October 2018, Volume 21, Issue 15
- 1710-1727 The inner struggle of visiting ‘dark tourism’ sites: examining the relationship between perceived constraints and motivations
by Chunhui Zheng & Jie Zhang & Lili Qian & Claudia Jurowski & Honglei Zhang & Bingjin Yan - 1728-1742 Racism as an inhibitor to the organisational legitimacy of Indigenous tourism businesses in Australia
by Lisa Ruhanen & Michelle Whitford - 1743-1760 Tourist plantation owners and slavery: a complex relationship
by Candace Forbes Bright & Derek H. Alderman & David L. Butler - 1761-1783 Using skin conductance and facial electromyography to measure emotional responses to tourism advertising
by Shanshi Li & Gabby Walters & Jan Packer & Noel Scott - 1784-1809 The concept of risk in nature-based tourism and recreation – a systematic literature review
by Anna Maria Gstaettner & Diane Lee & Kate Rodger
September 2018, Volume 21, Issue 14
- 1569-1585 Local community perceptions of disaster tourism: the case of L'Aquila, Italy
by Daniel Wright & Richard Sharpley - 1586-1600 Tourism as connectedness
by Stefan Gössling & Scott A. Cohen & Julia F. Hibbert - 1601-1620 Short-term responses of Dutch vacationers to a sharp increase in transport costs
by Sander van Cranenburgh - 1621-1643 Exploring relationships between customer-based brand equity and its drivers and consequences in the hotel context. An impact-asymmetry assessment
by Maja Šerić & Josip Mikulić & Irene Gil-Saura - 1644-1669 Off-the-beaten-track tourism: a new trend in the tourism development in historical European cities. A case study of the city of Krakow, Poland
by Łukasz Matoga & Aneta Pawłowska - 1670-1689 Hearing the authentic voice of stakeholders? Implications for governance of tourism strategy-making
by Charlie D. Croft
September 2018, Volume 21, Issue 13
- 1453-1467 The effect of manager mobbing behaviour on female employees’ quality of life
by Derya Kara & Hyelin (Lina) Kim & Muzaffer Uysal - 1468-1485 Workplace sexual harassment: exploring the experience of tour leaders in an Asian context
by Catherine Cheung & Tom Baum & Amy Hsueh - 1486-1501 Volunteer tourism impacts in Ghana: a practice approach
by Bertine Bargeman & Greg Richards & Ellen Govers - 1502-1520 Exploring heterogeneity among backpackers in hostels
by Ana Brochado & Paulo Rita - 1521-1546 The effects of tourists’ knowledge-sharing motivation on online tourist community loyalty: the moderating role of ambient stimuli
by Kwang-Ho Lee & Sunghyup Sean Hyun - 1547-1568 Mobilizing knowledge: determining key elements for success and pitfalls in developing community-based tourism
by Rachel Dodds & Alisha Ali & Kelly Galaski
August 2018, Volume 21, Issue 12
- 1329-1336 Sustainability in coastal tourism development: an example from Denmark
by Ida Marie Visbech Andersen & Bodil Stilling Blichfeldt & Janne J. Liburd - 1337-1343 Travel information online: navigating correspondents, consensus, and conversation
by Bryan Pirolli - 1344-1348 Garden tourism: reasons for opening private gardens in the UK National Garden Scheme
by Barbora Čakovská - 1349-1354 E-Marketing communications of trophy hunting providers in Namibia: evidence of ethics and fairness in an apparently unethical and unfair industry?
