2019, Issue 5
- 3-9 Results from a Dynamic Model of Cargo Flow Management of a Network Air Carrier
by Wang Bo & Mariya Grygorak & Viktor Voitsehovskiy & Sergiy Lytvynenko & Tetiana Gabrielova & Larisa Lytvynenko & Nikolay Ê. Vitanov - 10-24 Strategies of Human Development in the Context of Global Digital Change
by Pawel Maciaszczyk & Mykhailo Dyba & Iuliia Gernego - 25-54 Economic Aspects of Demographic Changes in the European Union and in Bulgaria
by Rossitsa Rangelova & Valentin Bilyanski - 55-88 Economic Aspects of Migration Processes in Bulgaria
by Daniela Bobeva & Dimitar Zlatinov & Eduard Marinov - 89-102 Corporate Culture as Factor for Organization’s Resilience
by Anna Valkanova - 103-119 The Approach to Tax Debtors Segmentation
by Olena Tymchenko & Yuliia Sybirianska & Alla Abramova - 120-133 Integrated Reporting: Econometric Model of Quality Assessment
by Kostiantyn Bezverkhyi & Svitlana Kovach & Andrii Zolkover - 134-147 Blockchain Technology in the Fiscal Process of Ukraine Optimization
by Igor Britchenko & Tetiana Cherniavska - 148-163 Forecasting of Gross Agricultural Output of Agrarian Enterprises of Ukraine: Case Study with STELLA Software
by Ivan Balaniuk & Ihor Kozak & Diana Shelenko & Sergiy Balaniuk & Iryna Kozak-Balaniuk - 164-184 An Empirical Approach for Optimizing the Production Structure of a Farm Operating in a Mountain Area
by Angel Sarov & Krasimir Kostenarov
2019, Issue 4
- 3-17 Market, Freedom and Justice
by Vyara Stoilova - 18-44 Competitiveness and Related Concepts: A Logical Approach to Definition
by Borys Volodymyrovich Burkynskyi & Alexei Borisovich Alyokhin & Anna Bogdanovna Brutman & Zoia Nikolaevna Sokolovska & Nina Ippolytivna Khumarova - 45-69 The Relationship between Workforce Migration and the Basic Macroeconomic Variables of the Countries from Central Eastern Europe with a Focus on Bulgaria
by Gancho Ganchev & Mariya Paskaleva - 70-96 Integral Assessment of Banking Activity Effectiveness and Rating of Ukrainian and Bulgarian Banks
by Mariya Rubakha & Lesia Tkachyk & Olena Hamkalo & Khrystyna Demkiv - 97-117 Study of the Determinants of the Enterprise’s Capacity to Absorb New Technologies
by Mladen Velev & Siya Veleva & Anka Tsvetanova - 118-124 Cargo Flows Management Model of Network Air Carrier
by Wang Bo & Mariya Grygorak & Viktor Voitsehovskiy & Sergiy Lytvynenko & Tetiana Gabrielova & Dmytro Bugayko & Yatchko Ivanov & Andrija Vidovic - 125-142 Adaptation of the Altman’s Corporate Insolvency Prediction Model – The Bulgarian Case
by Ekaterina Tzvetanova - 143-157 Impact of Electricity Consumption, Financial Development, Trade Openness on CO2 Emissions: Evidence from Nigeria
by Abdulrasheed Zakari & Vincent Tawiah - 158-187 Value Assessment of Natural Mineral Springs Water Used in Spa Facilities
by Elenita Velikova & Ivo Anev
2019, Issue 3
- 3-17 Customer Profiling Based on the Criteria of Sustainable Consumption
by Evgeni Stanimirov & Mariya Georgieva - 18-41 Labour Intensiveness of Economic Growth in Bulgaria: Estimates, Impact of the Global Crisis and Drivers
by Iglika Vassileva - 42-71 Combating Financial Statement Fraud – an Analysis and Model for the Republic of Bulgaria
by Iavor Bachev - 72-95 Are the New Member States Ready to Join the Euro Area? A Business Cycle Perspective
by Kalina Durova - 96-123 Social Cohesion (Bulgaria – EU – Western Balkans)
by Dobrinka Stoyanova & Blaga Madjurova & Stefan Raichev - 124-143 Assessing the Effects of Imposing VAT on the Services Provided by the Banking Sector – The Case of Bulgaria
