2001, Issue 3
- 75-111 Currency Board, Objectives, Problems and Tasks of the Pension Reform in Bulgaria
by Dimitar Ninov - 112-140 The Boundary of the Production in the System of National Account (SNA): Structuring and Embracing
by Paraskeva Dimitrova - 141-170 Influence of Central Bank on the Economic Development
by Valentina Grozdeva
2001, Issue 2
- 3-45 Long-Term Instruments of the Budget Policy in EU, USA and Japan
by Iliya Balabanov - 46-76 Science Policy and Economic Development. The State Participation in the Integration of Bulgarian Science into the European Research Area
by Mathew Matev - 77-106 Education Policy and Economic Development
by Irena Zareva - 107-128 Innovation Policy of Bulgaria in the Beginning of 21st Century
by Rossitsa Chobanova - 129-149 Major Difficulties and Limitations Encountered by Small and Medium-Sized Business in Bulgaria and the Policies Held to Overcome Them
by Jordan Vassilev - 150-167 Econometric Evaluation of the Elasticity of the Foreign Trade through Bi-Spectral Analysis
by Vesselin Hadjiev
2001, Issue 1
- 3-27 Deregulation of Network Industries – Theory and Dutch Experience
by Maria Brouwer - 28-63 Critical Analysis of the Thesis for the Long Waves of Kondratiev
by Liubomir Ivanov - 64-80 Official Eurozation of Bulgaria: Pluses and Minuses
by Nikolay Nenovsky & Kalin Hristov - 81-104 The Regional Politics of the European Community and the Position of Bulgaria in It
by Rayna Tzaneva - 105-131 Modeling of the Firm’s Investment Activity
by Paraskeva Dimitrova - 132-158 The Innovative Activity of the Companies (After the Model of Pleven, Lovech, Veliko Tarnovo and Gabrovo Districts)
by Rumen Lazarov
2000, Issue 3
- 3-29 Economic Shocks
by Ivan Stoikov - 30-62 Citizen Restraints on “Leviathan” Government: Transition Politics in Bulgaria
by Kenneth Koford - 63-91 The Economic Philosophy of Friedrich Hayek
by Ivan Verbanov - 92-113 Expanding the Range of the Assessable Incomes with Individual Income Tax and Decrease of the Tax Burden
by Nikolay Galabov - 114-139 Problems of Interaction between Industrial Structure and Foreign Economic Relations
by Emil Panusheff - 140-172 Marketing Development Process in Bulgarian Busiuness Organizations
by Nicola Yankov
2000, Issue 2
- 3-31 The Transition to Market Economy – Determination, Referent Models and Policy
by Metody Kanev - 32-53 Homogenity of the Monetary Estimations of the Production
by Vassil Todorov & Nikolay Igov - 54-83 Improvement of the Homogeneity at Evaluation of the Output
by Paraskeva Dimitrova - 83-112 Monitoring of the Tourism
by Svetla Rakadjiiska - 113-144 Labor Force Restructuring and Development of the System of Education and Training
by Irena Zareva - 145-170 Incentives for Economic Development of Greece after Its Incorporation to European Union
by Athanasios Politis
2000, Issue 1
- 3-32 The New Model of Economic Growth – Necessity for the Successful Business
by Boyko Atanassov & Todor Nenov - 33-72 Structure of the Corporate Control in the Enterprises from the Mass Privatization
by Vesselin Mintchev & Plamen Tchipev & Rosska Petkova - 72-102 Factors and Procedures for Recovery of the Banks under Special Surveillance (on the example of YTB - Yambol)
by Radan Kantchev - 103-124 Tax Evasion and Tax Fraud – Theoretical Models and Fiscal Decisions
by Andrey Zahariev - 126-143 A Semiotic Interpretation of an Economic-Mathematical Problem in Agriculture
by Petko Todorov - 144-166 Export Price Strategy Development in International Pulp Market: Aspects
by Galina Zaharieva
1999, Issue 3
- 3-27 Endogenous Growth Theory: Rise and Developments
by Rossitsa Rangelova - 28-58 Structural Changes during Transition: Prerequisites for Integration and Economic Cooperation