by Irena Descubes & Tom McNamara & Cyrlene Claasen - 1355-1385 The end of growth in residential tourism destinations: steady state or sustainable development? The case of Calpe
by José Francisco Perles-Ribes & Ana Ramón-Rodríguez & José Fernando Vera-Rebollo & Josep Ivars-Baidal - 1386-1405 Systemic crisis, weltschmerz and tourism: meaning without incense during vacations
by Julio Batle & Marco Antonio Robledo - 1406-1425 Exploring the experience value of museum visitors as a co-creation process
by Carmen Antón & Carmen Camarero & María-José Garrido - 1426-1451 A general framework for collecting and analysing the tracking data of cruise passengers at the destination
by Mauro Ferrante & Stefano De Cantis & Noam Shoval
July 2018, Volume 21, Issue 11
- 1207-1214 Negotiation, bargaining, and discounts: generating WoM and local tourism development at the Tabriz bazaar, Iran
by Jamie Thompson & Ian W. F. Baxter & Ross Curran & Martin Joseph Gannon & Sean Lochrie & Babak Taheri & Ozge Yalinay - 1215-1220 Understanding the motivation of museums, galleries and cultural exhibition visits – evidence from Taiwan internet use types
by Chiang-Ming Chen & Yu-Chen Lin - 1221-1238 The economic impact of the lifting of sanctions on tourism in Iran: a computable general equilibrium analysis
by Stephen Pratt & Valiollah Alizadeh - 1239-1259 Network dynamics of tourism development in South Korea
by Young-Rae Kim & Noel Scott - 1260-1284 Maintaining competitiveness of aviation hub: Empirical evidence of visitors to China via Hong Kong by air transport
by Kan Wai Hong Tsui & Andrew Chi-Lok Yuen & Michael Ka Yiu Fung - 1285-1311 Creative tourism in Balinese rural communities
by Manuela Blapp & Ondrej Mitas - 1312-1328 Understanding the distinctiveness of Chinese Post-80s tourists through an exploration of their formative experiences
by Mingming Cheng & Carmel Foley
July 2018, Volume 21, Issue 10
- 1085-1090 ASEAN beyond talk shop: a rejoinder to regional tourism
by Sharon G.M. Koh & Andrei O.J. Kwok - 1091-1096 Volunteer tourism motivations of the Marine Conservation Cambodia project
by S. Kitney & A.R. Stanway & M.M. Ryan - 1097-1114 Social interactions among Asian backpackers: scale development and validation
by Huong T. Bui & Hugh C. Wilkins - 1115-1136 Dissecting Chinese adolescents’ overseas educational travel experiences: movements, representations and practices
by Xiaoxiao Fu & Zhuowei (Joy) Huang & Qian Li & Ksenia Kirillova - 1137-1156 Foreign tourist arrivals in India from major source countries: an empirical analysis
by Aviral Kumar Tiwari & Aruna Kumar Dash & Badri G. Narayanan - 1157-1170 Revisiting the tourism-growth nexus: evidence from a new index for the market diversification of tourist arrivals
by Muhlis Can & Giray Gozgor - 1171-1186 Gap time and Chinese tourists: Exploring constraints
by Mao-Ying Wu & Philip L. Pearce - 1187-1206 The solo female Asian tourist
by Dana Seow & Lorraine Brown
June 2018, Volume 21, Issue 9
- 964-969 Does tourism-led growth hypothesis exist in Mauritius? Evidence from disaggregated tourism markets
by Sakiru Adebola Solarin - 970-974 Exiting supranational unions and the corresponding impact on tourism: Some insights from a rejoinder to Brexit
by Weng Marc Lim - 975-997 Air transport and tourism – a systematic literature review (2000–2014)
by Bojana Spasojevic & Gui Lohmann & Noel Scott - 998-1013 Eat there! Shop here! Visit that! Presenting the city in mass media travel writing
by Matthew J. Stone - 1014-1032 The impact of social media and offline influences on consumer behaviour. An analysis of the low-cost airline industry
by Enrique Bigne & Luisa Andreu & Blanca Hernandez & Carla Ruiz - 1033-1051 Informing tourism policy with statistical data: the case of the Icelandic Tourism Satellite Account
by Cristi Frenţ - 1052-1074 The experience sampling method: examining its use and potential in tourist experience research
by Sarah Quinlan Cutler & Sean Doherty & Barbara Carmichael - 1075-1084 The ‘Blogosphere’ as a platform for interpretative phenomenological analysis: the case of TEFL tourism
by Hayley Stainton
May 2018, Volume 21, Issue 8
- 842-846 TripAdvisor and hotel consumer brand loyalty
by Stephen W. Litvin & Kaitlyn M. Dowling - 847-855 The impact of economic policy uncertainty on stock returns of Turkish tourism companies
by Ender Demir & Oguz Ersan - 856-862 Tourists’ emotional wellness and hotel room colour
by Andy Hee Lee & Basak Denizci Guillet & Rob Law - 863-876 Estimating efficiency and its determinants in the hotel sector using a profit function
by Antonio Arbelo & Pilar Pérez-Gómez & Marta Arbelo-Pérez - 877-901 Can we enhance low-carbon tour intentions through climate science or responsibility sharing information?
