November 2014, Volume 14, Issue 11
- 2045-2064 Portfolio choice with indivisible and illiquid housing assets: the case of Spain
by Sergio Mayordomo & Maria Rodriguez-Moreno & Juan Ignacio Pe�a
October 2014, Volume 14, Issue 10
- 1693-1700 Bayesian testing for jumps in stochastic volatility models with correlated jumps
by Li Yong & Jie Zhang - 1701-1703 The Half-life of Facts: Why Everything We Know Has an Expiration Date
by Roger M. Stein - 1709-1724 Making mean-variance hedging implementable in a partially observable market
by Masaaki Fujii & Akihiko Takahashi - 1725-1737 Hedging strategies for energy derivatives
by P. Leoni & N. Vandaele & M. Vanmaele - 1739-1751 Dynamic option hedging via stochastic model predictive control based on scenario simulation
by Alberto Bemporad & Leonardo Bellucci & Tommaso Gabbriellini - 1753-1764 Option pricing and Greeks via a moving least square meshfree method
by Yongsik Kim & Hyeong-Ohk Bae & Hyeng Keun Koo - 1765-1784 Discrete dividends and the FTSE-100 index options valuation
by Nelson Areal & Artur Rodrigues - 1785-1794 Closed form spread option valuation
by Petter Bjerksund & Gunnar Stensland - 1795-1809 Pricing of geometric Asian options under Heston's stochastic volatility model
by Bara Kim & In-Suk Wee - 1811-1827 A regime-switching Heston model for VIX and S&P 500 implied volatilities
by Andrew Papanicolaou & Ronnie Sircar - 1829-1837 Dynamics of the implied volatility surface. Theory and empirical evidence
by Jacinto Marabel Romo - 1839-1855 Comparison of methods to estimate option implied risk-neutral densities
by Wan-Ni Lai - 1857-1879 Estimation of risk-neutral measures using quartic B-spline cumulative distribution functions with power tails
by Seung Hwan Lee
September 2014, Volume 14, Issue 9
- 1503-1511 Modelling the rebalancing slippage of leveraged exchange-traded funds
by Lakshithe Wagalath - 1513-1515 After the Music Stopped: The Financial Crisis, the Response, and the Work Ahead
by Thomas Hughes - 1518-1518 Applications sought for book review editor from 2015
by Alexander Smith - 1519-1539 Optimal liquidation in dark pools
by Peter Kratz & Torsten Sch�neborn - 1541-1554 Myopic loss aversion, reference point, and money illusion
by Xue Dong He & Xun Yu Zhou - 1555-1571 Smooth monotone covariance for elliptical distributions and applications in finance
by Xiaoping Zhou & Dmitry Malioutov & Frank J. Fabozzi & Svetlozar T. Rachev - 1573-1585 Copula dynamics in CDOs
by Barbara Choroś-Tomczyk & Wolfgang Karl H�rdle & Ludger Overbeck - 1587-1595 Haar wavelets-based approach for quantifying credit portfolio losses
by Josep J. Masdemont & Luis Ortiz-Gracia - 1597-1618 Commodity markets through the business cycle
by Julien Chevallier & Mathieu Gatumel & Florian Ielpo - 1619-1626 Skewness premium with L�vy processes
by Jos� Fajardo & Ernesto Mordecki - 1627-1641 Assessing stock market dependence and contagion
by Omar Abbara & Mauricio Zevallos - 1643-1649 A Black-Litterman approach to correlation stress testing
by F. C. Ng & W. K. Li & Philip L. H. Yu - 1651-1661 An optimal investment model with Markov-driven volatilities
by Shangzhen Luo & Xudong Zeng - 1663-1675 Complexity and financial stability in a large random economy
by Matteo Marsili - 1677-1692 Completeness, interconnectedness and distribution of interbank exposures-a parameterized analysis of the stability of financial networks
by Angelika Sachs
January 2014, Volume 14, Issue 8
- 1489-1502 Computing optimal rebalance frequency for log-optimal portfolios
by Sujit R. Das & Dmitri Kaznachey & Mukul Goyal
August 2014, Volume 14, Issue 8
- 1334-1334 Applications sought for book review editor from 2015
by Alexander Smith
July 2014, Volume 14, Issue 7
- 1131-1139 The Kelly growth optimal strategy with a stop-loss rule
by M. Nielsen - 1141-1144 Risk-Return Analysis: The Theory and Practice of Rational Investing
by Haim Levy - 1147-1166 Hawkes model for price and trades high-frequency dynamics
by Emmanuel Bacry & Jean-Fran�ois Muzy - 1167-1185 Real-time market microstructure analysis: online transaction cost analysis
