastoralists of the Sultanate of Oman
by Stace Birks - 87-102 Soviet Nationality Policy in North Western Siberia
by Philip Lineton - 103-132 The Rationalization of Reindeer Management Among Finnish Lapps
by Tim Ingold - 133-160 Pastoral Nomadism in Mongolia: The Role of Herdsmen's Cooperatives in the National Economy
by Caroline Humphrey - 161-174 The Future of Vulnerable Societies
by Brian Van Arkadie
October 1977, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 417-439 Trade Unions and the ‘New’ Internationalization of Production
by Manfred Bienefeld & Martin Godfrey & Hubert Schmitz - 441-463 Land and Labour in Central Chiapas: A Regional Analysis
by Robert Wasserstrom - 465-489 The Dual Economy and Marginality Debate and the Contribution of Micro Analysis: Market Sellers in Bogotá
by Caroline Moser - 491-508 Increasing Poverty and Changing Ideas about Development Strategies
by Keith Griffin - 509-522 Import Licensing in Nigeria
by Olufemi Fajana - 523-538 Tourism and Development in Malta
by Jeremy Boissevain - 542-543 A Reply to Nove
by James Petras - 544-546 A Reply To A Reply
by Alec Nove - 547-548 State Capitalism: a discussion The Last Word?
by James Petras
July 1977, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 263-291 Migration and the Labour Force in the Oil Producing States of the Middle East
by Fred Halliday - 293-305 The Absorptive Capacity of the Urban Tertiary Sector in Third World Countries
by Pieter Streefland - 307-323 Rural Development and the Post‐Colonial State: Administration and the Peasantry in the Kosi Region of North‐East Bihar, India
by Geof Wood - 325-345 An Economic Output and Impact Analysis of Civilian and Military Regimes in Latin South America
by Thomas Dickson - 377-408 Dependence or Development: International and Internal Inequalities in Africa
by Timothy Shaw & Malcolm Grieve - 409-415 Town versus Country?
by Brian van Arkadie
April 1977, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 125-159 Technology and Peasant Production: Reflections on a Global Study
by Andrew Pearse - 161-182 Women in Development: Dependency and Exploitation
by June Nash - 183-208 Poverty: Its Meaning and Measurement
by Jan Drewnowski - 209-230 Economic Irrationality Among Pastoral Peoples: Myth or Reality?
by Ian Livingstone - 231-247 Commodities in Nairobi
by Dragoslav Avramović - 249-255 North‐South Economic Cooperation
by Nurul Islam - 255-259 Comments on ‘Third World Strikes' by Peter Waterman (Vol. 7, No. 3, 331–344)
by Emile Vercruijsse - 260-261 Response to the comments on ‘Third World Strikes’
by Peter Waterman
January 1977, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-17 State Capitalism and the Third World
by James Petras - 19-43 Organization is not Equity: Theories of Political Integration
by Bernard Schaffer - 45-59 The Neocolonial Integration of Kenyan Peasants
by Geoff Lamb - 61-76 Multinational Corporations and Basic Needs Development
by Keith Griffin - 77-102 Economics of ‘Gobar‐Gas’ versus Fertilizer: a Critique of Intermediate Technology
by Richard Disney - 103-116 Export Trends in East Africa
by Leslie Stein - 117-122 The Peruvian ‘Revolution’ Considered
by Frits Wils
October 1976, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 353-390 The Transfer of Oil Technology and the Nigerian State
by Terisa Turner - 391-411 The Venezuelan Development ‘Model’ and US Policy
by James Petras & Morris Morley - 413-443 How Agribusiness Operates in Underdeveloped Agricultures: Harvard Business School Myths and Reality
by Ernest Feder - 445-467 Internal Colonialism: Its Utility for Understanding the Development of Higher Education in Scotland
by Norman Furniss - 469-484 Evaluating Development Schemes: Problems and Implications. A Malawi Case Study
by Brian Phipps - 485-495 Some Notes on UNCTAD IV: The immediate reactions of an observer
by Sandro Sideri - 495-496 Education Towards Mediatory Roles: A Comment
by Biplab Dasgupta
July 1976, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 233-248 The Evaluation of Aid Offers
by John White - 249-265 Post‐colonial Surinam: Continuity of Polities and Policies
by Jan Breman - 267-290 Population, Involution and Employment in Rural Java
by Benjamin White - 291-309 Education Towards Mediatory Roles: an Interpretation of the Higher Educational Policy in India in the Twentieth Century
by Reuven Kahane - 311-330 Change Perceived as Man‐made Hazard in a Rural Development Environment
by Kenneth Ruddle & Ray Chesterfield - 331-344 Third World Strikes: An Invitation to Discussion
by Peter Waterman
April 1976, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 119-133 Some Aspects of the Political Economy of the Latin American State
by E. V. K. Fitzgerald - 135-155 Notes on Technology Transfer through Multinational Enterprises in Latin America
by Miguel Wionczek - 157-174 The International Transfer of Technology and the Multinational Enterprise
by Charles‐Albert Michalet - 207-221 The International Coffee Agreement: Prospect and Retrospect
by Vernon Yorgason
January 1976, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 7-33 The Political Economy of Peru 1968–75
by E. V. K. Fitzgerald - 35-44 Some Measures of Rural Income Distribution in Ethiopia
by Richard Disney - 45-65 Economic Impacts of Education and Personnel Management: Case Studies from the Industrial Sector in Iran and Surinam
by Gerben van der Molen - 67-97 The World Bank: Which Way?