by Jeou-Shyan Horng & Yuann-Jun Liaw - 902-916 Modelling tourist flow association for tourism demand forecasting
by Liang Zhu & Christine Lim & Wenjun Xie & Yuan Wu - 917-933 SOCO's impact on service outcomes of tour guides: the moderating effect of customers’ shopping orientation
by Sheng-Hshiung Tsaur & You-Yu Dai & Jui-Shiang Liu - 934-949 The influence of perceived discrimination, orientation to mainstream culture and life satisfaction on destination loyalty intentions: the case of international students
by N. L. Jamaludin & D. L. Sam & G. M. Sandal & A. A. Adam - 950-963 Being passionate about the mobile while travelling
by Lidija Lalicic & Christian Weismayer
May 2018, Volume 21, Issue 7
- 721-734 Sampling method for monitoring the alternative accommodation market
by Noelia Oses Fernández & Jon Kepa Gerrikagoitia & Aurkene Alzua-Sorzabal - 735-741 Tourism innovation: when interdependencies matter
by Alessandro Narduzzo & Serena Volo - 742-759 Tourism and climate change: a review of threats and adaptation strategies for Africa
by Gijsbert Hoogendoorn & Jennifer M. Fitchett - 760-774 Hostility or hospitality? A review on violence, bullying and sexual harassment in the tourism and hospitality industry
by Yael Ram - 775-790 The impact of abusive supervision and co-worker support on hospitality and tourism student employees’ turnover intentions in Ecuador
by Shi Xu & Larry R. Martinez & Hubert Van Hoof & Michael Tews & Leonardo Torres & Karina Farfan - 791-804 ‘Troll alert!’: Provocation and harassment in tourism and hospitality social media
by Muchazondida Mkono - 805-820 Exploring the impact of destination attachment on the intentional behaviour of the US visitors familiarized with Baja California, Mexico
by Djamel Toudert & Nora L. Bringas-Rábago - 821-841 Antecedents of travellers’ repurchase behaviour for luxury cruise product
by Heesup Han & Jinsoo Hwang & Myong Jae Lee
April 2018, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 599-615 Situating the tourist gaze: from appropriation to negotiation
by Ranjan Bandyopadhyay & Tuhina Ganguly - 616-645 Attracting tourists to travel companies’ websites: the structural relationship between website brand, personal value, shopping experience, perceived risk and purchase intention
by Shahriar Mohseni & Sreenivasan Jayashree & Sajad Rezaei & Azilah Kasim & Fevzi Okumus - 646-662 Market segmentation for a leverage revitalization of China’s inbound tourism: the case of US leisure tourists
by Ying Qu & Hailin Qu & Ganghua Chen - 663-679 Tourist satisfaction with souvenir shopping: evidence from Indonesian domestic tourists
by Dwi Suhartanto - 680-702 Growing competition in the healthcare tourism market and customer retention in medical clinics: New and experienced travellers
by Heesup Han & Jinsoo Hwang - 703-720 Drivers and barriers of peer-to-peer accommodation stay – an exploratory study with American and Finnish travellers
by Iis P. Tussyadiah & Juho Pesonen
March 2018, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 477-483 Investigating the inter-departmental synergy in demand for rooms and auxiliary services: a spatial econometric approach
by Mihae Oh & Seul Ki Lee & Jinhoo Kim - 484-503 The manager's dilemma: a conceptualization of online review manipulation strategies
by Stefan Gössling & C. Michael Hall & Ann-Christin Andersson - 504-528 Role of components of destination competitiveness in the relationship between customer-based brand equity and destination loyalty
by Philip Pong Weng Wong - 529-546 A study of the effects of co-branding between low-carbon islands and recreational activities