by R. Azencott & A. Beri & Y. Gadhyan & N. Joseph & C.-A. Lehalle & M. Rowley - 1187-1199 Extreme dependence for multivariate data
by Damien Bosc & Alfred Galichon - 1201-1209 CLA's, PLA's and a new method for pricing general passport options
by Peter Buchen & Hamish Malloch - 1211-1216 On a symmetrization of diffusion processes
by Jirô Akahori & Yuri Imamura - 1217-1228 On the calibration of distortion risk measures to bid-ask prices
by Karl F. Bann�r & Matthias Scherer - 1229-1242 Comparative issues between linear and non-linear risk measures for non-convex portfolio optimization: evidence from the S&P 500
by Panos Xidonas & George Mavrotas - 1243-1255 Financial instability contagion: a dynamical systems approach
by Giuseppe Castellacci & Youngna Choi - 1257-1271 Axiomatization of residual income and generation of financial securities
by Roberto Ghiselli Ricci & Carlo Alberto Magni - 1273-1282 Inferring fundamental value and crash nonlinearity from bubble calibration
by Wanfeng Yan & Ryan Woodard & Didier Sornette - 1283-1296 An economic evaluation of stock-bond return comovements with copula-based GARCH models
by Chih-Chiang Wu & Zih-Ying Lin - 1297-1313 Bivariate asymmetric GARCH models with heavy tails and dynamic conditional correlations
by S.T. Boris Choy & Cathy W.S. Chen & Edward M.H. Lin
June 2014, Volume 14, Issue 6
- 941-946 Copula-opinion pooling with complex opinions
by Joseph Simonian - 947-957 Asymmetric information, illiquidity and asset returns: evidence from China
by Guangchuan Li & Lei Lu & Bo Wu & Zhou Zhang - 959-960 Doing Capitalism in the Innovation Economy
by Sanjay Unni - 965-976 Corporate governance and stock returns in Asia
by Roy Kouwenberg & Roelof Salomons & Pipat Thontirawong - 977-991 The effect of corporate social responsibility on stock performance: new evidence for the USA and Europe
by Urs von Arx & Andreas Ziegler - 993-1004 Slow price reactions to analysts' recommendation revisions
by Kotaro Miwa & Kazuhiro Ueda - 1005-1017 Pricing assets with stochastic cash-flow growth
by Assaf Eisdorfer & Carmelo Giaccotto - 1019-1030 An information-based model of target stock price runup in the market for corporate control
by Matthew Brigida & Jeff Madura & Ariel Viale - 1031-1046 Cross-ownership as a structural explanation for over- and underestimation of default probability
by Sabine Karl & Tom Fischer - 1047-1058 Using a hybrid evolution approach to forecast financial failures for Taiwan-listed companies
by Mu-Yen Chen - 1059-1068 Banks' interest rate risk: the net interest income perspective versus the market value perspective
by Christoph Memmel - 1069-1078 Upfront versus staged financing: the role of verifiability
by Dongsoo Shin & Sungho Yun - 1079-1095 Investment decisions with financial constraints. Evidence from Spanish firms
by Jacinto Marabel Romo - 1097-1106 Optimal dividend strategy with transaction costs for an upward jump model
by Ming Zhou & Ka Fai Cedric Yiu - 1107-1114 The role of government in the venture capital market with asymmetric information
by Anson Wong - 1115-1130 The exit decision in the European venture capital market
by Elisabete Gomes Santana F�lix & Cesaltina Pacheco Pires & Mohamed Azzim Gulamhussen
May 2014, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 749-760 On a dynamic adaptation of The Distribution Builder approach to investment decisions
by Phillip Monin - 761-770 A computational definition of financial randomness
by Olivier Brandouy & Jean-Paul Delahaye & Lin Ma - 771-772 Introduction to Risk Parity and Budgeting
by Bernd Scherer - 775-776 When all risk-adjusted performance measures are the same: in praise of the Sharpe ratio - a comment
by Frank Schuhmacher & Wolfgang Breuer - 777-787 Momentum and reversion in risk neutral martingale probabilities
by Dilip B. Madan - 789-803 Lookback option pricing using the Fourier transform B-spline method
by Gareth G. Haslip & Vladimir K. Kaishev - 805-830 Are banking systems increasingly fragile? Investigating financial institutions' CDS returns extreme co-movements
by Dima Rahman - 831-847 Do fear indices help predict stock returns?