by Presiana Nenkova & Angel Angelov - 144-164 Profiling Companies according to the Adopted Pricing Strategy
by Tatyana Netseva-Porcheva & Vasil Bozev - 165-179 Important Factors of SMEs Entrepreneurial Orientation
by Jaroslav Belas & Jan Dvorsky & Ludmila Kozubikova & Martin Cepel
2019, Issue 2
- 3-22 China and Globalization: Internationalization of Firms and Trade in Services
by Xavier Richet & Xieshu Wang - 23-40 Does Fiscal Spending Promote Economic Growth in India? An Application of Toda-Yamamoto Causal Approach
by Yadawananda Neog - 41-72 Financial Wealth Inequality Drivers in a Small EU Member Country: An Example from Bulgaria during the Period 2005-2017
by Petar Peshev & Statty Stattev & Kristina Stefanova & Meglena Lazarova - 73-99 Energy Consumption in the Transport in Bulgaria in the Contemporary Conditions
by Donka Zhelyazkova - 100-114 The Intellectual-Informational Good: Value and Market Price
by Victor Tarasevich & Valentina Lebedeva & Margarita Yaseva - 115-137 Obligation and Responsibility of Employers to Provide Health and Safety at Work – Principles, Current Regulation and Prospects
by Hristina Blagoycheva & Andriyana Andreeva & Galina Yolova - 138-160 Key Characteristics and Scope of the Bulgarian Corporate Bond Market
by Jordan Jordanov - 161-183 The Scale Measurement of the Indicators of the Stress Resistance Assessment of Insurance Companies in Ukraine
by Svitlana Achkasova
2019, Issue 1
- 3-32 The Global Challenges to “Two-Speed” Integration in the EU: Problems and Prospects for Bulgaria's Participation in the Economic and Monetary Union
by Tatiana Houbenova - 33-49 Innovative Methods and Tools for Personnel International Marketing Development
by Svitlana Mishyna & Îleksandr Mishyn & Nataliia Parkhomenko - 50-55 Geographic Sustainability and Geographic Concentration of Bulgarian Export
by Nedialko Nestorov - 56-71 Risk-Oriented Approach to Determining Bank’s Capital Size according to Requirements of Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
by Serhii V. Hlibko & Nataliya Vnukova & Daria D. Hontar & Hanna V. Anisimova & Anna N. Liubchych - 72-79 The Remigration: Causes and Sustainability (The Bulgarian Case)
by Andrey Nonchev - 80-94 Future Plans of Bulgarian Circular Migrants: Empirical Evidence from Bus Travelers
by Venelin Boshnakov - 95-104 Participation of Returning Migrants in the Labour Market in Bulgaria
by Irena Zareva - 105-114 The Concept of the Ownership in the Late 'Socialist' Political Economy
by Plamen D. Tchipev - 115-123 Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises: The Case of Healthcare Establishments in Bulgaria
by Miroslav Nedelchev - 124-132 Bulgarian Firms as Engine of Corporate Social Responsibility
by Radostina Bakardjieva - 133-152 Innovation Activity of the Business Sectors in the Border Regions of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia
by Milkana Mochurova & Mitko Dimitrov & Stoyan Totev & Taki Fiti & Marica Antovska-Mitev & B. Jovanovski - 153-173 Digitalisation as a Challenge for Enterprises in 21st Century
by Rossitsa Chobanova & Ljupco Kocarev - 174-182 Sustainable Development and Energy Poverty: Challenges for the Governing Institutions
by Teodora Peneva - 183-187 Organic Farming in Bulgaria and EU – Comparative Dimensions
by Petia Branzova - 188-200 The Potential of Bulgarian Agriculture in the Community Agricultural Policy