by Stoyan Totev - 58-93 Modern Dimensions in Option Industry
by Stefan Simeonov - 94-119 Basic Economical Preconditions for Stimulation of Investment's Activity
by Valentina Grozdeva - 121-140 The Social Corrections Risk Model in Investment Projects of the Firms
by Stoyan Prodanov - 142-169 Complex Model for Forecasting in the Firm (Conceptions and Results of Approbation)
by Ivan Marchevski - 172-197 Short-term Unemployment - Strategies and Policies for its Limitation
by Pobeda Lukanova
1999, Issue 2
- 3-20 Level of Development of the Municipalities in the Countries for the Period 1994-1996
by Nina Yankova - 21-47 Disparities in the development of municipalities in Bulgaria
by Iordan Hristoskov - 48-65 Financial Disparities among the Municipalities – Situation and Changes
by Stefan Ivanov - 66-83 Social Disparities Among the Municipalities-Situation and Ghanges
by Georgi Shopov - 84-99 Differences in the Ecological Characteristics of the Municipalities in Bulgaria
by Nikolay Chkorev - 100-122 Economic Structures and Firm Performance in Bulgaria
by Mitko Dimitrov - 124-150 Basic Institutional Prerequisites for Stimulation of Investments in Bulgaria
by Valentina Grozdeva - 151-168 New Directions and Goals of the Agricultural Policy of the European Union
by Angel Dimov
1999, Issue 1
- 3-43 The Hidden Economy – Measurement and Influence
by Ivan Stoykov & Paraskeva Dimitrova - 44-76 The Hidden Economy in Bulgaria
by Ivan Stoykov & Paraskeva Dimitrova - 77-95 The Investment Activity in the Transition Period: Trends, Problems, Possibilities
by Liliya Chankova - 96-122 The Genesis of the Studies on the Localization Choice and the Realities of the World Today
by Stanka Tonkova - 123-172 Modelling the Labour Market in Bulgaria
by Vassil Tzanov - 173-193 Investments in Human Capital and the Labour Market
by Irena Zareva
1998, Issue 2
- 3-31 Bulgaria’s GDP in International Comparisons using PPPs
by Rossitsa Rangelova - 32-58 Technology Change and Economy: Modern Trends of Interaction
by Rossitsa Chobanova - 58-82 Examination of the Interaction Between the Level of the Social and Economic Development and the Potential of the Border Regions
by Nina Yankova - 83-111 Impact of the Inflation on the Financial Results and the Investment of the Companies
by Valentina Grozdeva - 112-133 The Small and the Medium Size Enterprises in the Industry
by Pencho Penchev - 134-157 For Government Policy on Science and the Strategic Goal of the Reform
by Iliya Balabanov - 158-186 Correctness at Evaluation of the Output and Methods for it Improvement
by Paraskeva Dimitrova - 187-194 Application of “Monte Carlo” Method for Simulating Prognoses of the Market Prices
by Alexander Tassev - 195-203 Money Demand and Inflation in Transition Economy
by Maria Garvalova
1998, Issue 1
- 3-34 Firm'S Modelling In The Conditions Of Market Economy Transition
by Ivan Stoykov - 35-56 Model Of Profitable Firm Behavior In Market Conditions
by Ilya Tsvetanov - 57-67 Optimization Of Firm Trade Activity In The Conditions Of Transition To Market Economy
by Alexander Tassev - 68-103 Main Regional Characteristics In The Period Of Transition
by Maria Shishmanova & Nikolay Chkorev & Nina Yankova - 104-146 Financial Environment And Normative Base For Technological Change
by G. Dimitrov & Radostina Bakardjieva & Rossitsa Chobanova & Pavlinka Ileva - 147-168 Opportunities For Introducing Fiscal Instruments, Stimulating The Producers Towards Limiting The Polution
by George Smatrakalev & Antoaneta Ivanova - 169-193 Germany'S Environmental Policy: Financial And Economic Aspects
by Daphina Doneva - 194-224 Development Of Money - Credit Institutions And Instruments For Influencing The State Participation In The Enterprises In Bulgaria
by Ivanka Kraininska