by G. Rubbaniy & Robel Asmerom & Syed Kumail Abbas Rizvi & Bushra Naqvi - 849-861 Processes for stocks capturing their statistical properties from one day to one year
by Gilles Zumbach & Luis Fern�ndez & Caroline Weber - 863-888 Bayesian estimation of truncated data with applications to operational risk measurement
by Xiaoping Zhou & Rosella Giacometti & Frank J. Fabozzi & Ann H. Tucker - 889-911 Scaling laws: a viable alternative to value at risk?
by Thomas Chopping - 913-930 A mixture of Gaussians approach to mathematical portfolio oversight: the EF3M algorithm
by Marcos L�pez de Prado & Matthew D. Foreman - 931-939 Estimating correlation and covariance matrices by weighting of market similarity
by M.C. M�nnix & R. Sch�fer & O. Grothe
April 2014, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 557-571 The rise of global stock market crash probabilities
by Thijs Markwat - 573-579 A principal component approach to measuring investor sentiment in China
by Haiqiang Chen & Terence Tai Leung Chong & Yingni She - 581-582 Expected Returns: An Investor's Guide to Harvesting Market Rewards
by Jason Hsu - 587-588 Special Issue of Quantitative Finance on 'Behavioral Finance'
by Hersh Shefrin - 589-604 Asset price bubbles: a survey
by Anna Scherbina & Bernd Schlusche - 605-627 Is trading behavior stable across contexts? Evidence from style and multi-style investors
by Douglas W. Blackburn & William N. Goetzmann & Andrey D. Ukhov - 629-640 Out of the blue: mood maintenance hypothesis and seasonal effects on investors' reaction to news
by Doron Kliger & Andrey Kudryavtsev - 641-655 Return prediction and stock selection from unidentified historical data
by Doron Sonsino & Tal Shavit - 657-671 Optimal portfolios under worst-case scenarios
by Carole Bernard & Jit Seng Chen & Steven Vanduffel - 673-681 Can utility optimization explain the demand for structured investment products?
by Thorsten Hens & Marc Oliver Rieger - 683-697 Framing and the disposition effect: evidence from mutual fund investor redemption behaviour
by Greg Niehaus & David Shrider - 699-710 Portfolio performance evaluation with loss aversion
by Valeri Zakamouline - 711-724 The price impact of the disposition effect on the ex-dividend day of NYSE and AMEX common stocks
by Vassilis A. Efthymiou & George N. Leledakis - 725-735 Investor behaviour and contagion
by Todd Feldman - 737-748 Is momentum a self-fulfilling prophecy?
by Steven J. Jordan
March 2014, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 383-392 Trading system capability
by Andrew Kumiega & Thaddeus Neururer & Ben Van Vliet - 393-399 Ambiguity, asset prices, and excess volatility in a pure-exchange economy
by Weidong Xu & Chongfeng Wu & Weilin Xiao - 401-401 Elements of quantitative finance: a response to Jeff Holman's review of Antifragile
by Nassim Nicholas Taleb - 403-406 The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail -- but Some Don't , by Nate Silver
by Lisa R. Goldberg - 409-426 Pricing American options written on two underlying assets
by Carl Chiarella & Jonathan Ziveyi - 427-442 Pricing options on illiquid assets with liquid proxies using utility indifference and dynamic-static hedging
by Igor Halperin & Andrey Itkin - 443-456 Calibrating the exponential Ornstein--Uhlenbeck multiscale stochastic volatility model
by Cyrille Dubarry & Randal Douc - 457-480 Stochastic volatility for interest rate derivatives
by Linus Kaisajuntti & Joanne Kennedy - 481-494 Multiplicative noise, fast convolution and pricing
by Giacomo Bormetti & Sofia Cazzaniga - 495-507 Refining the least squares Monte Carlo method by imposing structure
by Pascal L�tourneau & Lars Stentoft - 509-528 A bifurcation model of market returns
by David Nawrocki & Tonis Vaga - 529-543 Three-point approach for estimating integrated volatility and integrated covariance