by Plamena Yovchevska
2018, Issue 6
- 3-20 Material Standard of Living and Energy Poverty in Bulgaria: State and Development
by Vassil Tsanov & Georgi Shopov - 21-28 Employment in Bulgaria as Part of European Labor Market – Trends and Institutional Challenges
by Margarita Atanassova - 29-44 The Labor Market – National and Regional Problems
by Iskra Beleva - 45-55 The Implementation of European Youth Guarantee in Bulgaria – Results and Perspectives
by Pobeda Loukanova - 56-64 Analysis of the Trends in Human Resources Activities and the Necessity of Redesign of the Education
by Miroslava Peycheva - 65-74 Inclusive Development and Regional Policy
by Maria Kotseva-Tikova - 75-84 The Social Reality of the Roma in Bulgaria (from the Value of Differences to Empowered Relationships)
by Mariya Aleksandrova Ivanova - 85-94 Changes in International Trade and Investments after the Global Financial Crisis
by Iskra Christova-Balkanska - 95-102 Structural Changes by Main Sectors in EU Countries
by Stoyan Anastasov Totev - 103-114 Motivation of Human Capital in the Business Organization
by Pavlinka Naydenova - 115-120 The Relation Rationality – Irrationality in Business as a Determinant for Deviation
by Adelina Milanova - 121-129 Financial Aspects of NPP Construction: Implications for NPP Belene
by Spartak Keremidchiev & Yana Kirilova & Dochka Velkova - 130-135 The Modern Internal Audit in The Modern Company
by Valeria Dineva - 136-140 Management Policy of Company Key Customers
by Tsanko Stefanov - 141-154 Demographic Development of Bulgaria in a Regional Plan as a Basis for Economic Development
by Rossitsa Rangelova & Valentin Bilyanski - 155-166 Sustainable Water Resources Management (The Case of Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment)
by Milkana Mochurova & Galia Bardarska & Tjasa Griessler Bulc - 167-177 The Road to Circular Economy: What Can Europe Learn from the Experionce of Germany and Japan?
by Virginia Zhelyazkova - 178-186 Integrated Decentralized Practices for Introducing Regional “Circular Economies”
by Alexandr Trifonov & Zhechko Yordanov - 187-194 Economic and Environmental Challenges to Bulgarian Forests
by Mincho Hristov & Balin Balinov
2018, Issue 5
- 3-26 Discussing Innovation Policy Biases in the New EU Member States
by Zhelyu Vladimirov - 27-34 Human Capital as a Factor Creating Innovation in the Visegrad Countries
by Tomasz Grodzicki - 35-55 Company Competitiveness through Intellectual Property
by Maria Markova - 56-78 Discriminatory Manifestations against Women in the Field of Employment – Risks, Profiles and Protection
by Baki Hyuseinov - 79-85 Firm versus Market – Coase Revisited
by Plamen D. Tchipev - 86-91 Characteristics of Successful Company in the Modern Business Environment
by Yanica Dimitrova - 92-105 Creating the Conditions for Broadband Business Entrepreneurship to Ensure Lasting Success for the Bulgarian Society
by Bozhidar Hadzhiev & Valentina Nikolova-Alexieva & Iva T. Bachvarova - 106-134 Built-In Problems in the New European Regulations for the Bulgarian Capital Market
by Krassimira Naydenova - 135-146 Risk Management in the Internet Banking. The Case of Kazakhstan
by Elena Shustova & Vesselin Blagoev - 147-153 A Modelling Approach for Forecasting Net Exports of Electricity from Bulgaria
by Dimitar Zlatinov - 154-163 Economic and Socio-Political Preconditions of Military Authoritarianism in South America