by Teng-Yuan Hsiao - 547-566 Ecological tourism in the state image policy structure. Experience and problems of modern Russia
by Julia Vadimovna Nikolaeva & Natalia Mikhailovna Bogoliubova & Sergey Sergeevich Shirin - 567-582 Examining transformative processes in volunteer tourism
by Alexandra Coghlan & Betty Weiler - 583-598 Jewish heritage tourism between memories and strategies. Different approaches from Lviv, Ukraine
by Andrea Corsale & Olha Vuytsyk
March 2018, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 355-368 Teasing the boundaries of ‘volunteer tourism’: local NGOs looking for global workforce
by Rebecca Frilund - 369-400 Co-creation of tourist experiences: a literature review
by Ana Cláudia Campos & Júlio Mendes & Patrícia Oom do Valle & Noel Scott - 401-421 Diverse socializing patterns in rural tourist experiences – a segmentation analysis
by Elisabeth Kastenholz & Maria João Carneiro & Celeste Eusébio - 422-439 Economic diversification of a single-asset tourism city: evidence from Antalya
by Hilal Erkuş-Öztürk & Pieter Terhorst - 440-454 Short-circuiting cruise tourism practices along the Russian Barents Sea coast? The case of Arkhangelsk
by Machiel Lamers & Albina Pashkevich - 455-476 International university students’ travel risk perceptions: an exploratory study
by Ruiqi Deng & Brent W. Ritchie
February 2018, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 243-258 Factors associated with medical travel behaviours: the input–process–output perspective
by Hsiao-Yun Lu & Wann-Yih Wu - 259-276 Profiling tourists based on their perceptions of the trustworthiness of different types of peer-to-peer applications
by Giacomo Del Chiappa & Carlota Lorenzo-Romero & María-del-Carmen Alarcón-del-Amo - 277-300 Identifying structural changes and regime switching in growing and declining inbound tourism markets in Australia
by Abbas Valadkhani & Barry O'Mahony - 301-327 Co-creation with clients of hotel services: the moderating role of top management support
by María Leticia Santos-Vijande & José Ángel López-Sánchez & Primitiva Pascual-Fernández - 328-354 Cruise homeport location selection evaluation based on grey-cloud clustering model
by Meng-Zhi Ma & Hou-Ming Fan & En-Ying Zhang
January 2018, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 123-127 Slow-food-seeking behaviour, authentic experience, and perceived slow value of a slow-life festival
by Jin Young Chung & Jinok Susanna Kim & Choong-Ki Lee & Myung Ja Kim - 128-132 Evaluating participation in community-based tourism: a local perspective in Laos
by Eerang Park & Toulakham Phandanouvong & Sangkyun Kim - 133-153 Destination management plans – a new approach to managing destinations in England: evidence from Milton Keynes
by Dean Hristov & Petia Petrova - 154-174 A theoretical model of mobile augmented reality acceptance in urban heritage tourism
by M. Claudia tom Dieck & Timothy Jung - 175-190 Holocaust concentration camp memorial sites: an exploratory study into expected emotional response
by Jeroen Nawijn & Rami Khalil Isaac & Konstantin Gridnevskiy & Adriaan van Liempt - 191-209 Understanding women's accommodation experiences on girlfriend getaways: a pragmatic action research approach
by Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore & Heather J. Gibson - 210-224 From Europe with passion: frameworks of the touristic male desire of Ponta Negra, in the North-East of Brazil
by Octávio Sacramento - 225-242 Motives and behaviour of second home owners in Iceland reflected by place attachment
by Martin Nouza & Rannveig Ólafsdóttir & Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir
January 2018, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-20 Sustainability in small tourist businesses: the link between initiatives and performance
by María del Mar Alonso-Almeida & Llorenç Bagur-Femenias & Josep Llach & Jordi Perramon - 21-40 Entrepreneurial orientation in family firms: the case of the hospitality industry
by Mike Peters & Andreas Kallmuenzer - 41-57 Fashionability vis-à-vis rationality: investigating factors driving users’ e-tourism website stickiness
by Ye Chen & Zhibin Lin - 58-77 Volunteers as tour guides: a stakeholder–agency theory case study
by Matthew Lamont & Millicent Kennelly & Betty Weiler - 78-102 Properties of first-time vs. repeat visitors: lessons for marketing Norwegian ski resorts
by Even Tjørve & Gudbrand Lien & Thor Flognfeldt - 103-122 The structures and flows of a large tourist itinerancy network
by Lawrence J. Bendle
December 2017, Volume 20, Issue 16
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1671-1683 The problematic nature of sustainable tourism: some implications for planners and managers
by Dale Fodness - 1684-1700 Ethics and influences in tourist perceptions of climate change
by Ann Hindley & Xavier Font - 1701-1719 Investigating the impacts of energy consumption, real GDP, tourism and trade on CO2 emissions by accounting for cross-sectional dependence: A panel study of OECD countries
by Eyup Dogan & Fahri Seker & Serap Bulbul - 1720-1735 Dynamic linkages between tourism transportation expenditures, carbon dioxide emission, energy consumption and growth factors: evidence from the transition economies
by Khalid Zaman & Mitwali Abd-el. Moemen & Talat Islam - 1736-1748 Transformational tourism as a hero's journey
by Marco Antonio Robledo & Julio Batle - 1749-1767 An environment-adjusted dynamic efficiency analysis of international tourist hotels in Taiwan
by Hwai-Shuh Shieh & Jin-Li Hu & Teng-Yi Liu - 1768-1790 Tourism development and environmental degradation in the United States: evidence from wavelet-based analysis
by Syed Ali Raza & Arshian Sharif & Wing Keung Wong & Mohd Zaini Abd Karim - 1791-1797 Thanks to Reviewers
by The Editors
November 2017, Volume 20, Issue 15
- 1551-1556 Authenticity, experience, and loyalty in the festival context: Evidence from the San Fermin festival, Spain
by V.G. Girish & Ching-Fu Chen - 1557-1574 Where to vacation? An agent-based approach to modelling tourist decision-making process
by Inês Boavida-Portugal & Carlos Cardoso Ferreira & Jorge Rocha - 1575-1603 Is a cluster a necessary condition for success? The case of Benidorm
by José Francisco Perles-Ribes & Isabel Rodríguez-Sánchez & Ana Belén Ramón-Rodríguez - 1604-1619 Driving holistic innovation to heighten hotel customer loyalty
by Shu-Pei Tsai - 1620-1632 Facing the pain of others: perspectives on international volunteer tourism between agency and spectatorship
by Chiara Gius - 1633-1652 Medical tourists’ emotional and cognitive response to credibility and Servicescape
by Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro - 1653-1670 Destination image, on-site experience and behavioural intentions: path analytic validation of a marketing model on domestic tourists
by Dimitrios Stylidis & Yaniv Belhassen & Amir Shani
October 2017, Volume 20, Issue 14
- 1431-1453 A preliminary examination of the relationship between consumer attitude towards space travel and the development of innovative space tourism technology
by Yi-Wei Chang - 1454-1469 Profiling the segments of senior tourists throughout motivation and travel characteristics
by Elisa Alén & Nieves Losada & Pablo de Carlos - 1470-1488 Exploring the interplay between the use of risk-related information, risk perception formation, and the stages of travel product consumption