by Jying-Nan Wang - 545-555 Subprime mortgage funding and liquidity risk
by M.A. Petersen & B. De Waal & J. Mukuddem-Petersen & M.P. Mulaudzi
February 2014, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 189-197 The market pricing of the lifeboat provision in a closed-end fund
by Chunyang Zhou & Chongfeng Wu & Wenfeng Wu - 199-210 Parsimonious HJM modelling for multiple yield curve dynamics
by N. Moreni & A. Pallavicini - 211-212 Market Liquidity: Asset Pricing, Risk, and Crises
by Robert Korajczyk - 217-235 Longevity hedge effectiveness: a decomposition
by Andrew J.G. Cairns & Kevin Dowd & David Blake & Guy D. Coughlan - 237-258 On efficiency of mean--variance based portfolio selection in defined contribution pension schemes
by Elena Vigna - 259-270 Valuing clustering in catastrophe derivatives
by Sebastian Jaimungal & Yuxiang Chong - 271-291 Estimation methods for expected shortfall
by Saralees Nadarajah & Bo Zhang & Stephen Chan - 293-304 Estimation of tail-related value-at-risk measures: range-based extreme value approach
by Heng-Chih Chou & David K. Wang - 305-325 How to mitigate the impact of inappropriate distributional settings when the parametric value-at-risk approach is used
by Jung-Bin Su - 327-342 The effect of policyholders' rationality on unit-linked life insurance contracts with surrender guarantees
by Jing Li & Alexander Szimayer - 343-356 Bayesian analysis of equity-linked savings contracts with American-style options
by Arto Luoma & Anne Puustelli & Lasse Koskinen - 357-368 Valuation of equity-linked life insurance contracts with surrender guarantees in a regime-switching rational expectation model
by Filip Uzelac & Alexander Szimayer - 369-382 Valuing guaranteed withdrawal benefits with stochastic interest rates and volatility
by Ryan Donnelly & Sebastian Jaimungal & Dmitri H. Rubisov
January 2014, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-13 The role of volatility regimes on volatility transmission patterns
by Nikos Nomikos & Enrique Salvador - 15-23 The fair value of FX options. Do you get what you pay for?
by Vincent Charvin & Jonathan Fullwood & Jessica James - 25-26 Oxford Handbook of Credit Derivatives
by Dominic O'Kane - 29-58 Robust risk measurement and model risk
by Paul Glasserman & Xingbo Xu - 59-71 Arbitrage-free SVI volatility surfaces
by Jim Gatheral & Antoine Jacquier - 73-85 Non-parametric calibration of the local volatility surface for European options using a second-order Tikhonov regularization
by Jian Geng & I. Michael Navon & Xiao Chen - 87-99 Bridge homogeneous volatility estimators
by A. Saichev & D. Sornette & V. Filimonov & F. Corsi - 101-110 Robust binomial lattices for univariate and multivariate applications: choosing probabilities to match local densities
by Jimmy E. Hilliard - 111-123 Do affine jump-diffusion models require global calibration? Empirical studies from option markets
by Seungho Yang & Jaewook Lee - 125-141 Risk adjustments of option prices under time-changed dynamics
by E. Nicolato & D. Sloth - 143-170 Option pricing with realistic ARCH processes
by Gilles Zumbach & Luis Fern�ndez - 171-188 Pricing credit default swaps with bilateral value adjustments
by Alexander Lipton & Ioana Savescu
December 2013, Volume 14, Issue 8
- 1327-1331 How to make Dupire's local volatility work with jumps
by Peter K. Friz & Stefan Gerhold & Marc Yor - 1415-1426 Bayesian testing volatility persistence in stochastic volatility models with jumps
by Xiao-Bin Liu & Yong Li - 1479-1488 On a continuous time stock price model with regime switching, delay, and threshold
by Pedro P. Mota & Manuel L. Esqu�vel
October 2013, Volume 14, Issue 8
- 1367-1382 Pricing barrier stock options with discrete dividends by approximating analytical formulae