by Mincho Hristov - 164-171 Sustainable Regional Development – The Case of Northeast Planning Region in the Republic of Macedonia and the Kyustendil District in the Republic of Bulgaria
by Milkana Mochurova & Radmil Polenakovik & Stoyan Totev & Marica Antovska-Mitev & Trajce Velkovski - 172-180 The Institutional Economics of Collective Waste Recovery Systems: an Empirical Investigation
by Shteryo Nozharov - 181-198 Regional Differentiation in Housing and Communal Services: Impact on Economic Security
by Inna Timofeeva & Elena Lavrova & Tatiana Agapova & Elena Koroleva
2018, Issue 4
- 3-14 Bargaining Solutions and Public Policies in Matching Models
by Samir Amine & Sylvain Baumann & Pedro Lages Dos Santos - 15-32 Operating Efficiency of Quality Management System of State Executive Authorities
by Anna Schmeleva & Nina Pavlovna Goridko - 33-48 Mechanism of Determining Competitive Advantages of Business Systems in Global Environment
by Nataliia Parkhomenko & Iryna Otenko - 49-82 Correlation Dynamics between Southeast European Capital Markets
by Ani Stoykova & Mariya Paskaleva - 83-99 The Impact of Acquisitions on Profitability: Evidence from the Banking Sector in Serbia
by Jelena Andrasic & Nada Milenkovic & Kristina Mijic & Vera Mirovic & Branimir Kalas - 100-125 Fuzzy Modeling of the Creditworthiness Assessments of Bank’s Potential Borrowers in Ukraine
by Oksana Omelchenko & Oleksandr Dorokhov & Oleg Kolodiziev & Liudmyla Dorokhova - 126-145 Bibliometric Review of Corporate Governance Theories and Methods
by Miroslav Nedelchev - 146-161 A Model for Assessing Economic Risk in Financing Innovation Projects of Venture Capital Funds
by Trayan Yosifov & Gergana Taneva - 162-175 Post-Conflict Economic Development: A Way Forward
by Harshi Gunawardana & Dammika A Tantrigoda & U Anura Kumara - 176-203 Efficiency Analysis of Agricultural Cooperatives in Trentino-Alto Adige
by Darina Zaimova & George Zheliazkov & Julia Doitchinova
2018, Issue 3
- 3-21 Dynamics of Aggregate Demand Factors in Macro Growth: An European Perspective
by B. Venkatraja - 22-36 Legal Competence and Consumer Behaviour
by Vanya Kraleva & Ivaila Dimitrova - 37-66 Growth, Research, and Free Trade with Knowledge as Global Public Capital
by Wei-Bin Zhang - 67-90 Strategic Analysis through the Combination of SWOT, AHP and TOWS (A Case Study on the Neurological Ward in the MHAT “Saint Panteleymon” – Plovdiv)
by Teofana Valentinova Dimitrova & Kiril Desev - 91-108 M&A and Crediting: the Hybrid Growth Strategy Seems to Be the Best for the Banks in Kazakhstan
by Elena Shustova & Vesselin Blagoev - 109-124 Testing for the Causality between Interest Rate and Stock Market Performance in Nigeria
by Ditimi Amassoma & O. Adeleke - 125-140 The Investment Model Formation of Railway Industry Development in Ukraine in the Conditions of Eurointegration
by Nataliia Orlova & Iuliia Mokhova - 141-156 Expert and Diagnostic Assessment of Economic Sustainability Threats of Shipbuilding Enterprises
by Elena Anatolyevna Matushevskaya & Natalia V. Katkova - 157-189 Features, Characteristics and Methodology of Internal Control over Nanotech Manufacturing and Nano-Production in Food Industry
by Plamena Nedyalkova
2018, Issue 2
- 3-24 Segmentation of Returning Migrants
by Andrey Nonchev & Marieta Hristova - 25-44 To Return or Not to Return: Migration Strategies of Bulgarians in Spain in the Last Decade
by Rafael Viruela - 45-64 The Choice of Bulgarian Migrants – Stay or Leave Again?