by Aliza Jonas & Yoel Mansfeld - 1489-1509 Luxury-cruise travellers’ brand community perception and its consequences
by Changsup Shim & Seongjin Kang & Insin Kim & Sunghyup Sean Hyun - 1510-1526 The impacts of perceived organizational prestige and organization identification on turnover intention: the mediating effect of psychological empowerment
by Yilmaz Akgunduz & Ovunc Bardakoglu - 1527-1550 Critical factors for implementing a programme for international MICE professionals: a hybrid MCDM model combining DEMATEL and ANP
by Hui-Wen Vivian Tang & Kuopao Chang & Mu-Shang Yin & Ru-Shou Sheu
October 2017, Volume 20, Issue 13
- 1311-1319 Jurassic World as a contemporary wildlife tourism theme park allegory
by David Newsome & Michael Hughes - 1320-1335 Sport events and integrated destination development
by Joanne Mackellar & Sharen Nisbet - 1336-1354 In-flight physical surroundings: quality, satisfaction, and traveller loyalty in the emerging low-cost flight market
by Heesup Han & Jinsoo Hwang - 1355-1374 Serious tourists: a proposition for sustainable indigenous tourism
by Tsung-Chiung (Emily) Wu & Geoffrey Wall & Liang-Ying Tsou - 1375-1394 How to communicate sustainable tourism products to customers: results from a choice experiment
by Roger Wehrli & Julianna Priskin & Sascha Demarmels & Dorothea Schaffner & Jürg Schwarz & Fred Truniger & Jürg Stettler - 1395-1412 Energy tourism: An emerging field of study
by Bohumil Frantál & Renata Urbánková - 1413-1430 Shopping value, tourist satisfaction and positive word of mouth: the mediating role of souvenir shopping satisfaction
by Manuela Vega-Vázquez & Mario Castellanos-Verdugo & Mª Ángeles Oviedo-García
September 2017, Volume 20, Issue 12
- 1210-1214 Tourism planning requirements from a private sector perspective: the case of Hong Kong
by Tony S. M. Tse & Bruce Prideaux - 1215-1231 Experiential and involvement effects on the Korean wine tourist's decision-making process
by Sanggun Lee & Johan Bruwer & HakJun Song - 1232-1245 Comparing the contributions of tourism and non-tourism exports to economic growth in Malaysia
by Chor Foon Tang & Chai Li Cheam & Soon Chuan Ong - 1246-1264 The moderating effect of nationality on crowding perception, its antecedents, and coping behaviours: A study of an urban heritage site in Taiwan
by Ya-Yen Sun & Megha Budruk - 1265-1289 Destination competitiveness: evidence from Bali
by Wei Lee Chin & Janet Haddock-Fraser & Mark P. Hampton - 1290-1309 Multi-agency management of a World Heritage Site: Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area, China
by Ming Ming Su & Geoffrey Wall & Yun Wang & Min Jin
August 2017, Volume 20, Issue 11
- 1110-1115 The macroeconomic contribution to foreign-exchange earnings from tourism in Taiwan
by William S. Chang & Yun-Huan Lee - 1116-1139 Wildlife tourism in China: a review of the Chinese research literature
by Li Cong & David Newsome & Bihu Wu & Alastair M. Morrison - 1140-1161 Impact of Taiwan open policy on Chinese tourist satisfaction
by Shuang Cang & Ya-Yen Sun & ShiNa Li - 1162-1185 The influence of spirituality and physical activity level on responsible behaviour and mountaineering satisfaction on Mount Kinabalu, Borneo
by Mahdi Esfahani & Ghazali Musa & Selina Khoo - 1186-1209 Exploring urban tourism crowding in Shanghai via crowdsourcing geospatial data
by Beiqi Shi & Jinlin Zhao & Po-Ju Chen
July 2017, Volume 20, Issue 10
- 1008-1027 A narrative review of Asian female travellers: looking into the future through the past
by Elaine Chiao Ling Yang & Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore & Charles Arcodia - 1028-1043 Social capital in Malaysian homestays: exploring hosts’ social relations