by Tian-Shyr Dai & Chun-Yuan Chiu
July 2013, Volume 14, Issue 8
- 1337-1365 Pricing discrete barrier options and credit default swaps under L�vy processes
by Marco De Innocentis & Sergei Levendorskiĭ - 1427-1444 Jump detection with wavelets for high-frequency financial time series
by Yi Xue & Ramazan Gen�ay & Stephen Fagan
August 2013, Volume 14, Issue 8
- 1399-1414 Gradient-based simulated maximum likelihood estimation for L�vy-driven Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic volatility models
by Yi-Jie Peng & Michael C. Fu & Jian-Qiang Hu - 1467-1477 Forecasting forward defaults: a simple hazard model with competing risks
by Ruey-Ching Hwang & Chih-Kang Chu
September 2013, Volume 14, Issue 8
- 1315-1322 Asian options on the harmonic average
by Jan Vecer
December 2013, Volume 13, Issue 12
- 1845-1854 On pricing basket credit default swaps
by Jia-Wen Gu & Wai-Ki Ching & Tak-Kuen Siu & Harry Zheng - 1855-1861 Pricing corporate debt with finite maturity and chapter 11 proceedings
by Min Dai & Lishang Jiang & Jianwei Lin - 1863-1865 Counterparty Credit Risk
by Samim Ghamami - 1871-1889 Credit gap risk in a first passage time model with jumps
by Natalie Packham & Lutz Schloegl & Wolfgang M. Schmidt - 1891-1902 Default probability estimation in small samples--with an application to sovereign bonds
by Walter Orth - 1903-1913 The impact of different correlation approaches on valuing credit default swaps with counterparty risk
by Gunter Meissner & Seth Rooder & Kristofor Fan - 1915-1923 Measuring marginal risk contributions in credit portfolios
by Thomas Siller - 1925-1934 Interest rates and default in unsecured loan markets
by Jose Angelo Divino & Edna Souza Lima & Jaime Orrillo - 1935-1946 A collateralized loan's loss under a quadratic Gaussian default intensity process
by Satoshi Yamashita & Toshinao Yoshiba - 1947-1965 Forecasting credit ratings with the varying-coefficient model
by Ruey-Ching Hwang - 1967-1975 On the conditional default probability in a regulated market with jump risk
by Lijun Bo & Xindan Li & Yongjin Wang & Xuewei Yang - 1977-1989 Modeling of commercial real estate credit risks
by Yong Kim - 1991-2010 Pricing equity and debt tranches of collateralized funds of hedge fund obligations: An approach based on stochastic time change and Esscher-transformed martingale measure
by Gian Luca Tassinari & Corrado Corradi
November 2013, Volume 13, Issue 11
- 1677-1689 Mathematical definition, mapping, and detection of (anti)fragility
by N. N. Taleb & R. Douady - 1691-1692 Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder
by Jeff Holman - 1693-1695 Anti-fragile: How to Live in a World We Don't Understand
by Con Keating - 1697-1706 The reactive volatility model
by Sebastien Valeyre & Denis Grebenkov & Sofiane Aboura & Qian Liu - 1709-1742 Limit order books
by Martin D. Gould & Mason A. Porter & Stacy Williams & Mark McDonald & Daniel J. Fenn & Sam D. Howison - 1743-1758 How efficiency shapes market impact
by J. Doyne Farmer & Austin Gerig & Fabrizio Lillo & Henri Waelbroeck - 1759-1778 The non-linear market impact of large trades: evidence from buy-side order flow
by Nataliya Bershova & Dmitry Rakhlin - 1779-1799 Rebuilding the limit order book: sequential Bayesian inference on hidden states
by Hugh L. Christensen & Richard E. Turner & Simon I. Hill & Simon J. Godsill - 1801-1812 Smooth and bid-offer compliant volatility surfaces under general dividend streams
by Olivier Bachem & Gabriel Drimus & Walter Farkas - 1813-1829 Fast Ninomiya--Victoir calibration of the double-mean-reverting model
by Christian Bayer & Jim Gatheral & Morten Karlsmark - 1831-1843 American option valuation using first-passage densities
by �scar Guti�rrez
October 2013, Volume 13, Issue 10
- 1503-1518 Do sovereign wealth funds herd in equity markets?