by Vesselin Mintchev & Venelin Boshnakov - 65-79 Policies for Encouraging the Return of Bulgarian Migrants to Bulgaria
by Irena Zareva - 80-101 Explanations of Economic Rationality Challenged: Contemporary Return Migration to Bulgaria
by Maria Bakalova & Mihaela Misheva - 102-114 Returning migrants – Effects on the Labour Market in Bulgaria
by Irena Zareva - 115-132 Population Growth, Energy Use, Crude Oil Price, and the Nigerian Economy
by Ekundayo P. Mesagan & O. Yasiru Alimi & K. Adekunle Adebiyi - 133-160 Transferring Resources between the First and the Second Pillar in the Context of Development of the Pension Model in Bulgaria
by Ralitza Pandurska - 161-175 Formation of State Policy of the Development and Usage of Intellectual Potential of Ukraine
by Iryna Revak & Tetyana Yavorska
2018, Issue 1
- 3-38 Empirical Testing of the Non-Satiation Axiom in the Consumer Choice Theory
by Vasil Stoyanov - 39-68 The Culture of Innovation Model
by Yanica Dimitrova - 69-86 Political Economy of Robotization
by Hristo Prodanov - 87-108 The Comparison of Efficiency and Performance of Portuguese and Ukrainian Enterprises
by Igor Britchenko & Ana Paula Monte & Igor Kryvovyazyuk & Lidiia Kryvoviaziuk - 109-140 State and Trends of Bulgaria’s Foreign Trade with Ores and Concentrates
by Borislava Galabova & Nedialko Nestorov - 141-151 Sold Commercial Production and Its Financial Security in Polish Agriculture
by Jan Zwolak - 152-172 Ensuring Financial Security of Non-Governmental Pension Funds in Ukraine
by Svitlana Achkasova - 173-194 Commercial Insolvency in Bulgaria through the Eyes of Generations at Work: Challenges and Possible Solutions
by Maria Stoyanova
2017, Issue 6
- 3-16 Drivers of Economic Growth: A Comparative Analysis of Macedonia and Bulgaria
by Goce Petreski & Darko Lazarov - 17-29 The Impact of Modern Globalization Processes on Innovative Development of Labor Potentia
by R.S. Chornyi & N.P. Chorna - 30-46 Political Stability, Misery Index and Institutional Quality: Case Study of Middle East and North Africa
by Lotfali Agheli - 47-72 Economic Models for Structuring Cultural Industries and Measuring Their Contribution to the National Economy
by Vladia Borisova - 73-103 The Place of Transport in the Circular Economy of Bulgaria
by Donka Zhelyazkova - 104-117 Entrepreneurial Risk Theories as Component of the Theoretical Foundations of Informatization Processes in the National Economy
by A.V. Kolodiychuk - 118-152 Specifics of the Danube Fleet Management (Trends and Perspectives for Development)
by Petya Koralova - 153-171 Regional Disproportions – Business Demography and Economic Growth (Example of Bulgaria)
by Yuliyana Yarkova & Krasimira Toneva & Nedelin Markov - 172-188 Gross Margin and Buyer Power in Bulgarian Food Retailing
by Violeta Dimitrova
2017, Issue 5
- 3-29 Negotiation of Social Security Floors: Problems and Possible Solutions
by Stefan Petranov - 30-64 Bulgaria’s Cyclical Position and Market (Dis)equilibria
by Ivan Todorov - 65-79 Integration of Macedonian, Bulgarian and Croatian Stock Markets – VECM Approach
by Julijana Angelovska - 80-101 Modern Firm Theory and Its Print on Corporate Governance
by Plamen Tchipev - 102-124 Complex of Management Models of the Enterprise Competitiveness for Steel Industry in the Currency Instable Environment
by Maryna Tatar & Olena Sergienko & Sergii Kavun & Lidiya Guryanova - 125-151 Phases of the Development of Logistics Service Providers: The Case of Bulgaria
by Miroslava Rakovska & Petya Fileva - 152-190 A Study on Sustainability of Agricultural Farms in Bulgaria
by Hrabrin Bachev
2017, Issue 4
- 3-40 Reflections of the Global Crisis 2008-2009 upon Economic Theory: Attempt for Generalization
by Zoya Mladenova - 41-72 Comparative Analysis of the Local Finance Systems in the EU Countries – Conclusions and Lessons for Bulgaria
by Stefan Ivanov - 73-90 Social-Demographic Characteristics of the Ethnic Groups in Bulgaria
by Baki Huseyinov - 91-107 Effects of Business Cycle on Private Consumption in Bulgaria during the Global Financial and Economic Crisis)
by Dimitar Zlatinov - 108-128 The Collapse in Oil Markets from Mid-2014 Onwards – Economics or Policy
by Valentin Bilyanski - 129-145 The Mechanisms of Stagflation in Egypt: The Arab Spring Five Years Later