by Rokhshad Tavakoli & Paolo Mura & Sushila Devi Rajaratnam - 1044-1069 The willingness of heritage tourists to pay for perceived authenticity in Pingxi, Taiwan
by Yu Chiang Lin - 1070-1087 Automatically extracting tourism-related opinion from Chinese social media
by Fang-Wei Chen & Antonio Guevara Plaza & Pilar Alarcón Urbistondo - 1088-1109 Tour guides under zero-fare mode: evidence from China
by Yueying Xu (Hazel) & Nancy Gard McGehee
July 2017, Volume 20, Issue 9
- 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 909-930 The determinants of inbound tourism to Malaysia: a panel data analysis
by Fateh Habibi - 931-945 Freedom of movement for all? Unpacking racialized travel experiences
by Pooneh Torabian & Maggie C. Miller - 946-959 Change management for sub-Saharan Africa's rural tourism development
by Ikechukwu O. Ezeuduji - 960-980 Framing in a contested space: media reporting on tourism and mining in Australia
by Char-lee J. McLennan & Susanne Becken & Brent D. Moyle - 981-1001 Scandals, the mass media, and the politics of extreme visibility: conflict and controversy at the Niagara Parks Commission
by Adam Weaver - 1002-1004 Tourism marketing for developing countries: battling stereotypes and crises in Asia, Africa and the Middle East
by Aneeshta Gunness - 1005-1007 The Western Front: landscape, tourism and heritage
by R. W. Butler
June 2017, Volume 20, Issue 8
- 787-800 Tourism demand: a panel data approach
by Soheila Khoshnevis Yazdi & Bahman Khanalizadeh - 801-808 Easing the adoption of agent-based modelling (ABM) in tourism research
by Peter Johnson & Sarah Nicholls & Jillian Student & Bas Amelung & Rodolfo Baggio & Stefano Balbi & Inês Boavida-Portugal & Eline de Jong & Gert Jan Hofstede & Machiel Lamers & Marc Pons & Robert Steiger - 809-824 Advancing tourism research through multilevel methods: research problem and agenda
by IpKin Anthony Wong - 825-838 A method for reducing information asymmetry in destination–airline relationships
by David T. Tan & Tay T. R. Koo & David T. Duval & Peter J. Forsyth - 839-851 Impact of ethical leadership on creativity: the role of psychological empowerment
by Basharat Javed & Atique Arif Khan & Sajid Bashir & Surendra Arjoon - 852-868 Risks and marketing in online transactions: a qualitative comparative analysis
by Nikolaos Pappas - 869-882 Q method and ethnography in tourism research: enhancing insights, comparability and reflexivity
by Vanessa Wijngaarden - 883-893 A multilevel Gini decomposition approach to measuring the geographic concentration of tourism
by Pong-Lung Lau & Tay T.R. Koo - 894-907 Empowering young people through participatory film: a postmethodological approach
by Antonia Canosa & Erica Wilson & Anne Graham
May 2017, Volume 20, Issue 7
- 668-690 Collaborative destination marketing at the local level: benefits bundling and the changing role of the local tourism association
by Brian Garrod & Alan Fyall - 691-704 Satisfaction as a determinant of tourist expenditure
by Dora Smolčić Jurdana & Daniela Soldić Frleta - 705-723 Motivations and destination selection of mature international thalassotherapy tourists
by Feride Bahar Kurtulmuşoğlu & Bulent Esiyok - 724-739 The host–guest interactions in ethnic tourism, Lijiang, China
by Ji Zhang & Hong-gang Xu & Wei Xing - 740-758 Assessing preferences for mega sports event travel products: a choice experimental approach
by Seong Ok Lyu & Ju Hyoung Han - 759-786 Slopeland disaster risk management in tourism
by Chung-Hung Tsai & Shu-Chuan LinLiu
April 2017, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 552-565 Does security matter in tourism demand?