by Valeria Miceli - 1519-1528 Investment instruments with volatility target mechanism
by S. Albeverio & V. Steblovskaya & K. Wallbaum - 1529-1530 Pension Finance: Putting the Risks and Costs of Defined Benefit Plans Back Under Your Control
by Vadim Gracie - 1533-1545 Minimizing shortfall
by Lisa R. Goldberg & Michael Y. Hayes & Ola Mahmoud - 1547-1558 A stochastic volatility model and optimal portfolio selection
by Xudong Zeng & Michael Taksar - 1559-1573 Generating a target payoff distribution with the cheapest dynamic portfolio: an application to hedge fund replication
by Akihiko Takahashi & Kyo Yamamoto - 1575-1586 Efficient portfolio valuation incorporating liquidity risk
by Yu Tian & Ron Rood & Cornelis W. Oosterlee - 1587-1597 Performance analysis of log-optimal portfolio strategies with transaction costs
by Mih�ly Ormos & Andr�s Urb�n - 1599-1612 Optimal portfolio allocations with tracking error volatility and stochastic hedging constraints
by Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou & Roland Portait & Guillaume Tergny - 1613-1620 Market timing ability and mutual funds: a heterogeneous agent approach
by Bart Frijns & Aaron Gilbert & Remco C.J. Zwinkels - 1621-1635 Robust portfolio techniques for mitigating the fragility of CVaR minimization and generalization to coherent risk measures
by Jun-Ya Gotoh & Keita Shinozaki & Akiko Takeda - 1637-1651 Reliability-based portfolio optimization with conditional value at risk (CVaR)
by Raghu Nandan Sengupta & Siddharth Sahoo - 1653-1673 Extension of the random matrix theory to the L-moments for robust portfolio selection
by Ghislain Yanou
September 2013, Volume 13, Issue 9
- 1331-1342 Good times, bad times: inflation uncertainty and equity returns
by Victoria Galsband - 1343-1352 Impact of meta-order in the Minority Game
by A. C. Barato & I. Mastromatteo & M. Bardoscia & M. Marsili - 1353-1355 Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations with Jumps in Finance
by Andrew Papanicolaou - 1359-1373 A moment matching market implied calibration
by Florence Guillaume & Wim Schoutens - 1375-1394 Relative forecasting performance of volatility models: Monte Carlo evidence
by Thomas Lux & Leonardo Morales-Arias - 1395-1409 Optimal trade execution under price-sensitive risk preferences
by Stefan Ankirchner & Thomas Kruse - 1411-1430 Pairs trading based on statistical variability of the spread process
by Timofei Bogomolov - 1431-1442 Modeling trade duration in U.S. Treasury markets
by Mardi Dungey & Olan Henry & Michael Mckenzie - 1443-1457 Block bootstrap methods and the choice of stocks for the long run
by Philippe Cogneau & Valeri Zakamouline - 1459-1471 A mean/variance approach to long-term fixed-income portfolio allocation
by Gilles Zumbach - 1473-1489 Time consistency of dynamic risk measures in markets with transaction costs
by Zachary Feinstein & Birgit Rudloff - 1491-1502 Revisiting the demand for money function: evidence from the random coefficients approach
by Chien-Chiang Lee & An-Hsing Chang
July 2013, Volume 13, Issue 8
- 1149-1155 Free boundary problems and perpetual American strangles
by Ming-Chi Chang & Yuan-Chung Sheu - 1157-1165 Option pricing under hybrid stochastic and local volatility
by Sun-Yong Choi & Jean-Pierre Fouque & Jeong-Hoon Kim - 1173-1184 On the performance of delta hedging strategies in exponential L�vy models
by Stephan Denkl & Martina Goy & Jan Kallsen & Johannes Muhle-Karbe & Arnd Pauwels - 1185-1197 Using relative returns to accommodate fat-tailed innovations in processes and option pricing
by Cathy O'Neil & Gilles Zumbach - 1199-1209 Pricing levered warrants with dilution using observable variables
by Isabel ABÍNZANO & Javier F. Navas - 1211-1223 A closed-form approximation for valuing European basket warrants under credit risk and interest rate risk
by Yung-Ming Shiu & Pai-Lung Chou & Jen-Wen Sheu - 1225-1240 Are Chinese warrants derivatives? Evidence from connections to their underlying stocks
by Ke Tang & Changyun Wang - 1241-1255 The bid--ask spread of bank-issued options: a quantile regression analysis
by Giovanni Petrella & Reuben Segara - 1257-1287 Sensitivities of options via Malliavin calculus: applications to markets of exponential Variance Gamma and Normal Inverse Gaussian processes
by Dervis Bayazit & Craig A. Nolder - 1289-1302 Log Student’s t -distribution-based option sensitivities: Greeks for the Gosset formulae
by Daniel T. Cassidy & Michael J. Hamp & Rachid Ouyed - 1303-1316 Computation of Greeks for asset price dynamics driven by stable and tempered stable processes
by Reiichiro Kawai & Atsushi Takeuchi - 1317-1330 Modeling stock prices by multifractional Brownian motion: an improved estimation of the pointwise regularity
by S. Bianchi & A. Pantanella & A. Pianese
January 2013, Volume 13, Issue 7
- 1059-1070 The intra-day performance of market timing strategies and trading systems based on Japanese candlesticks
by Matthieu Duvinage & Paolo Mazza & Mikael Petitjean