by Ibrahim L. Awad & Ashraf Galal Eid - 146-162 Modern Society and Economy: The Dialectics of Interdependence of Possibilities and the Methodology of Its Cognition
by Yurii K. Zaitsev & Oleksandra Moskalenko - 163-181 The perception movement economy of Ukraine to business
by Igor Britchenko & Volodymyr Saienko - 182-195 Local Impact of Refugee and Migrants Crisis on Greek Tourism Industry
by Rouska Krasteva
2017, Issue 3
- 3-20 Political Economy Dimensions of the Crisis: the Case of Bulgaria
by Garabed Minassian - 21-40 Social Security Floors and Informal Employment: the Case of Bulgaria
by Stefan Petranov & Maria St. Ivanova - 41-65 Determinants of Bank Profitability in the Republic of Macedonia – a Panel Data Analysis
by Jordan Kjosevski & Mihail Petkovski - 66-90 Methods of Depreciation and Their Effect on Break-Even Point of Sales
by Marin Galabov - 91-109 Modeling the Financial Strategy of the Enterprise in an Unstable Environment
by Lidiya Guryanova & Tamara Klebanova & Tetiana Trunova - 110-124 Methods of Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Performance of Local Authorities in the Provision of Municipal Services Based on the Balanced Scorecard
by L. Kirichuk & E. Karlovskaya - 125-141 Social Media Banking Models: a Case Study of à Practical Implementation in Banking Sector
by Silvia Parusheva - 142-177 “Macroeconomic Imbalances” Factor for the Euro Area Debt Crisis
by Viktor Dinev - 178-198 The Relation between the Education of Economically Active Individuals in Republic of Bulgaria and Their Positions on the Labour Market under Conditions of Economic Instability
by Stanka Zhekova & Dobrina Dimova
2017, Issue 2
- 3-40 Development and Determination of the Minimum Wage and the Minimum Security Thresholds in Bulgaria
by Vassil Tzanov & Georgi Shopov - 41-63 Unemployment and a Stock – Flow Model on the Labour Market in the Republic of Macedonia
by Predrag Trpeski & Verica Janeska & Marijana Cvetanoska & Aleksandra Lozanoska - 64-81 Efficient Government Trade Behavior and Its Implication for Small Developing Economy: The Case of Ukraine
by Olena Sokolovska & Dmytro Sokolovskyi - 82-112 Opportunities for Encouraging the Railway Infrastructure Investments through Application of Public-Private Partnerships
by Hristina Nikolova - 113-131 Bulgarian Financial Agricultural Markets
by Lyubomir Lyubenov & Anelia Lyubenova - 132-171 Image Effects of the Extension of Niche Class F Vehicles in Bulgaria
by Vladimir Sashov Zhechev & Evgeni Stanimirov - 172-197 “Representative” Samples and Their “Justification”
by Margarita Lambova
2017, Issue 1
- 3-40 Labour Market in Bulgaria in Short-Term Perspective: Evaluations and Risks for Its Development
by Iskra Beleva - 41-60 Usefulness and Factors of Benefit of Internal Audits (Empirical Assessments)
by Valentin Goev & Ognyan Simeonov - 61-89 Balkan Research and Higher Education Area as a Factor for Increase of the Regional Competitiveness and Innovative Potential
by Alla Kirova - 90-116 Development of the Promotion Policy of the Bulgarian Banks
by Tsvetelina Nedialkova-Shtereva - 117-135 Corporate Governance and ‘Principal-Principal’ Conflicts: the Case of the Banking System in Bulgaria
by Miroslav Nedelchev - 136-177 Problems and Prospects of Accounting Education
by Fanya Filipova & Daniela Georgieva & Bistra Nikolaeva Nikolova & Reni Petrova & Iliyan Hristov - 178-202 Infrastructure Guarantees: Making It Simple
by Alaa Soliman & Mohammad Aliu Momoh & Ibrahim L. Awad
2016, Issue 5
- 3-5 Recent Experiences of Bulgarian External Migration: A Preface to a Special Issue
by Vesselin Mintchev & Venelin Boshnakov - 7-20 Between Return and Circulation: Experiences of Bulgarian Migrants
by Paolo Ruspini & Marina Richter & Michael Nollert - 21-44 Social Inequalities and Migration. The Case of Bulgaria
by Irena Zareva - 45-78 Migration of Bulgarian Population – Characteristics and Relations to the Regional Socio-Economic Disparities
by Vesselin Mintchev & Georgi Shopov & Iordan Kaltchev & Venelin Boshnakov - 79-90 Bus or Plane? Profiles of Bulgarian Travellers to Switzerland
by Dotcho Mihailov - 91-115 Potential and Return Migrants in Bulgaria – Demographic and Socio-Economic Aspects
by Vesselin Mintchev - 117-141 The Bulgarian Community in Spain (Will the Bulgarians Return from Spain?)