by Zahed Ghaderi & Behnaz Saboori & Mana Khoshkam - 566-579 Host community resignation to nightclub tourism
by Antoni Serra-Cantallops & José Ramon-Cardona - 580-602 Reinventing Macau tourism: gambling on creativity?
by Verity Anne Greenwood & Larry Dwyer - 603-616 A panel data quantile regression analysis of the impact of corruption on tourism
by Zhike Lv & Ting Xu - 617-646 Cluster and firm-specific antecedents of organizational innovation
by César Camisón & Beatriz Forés & Montserrat Boronat-Navarro - 647-663 Islamic Work Ethic, innovative work behaviour, and adaptive performance: the mediating mechanism and an interacting effect
by Basharat Javed & Sajid Bashir & Mohammed Y.A. Rawwas & Surendra Arjoon - 664-667 Tourism, globalization and economic growth: a panel cointegration analysis for selected West African States
by Coulibaly Kigbajah Salifou & Ihtisham ul Haq
April 2017, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 447-454 The effects of macroeconomic and weather conditions on the business cycle of Taiwan’s adventure tourism
by Chiang-Ming Chen & Yo-Long Lin & Te-Tsun Chang - 455-458 An experiment on the role of tourist attribution: Evidence from negative nature-based incidents
by Suh-hee Choi & Liping A. Cai - 459-479 Determinants hindering the intention of tourists to visit disaster-hit destinations
by Hsiu-Yuan Wang - 480-496 Local stakeholders, role and tourism development
by Abel Duarte Alonso & Julie Nyanjom - 497-520 First-class airline travellers' perception of luxury goods and its effect on loyalty formation
by Jinsoo Hwang & Sunghyup Sean Hyun - 521-535 Exploring the motivation of Chinese immigrants for homeland tourism
by Man-U Io - 536-551 Assessing the impact of co-branding of island destination and tourism activities on tourists’ reactions
by Austin Rong-Da Liang
March 2017, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 331-338 Empowering the new traveller: storytelling as a co-creative behaviour in tourism
by Rebecca Pera - 339-345 Marketing performance measurement in hotels, travel agencies and tour operators: a study of current practices
by Attilio Bruni & Fabio Cassia & Francesca Magno - 346-355 Collaborative commerce in tourism: implications for research and industry
by Marianna Sigala - 356-362 Shining light on the darkness. Placing tourists within North Korean tourism. Comment on: Desiring the dark: ‘A taste for the unusual’ in North Korean tourism?
by John Connell - 363-368 An emerging Korean youth culture, Rail-ro: the application of cultural consensus analysis to domestic rail travel experiences
by So Young Bae & Garry Chick - 369-390 The influence of attitudes towards healthy eating on food consumption when travelling
by Richard C.Y. Chang - 391-424 Exploring tourists' nostalgic experiences during culture festivals: the case of the Sung Chiang Battle Array
by Huery-Ren Yeh & Ling-Zhong Lin - 425-442 Are Turkey's tourism markets converging? Evidence from the two-step LM and three-step RALS-LM unit root tests
by Burcu Ozcan & Seyfettin Erdogan - 443-445 ‘Real’ and ‘normal’ North Korea: on the politics of shining light on the darkness. Reply to: ‘Shining light on the darkness. Placing tourists within North Korean tourism’
by Dorina Maria Buda & David Shim
February 2017, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 221-224 Are tourist arrivals stationary? Evidence from BRIC countries
by Aruna Kumar Dash & Suresh K.G. & Aviral Kumar Tiwari - 225-232 A bibliometric analysis of the presence of finances in high-impact tourism journals
by José Luis Jiménez-Caballero & Silvia Polo Molina - 233-237 Charleston's newfound “entertainment zone”: should we be concerned?
by Stephen W. Litvin & Ellison B. Wofford