by Aart J. M. van de Laar - 99-100 Constituent Conference of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes, Linz, Austria, 11–13 September 1975
by Matty Klatter - 101-103 The New International Economic Order and UNCTAD IV
by Bert Helmsing & Sandro Sideri
October 1975, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 5-24 The International Market in Skills and the Transmission of Inequality
by Martin Godfrey - 25-50 Industrialisation, Agricultural Specialisation, and Frontier Settlement in South‐Central Brazil, 1940–70
by Martin T. Katzman - 51-62 A Model for the Integration of Health and Nutrition Planning
by Hector Correa & Wafik A. Hassouna - 63-74 The EEC Generalised System of Preferences; with special reference to Latin America
by Kees den Boer - 75-84 Peasant Co‐operation, Consciousness and Solidarity
by Benno Galjart - 85-94 Rural Savings, Wage Remittance Effects and Real Industrial Wage Determination
by George W. Irvin
July 1975, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 5-26 The Young Professionals Programme of the World Bank An analysis of an elite group
by Aart J. M. van de Laar - 27-56 How Peasants Become Revolutionaries: Some Cases from Latin America and Southeast Asia
by Gerrit Huizer - 57-74 The ‘Labour Aristocracy’ in Africa: Introduction to a Debate
by Peter Waterman - 75-82 Shift‐and‐Share Analysis of Spatial Development in Israel
by M. Mushkat Jr. - 83-90 Project Identification, Analysis and Preparation in Developing Countries: a discursive commentary
by Yusuf J. Ahmad - 90-97 Transnational Corporations and Third World Agriculture
by Erich H. Jacoby - 97-100 The Future of Employees Councils in Sri Lanka An unusual conference in Colombo
by Gerard Kester
April 1975, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 3-11 Editorial
by Bernard Schaffer - 13-36 Distribution and the Theory of Access
by Bernard B. Schaffer & Huang Wen‐hsien - 37-49 Without Regard for Persons: Queueing for Access to Housing and Employment in Port Moresby
by Alan Rew - 51-60 Problems of Access: Notes on Indonesian and Malaysian Cases
by Ingrid Palmer - 61-88 Assistance to Small‐Scale Industries in Kerala: An Indian Case
by Zoë Mars - 89-105 Rural Credit in Zambia: Access and Exit
by Charles Harvey - 107-118 Access and the Study of Local Services: A Kenyan Case
by H. K. Colebatch - 119-135 Marxism, Access and the State
by Geoff Lamb
January 1975, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-21 The Multi‐National Corporation: The Transfer of Technology and Dependence
by Norman Clark - 23-40 The Chinese Model for Science and Technology: its Relevance for Other Developing Countries
by Susan B. Rifkin - 41-55 Some Aspects of India's Policies on the Import of Technology
by Peter Neersø - 57-88 The Reciprocal Moral Rights of Foreign Investors and the Governments of Less Developed Countries
by John Francis Maxwell - 89-101 Spatial Analysis and Economic Development
by Barbara Stuckey - 101-105 A Comment on “Spatial Analysis and Economic Development‘
by John Friedmann - 105-106 Response to “A Comment on ‘Spatial Analysis and Economic Development’”
by Barbara Stuckey
September 1974, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-18 Public Administration, Comparative Administration, Development Administration:
by C. A. O. VAN Nieuwenhuijze - 19-47 Policy Decisions and Institutional Evaluation
by Bernard Schaffer - 48-67 Legislatures in Developing Countries:
by Abdo I. Baaklini - 68-83 Workers Participaton by Surprise
by Gerard Kester
May 1974, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-24 Six Plausible Theses about the Peasants' Perspectives in the Developing World
by Ernest Feder - 25-44 The ‘Green Revolution’ as history: the Mexican experience
by Cynthia Hewitt De Alcántara - 45-75 A Peasantry and the State
by Geof Wood - 76-100 Agricultural and Industrial Development in Peru: some observations on their interrelationship
by Frits C. M. Wils
January 1974, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-35 Latin American Growth and Trade Strategies in the Post‐War Period
by Miguel S. Wionczek - 36-53 India Poverty and Sterilisation
by Hans Schenk - 54-57 The Urban Informal Sector and National Accounting
by D. G. Clarke - 58-59 Commentaries and Reports
by B. Van Arkadie
September 1973, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-11 Government and the implementation of economic plans in new and emerging states: an addendum
by Philip C. Packard & Daniel Wit - 12-50 The spatial organization of power in the development of urban systems
by John Friedmann - 51-72 Structuring forces of pastoral nomadism in S.W. Asia (with emphasis on camel pastoral nomadism)
by Dawn Chatty - 73-88 Modernisation, development and the peasant
by N. P. Mouzelis