by Vesselin Mintchev & Venelin Boshnakov - 143-158 Settlers and Temporary Migrants in Germany (Results of empirical survey of individuals travelling by busses from Bulgaria to Germany)
by Vesselin Mintchev
2016, Issue 4
- 3-35 Economic Growth of Bulgaria and Its Determinants
by Ivan Todorov & Kalina Durova - 36-65 Growth Policy and Value Creation in Companies
by Dimitar Nenkov - 66-77 The Role of The Proportional Income Tax on Economic Growth of Bulgaria
by Stoyan Tanchev - 78-104 The Increasing Public Debts in the World and the Threat of a New Global Crisis
by Stefan Yotov - 105-126 Impact of Economic Partnership Agreements on Regional Integration and Trade Relations
by Eduard Marinov - 127-134 Russian Art Market: a View from the Inside
by Valeria Kolycheva - 135-144 Economic Growth and Macroeconomic Stability of Vietnam
by Pham Sy An & Chu Minh Hoi & Tran Thi Kim Chi - 145-157 Agriculture Growth after 30 Years of Renovation – Necessity for a New Thought on Rice Cultivated Land for Exports and Food Security
by Pham Quang Dieu - 158-171 Industry Vietnam 2005-2014: Status, Issues and Development Orientation
by Nguyen Thi To Quyen - 172-180 The Tourism in Vietnam
by Dao Thi Hoang Mai & Doan Thi Thu Huong - 181-191 Vietnam’s Banking Sector Development over Three Decades of Economic Renovation: Achievements, Challenges, and Policy Solutions
by LE Xuan Sang - 192-203 Vietnam’s International Economic Integration: Current Situation and Policy Orientation
by Nguyen Chien Thang
2016, Issue 3
- 3-32 Economical Type of Depreciation
by Maxim Moroz - 33-42 Stock Market Volatility: Does Our Fundamentals Matter?
by Babajide Abiola Ayopo & Lawal Adedoyin Isola & Somoye Russel Olukayode - 43-81 Balance-of-Payments Characteristics of Bulgarian Economic Growth
by Elena Spassova - 82-117 Currency Integration of the New EU Member Countries
by Ivan Todorov - 118-136 Issues and Challenges for Bankruptcy Risk Assessment in Bulgarian Companies
by Atanas Delev - 137-157 Credit Risk Management in Banks under the Basel Accord and IFRS 9: Challenges and Projections
by Radka Andasarova - 158-188 Defining and Assessment of Sustainability of Farms
by Hrabrin Bashev
2016, Issue 2
- 3-28 Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Formation of Corporate Control System in Ukraine
by Mykhailo Kuzheliev & Igor Britchenko - 29-40 The Impact of Work Accidents on the Sickness/Health Care Expenses in Romania. A Panel Data Approach
by Mihaela Simionescu - 41-58 A Consumer and Investment Model of Housing Demand of Iran: Estimation and Policy Implications
by Mohsen Amini Khouzani & Davoud Behboudi & Parviz Mohammadzadeh & Mahmoud Shirkosh & Ehsan Rajabi - 59-89 Challenges to Contemporary Entrepreneurship
by Bojidar Hadjiev & Ivan Hadjiev & Tania Hadjieva