September 1973, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 95-100 The Dilemma of the World Bank A comment on the Annual Report 1972
by Erich H. Jacoby
May 1973, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-3 Foreword
by R. D. Morgan - 4-14 The Production Boundary in National Accounting
by G. Stuvel - 15-31 National Accounting and Development Planning: A Review of Some Issues
by Brian VAN Arkadie - 32-47 Economic Policy and the National Accounts of Latin America
by Kenneth J. Rothwell - 48-55 The Use of the Revised United Nations System of National Accounts in the Middle East
by N.B. Hudson & R. S. Porter - 56-79 Implementing the Revised SNA in Developing Countries: Priorities, Uses, Difficulties
by C. H. Harvie - 80-84 Field Research in an East African Corporation: its role in the teaching/ learning process in a Master's Programme in Public Administration
by G. M. Robinson & K. J. Taddeo
January 1973, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-16 Development Axes and the Diffusion of Innovation
by J. G. M. Hilhorst - 17-38 Location Planning and Regional Development in Tanzania
by William L. Luttrell - 39-50 The Politics of Health in Tanzania
by Malcolmw Segall - 51-77 Planning people
by M. A. Bienefeld - 78-83 The New Generalism Revisited
by Raymond Apthorpe
September 1972, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 3-25 Planning for Socialism in Tanzania: The Socio‐Political Context
by John S. Saul - 26-42 Planning, Socialism and Industrialization: the economic challenge
by J. F. Rweyemamu - 43-61 Financial Planning and Control in Tanzania
by John Loxley - 62-76 Management and Control of Parastatal Organizations
by Philip C. Packard - 77-98 Planning Rural Development
by Lionel Clife
May 1972, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-17 The Industrial Development Deadlock in Latin America: From Import Substitution to Export Promotion?
by S. Sideri - 18-40 Towards a New Theoretical Framework in Educational Planning
by K. Hüfner & R. Van Gendt - 41-58 Value Orientations Influencing Decision Making in Rural Communities
by Tom Boyd - 59-73 The New Generalism and the Crisis in Planning
by Kurt Martin - 74-76 Educational Innovations in Africa — Policies and Administration A symposium held at Addis Ababa, September 1–10, 1971
by L. F. B. Dubbeldam
January 1972, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-24 Developmental Change ‐ Towards a Generalized Conceptualization of its Basic Dimensions and of the Relations Among Them
by Dov Weintraub - 25-61 Democratic Political Development: A Systemic Model Based on Regulative Policy
by Philip Coulter - 62-73 The New Generalism: Four Phases in Development Studies in the First U.N. Development Decade
by Raymond Apthorpe - 74-78 Commentaries and Reports
by Gerard Kester
September 1971, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-21 A Case for Regional Planning and a Statement of Intent
by Hans G. T. Van Raay - 22-44 Factors of Regional Development
by Jos G. M. Hilhorst - 45-53 International Education for Regional Planning in the Developing Countries
by David M. Dunham & Jos G. M. Hilhorst - 54-60 Some Aspects of Regional Planning and Rural Development Policy in Ghana
by T. K. Buxton & D. M. Dunham
May 1971, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-18 Administrative reform: An overview
by Arne F. Leemans - 19-35 Strategies for administrative reform
by Yehezkel Dror - 36-51 Administrative reform and political development
by Roderick T. Groves - 52-64 Bureaucratic models and administrative reform
by Haha‐Been Lee - 65-82 The human dimensions of administrative reform; towards more differentiated strategies for change
by Allan R. Cohen - 83-97 Administrative reforms in India
by V.V. Moharir - 98-106 Concept‐making: the case of political penetration
by Martin R. Doornbos
January 1971, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-3 Foreword
by Hans Linnemann - 4-57 Development Policy in Ceylon and Ghana
by Hermien Weijland
September 1970, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 1-13 Government and the implementation of economic plans in new and emerging states
by Philip C. Packard & Daniel Wit - 14-29 The spatial hiarchy of decision making
by A. F. Leemans - 30-50 Rural taxation and its contribution to development
by Ursula K. Hicks
May 1970, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-7 Selected aspects of industrialization of the Mediterranean Basin
by D. J. Delivanis - 8-17 Paucity of demand for industrial commodities as an obstacle to industrialization
by Philip C. Packard - 18-28 The policy of mixed industrial enterprises in Turkey and its socio–political consequences
by Mumtaz Soysal - 29-50 The impact of industrialization on social mobility in Jordan
by Ishaq Y. Qutub - 51-63 The impact of urbanization on the occupational and expenditure patterns of an agricultural village within the last 25 years
by Ibrahim Yasa - 64-74 La contribution des investissements publics au développement régional de la Grèce
by Maria Negreponti Delivanis - 75-89 Patterns of inventory management in the industrial sector in Lebanon: Preliminary report
by Emile Ghattas
January 1970, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 3-20 On the identification of development goals
by C. A. O. Vannieuwenhuijze - 35-49 Social science and social change
by Jan F. Glastra Van Loon - 50-75 Social science and social change
by Jan F. Glastra Van Loon - 76-92 A design for a study of the process of occupational differentiation in rural areas and of its causes
by T. A. Boyd & E. V. W. Vercruijsse - 93-115 Political development: the search for criteria
by Martin R. Doornbos